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Whatever we do to help human
ity either by prevention or cure
is a positive asset to the age, and
should be so recognized at once.
The question of too much em
phasis or stress on “things which
cause the downfall of boys and
men” is a strange utterance for
one to make who is interested in
human welfare. Are we to under
stand that people are to keep silent
on these things? Verily I say unto
you nay. “To him that knoweth
to do good and doeth it not, to him
ii is 6in.”
This is no time to condone sin
or sinful habits. He who engages
in habits leading to the weakening
of the body, which is the temple of
God, is only courting his own de
struction at a premature date. “He
that defies the temple of God, him
will God destroy.”
16 it right then to speak out a-
gainst present-day wrong?
Conviction is a great thing, but
prevention is a greater and better
It is a worthy cause to nurse
back to health and strength one
who has been afflicted by any
given malady. It is, in my humble
opinion, even a greater blessing if
that malady can be entirely avoid
If there is a danger lurking in a
given community, and some one
knows it and sounds the alarm, the
probabilities are many will avoid
it because of the warning having
been given.
Thousands of people will bless
forever the names of those who
sounded the note of warning to
We are told in an old reliable
Book that “He that taketh warn
ing shall deliver his soul.”
So far as I am concerned it is
more in keeping with my concept
ion of personal duty to be true to
my convictions than to palliate
evil for the sake of popular ap
If a burglar is in the house ready
to do his work of depredation it
cannot be reported to police head
quarters any too soon.
If a mad dog is running at large,
it cannot be killed too quickly.
If any evil practice is existing
anywhere shall we do less than in
former instances?
Some one says “It’s their own
business. Don’t interfere with it.”
It’s wonderfully interesting loj
note how easily some folks can ex-1
cute themselves from taking any i
part in a thing for fear of enfringe-
ment upon personal liberty. God I
save us from such a cowardly fear!
It is never popular to speak
against the pet sins cherished habits
of long standing with men.
Men always have sought to just
ify themselves for actions in person
al conduct.
Frequently if a man is quite a
slave to the use of tobacco he will
say “I had rather smoke here than
If he is unfortunate enough to be
a chewer of the weed, and you
touch him on his sore spot, he is
apt to say, “I know its a filthy
habits. Even a hog wouldn’t touch
it ; but I chew it just the same.
Which of us is most like a hog?”
So there you are. He feels he has
put one over on you.
I used to hear a man preach occa
sionull who says “fellows who chew
and smoke won’t sit on front seats
in heaven.”
My theory is a clean life. A
clean life is more likely to be a
robust and healthy life. Keep ihe
body clean. Keep the heart clean,
for out of it are the issues of life. If
life issues from a clean source
results naturally follow.
If bad habits are an ornament is
what we need, then why discour
age them? But you say it isn’t
appearance that counts, its custom.
I understand now. It’s wrong for
young people to do such things,
but it will be alright by and by
when they get a little older. In
other words it’s a process of evolu
tion which would not be complete
without indulgence. Society frowns
on them at first, but smiles on them
later on when the habit becomes!
more fully matured. !
Many have sought to find a cure!
for habits. Some have found them, \
Whal will prove effective for one, |
will often fail with another. 1 have*
seen men who have taken the I
“Keely Cure,” and were cured. I
have known others to try the same
thing and fail. I have known men
to use the “Gold Cure” and were
cured. Others have tried the same
thing and failed. 1 have known
men to take a big dose of resolut
ion, mixed with a few grains of
common sense, and it did the work.
Then better still than any of these
is the Calvary Cure, “without mon
ey and without price,” and who
soever will may come.
Prevention is better than cure
for the following reasons :
1. There is no waste of time
when a thing has been prevented
that would have been a calamity
should it have happened. Time
is one of the most valuable assets
ir. life. You might truthfully say
time is the stuff out of which life
is made.
2. There is no waste of money
when a disaster has been averted.
We often hear people say I would
have given ail I am worth rather
than had my boy become a drunk
ard or my daughter a notorious
character. There is no real father
or mother wishes anything but the
best possible for their children.
Money spent in the prevention of
such things is money well invested
every time.
3. There is no disgrace attaches
to the prevention of moral and
spiritual disaster, hence it is better
than the cure of such misfortune in
4. There is nothing to regret
when some malady or misfortune
has been averted, therefore it is
better than cure.
5. There is no fear for the par
ents or child of a dreadful judg
ment to be melted out to one who
has come clear ot danger ahead be
cause of having chosen the proper
course in lile. Let me suggest that
we do all we can along the lines of
both cure and prevention but that
the emphasis be placed on the best
things of life in such a manner
that speculation along questionable
lines will not make such a strong
appeal to the youth of our land,
and there will be less need of the
curative as the prevention of these
baneful practices finds itself gain
ing the ascendancy.
* Industrial School Journal.
Can Yon Imagine A Time When TR* Future Citizen Will P* 4 Tkwc of The Patt?~~We