Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, May 06, 1909, Image 1
Vol. Z. No 19, ioing at Actual == SORY. | We are compelled to-make room for alarge stock of Grain and Heavy (ivoceries that will arrive soon, con= sequently weare selling Dressers, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ete. |AT FIRST COST. ~ - We bre Eiso s"’q?ih:& - Lddies w Girl Cloaks BAt Cost Priéé; : ‘ Now is your chance to save blg mohsl ey oit buying Furniture. Come afi‘fid} ‘see us and get our prices before buying elsewhere. ; . % H.COOK & SON, i BACK FROI' NEW YORK: » e b " b &;—? . «.‘_ - ’:« i 5 X : 2 ~ $0 COME AND SEE THE BIG SHOW at Freedman’s’ Store, that is something différent that only’ Freeman 'is capable of furnishing the best and most up-te-date, in style and quality at the Lowest Possible . : ; . Y : . -‘;:v I. . ; ~ : o : % &l : :' S : ¢ Prices. I will say to the'people of Hazlehutst and surrounding country, that if "’ft'hey%real’flly want, and are looking for goods that will suit them; in price and quality, don’t forget to call at Freedman’s Store; as our aimis toplease you. =~ Ll P Mr, S:B. Frecdmafi is back frcém the Northérn and Eistern Ma_tkgts‘.wherg he purchased the kmd of .goods You, are lo oking:for. .So remember, out goods are-the best; and prices the lowest: ,Y_ou aré invited to visit our store when you are u towd to see the great Ei_gveldpmefit, whwh have been niade since you were in it list. Our priceson all our DRY GOODS LOTHING., SHOES, Ets;, will surely surprise you, tfiéy are 5o low, ' YOURS FOR BARGAINS, Lo woiaaes ¢ wB, Bi FREEDMAN; . (.‘\,.‘.‘..,/‘;,{ ?g b ‘_*_' - ‘ifi n:{ % .‘; ‘2» N ?‘, . - b~J | : | ; ‘ Loy eA 1y ' »,_V,.. il Yy v s , : i e ~_ The stofé with Right Pyicks.” * .= = il HAZILLEHURST NEWS. Hazizhurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, May 6, 1909, . The Elusive Chuckwalla, . The chuckswalla is one of the most Interesting of the ‘creatures to be found in southern Callformia’s great desert. The chuckwalla seeks to es cape his adversary by crawling into a crevice of a rock so.narrow that it seems impossible to get him out. But the Indlans have learned all his tricks ‘and. how to circumvent them. To the desert aborigine the chuckwalla is al. luring. Ile feasts on the chuckwalla; hence he grows wise as to its habits, He takes a piece of strong wire or a bent twig, and, poking it Into the crev dee, he taps the chuckwalla on the end wof the nose. In a moment the angered reptile exhales a kind of biss, the moise being mede by a rapid expulsion of ‘the breath. As he thus exhales he loses his hold on the rocks, and In a moment the Indlan pulls on his tail. As speedily as a flash of lightning the chuckwalla inhales again and tightens himself in his recess. Another tap on his nose and then exhalation; anotpar pull, another exhalation—so it goes un til at last the Indian has him in hand, Then he cooks him,—Suburban Life, | Depth at-Which Miners Can Work. . 'Below fifty feet the: temperature } tises in thre proportion of one' degree for every sixty-five feet of depth ex cept where currents of water carry the heat away. The result is that at a ‘depth of adout 4,000 feet we reach temperature of 08 degrees, or Rood ‘heat. This renders it exceedigly dif ficulf to work coal pits below that depth. This {s the reason that Great 'anltam'a coal commission (ecided that nilnes are not workable below 4,000 feet. - : : The thidkhess of the solld rocks building up the crust of the earth is at least thirty "to forty miles, At that depth the heat 13 such-as would reduce everything on she surface of the earth so liquid. But the pressure of the ovet. lying rocks is so great that wntil the pelation of the heat to fife pressure is kpown it cannot be sajd whether the earth at that depth is fluid or eolid,— Chicago Tribune, - fl;-,@y o :r-"—-,,«u..-- = o T Campbell’s Varnish Staihs are the original and only reil Var nish Stains ever offered to house keepors. They work like:colored varnish producing . beautiful effects without obscuring the grain of natural woods Peoples Drug:Store sellg. this line. WOLFSON’S Rogk g 8 L '; Rk ol ¢ Hazlehurst Leading Popular Price Store i, EASTER. il V\”e awe mwkaltha pricesdrwac )'i;il ara,ble,'an 1 from nOw 91 uasil Aopil 1151, 0o moktae was you will ne22l in our linz for L e ' \" | SPRING AND EASTER, - You will finl at our Stora tl3 most up to date, stylish gods for M 2n, Women and Childran, and at ths DOWN ' PRICE. . : RMMT {BER, w 2 hava 1) old 8632% t 9 gat rid of, Ino'th' b ing but new styles, latast fabrics is what you : will find ’ at our Sbax:g.%And at H b el - 4 & . MARKED DOWN PRICE.S. @M‘-zsr"s HAT 3. LADIES HATS. CHILDREN HA2'S 'fld;t the thiny for Sm’dzy Aoril 11¢h, your l ;mll see a‘t_m_ “‘ .. A ~ Wolfson’s. | - Popular Price Store, Hatlehurst, *« - Georgid. EVERYTHING IS RIGHT iN THISSTORE. -~ SI.OO Per Yeag+