Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, July 29, 1909, Image 8
- =it Up Te You—~—— |RTRTi - e . : '&% # * See This Tachine. Read Our Offer. A A $25.00 | \'.\\ | ‘.: ‘t: ) . \ NATURAL TONE TALKING N 0 R | Llt 2 ‘ _ \ ‘,:g h’é’l " ® 1 © h o o g Singing Mac¢hine g o VST " ‘ | . e © Mopdioe el Fas R e X e . $2.98 Cash tc Every Customer : y ey Whose gash Pupchases amount to $25,9 P ———————— W W*wm“*_—__—-—-—‘ _‘_"""":"--—n. Call at our Store and hear the specially prepared Recotds of 5&3%5 and Ot{fm‘ instricaental h\;gusic. Sorigs, Stori;s. Recitations " " Ete., aad uq?c yoursclf thi%' }'his is tf;‘s'bcst offersd. o One Standard Talking Mackine with Handsomo Flowsr Nora for $2,88 ta Every Customer whose Cash Purchases Amounts tg 895,00, © —mmaSec 9nd hear this wonderfylinstrument sadlearp how gasily you ¢an obtsin one. S J. J. Frazier & Son, &~—The ©Qld Reliable Grocerymen,— HAZLEHURST, - - i - " E = GEORGIA. | S2RARIABAAILL AN AN NN SN NN 7 - T S B e BR TR X T RIS 1 B W% BeA)R TN 7 A = wy § &8 s A Tl gy i S A B RE W / e 175, ; X f.'!z.‘l& ‘*’*;/r:“ ;i '§""":".': 3‘:." \, "" 1{? v ISN ‘_:" : :‘. Lo R e R _ AN A ? The Kind You Hava Always Bought, and which has Qeen . in use for over 30 ycars, has borne the signature of E . - - 2nd has been made undgr his gere & /7 m * gonal supervision gince its infaney, A . Allew 10 ong todeceive youin thise | f‘ All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢ Just-as-good "are hué - | | Experiments that trifie with and endanger the health of F Inf:ntl nn: Childrgn—Experience. against Experiments | |, ¥ ) What is CASTORIA - ' Oastoria is & harmless substitute for Castor O, Parog!’ { | geric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. IR | f, . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ot;_ncr }{arcoflg. : .| gubstance. Its age is its guarantee., It degtroys Worn ; and allays Feverishness, It ecures Diarriigea and Win _ Colie, It relioyes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation) | " and Flatulency, It assimilatcs the Food, peguintes thay ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and ngtural sloeps { - The Children’s Panacca—The Mother’s Friepd. ; b » . : CENUINE CASTOR|A¥LWAY9] F,»_,w s Beoars the Signature of \ _ v i 4P LY D onioms LA ity ( £ “.,’.;. efif éé::;h\ 77, A"f'/;:"‘:; : » 3 '?:_‘f,"k" g ZETF S P Lot Bt g g EI '?:.".fi;_‘. i v <I'A 2 - 1 ’_» i 73 fi 0'{"1, o@y '%g' k 1 ‘ 5 The Kind Vou lare Always Bou w'fll@ Eflm Lol 1d .g - : ¢ Lo ? . Q' h}‘*"" in Use For Over SO Years, .- g THE CENTAUR CSMPARY, 77 ILIURRAY WTRIIT, KEW Yot 817 s % Wanted—At once a good hust ling Salesman ard Ceilector to sell Singer and Wheeler & Wil son Sewing Machines "in Jest Davis county. Must ka2 stiickly honest and sober, and to be able to furnish refcrance and bond. Apply, Singer Sewing Machine Co. Waycross. Georgia. For Sale—A gond horse, will . work anywhere, Fof futher par- Your ainimg reem floor csa be touched up and refimished with Campbell’s Floor Pinish and the result will be very satisfactery. Peoples Drug Store carriess full line of all 3ize cans and the man* ufacturers Pguarsntee perfect satisfaction if the simple direc: tions are followed. . ~ Money to afn at 8, per ‘Cent pér annum, s Ciars l A G Yaae i Corfospandent GAH Bo AN OLD TIME HANGING. - he D”‘é Day When “Old Jennig” Was xecuted In Maryland. “As dirk as the day when old Jen ple was hyng” is one as the many qualnt sayings that for generations has bgen used on the lower eystern shore of Maryland, but from the accounts that have been given by those who Itved in old Jenunie's day there never has been a day since that time as dark as the day on which she was executed for ‘wholesnle murder in the neighbor hood in which she lived. The old murdercss was publicly banged u]x 1815 in the old jall yard at Princess Anng, and all those who re: mb«qt that particular day have pamsed into the greaf beyond long ago. The ‘murderess "was 8 white woman, foll and angular, and it was said that phe vesembled what wars popularly puppoeed to be a witch far more than she 4id the up to date woman of that day. In fact, local history records that she practiced witcheraft. No one ever knew where she came from, she ha'v fng *dropped down” very mysteriously {ato the neighborhood, where she killed & famlly ¢f four. Old Jennie was not hanged on 8 scaf fold. In those days murderers were executed with ag little trouble and ex pense as possible. The wizen faced terror of all Somerset was placed in @ cart drawn by two oxen and placed dtrectly under a stout limb of an old oßk tree fiich stood i the jail yard. The rope was fixed in rude fushion around her neck, amid the hurrabs of the erowd and the curses of the doomed womeon, and when all was in readiness a bunch of foddér was placed ten paces from the oxen's heads, and they were given the word to start. Obeying the command, they made n bee line for the fodder and left old Jonnie dangling at the end of the rope. That day, it has been told thousands of times, was the darkest ever known in this section. Chickens remained on their roosts throughout the entire day, while candles by the score burned in the houses that the servants might see to 4o their work. The local scientists of that day were at a Joss to account for the strange phenomenon, and the graphic descriptions which they gave of it and which were recorded years ago make interesting reading. The darkies and superstitious whites of those days naturally thought that the end of time had come. A great many megtoes declare today that the ghost of old Jennie may be seen stalk ing around oh the edge of the woods pear where she committed her crimes any time on a dark, eloudy night. and hée~Oriole (M 4. Cor: Chicigo Inter B sl WINGS THA¥ WERE FINS. Evidence That Penguin’s Pinions Were ' Once Used For Swimming. : Oruithological puzzles are the pen guins, with their curiously shaped wings.and odd, unbirdlike, upright car tlage. The peculiaritics of their wings suggest that the pengains are descend ants of birds which used their wings rather than legs in the pursuit of prey under water, and as the struggle in tensified between the competing indi widuals the most expert at this s‘grt of swimming would get the most food and oust less successful rivals. The winners gained advantage oyer their neighbors in proportion as their wings improved as swimmlng organg and in versely and of necessity became less suited to perform the work of flight. In all other birds the feathers, though shed annually, are more or less grad vally displaced. But in the penguins the new feathers all start into being at the same time and thrust out the old feathers upon their tips so that these cowe ‘away in great flakes. YWhereas in all birds save pengulns the new feathers as they thrust thelr way through the skin end in pencil-like points, formed by investing sheaths, in the penguins these sheaths are open at the tips and attached by their rims to the roots of.the old feathers, and hence these are held to their succes sors until tley have attained a suffi cient length so insure protection against cold. “The cyrions device for retaining the warmth afforded by the old feathers ‘until the pew generation can fill their places is apparently due to the fuct that pengyins are natives of the ant arctic regions, although some now in habit tropical seas.—Chicago Tribune. Bhort and to the Point, ‘A eoal merchant who was a man of few words once wrote to an agent the following brief letter: SN el Deu 'J’Oflfil—“;" SR AN In due time the @gent’s reply came as follows: = awid -iap.... Dear Mr, Stnclair—':" - P, The coal dealer's letter, translated, gaid, “See my coal on,” which 1s the semicolon expressed verbally. The agent informed the dealer that the coal was shipped by saying sim- By, ‘foo¥."-Bcm,nook. T o 2TR s . Un They Are Heiresses. ~ "It's hapd to lose a beautiful daugh ter,” sald the wedding guest sympa hetics & » £ 5 . “It's & Hlame sight harder to' lose.the phomilr fes: asthed oo L pazbc Hurrah For Rowla J. T. R.Rowland isdoing m' the peer, laboring class es accerding to his ability, 1} one else in this country. r.. just c.osed a deal for ever It. acres of the best farming land in Jeff Davis Ceunty, and he offers te cut it up in such size farms as a purchaser might want, apd sell it at a reasonable price to any ene, and on easy ferms. Should any one wish te pay the cash dewn, Rowland is ia pesi tion te make them a good and suf ficient title., Hurrah for Row land. ad.-4t. 4 Jo Jo l RAZIER $ - 2 Bgalerin & i § REAL ESTATE. I hava some bargains in dwell Ing aguses, alse in vacant lots, | T A - : v~ -ash, balance; terms te BL, Haz lehutst,” i azlchurst, » ¢ 4 ¢ + Georgia AT I 2 SRS 75 M 8P W Dt POV TR XST Vo o PRI P ft DAY "DERID > 'ELECTRO-CHEMICAL RING /& . TRADE-MARK, E-£, ;x‘ Copyright, 1844, 5. '6, 1902, ¢ and 1509, ,: % by W. G. Brownson. 2 The followin; diseascs are caunsed by acil in the blood axd ars ewred by thisr:ivy, which takes from ona day to two weexx, nftar tha ring commeonoes $0 wvork; according to dizeuse und cirrumstanvec. The ring and the acid cro:zte un eloctro-cheriical action. remeving the excees of acid, whi’ n oures the disease and will keep it curod. Bris.c's Disoase, Diabetes--it is not uéxubit with chiliren, Chores-.-Bt. Vilus's Dance, hlom&-‘; Kivoon Sx:-kuen--i:hful d Excessive M Yeriods, Uremia, {oopo. Hlowi. Nm-.ir tration. Nosebleed, Intormal Hemorrhages. Rbine lith...a stony ooaorotion formead in the mose---Ade noids, Polypus. Oataract, Goitre, Whecpin.-Ooufi Bhoumatism..-Inflammatory, Gout, Lum : ticular, Beistlc, Mvunoulur. Asthma, BM% ralgia, Neuritis, a]vufl:r Rheumatism of b Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatie Pml_rlo---lntn. Hair,‘u.l’nu.l.irbu, rlgn, Operators, Tropwriters. Dror’ Obri_zy. atty oqenonfioh of finn. Ap pen ioitis, Inflammation es Bowels, Chromie Dyses try, Acidity, of Biomuach, which causes the worst kiad of constipaticn--the ethor kind is caused Ly Hver disansa. OJnur--&re(nomn--Cnnecnu Ine mors. Oorgantion of Kilkeys, bßtone in B'adder, Prostatilis. Gravel, Gall-steues. Oalcali, Deparit on Teosh, ¥y hite Spota on N.'le, Fuoriasie, Balt-rhowe . Yaricose Veiréd uvi Uicres, Varicese's--varisae veinm {d the sl an - Vacinose FTeink argd Vieow i Rectum--ofwwa * lain>w for eflcs and g*' ) after oécts oF Dipai.scia, Bowrics, T. 7% 4d ai .l Malaria) Fevert, This ring ir net & cure-aii: will net onrd liver divass: wnd nona of the liver vitsezcs. Ericé: hail Ring, D 0 Jalé-coversd sutside $4.00. By Mall er whl recd By ?.:prog. Loilut”tm Delivery, it you wish t» -.r oharyes. S 8 ring roid ou throe woaks Guarnaiss. Bimg-ces be returned and mouey refunded, 7 act satisforter. . Rond narrew plose of peper #ite of fozer. Eead for a.lditional infermaticon. Not ivr :sae by Jewal on 6 or Aruagisis, Apunis vantod et Rlacow aot elea. | Bects-Chemicel Bing (3., 1225 aaroe 52 Toleds, Wb, .. _For sale and guarsnteed IW, Jarvis, sub agens, Hazlehurst @a. .. T, bgnport, agent fer qfli‘lfi : . . » Holoas, Gby 2t .. [e,