Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, April 01, 1909, Image 1
Vol. Z. No 14. ". B & E st '~ ‘ Going at Actual = oY, { 'We are compelled to make room for a large stock of Grain and Heavy Groceries that will arrive soon, con sequently we are selling | Dressers, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ete. AT FIRST COST. We are aiso seliing | Ladies = Girl Cloaks At Cost Price. { Now is your chance to save blg mofi= ey oh buying Furniture. Comte and see us and get our prices before: buying élsewhgre. | L H. COOK & SON, A Big Show is Coming AT FREDIIAN'S STORE, . Thatis something different that only Freedman is capable of furnishs ing, that interest any one in Hazlehurst and vicinity that attracts anybody ;sExggot.g ; . : L & i " of taste to Freedman®s Store like childrén on @ circiis ground; to see the Great ‘Tenterected and keép them bewildered. And, after the Mdin Show wait »it T - . £ : ! ot g &t 4 : A - its anaxiety for the Concert. , it g Mz, S B. Preedsman is in thie Mifikets now, where he will temain a week or two losiger; and the big Show of . Dry Goods, €loking, Stjoes, Kte. + - -he promisés, is developing hourly. Every Expge'ss an@ Local Fifiéiegmt froth the.Northern and Easterth Markets bringing crates, cases, an& every conceivablé kind of package that holds a lot bf ba:gaii;as for you in tf{e newest and latest Styléc %f;toodqéfo;' youalll You aré invited to vidit this store daily and sed theé interejting development, H ou; ‘will bg invited lz,tgt to the Mdin Evex'ij‘i__,i In the mei;n time. we éi{i?lcarihfi the s!iow gfounis -of all' the wmm- ‘goods, and the sere sfitemifit. thit mEBMAN don't garry ti:efiiiqyef means that we:tell them at very low prices. , f- . ” LB b oot & - | | . .- YOURS FOR BARGAINS, |' . © ~ Ly L 5,":", 2y ; it P e ebAo b BORES ‘v ‘ R 2 Y my TLN E TN MAN S . e e Ny B R I D IAIN, HAZLEHURST NEWS. Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, April 1, 1909, Want to save Big Moheyj on buying SHOES | ~ and HARNESS? Certainly you do. Well, my Store is the' placc iWhere you can do it have a big line of Shoes | AND - Harness in stock that must be sold‘, at some’ price. Besides, I can fit you up in a good Suit of ' CLOTHES at sman figurés' I also keep DRY GOODS.; NOTIONS, GRO- 3 CERIES, HARD WARE, Etc.’ Come and sée me, exam ine and price my goods, and you are sure to buy what you want in my store. -, E. I'l. TAYLOR, W : ! ’ . ¢ . : \ : o { Hazlehurst Leading Popular Price Store f : T qil i, EASTER, Wil We have marked the price§ down "é_bnside'mble, and from now on until April 11th, no matter what you will need in oug: line for . - SPRING AND EASTER, .You.-will find at our Store the most up to date, stylish goods for Men, Women and Children, and at the DOWN PRICE. '. : : RMMEMBER, we have no old 'stock to get rid of, noth ing but new styles, latest fabrics is what you will fin.d at our Store. And at MARKED. DOWN PRICES. 'MEN’S: HATS. LADIES HATS. CHILDREN HATS. Just the thing for Sunday, April 11th, you will see at - Wolfson’s . Popular Price Store, Hazlehurst, - - Georgia. EVERYTHING IS RIGHT IN THIS STORE. SI.OO Per Year.