The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 09, 1867, Image 2

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the Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, t;.v. JUNE?! iw£ OFFICIAL ORGAN t*. 8. GOVERNMENT. ()official Orffftn of the Oeoryin Educational Amtoclation. UNION REPUBLICAN ST ATE C'OXVEXTIOX. In pursuance with :i Resolution recently a<l<»j>te<l by the “ FJ.rietttin (JcnnUlittec <>f the l’n ion Itipuhlirtlll I'nrtij in,” there will Im- a Stuti Mime < ’on rent ion held ill tile I'it vot Atlanta, on the “fourth day <>t July” next by the friends and sup porters of the National Union Repub lican party. The friends and supporturs of that party throughout the entire State, without regard to color or former con dition, are cordially solicited and ex pected to have their counties represen ted. A platform of principles will be adopted upon which to conduct the approaching political campaign. It will not be the “whiteman s Convention” nor the “colored man's Convention," but that of the friends of “universal education, eipial justice, and the politi cal rights of all.” Several distinguished Statesmen Imm different portions of the Union have consented to be present and ad dress the Convention. AH the friends of the movement are invited to attend. \Ym. Markham, Chairman, llkniiv I*. Farrow, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Union Republican l’arty of Georgia. A i l,a vi a, (ta., May 20, |s<>7. : V* 'll I'npers in tlie Stale friendly to the ulna e enl! ar- re<|UCKte<l to publish it. - ♦. State Items. Citons. A gentleman who has re cent I v passed through portions of l)ooly, Worth, and Sumter coun ties, and endeavored to pa\ strict at tention to the growing crops on his route, states that he never knew corn and cotton in a better condition than they are at this time. Albontj (On.) .Wire. A \ Aiiitn, S.m-iktv has been organized in Floyd county. Fifty members have joined. The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. R. Ste vei s, who made a few remarks in favor of the movement, concluding by mov ing that Dr. C. K. Aver take the Chair, and Dunlap Scott, Ksq., act as Secretary. Mr. Scott declining to act, J. If. Stevens was nominated in his place, and declared duly elected. Dr. Ayres, on taking the chair, de livered a very appropriate and enter taining impromptu address—reviewing the past history of agriculture in the Cherokee country. On motion of (fen. Geo. S. Black, the members were earnestly requested to prepare themselves to discuss the best method of growing wheat and turnips at the next meeting. llkauvm AUTKItS DIS I . ok Ga., ) Macon, Ga., May 27, 1 HOT. ) General < halers, ) No. 8. \ With a view to avoid as far as prac ticable a suspension of civil adminis tration ( f justice throughout this State, the officers upon whom the duty de volves are requested to rejsirt without delay to these Headquarters am va cancies that mav exist in civil offices in the State, whether State or local, and as they may occur in future. Bv command of Uol. Caleb C. Sib ley. U. S. A. (Signed) John K. llosmhu, Ist I,t. l«th U. S. Inrtry, and A. A. A. G. Official: <>. C. lvvp'r, Ist Ft. :t;sd U. S. Inftry. Brevet Capt. U. S. A., l’ost Adjutant. Gwinnktt t'orvrv. Maj. Knox, ( Agent of the Freedman's Bureau at Athens,) delivered an address to the colored people of Gwinnett county last Saturday week. Ilis subject was the necessity of Inlmr and a strict couipli ■lTl.-C n nil couiracts, logetlier with the im|H>rtance of education. At the conclusion of the address, Dr. A. J. Shaffer, of I.awrenccville, donatisl one and a halt acres ot ground as a ,ite lor a Freed men's school house, and Mr. AY. J. 1). Skelton gave them a building IP by 25 feet to put on it, (ieneral I‘ojie's order from Atlanta has the ring of a loyal soldier, lie is determined to have no McClellans or Fitz Porters in Alabama. It Pope had )>ccu able to dispose of Little Mae on the Potomac as lie now can of Swnyue, we venture to predict that the issue of the disastrous campaign of 1862 would have been tlilii reut, and that victory would have crowned our eagles in Richmond. -PhUndHpliia freer. WE THANK YOU GENERAL POPE The teb graph iliioi uied us several iluvs since that the Post Commandant, at Mobile, had suppressed the .\oti<o'- a/ief, the only Republican paper i. tidtt eitv. We awaited with smu anxii tv the action of (feneral Pojie ; but he governs a' he fought, lie on, ot the w isest District Commanders. Rebel newspapers have been permit ted to publish w.tli impunity treason able articles against the Government, and the most disgraceful incendiary harangues. The rioters at Memphis, New Orleans and Mobile were mci'ed to deeds of v iolence and murder by the Rebel newspapers of those cities and yet they were not suppressed; but as soon as a paper, loyal to the Govern ment, publishes an article that, can be made to appear to a Copperhead officer in the leant degree incendiary, lie jumps at the chance to suppress the paper. The Nationalist is edited by a Southern man- a firm, uncompromising Union man. ll is one of the ablest Union papers in the South; and its ar ticles have never been, in the least de gree, incendiary; but because it was a loyal paper the Bel,els of Mobile have, of course, hated it; and now they have found a Northern Copperhead mean enough to do their dirty work. Such officers are a disgrace to the service; and we are sorry to s;iy that we have too many of them. All honor to General Pope, lor his noble course. \\ i- thank him in the name of the loyal press of the South, for Ids manly order. ihe loyal liberty loving soldiers who helped to crush the rebellion will thank him. As one of those soldiers, we thank _\,>u, Gene ral Pope. We have had summit mein ami contemptible officers m this pa', of the South, since the war closed I hat it is refreshing to liavi a calm, judi cious, bravo and noble commander -a man who is an honor to our limn and our government. The following is the order of Gen. Pope : 11 BA I>QI AIiTERS 111, MIIIIAKtI> I s rltll I, Ati.avia, Oa , June iso;. General Orders, ( No. 28 i I. Tin’ interference by the Post <'em maililer at Mobile with ■> If. vv>■)«•! pel of tint city is tinuuthoii/.etlivnff euri-ely ili-uijcii.iYixl He will ul once tunic wluitev-.-r eeO-m be iiro Inken. 11. il is the duty cl tile ini'U.-v nutlmi o.> ill this Pistliet tosei iiic to the people tin '!!- nnist fee,atom of speeeii ami el the pi e- ( * ■ sistent with taw ; not to n tiiet .-iilii i No satisfactory execution oi V t.ite aet.- of Congress is pin, licahle imU -- this |. ■. iloin is seelirisl anil its everei-e pruleeteil by the usual legal means. 111. No officer or sokbei in this comuiiciii will hereafter interfere news)aipci ■ or speakers on any pretext whatever. If disturbance is feared from tiles,* >Ol res the necessary prci-antions to pn eire the peace will la. taken in the mae-ier ami through tile ugeneies |ireseril« and ill ( Order- No. 25. from these Headipnrh ' - IV. Treisonidile uUiranei im not 'hit legitimate exercise of freedom of discussion, but even in such eases whatever u tion i taken must he !>y iFnet orders from these Headquarters and not by any subordinate authority. Bycommaml of Brevet Major (ieneral John Pope. li. K Samikusos. Captjl'.idl S. Inf’y S A .'.Gen. flection in Washington, IM'. III!-: NKWI.Y j:n KII.V N e|||s |: I, VOIKIR-t JOIN Till KKIT 111.1, VN lwm Y vxi> carry tiik city Isy ki,500 Mn.joi-it.v. Our Northern exchanges give a full account of the election -which took place in Washington City on the id inst. The Republicans carried the city by twenty-five huudred majority. Colored men vi ho, hut a few y ears since, were slaves, voted as intelligent ly as those who were free born ; (bus refuting the Rebel slander that they are tit only lor slaves. They, too, vo ted for the party that had emancipated and enfranchised them, thus proving that they know who their "At afrit nils'" are. Thus they will vote throughout the South. They will show the Rebel party that they lov e freedom, and will sitpjKvrt the party that gave them free dom, and will protect them in its en joyment. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF TIIK l NITER STATE." - ■ - I ~ CHAPTER YXXIY .la Art to fnrilitntt , ■■ ini. ■ mtnl, .</ Iniutni ft (< m m >/itirntiiin a iiioh i/ <!>t : Sintts. Whereas the Constitution of the l ebed Stall's confers iifsm Cong'.css, in express terms, the jvoxver to legulat, commerce among the several States, to e«iahl'sli jmst mads, and to raise and su[>;x>rt armies: Therefore tic it i in' 'tut !>jf tin s'. ~n. ~f th/il'ixi ntntii'i a-■/ tin ( niji'ii St,if, xnf .!/. /, in (timf/ri** "<*< i.ihtnl, That even railload cninpam in the I nited Slan-s. vvlie-e r-e.l is o|Hraliil )>v steam, its sum's-) >rx and assigns. la. and Is hereby, authorized to carry upon and over its road, Istiits, bridges, and terra s. j all pivsßi-ngers. trltos, government .supplies , mails, freight, ina property on their xy-iy from any State to another Stipte. ami to. r ceive (oinfs-nsrition t'offlvfor, mid tc. coijiiw t with roads of other Stakes*)a» t.* form (- i tinuous line: for the transportation of 'lie Same to the place of dedirtt.iioii r /•’/•*• '-hd. That this act shall not affect nnv siiputab.-n hi tween tli< government of line Cnited States and any railroad company for transport.ib.-ii oi fare without compensation, nor impaij or change the conditions imposett by th-- terms of any net granting hintfs to any sail: m jKiny'lo nidln the igmstfntlion'.ot i' ■' nor -hall it he construed i*. auOtorizt railroad eomjamy to build any new and !or connection with any oilier road without authority:from Liia State in which -aid ruil road orcoi ueetion may be piojioo i!. Sf;i. 2. Am* lie i 1 jii'-t/iti eimifnl. That I CuiigresH nwy at any time alter, amei- >r i reiH'id 'his act. Aci’Kovko. June 15. lMili t HAFTKKCXXVI. ; .1,1 A>'( 1o imlh'iviie tin (Jf>ituui-x*Oiut » °f Illicit in to JH I/ (hotu- it / ' fC ■■< utid Asisistunt KfUmbU »> Iff, -Su/t'-y/ ft till If/tr for t"i- ;n rs . unu ■■! " • H' if enacted bp ti" .S# .••«//*- nail Jr ■ t lit ut'/tiriH of the I'■ uih >i .of .!, , <t in hkx, initial. 'i li.’f Ui* * ii niis*‘i«»ncr of pniunls i- hereby auiiioi >/>■<} Jo pay tliosu ump-ovefl in tin tim . ’*i April first, uiirlitmi iliumlrcili midi -i * . until the first day of plfi’hu--cn hon i fired nnd sixty-live, ns cxp.mineis end ant c\;miiners of psiteuls. af !in* rate 1 - 2:>u«l jby law for these resjMTtive unules I*to '< > . i’liat f)s«' -;»niu he paid out»»f lei ]bUu;il Ou e fiuul, ami that ti»e ihils •*. M shall not exceed that received hv Ut-■ ! on oMed ;*s iMiininerH and as-isJa 1 t»f paieut.'- f««r the name period. Aim kovki), June 18. 18W>; CHAPI’KIt CXAVII .1„A rt ft tin J)i. fEtMttl of tJa I*' 'hi / ft ft U teJattl \ettoti * of Akd O-litfl. V': .I** /if 1.0/nnOl p I. .1 - M/i !• tfA M fit in. /i' it fntirlifl his Hr Si.oft .11 Jit,. ■■ ' f Jifpn sen fat ires of Hu ( ni’etl A /,■■■■■. in (ifelltjM-M* Hunt widal. Tililt Irom a-id e » the i«jss;!/f* of tins nut .ill Uh* juihliu lauo- in i *‘C Stairs of Alalxu'jie. MissisVipoi. L .i. t. and Fh* f i*hi shall be ilr-mm >< aueordimrlo the siiimla!ior-hf Hie h»*jm > * ad i liivV of twentieth Auo , e’erhipi n luuk ? *<s! and s»Xty-lwn,'OitlilU;d An «et- tu «*e.■ore le»uie s’ *a«iHtoa<auafs<»Uh‘fs»tnthepi'’i‘»edopi ' s. and the act .supplemental ‘hu * <>. aopi<md fuei)ty-fi *st of Maxell. < h'ceit hu»'died n* 1 sixty-four, but with ties r<M fa-lion, U ’ i ii 'ii! the exphfition <*f iwo yee• -• front " id ; after Ihe of f lii«* a t. vid entry siiall be made for nvaOthan a hi»)f-<jit:uter .ton, 'Hi (‘idiiy ,'(vc-; and in J;cv* nf rhu sn : it of ter ti.Jtpis rCcpiired i > 1 ; hv the n and sir' oil ** f said «u* *hi-re shatl tie \ nd ilf sum of five clotlors a» Hie tune nf Hit* i- eof e»rh patent; and that thepulJkdanos it < 4 St iffs heli im* tlisp».si< (2 (V , j n no <>d(f*i ■;< ner lifter the «*f lliis p< a ['a in f Tiuit I'p disdix , amor ddst ihniu- um shade inrde in the <ousthk .ton **r e\ei:U'.; i!■ a< i ui) a *rotnttDt mrc o. eolov • Ams / 1 jutlitre. That n » luinerai hu'ifs -h J! heUalOe .•tueiiin* and seJiK iiu r. under itspnw Sm ' -Anft S it f -Shcf row ll ! : >i< dim miaoid! of tiu* uliove-' iifd hdiu .t law, i‘iid«h*d *An art to mvp e hou.K- U . itoaeiual s« itlfison tilt* puhhe dompiu, :vi. i pmved May tweutieih. ee;iiiri-ii hand « i p id MXty-tvvo l»u s<i))iiiendu(l ns to re das d*!'■;•• • That the |M*rson app-y’:*-; f«»r tiiehem i t of • h*s)u t slmlf. • u on urn to the te^’s-cr 1 o. tl e lpiid oMjuui,, whieh he or she j; :d>»»ui to .. ake such fiiii \, make Mvit hufo"<- the ,sam ivaisfcr or ifuehr tiiut. ha »t s|j< j ?:■<• huiitl -J a fa»*il!y, or t- i yn or nuiveid a«ru. <*r shad have]K d>nn» 1 -< '‘ , in the : run .inavv <>( t lit* fa died So,. ~ | aval tha> s ach iui|*th ‘dun nvadeCuy h ; s ~• lu r rxelii<sive us<» ;■ -\ Isauait. and in-.. « t'otry w iftntie f«.«- the m'rpo.i of ru mil * tlemcnt a.ul u*dil\ ohm. and tv . etth * ud ‘Sy or imHre*. h* I>>r the Um* m hum ;i* of n.oy ! otiJtroe.'T».t »• »uim ~t'-v, in iHsixwer, uml u ■ *<-n fi*M.a: the s<»h: amcle\*t with Uu ru-e* ‘ o-- ib’p vu'. and on ’vyuieivt of five do’i s. w hen the «!.',iy • .no mum than uk h*\ uv us, heHjiu h.**l! then nj)un he ; «*» i\ ■M and j h* nitet‘ - »»e imeuva of siMf ilhai, rro • >'i( 7 fo, hot never. That iv* eertMumte sha ’ »:• illve.- • rpe'ent issaud *hei *fur. u.««M » ! i- »*\- pinttiuii of five year** fnnu Hie ifaU'* id It i » dry; nod if. at flu* e*.»>iiaiion«»f nx/h itmu, :or at vov tine withhl two yp.o-s tin t i\ tin*pri s.n makiu*,'sm h entry, a it lu ’*e , duad, his w : alow . or in case -t U i death. Ids ! heirs oi (h a i>« c;orin • a of •» w-dow uuok ‘ sitedi (nfr\. In v In in ua>. of lurd'.'lh. shrill by two .t'OfMu '> i m 'St*> timt lie sim* or they havuiu ided upum ( r cultivat' and in* to, to * «**• us of* H\o irnnii dkde , y situu* the time < \ lihiis; the afiida\«t :dore»;iid. o:.l shafl mnk« 1 attlduAjt that v •*.'‘ <*nd !a > ! h-A< • •■•■ u a ,: (*iii'.(‘(k am- ilinl l*e w i l ' h* o ■*’!« yiaie to the of tie a i,-- : s-... s ; n, l in such rise. h< she. or - hey. Jat i" inv a eitizen of the l T nU«d State <had h* < :'i tied i"ii pa;ent, ;•>* in other i.vx-> ,*r- -vided ->y law: And piornhsl faith :, Thai in ease ** the deathof hoih fato<*r .-imlmother, lea'. ■ y .“•i infant cldld or eld.d en umler twenty-* uu* yc*ai' of ;\ te. the i iyht and tVi shad eni ' t > the Inna lit of si »and in. auj eh : Uj ,uid! i t ii; and the e\ee.*hi|-, mav at.any tinu w'.Nn twu ye. r . death o- tlu* an ; ir . |»,>:a*i)t ;md j.-. . ; iilicl* niih the 1,-..vs o* the in w'- s o ! stK'h ch ;, dun. fur the t'nie hodiL.. have '. r doniu’lv. se*! s. "i Vi ihelu ii lit ui ' ) infants, hn< for !«•» mhev pntjiost 1 • and. the j i pirnh;iM*r >h;id M'-Guor ! 1 al> ulmi till* y 1 • the jMU'elmse. and lu < oImUnI in a j»ate:i; ■ m i tile rnited Stales mi die pr\i,lent t ’ a t Otlica hx-s and sum of monev !u iv r -pt vuu J : I'r< - ihtf Teat UliH lie* li’sf day t*i Jam uv; i-iylittvn himdii*i 1 and -i\? *. -< \- any •*- sou apph *ng for the \ i nefit of t*u- act ’. 'k in addition u> rlieoath In* 'emhefore requir* •, also make oath that he ha< n a Isa at a atrailist the l*ui id Status, or l'« n d.'; . I eoml'ot I to its enemiev Sim . And h< it f■. sh, ■ . •.,/. Th t all the provisions of die sud honies.ead law. and the act amendatory hvnof. aop . . < Mareh \ wenty-tirst. eiir'hti*en Imndred .;,d : six v-drar, so far as she -ana may he u*oT : - , i a hie, except so far ;-s tin* sj-nu au- mo-hhed Ihi the pH. idin-'sections et tliis pi* i plied to and made part «>t thk ;ut as d” v . K if herein inaeted and set foi h. Aitkovkd. June dl. lstiti. ( HAITKH ( XXVHI. Jb At *’> *-i .I 'n'rxr tjr' Sttdr nf i} ,a/ ' ' t j /.. Mon .th,' f e/tt' ( * n ' • ! Foret - . Hi tit.!' ■*d hi/ A > ftl'tn iJtl; v t.J . in i> Th-'t illUlH t s 'a< 5 \ i-drnriry.Ti - a»vv. it thr«*u vonnms.sii'Uuis wh-ue du* It sh ‘h hi l*a i fii •!<** amou-nl o, nv ex.Kiuh 1l iv ihe Sj. . T >; \ •-i ; •c* ’oiling, supplxh . svhsviin^. .ti i-pb it-- ‘*»ud such 1 ..ii'c !*•. :n ualled hi. > - ; yx\k e '.i aid y., since tiie tweii Adi day us A ; . : ; : r 5 h •ndwdano sixty-one.‘to *• •- In,.*><;•! v .'i * n : the l ailed S < s fuiw-s iii tin '•i.npies'i.**.. f rehallion ayitist the l’nited S,. te‘>. Sku. -2. tid ■ a/■ nf T't at that flie s* - appinted sjia’l pi - eeed at Oiuc to ( .xandnc all the expeiHli'un s made l»v >aid Statu tor the pnq>osr- h*a t i n.-uiMxk allowing onl\ for disbursement: made and amounts a■ -omed *»y tlx- State for .-nvii iim. eouippinM. inmsporiimi. -op- . | plying, and paying such troofis as were called I into service by the governor, at the request of flie.L'nile*! States department tsoniman.ler eenmiHudim:- An- district In which AVest Vir ! ginia may at the time lutve betfi im ludwk or hv the express order, uoiHunt. <>r core uri cnce of such commander, or which may ha ve umphyved in suppressing nfoeliioi; in -aid State * And no allowaneu shall lie mad** foi ! I any troops whi( Ii did- not 'perform actual ! i military service in full concert and co-opera- ] | tion w ith the authorities of the United Stan s : and subject to their orders. Sue. i Ami 'it ii ji/rlJtm ' m,tii'. That j ju makiiui up «aiil Account, for the conveni ence ot the accounting ortii - is nf the gorern } ajent. the o illi'--i: ai'-l.- Ahull Mate acji.ii :ite -1 ly The aJiKitinlA ex|Kimt< il, rc-iwctivcly. for enrolling. cqulpjHtlg, iimiuig. AUlvsiAting. tnuiAliorting. and j-aying A.iid iiimijia. and I from the aggregate amount tliev.dmlid'.iluct the amount of direct tax duchy 'he -aid State 111 the United Stan- under ifie act en ; titled " An act to provide lnereus' and revenue i from inipori.-. pay intcnSt on the ptihlic debt, and for other jAirpc-ea,'’ approved August * fifth, eighteen hundred and Aixty-one. Ski . i. .'hnl it jnl’lhrr eiuirtett, 1 j in the adjustment of ai uiunU under thi» act '■ the r-oinnii—ioiiei> shall not aiiow for any ex : iKTiditure or t ■*impelisatkm for -eniee at a rate greater than was at the time authorized bv the ia a: of tin- United Slate- iH similar, i cases. Skc. 5. An'il be il ftirllnr eiinriojt. 'l’liiit si) soon «- said eonimissiomis shall have made up said mount and ascertained the Uilance. :t a herein iimied, they shall make 1 written report tlic-rtof, showing the different items of ex)K-nditure, as hereinbefore stated, ; to the Hccretary of the I rra.-ury, aho -hall cause the same to he examim-d by the proper accounting offleert. of the treasury, and said officer- shall audit the aecounlsa.- inordinary eases; and if from their report it shall appear , that any sum remains due in the -aid Slate. ! liesbalfdraw his warmnt for the same, pay i able to the govern-u of -atd State, and deliver it to him. ; See. 0. Ami hi ' fnrthil, I’liat j tiie commissioners to i» apiKiinted ns afore- I said shall. Ixrfore proceeding to the discharge | oi tneir dutie-. lx; sworn that they will eare -1 fully examine the accounts existing Ix-tween j the I'nited States anil tnc Slate of Wes’ Yii ginia, and that they will, to the best of their j ability, make a just, true, and impartial i inert thereof, us rcquiml by this act They : shill! receive such compensation for their r i vices us may lie determined by the Sirreiaiy j of tin Treasury. : Skc. 7. Ami in: it po tior nmi-tnl. Thai I tlin sum of three hundred and sixty-eight iio.isand Ii vc hundred ami fc>rtv «'eh' dollars and thirty-seven cents he, am) the same i - htreby iipj)ropriated to carry this ait into ii ~jct. ArcnovKD, June 21. lsig;. SITXT AI. XOTICJks. NOTICE. j TIIK ZION 'IETIIOBIBT EI’ISt.'OTA h' '>N ! TERENCE, Right Rev J. .1. CUnUni, Bisln.p, j n ill meet in Trinity Church, at the city of Au- I gust.), on the THIItl) SATURDAY of thi j month, (.Turn 15th, t the Lord willing, ffv order of the Bishop T. (. CAMPBELL Elder hi charge, is .nd Missionary for the State. Hands Wanted. A NUMBER OE GOOD WOOD CllOl'l FRs ? cun find su ndv employment, am! pay, by j « filling on JACOB !i DAVIS I TIIK I'NDKRrtNiNKD HAS REt'KIVKI) [ tlic Rj'fiointiMontMfi UN!TKI> S'iWTKS (OM |>l iSsioNKU tor Uiu S >ut!in Ilisiii. ’oi(. m j " ()«i( t ‘t Au.kTU.-li* JACOB B. HA VIS. i M;i\ «*., is»;; myH-Jni j -f. I . BRYANT. 1 ( t KU IIAIIMnin. BRYANT & RICHARDSON, ATTORNEYS AM) ! rocysxrjeOns j r /. i ir. «)t. i ST A. <ib Oii'u•>. on.i i Kllb and Monunicm Suv< KF. fYK K Ni f > : H*m 1. M Mt.uili, M < W.-v-Uir.mii, 1). ( . lion Sidihr PcrbriD), V. ( . W:t-lnn-f*m. !) C. Hon. T. ■!. Si>;i r, Buf!.>i*>. X V. Kd*j,:ir K- m hum, K>; . Now York ('i»\ Gen. (ieu. F. Shcply. Portland, M< i lion. Jo-c]>h Howard. ! C'ol. AUkti H. Br. '.YiK*, Jr.. Mas- J S. Slni'l/.. Pru.-’t !k»ardoi Huaitli, N\w York i . Citv. m> 12-ts linow Shy Htsfiiiy. AT \D\MI u I- 'I MOKNTUN liic „r „i i*i Knirli.-'h A'*.;■«>l* rlairx'oyauf and iky o'p'i'p tnol.iu, m i; -•••• th< oi.'.-M-v (>i the Old World, now louatod liur -*‘ti ;»l Hu I-'ORi, X Y. Madaniu ihomlon p«w --> >n< h woudenn] powcr> of seuoml-siii'iik a> u\ enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the »ing;le or inanied of either ><*':. Wliile in a state of tranee, she dc- i lifieafp.s T-l»e very feotiires ot the person von are ] ?o many, and by tho aid ot an instrument of j tlitense {H*wer. known as tiie Psyeliomotrojx-, guarantee■- to proilnoe a life-like pietuiv of the injure liu.-bami or wife ot the appiieant, to pother with date of marriage, position in life, leading trait- of i -iiaractcr. xV>-. This i- no hmnbu.a. *•- thmisamN of testimonials fan as- . sen. She will send. hen desired, a certificate, ! or write a, that the picture i> what it j purports to he. By enelosimr a small lock of! hair, and -tattnir plaeo ot birth, a see, disposition, j and complexion, and enelosim* fifty cents ami I st.unpep envelope, addressed to yourself, you j will receive tiie picture and de-ired in form a- ! tion by return mail. All »x>imitnnication.s sacredly confidential. Address, in ennfidedee, MADAMK K. F. THOIIATON. pft-ly P. O. Bfx-.X";. Hndson, X Y. j TO ( ONsrv,rTl\ is —The advertiser, . liavin- been restored to health in a few weeks : by • very simple remedy, after having -ufi. sand s’Y ral years v. it Ii .» vere Uim. a flee lion, and ! that dre:u! dis«;.i>« ( on-umpfion. is anxious to make known t-j ln». u-1 1* »w-ojiierer- Hie m> ' of on re. To all wlm desire ii, he will send a eopyo! tin: I ; prescription, Hne of « ha rye A with the dim.-- j ; tions for prepariiiir aiet u-inu. the sum*, which J they will tind a 81 KK CT KK for Consumption, A-tlima, Brout boh. At liv • uly objeel of j tin advert':-'.' i:\ --*u. unu - the l‘rr- ription i> t«» 1 benefit the allii* ted, and .-proud information i wfiieli fie ioneiivcs it* he invaluable; and ho j li.»!>.-- every -iifierer will *rv } t i> remedy, -it ; will cost them nothintr. and may prove a bite.— < in u. 0 Pa.'tie- wi-iiiu.u flu Presu-iptiun will please j •obi • Utv KDTYAKD A. WILSON. U' in, bur., O.’muy \. V j AV I LLSOX’S 'SCHOOL AND FAMILY SERIES " K READERS AND SUEELERS, Will son's I’riiaaiuf Speller. A Simple umi i',..! .i (* Lcsxbns ill Sjicllintr, with Re.i<li"v. .ui.l I)ici:ili<>!i ExciviiH--, ;(».! Kleinents oi Oral iiH.llViilteii UoinjMi-itioii. By Marcus Micro*.- jiimc., 8c jueges, s(i C'litx. 15 cent'. IY if Ison's Lart/er Speller. A Pn.gvcssiv. ('•.ui-m ot E-mmis in s ( , in<c :(n am;cil accoriliiiif to the Pi im i|i!vs ul <ii thubjiy ami tlraiiiinar. with Exercises in Svnotiyins iur Reailmtg, Sj'ehing aid A\ riliieg; new System of Definitions, By M.\i;< : - W 12m.*, | -.1 - ::o Cuts. and cenls. Willson's Printer. Tie. School aid Family primer, ininduebi, , Series oi 1 School ami Family ReaJers. Jij .Marcus M ici.son 12ino, js j.aoes, 107 Cuts. 25 cents. Il illson's First Reader. Tic Fir- 4 Remh-r of rim S. hod md l-' : ::: ; Series. Bv Makcii > AYii.i.son. 12mo, si cage', P'2 Cub. in. H ilfson's Second Reader. The Reaih-r «>.- ti- s i,.. -' .a,,; Fiunilv Series. By Mari it s Wii i son. 12ino, 15 i )i:ii!.e-, 100 Cuts cents. A Third Rentier : htk'nnuH"ti * s < "-1 ' "'J I’-- * ' * t>- lietween the Second ami Third Riuch ■- ot tie- >• lac-' haiidy s. Bv Mari ii s Wii.isun. i2mo, 210 j-au Vo ( ib. -o cents. Willson's Third Rentier. Th-Thiol Kca-h-rot theSchod >*.-:! Series. Bv March s Wii-i.son. 12iuo, 2t> 1 pages, l j-j ('ut-. a - Fourth Reader : fnten..'i/i"l- - s A I**«:-nli R- -..h helv.ceil the Third and Fourth Remit r-. oi the S-lrool aid Family s. By M.vut it's Willson. 12iuo, 512 j.itue-g 0-5 Cut-, .si ic. Willson's Fourth Rentier. 'Hie U-m. ;h Ri-mh-r ul tin- Scb Fatnilv Si-rii ■-. Bv M.-oa U‘> Mii rsov. !2nio, pages. 1 *"»' ' Sl 55. H illsoit's I ijlh Reader, flu Eiiti IB ad< *ii : ■ School and I Series. By March -- Wiu-on. ! 211 i• >, 5!0 p-igv-. go- Cum, s! : From M ij. ttpnural liowanl, ( umii*ii«»ncr FrucdtmMiV THu vau. I " Your t xucßcnt • crier, ha- Ih cu rw'i-ivud j | and examined with *rruut interest. I like the I works very miti h, and am t*i*|K tially pleased f with the Charts and Primary Books, bulli-vimi 1 thum miHstially adapted to aid the child in ! making a start.” f (Extract front Letter «-l Major Baxt**)i, or- . during Headers.] Wa-uington. 1). C', April A, | It av,»s 111 ought by st.iiie tbc* we li;id butter j *r«*t the Parker A W atson Series, which tl*e mo.-t used in the School#, dimply because some j j had j_ct it, for the sake of uniformity ; but my j i recommendation prevailitl. 'Hie j i if. who bad used both, stated that lie had j u-ed tha other as huuj a- he cared to, andcor.- idered the Willson Scries as faic anperlor. ' ;;ivin*> an cxampl* J)i the diiference of time ? rc*p)ired In teachh'j,' anew pupil, the prefc ! rcnct IwiPir decidedly in favor of the latter i sctics, - s ‘- i. v'iiiE thi> m w ntovenivfJ. j liav dccklftl to uet the best book extant, so Jar | as w»* knew them. signed) s. Wn,i.Aim Saxton j From the American Freedman (Re\ Lyman Abbott. ) “ The peculiar characteristic ot this Serb s lies in the fact that they aim to impart, as far i r~ possible useful infonmition. For this pm j use they contain a series td articles cm van- j off? subjects ui science and history, graded to j the capacity of difiercut pupils, and so arranged j that iv hen the live volumes have been care- ! j fully n ad, the student, in addition to a know i ledge ofTending, will have ae«{uired aeon-iik rslide knowledge in many department' of« st udy, such it' will lay the foundation fur more [ eumplete inst ruction arterward.” They are ilierefoi t* peculiarly adapted to the I | pressing needs and quick perceptivcs of the colored children. Each book is profusely and 1 ! handsomely illustrated, and the illustrations ! ai .' aj.l intended to render theeomprchetision of the reading matter more easy. The follow ing testimonials have been selected from a j lurgi mas- of a similar nature : Bureau K. F and A. L , Offiuf Si pek!nti:m>fnt Education. Kii HMcMI Va . Dee. 13, 180 b. Dear Sir—l b.iu* been familiar with the i Keaders from their first publication, and am j free to say to you, a> I have uniformly said to j teachers, superintendent.s, and others, that, ! all things considered, J regard them as the' best Series before the public The leading j peculiar feature of this Series was a happy in- ; spiration of the author, and the execution of : Hit plan so well done as scarcely to admit of I improvement. Mr. Willson's style of compo sition in the lower numbers of the Series, and ‘ something «>1 his plan in the higher mini hers, have been imitated by some later writers us j school readers with decided advantage to their works, lienee Mr WiiFon luus not only made a peerless Scries of his own, but has elevated the general standard of such works. When ever my choice has not been constrained by circumstance-, I have always- u-cd this Scries hoik in the white amt colored schools with which 1 have been in any way connected. Yours, truly, li. M Mania, • Harper cV Brothers, Publishers, FRANKLIN Slip ARE, MAY YORK. lIAKPKIi ,V BROTHERS will semi nny of the above works : v Mail, p -.hue lieu tu.uo p ol the Vnited States, on receij>t » t t!ic pruc. J. K. B I i-YANT. AGENT FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA, AUGUSTA, GEO. my'.*, l j Fr*uu WM. Corny, Ct Ueril Superint« iuln ' Fret-dinnn's S. imols in .\rkaim,i.-. I I iiwor made better readers than from tie•?< | book?. The Charts arc unsur|»asi*cd by any 1 Fr in \Y. V. Mituiifi.i., SujHThitendenl «.i J j ‘rued mors Schools (in ebarg*- of Penns n Willson’* Headers arc URMirn. - .-d by am in the Engiisli kinguag'. tlesiiing' t*» cxainuK* them with a view to in | tn.duu rioD. or. receipt of half price. ! Jlaui*k.: W HlGliilKß.-alro plibli-h ; s■ • iiu- School and Faint ft/ (’harts, Twi-nty-iwo in umnliiT, t,y iLirt-ius Willum .tin! V A. (Aiikin*. Tlicsu Charts art- designed, in connection " dh the in eompanying Miimuil us Inslrnetiun iby Militias Wilks;-u (i:>mo, bi 50) and j tho Primary Object Le— hi- i'-y X A ; Calkins. . l-’iii'., sl.Mu t : , p.-.q.;, •, „.| l4 . r Witli the i; tptisitu aids ...F tiie [mT: : Liry Instruction. In the blx Heading Chart the type i.- -ttflieieitf!y large to J - easi ly read at a distanc*: of .twenty feet. These j Charts will be Hirnislicd oil her separately or !in full sett' , eifhei moimtcd or in sheets, and f also, for Family !'-<•, in neat at hie form, at tin 1 following price-. When mounted, two are on a card of the ri/.e of each Chart, . *viu 'Si by bd inches. They arc sent by mail, in sheets, the prices named '• -Vo. u sh. i U. L Kb iueiftvtry Bixty Illustrated Words 35 cl, II Heading ; Fii.-t Le-'-ujjs.. ... B 5 c ill. Heading: Second Lemons.... 115 ct.- IV. Heading: Third Lessons So . V. Heading: Full rill Lessons 35 cl? VI. Hea ling Filth Lesson- 55 ct- VII. Elementary Sounds 35 ct- VIII. Fliunie S}*ellh!g.. 05c!.-. IX. Writing Chart ...... ,stt >- »* j.. -.. XI, I,im -and Measures . .. 05 cl* XII. Forms ami Solids 05 t XIII Familiar Colors, accompanied by a duplicate sett of Hand- Colur Cards si 50 XIV. CiirmnaricS'ale of Colors. . 1 .jo XV. Animals: Economical Use;-.. b(). X VI. Classification of Animals. . .. <K) ct- XVII Birds : their Classification 00 ;t- XVIII. Reptile? and Fi.-hes .. CAJ > 1 XIX. Botanical Forms, tfcc .. 00 et^. XX. Classitication of Flants.. ett XXI Economical Uses of l'laut.-... ISO cl.-. XXII. Economical Uses, cont . bo < Price of the entire Sett, in Sheets... -sil 7d “ “ “ “ Mounted 800 “ “ “ Atlas Form... Calkin's Primary Object Lc-sons si :*o Wili-on'- Mamud of Object Teaching. ' •'* ‘ There lms ■ •■ecu nothing publiclied in the educational line lor years that, to our mind, i such a means of conveying knowledge** tliest Charts and tlic Manual that accompanies-them. [foira Just fa'tor. Willson'.- Manual is the truest Amcrieeu ev pivt.-ion of IlK’ principles of Pestah.»U:;zt tha has yet been iradc. Mr. Willson is legit in lab ly carrying vmt in Mamud and j!.< bccoid panying Cbc.rt-, the ba.-i> of hi,- admiraM 1 -