Daily true democrat. (Augusta, Ga.) 1860-18??, November 17, 1860, Image 4

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DAILY TRUE DEMOCRAT. COURT CALENDAR FOR 1860. ft* VIHRB BT IRC HBVTHKRX RECORDEIt. *iPPERIOR COiRTS. JANUARY. 1 JULY. 4 Moadav, Chatban lit Monday, KUyd M Molay, Floy* iik Monday, Lumpkin 4tk Nfoaday, Richmond AUGUST. Lumpxia* U Clark FEBRUARY. Campbell lit Monday, Clark Dawson, Id Monday, Campbell pi Moadai, Forsyth law so a Glascock M Monday Forsyth Meriwether Glascock Walton Meriwether Jtk Maaday, Baldwin Walton Jackson 4th Monday, Baldwin Monroe Jackson Paulding Monroe Taliaferro Paulding i Walker Taliaferro Thursday after, Pieice Walker SEPTEMBER. MARCH. Hst Monday, Appling st Tr>>uUy, Pieice, Chattooga at Mfiahy. Appling i Cherokee Chattooga Columbia Cherokee Coweta Coweta Crawford Columbia Madison Crawford Marion Gwinnett 1 Moigan Madison Monday, Butts Marion Cass Morgan Coffee \ Monday. Butts Elbert Cass Fayette Coffee Greene F.lbert Gwinnett Fayette Pickens Greene Washington Pickens Webber Washingtonfcld Mondar, Cobb Webster Hall dMr nosy Cbb Hart Hall Heard Hart Macon Heard Newton Macon Putnam Newton j Talbot rutnam Ware Talbot Bulloch Tatnall ‘4th Monday, Clay Ware Clinch Krl*\ aftes Bulloch Emanuel 4m .Monday Clay, Lee Clinch, Muscogee Emanuel i Twiggs Lee White Twigg Wilkes White jMond'v after t E . , Wilkes J 4th Monday \ Lchol ” Ub Thursday, Montgomery. M-iod’y after [ EehoD OCTOBER. Vb Monday f fctfingham Ist Monday, Carroll APRIL. I Dooly &. Monday Carroll j Early Dooly Kultan Early Gilmer Fulton Gordon Gordon Taylor Pike Warren Rabun Wilkinson Taylor Tuesday after, Pike Warren Wedn\Ty 44 Rabun Wilkinson >Jd Monday, Charlton }d Mcnduy Charlton Fannin Hatwrsham Habeiahom Hancock Hancock Harris Harris Laurens Laurens Millei Miller Scriven Scriveii Sumter Sumter Twubos) after Mclntosh 3d Momdsv, Camden trf Monday Camden Franklin Franklin Haralson Haralson Henry Henry Jefferson Jell- i son * Jones Jones ‘ Murray Libci ty Oglethorpe Murray Pulaski Oglethorpe Stewart Pulaski Union Blew art Worth Worth Thursd’y aft’r Montgomery ThnnuP) ufl'i,Bryan \ Wayne Wayne 4th Monday, Banks thMrndny. Banks Decatur Decatur DeKalb UeKalb Glynn Glynn Houston Houston Jasper Jasper Lincoln Lincoln Polk Polk Schley Schley Tattnall Whitfield Towns Wilcox Whitfield hursd'y ufter.lrwin Wilcox nday altar, Telfair Thursd’y after,lrwin tonday after Berrien Friday after, Telfair MAT. st Monday, Clayton NOVEMBER. Gilmer Ist Monday Berrien Randolph Clayton Upson Effingham Mrrday Bibb Milton Burke Randolph Catoosa Upson Chatham ‘2d Monday, Bibb Fannin Burke Mitchell Catoosa Monday Chattahoochee Mitchell Quitman 3d Monday. Chattahoochee Spalding Quitman Troup | Spalding Union ! Troup Baker Baker 4thVndiiy Calhoun ,4th Monday, Calhoun Dad* Dade Muscogee Terrell Terrell Thursday afte-, Mclntosh Towns Monday after, Colquitt Lair Mcnduy, Col.juitt do. do. Liberty JUNK. Moud’y aft’r, Liberty,Bryan Ist Monday Lowndc? DECEMBER. Doufftierty Ist Monday, Dougherty Miiton Lowndes and Monday, brooks nJd Monday, Johnson Johnson Brook 3 4 Monday, Thomas pd Monday, Thomas k Monday Richmond •The bill changing the lime for holding the Superior fourt-s for Lumpkin county, contained also a section regulating the service of Jurors for said county, and a tcftion attaching the same to the Western Circuit It passed the Senate in this shape, but the House struck out all except the section regulating the Jurors, and the Senate concurring in the amendment, the Superior Bourts for Lumpkin county have not been changed, and the county In still attached to the Blue Kldge Circuit. ESTABLISHMENT. KMICUU, TAYLOR, DIYIYE k I'll, Of'rct LAFAYETTE UML , Broad Street, be tmern Jneknon and Campbell Street. AHil STA, LA. c o HAVING bought out the Job Printing Office of Jbrkmiai! Morutis, to which we have made largo additions of HEW & BEAUTIFUL TYPE, Wo nro troll prepared t - do every description cf BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, “in as neat style as any other office in the State, such as Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Cards, Bill Hoad . Circulars, Labels. Receipts. Freight Lints, Way Bills, Cotton Receipts, Railroad Receipts, Scale Books, Bank Checks, Ball Tickets, Notes, Ac. AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF & SACT mWTmQ” Wc shall constantly make new additions t<* our already extensive Job Department. Being piao tiral printers, and having had long experience in every department of the ‘‘art preservative of all arts,” wo Ratter ourselves that we shall bo able to - give full sat in faction to all who may favor us with their patronage. All work shall he done neatly, correctly, and with despatch, and at os tuio print ns any other establishment in the city. A go-d supply of all kinds of LAW BLANKB. to suit all the Courts f Georgia, kept constantly on hand, for Milo. Augusta, Ga., July 18, 1860. DISSOLUTION. Thu Co-partnership of DOBEY A MOSHER, in the lintel business at the United States Hotel, was dissolved on tl c 29th of last June, by mutual consent. August 24, dtf FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. BENJAMIN & GOODRICH, 265 Broad Bt., Augusta, Ga. 265. We are now receiving anew and good assortment of FURNITURE, made ex pressly for us, by the best manufactors, and the STYLE, QUALITY and PRICES CANNOT BE EXCELLED BY ANY HOUSE In this City or State. Stock consists of ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY,and WALNUT PARLOR SETTS; MAHOGANY, OAK and WAL NUT DINING ROOM SETTS; MA HOGANY, WALNUT and PAINTED CHAMBER SETTS. SIDE-BOARDS, CENTRE TABLES, CARD TABLES, HAT RACKS, TETE-A-TETES, FRENCH BEDSTEADS, EXTENSION TABLES, SAFES, COTTAGE BEDSTEADS, WARDROBES, RECLINING CHAIRS, FRENCH WORK TABLES, BUREAUS, WHAT NOTS, BOOK CASES, WASH STANDS, TEA POYS, DESKS, CANTIBURYS, SIDE AND CORNER ETANZA, LOUNGES, &c., &c. ALSO A large Stock of Parlor, Dining Room, COTTAGE and Rocking CHAIRS, different styles and quality. WiiHMW SHADES, GILT, VELVET BORDERED and LANDSCAPE—New and Hand some Patterns; WINDOW CORNICES, CURTAIN BANDS and LOOPS. ALSO A large Stuck of Mahogany and Gilt LOOKING GLASSES, LOOKING GLASS PLATES, of every size ; nair, Moss, Palm Leaf and Cotton MATTRESSES: PUTNAM SPRING BEDS, the best in use. UggrWll kinds of FURNITURE MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done with neatness and dispatch. oet3B dftwtf Furniture Ware I*oolll. 0. A. PLATT & CO, 214 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia We invite attention to our large and general assortment of FURNITURE. Many of our patterns are entirely NEW. and made lip expressly for our trnde; and can confidently say that our arrangements arc such for the Manufaetuie and Sale of everything in our line, thut we can olfer inducements unequalled by any House in the Southern country. PARLOR, DINING ROOM and CHAMBER FURNITURE, in every variety, and Uphol stered in Broeatelle, Hair Cloth, and Rep; Enameled CHAMBER and COTTAGE SETTS ; TETE-A-TETES, WARDROBES; BUREAUS. WASHSTANDS, SIDEBOARDS, HAT RACKS, WHAT-NOTS ; Cottage and French BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES, EXTENSION TABLES, BOOK-CASES, DESKS, Ac. A LARGE STOCK OF P 11& AND MANTLE MIRRORS. HALL, DINING, PARLOR, OFFICE. RECLINING, ROCKING and FANCY CHAIRS, in every variety. HA lib MOSS AND COTTON MATTRESSES. SPUING BEDS, OF EVERY STYLE NOW IN USE Repairing, in all its Branches, executed with Neatness and Dispatch, oods Packed and Bent to the Depots, or Hamburg, Free of Charge. sept 29-6 in Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! C. A. PLATT & CO., Respectfully invite the attention of purchasers to their extensive stock of New ami Benutifu Patterns, which has been selected with great care, and will be sold at the smallest possible cost, on ■wai&.s-zs.a-cx Our Stock consists of Medallion Velvet Carpets; Crossley’s English Velvet and Brussels Car pets; Imperial Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpets; Cotton, llemp and Venetian Carpets. 4'ruiiib Cloths, Unis and ita every Variety. In our CURTAIN DEPARTMENT, we have a large and beautiful assortment. Many of our styles have been imported direct from Europe, and we can confidently commend our Goods for inspect ion, us affording the very best assortment ever offered in this market. BROCATELUS.ami tSATIN DELAINES, in new designs; DAM ASK'S, in nil qualities and colors; Lace, Muslin and Nottingham CURTAINS—some very cheap; CENTRE TASSELS. LOOPS, GIMPS, PICTURE TASSELS, CORDS, Ac.; WINDOW SHADES, iu every design ; CORNICES, PINS and BANDS, u full assortment. Os all widths, which we will Cut and Put Down without extra charge, and guaranteed to fit Claiming to be the oldest Carpet House in the city, we respectfully invite an inspection of our Goods and can safely promise that our stock of Carpets is fresh and new, having but a few pieces left over from last year; so we hope those desiring to purchase will give us a call, as we never consider an inspection of our Goods impose an obligation. Curtains ami Carpets made up with Dispatch AND WARRANTED TO PLEASE C. A. Platt & Cos., ORIGINAL CARPET HOUSE, 211 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. sep2y-6m • Kaaffer, Baum & Cos., DRY GOODS DEALERS, Under the Augusta Hotel, Augusta. Ga. Would inform their numerous customers that their stock of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS is in store now. Novelties are added weekly by every steamer. Our Store is the Largest in Georgia! O NOBODY CAN UNDERSELL US!! Having another Dry Goods establishment in New York, and a resident partner in the Northern market, buying exclusively for CASH, are reasons enough that our facilities cannot be surpassed by any other Southern house. TO PLANTERS We would say, that we sell our BLANKETS, KERSEYS, LINSEYS, OSNA BURGS, MARLBOROS, HOMESPUNS, etc., at Factory Prices ! As an extra bargain we quote : Colored Silks 50 to 75c. All Wool DeLaines, new styles.... 45, 50, 600. Poplins, elegant patterns $1 00 to 1 26 Woolen Plaids 12$, 18|, 25c. Woolen Plains, double width 25c. Paramattas, all quality 124 c New DeLaines, worth 25 cents 12$c. 0* Opera Flannels, in all colors 50, 62$c. Red Wool Flannels 20c. Kentucky Jeans 18|o. Satinets 87$, 50c Fast Colored Calicoes Bc. Shirts and Drawers, from 60c up All Linen Towels 12$c. Embroidered Bands 25, 30, 40,50 c. do. Collars 12$, 25, 30 and up Boys Collars 10, 150. Embroidered Sets (Collars and Sleeves) 750- All Linen Handkerchiefs 75c. per doz. All Linen Handkerchiefs, hem-stitched $2.50 to $3 per doz. Ladies’ Merino Vesta 75c, $1 French Corsets 75c., $1 and up Porte Monnais 25, 37, and 50e etc., etc-, etc. Our Manufactory in Cloaks, (THE ONLY ONE IN THE SOUTHERN STATES,) Produces everything that is new, comfortable and becoming. Ladies’ and Chil drens’ Cloaks made to Order. oC?”Cloaks cut and fitted by an experienced lady. KA IJFFER, BA UM & CO., UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, seplfi-tt Augusta, Ga. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. ; rpHE MARKED and ever extending popularity of SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES—both in A America and Europe—in such as best to establish their superiority over all others in the market, i Sewing Machines—so-cai.lf.d —may bo bought, it is true, for a smaller amount of dollars, but it is ! mistaken economy to invest anything in a worthless or unreliable article, and those who will do so ! must abide the consequences. Singer’s. New Family Machines. In order to place thu best Family Machine in tlio world within the reach of all, we have reduced our letter. A Mnchine beautifully ornamented—to S6O; plain SSO. Singer's No. 1 and 2 Standard Shuttle Machines,.both of very general application and Capacitv and popular both in the family and manufactory. Prices reduced, respectively from $135 atid $l5O to S9O and SIOO. Sihger’s Standard Shuttle Machine, for carriage makers and heavy leather work price, complete, $125. Also, to complete the list, u’l entirely new article, unequalled for manufac turing purposes ; NOISEI.KBS, RAPID, and capable of every kind of work I Price, including iron stand and drawers, sll0 —cheaper at that, in view of its value, than the Machine of any other Maker as a gift. All of Singer's Machines make the interlocked stitch with two threads, which is -ho best stitch known. Every person desiring to procure full and reliable information about Sewing Machines, their sizes, prices, working capacities, and the best methods of purchasing, can obtain it by sending for a copy of I. M. SINGER A CO.’S GAZETTE, which is a beautiful pictorial paper, ontirely devoted to the subject. It will bo supplied gratis. Tho above are the net cash prices—transportation from the New York office to tho place of sale, will ho charged. I. M. SINGER A CO., 182 j Broad-street, Augusta, Ga. jy!9-tf M. COHEN, Agent. RAMSEY & LABAW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING! HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, &C. 308. BRO STREET, 308. (Brown Stoue Building, opposite the Union Bank, and nearly opposite the Planters’ Hotel,) Our Clothing is WELL MADE, and is of the most fashioxble kind. Having superior facilities for manufacturing, they will be sold CHEAP. oct2l-diw2m ! fIBGHSTADEI£CTIV£ POLICE AUEICY JOSEPH B. RAMSEY HAVING been elected and duly qualified loac as Constable and Detective Agent, will de I vote his entire attention to the Detection of RUN I AW AYS AND FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE, especially those who have committed frauds upon I BANKS, INSURANCE AND RAILROAD COM PAN IBS, MERCHANTS, Ac.; will collect Notes and Accounts, and assist Attorneys in pi oeuriu l ’ Evidence, Ac.; will arrest and return Criminal. i. any part of the United States. ■ READ QUARTERS, AUGUSTA, GA. Office on Jackson Street, near Warren Block. Al Orders left at tho Office, or with A. D. Picquist, J. I\, will be promptly attended t*. Refers, by consent— Hon. Foster Blodoet, Jr., Mayor C. A. Hon. Bexj. Conley, Ex-Mayor C. A. Hon. Geo. W. Evans, “ “ “ James M. Dye, Esq. Edwin Richards, Recorder C. A. Messrs. Scranton A Zimmerman. Hon. Bknj. H. Warren. William M. Beall. Augustus D. Picqukt, J. P, Augusta, July 19, 1860, ts .A. BOOK FOR THE TIMES. ®Twm fossae ti THE FATE oT’THE UNION. THE übore named work was written by James M. Smythe, the present Editor of Tiie True Democrat*. Already it has had an extended circulation, and it has been pronounced the BOOK FOR THE TIMES. In comparison with the “Helper Book” we can only say —“Look on this pic- j ture, a**'} then on that.” SOMERS,” though dressed in a garb of pleasing romance, is yet one of the strongest ! arguments on the slavery question that has ever yet been published. Send immediately for a copy of this work. Price sl, and sent free of postage. Address H. D. NOR R ELL, Publisher. uvtlo-tf AUCUSTA, GEORGIA. MEDICAL College of Georgia AT AUGUSTA, GA. flllll’: goth REGULAR COURSE OF LEC JL TURKS will begin on MONDAY’, the sth of November next : but there will he u Preliminary , Course, beginning two weeks previous to the Reg ular Course. Anatomy—H. F. Campbell, M. I). Surgery—L. A. Dug ah, M. D. Chemistry—Joseph Jones, M. D. Pr.M'-i.v—L. D. Ford, M. 1): Physiology m l Pathological Anatomy—H. \ M. Miller. M. ]>. Obstetrics—J. A. Eve, M. D. Materia M**dica, Thorapcutirs and Medical Ju risprudence—l. P. Garvin, M. D. Adjunct Prof, of Obstetrics— Rob’t Campbell M. D. Prosector to Professor of Anatomy—S. 11. Sim mons, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy —ll. W. D. Ford, M. D. Assistant Demonstrator—J. L. Coleman, M. D. Curator Museum—T. P. Cleveland, M. D. The Anatomical Rooms have been re-arranged, and will bo opened to Students at the beginning of the Course. For further particulars, apply to sep6-d3xwtd I. P. GARVIN, Dean. NEW GOODS, DRY GOODS! iMUi liras,. TO BE FOUND AT SAMUEL DICKEY’S STORE, Broad Street. Angnita. (Nr. CLOAKS VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKLS OF THE MOST AT SAM’L DICKEY’S, SHAWLS ! STELLA PRINTED, PRINTED CASHMERE, SCOTCH PLAIDS, L CHENILLE AND GRAY.’ These, with an extensive variety of othor Fab rics, will be sold much below the usual prieo at SAM’L DICKEY’S, IRISH POPLIN. THE REAL krisi mmmmnm TO BE HAD AT SAM’L DICKEY’S HOOPSKiRTS EMBRACING ALL THE FAVORITES MOW TO THE I. A DIES, AT SAM’L DICKEY’S, HOSIERY ! 500 DOZEN Ladies’ White, Slate, Brown, and Mixed JKkStR from 75 cents to $6 per dozen. 500 DOZEN Men’s Half HOSE, from 75 cents t 6 $6 per Jt*eJ| 250 DOZEN Misses’ HOSE, well assorted. 150 DOZEN Beys’ HOSE, assorted. A full supply of Gentle men's MERINO VESTS and DRAWERS, at VERY LOW PRICES, at SAM’L DICKEY’S, IHBiililllEi. . _I P ‘hi, .Ir.pjuijaac 1a kw>. r td. -- The Ladies are assured that the Latest Styles, from the best foreign markets, and of the host mu tonal, are amongst the following articlos: Jaonnett and Swiss EDGINGS and INSERT ING S; Jaconett BANDS and FLOUNCINGS; COLLARS, of the most beautiful Needle Work : Swiss and Jaconett SETTS, without limit, and will he sold at exceedingly MODERA TE RRICE-E SAM’L DICKEY’S, 80*18! THE STOCK IS LARGE AND VARIED, CONSISTING, IN I'ART, OF PLAIN BLACK SILK, BLACK AND CHINCE BROCADES. BROCADES AND STRIPES, ROBES 7 VOLANTES, DOUBLE SKIRTS, STRIPES AND BAYADERES, WHITE, PINK, SKY, AND LAVENDER. Groat care and attention was devoted in select ing the above, so as to.procure the most desirable Goods for the Augusta market, which can new be had at SAM’L DICKEY’S, DRESS GOODS ! OTTOMAN POPLINS, GRISSEI.LES; FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS ; DELAINES, COBUROS, PARAMATAS; ALPACCAS, AND BOMBAZINES. All of which will be SOLD CHEAP, AT SAM’L DICKEY’S, WHITE S6OM. JACONETT, SWISS, NAINSOOK, MULL; BISHOP AND VICTORIA LAWN ; LINEN CAMBRIC. With a large stnek of real Irish LINEN, import ed direct to myself, which fact will insure a lu-ge saving in price to purchasers, at SAJtt’i. DICKEY’S. DOMESTIC GOODS. This department is well worth a call from per sons desirous of buying; FLANNELS, BLANKETS, SHIRTINGS; SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASING. COTTONS j TOWELS, TICKINGS, LINENS; BLEACHED AND BROWN DAMASKS. Quality and price should be an objeot to all Housekeepers, and if so, both can be realised at SAM’L DICKEY’S, In this line, I challenge competition, and sim ply say that I discount my own paper at 8 per cent., which enables me to soli Negro Goods cheaper than any other house which buys on credit. My stock is large, and consists of OBNA BURGS, BLANKETS, KERSEYS, PLAINS. SAM’L DICKEY’S, oct2o-tl BROAD STRRE