The tri-weekly Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1868-1873, May 17, 1870, Image 4

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Wadsworth &, Co*, Itotirw—Co. -«E» X X XX= X X ■ - jg. ’ 4-. A I|i_ L , n ftCF ^*V** ..fqn If X means anything, we have more X goods Dr. Lawrence’s * HIGHLY CONCENTRAT ED FLUID EXTRACT OF Have the prettiest than any house in Americus- DRESS GOODS; 16000 lbs. Choice XXXX HAY, Asfinoaa ever bronght to this market at *2 50 per 100 lbs. 122000 lbs. FLOUR, from 1X to 4 X, Price 88 00 to-&> 50 per Barrel. S&~ The $9 50 Floor we guarantee to give foil satisfaction. If it does not, yon can keep the floor and we will refnnd the monev. MONTGOMERY & Jt . r _ ORTTHE ^EST,BRANDS IN.THE T7Ntt>N. 3,000 lbs. PURE WQTTE •'* i.Tpns. Iron, ICO kgs. Nails,2 doz. Wheelbarrows, 1200 prs. Traces,lO doz. Root HamesJO doz. Ames’ I Shovels & Spades, Table & Pocket Cutlery, I Plated Castors, Forks & Spoons, W* TtttBEftS, THE GREAT HEALTH » RESTORER. No Quack MoCicinc—Form ula around each bottle. i£3£S°- V; SSnjo S*33Ka. T *-ffl iv<lr p- rb&-\e^ < B^« W Sw! Al£0, at the aamo time and place, tho undiyi- in the taa. honeo and u>t »Joatowcooit u. lYm n'TiS; 7 ®i' <H " t - to Aver i,t **Jbe tame time and place, the settle- M&Msf&isZ [fer offered la this market since War f SHAW. Factory Thread, At $2 OO Per Buncli, J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D. GHSAHIG GHBSHST, , fiabmtory aad Ofllcc, No. 6, Stro* NORFOLK, VA., Wattented ennui to my made—" MARK THAT” SHIRTING, SHIRTING, * SHEETING, SHEETING, For sale low down, Montgomery & Shan, BRAN and COTTON SEED MEAL combined, makes tho best Cow feed. H‘ -l/ Montgomery & Shaw. I ’ ‘ BACON, SHOULDERS, SUGAR-CURED CANVASSED HAMS—best finality. Montgomery and Shaw, TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! TOBACCO! ^Smoking and Chewing, ilk Strikes at tho root oftho disease by purifying tho blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to a healthy action, and invigorating the nervous system. Thisisthoeccrctof its wonderful suc cess in curing Syphilis, Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Chronic Rheumatism. Neural gia, Nervous Affections, Eruptions of the Skin, Humors, Loss of Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladders, and all diseases caused by a Bad State of ShWeaMTS Mm a ALn.aa.1 aavwIiIIai, ll,A llVPT tfllltlATfi. -For spring & summer wear, 100 PLOUGHS OF BBINLY’S, REYNOLDS’, MUBFIE’S, and DODGE’S 5 SOM* AT PRICES every kind of humor and bad taint, and retraces tlw entire system toa healthy condition. Thou sands haTobeen changed by tho use of this medicine from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy and happy men and women. No medicine has attained THE GREAT REPUTATION of this justly celebrated compound. Approved! by the highest medical authority. w wnereas, Jotm w. Wheatley amvii- me tor tetter, of dismission as adSnifflou dc Sl l S?o n h ° ' WUIi “> Dureeare thewfaretodte andadtoonM, .11 we'ysazS igggfe SSSoftSSS! ,U, " ni “ iou tofibc wwtalm u“5bd^f offld »‘ rignatnr. Jipr8m4m» J. Jt aTANPOIUj, Ord> VOTICE TO DEBTORS Tn]) ’ CHEDITOBS—AH penona Indebted to Urn canto of Jame. Stowrot, derauod, .in ptow. come forward and Make, .m! aUpereoua baring claims againit .ahWslat,, will present them in terms or tho law. April " l87 °*...« War. D * Sn^fAinr, cprl2*Cw Administrator. SCOVILLE’S, BRADE’B, J. RUSSEL & CO’S make, Warranted PERF OW IS THE TIME to make A iCU JJCU1 OUU UCt/1 A UUKUC9, The Best Meal and Grits, -ALWAYS ON HAND. MONTGOMERY & SHAW. LaBiRtTM AND GIN, ' BUTTER and CHEESE, No-1 Mackerel-Fresh and very large, MONTGOMERY & SHAW, llROOHS, BUCKETS, SARDINES, OYSTERS, CRACKERS, CANDLES, CANDY, JELLIES, PRESERVES, and any and EVERYTHING that Dave Patterson's make. One Hundred Boxes of Glass, iber number of fe.xii I Administrator's Sale. fkNtbefirat Toeaday in June neat. witbin V tlie legal bonre of at* will be aokl before court house done tntUo city of America., t< lc following property, viz: N* Pi^n the 10th district Sumter countv, contahling 202J acre*. more or less; 4 acres anu 26 poles offof lot No7iW,in 27th district SuiE Itesides a large Stock of TOOLS, HANDSAWS, PLANES, AUGERS, Blacksmith’s Tools, by 3* J. Lai hjegafe fomish ucorgiti-nuiuier louuij. Four weeks after date application will l« made to tlie Ordinary of «ud county to /•ell rt* l estate of Mrs. Claudia Hyde. may3-lm w. C. Mathers, Adrnr. nderstanding the wants of ux, A'ivii^3h.nvtda, aim any aini^viuvi umw max can be found for MAN and BEAST to eat, and at price* that DEFY COMPETITION. No tronliblo lo show Oo6d«. Call and get prices; if von don’t bny now, yon may at some future time. MONTGOMERY *V SHAW, Pocket Sewing Machines, only $5 OO. s New Family Sewing Machine, from S65 to $165. EL MONTGOMERY & SHAW, Agents. 0SK00I Webster Sheriff Sales. j WILL bo aold before the courthouse door in I VW Preston, on tho first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, the follow I mg described property'; Lot. of lacdNo. 78, on which Mrs. Goare uow i lives; No. 51, joining above lot; ooo bouse and lot in the town of Hardmoncy, No. not known but known as the place whereon Mrs. Summer- I ford now lives, in &• 19th district of said county ^ I Le\icd on as the property «f Phans Goare, de- €5 €5 i to saUaty a 11 to issued irem the Snptrior Court of s«d county in favor of the Ordinary of -p am I Stewart oounty for the use of Abner and Annste«\ v ! Goare vs. James W. SJiivem, executor. Property j pointed oat by J. M. SJiivem. j ALSO, at tho same time and place, one Iioqho ,{aoq and lot in tbe town of Hardmoney, No. not . U/OD . known but known as the store in which A. Dil- . lard and others are doing Dusiness. one black ! horse about 12 yen. old; one dark bay mule i about 12 or 13 years old, in 10th diet. Levied on as the property of B. P. Shivers to satisfy a fi fa issued from Superior Court .of said comity ir favor of James BL Anderson v?. B. F. Hhirem. Cores Ncrofnla in its Worst Form. From A. W. Mills, a prominent and well-unown merchant of Norfolk, Va.: No. 11 Main street, Norfolk, Va., Sent. 13,1SC9 Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir. ^Your Koskoo has worked wonders in my family. My daughter has been a sufferer from ScrdfUa since childhood. Sho lost thirty-one pieces of bono front* Her an-' kle, several from her arm, beside* having ulcers in several parts of the body. Whilst in this condition she commenced taking your Koskoo— it acted like a charm on her, under its use the ulcers gradually healed, and her general health greatly improved. It certainly eaved her much suffering, and perhaps her life. I regard Koa- l;oo a specific for all scrofulous affections. Your Koskoo also cured my wife of Dyspepsia, from which she suffered greatly. She is now in better health than alie has been in five years. With the highest regards I am gratefcllyVounc ^ lvoakoo is endorsed by the best physicians everywhere. Read tho following from Dr. Til lery, a successful practitioner of many years standing in tho Old North State: Rocky Mount, Edgecombe co., September 10,1869. Dr. J. J. Lawreaoo-rDwr 8ir: I have trad your concentrated fluid extract of Koskoo in my practice with tbe happiest results. I find it to be a powerful liver mvhrorator, blood purifier and nervous tonic. In all diseases of tho liver, scrofulous, syphilitic and nervous affections, it is a remedy or immenso value, in fact, in almoe- cvery variety of chronic diseases its use is int dicated. Hoping you may meet with the sue- i cess which yon deservo as a manufacturer of reliable meoidnes, I am. sir.with much respect, Your obedient servant, 1L C. TILLERY,M.D. RSIBnCTT'HE symptoms of R MlilUm iN I A Liver Complaint aro un- 1 and pun in tho side. shonlder^imi^nSitadeD for rheumatism. The ] stomach is affected with Loss of appetite and \ sicknoss, bowels in general costive, sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and anil, heavy sen nation, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with painful sensation having left undone some- rrnnn l^hing which ought to have I |Uy D Ibeendone. Often complain- illVliU Ring of weekness,debility,and spirits. Sometimes some ■ LAWSON & BLANOE, 1WHOLE SALE iR CLARK’S LONDON RE5IE-. ’ DIES FOR SPECIAL COMPLAIKTH. D1I. CLARK’S INVIGORATOR I to iiht aged and debilitated: it is j gnedfer young men who have igor by excesses of every kimLaml systems have become weak by imprudence are completely restored by its 0«. Price One Dollar. DB. CLARK’S PURIFIER cleanses the blood from all impurities, such as scrofula, syphilis, mercurial rheumatism, hum ors of every sort, bad breath, offensive perspira tions, fool feet, catarrh, discharges from the ear, sore eves, sore throat, falling offof tho hair, ulcers, boils, pimples, blotches, and all diseases «>r tho skin. It is also beneficial in diseases of tho lungs and digestive organs. Price One Dol- DR. CLARK’S PANACEA relieves pain of every description, headache,car- acho, toothache, stomachache, pains in the breast and limbs. It is an invaluable remody in all nervous diseases, and no family should bo without it. Trice One Dollar. IB. CLARK’S ELIXIR is a certain cure for all weakness of the Cenito- Urinary organs, and the dischargee of tlie inuen purulent nature, lucchorrca, gonorrhea, sper matorrhea, and seminal weakness Mjieedily cniwl l>y its use. Trico Ono Dollar. DR. CLARK'S REGULATOR for females only, is guaranteed io correct all is Priceless. ,!1 penon. whoso system, hftvo hecomo we,hire the liver is generally the organ most . Coro tho liver with DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, | T A Preparation of j !!Cltl| , ?nn |XY root.,mi herlre, TO- I lubUlmlUlL ptnied tobertri Ut veget.- ( GRAIN involved. ENOS, LAWNS, Molmlrt ORGANDIES, I Japs, Grenadines, Ibombazines, The Diamond Glasses Tamatines. Percales, Crepe Maretz, Cures Chronic Rheumatism Norfolk, Va., Sept. 7,1869. Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dear Sir: My son has re ceived so much benefit from your wonderful Koekoo that I cannot refrain from expressing my gratitude. I had tried almost everything without benefit. I believe, in all sincerity, that yonr Koskoo is an infallible remedy for tho dis ease from which be has suffered, and, so far us I can learn, has never failed. If yon only kne w the immense amount of suffering that no has undcigone, then yoa could conceive the value of such a remedy as Koekoo—that surely cures. Tho great amount of goodit is now doingamong us is inestimable. With much gratitude, I am respectfully yours. Mrs. M. E. A. NELSON. Read tho following from Mr. Womble, a pro minent hardware merchant of this city: No. 13, Market Square, Norfolk, Va., October 18, 1869. Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir: To tholar-e number of testimonials which yon offer of tbe great effi cacy ofyonr Koskoo, I take pleasure io add ray own. I suffered greatly-with nervous debility. Headache, Lose of appetite, etc., two bottles o lj B. F. Shivers having applied to me for exemption of personalty and valuation and *;> ting apart of Homestead, I will pass upon the same on Saturday, 21st aay of May, at 12 m. may7-2t Geo. W. Dtfpww, Only. jW EOliGlA—Webster Ooustt. Whereas, W. P. Jowcre, executor of tlm es tate of Silas M. McGradv, ajiplies L?Wen> of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonuia ai. and singular, the kindred and creditors of .■*><• deceased to be and appear at my office, wjuur the time prescribed by law, and file their owe- tiona, if any tliey have, otherwise letters will w granted said applicant. Witness my hand and seal this April 29tb. : lfe<C- apr3Q-lm O. W.Davmu«ort. OnTy. J. IL ZEILIN A CO., Druggists, Mac Price ono dollar; by mail ono dollar tv-five cenU. Tho following highly/ persons who can folly attest to tno this valuable medicine, and to wjkhi respectfully refer. Gen. W. ft. Holt Southwestern ILR.; Rev. J. R. IcJt Ga.; Col. li. K. Sparks. Albany, Ga.; son, Esq., Sheriff Bil»b county; J. Raiubridge, Ga.; Dykes & Sparhay Floridian, TaJlabassec: Rev. J.W. con, Ga.; Virgil l*owcrs. Esq., Sup. mfeaNDa Florid. Confensncro ^ “ EVERY OTHER DISC1UP- TIONS OP Dress Goods, 'THE COLORS OF "THE U Whereas, David Majors, admiufjtrator nr the estatoof Joseph B. Tyler, deceased, applies to me fur letters of dismtsaion from sakl eeiau-. These are therefore to dto and admonid'. at mod singular, tho kindred and erediton* ot deceased, and all persons concerned, to 1» »“•; appear at my office, within the time unwenw* 1 bylaw, and file tbeirobjectkm, tf aoy tbevtow. otkerwiso letters of dismission will I* irranted said aotilicanL Given under my hand and official sigustart. this 29th day Of April, 1870. apr9Q4m G W.Davsxport, Onlia^y- Koakoo’ onfcrenco;’Major Wohley, Klngstoo, • Telegraph. For sale by all druggists. 1'ron W. H. Christian, pastor Dinwiddle at. Methodist church: Portsmouth, Va., Oct. 25,18C9. This is to satisfy that I know Dr. Lawrence well. Ho is a gentleman of cultivation, and worthy of the fullest confidence. I havo used )iis Koskoo with advantage to myself, and have adopted its use in my family in cases of Nervous Debility and depression. W. H. CHRISTIAN. From Dr. Loyd, a physician of largo practico: Great bridge, Va., Oct. 8,1869. J. J. Lawrence, M. D.—Dear Sir: I cheerfully endorse your Koskoo as being a most valuable preparation. Upon examination of the formu la I find each ingredient highly extolled by our lmst and most progressive clinical investigator*. I have tested its effects in my own practice, and ilnnU aut D saera are invitvl ti our stock, consisting of Waxclbaum’a New Building, Cotton Avenno Opposite Toole A SchnmpertV. Manufacture r and Dealer in D». SHALLENDERCEB’S Fever and Ague -AIN'T 1*33 OTE A1 trays stops tho Ctiilt., TblsHedldno luL, l«rea beforo tho Publlo flftoen years, ond b atiU oiead of sU othw known temoJiM. It Aoo, ni)t aoo. not aickon tho otomooli, u porfoctlr mia in any dow and nndei- all cinttmitanoea. and 5a tho only Medici™ that will ^ CURE IMMEDIATELY and pOTunontly -orory fcnn o( Fcror and AguOjEwnue Ufa a perfect Antidote to Sold ty all Dniiaiata. KING CASH PURCHASERS CASH SALES PARLOR SETS, In Walnut and Mahogany ©ATS, BA C O N SALT, SUGAR, Small Profits COTTAGE SETS, BEDSTEADS,MATTRESSES Chain, E arietta. Brooms WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER drcolar from W. T. Bar*? by Hood, Tatum & 0a, druggists, Columbus, da. W. T. DAVENPORT, America*, G and assimilation, and thereby ] blood, which should be the baa all chronic diseases. Hoping] reward you deserve from tho p actor, I am, air, yours truly, ; you will reap the public as a bone- , Char. Loth. WHITE QISnpDDl’s Fashionable Barber Shop, p) now ntmiahed with a tob^nto idol killftil workmen. - After read- 1 the above , high recom- ► luendationin- .▼alida cannot ^ hesitate to J gjvotbe Call and examine, and satisfy .yourselves that what we say is 'so, and that goods METALLIC CASESIAHD COFFINS Dr. J. H. JOHNSON, Located near Jobn E. Thomea’, ©S. Refers to citizens of Terrell co. 115 *- FFERED FOR SALE I AT IB. Emanuel & Bro.’s Are ns Cheap us Anybody’s. . J. Berrien. Oliver, General Commission Mereho 11 *, SAVANNAH, GA. Inly 20 ly. I CfLOAN & GO., having established a Lumt D Yard in tho city of Americus, are nowp pared to fill ml orders with diapatch. ST0.17N*