Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, April 22, 1909, Image 5
108 5& a‘doses 6GG will cure any case f Chills and Fever, Price 25¢, Miss Carrie Conley left a few ays ago for Durhaw, N, C. M;g. Hattie McCook, of Way ross, is here, ° visiting her aughter, Mrs, J. M. Webb, My. O, W, Clark left Monday serve on the Federal Grand ry, in Savannah, for several ys. Dr. Austin, the great special t, will arrive here on April 26th d %}l. remeain in Hazlehurst til May 10th. You will find him the City Pharacy. Mys. J. S. Jordan, answering telegram last week, calling her Egstman, owing to thé serious Ine§s of her lictle grandson venteen months old—returned aturday, lcaving the child much tter. 2t Did you ever notice that bhaau ful <horse that Mr. Sherard yrd drives to his buggy” Well, at animal is what you cali genu e blooded stock. If we’ mis ke not, this horse came from ngland, and cost Mr. Byrd 00¢ ; Dr. Hall arrived in Hazlehurst few days ago from New York jere he had been for several weks, in the interest of his pro ysion. He informed us that he uld remain here for one )nth before moving to Douglas logate. We regret very much lose such a valuable and en rprising citizen from our town. Sheriff Ellis returned home t]f; day from Sayvannah, bringing e Bush, celored, back with im. On the Bth day of July this arkey, Joe DBush, -shot and illed another negro while work igout on the Jcmulgee rirer, d immediately after the kiliing ush skipped out. The omicers Savannah had his description, d when he showed up there ey picked him up and wired eriff Ellic, ‘Mr. T. R. Moore has accepted e *position of bookkeeper with ilsen McDowell & Co. This 'm has the contract to build e railroad bridge across the tamaha river, and will be king out there many months fore this work is completed. . Moore is an excellent book eper and a high-toted chris: n young man, and we are con en’t that he will give perfect tisfaction. - ay, it seems to us, like our nday schools should unite and ve,a union picnic some where. ive the little fellows an outing. u let achild go toSabbath school 3y year around, without even ing allowed to-attend a Christ .S tree, or go out on a picnic slic, and they lose interest in We had no Christmas tree gt Christmas, and now, lis it hssible that the beautiful spring onths will glide by Without‘ picnics? We hope not, 1 We will mention one little in ent, which happened 4 few ghts ago, which proves that r town is large, and are gZrow g larger every week, A Mr. wmans, who recently moved re from Florida, lives on Mr, alter Hinson’s farm, which is nated in the edge of town. he new-comer started to town tew nights ago, and got lost. 'ter wondering around for iitehwhile, he wound up at the mderaun Manufacturing Co.'s sce of business. He finally uck up with some one who t him on the right track to the siness . Forthn of our town, g, sir. Hazlehurst is a-comin’, anager Wanted—We want a man who has SIOOO.OO er re to invest. to manage a nch office for us in the Loan, al ?statc and Investmehit Busi s. fWe can offer the right man tract which has some fu :&ilt. It will certainly pay you investigate this proposition: ,jtig@l Loan & ‘Trust Co.i Tis: RS - Judge H. Cook and Hon. Jno. A. Cromartie returned home o few.days ago from their tour of sxpecting jails. . They visited {Do.uglas, Mcßae, Lyons, Fitzager ald, Tiiton and Cordele, and say that they nevir were bettor ;ta}'emed any where,before in their lives, then they were en this trip. Judge Cook says that they never visited o single place, that they didn’t see scme one who was intimately acquainted with My Cromartie, and that he (Judge Cook) felt likke it was through his (My, Cromartie’s) popularity that he was treated sonicely. They boith bring back nothing but woids of praise for the people in dthe‘ different towns they visi ted. - But, we think that they weve more favorably impressed with the beauty, growth and hespital ity of ‘Cordele then zny other town they visited. At least we noticed, that while speaking of the hospitality ex tended them by the other towns visited, they dwell longer in talk ing about Cordele. And, 2gain, after inspecting the jails in- the other county seats and getting wll the information possible, they selecgf?d the Cordele jail as there model for Jeff Davis county. They speat g day and night in Cordele, and inspected this structure thoroughly, and secul. ed all the information possible as to what the cost will {:e‘ o build a jail like it. Judge Cook says that by My, Cromartie and him’ self taking this tour of inspec tion, that Jeff Davis county will save, at least, the architect fees, ‘which is jive per cent, 'we be lieve. b They state that the Cordele L jail will hold over fifty prisoners, Besides there is the greatest pler:ty of room on the first floor for the Sheriff and his family to live in. : We think that it was a very wise move on the jail committee to send these two gentiemen on !this tour of inspection, and think ‘their trip will ~save Jeff ‘Davis county several hundred dollars in the erection of their new jail. ' The City Electicn. Last Tuesday was voting day in Hazleharst. A Mayor, a full hoard of Alderizen and two mem bers of the Beard of {ducation were elected. Every member of the old Board of Aldermen were re electy ed, except Mr. O. W. Clark, and Mr.J. W. Jarvis was elected in staad of him. Mr. Clark wasn’t in town on the day of the election and it was rumored that lie did not want to be elected council men-agan, as he desired to bid on the building of the school house, and if elected a council men, he couldn’t do this. | Those who were defeated weve allgood men, and probably would have managed the atfairs of our fast growing little city equally as well as those who were "elec ted, yet, the voters seemed to have thought otherwise. Messes. F. M. Haynes and A. B. Hursey were elected to serve on the Board of Education. The marshal. city clerk and treasurer will he elected by the city council. There were only 97 votes polled during the day. Mayor Bennett had no opppsi tion, and his name headed every ticket. i £ AT ST APR SSR TSRS %LN In the matter of E. M.Taylor” In Bankruptey | Bankrupt. : To the creditors of E. M. Tay lor of Hazlehurst in the county of Jeff Davis said District, a bankrupt: i Notice is hereby given that on the Is6th day of April 1909, the said E. M, Taylor was duly ad judged bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at. Brunswick, Geor gia, on thélst day of May 1909, at téen o’lcock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend; prove their claims, appoint a triistee, examine the bankruptand transact such other Business as may properly comie before said meeting. : . At Brunswick, Georgia, this 15th day of April 1909, k) Max Isaac, U. S. Refereeci Mf} : h i"x ;fi“‘.\’& et g :;s ' 7O / %ln’ance Aiving the fee of the reasurer-be and is hereby re caled on and:- after the third &rd) day of May 1909, 0 A motion carried that after the Brd day of May, 1909, the Treasurcr’s salary shall be($100) cne hundred dollars per annum. " A motion carried that the city:. call a white primary election for April 20th to nominating the Maycr and aldermen of said city, said eleetion to be opened not later than 9 o’clock a.'m. and to los» atd o'¢lock p. m. The following claims were read and ordered paid, J. A. Cromartie hauling clay, $68.50 The Hazlehurst News pub: lishing, , 7.22 T. R. Moore checking hooks 9.00 J. E. Youmans holding election , 1.00 Ellis Bros. lumber 7.60 A. J. Harrington recording decds_ : 1.25 The Hazlehurst electric Co. lights - - 26,28 Cash Gro. Co. hauling clay 82.50 .J. Frozier havling clay 15.00 W. B, Barns hauling clay 48.00 Green Robersor: hauling one load lumber 25 Jack Cooper hauling 8 loads trash : = 5N J. J, Johnson o days en \ streets .00 J. M. Webb advanced to labor on streets 14,25 J. M. Webb salary as mar shal # 40.00 Wilson Hdw. Co. nails. 1.05 W. B. Burnes 2 days on atrest ‘' 2.00 J. M. Webb by Dave Fryer . 3weeks cleaning closet 6.00 Miles Gro, Co. adv. to Dave Fryar cleaning closet one week 2.00 Frank Dubose bal on tilling well May 2 1908 2.00 Will Johnson putting down Sewage, 2.60 Dave Fryer cleaning closet 3 weeks - 6.00 P. Grainger night marshal 8.14 iH-' K. Deoor clerk service 14 21 ; ——— 371.55 | J. C. BenNETT, Mayor, 1. E, DEFOOR, Clerk. The book for registering will be open the 16th to the 24th inst. for the general election to Le held Saturday May 2nd 1909. H. E. DeFoor, Clerk. An old cheir can be refinished and made to match other furni ture by applying one coat of Campbell’s Varnish Stain. Any one can wuse it and do good work. Peoples Drug Store sells it. Salesman—We want a good salesman either on galary or commission at once, Can offer the right man a good contract. Address P, O, Bex No. 197 Tis ton, Ga. = GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County. By virture of an order of the court of Ordinary of said coun ty, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in May 1909 at the court.house in said coun ty, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: E Lot of land No. 196, containing 490 acres, more or less, in the first land District of originally Coffee,but now Jeff Davis County. Terms of sale one~third cash, one-third in ssix mounths, and one-third in twelve months. De ferred payments to bear inter est at eight per cent per annum from date, and $o be secured by lien on land. This April 6, 1909. . SHERARD BYRD. Administrator of Wyley Byrd,sr, Salesman—We want a good salesman eitheron salary or com mission at once, Can effer the right man a good contract. Ad dress P. O. Box No. 74, Valdosta, Ga. , , Notica. To the voters of the city of: Hazlehurst: The Register Book will be open 'till the 24th of April. Thos¢ that have not registered, comé and register. ~ The Books_are open to. receive city taxes. I will be in my othce every Saturday until June the Ist, whien -said book will c}csé‘,facé:ording to laws of sa.id" city o zebhrst, ... . 1 A ‘%PE DeFoos Clerk N R—— S S — JUST RECEIVED. A Large Line of _ Ladies Ready-lade Shirt ‘Waists. Ladies Skirts in Voil, Panama and Mohare. it Corqe and inspect our beautiful line of Spring and Summer ; Dress Goods. You will be sure to selest your Easier: Dress before leaving our Store, (:" ; '/ "‘-b': e . /g g ";/f'l“.: .{'(\ O": . N AT H L] i V -bl\ ¥: , {'n . R eyl N, s e Gzd £e ‘ L SRy y/i A z}si‘f :37"4" 5 b Q:A;.‘,".f’.‘ "‘f/ :;;’ whant % 4 o% ’ T.)l’k{v', ) » wBE . ','-\r", e 0) LS S e K DA WE ' 3 e | : u AR eS 4 9 - 621*‘ . : sfif',..fl"‘e.'&f“l-'.’;“’.E_.‘v"“ ; He iRa TR og; f v \ BBNS A" b § SRORT AR SRR e i v 4 »M\@fi f *%‘3"*@%&l“‘ \gg%y T - bßbto vl B A " ; e oAt L giié?i?g,{;fl{;t- “f‘-.'_\(-t:'e.*:-'.’/;,‘ . \ Nere SR ). 7 G “%f‘%% - o ) .I¥x,»i 2™~D J i \A;;‘; Qf"‘_\ ) .l @ o i i ) ’ 1o anhe o» '! “7‘:‘,‘ 3 .- 4 9 05 N O .‘!; v '.'. “(‘bil‘«;. i ~ {i ' I Loy LR~ _?;zf',, "y ( o eAN : £ 'R i " T "‘X"‘W? W .7 . 0 oT ! & gy .Sl . © & A P pers Sli o -e kn % ¢ . Y these you Wlll b Sy ! as & and durable Sli pair of X yau 1a rs ju g B \23 em. y€s on Y 7 -S g > : | \y' % ;‘f\’ T‘\ f .\ \) \‘.::)0“ Ay a f\ ® 4'*.)4" 'd " £éo= N A % P/ N L P QBT N7,@y H: .3%:.‘;:‘0%:/:, ) L éh(’/} 'a}\‘:' X NLRne S oA < ’D%/, £ #;/},/ D et Y- € ¢ ,OAR g “ i . Hly o€y AN @) ST i £& S; A : Ng " ;)‘ o: e ,‘ (e A"‘\\‘ py ,i Y= e eg¢= ': : - }-:;'/ A Few words with [ have gone into business again on Middleton Street. My stockis net as. largeas itwas,butl expectto increase. it from time to, time. I Can sell you goods just as cheap as you can buy: them elsewhere in town, and maybe somethings a little- cheaper. Come and seeme, I would greatlyappre ciateyour trade. , W. R. Lord e omo S S T Y oo Fe S P PRI . e T The™ public will _fihd&,_my highgrade-upland Cotton Seed on sale at khe -Store of W. R. Lord, Hazle hurst, Ga., It will handsomely pay Jou torry 2 few: Yyshicls of them. B Wi #ipHNSON.. Yours to please, BEST & WILLIAMS.