The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, October 17, 1889, Image 2
Ibe Blackslrar TiffiSS. PI H1.ISUEl) A V Mi Y THm-D A >' Eatere" a the Poe <>"•«<■ in I la< kalii-ar, O*., ae «nr ma I n » t«. ATTIPTISING BATES: Or inch, l nr insoiiion...... J*. W. oo E*n» »nb« qnr- ( in ertion . Ldfal whr.rtkemdi.u in****! at r »<« pr ser b d by L»w Libar Hi emoo- *ion« nude f-r advertise mrnt ro»ni»r from -i* to iw.-Ire ro->«t2n-. BtH» tor advert ia-«w <re d*- after he first iaemow, u<*1e». arrang.-uMit* to the c-ntruv r« iu*d•-. haU nil check* und draft* payable to Th* Tram i n»> iswiwo Cumtahy Tl»e nee crop alonp tlie Sava»nah river is sln»rt The Owoiyia crop of fi'-a Isdand cotton this season, is said to Is; *iX ceedmgly tine. To not mind tlie man who in Blacksfieur real eslute, at pt< value-, ia wise, and will reap harvest. Tbe AHiance committee, on rtie lo cat inn-of Lite Alliance cxcfmage, huv< decided to locate it in Atlanta, A large Warehouse Is to be built, through which the supplies ol Blatc Alliance arc to he handled. We have it from a reliable that the Brunswick South Terminal Railway C'Simpariy intend to extend Ahir line from Waynesville to Cor «delc railing through Blaekshear. A <»rps of aurvevors ure to be put iu 4hc field at once. This paper is not run on Hie cipal that, it is the boundcii duty «vrry citizen b* suhsenbe for it., re gardl.-ss of its worth to the citizen merely Imcause of the fact that it the coauty paper. The mariageinent of Til* Tihkk desires to make p«l>er ofMcb value that every ol the oountv will find it to his ml vantage to support it. Savannah aeenis to lie having epidemic of Urea The latest, dwelling,—is sup|K>aed to have the work of tin incendiary, Re wards have lieen offered, Wo wish the rascals may lie caught, nnd •crly dealt with. k good many ol our ries seemingly have nu antipathy the term wife, using almost invariably the term Indy Instead. We ly see such expressions as this: "Mr. Blank and lady, of- , ure friends in the city." Why is The term tef/r Is nn honorable one, expressing the relationship intended, and always conveys the idea ol lady hood; w bile the tei m lady is not euphonious, and does not express the relationship intended. The Georgia Sluts* Alliance the sub Alliances ai« not affeetod their names by the new nutional con MoliduUni organization, but Alliaees. Tbe national body, however, by new consolidation which wsscomplel cd the present month, will l»e MS the Farmers' and Laborers’ of America. On the (list luesila* in December It will elect officers the ensuing year.— Atlanta There seems to be lacking in our midst that public spirit, always necessary to the succcsslul grow th any town. We have here every ad vantage of location; our town is high, •ad sufficiently rolling to afford best of natnral drainage. Out climate is delightful nnd healtk- 1 ul, and is not excelled iu all world. Our soil is responsive, and is susceptible of a very high state ot cultivation, as is evinced by the pros perous tanning element uli round us Our people are hospitable and clever. With every natural advantage, there is no reason why our town and coun »y Should not rapidly grow till they, together, become great \1 hen i>ur poople are fully alive to the : r own in toresta. we will see these tacts made . known all .. over our . broad . land; which will be bat a step, in the hegining our great prosperity. There are thouaauds in the north who are anx icucif seeking homes in our sunny aouth, sod when our sdrantRges are known to them, they will g’adly com * tv ua. ! > '® p C® (••'Hilly ranks am- ns the •*« in tl.e M*t*\ si- a larin: : cou - ty. A great doeiMity ol cro;« irs.y hegroWu sucee 4allj; and it is quewAl.v |*orafM** to mah two and th ee'Tope, within «i<ar, on tm* of land. I li re arc rm n »*-•(• '* burners in tin- count v, who b.yan lib: without si cent, who in" to-day the prospe r< *iS (’Wauls ot otHT,("rtab!(! ntld plr-a-act ‘ belli"*, HU<i »re highly t <-tH*«ini-d throughout the county. Tht lit and CoonoHH Udl tin* ' . **'*' , Ble' kshear if an imt claim any t(O f ub, Tior i whirlwind d pios A e.n;8taiit and piadiml sati-fi - her. Tim 1 the town iocrea-es. year alt i and then* is peneial pmsperity utnonp ti e pi*"ple. The carry lurfenml varied stocks, ami tl,eir range of eu.-lom- rs m not con lined by the Is’iinderies ol coiifty, blit extends well into the ad Joining count ms. As a cotton market, she <-taml without a peer; her mcichants al a'tiys pn\ inp the Jull«*r t iiimi kef prices. and buying Jurgdy from adjoining OOu nties. The L(“gisuituiv has Iwien c.riticis ed, more or less freely, hy the press d Mooipiu, on account of tlm long ses sions held by it. It is now horated. and Willi more justice perhaps, lie cause ol a “Idtod t.'ger"',.ly dis covered in the ciifiitol building. It was supported by some of legislators, A'b'ilonnd it inconvenient to wulk over to Us: (nisiuess purl ol the city, in order to get their Jujiud relreslimcnis. Tlm Adjutant--General, in keeping Sie the puhhc IhiiI lings, lias issued an order closing the place. Opportnniny is ns important ability to 4 i"v man’s success in Id-; tor unless a man has nn opportunity to - ow his ability, his ability can never appear to advantage' Bu: opportunities nre ulwuys showing themselves, while men with ability are not always ready to avail them selves ol the op|siit uni lies that open before them When therefore, y> u (1ml a man who think.- that all la. ksol success >* a good opportunity w.Nlisplay bis ability, you fmd a man who lias let slip « great m any opportunities, and who is likely let. another slip w him he is complain ing of a lack ol such o|icniiigs Ibr good woik on his part.—.S’. .S’, Tunes. Men must plod and plot if they would build up their native place. And there must usually be concerted etlurt. A Stewurt »>r a Pullman may undertake the construction of a city, but Ibis form ot developement is ex ceptionul. When a town lo- ks one or two men to give it growth and advance its prosperity, people ure iu th" first stage ol decay. To rely exclusively on loreign cap ital and energy is to advertise a place’s disadvantages and to mink it tor tivohluuce.— Savanna ft Times. We find the billowing in the Expo sition notes of Hie Atlanta Journal, Mill instant: — A purely southern invention, and one that is bound to revolutionise the (Hilton interests of not only Geor gia, the inventor s native state. Tut the entire south, wherever cotton is baled and skipped. In machinery hall, near the dejn't entrance, .Ml', II. O. King has on eXibltioil two bales ol cotton which wrapjied in Ins patent covering i* eomposod of the tihri' ot the cotton and the hull ol the cotton seeds—two parts of the cotton plant that heretofore have never Itad a nu.ket value. The fi bre and hull are made into a thick pajAer, which In turn is given a good coating of asphalt (mint, making it at once tire and water-proof. This paperous substance is as tough as leather and us pliable as cloth. bale, alter it retH*ives its paper cover, is then enclose*I iu a w ire mesh cov ering, made ot st<*cl wira. The whole outfit is cheap, and at tho , **im ti.m th(* Inst i*o(ering loi balt-ti 1>V B**n that has ever yet b en invent f fortune ?. ' ''■ in E* hia isveotion, Ct ‘ r,ainiv and 1 it will a prove a boon to planters and ship pers. All ititert'sKvl in cotton should l, v u *- means call on him iu muchiu . 01 • While wa’king in the sunah don’t forget that the shadt'w is only ucroas tbe street SEA ISLAND COTTON. j, t <„. fi,,.. w ,. a ther for harvesting rvmtbiuo, (lie Sea Island cotton crop. j„ ti« M seet-a r»l Gi-orzia, will ^,ii ie i«.(. Th- gma, Ihr ;1 p p,,j utH (fornix, are -laitin • ,|p- „od ij,,. oatt-iii will soon bo ieady t(> jmt t!lc kH . Repor sfrom Fiorida indicate that piruiiup l».iH been in P'npres-, in that , , e, , two weeks , ... Ine Sea - D.arid , . wttl , n C| .„p „f v .-ai wasth-larg *-*t , e'Ci .. ......„ prow... ui , h the ,, ex eptioi , <1 the crop of 1846 -87, being 44,0**9 hales. It io<l ll|e>liiril eotton MOl'I. year at from 20 cents to 21 tents j., |j lt . In ei ior. 'fills year the mar j ^ in the r< untry, opened at Irotn ._ M t;<> . H «, M t-. or at un ad v , ,,ee < fallout ;0 per cent. ( ver las' season's ( ices. It would not bestir p ,■ K j MX it the prices ol this se.i son me now in.nip. , ;r0 p ol , „ t vonr< , n p ,.j (lt „< -; swas it surprise to evei v one; ii; d the nvei age quality of l he cotton was very poor. Tim inee-saut mins, which prevailed durinp tlm picking :*( .iaoij hud tlm effect *>l sl.iinmp, :end, iri a measure, mtt.ii/ the staple. N- twithstaiidiep the scarcity of the better grades <d cotton, the price for gisst m dimn did not average mom than 20?cents, in the interior, year, veliadnn unfavorable spring l"r p'aniinp, leaving a great many farmers with poor stands; lol li.wcd by heavy raining on tlm grow inp pluot, causing it to shed badly. Vet, when we tak • into consideration the feet that, the acreage is steadily increasing, year after year, at home a- well ;t- in sctinns remote from us; that the unusually fine weullier is causing the too crop to on n a great deal belter thun was expect.: I; tlie yield this year is much heiu-r. than an average, —and aP this will go no little way towards making up lor auv l possible decrease I pmdiic tjol|| iMV , tfid n «t lie a surprise C()U ., n (ioes llnl wei | lower later in tlm season. It, is evident that there will he more good cotton made this year than there was la t yea''. Interior and stained cotton docs le t supply tlie place ol good cotton, to any; Inn, good cotton will sup ply the place ol mlei ior' olton, when it is sold at a reduced pi ice. When the needs for w hich good cotton w UM „, havo BU|ip | ie ,| ( tho rem ain ||er o( Ulc crop ._ K r loul<l lUcro ,, e llhy over—will remain unsold, iitilos tin? price is reduced to the value ol m Ivrior cotl^u. Notwilhst andiag an earnest ef lurt to prevent it, a number of nn roying typographical errors crept, to Iasi week’s edition of Til K Times. We shall try to make each succeed - ing number ol our paper better the la.-t prececdiug one. The Times presents this week, its adtcr'i'ing c-diunns, a hn in,* s 'i rectory of the city. We W'sll to call especial nH"i\tion to eii"h ndver ifsem«*nt. You will find our nirr eli«n*« courteous rnd clever, nnd lair and -quare in their dealings. The ep'i*hr.-)t«d Olive hill whs *!e in the House of Represent atives. yesterday, by a decided vote. HSSOLTTTIOtf CT COFASTNESSHTf. Ths mr>*rtn<*r-h;r> Worn'ore FTi*t : "sr hsiw«*n Tr»cv x,. iwt,i »n<t John R. Veil, under fh* firm mm* of T. L. A Co, was tSis Jar dissolved bv mutual CO*'«"Tt. T. I.. A«v>gta, will <*ontii"e th* R>’»in<*ii« ■ t onip I'lsrH*, under none and alyle, of th**f*ld firm. All parties indeK’ed to the lute firm will mske pavirent to T. L Aeosta, who is, •done, authjriaed lo *isn in linnMat on. T T„ ATOFTA. JOHN B. O’NFAL. RuRSHriX, Oa., (Vt.. 2nd jcs'CLTTICB CT CCPAST1TES?Hn'. Tb" firm o r Hneho* A Folsom, is tb : s d»T dissolved br mmusl conssnt — D. W. FoW. rct’-n- TV. r. Hnrhrs, will ,x>utin'ir t*? k”-i"s«on hi* own aecount , n j *r r »nge all bu-iiv>«* of the l*te Pr tB , W. T Rrc.HFS, n u - Qriv 03r ’ a* October, 16. A ^r. MOOBE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. BLACKSHEAR, GA. Ca!N r n - m , tlv attended today or n ght BUSINESS ADVERTS M ENTS ITriinri H K W Y AN'] |( A? n P 11 U U 1 STRICKLAND. SOUTH SIDE RAIL ROAD ST. BLACKSHZArt, GA Invite thrir many friends and cu» tomers to inspect their Complete Stock of f/p norn f ^ f(*rphn 11 BbFOIlE BUY I.VO ELSEWHEKE. mu Ul Uf PRICES Our Alotto* X^»—Satisfactioii 'Guaranteed. T. L ACOSTA, : EYE GROCER. Large and varied stock of choice FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES, Every tlong needed lor the table. srcciA'"Y in ritrit CK"W IJPO TOBACCO &. CX'mtLS. PRICES LOW! Satisfhctmn puurante <1 BLACKSHEAR, GA. & DEALERS IN 9 RY- 800 DS Notions , Grocsies, Tobacco cigka:r,s. "Wo sell chenp for cash, and antee to please yon. agjyYour WATCH neens repair? J. J I. WA TERS, Jeweler , Will (lx it lor you reasonably. OFFICE WITH TOTEM & WATEMS BLACKSMFAR. HA. New Store i New Goods! New Prices! DAY 4 ROGERS (at carpenter’s oi.p stanf.) BLACKSHEAR, GA. Wnan it comes to good goods and el se p-ice , we “get to the rack every iimo " WE put m to give satisfaction to every body that trades with us. Nn “Monkey Bus iness" with us. We expect to uet there sore. COME SEE US. * V. IIARPE1 9 Ha? in st'x k a full line ot Family Gro eerii s. which he is offering at clo.-c prices tor ca>h. Domestic Wines, Of my own MANUFACTURE A SPECIALTY. Fish and Oys ters regularly supplied to cr.s tomers wno leave t’:eir or ders with me. Fresh supplies constantly being received. SOUTH SIDE FAII. ROAP STREET. ~Rlpoks1tf»ar. Ga. T! I SHE ‘f* raMpg S* ®wr l * \ 4>«'t<ant% '' i ■wtfli I * X. To n pciviii.c cr.i-H-lcirpp.* }*»v'*.r iiunle ->rf o| ••.iothes t :it it is cvCf been ail"ine.i ov a >v insMut 1 * et ir a (V ties i„.' t \j •"! ■ ittel tO STRATJSEtt BItOV CBOT 1 I I XO i It* .k Weiv tbe J *t .Si Iilti aeio i • l».;.IJ«- lil_i. -V i UlUl..'lP And have i-<,proved til ir a ready i >• ’ft t pat ii'enis. -< as fi until rm - 4f they have rea U * • tin: vert pin tele • f i> if eti > ■ m cut. m Ve nt» ti in lui: g anJ liuis 1 '. And it i« \\ ill no -mil! dr-; •• o! jirnl* i!i.)t i i n\ P> im c«—* Pillier.". :if;d I i: n>«- that I have seeu'-M.I ilie sa e i I these pO-.(is .0 thhf Uj.ilk et. and that I am now ub'e ta .-Lott' A Class of Oloth in g Timt has never been ban 'll d in V.' mw bei. r *. In add iiont ,-U J Iliar sizes. Iliev lm.iiufaetun: a Special line for tall S’liru men and stout fat men. '' uiv p.epare<t o. hi aim .-uio tneiii . We Sl-o carry a complete line of Furnish.m: Moods end Stines for men "nd I nV-t. Trunks , Valises, Grips, tiho:'rider Lags, Shaul Straps iSr , tV,-. All at rock botioai j>ric3d f*:*f hard cash. F. C. OWENS, WAYCROSS, - - 0-Y;0Y?,GrI^L. lAKIE., C3Z 7 & iu iLill'IU# .IKTvKLKRH A\ aycros.s ~ Georgia, «*>*►«"* Eej airing and Fngra ing neatly execnm ed. Wedding 1?5»jrs a Speciatfv. Wit ches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silverware M and S|.<ot cl sal bottom pii. t s -w A hi do stock of lihink Books and Sfa tii.niry always i n hand. lo us for prices. / A MB & YOU m A hi rsi ■ L n LffeNQB ■ *' - Irjpi^jBMl U. \j mmKfl ■ws.:u«prw ■sa*®* —4 am BKSWJI B PIIKPARKD TO DO ALL MANNER OF JOB WORK, PROMPTI Y AND AT REASONABLE PRICKS. Nothing but FIRST-CLASS Work don®. Patronage s< lieited. BLACKSHEAR, (JA. i;u s ; n hiss a i >vfrtise m knts _-k— • w --------- -- J T YifJ cj D. SWEAT, —dealer in— jtaplo and Fancy Cigars and Tobacco. ——o COUNTRY PRODUCE AND SOLD. i HANDLE ONLY GOODS. ®»y* me a trial, guaranteed. “ A " Street, BLACKSHEAR GEORGIA J. M. SHAW. SAW AND GRITS AND COTTON GIN DEALER IN CSS Lurge Stock always o*i hand. Prices to suit the times. My store and Office is at my Mill. BLACKSHEAR, GA. Liglitsey, Hyers & Co., The Alliance Store* Have in stock everything needed by the farmers, at Alliance Prices. Your money’s worth, and a little thrown in, every time' TRY US AND BE CONVINCED. BLACKSHEA1L GA Exterminate the Peaches. __ Lsrkin’s Ligi.ini.-g IKach the best on tbe market, lor sale by A. P. BRANTLEY & CO. J. A. STRICKLAND, E CgkLIE X2I C-SITESAL KSP.CHADISE, COUNTlvV I'HODUC.-; l. ug’it auii sold. T 8 BKE 0 , CiaifiS Hit Patent Medicines CO it N Kit A t XI) IUII.KIRD STREETS* Blackwliear- -----Ga, GO TO \Y. E. Lockhart’s —For FIRST-CLASS— U n ROCERIES Fancy Patent Flour A f-pecial y. Tae relehmtod Gravely TYihineo and “Daily Grub" Cigars always ia S!(/Ck Highest market p ice paid lor all country produce. BLACKSAEAR.---GEORGIA. IF YOU Vi/ANT SHIEST HRIIS Honest Weight and mg Measure at the L 'west Figures lor Cash. Examine the Stock of HUGHES & FOLSOM —DEALERS IN— Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hats, Shoes & Furnishing Goods &c. —oQo— JlK^If you have but a single dollar to spend you should get t ie value of IOC* seats for it, and receive iht same courteous at , tendon as if yon were spending a hnnd re! or a thousand dollars. Sffi CS, Try ES, Trade Yltfa ES, IFJUO. lUMil