Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, August 26, 1909, Image 4
Dr.L.P. Pirkl [.L.I. I ITKIC Physician & Surgeon Diseases of women and children a specialty, ‘(‘lls attended to promptly—day or niget, Office in Capital Drug Store. Office Prone B 61: Residence Phone 92, PRICE & GRANT, Attorneys at Law Hazlehurst, Georgla, Practices in state and federal courts, Collections a speclaity, Of fices upstairs in Court -House. King & Sellers, LAWYERS Will practice in all the courts. Office Upstairs, over Citizens’ Bank. HAZLEHURST, GA. —_____..._.————-—-——F————_——. QUINCEY & CHASTAIN, Attorneys and Counselors At Law, HAZLEHURST, GEORGIA. JULIAN H. PARKER. Lawyer HAZLEHURST, GEORGIA. AT 8 PER CENT I s?cure loans on your farm lands for any amount =+ *per cent interest. C2ll and see me before you ‘vorrow money. All loans made promptly. R. T. WILLIAMS. 6-06. Sidney D. Dell, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Citizens’ Bank Building, HAZLEHURST, GA. ; EWORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE LIGHT RUNNING ' 3’”’7’;% . '.‘ M e, “‘; i‘x :‘,‘\ f R ORSBN\ I \ GBS éw LA 4‘3 By s A TN~ ol A%‘\."( i R gD KR S 0 AT Tl - el - — W - ) R W T e BT RS ltgou want efthera Vibrating Shuttle, Rotary. ~ Shuttle or a Single Thread [Chain Stitch] - Sewing Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE-COMPANY Orange, Mass. Many sewing machinles are made to séll regardless of quality, butthe New Home is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out.- Sold by authorized dealers omnly. FOR SALE BY - ARMS ° ‘are for sale by'all progressive ~ Hardware and Sporting 'Goods Merchants ' and DAN BEARD'S splendid. effort 'f —*“GUNS AND GUNNING ”’— . will be mailed postpaid ‘to any § applicant by J, STevENs Arus & TooL Company, Chicopee , : . Falls, Mass,, upon <A receipt of prics, g,, For paper cover edi m (‘f tionforward 20cents; [ W\ V‘\ forcloth bound book MNJ sond 30 cents. J ‘ &\s\ S Written § '~‘ forand pub- WA RA P, niighed by 8 1. v od. STEVENS - P.0.80xd0%9 o General. Mrs, George Frey of Phillipsburg, who, for fourteen years, suffered un der the suspicion of her neighbors that she had foully done away with her husband, {8 now enjoying her day of triumph, With the long missing husband seated beside her, she I 8 driving through the country side call ing tge farmers’ wives from their homes and exhibiting the man for whose strange disappearance she had guffered so much, She cries: “Here Reports received at the government bureau of entomology at Dallas, Tex as, from the boll weevil areas of Mis sippi and Louisiana show an average of 90 per cent of the cotton Dboll squares are infested at present with the weevil, In the Baton Rouge neighborhood, Dr. W, D. Hunter, who is in charge of the southern fleld crop investigations, says that 95 per cent of the squares are infested, while in the vicinity of Natchez, Miss.,, 90 per cent is affected, This, Dr., Hun ter says, is as bad as the worst years of the weevil ravages in Texas, In all sections of the Mississippi bot toms where the weevil is at work, Dr, Hunter has established sub-stations, and it is from these that the above reports came, Former President Eliot of Harvard has replied again to the numerous criticisms of his five-foot book shelf because it omitted the Bible and Shakespeare. He now says that he left out the Bible because many things in it are antiquated happenings of a bygone day, and that it is a ques tion whether either the Bible or Shakespeare should take the place of many other good books. He denies that he has consented to the exten sion of his shelf to six feet, The top of the -Philadelphia City Hall tower, which is over five hun dred feet above the street, will be utilized as a wireless telegraph sta tion, to be controlled by the munici pality, News has come to Louisville, Ky., of the death at Greenbrier, Nelson county, Kentucky, of Basil Hayden, who had not stepped outside the pick et fence bounding his yard since Pres ident Lincoln freed the slaves. It was not resentment at this act that caus ed Hayden’s seclusion, for neighbor hcod tradition is that he shut him self in a little room that day in 1863, after his sweetheart died, and looked no more upon men, A Munich, Germany, servant girl has given notice to quit, because sha says that her mistress persists in playing classical music for a couple of hours every morning, although she has not the slightest notion how it should be interpreted. A Washington. By requiring letter carriers to ‘“dou ble up” their routes during the dull season of July and August instead of employing substitutes, Postmaster General Hitchcock expects to save the government no less than $250.- 000 in the cost of carriers’ vacations during the present fiscal year. Post office employees are allowed by law fifteen days’ leave of absence, with pay, each year, A proposal to make smaller the sizer of our paper money is receiving favorable consideration at the hands of Secretary of State McVeigh and along with this change new designs are to be made in a way that will give to every note of the same de nomination the same portrait. The size of the bills will be near to that of French paper money, or about a quarter smaller, Director Ralhow of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has reported that he has found a chemical solution or wash in which old and dirty bills can be made al most as good and quite as clean as new, Economy is the main point in both these proposed plans for the currency. ' Answering a recent magazine stric ture on its abilities as a prognostica tor, the weather bureau has Issued a bulletin intended to disprove the the ory that the bureau “has not made good.” Instead, however, of giving its own opinion of its~ work, the weather bureau has gathered togeth er in this sixty-five page bhulletin opinions expressed in hundreds of newspapers throughout -the country, in letters from representatives of va rious commercial, agricultural and maritime interests, all tending to up hold the work of the bureau. Of more than five hundred newspaper ecriti cisms received by the bureau, all but three were favorable. There is more pellagra in the coun try than at any time since. the new disease was discovered and from. in formation received, it apparently is on the increase, especially in the south, This statement was made by Sergeon General Wyman of the pub lic health and marine hospital service when asked concerning the visit of. Dr, Lavindar,, the pellagra expert, to Peoria, 111., where the disease is be lieved to have developed at the Illi nois ingane asylum. By direction of Postmaster Gener al Hitchcock, the period within which devices for the tying of mail pack ages may be received by ' the post office department has expired, The plan is to save the govermment up wards of $150,000 a year. ¢ Twine is now used exclusively in jthe postal service for the tying of packages of letters, and it costs $225;000 a year. Approximately one .thouséfid ‘devices have bcen, submitted. Lk o 3 Belipving # that . deaf fihd; Idumb. mutés Wwould make,' goodii operators for the puncturing’ andjgitabulating ‘machines -to be us#d inZmaking up the returhs for the:pext densu zfle ;.em< A;"“t th A g IQ.| ‘] 3 0 mm“g' ! labor, isgznclined so, m ?,3 i i~ J" "y & »‘”q‘ ‘pable @nes appiy 10T U Diaces, BANK OF HAZLEHURST, HAZLEHURST, GA. INSURES DEPOSITS. v o N't o " - ™ 1 - * Sttt ket - 4 4")"," \" L‘. AT Y u‘. " . A "W - 5 e g S b Y . 3 e “ ' RC 0" : ity Bt A * " A z . s e IV Wt \ Moty RNy A v e k e .yAvy.,\ : 2 ; ¥ ’ AR boo YA . V. ) : » ) Y ) My o . v '\\(‘lu’ Jh 04 , . ’ ’ /. y? LY § J ' . N v ' . ¥ BFL . » ! ) bR : : : g Lot 3 vy PN y . a bR];: : . ) Y v ¥ 3 TN Y v ’ " L ) ,1,"- 2 / ::‘ ‘ e " o 1 wp ke t’q’t ~: W B ) R v _ ) i L ) e ¥ Tyt . % T e A O '3 POy e e , 5 ; . s 'S e N A oLR PR ey ! TR bt el e B N : ’ N R o S | " 2 VT v 4 . VS T ¥ " P 4 - 5 » ’ ’ R 5 * yedd RRER T e N ——. . } :l" A BRSERAEL o Alatt e N l%'4t ) v‘ ! " oot ST SRR ) g ytiag Ve eRWt e O R Bl R ' B, ) o 45 4 u " es? N e R ¥ v ) W \ " e » " 3 outt Bel g o NS TR i e it SMt S A UL Lok RN N g P \ PRy o. l I 3 A 3 ) S e s, ot Reete Toy o _-65'" l.*/“,m_»_;f,’ FAMELBA w 1 LA A)" : <i i "igk . PTS-g Rt "N-:‘-p::-«:: ”‘,r--":‘{'.. " ""‘w':’*‘tl;”.w‘m“ )IR W 0 R bt L £ P N ok e ey O R G e B Lo o B« pobaTL e ot Sk 4 S aya i 3 i oi AR bR UPR A r.‘{'r;va B! eeKeR RT O R . POITY et S i g i & w : w 4 P NU L 9 o.t L GTT o ;va"-‘.~ Sl QMY et odot” GERICEI 10" Ot ALY " ”kfi;i et N/8s nE A .'.V-A. " »“/q~" 4o‘ A\l ;:' "‘f' vt o 0 ,«::;.,.‘ 3 ¥ ”‘,:‘},«‘.L'c" -, b% s o\.‘;e?:\}\. ifi‘i,-{ ,fl.vt ‘..,'\" A 1&* ikl ; ' : ARSI ™. DG e B Wy g opl ] 20 % ,&-'f"', l,h- 1] .",!wlv‘q@,‘}; T A Q‘%Mfl;fi” “PR RN !‘..‘,’ : (! 8 SRINAR ¢ ¥ TER er.,‘s L 4 oiu NG ¥ iy, L ve LI s “q.’"‘.'; w“ijt sTyARTAT AT AR G o «"’,"’" OeRN gRy b J { A y"..‘.\.‘t‘ ‘,&,» R -,A-s.‘_.‘.' b i:: ot """"Es“'“ &TP o, ‘-‘3.\ e SRR A £ p\‘, N 4"‘,"‘3‘ i .\“A S S 005 B Fon be ok bt B 8 L w 2 P yatin bii Y TR SRR TN RN o o RLN T SOO MR - e b : A LYY e + AERN J ( s RON TP ¥ Tt DR 4 T A posit SRR &' ¥ AN P, T b ;’Q 3 SN ‘..:'s\l‘;‘;;" RS N ‘"\)fi."? bBB T \" : \ § e 7 .Al 3 °© N VRPN RS 8 AT s Y tr TG T ! ¥ L] s N osV BN PR - chprite Te o AR et € b L ¥ Rl v SR ; .(- I 50DB S "r”? et R e Y 1 Jau ¢ ui hSI $$ . T ndehe eLSIS TR U LA bTV SR "'y 8 . SR TRy A 4 k » " IR <oo MR AR Re TR g 3 R . o| R LA (3 Sst P SRRE <Ay s LRI 8K ve o NN, . b R WG " ! o H R : e . gy ¥ Ot TH AP SRR *"‘.‘ S A ¢ e A 3 RA S i‘ R { N e g 5 ] v « & S WS UM N ok ¥ A e Wi e SRV 58 £ Beoob B bel B : RG] Py UL e ANGO S A Bn e\, gl (4 : £y | el § \ W Ve Voßapat ke oy - 35 e ¥ ‘.’,‘\?A #f-J, AR ’ ;" \s‘ k 3 ",J 2)5‘ ¢ } ‘::Sr g : ¥ . g ?v: A2AR AP e N R . f it Gy “r i o {3 } gSI .el 3 ) LN M SRR At SRV )vy - P { » - ¥ | vR o ; :. : N f . v g “W.‘,:‘i,"‘.:fi‘ g o o k 2 A 3 3 # % " 5 8. bRy "Rt SR SR < e oty o A o £ e L 5 R N S ] - TR 3§ e e SEE i A 1 N ¥ o ! €3o+ LPR TRt R eTR E v NGRS AT | B } Vo Mol BN ¥ v ¢ o Es ¥SR B 4@ Soer R BEOAS B BN 4 B DN A T e YNI go T i B s O R i s e A LN BRR v cam e TSOe IR RS Pl we R " XMg Ny SRS AO T S s 4 2 ] AR ~3 RARS A SSOAR Rit oy " %. ® 3 CE AR Wet S ; slett P : s B |A U Lo, FRCEEERRE RRt - i AV - ¢ ‘0 e Ty TR R B » DRV ” »% SR "YyiS Rfu BRI Y 'fi:,'»' & et :. b, (LLTRET BLRg (B ‘.q:"“ AR oi st doo “.n e PG 0 : ik sty iR SEGEEIE of A b SRR e i eYI R R R 1 T, T P RO ALt TR TAS i A RO AR Aeo o L . BB SO RotBR Se b bR et so T e A o s R i 3% BLRP RS o :M“\_.a‘i. U 'wv:\) b #\w ‘M Ltk Rad Rl ¥ R & bei 5e S A ciionn oA& B ,“' &8 A f e SOGIEL eL s s .’4.3"{,?‘3;?.25 ;‘&‘f&fi;v .'\’*?‘;:: O eSR M \:M':‘ ’ \_,:‘ uw‘;wv,«‘-.\s’v OY.‘ RN e f«v -f‘ . ) : AAT R G SRR IAR RSit A et L i IR (R B e kit iLo T SRR %&v Sy s : §St X s By AT SRR e [ Ak sary A B Sey PitA AT I Y Wity BRSO AT SW AR ;sz{n*...' (o Yo 419 oty RO RS btd AR RERE AL ";.,r,‘» bS R T PR 3 A DS §OB . e 2 P A R BRSO R L SRE AR L » X R Mg ie B W Pl i ’ SR RS L N o 0 R i Bt OSR AR bAR A YRR 098 A L R il b i Rt gs 8 A 2e RO BLTNT LR T L .P B o Wyl SORh J AR A W, y R 5 1 . 5 I L TR e N sSI S RN PN ROr e R TS ! PN L PR R b o e SRR RR R R A ¥ \ g S { oAR ri o ; BRI RRSgt @LR Ete se o ezl Gg S R R ROE O 8 p ; ERERF : 33 X LR At R A eBORS 30 ATTRN YR DA 1 ) \ TR R i iR ; R SO YSR Rl SRR R ,%V?.Q.’ oRSR S S s > B e it R RGORNR G LAV PR TR i o S R b ot SR e S o o R TR St .t oy ¢ o i d e s SR SR PR BSSEs SE R REPY. = - interest Paid On Time Deposits. NO BANK STRONGER THAN A NEW BANK IT WILL PAY YOU TO Advertise in This Paper! ——FROM— B k G | —V/ | A e : M Wednesday August 18th, 1909., W ROUND TRIP TICKETS WILL BE SOLD FROM BRUNSWICK, GA, FOR ALL TRAINS ON ABOVE MENTIONED DATE TO WASHING TON, D. C.,, CHICAGO, ILL., LOUISVILLE, KY., ST. LOUIS, M 0.,, NOR FOLK, VA.,, AND RESORTS IN GEORGIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, TENNESSEE AND VIRGINIA. RT R T T Tl I¥RTS Po AR OsHR WA S S U PR RN YA, THESE TICKETS WILL BE HONORED IN EITHER COACHES OR PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS AND WILL BE GOOD LEAVING DESTI NATIONS RETURNING ON ANY REGULAR TRAIN UP TO AND IN CLUDING SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1909. AMPLE ACCOMMODATION WILL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL, FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, WRITE E. L. McGOUGAN, G. R. PETTIT, : General Agent, T. P. A, BRUNSWICK, GA. MACON, GA. JNO. L. MEEK, L 0B A ATLANTA, GEORGIA.