The tri-weekly Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1868-1873, May 17, 1870, Image 1

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j THE WEEKLY KEPUBUCAN. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Tri-YYeckly, One Year, 18 00 | ShMouUffi, 400 •• Thieo Month*, 200 ^^TAYABLEAMVAYHINADVANCI^^ i Professional Cards. J. L McDonald, DontlBt. AMERTCUS, • • GEORGIA. Office—Oret Wenthrimef’* «tnre, “‘Hr T.-rm*—Modemle,botetrlrtlj cmh. j wiMk. num * ™' !<K r - 1 HAWKINS & BURKE. Attornoy* a4 X* aW * Volume 5—Number 95. 'AMERICDS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1870.- Whole Number 695. oct22tf America?, Georgia- • —~ HAxreL Lum*Kix. CJIAULM T. OOODI- I Goode & Lumpkin,; ATTORIfF.TS ATLAW, ; A «.nricti» , oorgin. j W ILL practice in all the connUce ol the j ttonthveetern CSrenitand in tte mantle, of wart. w sr'vJ& «.15£S,W»: ; Davenport’s Drugstore, jan 27 ti. j Jno D. CARTER, J i\ T'PftfiS &Y AT iff A W J Americas, Georgia. office in Americas Hotel building, comer of I jinar and College streets. may 18 tr. merIrelcauSway, ; Attorney At Ziaw, X. p. *jm Ex-OfT. J. P. Americus,. Georgia, j lar Ofiico at Court House. June 20 ti ,U,M rORT. BEO. P. HOLLIS [ FORT & HOLLIS, fiTT&HSSYS A? ItAWtj Americas, Georgia. JOHN R. WORRILL, attorney at raw. AMERICUS, CA. “WOE UNTO HUH THAT NEH < HfiftolcJcuk, ‘ *: U Oil, yo wito sell the liquid fire*, To madden and destroy— That withers every budding liopo And blaeta each household joy— . Oh! think awhile—have you not hearts To feel for human woo V All may not have the strength of mind. Temptation to forego. The seed ye plant is bringing A harvest, oh, how dread; Tis watered with the bitter tears By uives and mothers (died: Ohl stop, 1 pray, and view its fruit, Tin ripening at thy door; - Then place before thy fellow man Thu damning bowl no more, nave yon no food no kmng one. Who round your heart strings twine, Whoso life may reap tlte bitter fruit Planted by baud of thine 7 Go look upon thy prattling boy. And pat his noble bead ; Bnt oh, remombur, though he's l*»rn. Vet, yet he is not dead. . That poor, forsaken, reeling one, Was once a noble boy— The pride of some fond sister’s heart. Some mother's household joy. How can yon stand and gaze upon Yonr quivering victims here, And think that at the bar of Gun With them ye most appear? Ye men of God, why will ye stand In silence all the day, Nor raise yonr voices lond and strong. To do this tin away? Your sluggish blood so slowly flows, Or, stagnant as a pool, Youv’e learned to live and think, and f And speak, perchonco by rule. Go reach to him a helping hand, And bid him hope onco more, j Nor by yonr cold indifference | Thoa aid to sink him lower. Oh bid him stop—this moment stop _ , . lie's jnst on rain’s brink; [ Another step, and ’neath the wave* Of infamy he’ll sink. Tale from the German. JACK BROWN, A ttoruoy at X«aw, AMERICUS, GA. f t*. Office iu Court House with Judge SUn- feblG tf. N. A. SMITH, Attornoy at Zj a w, W ILL practice intho Courts of Sumter and adjoining Counties, and in Circuit Court of ibli- In that beantifnl part of Germany which borders on the Rhine, therein a noble casetle which, as yon travel on the wes tern banka of the river, you may see lift ing its ancient towers on the opposite aide, above the grovo of trees which are abont as old as itself. About forty years ago, there lived in that castle, a noble gentleman, whom we shall call Baron.— The Baron had an only son, who was not only a comfort to hi* father bnt a bless ing to all who lived on his father’s land. It happened on a certain occasion, that this young man being from borne, there came a French gentleman to. sec the old Baron. -As soon as this gentle man came into the castle, he began to talk of his Heavenly Father, in terms that chilled the old inan’abloodt on which the Baron reproved him saying, “Are yon not afraid of offending God. who reigns above, by speaking in snch a man ner?’ The gentleman said he knew nothing about God, for he liad never seen him. The Bsron did not notice at this time what the gentleman said, bnt the next morning took him abont the castle and grounds, and took occasion first to show a very beautiful picture which hung on i the wall. The gentleman admired the picture very much and said, “Whoever drew that picture knows very well how to use S ncil.” y son drew that picture," said the Baron. “Then yonr son is a very clever man,* replied the gentleman. The Bsron then went with his visitor into the garden, and showed him many beantifnl flowers, plants and forrest trees. “ Who has the ordering of the garden?” said the gentleman. ‘My son,* replied the Bsron, ’heknows every plant, I may say. from the Cedar of Lebanon to the hissop on the wall.* * Indeed,’ said the gentleman, T shall think very highly of him soon.’ The Baron then took him into the village, and showed him a small, neat cottage, where his son had established a school, and where he caused all the poor children, who had lost their parents, to be received and nourished at his own -•-TRRM»^«’RHGKimON- f OnS Y«r„... • ■ - * ■■'■*** lonth.,. a co TJhre. Koat!», , v ,....... 1 (0 M. RAIMENTS ALWAYS 10 REMADE ISABYAMCE..^.-. [Joy to the World ! j Washington .college, jjfew Spring and Summer Goods” Virginia. _ >, ~. r ,~ . m. heyman I bro., Hotel Buildmg,PublicSqiiare, ;i AMEEIC t A. AN ANTIDOTE DX9COYXUZD AT LAST TON ‘ . CHILLS AND FEVERS. VflHB celebrated Holton HD, mennbefared by JL Dr. H. C. Baity, at Americus, Georgia, u undoubtedly the beat medicine yet discovered for the oore of the different forma of malarious fevers, such as chips and fever, fan* and ague, intermittent or bUkma remittent fever*, and ail forms of diaeaao having a malarious origin. Sold by Druggist* and Dealers Generally. CERTIFICATES. WnwAubliyyou, i _ with complete sums. My daughter had chill after taking them acourdiotg todke^m. AMtmcus, Geobuia. i>r.H. C. Bailey—Dear Sir: I have used yonr Holton’s Pills in several esaaa of chills, one of which was of nearly a year’s standing, and have A SERMON. My lv-oarers, I shall draw forth the horns of my argument from the follow ing hymn : This world is all a fleetin’ show To man’s illusion given; Never aspire where you can’t set.. Or to the airth you’ll fall. I agree with the tavern keeper, who said when the circus company sloped without pavin' him for grub and grog, “this world is all a fleetin’ show,” and I also side with the hungry man, who cried out in the bnstin* agony of his heart, when he saw a cooked pig’s head shockin' in the magic lantern, that it is “for man’s illusion given! My friends! you wrap yonr feelings around the rotten things * “ rid oven as monkeys do their District Courts fct Savannah. Particular atten- tails around the unsound lim1)S of old lion given to collections. Office—comer College tress '"‘ 1 ,teSS5f tW,, ’ OI " 0r ’" , “ n,5rAC °''' j When yon get high up, you find your I honey-bee holler turns out to be a hor- ! net’s nest, niul when those little flying oiled States. aar Office on College street, next to itepnbl in office. febSatf. S. EL HAWKINS, A ttorney-at-Law, AMUUCU9, OA., Will continue to practice in Sumter and adjoin- { iug counties, ana in United States Circuit and | 9 .. 18 J. A. ANSLEY, | net's nest, and wnen those little flying belzebub’s commence pokin’ their sharp A-ttorney-atLaw!^-^^ " Amorlems, vs-a., | pan, yonr tail gets untwisted, or the limb Will practise in the Courts of Southwestern | breaks, that you have grabbed as tight as Georgia and in the United States Con ns at 8a- ; a leather sucker does a brickbat, and you P^^S^Sd’Sfi^ f-U. eowHol | op, upon tlu, broken gU ve«ligation of titles. A large assortment or legal j bottles, which arc always strewed under nlauks always on band. dec23tf the pizen Upas tree of pleasnre ! Oh ! j the vanity of desirin’ tho slippery paths in every case. I be- exceilent medicine. AV. A. WILSON. Ajod.uvn, Georgia. Dr. II. C. B.uixy —Dear Sir; Ihavo used tho Holton Pilla in my family with marked and sat isfactory results. If taken Recording to direo- Uona, they will break up chills of loug standing, with an almost certainty of their not returning. ^ T. M. FURLOWT Axzaiccs, C Dr. H. C. Ihuunr—Dear Sir: l haveuseJ^the Holton Pills with my plantation hands, with en tire satisfactory results. I am awe they will cure tho chills when taken according to direc tions. inar2t-€m-i A. S. CUTTS. 0) 7 k <0 o rck i o 2 §5 m- 2 M t, E W E A X> "R*R OWN this airtli—You run after cm, you pant J - > -Lvv/ vv -L.W 9 y OU blow, the perspiration runs down ATTORNEY AT LAW, j yon like soapsuds in a washing machine, America., Georgia, j jroor body-covered ^griLLgive^juompt attention to all ‘ George W. Wooten, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, /Lmorious, • ■ ■ Go. Over 1L T. Byrd’s utore.janlStf GEORGE W. KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND General Agent for tbe aalo and purchase a* *f land in Southwest Georgia. Investigat ing titlcH strictly adhered to. Will faithfully afc- t* n«l to all hnHinoaa entrusted to his care. Starkville, I/ee eounty, Oa. novlltf JOSEPH ARMSTRONG, Attomcyat Law, ALBANY, OEOROLA. i so ditto behind! All yonr precautions with the prick- heat of anxiety, and your feet with the sot comer of caro and disappointment. And what are all these sufferings for ? What makes your nose bleed, and what makes your blood boil like hot pitch at a tar gatherin ? Why you’ve been running after the great, shout of mammon ! His tail has been dipped in Satan’s lord kittle, when yon think yon’vo got him foul— when you’ve poured tho ashes of vexa tion on yonr palms, when you’ve dipped yonr fingers into the sand glne of expe rience and wisdom, so that tbev’ll stick fast and no mistake, the enssed critter S 'ves a grant like the bastin’ of a bhid- *r, and his tail slips through your paws like geese greased lightenin.’ Oh, my beloved hearers ! how awful is yonr sitnatiou in that particular time! —You see tho hog that you’re l>een ran- nin’ after all your bora days way on in this houso looked so innocent and happy, that the French gentleman was very much pleased, and when he returned to the castle, he said to thr Baron. ‘What a happy man yon are, to have a good son.’ How do you know I have a good son?* ‘ Because I have seen his works, and I know that he must be both good and clever if he has done all you have shown me.’ ‘But you have never seen him.’ ‘No, bnt I know him very well, because I judge of him by his works.’ ‘ Yon do; and now please to draw near to this window, and tell me what you ob serve from thence.’ ‘Why, I see the snn traveling through the sky, and shedding its glories over one of the • greatest countries in the world, and I behold a mighty river at my feet, and a vast runge of woods, and I see past ure grounds, and orchards, and vine yards, and cattle and sheep, feeding in green fields; and many thatched here and there.’ 'And do j on see uny thing to be admir ed in all this? Is there anything pleas ant, or lovely or cheerful in all t-liat is spread before yon?’ 'Do you think I want common sense? or that I have lost tho use of my eyes? my friend.’ said the gentleman somewhat angrily, ‘that Ij should not lhi able to relish the charms of such a scene ns this?’ Well, then/ said the Boron, ‘if you are able to judgd of my son’s good character by seeing his good works, ltow does it happen that you form no judg ment of tho goodness of God, by witness ing smh wonders of His handiwork as are now before you? Let me never hear von, my good friond, again say that you know uot God unless you would have me suppose that you have lost the use of your senses.’* Grold Have just been awarded to Chariee 31. BUeff. at the different Fairs held in the South, in October and Nov.,18G9,for the beat piano* made OTer Bal timore, Philadelphia and New York Piano*. Of fice and wareroora. No 9, Liberty street, above Baltimore street, Baltimore, Mu. Stieff** Pi ano* have all tb* latest improvements,including the Acrafle treble, ivory front*, and the Im proved French Action, folly warranted for five year*, with privilege qf exchange month* if not entirely wtiefir*— Second handed Piano* and ways on band, from 150 to$3u0. Beferewwho have our Piano* in use—Gen. JL & Lee, Lex ington, Va.; Gen. Bobeit Ransom, Wilmington, N. C.; Gen. D. H. Hill, Charlotte, N. C.; Gov. J. Letcher, Lexington, Va.*, Bishop Wilracr* New Orleans; CoL W. T. Wither*, Jackson, Miss.; Orphan’s Home, Lauderdale. Mis*.; Dr. J. H. Bowmar, Vicksburg, Mias.- C. W. Hand, Sum ter, Ga. Mr*. Spaulding, at the City Book Store, Americus. Ga.^ is agent fur’ the xbovo Pianos. Send for a circular containing names of 500persons in the South,who have purchased the Stfcff Piano since the war. may 26 ly. SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS. 9CCtTt GENERAL R. K. LEE, Pbmdbit. j Oxana J. Haksis, A. SL. Profennor of Latin. ' Jambs J. Worn, A. 1L, Professor of Greek. { Edwaed 8. Joyxes, A. M., Professor of Mod-1 *n Language*. ■* Professor Eoglu-L. Ilev.*J. I.. Kiwcvatiutv, D. D., Profemor Moral Philosophy. Wm. Puorrox Jbnnrmr, A M JL Prof. History and ffng*wh Literature. AlzxT lTNxznoir, A. M.,Prof. Mathematic*. Wm. Auow, A. M^PTOfc Applied Mathematic*. Richakd 8. MoCcixocs, A. M. Prof. Natural ^Jomt^L^CAMnsix, A. JL.ProL Chemistry. ■ f Prof. Applied Chemistry, Hon. J. W. Bcocxrxwtouon, LL. D., Professor M. W. HuMnmETK, A. M., Aari Prof.- Latin Modem . DrxcAX C. Lyle, A. M., Asst, l’rof. Matiie- STAPLE Caas. A.Gaavss, A.JL, Ass't TjdL English.! ri\HE subscribers take pleasure in giving notice to their friend* and the pubii; X generally that they are now receiving their 8prmg atock of Goods, which tliej are prepared to offer to tne trade at unprecedented figures. l%e stock is complete. and will compare with any in the city. Was purchased during the great panic, end ”” ' sold at ante-war prices, CONSISTING IN PART AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Oi enrj <i»cripikm. Omi.', Yontk.' uid CHUpiii READY-MADE CLOTHING, [Made to Order and: Warranted the Best ' noo®i & smam S ' ■ v *of' ctny grade and style. Tim Student selects hi* own course or study, under ths advice of his Parents ov of the Facul ty. The several Schools are arranged as to ad* mit of a oowipfote course of study in tho follow ing direction*: 1 Department of Arts, t o which i* attached the Degree of Bachelor of Art*. 2 Departmentof Science, with tha Degree u Bachelor of Science. yiofaBojOpty, with tho Degree «ofiffiSuT b oi o have complct of the Schools, and have taken the highest l tinction in seven of these. 1 Department of Civil Engineering, with the _ iploma of Civil Engineer. 2 Department of Mining Engineering, with the Diploma of Mining Engineer. - and Equity, with the ticaland the regular College dassee. 4- Stndent* 1 Departments in the direction ntyo a taught under the a aunts. Ac., the Faculty. Oeuburga, Special Prlvilegea and Iloiutra | OTiflitial cost As special inducements to diligence, three Gold Medal* and five Honoraiy SchoUrshipa,tlie latter covering tnitiou and College fees, are an nually awarded. Three Masters of Arts are annually appointed as “ Resident Master*/’ with valuable privileges and emolument*. The College educates, free of charge, all can didates for tho Ministry, properly recommended. It appoints to free Scholarship* twenty-five young men intending to make Journalism their la great varietj.. Notions of all kinds. Biddies ami Bridles, assorted. China, Crockery & Glassware, assorted. Genuine Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Guns, Pis tols and Pocket Cutlery. WATCHES AMS JEWEIBY, . ‘ And in fact, everything you may want. Tho stock of ; rl'*iso DRESS GOODS Is unusually large and attractive, entirely new in stylo* amf design*, t<> which31lie attention oi the ladies is particularly invited. In I . LAWNS AND PRINTS WE DEFY COMPETITION ! * and Shirtings at low-pri***. Factory Yarna at profession. It give* a long credit to meritorious young men without mean*. Tho next *e**ioa opens on thelGth September, ami clone* ou tlie 2Ctii June. Necessary expenses need not exceed 1325 per annum. For furtlier iufonuatiou address J. M. LEECH, Clerk of Faculty, •ept 11 tw till juuo. Lexington, Va. COTTON STATES Life Insurance Company. 8tripes, Drown and Bleached Sheetings a t with freight added. Men’s and Boy*'piece and linonjgoqds of ^IbfTads* and price*. Gents’ Summer Cassimeres fn great variety, all of which will be Sold for Cash On the moat reasonable terms, and to which the attention of'pun haters is (KHefl. " H. L. FRENCH & DOSS SHERUNG Are still with tho houso, and take this occasion to return thanks to their respective friends tor past favors, and earnestly solicit a continuance, assuring all that the interest of mtrrhaeera will bo protected, U milE only irtUbla remedy nor offered to yon A for the rn’ i. of those painful and dangerous dbosses to -A liich the female constitution ta sub ject, and which moderate* aD excesses aud Removes all Obstructions, j home offick. mac™, c. I SxScSSHl'S! Chartered bv State of Georgia, j CAPITAL, $500.000! from wbatover malo 111b- J. Clarke, - Queen, by D. IL Fisk, 47 Dey street. New York. To married ladies it is particularly suited. It , will in a short timo bring ou the monthly period i vous and spinal affections, pains in the hack and j of our Best Financiers. i^5eSt t ae^°when l aU^hS tl mwin* 1 hjrro The only company doing buwnew in tho South j foiled. Fall directions in pamphlet around each \ which has package. Observe tho name and copyright of | D. H. Fiske on each package. Awk your drug Being tho motto of thiabaoee. >ltcmember to lodk fbr . ; \l_ .! The Sign of the BID SHOE. M. HEYMAN & BRO. Asnaucca, Maroh 28,1870. Sm R. T. Americus, Ga. SHOES! SHOES! Ayer’s DR. WILLIAM A. GREENE, AMKB1CU8, GKOlUiU. /CONTINUES to serve his friends of Aincricui V and Hnrrounding country iu all tlie depart* monte of his profession. _ aprt»ly Dr. J. B. HINKLE -O o O T fi w-«- ; WHOLESALE! gut. for d!Tfe«Hsas4 fofiim V all druggists, and^b) ^ COOK. At CO., j Deposited with the authorities of tlie Stato | Georgia for the protection of policy lioldeni. I Policies upon all the various plans of insurance ! issued. ! A Loan, of 50 per Cent Of tho premium given when desired. All Policies Jion-Forffeitalilp. NO RESTRICTIONS AS TO RESIDENCE OR TRAVEL. CTBICTT.Y HOME COMPANY, heretofore bestowed upon him. *9* Special attention given to Surgery. Head-quarters at the Drug Store of Dr. E. J. -Jdridge. Beaideace fronting that of Ilev. J. W. Jonlan. June 8 tf Dr. S. B. HAWKINS. JJI OFFICE at Dr. Eld ridge’s Drag Store. lUuldcncc near the Methodist Church. My service* I again tendertbe good people of Anjjigcountry geaendly. D. A. GREENE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HM5EA, IA. T. L. CLARKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. PHEST0N, GEOBOIA. >wUMf. . ' . Dri W. D. COOPER, AFFEHS his professional services to the dti- w rena of Ameriees sad surrounding country. ^ G ®°- F- Cooper. Office-Corner JUahkMnt Mr. TW HureU'^UoU^tfiU. rut M. D. McLEOD, Ameri- Essai&ria 17 E *«!frolyris. feb! have come to what hickory wood will in the winter time, smoke! Yonr trousers are split, yonr shirt dirty, and yonr eyes are streaming like two lie hoppers on a rainy day. Yonr head aches, and yon see the sea turtles and canvass backs rootin’ straight into your skull, Tho fleas of dispondency bite you through the day, ana bed bags as conscience, as big as a sheep, keep you from gnleep at! night. You’re worse than a man with his hand* tied, lying naked inabeyou, without a musketo bar Out of remorse springs just nlxmt ten million muskeetos, with comic stockings on their legs, and angers in their mouths, all borin strait through and through your body, and filling up tho holo with cow itch and skunks cologne. Your situation is too numerous to men tion. The molasses hogshead of gener osity and good feeling is staved in, and the sweet stream of kindness and human ity is mixing with Iho tor, dead dogs aud drunken niggers lying about on the levee of vice and immorality. The Mississippi of love is at low water. The steamboat of prayer and the broed horn of faith, both ! laden with tho rich cargo of the country • j above, get crnelly snagged on the logs of j despair; and both sink deep in the yal- ! ler mud of sin ! tlie catfiahes of hell, which are l»m in the bilin spring of in temperance, float around your brains and the screech-owls of sorrow set ‘boohooin” in the hen roost of yonr hearts. You’re deserted and despised—you’re no more use to the world than a pair' of goggles are to a atone blind man, and yon’ra no more use to yourselves than a problem of Enelid to a nigger baby! Revenue Decision. —The Revenue De partment lias decided that wholesale liqnor dealors, dealing in winee and malt liquors only, are not required to keep the new form book prescribed in special or der 7ft, inasmuch as spirits received and aent out are only to be accounted for. A SHOE FACTORY, ■mppliod with all tho machinery and im provement* of the age. They are folly pre pared to supply merchants 'anywhere with any quantity, and every size*aud quality from a heavy brogau down to the fluent lady** slipper. Their material is of the Best Quality, and will bo put up in tho best btytoof- tho ar Theychallcugecomparison in style, workman ship and price with those brought from any quarter. All are invited to come and examine their stock, and if they do not find all true that they have stated, they will not complain if they do not purcliase. They will also do custom: woi Hair Vigor, i For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at onoo agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, frith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair chocked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tlie hair where the follicles are destroyed, or tbo glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tbo hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean ana vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from thoso deleterious substances which make aomo preparations dangerous, and injurious to the hair, tbo Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a Capital and ’AT HOME. ■eiyesot tho benefit* of life insurance to give it their patronage. The time ha* arrived when every thoughtful isn is disposed to make this wise provision for ipany ou his life. all the ad van- This w tace* which are offered bv like character, with the opportunity of keeping the vast sums in oar own midst, which are an nually sent abroad. People of the Cotton States, Poster Hqirifl Enterprise. ACTIVE AND ENERGETIC Agents Wanted, in Every Town and Csunty in ths Sooth. Address or call on WM. J. MAGILL, Superintendent Agencies. Office: ATLANTA. GEORGIA. OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC A LARGE AND. ’WEtju !}fOCR OF Spring and Summer Goods AT GOLD PRICES! Prints 10 to 15c. cash. | French Organdies, SO to'50c. cash. Printed Lawns, 15 to 25o. cash. | Bleached Homespuns, 10 to 20c. DRESS GOODS, In .qreot variety at very low prieos. A large assortment:oi :a^ 's 7 CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOftOS, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc., All of which will be sold at remarkably low prices for cash. .* IL T. BYRD, mar24-8m 2d door north side Lamar at, Amerieua, Ga. to order at tlie shortest notice. HIDES AND TALLOW WANTED for which tho highout market price will be paid, either in cash, shoes or lertber. The whole concern is Southern, and SOUTHERN PATRONAGE * respectfully Molicited. J. H. Black & Co., ■«w Brick Balldlag, South ■ HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso can be found to dcanblo. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tbo hair, riving it a rich, gloesy lustre rad a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PsaonoAL and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. OFFICERS: William B. Johnson, President. William S. Holt, Vice President. Gao. 8. Obkab, Secretary. John W. Bunks, General Agent. J. Mercer Green, Medical Examine Y T. Davenport, Local AgefrL Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Silver-ware. Flated-W&e, s PECT ACff^, ••• ■ -V '- 1 - • • i-v'.-SB ,2 iJb>< BnJ: ' GoldPens,. n. a. ADAMS, H. K. WASKBUKN, A. A Eaionton, Ot. Saianub. Os. Amateaa,Oa {i^^ai/'n^do k ,—. -’able and 1 er than ever, now tfiat gold arid cotton are down. A* brated Borel k Courvoisier Watches, tho Wonderful ( ing machine, Professor Frank’s and the Diamond Spectacles. We have the finest stock ever brought to this market, and at prioee that defy competition. Watch wm* isl, made a specialty. Watches that have been injured by incompetent work- or otherwise, made as good as new and warranted. , Anyone having a plain WANTED, , FACTOBS . COMMISSIOM j Tea Thousand Pounds of Cotton ^ Ti««^ ; FACTORS fit COMMISSION RAGS j for which cash will bo pakL 1 SAVANNAH,.. i that they wish to ham jetted can have if done in 24 hours f eta, made to order. BUttlT <1 & : JewelryStore,NewHotelBuiiding