Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, September 09, 1909, Image 6

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i~ Eye Symp toms.
‘Many people enjoy splendid
vision, but have eyc imperfect
fons of which they are not con
scious, Hesdaches, nervousness,
heuralgia, indigestion and many
other disorders are symptoms ¢f
gerious troubles. \We relieve the
zabove troubles by means of rgléa.s
--8 which remove thestrain ffom
'g“ eyes nervous system
The above/is only possible in th
parlors of{an expertOpwnhetris
equipped ,with the modern ap
pliances /' for weighing the eye
sight. / If you have eye trouble
it 18 _¥mportant that you ccme to
/5 at once. W. R. Wilson, Jewe
er & Optometrist, Douglas, Ga.
We trust that this will be the
Jagt week that we will be forced
to issue a supplement. Next
week we hope to have our big
pressup and doing business.
P:Mrs. N. R Swain left for
Crystal River, I'la., on Friday
merning last. The day be fore
she received a telegram from her
son, statieg that lic and his wife
ard haby were all sick. She will
brobdfl%y bring them back with
her whin they are able to travel .
Col. P. L. Bmith returned
home a féw days ago from Tam
pa. Fla, where he spent several
dgys with relatives.
. Mr. J. J, Fraizier, one of the
stockholders in the oil mill at
this olace, has assumed charge of
it— temporgrity—until anether
Superintendent can be secured
to fill the vacancy caused by the
r.esignation of Mr. J. A, Cromar
£i>. -
™\ Parents, get your little ones
\ady to start te school on Mon
£ morning next. We know
St you are glad the ‘“school
“ys’’ are nearly here, so you
A _keep your boys from
~ Wling around on thie streets.
"When they are at.school we
know where they ure, but when
not at school, the Lord only
knows where they do ge.
Hon.J. A. Cremartic has gene
on a prolonged ibusiness ztrip
thrqugh = Alabama, Migsissippi
and Louisiana, and w.ll be ao
sent from home until winter. We
dislike to part wita so good and
enterprising citizen, even though
for two or three menths. 'The
News wishes him much success
in his new .ine of labor.
Lizhting cuts queer cepors
some times. 2ir. J. M. Hinzon,
who lives in the edge of town—
and whe by the way is asplendid
farmer—had twe s-acks ol sod:
der ir. his field rigiit close togeth
er. Sur.day night last, during a
rain, lighting struck one of ne
stacks ourning every blade of it
up and net harming the other
stack at all. It seems, by ths
two stacks being so close togeth
er, that both of them woyld have
been destroyed, but wasn’t.
Rev. W. J. Gocge has proven
to be areal good fisherman as
well as a first class tax ccliector.
A few days ago he caught a cat
fish from the Altamaha rjver
that weighed 60 pounds. This
cat was a very fat fish, preduc
ing a half gal'on of lard. h=.e
is no necessity f.r a fellow 1o
ever go hungry in this country,
with three rivers clese by full ot
fish, and with a big crop of corn
and potatoes made to supply
bread stuff in abundance, to say
nothing about the ’'possum
erop, which we ledrn is extreme
ly large this year. Yes, we are
deing very well down in Jest
Duvis, we thank you.
Mr. W. L. Smith and wife, ofg
Muloerry, Fla., are up here for
a few days, visiting relatives.
He is the sonof Mr, and Mrs,
J. N. Smith, |
Mrs. G. W. Williams of Jack
sonville, is visiting friends and
relatives in the city this week.
Mr, R. L. MeCook, of Empire,
Ga., was in Hazlehurst this
week, the guest of his brother
in-law Chief Webb, While here
he puid The News office a short,
bat pleasant gall. Jaa i’-l
e o*:d Rigas coas n o AAEIDNS / “’* A g
riends and Lustomers.
J . Wi . 5 e
| WE have been doing business in Hazlehurst for quite awhile,
and have always tried to deal square and honorable with our cus
’ .y
tomers. Whenever we tell them a picece of goods, or a pair of
shees is all vight, they can depend upon what we tell them. We
will not misreprssent goods. In fact, no shoddy goods enter our
store. We handle nothing but the very best goods.
’ 1 H ‘
Our Fall and Wintey Stock
ur - r ‘ p r.‘
; )
Has arrived and been opened up for your inspection.
- - \\\\ I 7 1:..! \
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N "'9s‘“‘l :“ " 'fi&é“” GO We have the xz;ost heautiful angd
5 A N / i |v‘v,‘\‘)‘ '“\‘_‘b‘v . " .".;‘.' y
///1 l&%\{w" .WP qurable line of Ladies Full and
o /T N\ ) ! : ; |
FOh yms\;.,- %, 3* 4 ////%‘ A Winter ‘Dress Goods ever ex
ovi NN e ki !
&’k\\{i»gj;f # ;\:\'z /W % hibited in this town before.
I \Rflr*/’//i/%‘fifl“ N ey A
AL\ \\g\\\"‘f‘,-’,’,é‘;‘!/d",gul‘\“f i \f‘ Bt
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et ‘_".‘.‘f“-’,",'itr&;n';i": DA ~WG I A, >
RN “ T oA &
W e ’ 2 .
Our Notion Department Can't be
We keep up with the very latest Styles in Ladies
| Neckwear and Rushings.
-, - , ‘
WEAR and the RED EELL.
‘ , \ N/ ‘.':‘
T e
N‘ ‘ .“; f\i:fi‘ !":;,;;fi\?.' g’"fi' ‘ "-‘\‘/~ > /
- Scheol Shets, SFFEF L Y
Come to our store and bring your %"" i"
| ‘ ~ . g vee\ ¥
children, end let us fit them up in ar, 53 0 ,yfi*&r
gwod, durable pair of school shoes, f ifi‘ ‘
| R et
something t'ey can’t kick outin a \ TN N
| g inn = W s
vwveek or tx_vo. ls le“g'h Of S.CITVI(}C;
: san important considerafion
‘(tl_u_s_siylish,easu filfing shoe
S ——— {is unexcelled ' orsous, Lea
' \ leffrers aond. r/zs d" «3. \
Let us sell you a SWAN DOWN HAT. e have them for
Men and Boys. '
iy Ble Kid Gloves
(R TRy N e/l g
\ B "/’l,/'::,',_.'}"j . ;
7 N R
B e ‘
Yy ?wg;;;;:p fii\b{,{; MOST BEAUTIFUL, LINE OF
RN /2R
L :
We have a large line of PANTS, for both Men and Boys.
This is a splendid Shirt, and you will find the prices Jow.
A large line of McCall's Patents on hand all the time,
We cordially invite you to come to see us, inspect our goods
and get our prices. Itsa pleasure to show goods, vhether you
buy eor not. Soliciting your continued patronage, we &are,
yeurs to please, .
pallils. wiLLIAMS.
- :lv A T B i e
. * et 43, 0 e
; ‘a o
Our Fall e Winter
~Acry here, and have been opened up and
marked d'ownf very'close. =~ "
W kg:g{‘ everything in stock that the human
family xi:ed_, iuch ag catables and Qometbing
to wear. You will always find eur prices
just as low as we can cp&rsi:t!;n'fly make them
What we state in our adfertisexx}enf; are §
facts. W had rathelx):‘ miss a dozen sales than 1
to misrspregent a sin‘fg!c article in our stoig. '
' aQ | g
Shozs 'and Slippers
The Kiser King Shoe is the best
shee in the world. They
wear longer and look bet- |
ter than any other shoe
manufactured. |
Rll Lew Cut Shoes must go at
Some price hefore the sum
mer is aver. i
We dofi’t .usuallzyfuméke a GREAT
NQISE, but we have a line of Goeds that §
pleases, and the prices arg sure ta suit yeu, |
Clothing, Glothing!|
What a glorious feeling to §
deck out in New Clothes--- |
particularly in such clothes as §
we carry. They are designed
and made by : celebrated
magsgter tailors. 2 2. |
Our Clothes, cost no morethan
the ordinary.’
Come, let us show you. No. obli- §
gation to buy. [t will be our pjeas
ure to show you anything you |
might wish to. inspeet, and give
you prices on same,, :
Thanking our many loyal
friends and customers for their |
past patronage, and soliciting
a centinuance of same, we are,
yours anxious toserve you,