Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, September 16, 1909, Image 1
‘Yol. 7. No 38, i ' : % Y 2 Septemier Bargains T WOLFSON'S . ' ; { . POPULAR PRICE STORE. It matters ngt wihethier you' waat Spring ‘or Summer, 'th or Wintér gosds, we sw s ‘have themyand AT <Cuwee. ~ WAY DOWN PRICES, . We positively haadle' nothing but'.reli:;ble up to dste merchandise, for men, ‘wemen and ’:hiidren. .. % ' At : i Weé Knew How Aud Where To ~ Buy, S 0 we Buyltßight; | ; : p R?d can afford te sell it teo ‘:n RIGHT. Mrs, elfson and Ms, Barny ' Wolfson who. are residing at presdt ia NEW YORK, are but daily logking for, Bargains: thoy are getting it too-~and te Hazlehurst it gees, i iT IS HERE, PROSPERITY IS COMING. *‘c are fiily for a big fall business, we must i break thecacord, help us do ity R " WOLFSON'S - Popular Price Store, L e o % - Hazlehurst, Ga, New Fall Good are Here And no Store can heet bur prices. *We invite you to comé and let i‘ls show ;v:u g ; o 2 4 3 . & y s i £ » L & 3 ' ; threugh our many -departments, that aré ovefflowirig with, Brand New Pret\'y Fall Godds. In our Dress Goods Department yeu will find alt the newest pat. terrs amd colots. Our Shoe Department Wwas fiever more ‘compl_e_}t‘e; we fiave all the Snappy Sfi'}apes,%amd the easy ééhoe; for i‘adiesi, men and childremn: A '%£|s » ST ‘ | CLOTHINNG; CLOTHING ! : “'fl | T . . . ] , .‘g A A . \ : : ‘ ; : This Defl;grttfient eihbrates rhany “tables? “A. B] Kirstibaum’s Fine, all W dol; hand oy 0% ; y e g M 55 ol ,3(' & & . g 5 & ¢ 3 i, tailored lihe for yous inspection, and tHe prices will siiit you; they are SB.OO so S M A 2 hot R ._.f.‘_f‘.-. : ?e!f‘: (! . LAY ‘ W ,‘, . , i s22.§p. We also carry a chésiper lineof clohing for men atd boys. ~ . . ‘. We «ulf fill evéry pagé of this paper, chumerating the many batgains yow will find at out stere, and then ’fhfi' g ' Par ) T o 1 | 2 , Bt LN N T be able fe tell You of oac half of them. _&‘m }0 our jitoré and 16t us preve te you that eur ststétents ace trus: g ik oaacas o 4 v A 4’: ’ ‘!‘ &,.,2‘ K. . {r‘ 2 i . : gre Beoden vt We have rif Bargaths for Court' Week Days. : . We gusrasitis you, ¢hit !lé ire the Teddler of lew jpt .‘iges. in ’thi) ?écgon:"&nd_ we defy conipétition,y e : s ~ YOURS é()RgBARMN? e o, T N & stk T@ R FREEDMAIN,. st ‘S G i “‘h"‘mwt&ff "Rl TR 7’ Do B vBBk BV YAL RV % 5;1;;;;;@_.»,"' i Tee Loy dE-cieimiE LT g MRS SRS RS N A TR e i "*\ , 'w’ A;; ; 4 ’ t % - R o " T B WY » " . "-—t‘—-—-'f'——‘ R LTV R AR o Hazlshurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, Sept. 16, 1909, L 9 2 . V. L g Capitol Drug Store, | Hazlehurst, Ga. [ ! ! ’l‘an No. 51 grighsensip TO THE PUBLIC* - Having }ecently begun the Drug Busingss in, your com ‘munity, 1 take pleasure in in viting yeu to. call at my store ‘'when .in heed of anything usu ally found in a complete up-to date. , oo DRUG STORUE. i have 2 ifruh and cleax; stock -of Drags, Medicines, Druggists’ Sundries, Cigars and Toilet Articles. - I my.servif sus you; toll ofhers, if nos, il m. Our MOtto: ole-Jj‘fi: g:o“ods.' v ' Beat in misd, eur steck i Comglete '»_aii‘l we Cheerfglly Sqlicit Your _' atro'n'a'gé. " DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Prop’r. Steanent of he Condition o { ;_; PrED—w, CITIZENS BANK, Lodated at Haleburst, @a., at the Olose of Business Sept. 1, 1909. 3 .. RESOURCeS. e Lioans and discounts. ... ...64,023.60 ovewr.“.Ol.-1'.!...1'1'..... '%6].99 nking HOUSP....ceee.ovr o soo°.oo urniturqand :Fixtures...... 2,951.99 her Ror& 85tdfe............ 525198 Rue from Banks and Bank- : - ers in the 5tate......... 4,629.40 Due from Banks and Bank- . ers in other 5tate5........ 2,476.09 CUITODOYec s ecrereasrrastor st 818.00 GO, .. ceisosccsdlneeciprisere IO Silver, nigkels and pennies... 317.00 checks and cash itemn5........ 304,08 Interest paid...........0000ve sy 622.718 Total,. ../, ... ... 885,664.81 p o Wehasflrms. U Capital Spock ald in.. ... .30,000.30 Uddivide progts, lesseviricnt - ¢ *.experises and taxes paic.. 1,108.16 Individual deposits subject to ‘ \ check.{...................16,.936.65 Time certificates......oeeeere .17,490.00 Cashier’s check5............* 130.C0 Notes and Bills Rediscounted:2o,ooo.oo TOtal, . ..oevve. ... $86,664.81 STATE OF GEORGIA, } o - Jest pavis County. - Before® me came T. R. Modore; cashidr of The Citizens Bank; who be ing duly sworn, says that the above and foregding statement is a true condi tion of said Bank, as shown by the book# of file in 3aid Bauk. b .T. R. MOORE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 10th day of Sept. 1909. : J. C. BENNETT, o Notary Publi¢c J. D. Co ~ Neotice. - e Zéra (;eggetety needs work Jdone on it badly, and everybedy who has dear . ones or friends sleeping there gre requested to meet at the cenietery on Thu é,. Jay merning, Sgpt, 30th; ter the pmma of & n:Lg this burial ground & thorosgh ‘cleaning up-. Brin'g your dinger and be pre pared to spend’. the day there Johnswu- L ;