The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 06, 1867, Image 1

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Clfc Dai In Cogttl #w§iait VOL. L The Daily Loyal l.eorgiaii. AUGUSTA, G.V. JUNE 0, 1867, OFFICIAL OKGAN l S. ()OVEHNMENT. ] PUBLISHI£D EVEKY MORNING BV Till’ 1.0V.U, OliOlKitAN rimusniNG association. ,1 K. BRYANT - - Kdimr. THUS. I’. BEARD Asjent. i Hike, in re-nr ill (llolie Hotel, mi nor of .I:u-k-.oii ‘mil Ellis Streets, Augusta. Georgia. TUKMJ* OK SimSCRII'TION : FOR. DAILY. On,- Year | Si v Mouths -j OU Three Months Foil WI2KKU', One Your #3 00 Siv Months I !■> Tliree Months 1 Os) AI.IVAIS IS AHVAM.E. ;JX(iI,K CUI'Y, FIVE UK NT S. j MATHS OK A l)V Ell TISIN <f. (Ine S'in aii■ cijinils ton limT of million type. 1 S.inure 1 time ■ * 1 * I I :: l:: if i ** i week*:::3sS 7 t* -t ;»oo 1 ll.nutli. V.' *<HI 1 o .A 1:3 00 5 o ;} ** 15 00 j “ ~ “ ... :»0 00 i ** u - * is«> \ | i In'i a I tied 111 t ion will be unde for quarter, half or whole columns. \<hln -s | " Royal Georgian,’' Kev Box 100, \ugust-a-, Ga All commune .1 lions lor publication must be written only cm one side of the paper, and ac uompanied with the name? of tlm writer. We. will not publish the name, unless the writer wishes us to do so, but we. must have it, as a guarantee of the truthfulness of the article. News and Other Items. The Jn|i;m<'sc CointiiiMsioiieis have, during llieir ‘ njoimi in Washington, ; been inijuiiing and Darning everything j whit-h may lx- heiiciieial to their own ; miveninn iit. Tiny have frequently : visitiil the Treasury Department in ijiiesl nl knowledge. \w Onl.ll ann, May hi. Mayor Heath ajijiointial two negro policemen to-day. The new Cousin ut ion lor tin' N'orth Oerinan (on federation progresses ,irmlil( in tlie Prussian Parliament. Vn iisiinn;, May hi. The liepuhli ,.;m cai.'ipaign opened in this State last 11 itjlit.. A large amlienee "t whites ami blacks assembled in the Court 11.(Use, and were addressed by Mr. Coinvay of New York. 15m.ti.mokk, May ai. The lieptihli can State Central Committee of Mary- j land has issued a call for a Border iSiale Convetilion, to lie held Oil till 3 2th of September next in this city, j Tj,e States „| Delaware, West Vir- Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mis-; siim iare invited to co-operate in the movement, and to send to the proposed Convention as many delegates, w ithout ve'i'ui'd to race or color, as each State - ma\ deem expedient or tindconvenient. The object. <*J the Convention C to _ organize an influential appeal to Coil-j ..less on the part of the Bolder States fur the passage of the Sumner-Wilson bill, or for oilier ctticirnl legislation as mav lead to the establishment through- I out the Union of the grand principle ~1 manhood suffrage. 'file Liberals have gained another important victory in the House ol Commons, an .amendment depriving all boroughs having less 10,000 in habitants of the right of sending a representative having been carried by j tin-large majority of 1 ifV- The aboli iion of the “rotten boroughs ’ will he ; a fatal blow at the iiiHucitee of the Tories upon the elections. — Tribune. .John Stuart Mill on the L’Olli ol May mail, a powerful speech in the House ot Commons in favor of female suffrage. The replies to his speech were more jocular than serious, and by no means calculated to lessen the impression which the address will undoubtedly produce among thinking men. Among those who supported the amendment Sir C. lsowyer, the ablest among the Roman 1 atholic members of the House. As far as known, this is the first notable conversion to the cause of female sutFnige Iroiu the ranks of the “Catholic.” part. It was, of course, not expected that the amendment would receive a majority, but the large number of votes which were cast for ii (V-.) must Ik-gratifying to all friends ol 'li* cause.—A'. U. Tribune. AUGUSTA, GrA., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE G, IBG7. OHYTTKR I.XXIII An Act concwniny tJu thnnahniis of Ihe Mutt of \t coda. lit if enacted by tin Mi, aft out! House of JieprcM'ntafir, v of the i nited Motes of America in. Conynss o.ssnitbU'tf 'Hint, as provided for and consented loin I lie constitution of the Suite: of Nevada, all lhat territory mid tract of land adjoining the present eastern bouih i dary ol the Slate ol Nevada, and Ivinu-be tween the thirty 'cventh and forty-second decrees of north latitiuie and wei of the longitude west, of Washington. i> hereby added to and made a part of the Slate of Ne vada. Sec. :* And ho it fordo r <)»<cUd, Tlmt there i hereby adtled to and made ;i part of the Siale of Nevada, all that extent of terri tory lying within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing on the thirty-seventh j decree of north lalituo, at the thirty-.seventh degree of longitude we,-4, front AVa hington ; amt running thence south on said degree of ! longitude to the middle of the river Colorado of the West; thence down the middle of l said river to the eastern lnumdarv of the I Stale of California; thence northwesterly I atony said iHUmdarv of California to the tliirly-seve.nlh decree ol north jufittfdc; ami , thence east along said decree of latitude to ■the point of beaming: Pro/dnf 'l'hat the territory mentioned in lhi- -eelion shall not 1 become a pair of the Stall* of Nev ada until slid Slide, diall, through ils legislature, eon : sent thereto : 1 , ./ pi oriif df-.) (ft, / 1 'J’lml all ! p«u seseory rights'MinpdfOd i\v eili/.ens of the « l nited States to luiniuy claims, discover and, located, and ork-inally recorded ill eompli a nee with tin inks and regulations adopted l*y miner in the I’ali Haiiayat and oilier mining districts in the Tcrritoiv incorpora le<l hv the provision <»f this act into tin? State of Nevada shall remain as valid sub sisting mining claims; bill nothing here in contained shall be o con si mod as granting ;• title in fee to any mintial land held by posses-ory lilies in tlw mining States and | tenilorit -. Ari'KovKD, May 5. lSt>(J. niAr'l’Kli LNXIA Ah Ad to cvtstHrntp !'t it ffrophif fotonmnico 1 100 hes ton'll tht l Hifvd. Sftifi s "/idditc Jnltjltd e>f' (Uthtt find other MV s/ liitUti Ixhuulx ovtl tht Unfit,nuts,. Whereas .lame A. Scrymser, Alfred I’ell. junior, Alexander Hamilton, junior, (Hivcr K. King, .MaUtrin K. I)ela(ie,ld, William ]’. Smith, and dame*' M. I lieges, their asso eiates. Hucessoi’s, and avigns. persons com posing the International Ocean 'l'ejegiaph (■ompuiiy, atid ine.*»rporated company eiiar tered by the Slate of N’t w Volk, are de sirons ol estalilishim' a line of sulpnarine te!<*gra|»hic e<mimunication l»et\v<en tin? I filled States ol Anierica and the West India blands and llic llahamas: Now. therefore, in order to laeiliate the said en- | teiTnise— lie if, t not /nl hff (Jit St /toft unit JfoHht of fit jo <s( ufo/irts of fitt L/iiltit SttiifK of AmirUtt in. Cont/rtsM tmsctiddt </, That the aid In ternational Ocean Telegraph Company, in eoriKirated under the laws of the State of New York, their .an ees,'ors and assigns, 'hall have the sole privilege fora period of iourieen 3 CTOs from lb* anproval ol this aef, to lay, construct, land, maintain, and op- j emle telegraphic or magnelic lines or cables: in and over the waters, reefs, islands, shores, and lands, over which the l 'nited States. ' have jurisdiction, from the shores of the State of Florida, in the -aid United State-, to the Island ol Chiba and the ILhamas. either or both, and other West India Hands. Si a '-3. And ht. if furlhtr c/otctcd. That the said International Ocean Telegraph Company shall, at all times give the United States the free use of said cable or rallies, to 'a telegraphic operator of it own selection, to transmit any messages to and from its ! military, naval, and diplomatic or consular agents; and the said company shall keep all its to the public for the transmis -ion for daily publication 'of market and commercial reports and intelligence, and all messages despatches atid (•oiimupucatiuns dinll he forwarded in the order in which they shall be received : and the said company shall not he permit'-tod t»> charge and collect for message* transmitted thro' .Ji any of its submarine cables nioix than the rate of three dollars and fifty cent for me,-ayes of fen words, subject howci , to the power of Con gress to alter and determine said rales; I’rorifted, Thai Ihe said International Ocean Teh-graph Company shall, within the period of three from the pa sage ol this act, cause the said submarine telegraphic calw 1 or nilik’S to he laid do \n, and that the said ea * bit- or cables shall be in spec -a ul opera! ion by tin* iranDmission of iiiissi'ji within the aid period of fivt \e;ir ; otherwise, this grant to be null and void. Sic. m. Audio ft fin t/n r f,pti<Ucd, I has Congress shall have power, atany time, to alter or iejkul the foregoing act. ArrnovKj), May o. isdn ( IIAITK H LXXV. An Art to <.xUn<t th> dnrixdiftion, of tht-. Court, of fit lints. JJt ittouttod Inj the Si/tn/t nod. J joust of /hint sc / tin tiros of Un / // Utd Stnti *ofA im tiro in ( on i/ i t xx Hssnohlt <t , and hat tlie ( ourt of ( laim ' hall have jurisdiction to hear and de termine the claim ol any paymaster, <piar tenuasl«-r. conimi ary of subsistence, oi other distairsing ofliecr of tlie U’dited State-, pr of his administrators or executors, lor re lief from resjHHisihihly on ai-coiml of lo by capture or otherw i s*, w Idle in Ihe line of l»is rluty, of government funds, vouchers, re cord;, and paper.*> in his charge, and b-r which uch ntlieci w;».- and is held respond Me : Provided, Tlmt an appeal may he taken to flic Supreme Court, as in other caws. Sk< '* Amt to it further onoctcif That whenever said com * shall haw; ascertained the facts of any such Joss to have been with out fault or neglect on the purl of any mch ■ ofliccr, lt«)i;dl make a decree, selling forth (lie amount thereof, niwm whic h the propuj i -nunting oflicTis of t.|#f* treasury siioli ai }<>w to such olliccr l hi; aiiHMOdoJi dec reed as 1 a i redit in the* settlement of his account.* Aci’iaivi.p, May Ik lW*b. ( iIACTKH f.XXYI. [n Art oidnruln.i/ tht /W/ /•. of tfo in rtf Court of tin Con t itjf nf M nshini/to/i, I„t (hi iJUrktoJ C'lomhiti. jp U • n<tried hft fh.i «‘v noh Ond Jli/uhi of Hr/in*' m/dins of the i nifill’So'ftsnt' Amt ricn in Con iji't ■'* nihinf That tile h*vy cemrt of the county of Wa>h'mgl*m, in the Hi-M i< t of ( ojumtiia. islienhy i mpowcicii to deciaiy and locate u> public highways such road-. known and used as military roads in -aid district- during the ivbcTon -aid coni! 'may deem advisabl*-: I'rorintd. r l hat the i damages which tin owner -ol the land over : which said road.*; pas- hall u-min I»V rc a-mi of -aid roadslieingdeclared public lpghwiws, -hall Tk? assessed a. prciiveii lol' in section | throe ol tiro art ot (ongjo apj'iowd -tidy j tirsf, eighteen lumdndand tv/clve. «j»liti««t J An act confcni»‘g wii.tin power- on tin* levy court for the county of Washington, in I the District of ('olumbia. Aitiiovk!>, A lay 0, 1800. LAARVEU IjXXIX. .1// A ,;t to incorporate tht National Thtofotjknl fnstifutc. Jit U no'ctnl hi; tht Senate and Mount of Ikprt scuta tires of th, C nited States of Ann rico- | in (kno/nss ass, mbled. Tlml Abram D. Gil Kile, Edgar 11 Gray. Edmund Turney, j Xidman Richards. Robert .1. Rowell. William T. Johnson, Henry Heard. Uharles H. Moi-sc, t . Lewis. John S. Rolcr. Davicl llns, I). W. Anderson, Daniel (!. Eddy, i Leonard A. Grimes Justice' I). Fulton, j William R. Williams, Isaac WestcoM, llow anl Malcolm. Joseph 11 Kcnnank Newton j Urown, T. Dwight Alillci, and all persons who shall or may bo associated with them, j and their are hereby created aucl declared :i body corporah* and jxjitie, in j deed and in law, by the name of‘•The Na tional. Theological Institute,” and by that j name shall have succession and he. eapable in ; law to sue and he sued, plead and he im- j plcadcnl, answer and 1h- ansvw'rod, defend and i'c defended, in all courts of law and equity ! and elscwlicre; to make'and use a common ! •cal, utui the same to alter or runow. at plea- | sure; and gcnendly to do and perform all J i things retailve.lo Ih* object ol this corpora j tion which is now and shall Ik? lav;till for any individual or body politic or corporale j to do. Jsi;c. x.‘. And- h> it further tnacitf Tlmt the objec t and purpose el this corporation shall hi for the ediuation of persons tor tlu*chrislinii mini*.lrv, and those associated with them as assistants, in such course of theological and general studies as may ho deemed proper lor that purpose; and for that purpose is hereby aiithoi i/i and h* elect or ; appoint uch olliccr a • may he deemed ne cessary or pnqHT for the control ot its * allairs; to adopt.such icgulalions and by l.sws foi- it; govoimeul ms may Im* deemed * nece. sary, not imvuibisienl wi'lithe laws of tue l'nited Sighs in force in tin? District of ('olumbia. and to amend or rep. at them at pleasure; to leecive and hold any lands, temcments. annut'icmone y , goods, chatlels, or other property ot e very kind or nature, w hich shall he g;i\eu, grtuilcd, or l)c<|Ue;ithed toil, or lx? otherwise acquired, for tin? pur pose ol carrying •ml th»ohjeei ot | his corpora lion not excee ding (illy thousand dollars in real estate, at any one time; and tlu? same to sell oi dispose of in urh mannerks pmy he desired fol the purpose as aforesiiid-■: l*r<>ri <Utl% 'That ;>ny pnrjiei ly w> anpiirud, ro? the proceeds ihereof, or any money rcccivedas n gift, hall not he used tor any other than -in ii educational purpose?;: And pvnrutcd , also. That no person hall be excluded from . Ihe ad van I age: <d cdiua I ion at fore led by the instiiuiuon account ol tltcnlogical hclit f. | b).< \n t he, it furtfar enacted, 'Phat ibis act may at any time he altci i*d, amended, or repealed. A (Tin.) \ r.n. May 10, IBGG. ( IIAITER UXNX. .U' ! ■ !:/ iitneHtl an Art cof.ilbd, Art n hiliit >f (o llnto os Corpus, and rri/uhtlf/ifj Judicial I'roct ttHnps in. tu rtain, Cases f up- i prored March third-\ eij/h.fttn- hund/'ttl nodi silt//three. Jh it t/iacted by tht Smalt and Jbnist of fit pet -■ n tat ins of the ( Shift ms Ana ricn in Cony res.,< nssmdihd. That any search, seizure, arrest, or impiisonment made, or any .lets done, or <miiil<?d to he done during the said rebellion, by any olliccr or person, under and by virtue* of any older, wirtten or : verbid, general or special, issued by the President or Secretary of War, oi by any military olliccr of the United Stales holding ! tlie command of the. department, district, or ! place within which such seizure, search, ar- : rest, or imprisonment was made, done, or committed, or any acts were so done, or ■ omitted to he done, cither by the person or olliccr to whom the order was addressed, or ! for whom it was intended, or by any other person aiding or a-dating him therein, shall i>e held, and arc hereby declared, to conic 1 within il»* purview' of the act, to which this i is amendatory, and within the purview of/ the fourth, fifth, and sixth section- of the i said act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, for ail the purposes of de fence, transfer, appeal, error, or limitation j provided therein. But no such order -hall, by force of this act, or the net to which this is an amendment, he a defence, to any suit, or action for any act done or omitted "to be done afb r the passage of 111 i- * act. »Sls<. ‘3. Ainth' if farther enacied , 'That w hen the aid order i- in waiting, it shall he j unicicnf, to prodiu-e in evidence the original, with proof of it authenticity, or a certified! copy of tlu same; or it *1)1 I.*y telegraph. | the production of the Iclegrnin purporting to j 'emanate from such military olllcer shall he j prima facie cvidencc of its authenticity; or if the original ol su< hor telegram Joslorcan , not he produced, scondary evidence thereof hall he admissible, as in other cases. hKf. Ik I /at hi it fart far enacted , That the right <»| ivniow! fiotq the State court in to tlie circuit court of the Pelted Htittus, ju'ovidcd in the liflli sc(?tion of the aef to which lhi' is amemhilory. mav he cxcrcif.ed nfti ) the appearance of the defendant and the /iling; of hi - plea or oilier defence in -aid court, oi* any term of aid court subsequent to the term w hen the appearance is entered, and before a jury i empannclled to fry the same; hut nothme herein contained shall be held to abridge tjie. right of such removal after final judgment in the State court, nor hail jl la jwccAsuy in lj»c State court to oiler oj* give surety’ h*; the Ijiing of cophy lit the circuit (ourt ot ihe United SUtfs; but, on die filing of tlu* petition, verified us pro vided in said fifth action, the further pm eeedings in ih< St ill o court shall ('(.'list-, anil not be resumed until ;• eertiticatc under the eal/J tin* circqi; court of the United States staling that the )>etlthmer ims failed to file ; copies in the said circuit court, at the next term i * produced. Sl-.r L And he it farther enoehd. Thill and the Slate court shall, notwithstanding tb<‘ ]h ifonnance of all things nqiiirnd for | ipe removal of the case to the circuit c»'urt .•fd!< N«id. pmcecii further in said cause, or proM-emioi'i 1m fore -nid eeriiiicate is produced, then, in that case. : ,H such furl her pi'M-ii dings shall he void and of none effect; mid ill p.olic-. judge . oniei i-. and other per' ". . Uiciu-cfoitii pnHwding fhereumler. «»» by color I hereof, sJudl !»• liabK* in damages tiiereior to th<* party aggrieved, to be re coVci'c* 1 by (H lion in a court of llie Stale having proper juii-diction, or in a circuit court of H«c 1 nited State foi the district in which sqch fiii-iimi proceedings may have been hml. or v.lkd the party, olliccr. or other p;-jvon. so ollVnding. shall he lolind ; and ujK>n ;» recovery of »t.images in either court, the ititr l y plaintiff shall lit* entitled h> double co-Ms. Sku. . \ ad. he it fa, tht r enacted. That it hall be the duty of the clerk of the Slate court h» furnish copie <»l the paper and lijr in Rk car** to Die party -o petitioning [ for the removal* and upon the refusal or ne- ' j glet't of the clerk to furnish such copies, the i said party may docket the case in the circuit court of the United States; and thereupon said circuit court shall have jurisdiction therein, and limy, upon proof of such refu saj or neglect of the clerk of the Stale court, and upon reasonable notice being given lo the plaintiff, require liim t<> file a declaration orpclition therein; and tqKm his default may order a nonsuit, and dismiss the case at the costs of the plaintiff, w hich dix missal shall he a bar to any further suit touching the matter in controversy. Ari’RovKi), May 11, 1800. CHAPTER LXXXI. An, Act to authorize the Coinaye of Firc-evot \ Pieces. He it t uTtchd by tlu Mnafe and House if j lupresentJiUns of the Vnited Sh/tisif A/nci ini ! in Congress axsonbted, That so soon as prac ticable afjt*r the passige of this ad. there shall Ik filled at the mint of the United I Stales a live-coni piece composed of cupper ; and ni(*lsle, in su< li proportions, not exceeding twenty - tiv u per centum of nicklo, as shall he | determined hv the director of tlu lirint, the I standard weight of which shall he seventy - j seven am hundredths grain?:, with no j greater devialiun than two grains to each j peiee ; and the shape, mottoes and devices of 1 said coin shall he determined by the director of the mini, with the approval of the Sene taryof tlu Treasury; and the law now in force relating to the, coinage of epnls, and providing for the. purchase of material, and prescribing the appropriate duties of the Olbcersof the mint and the Secretary of the Treasury, he, and the same are hereby, ex tended to the coinage herein provided ior. Sec. *3. Aral he it further enachd. That all laws now in force relating to the coins of the U nited Stalls, and the striking and coining of thesam<. hall, so far as applicable, he «*\ | tended to the coinage herein authorized, whether said law are penal or otherwise, for the security of the coin, regulating and guar ! d4ng : tlic process of striking and l oining, for ! preventing dehaseincnt or counterb itin«•, or rOi* any oflici jail]lose. And the director of | the mint shall prescribe f uitablc regulations } to insure a due conformity to the required i weights and proper!ions nf allov in the said ' coin, and .'hall order trials thereof to he made from time to time- by thcassayrr of the I mint, w hereof a report shall he in w riting to ! tin* director *Seo. o. Imt ht it fuif fa r enacted , That ; : said cbin shall he a legal tender in any pay 1 Intent'to tlx* amount of one. dollar. And it ; ' shall !)c lawful to pay out such coins in < \ | c hange lor the law fill cui rency of the United States, (except cents, or half cents, or two cent pirn's, issued under forme r acts of Gem ‘ gross,) in suitable sums, by Hie treasurer of the mint, and by such othe r depositaries as I lie Sec re tary oi the I’n asury, may ele signatc, and under general regulations approved' by the See tvh.ry of the Treasury And unde*i I thclfke? regulations the* same may he <*\ j rhanged in suitable sums for any lawful currency of the United Stales, and the ex pe'tines incident to such (ixchange*. disfrihii f lion, and tmnsinission may he? paid out ol j I the? profits-of said e*e»inage ; and the? ucl pro I ! fits of .-;u.l coinage, as ascertained in the | i manner prcMTHird in the e*e*und section of j 'he act entitled "An ucl relating to foreign' coins and the coinage of cents at the mint of the United Stales,” approved February : twenty-bid. eighteen hundred and fifty seven, shall he transferred to the treasury of Ihe United States : Providnl , J'haf from and ’after the passage of this act no issues of fractional notes of the United States shall be of a less denomination than ten cents; and ! all such issues at that time?outstanding shall. ' when paid into tlie treasury or any designated depository of the United Slates, or redeemed or exchanged as now provided by law , be re tained and cancelled. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, Thai- il any person or persons not. law fully author ized shall knowingly make, issue, or pass, or cause lo be made, issued, or passed, or aid in the- making, issuing, or passing of any coin, raid, token, or device whatsoever, in : mental <>r its compound, intended to pass or he passed as money for the* coin authorized by this act, or for coin of equal value, such person or persons shall h<* deemed guilty of a mideineameir, and shall em convietion thereof, be punished by a fine ne>t exceeding one thousand dollars, and by imprisonment . for a term not exceeding five years at the eliscrction of the* court. Sec. 5. Atal be if, further enacted, Thu! it hall be lawful for the treasurer and the -eve nil assistant treasurers of the United State's f«» redeem in national curreney, under ue h rules and regulations as may be pre j scribed by the Secretary of the? Treasury, the i uin herein authorized to lie issued, wla n ' pr< M idfet in stuns of not loss than one hun dred de>l Jars. Ai’l’Hoveo, May IG, IBGG. Congressional Districts of Georgia, 1 t. Counties GliaJinim,Bryan, l.ilierty Mclntosh, Wuynr, Glynn, Canulen, Clnui ton, Ware, I’ienc, Appling, Tntnu), Hu I lock. KtHnghain, Serivon, Knmniicl, Mont gomery, Telfair, Cofifec, Clinch, Echols, Lowndes, Hcrrien, Irvin, Laurens, Johnson, Brook:-, Cohptit, and Thomas. Twenty 1 nine counties. jd. Counties -Decatur, Earley, Miller, Baker, Mitchell, Worth, Dooly, Wilcox, I’ula,-Id. Houston. Macon, Marion, Cliatta- j hiiorln-e. Smnli r, Wehster, Stewart, Quit man. Clay, Calhoun, Randolph, Terrell, Leo, and Dougherty. Twenty three couu . ties, :j<l. Counties Muscogee, Schley, Tav lor. Tallait, Harris, 'J'roup, Mcrriweather. Heat'd, Coweta, Fayette, Clayton, Carroll, Campbell, Haralson, and Paulding. J'*it tecn counticH. 4th. Counties Upson, I‘ike. .Spalding, ll* in v. Newton. 801 l . Monroe, Crawford, Bibb! Twiggs, Wilkinson, Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, and Putnam. Fifteen counties. .->tb Counties -Washington, Jefferson, Richmond, Glascock, Hancock. Warren, Columbia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliferro, Greene, Morgan, Oglethorjie, and Elbert. 1 onrtocn counties. ml*. C*mnti*:s- Milbm. Gnmnett, Wal ton, Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hart, Frank liu.Banks, Hall, Forsyth, Pickens, Daw-on. Hart. Franklin. Banks, Hall, Daw-on, Lumpkin, White. Habersham. Kalian, Tow ns. Union. Fannin, and Gilmer. Twin ty l ight counties. 7th. Counties DeKalb. Fulton. Cobb, I’olk. Floyd. Bartow. Cherokee. Gordon, Cliatt. >< Walker, Wliitlield, Murry. Catoosa: and Dade. Fourteen counties. THE national Standard. A SERIES OF SUITOOU BOOKS width ia extensively used in every State, of the Union, in many instanees more: largely Ilian any or nil others, may justly hear the above, title. Nothing hut the. most unqindUied merit could give any hooks this proml ]>osition. 'Feat her . and friends of eduenliou generally, are aware that it is ereditahly maintained by the NATIONAL SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS, rui.lblll.i) BV A. N. r, AUN EH A OO. t NFAY YORK. 'l'hese lamous Books an* everywhere it. cd and eveiywhen* popular. 1’lu? eaUlnguo covers every tlepai l meul. of School, Academic ami C«»I legiate Instruction. The following arc the. vnl | iiiiiis,uting ihe common hrandic Barker .V Watson’s Spellers and Renders ; Monteith and McNally’s Geographic- , Clark’s English Grammars . Reels’ System of Bennuin.-diip ; Davies’ Complete Comvc of Mallu niatie , | MonU'ith and Will;ird*s History; The Silver Lute and Foit-i Choir-—finale ; Jarvis* Bliysiologv and lleahli ; Beck’s and Hanoi's Natural Bidlu ophy , Borter’a I’riuciples ol Chemi try ; I)arity’.-. Southern 15ut0,nv ; Nurtiieid’s School Speaker Pujol’s Freueli ( la- Book , Andrews iV Stoddard'; Latin Gruin.uini. j THE ILIA STKA'I El) kj) r< . \ ni>s. i h r> ru< a nv, rm; pi■ m.i- n ru’s om< i xi. >ihi*n .n, Will be nf to Tejclipr’s re<*;ul;ulv, ibr one ! year, on receipt ot i i:n f i:\th. Addrestf A. S. BARNES & CO,, EDUCATIONAI IT HI.IHII EBH. Nctv ) orl:. mj U.Mim (|I A( h IlMtOS’ IBWhllHi®. ■rue la'iest ano best. A Prititarii Ai-illnuclic. Leuii , lifully illii.iialefl ; earrie. Hie !»«•:■■inner through the lirsl four Ruhr, and Hi* ninqil** Tattlra, BtuttbtnVng mental e\,ni,< . witb j example.' lor the slide. Ibmo. IBS pages, 10 cents. !An E/rinriittii t, Arilhiiiclir. Reviews the. Mihjeee, ol tie Primary'in a style, adapted l.»» oniew, niahirei m'tud'. Al-u emhraee: Kraelious, I'* <h ral Money, Red ucl ion, and (In* Compound Rule . I Jim*, UM pages. 00 cents. | A Practical, Arithmetic. IVc jiared e\pre-sly fur Common Selmols, giv ing .'peeial prominence. Io tlu? hran«*hes of Mercantile Arilhnietie, and introdueing the new “Metric System,’’ with explaimlions and examples, i:311n». SJ(» paue-. I*l. A Uitfhcp AritfuncUc. Ihrit piiratiun. A Mental AriUuuetic, Nearly ready. Thi.- eiie j.-. nieet,iiig with a. most gratifying ieecplion from teachers ever '.vwJure, and is ex actly what is needed lor menial di-eipline. as well as for a practical preparation tor the husL ness of life. It is clear, thorough, eoniprelicn sive, logically i«n*anged, well graded, i>supplied with a, great var’n iy of examples, and leaelie-: the methods actually used by Imsine. - men. S]*eeinien eopie- ol my ot 1 In*, above work-- moiled, postpaid, to b a- Id is and school oDicers, on receipt ot one-half tlie retail prici Favom lile term ; made lor introduction. ».AFFU7IOWiA€O, I*l 1.14511 KRW. Id A. UK KItOAmVAY, N. Y. jnyll-tf THE ROAD TO FORTUNE. \\fh', can put : ny male; ar bmai*? in the w;iy V V ol M A KING -If 30 I*. V r KR Y DAY in Uie j year by the < mploynient ol the time oulinati ! jy siK ut. in reading and leereal ion v I* JI f V CEN'I’ SA M PLE Pi-nt free upon application Addre.-, PAULDING, RANKS.vCti, r,W Iho ntway, New York. RepanHor CupHH. Throw iuv:iy j'.Ui- lahe In/./.i .. join -wih hi*, vour uih rui-tivo ol c.Miitorl ami not. worlli a thi; Coin. KM. .1, ,mm yiinlhful, i-'iiin- iijl.l ami lan Anil n-j'ilri- in ynn'i' ln\ni-ianl hair KEI’ARATOII CACIIiII. 1-or ri’-'lnriilg hair ii|,oi( halil h>** I-. from whaU-.via it may have fallen out, anil j forcin-' a -inwlli of hair upon Hu- fad; K, lias no . cxllal ll will force tile In aril to grow U|Mtn j the niinothi -I l.n-i- in live t« no-kr, . or hair npnn ha ill hi-atl in limn two to three oil , A Jew ignorant jiractilioin-i liswuk si-iIl-iI that thin- i- that will ford: ot iinsien lire irrowlii ol tlu letir or fa.nil i heir an- 1..1-- ,1. I- of living WII , from llieir ow n i.sperii-ni-i-., run In ar wit nes., tint, many will say, h*nv are \(e t<» iti.- liii'-ni-h the Pennine from tin- -I'luiou f ll eei rainly irilitth nit, - ol tin prepa ration ailvi-rti.-eil im tire lion anil heart! an en tin-tv wortlih-, and yon may have already ti.i-o'wii aw.iv I:ir-.i .mount m their pure-linne. S1 „ 1, w, voni.l say Irv the IIKI’AKATUII CAI’ILLA . it will m'-t you untiling it lully eoiin- up to our n pre- .-ntiUion It your ,|ri|,._,i-' does nol keep ii. Ki nd ns me ilolhir-, anifwc will forward it, po- tpanl, l'-.i tln-i with a receipt for tin money, whi.-h will he r* turned you Dll application, proy idiiif' entire atiafne iion is not given. Vddre.-s, VV, l„ I i.AKKK .Vi 0., Chemists. No. ■; Wi st Kiiyetlest., Ijaiidy Hyr.ieti.--e, >. Y. NO. 14. FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS AND TRUST COM TAN V. ihurlcred Uy lei oft ( OFF1G&H8; M. T. Hewitt, President. W. S. (jlrinilli, Ii Viet? President. A. 8. Barnes, 13d Vice-President Rev. J. W. Alvord, Cor. Secretary. I), Lansing Lambert, Kee. Becretary Principal Oilicc, No. 87 < 'edar .street, (Amn i can Exchange Bank Building,) New York < iiy BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, CA-, NO. 40, ELLIS STIIEBT, CORNER OF JACKSON. Office lluukh—From 1 to I, p. m. ; uml on .Saturdays, i\]J to b ]». m. Depdnla of One Dollar and upward received. Interest allowed in January and July. “ The money deposited will lie paid back to tin* depositor, principal and interest,' when called for. All the profits belong to the depositors—no others are interested. Branches have been established in marls every city from New York to New Orleans. C. II PRINCE, (Jaebiei A W ERICAN EDUCiTIQNftL SERBS. PUBLISHED BY 1 vison, I’lliiinry, BlakenianA- (<• 1) null 8!» Grcru Stmt, NEW VO UK, N<l BKIHISS OF SCHOUL BOOKS en ot lered to the public ha ve attained so wide u « ii eulatiou, or received the. approval ami endoi * inent of many eonipetenl. and reliable odiieaPo-, in all juirls of ihe United .Slides, .is thiu Among the most prominent ol tlmir publit t lions are the following, viz ; I IIE U NION BERIES (>E RKADKKK AN !» SPELLERS-entirely new in nmttei and illustrations, and received with great lavor by the best teacliur?> in tlie country. ROBINSON’S SERIES OF AKITHMETH'S— j very popular with all teachers who have tested them in the class room. : ROBIN.soN’S ALGEBRAS \NI> HK.III I: I MATH EM .Vile'B enlirely re-wriH<rn ; lull, , complete, scientific and practical. KERL’S NEW SERIES OP ORAMMAIU* unKiupassed in (simplicity, elearncH , n* search, and ]>raetieal utility. SPENCERIAN COPY BOOKS—simple, pi >< n cal and beautiful. Newly engraved and im proved. SPENCERIAN CHARTS OF U’RITINCt AND DRAWING— Mx in number. In nun , I i»y JO inches. j SANDERS’ PRIMARY HAND CARDS i in set. SANDERS’ PRIMARY SCHOOL CHAP I largo, for the school-room, eight mimix i on lour cards. AB C CARDS AND A KITH M ETU A U TABU I CAKDL. ' WILSON’S HISTORIES french series BRYANT A S'I'RATTON’S KOl'K KKIJ'IMi WOODBURY’S GKHMA.N SERIES M ANTI EI.AS SPANISH READERS, COLTON'S GEOGRAPHIES. WEBSTER’S SCHOOL DICTIONARIEr jißivdubV’b wiiocn. mush: ikm>kß,vii They also manufacture the SPENCERIAN STEEL PENS, which arc regarded by tin: be at Pensmcii of the country r -ujo rioi to all otlu i v : N Tea.elier.-i and all otheiviintereate,d .o* in vited to send for our De ciiptivc Catalogin', and. Circulars, and to correspond with un heels Address the Publishers, XjjJPerCent Saved By I VSK B. T. BABBIT S PURE CONCEN La TRATED PO'I ASH on READY SOAP M AKER. Warranted double the utrcngtli of common Potash, :Ukl superior* f«» any other s.i ponitieror ley in the market. Put up in eansof one pound, two jHiumls, three pound.*, i\ pound * and twelve pound.-, with full in Engliah and German, for making Hard and Soft Soaj). One pound will make tiftcon gallon of Soft Soap. No lime is l-etpiired. Con- inner will tlnd this the cheapest Poia liin ihe market. Ask vour Ljoeer lor it. I?. DftAStltl'lT tit, fib, (»(), f»7, 08, (A>, 70, 7*3 and ii Wa Iling ton si i ' ii, Nr vv \ ork. r i v PER CENT. SAVED BY USING 21. IT ♦>U STAR YEAST Po\v DER. Light Biscuit, or any kindol Cake, mav be made with this u Yeast Powder’’ in tilleeri minutes. No rtiorti ning, i required hlh iihv. i; » milk is u,-ed. No.s iLaal ii VVastilngom New York. NOTICE. i\s lam acting for VV. I WIIITIS, <lu»ini', liis absence from the (ity, and have, been called upon to make some settlement.-; on U»e * -laic of J. Ho? . deceased, ill jk isous indebted to the estate will please call and see m«, wa A • .oim>t settle claims without money* VV. 11. MATHEWS, Agent. Augusta, Ga., May hi t, ISij?. Dv i