Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, August 12, 1909, Image 6
i? EO@BCS. Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Young, of Mcßae, spent a few days in the city recently with relatives. i Persomns wishing a solid 'leather shoe that ‘will Jast from one to two years, can get them of T\, H. Weatherly. ; Mr. W. C.Stowers returned last Saturday frem a week’s visit to relatives in North Geor gia. » Mrs. Amie Elliott, of Nashville Ga., is spending some time_ here with her daughter Mrs. H. D. Wilson., w - : Messrs. C. Stringfield and J. L. Sullavin, of Baxley, came up to Hezlehurst last. B'riday to wit ness the ball game. Our guarantee of solid leather ard satisfaction follew every paic of Kiser King shees. sold by us. - T, H, Weatherly. My, W. B. Burns, after a pro tracted illness, is still confined to his bed, we are sorry to say, and does hot appear to improve much. . ey | Mrs. Ji H. Jordan and baby boy, of Lastman, speat seversl days here recently with Mr. Jordan’s parents at the Methe= dist parsonage. Lcok for 125 or 15cts cotten. If you can’t getit, gote T. M. Weather!t’s swere and get the. celehrated Kiser King shces and: cleth of all kind in proportion. | Mr, W. A. Belcher, of App‘iiugcoun tv, liviag near Taylor. was shot amd’ killed from ambusi, near his heme on Teesday mornicg .ast, He was the son-im-law of AMrs. Mary Ann Wilcox., _Since the above was put im type, news tias reached here that the: party who dic the kili‘rg was rnamed :Fate Tay.e>, and thaihe surrendered o tue Sher:f, Mr. J. M. McDonald has gone back into ths barber business again: © He-hasopened up a bar ber shop in the room next to thei post office, and would like his friends and old customers call and see him whenever they need anything in his line done. . The bili efferad by Hone L, W. Johnson ‘n the Leg’s.aturs afew days ago to establish a city cwurt ‘n Hazle burst, was passed by the Senat> on Saturday last. Now the nexs question arises, who will @ov. Erowa aptoin. Judge of this court, and who will Le Solicitor? ‘There .ure towr Esp.ranis for these offices, and :ts left to> the Governor to decide *his question. -which no donbt he wili do short'y. Rev.J. G. Googe left at our offies on Monday last a curigsify in the shepe of an ear of corn. There are three ears, nine inches long, all in oue shuck. In other words, three ears of corn grew where only c¢ne usually grows. 1f Bro. Gooue haslearned the art of growirng three ears of corn to the stalls to the average far mer one, lie can make a bushel of money by putting hjs uecigh- Pors onto the trick, g ' Now, hoys, many of ¥ou have heent kicking all the summer sbout lot being able to get a joo. Cotton vicking is near at hand—and there’s going to be a cood crop made—so ere long you will be able to gtrike a job that #vill hold you unti] Cliristmas. Wonder how many of eur ..boys sre goinT to accept of & job ot this kind? Boys, picking cot'on iz just a 8 honorable as any worlk _yeu could go at. All honest toil is honorable. There was a mistake in thé Council Proceedings last weéek. The type made us say that May: or Bennett paid out $47.54, for work on the cemetery, when it should have been $26.15, This is the first mistake of the kind that has occured since we began publishing the proceedings. We try to bo very particular in mat ter of that kind. So, your honor we will shoulder the error. The ‘treat i 8 ¢n us. Hewever, we will try and nos let another er ror of this nature occur. Any .inteélligent rersom may earn a good ineome correspond dng for newspapery: experience ,Lt R ANEE i B e 4%..-‘ s ißiuhice . Piake Ak AR S RREE AR ot TN ‘ A‘; : ““fl‘? rdr oYoAk T P -~ ing of ;: r. Kehler. On Saturday night last be tween 7 and 8 o'clock, Mr. W, E Kohler, a member of the firm of Wilson, MecDowell & Co., bridge builders, was drown in the Alta 'ut:ahuf river while trying to cross it. He and Mr. G. V. Smith. were together at the time of this sad occurence. They were on the north side of the river, and had started for the south side, to headquarvers. Mr. Smith said that the craft they were in was a small dug-out. They both had gotten inte ; the canoe, and Mr. Kohler was sitting in the stern of the boat with the paddle, while Mr.. Smith oecupied the middle seat. Mr. Siith states that the river was very high and swift, and just alter 'eaving shore My, Keler gave one' strokze with his paddle, and {ellinto the water, He said that he could render him no assistance because there was but one paddle in the canoe and that Mr, Keler carried thiat one outinto the water with him, And again, Mr Smith states that he thought that the deceased could swim, for he seemed to stay on top of the water for 30 yards after he fell in, He passed cables and made no effort to catch hold of them, but continued to drift on down the river, until she dis appeared from sight. - J Mr. Wilson offered a reward of $50.00 fur .the recovery -of his body, and many people were up and down the river ail day Sunm day and up to Monday, morning, looking for his remains. _ About ¢ o’clceis on Monday morwing Messrs. Bill Hester and John Ryals discovered the body about three quarters of a mile below the new bridg>, thus se curing the $50.00. The remains were brought to Hazlehurst and embalmed, and gent to h's home in Columbia, 8. C. Monday night for intermeit. His brother-jn-law arrived here Monday on the 1:01 p. m, train to accompany the remains back. We learn that the-deceascd leaves a wife and tive children to mourn his untimely death, be sides a hosts of friends, at his old home. Those of our people who knew him, speak in the very highest terms of him, and many exp es sions of regret were uttered when the news reached here of his sad endin}g. ) Last We:sk's Ball Cames, The Abbevil# thase ball club cwig over to” Muazlehurst om l,y&’eci{’;ic?sda.y last to playour team a-sries of games. The fun.eom ‘merced ‘Wedresday aftefnoon, Theore is no denying the fact, Ab beville can boast of having one of the best amateur teams in the gtate. ‘fhe first game ended in favor of the visitors. Thursday’s game was the most exciting of the series. Both teams played fine ball. Our team came out victorious in this game. The score stood at the close, 3 to 4 in favor of the home team. Friday was a bad day for ball playings Itcame neur yaiping the entire.d.gq-, However glong about 4:80 the pain held up suif cient for the boys to go tc play ing. Only seven innings were pulled off during this game, own ing to it being so late when this game was called. 'll]‘he score stood at the close of this. game,, ;}fgggh'g pg 3, Abbewliie ‘4. g’fiigi ‘was the bést series of games played on our diamond this ' sea- BON - 5 Large and epthusiastic crowds, were qut at eyvery gams, . © Short Stops. - Bowan of Abbeville, saned oyt eleven straight men. Callahan apnd Cromartie of the hose team are the only mkes who knocked a three bagger, But didn’t that hit Mack Miles gotin ¥;hg flrst game coynt? Jln the last tive innings of Fri diy’s game, Bateman, our pit cher, was right there withh the goods. : Hepry Turner, of the visiting team, is a fine catcher. | While we are pleasing the chil dren with candy and peanwts we want te interest the older anes it our styles for 191; and winter 5 P . Oup line 10 M# lar iger jand Letogr thamßver, " & '< i :; i 1 3&"%{ 4‘Jt .y 9:."3"’195 3 It.is impossible fér us to make a canvass amengst our subderi bers with our subscription beek, like we mentioned we would dao in last week's issue, owing to the fact, that the News office re quires our time every hour in the day, but we have employed Loyd HYarrison to do this work for us. He will start out with a statement of your account, {ust like it appears on the bool. f its wrong, tell him so. 1I you don’t owe as much as the book say, pay him what you think you ows. We will not be mad about it. Theres are but few {credits on the book, hence we will have tc leave this matter with you. We want to transfer the names to a new bpok, so Wwe can keep it straightin the future. Now, subscribers help us, by telling Loyd when you subscribed, and how much you owe. Its aean job, but it must ke done. < 3 ____n'_.___.——':,——-—-- We are lending money on im proved real estate, in Jeff Davis county, 5 years at 7 per cent in: terest. We want your business. M. A. GrACE, Manageer, _ Dnauglas, . b 5 While enroute to dinner bn Tuesday last we met Mr. W, R. Lord who,was wearing a smile that wouldn’'t éme off.. . We asked him what had pleased him so, had he just -coilectec abad‘ debt, or had he soid a big:§bill of goods that morning for cash? He took us by the arm and led us out'into the middle of the street, and aftexlooking all around, to be sure that there were no one inthearing distance; whispered inour ear: “A ten peund bey made its appearance at our house this rhorring about 10 o'cleck, and that was what:l was smiling abeut.” And just to think, this was the nineth bgbe the stork had brought to his home, and he seemed to De as proud about this one as theough it had bs3n his first. . L Hunt the Tent. . E. Waciym, 'Ph()togmphe’x".{ Out and in dvor work. All kidd of Photos, large and smal sizes. Post cards a specialty. Group, private and public buiidings, views, &7 Givelme a call Located bask Dest & Williams. 3 Bf its frosh’first-clads grece: Pies you want it at pricas as low, if not a liftle lower than can' be bought elsewhere-—go to J. J. Frazief & Son and you will find them. If yoa don’t tind what you want at this old, reliable store, you will hardly tind it else. where in town. And agzain, they are so prompt in delivering goods. You can restassured that you will always be treatsd right when you trade 2t J. J. Frazier & Son, t£L e T Towome Seekers. If you need good lands, and cheap lands, call at my office over Chapman Building, and let me show you what I have. They are choice, good and cheap. Terms made to suit all, - g LR T, Welllarda, —_— e ———— e Shoriii Bales. GEORGIA—]Jeff Duvis County. | ~ Will be sald on theist Tues day in S:ptembsr mext, at the caurt hause dcorin said county, betwaeen the legal hours 81 sale the following “preperty te-wit; 333 acresf lot of land No. 246 lying ard keing in ' theist dike trict of szid connty, ieviéd upon and will k& scld as the property of My#, Arthur W. Butts, to sat isfy g tax fi. so. issued by W, ], Geoge tax cellecter for stite and| county taxes for tha year 1808, This 10th day of Avguss 1909, ~ Also at the same time and pldoe will be scld 100 acres es lotiNo. 241 lyiny in' the 154 dis-| ‘wict of said couuty, le-vi'? upoa and wili be sold «s she preperty of Sarah R. Duncan, e ssfis? E tax . ia issmed b.y\*\'W.. g zobge, tax tollector far: state| and county tuxes'for the' year] Wl ay of Auidst,) e**,a iy o % ; » . Our Mid: Summer SALE! TO make &00:11 for our new Fall and Winter Goods, that are arriving every day, we are offering our eptire stock of seasonabie merch andise at extremely low figiires., We must have reem, | This is no fake salé or chance game: simply'a good time t 0 get more goods than you ever did before, for less money. Its a cleam business proposition, FOR LADIES. Every}thing_‘mdst in Summer Dress Geods, Fine Laces, Fabrics, Hosery, Etc. S" ‘( 3 : r ..' .- :l. . : Ko dS] . ke 5063 (l;l) - PPErs The Kiseér King Shoe is the best shee in the world. They wear longer and look bet ter thdn "any other shoe manufactured. B e s’ Rit Low Cut Shoes must go at Some price before the sum mer Is over, . ! . : We don’'t usually make a GREAT NOISE, but weé have a line of Goeds that pleases, and the prices are sure to suit you. & - ; 4 ke 3 ; Y £ 1 1 Clothing; Glothing! "What a glorious fe¢ling 10 deck out in New Clothesce narticularly in such clothes as we carry. They are designed and made by celebrated master tailors. 2 2 Cur Clothes cpst.no.morethan the ordinary.; Come, let us show you. No obli gatiortfo buy. It wili be our pleas ure to show you anyihing you might wish to inspect, and give you prices on/saimme. = | ¢ y q Z A & g i, it Thanking our many loyal friends and customiers for their past patronage; and ‘soliciting gconfinuance ofi same, weare, yours anxious t¢serve you, . s:‘ : :-:"' » l. ‘ ..“