Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, June 03, 1909, Image 8
- =———]ts Up To You,——— sUp To You.- . \ . - ° N -~ See This Tachine. Read Qur Offer. ; 7\ A $25.00 P~\\. | ? b ‘ D AP NATURAL TONE TALKING v e L s L AND_ e\ | ) i,(‘\\# c\a* | ‘ \ F:OR . / P o &2.93 Cash to Every Customer &= 4 g Whose Cash Purchases amount to $25,9 Call at our Stare and hear thie specizlly prc;parcd Records of Barids and other instrumental Mt}sic. Songs, Stories, Recitations. : Etc.. a};d assure gtourself th:_it this is he best éffcrcd, ' * | one Standard: Talking Machine with Hendsome Flower Hom for $2.9G to Every Customer whose Dash Purchages Amounis to $25,00, © ez Bee and hear vhis wogderful instrument 2ndlearn how easily you ¢an obtain ope. /o s f. =.gy's&l: " . . ’ g : s J. J. Frazier & Son, , &~-The ©ld Reliable Grocerymen,— HAZLEHURST; - s . 3 5 5 GEORGIA. NN NN AR oo e . \3NN S\ N N ‘NN . \ — ) NN NN N\ N\ AR 8 B B, ST & N » NANNNN v/ " SRR 2 Wl £ C.“(-' S , Carhe | . A & B . d AR ) 7 Bs, BT s E. . it i . A 5 A ) T " A .r"-g[ # > v o ho 5 AL CTEEL o‘,‘ =¥ !.,tv,,, 3 b ,‘: L : S R %, ; : 5 e " b P > s LRty Lo RIS |RV ‘ b 5, A ; ENS, 4sy B :’.{»:‘J X o A Ringsi”, ot As & - gt & 5 "‘ »2 A &L e :--oi?“ " 3 ’ Kt ) o e ")Q, x\‘s S R o 4 ; 3 W 5 / L&4"NS ‘\ \N < A T '4‘l‘ 4 ".'—.‘,,g "v vB - (.'(" \'.. ¥ ;" s f ‘A, vA\AR RN RELRRNR A£PR AN A -ty R , WNN\ [V I{\ RN CRRA VL, Y » - ik The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ] . and has been made under his per= ¥ £ /ozc'c‘f- , sonal supervision since its infancy. . re w?. Allow noone todeceive youin thit. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢ Just-as-good’* are bu't - Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ¢f Infants wud Chlldrep—Experience against Experim ente " What is CASTORIA " What is Qastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Qil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleagant. I contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishuness, It cures Diarrhoea.and Wind Colic, Xt relieves Teething Kroubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilaips the Food, regulates the Stomach and Izewels, giving healthy and natural sleeps§ The Children’s Panacea~The Mgtheris Friend, " cenuing CASTOR A%'EIWAYS' : &b : s m& ' },— E . i 45 Bears the Signature S § - N ""‘{’,j ¢ . T IRp TR At ‘ 4 _‘n‘: | . P :‘{ . d& | Y ',' o I v ~'Mi MW, VA o The Kind You Have Always Bought = In Use For Over 30 Years, Evis THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77T MURRAY STREET, ALY YORK CITY. WHEN HUNGRY And Want a Lun b, it B O TO~ THE CITY GAFE Ficre Yol g heen J°SRE THE s ICE MAN, ~ LUMBER! Flooring, “ Ceiling, Siding, [loulding Columns Brackets DOOR AND W¥WINDOW Plain’ and Cabinet Mantels, 'Sash Door and Blinds, and al] Kinds of Building aterigl. ’ - All Work Guaranteed. Prics Mad on Application. ' a M. Cn Hurrah Fer Rowla J. T. R.Rowland is deing m¢ the peer, laboring class of according to his ability, th one else in this country. just closed a deal for ove acres of the best farming ! Jeff Davis Cednty, and fie te cu¥ it up in such size fa a purchaser might wan sell it at a reasonable pi any ene, and on easy Sheuld any ene wish to pa cash dewn, Rowland is i tion te make them a good a ficient title: Hurrahk * for' s, .. ad, J.J.FRAZIE 5 Bealerin s '‘REAL ESTA I have some bargains i ing aouses, algo in vacant : .2¢h, balance;’ te SL. , Haclekutst, o v v » » ELECTRO-CHE MICAL RiNG i : ‘TRADE*NARK, E-C. C’fifa:‘z,’gltt, 1894, '3, '6, 1902, '¢ and 190 by W. G. Brownson. § Thefollowing dispases are eaused by acid in the biood and gre cured by thisring, which talkes from one day to two woeehs ring commeénces to work: acoording to d ociroumstances. The ring and the acid electto-chemical action. remeving the acid, whioh cures the disetiss and will h ,cjut'o Digasse, Disbetes--iv is not a gl son. Cherea-::8t. Vitur's Dance, roor Sickmows--Painful and Excessiv Periods. Uremia, Snycope, Epilapsy, Ne tratien. Nosebleed. {ntouul '!!umnrrhu lith...a stony conoresion fermed in the noids, Polypus. Cataract, Goeiire, Whoop Bhoumatiom..-Inflammatory, @out, Lu ticular, Seiatic, Mussulur; Asthma, Heed ralgia, Neuritis; Valvular Kheumatism Rhoumasic Fevoer, Rheumatie Panl( Hair,Byes. Ears,Limbs, Pen, Operasors, | .N:_II. Obesity, Fatsy Do}olont(ol of rn ieisis, Inflammation of Bowels, Ohr ey, Aoldity, of Btomach, which caw kiad of econstlfigtion--the ether kind i liver disease. énuor--bnrcl-om‘n--(‘u mors. Congestidh of Kidmeys, Ntene i Prostatitis. Girave!, Gall-stenes. Calcali. Tevws, White Wpite oa Nails. Peorissls, Yariosee Veins and Ulesrs, Varicoce voins in she swiéium--VaPicsse Veine an Rootam--often %nskn for piles and 1 after sfoste of Diphthotid, Boariet, 7 Malaria) Fovers, This ring is net s mnnllurdi&mu &m of the liv Price: Plain ;.T 0 Go‘l-mu UO, By Mail or will ghad by Bey oo Delivery, if yoa wish shorges. . o thred weeks G 09, Rigg i | sad measy refus ookt w Bend narrew nn‘ M:‘lfin o o u-.!u. “Qgfi Hoatrs-Chomiea R Go., 1309 For dtle aad guars: Jarvie, sub ageas, ¥ 3. T, Daveapatt, sge