The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 09, 1867, Image 3

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Tin- Dally Loyal Georgian. AI'GITKT V. G-A., JUNE 9. 1#57 OFFICIAL ORGAN U. 8. GOVERNMENT 2- '■ Hi shop A. W. Way man, of tin* A. ]\l. K. Church, wilt preach at Bethel ('linrelt, next Tuesday evening at ImU past seven o'clock. A lull attendanee is requested. LATE RELIC OF BARBARISM We understand dial the City Cuuu eil,oli Friday last, ordered that the ten o'clock hell should he no longer rung. So negroes can pass the streets any time of night, provided they behave themselves like while folks. This is a great privilege —next to voting. It is not to he wondered at if the next Legislature, in making their appropri ations, won't place the poor negroes on the same footing oi the families of Confederate soldiers. JVe will sec. REPUBLICAN WARD CLUBS. The Ward Clubs will hold meetings in the several Wards on Monday even ing. In Ward one,at Thankful Church; in Ward two, at Trinity Church; in Ward three, at Bethel A.M. K. Church; and in Ward four, at Central Church commencing at 7.V o'clock. Republicans! but a short time re mains for work before the registration will begin. Now is the time for work. Sc that every Republican voter in your Ward is a member of your Club. Work as you have never before worked. Wo must overthrow the Rebel aristocracy. We call the attention of ourjreaders to the notice of Rev. Mr. Campbell, which will be found in another column. PREPARE TO REGISTER. We are informed that the registra tion is about to commence—probably early next week. The Registers for the Seventeenth District- Richmond, Classeoek and Jell’erson counties -Thomas S. Skinner (white), l\. .1. Ranuell (white), and Wm. Hah (colored), will commence at the Race Track and the Burnt Church. The Registers for this city are Dr. B. F. Hall (white), Samuel Levy (white), and Robert A. Harper (col ored. Republicans! the time for work lias come. Let every Republican be a committee to >ue that every other Republican voter lias his name regis tered. We understand that some of the tiunhoat Ronds have been traced. Ihe owners don’t live, in the city; on body believed they would. That Jlosjdtol Hill is rich. Fix an < ikj:. Mr. Editor : Von will please publish the follow ing statement from “Tax-Payer" ? This is hut. a small matter. The financial skill of the late Council is Imt poorly represented in this matter. It is to be hoped that it is not done to throw dust in the eyes of our citizens,’so as to direct them front those of much greater magnitude—such as the renewal of *150, (M0 of bonds; or, to use their own words, “fttittl by rentsvul." The public- xv .ants to know who owned these Bonds? —-when they were given, and Ibf what they were given?—in whose name were they renewed, and all the parties interested in them ? Would it not be well tor the Keeper of the City Hospital to make affidavit stating how they' e;RiIC to make out such a bill? -what assurance they had for believing it could or would pass the scrutinizing eye of two shrewd business men-—one, at least, having the reputation of being the financier ? Would it not be well for the Chairman of the Hospital Committee t® make like affidavit, and also the Chairman of the Finance Committee, explaining how it passcdjtis eagle eye? For their own character, they should both swear they had no interest in the bill. This is a small matter. But how about the Bonds? This is wliat the public wants to know. A Citizen. Mr. Editor: It will lie remembered that ‘’Tax-Payor,” in his interesting j controversy with Mr. Charles Estes, 1 Chairman of the Finance Committee of the late City t ouneil, expressed him self as anxious in liis own behalf, and in behalf of the tax-payers of Augusta, to learn what had become of the money- | huge sums having been expended, of which no account \\a> •j'ivcn. since the change in Council, ” Liv 1 Purer has had at slight opportunity of investigating some matters that otherwise would probably have re- | luained buried to the end of time, and will, as occasion arises, sorrowfully give \ the public the benefit of his research. He presents the following as a por | (ion of a Bill paid by Council to the ! Keeper oi the City Hospital, for the | month of April, 1807, by which if will lie seen how some of the people's ! money went: j City JRispital Exjxnsrs jhr the month ttf April. I—;2 bushels Meal $30.U0 i 2 u Grits 40.00 5-—1 Gallon Vim “dr 1.00 <S—2 boxes Mustard 1.00 ; i >._2 im.MicV Mfc'al JJO.OO ! I.V-2 dozen E tries 100 j 18—2 bttshels Potatoes...... 00.00 ! IS—2 dozen Matches 1.00 10— 1 gallon Wine -10.00 23—1 bottle Wine 1.50 $200.10 Correct. G. I\. Cri mp, Chrn’n Hospital Committee. Approved, C. Ksms, C. F. C. This bill is certified to as correct by i R. R. Crump, Chaiuman Hospital. Co mmittee, and approved in writing by ' Chariot' Kstes, Chairman Finance Com mittee. It either of these gentlemen, lor any •But citizen, doubts the cor rcetness oi the statement herein made, he is referred to the present Mayor, who has in liis possession the original | bill. “ Tux-Payer " has no comment to : mak” dt. present, but will let this nut ] rageous example of official negligence | go before the people ill its naked de j formity. Tax-Pa rat. From Montgomery.;v, .1 line P. M. The Union Republican Convention | of Alabama adjourned sine die to-day, j after a two days' session. The pro ! eccdings of the first day were confined i chiefly to completing the organization, i Win. 11..’Smith, of 1 Lmdolph, formerly i a Colonel in the Federal ariuy, was elected President, with thirteen Yioe : Presidents and four Secretaries. Offi ! oers and Committees were selected i without distinction of color. Forty 1 odd counties were represented by j about one hundred and seventy dele | gates. To-day the Committee on Plat : form-' made the follow ing report, wliich ; was ummimously adopted: Whcretts, Tim loyal people ol Ala I btuna desire the earliest practicable ! settlement of the disturbed condition ;of tlu country; whereas, we believe ! that the establishment oi justice is ' essential to enduring peace, that patri i oti.-m should he exalted as a virtue, i and that it is the duty of the State to i cherish ail its people; whereas, those who assert these principles are through out the Union called Republicans; Res,deed, That the Republican Union party of Alabama declares itself a part | of, and in alliance with, the National Republican party of the Union, and is | the unconditional friend of the Union I of these States. R< solve and, That w endorse the action ol Congress on the subject, of recon struction, and will heartily endeavor to carry out the same to its conclusion. liesolrt and, That we w ill endeavor to secure, bv amendments to the consti tutional laws of the United States and of this State, the equal rights of all men, and the full enjoyment of the right of citizenship, without distinc tion oji account of color. Res/rfced, That w<- tire the friends and advocates of free speech, free press, free schools, and the most liberal provision by the State for the purpose of oil nearing the people thereof; and henceforward there is to be no distinc tion- made between the inhabitants of the State in civil and political rights, on account of color or previous condi tion. Re.soloed, That we discountenance all attempts to stir up strife atid con tention among the people, believing sueb a course to be in every way inju rious to t b(’ country. Resolved, That those melt who stood firm to the cause of the Union arc en titled to that confidence which is the reward of patriotism and fidelity in every laud. He soloed , That we pledge our en deavors to remove the tax on cotton and the State poll tax, and to establish ats a rule in the State that the tax paid by every man shall be exactly in pro portion to the value of his property, and none other. Rewired, That we recommend to the people of the State that they man ifest their determination to abide by the prescribed terms of restoration by electing to office those men who can comply in all inspects with the require ments of the acts of Congress, and to support for office only such men as are true Union men, and wdto prefer the Government of the United States to any other that could be formed. liesfdrt a nd, That all men have a cor dial welcome to political equality on this basis. Foreign News June 5 P. M. it is setni-officiallv reported that Prussia refuses to comply with the expressed desire ol Napoleon, and re fuses to ihedge itself against any future arming oi Fortress Rasdadt Havana, June 1. One ol Maximilian’s war vessels has arrived with a prize, captured off Yucatan. Partial arrangements between the Captain General, Miinseano, and Mr. Hoffman, Jttarez’ ('onsular Agent, have been effected. The Hisliop of Havana is about send ing the Pope K-50,000 of contributions. The Cuban suga# crop is expected I to fall short ten per cent. BY TELEGRAPH; [From the City Paper*.] SVoin Washington. MISCELLANEOI 8. Washington, June 7—T. M. The ft'Uowinc; is the concluding paragraph of ;t letter, read from Butler, to the negro meet ing last night; Is it not a self-evident political truth, that where the land is held in large tracts by the employer, to be tilled by the employee, there can be no just end true held for the exer cise of republican citizenship. And it is one of the presiding experiences of the country, ns the very basis of reconstruction, that some plan must he devised by which the lands of the South may he divided among those who shall occupy and till them. l'rom York. Nrw York, June 7—l*. M. The Southern Famine Belief Commission of j this city is still vigorously carrying on its bene- | lieial work, lu addition to loading the U. 8. ' steamship Purveyor, which left this port on Tuesday last, the Commission have since! shipped 8,00(3 bushel:® of corn to Charleston and • Savannah, for interior distribution. Yesterday the Treasurer, Mr. James M. lltown, received from Clarendon District, South C;u oliua, an ap peal for relief from the heads of sixty seven families, the names of each person being given, representing two hundred aud ninety individu als, some of whom are now sntlering for bread. So long as this cry for food is heard, so long will this Commission cry for money. ■From \orsli Carolina. It \i.KKiH, X C., June 7. The Presidential party yesterday attended the commencement exercises al the lTuvcrsit|r at Chapel Hill. They were escorted by a procession, in cluding the scholars and officers of the institu tion and the Governor of North Carolina. Beiore the war the ayurag*' number ol pupils was live hundred ; but it is now no more than one hundred. A ball given last night It* the graduating class, was attended by a portion of the President’s party. The President and friends leave there Friday and return to Washington Saturday af ternoon. The University exercises are over at Chapel Hill. The Presidential party left there this morning on their return (rip. They were everywhere received with marked hospitality and respect. Moj. Gen. .Sickles, stall', and Gov. Worth accompanied the party back to Raleigh. I ram Souila Caroliiui. .SPEECH OF GOV. ORR. Andkkbon*, S. C., June 7. Gov. Orr addressed the citizens at Anderson Court House, on Monday last. From a report in tin Intelligcucer, we make the following extracts : After reviewing the various plans presented since the war for the reconstruction of the: Government, he earnest iy insisted upon the ae- i ceptai: -e, by the people of South Carolina, of; the plan >1 reconstruction now proposed as the : only nu ausot preventing the administration of the a {fairs of this country from passing into she hands exclusively of the Ignorant, and eouse ijuentlv the barbarian ai d the tyrant, and as the only hope of making this country only* tol erable. The Governor nhov. ed from the census of 1800 the great preponderance of colored ovei white voters in the. State, and the inability of the white voters to defeat a-Convention, or to protect themselves whenever a direct issue was made with tin* black vote re. According to the census of 1800, he stated, that it appears there are (10,000 colored voters in South Carolina, while there are only 40,000 white voters, leav ing a majority of 20,000 negro voters. It is true, perhaps, there are not as many colored men in the Btat* now as in 1800, but it is al most sure ‘hat the proportionate decrease has been much greater with the white than with colored men in the .State since the commence ment of the late war. Gov. Orr insisted on the cultivation of the most cordial and kind rela tion between the two races in the South, and the formation of no alliance with the two great political parties of the nation. I ram Aew Orleans. New Orleans, June 0. The following order has just been issued : Headquarters sth Military Hist., i New Orleans-., June 0. ) Special Order, i No. (52. f ( Extract. J —Mr. Thomas J. Durant, having declined the appointment of Govcruoc of the State of Louisiana, conferred upon him in Spe cial Order 59, extract p, from these head quarters, Mr. Benj. F. Flaifders is hereby ap pointed in liis stead. Mr. Flanders will at once assume the dulies of his office, and all records, etc., pertayiing to it will be turned over to him without unneccb ary delay. By command of Maj. Gen. F. 11. Sheridan. j (Signed) Geo. L. Haktsi ff, A. A. G. Benjamin F. Flamlcrs, the new appointee for Governor, called on Gov. Wells, this morning, at the Executive oflicc, and mad'- known tint lie <ame in obedience to the orders of General Sheridan, and was ready to enter upon his du ties as Executive of the Stale. Wells dec lined, voluntarily, to vacate the office, and protested ! in writing against the action of the military im tlioritics. At 3p. m. ail order was received a* ' the Governor’s office addressed to Flander.-, ! but, ;is he was absent, she nature of the com-i inunkation was not ascertained. Mexican news received to-day confirm the previous i p uts that Lopez sold Queretaro to Enoobedofor three thousand ounces of gold. There H no new developments. Foreign Yews. FROM GREAT BRITAIN. London, June 7. j Van Bon. Lt-per and Lecture r, won the three ; great prizes at Ascot. The late new., is highly unfavorable to the. ; Turk . FROM FRANCE. Far is. June 7. | A carriage, containing Napoleon and the j Czar, returning from the Champ dc Mars, where a review was given in honor of the Czar, | ; w , re fired into, whethe r to kill the Emperor or j th«* Czar is unknown. ' | J. HINCKLING & CO’S I a K E -iV T SALE OF WATCHES ON the populor onc-pricc plan, giving every patron a handsome and reliable Watch tor the price of Ten Dollars! without regard to value, and not to lie paid for unless perfectly satisfactory ! 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches, $250 to 750 500 Magic* Cased Gold Watches, ‘2OO to 500 500 Ladies' Watches, Enameled, 100 to 200 1000 Gold Hunt’gChrcm’ter Watches 250 to 300 1000 Gold Hunting English Levers, 200 to 250 3000 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches, 150 to 200 5000 Gold Huhtg American Watches, 100 to 150 5000 Silver Hunting Levers, 50 to 150 5000 Silver Hunting Duplexes, 75 to 250 10000 Gold Hunting Lepines, 50 to 75 10(HX) .Miscellaneous Silver Watches, 50 to 100 25000 Hunting Silver Watches, 25 to 50 50000 Assorted Watches, (all kinds,) 10 to 75 Every person obtains a Watc h by this arrange ment costing but 110 while it may be worth 5750. No partiality shown. Messrs. J. llinckiing & Co.’s Great American 1 Watch Company, New York City, wish to im | mediately dispose of the above magnificent, stock. Certificates, naming articles, arc placed in sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled t«» articles named on their certificates upon i>ny ment of 'fen Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $750 or one worth less. The return of our certificates entitles you to the articles named thereon, upon payment irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than 510 is named on any certificate, it will at once he seen that this is no lottery but a straight forward legiti - mate transaction which may be participated in by even the most, fastidious ! A single Certificate will be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt ot 25 cents; live for 51 ; eleven for 52; thirty-three and an elegant pre mium for 55 ; sixty six and more valuable pre mium for 510; one hundred and a most superb Watch for 515. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly autho rised by the Government, aud open to the most careful scrutiny. Try us. Address, .1. lli< iilin» A Cos.. 140 Broadway, near I*. 0., fch2-ttin City of New York. M ARBI AGE GUIDE. I > KING a private instructor lor married per ) sons, or those about to be married —both male and female—-in everything concerning the physiology and relations of our sexual system, and the production and prevention of offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. P. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It. is written in plain language for the general render, and illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should bo acquainted with, still it is a book that must be, locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of 50 cents Address, J)i. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 Bpruec street, above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. 2-*:? A FFLKTFd) AND UNFORTUNATE —N<* matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself under the. care ot any of the notorious Quack* native or foreign—who ad vertise in this or any other paper, get. a copy ot Dr. Young’s book and read it carefully. It will be tin means ol saving you many a dollar, your health, and possible your life. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publications, jtl his olliee. No. 41(» Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. ; BEAUTY. Auburn, Golden, Flaxen .J- Silken Curls, TJKOIX’CKK In (lie. use of I’rof. DEBREUX’ I VRISER I.fc (lIEVEI X. One turn warranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair, of cither sex, into wavy ringlet? or heavy masses of curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Paris and London with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to the hair, Price, by mail, scaled and post paid, 51. l)e scriptivc. circulars mailed free. Address, BERGER, SIIUTT.s CO., Chemists, No. 285 River .Street, Troy, N. Y., Hole Agents for the United States, npt) ly STEP BY STEP, on, The Child'* First Lesson l look DESIGNED to teach new beginners to read on .in improved plan. Price, 25 cents. “It is one of the best first hooks for young children that we have yet seen, and will doubt less soon win its way to public favor; and be generally employed in the instruction of chil dren.’'— bdav'ard State .htuf tml. “ St'j* by Step is certainly a bijou a child’s School book.”— Pltila. Prtas. The -iibsci-will send a aircular contain ing speeimen*f: ag. >fJ £'2 iII"2YV signed to tench the little ones to read on n. new plan, to any one desiring it. It will give teachers and others interested in education an idesi of the work. DopicH of the work will be sedt to any iid i • for the pm pose of examinat ion, on re ceipt <>f 15 cento. DAVIS, PORTER <Si COATES. 712 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. i;\( i:i*sior : excelsiohj (J HA ST EE EAR’S UAIII E X TERM IN A TOR l! For Removing Svpcr/tuous Hair. rpoilic ladies especially, this InvulimWlc dc- J jiilatory recommends itsell as being an ab most indisijcrisible, article to female beauty, is easily i,.tied, does not burn or injure the skin, I,nt arts directly on lln- roots. It is warranter! to remove, superfluous hair from low foreheads, from any part of the body, completely, total is and radically c.vlirpiitinfi the same, leaving flu- skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the mil, article used by llie French, and is the out} real' eflcettral depilatory in existence. Price® cents per pardrarre, sunt postpaid, to any address, mi receipt of an order, by ItI.KOER HIII'TTS .X Cos., (.'liemi.sls, 285 River St., Troy, X. Y.~ There conteth sslad tidbit's of joy toall, 'i'n y.iimjje and to old, to and to .-mail; The Iwa nly which once was no precious and rare, Js free for all and ail may In- Tfiir, IIV THU US 14 Ol>’ CIIASTELLAirS White Liquid ENAMEL, For Improving tmd Beautifying the (Jotn plosion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in unforgiving the kin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowncs', Eruptions, and all Impuri ties of the Skin, kindly healing the same, leav ing the skin white and dear as alabaster. life use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation, is perfectly harmless. Jt is the only art icle of the kind lined by the French, and is considered by the Pari si;m- as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Up ward- of 50,000 bottles were sold during the past year, t sufficient guaranty of its cfiiacy. Price only 75 cents. Scut by until, post-paid, on receipt <*f an order. JJIyRGKB, SIIUTTS A CO., Chemist^ 285 River Street. Troy, N A'. I iip(3 ly IMPORTANT TO MERCIUNTS, PLANTER S 4& FARMERS Tin; libvi. been interimd tliat the ustuil practice of Meiviumt.-, Ferment and Flnutcr in YV ordcrim: their .•npplir’fl of our Dr. McLaiie 5 e Celebrated Vermifuge, Has been to simply write on f..r Ycriuil'uirr The eonseeptem «is Hint instead of (lie ermunv 1)R. Mi i.ANF.’S VKUMIFUBK, they tre-iru irtly L'et one or the other ol'tiro ipany woi lliii in'epaiirtious culled Ver mil'uge. now befip'e l lie public. We, therefore, Ireg leave to uree. upon the Planter (be propriet v and inijiorbiiiec of invur’mbl) wrilinu the name in bill, and to ad vis. I heir 111 tors or ic'eids that they will mff receive an« other thuu the genuine I>R. Mol.A XF.'s CELEBRATED VKKViIFL'GIff, prej l,y Fi.F.'MlN<i RROTUERB. I’ITTSRCIRj, l’.\ We also would irdvi-r tlic same, preeantions in onlerimr PR. MoLANE’S Celebrated 1,1 \ Eli FILLS. The "rent nopnlnrltv of tlwse. Fills, as a specific, or cure for LIVER COM I’LAINT and all the Bilious Pernnuumcnls so prevalent in the South and Southwell, be. induced lire venders of many worthless nostrum* to claim for their preparations* -imi'ui medicinal virtue-. lie nc*l dr-eeived! OIL tI,‘UA.AIRS Celebrated ~38 1* the original and only reliable remedy lor Liver Complaint that has yd been discovered, and we urgo the Planter.iiiul SreViluinf, as he values bis own and the health ol those depending on him, to be ear. lid in ordenns'. Take neither Vermifuge nor Liver Pill.-, unless you are sure you are getting the ecuuino Mr LAXE’2, prepared by b’IHIMI NCi BROTHERS, PITTSBCKt., PA. DR. M’LANE'S €EItKnIt ATE II Id IYE It 1* ILI S , FUR THE CLKE UF llepUtU s or Li ver ('oiitplo iut, Dy *)>(■]»* ia <ntd Stele lletnlache. In ottering to tin* public DM. 3L LANE’S CELEBRATED JTYKIt PILLS as a ivme<ly !'<>: LIVER unci BILIOIkS COMPLAINTS, wc, presume no apology will be needed. The prevah-ueo of Liver (’omplaint and Billons Diseases of alt kifufs f hronghotil the United StaCe:-. and peculiarly in tlte West and South, where, in the majority of cages, the patient 1 not within Hie rea«h of a ivguJiu* physician, requires that some remedy should be provided, tliat would nm in the least impair the constitution, :»ml ,m t lie safe and eUeetiinl. 'l’lnit such is tin line Hi.ii aeter of DR. M«.hANL‘S LU'Ki; i’fi.LS, ilu re can be no doubt. The testimony we Ey in tore you, and the great suecos which ha invariably attended their use, will, wc think l •• ,-ul tieienf to convince tlie most mcredijloju>. L hatJ been our siiK-ere wish,that these J*ills should be fairly and fully tested, and stand or Call!» y the effects produced. That they have Ik ,i.-.» tested, and that thu result lias been iu'eve.y respect favorable, wc call thousand.- to wit ij. who have exi»erienced their benelieial cd'cet-. DR. Mr LA NE’S LIVER PILLS, are not held forth or recoiiimcnde<l (like most of the pu: ular medicines of the day,) as universal eure-aHs, but simply for LlVUlt COMPI.AIN I S,' o.d t hose symptoms connected with a deranged state of that organ. DISEASES OF THE LIVER, The Liver in much mm. freipieiitly the set of disease than is grrierully rfiipposod f!„ function it is designed to perform, and oii Uni regular execution oi which depends not only the ar nenil health of lire body, but the potvera of tile Stomach, Bowels, Brain, and the »vJ.. !. Nervous System, shows its vusbund vital importance to human health. When the Liver is s. rimisir diseased it in liir-t not only dernuus the vital funethrus of the body, Iml exerei.-r poweiTul intluenee over the mind and ils operations,-w hleh (-annul easily he deseribed. II ha so dose a connection to ot her di .era, , and manilesls Use,lf l.y »o grout a variety of svinplom of a most douhtful elmraeler, that il misleads more physicians, even of great eminence, than any other organ. The intimate connection which exists between tire Liver and the Brain, and the great dominion which lam pci - id o eecreiscs over the passions ol mankind, metliai many unl'orlnnate bebi::- l.avy n.mmitted lifts of'cleep and eriniinul atroeilv. -n- he come what iool* term hypoehoudriae-.. from the simple laid of u (Ibiensed state oftiie' L,i\.l. I have long been eon vim cd that more than ope half of the eomplairits wliieh oeeur in Ho., e.iun try, are to he considered as having tln-ir ■ < ..Is in a diseased state of the Liver, i will cnunit r.d e some of them : indigestion, Stoppage Os tim Menst's, Deranged state of the Bowels, ] nib. Mr and Viudiettve Feelings and I’a . ions iron, trilling and inadei|imte causes, of wliieh \ve all. r wards feel ashamed ; last, though not least, more than three-fourth* of the diseases . mnu rated under the, head of Coxsr \UTiox, bun iit.-ir seat lira diseased Liver. This i* trul v a frigl.tlid catalogue. SV.IIFTOfIS Ol.' A 1.1VE8.-Puiu in the right side, under ti ed ge- of the ribs, increasing on pressure; --imdimes I he- pain is in the left side*; the patient . rarely aide to li on tlu lefj side , oiuelimes the pain is felt underthc thouTder blade, and 'it frequently extends to tlmtop of the shoulder, imd is sometimes mistaken lor rheumatism in the arui. Tin; stomach is alii cted with loss of appetite and sickness ; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternating w ith lux ; Die head is troubled with pain, accompanied with dull, heavysensauion in Hie iia. I; pan. Ihere is generally aeonsideralde loss of m. m,, ry, aeeoinpnni. and with a painful .--le ation ol baying left undone something which ought to bar .- been done. ,\ slight cli y eoilgU i ooinctinie.-aii Hlteudaut. The uatic-ut eompiaiiU ~f ,-j n. ss and deliilitj , he is easily turiled : liis t.-et are cold or mutrtng, and he plains ol .. prickly sensatieu cf the skin ; his spirits are low; aud although ho is satisfied tlmt ever, i-- would lie beneficial to him, yet lie can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In lb. : he distrust; evciy remedy. Several of tlje above symptoms attend the disease; ir , oceuru-d where few of them existed, yet. :.amiiiatiou of the body alter death ini. sluiwn tic- Liver to have been extensively deranged. AA« ••'KTK'n.-Dlt. Me LANK’S LIVER FILLS ill eases of ADLR- VXD FEVER, W hen taken with Quinine, are productive of happy resulls. No hotter euthurtle can c. used preparatory to, o after taking tpiinine. We would advise all who are atlUc-l.ctl uilli 11-. disease to give tbein - 1 trial. ■ UrerfiOMs. Take Iwo or three Fills oil going to bed, every second or third night II they do not purge two or Hire times next morning, take one or two more; bui a slight bp fast should invariably billow use. The Liver Fills may lie re,. and where purglngViniply i neer-ssary. A- auli-biii<ms purgative, Urey ale inferior to none, and in doses ol t'wo -r lln*. , they give .Monishing relief m B:ck Head": also in alight derangement* ol tlie Sloinacii J.rli. M’LANJi’S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. No ('e .• to wliieh till- human body D liable are better outitled to the utte.iitiou of the : :l . lanthropisl (ban those- consequent nHe irritation produced by WORMS in tlietStwiuac-li Bowel , When (lie sufferer Ban adult, the cause is frequently overlooked, aud einu-eqic mi, the proper remedy is not applied. But when the patient is an infant,, if the disease is nol .V tirely negli ’ • <l, nis still too frequently ascribed, in whole or in part, to some other can. . . 1 1 ought here t.i be particularly remork l and, Dial although but few worms may e.,isl. in child, and howsoever que cent they nqp L .V~ L ci. p:gviouilj,-uo iJoncri.. tb««-.u.upiij,„ > , inyaded i,, any any of ILb numerous* train ofdiseas- - to which infancy is exposed, than it i- fcnrfnlTy ah ll -.eiiieii by 1 -ir irritation, ib-nce it too frequently happens that a discuse otherwise easily 1 ton mined by proper remerli., , win n aggravated by that cause, bids defiance to trrwtment, .iutli cious in Other respects but whlell entirely fails in consequence of worms being overloo! and. And even ill eases of great, tioleiree, il a potenl and prompt remedy be. possessed, so that Ile y could be expelled without loss ol time, which is so precious In such eases, tile case might attacked bv proper remedies, even-handed, and with success. pi vin nlouis which ( animl hi- .llistakru. Die countenance i-pal. and lead, e colored with oeiasHnn! flushes, or a . ireumseribecl spot Over one or both ele .-k-. Hi, l.eeom,'dull tli. mipils dilate ;an azure -einl-circle runs along 1 e lower eyelid, tin no- , irritated, swells and sometimes bleed.--; swelling of tlm upper lip; occasional lieadaelie, n n hummlug or flirobbing ofllie ears , an unusual secretion ol siUine, slimy or furr.-d tongue.; 111. lib very foul, riarticnhirlvin the morning ; appetite variable, soiu.-linies voracious, with a gnu wing sensation at flic stomach, at other times entirely gone; fleeting pains in Hu-stomach , occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout Hie abdomen ; bow. Is irregiilai, at times costive; stools sliiuv, not nnfrequently tinged with blood; body swollen amt lend; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult and acuoiupaui'd by hiccough, . nugh some times dry auc’l convulsive; uneasy mid disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but gcneaullv irritable, Ac. Whenever the above (symptoms an found to ex iut, DR. Mr LANE 8 VtRMIFV'iE MAY BE DEFENDED I.FON TO EFFECT A CURE. The universal sue;.-is which bn.-; attended the ttdntinietnilinii ot ibis pivparation has b.-.-n s,icli n» to warrant us in pledging ourseh.s to Hu; public to KKTI'ItN THE MONEY in ev. ry Instance where it proves ihCfff.-eUtul, providing the symptoms afleuding. the sickness of tin child or adult warrant tire supposition of Worms bcingthu cause. In all cases the uiedieim sinmld he given in strict accordance with lln- directions. We pledge ourselves to Ihe p.iblu !hut III!. Me LANE'B V EUMI FLUE DOES NOT CON TAIN MERCERY IN ANY FORM; and Dial itisuu innocent preparation, ami nol capable of doing the slightest injury to the most n inter Infant. OlrccfioiiM.—Dieu u child, fioru Iw.o to ten years edit, a tcaspoouful in as iimeli sweetened water every morning, lading; il it purges through the clay, well; hut if hot, repeat it in tlie evening tfv.-r ten, gio a little- inure, under two, give lows. To a lull grown person, vivc two tcaspoonlul.-. Itewareol Cminlei-lviß. sunloll Irliele* Purporling l« In- Be. His The great p.q.nlaritc ol DR M. I.ANK’F (iENIdNI-! J'KEI’ARATIONS lu. - imlueed imprirrcffpied persons to attempt ]mUuuig upon the pnlilic count.-rfidt and iuferioi articles, in c’Onseqiii'ine of which lire proprietors have la-, u furcid to adopt -very' possihle ~,,,.,1 against fraud, l'lmdiascr-, will pi. a.- 1 pay attention to the follow ing marks of genuiiu.- ness- Ist The External Wrappri i- a Hue Steel Engraving, with the signature ol C. \i. | \nk ‘mil FLEMING BROS. Id The Directions an-printed on Fine Farier, withAVal.-t Mark as follows: •■Dll Mr LANE'S CLI.KBRATKI) VERMIFUGE AND LIVER FILLS, FLEMING BROS FKOFKIKTOIL 'l ids Water Mark can be seen by holding this papm -up to Hie light Tl.v I.IVEK I'll.lN Ir a the name stamped on tin; lid of the hue in red (>_ - 1* »i Iff VAIt It D ONLY IIV FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURG, PA., Sole Proprietor; cn J >r. -McUniieV LiVc-v I'ills, Veriiufuq-p niicl Tdtnq Svnt)., SOI,!) B? OLAI.FKS EVKKt WMKKR. ! Tin.- I'loin ir Du s in; w uf.t |>( Hud!, )rosl|.niil, to :inv juivl of United Mate-, i one Inr.v IdV'.a' I’ilis. or one c isl! VL-riitifnoji', on the l eeeijrt oi forty cc iiU in j (lovenmtettl -• 11 u t>s. octal 1