Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1.
Hit* Hally Loyal (ieorsfism.
)!V THK M. UU'licIAS
.1. K. UKYAN’I - - Kdltiu
TIIOK. P. BEARD - Agent.
: Hike, in r. nr "i Globe Hotel, lonin »■! J;n t*-n]'
and Kitts' Streets, Aimn-n, i.eoryni
IKK ms oc sritjidtil’Tios :
• FOK DitLV,
line Vent- Ki 00
Six Month :ilK '
Tim Month.- ■*’
One Tear i , no
Six Month.'
Three Months 1 •**
One Square equals ten lines ot minion tVi*'
1 Square I time v ' ’
1 “ a “ I ’’■>
1 « H “ 1,75
I " I week »<*>
, .. o .. 5 IH)
1 " 1 month.. I.
I • •» .. 13 00
i “ :t “ is "o ;
1 •• (i ■■ Alts I
J •• I- " IK Oil
A litwrul deduction will be inaue tor quarter. ;
AitilreM, " Loyal Georgian,’ Key IF l '. I'*' l
Augusta, o i.
AU communhatioiis lor publ'i. uthm mu >
written only on one side of th" pap a , .mil e
couipalded with the nmne. of the writer. IVr
will not publish Die name, unless the writer :
wishes us to <lo so, hut we must have it, *- a
gmu all tec of the truthfulness of tin -utHc
News anti Othoi Items
Jerteisoti Davis ltxs Incii makintr a
upccdi at Niagara to tin- Canadians,
which, tlioilgli very liriel, iuilii'nti"-
sine or two tilings very clearly enough. |
Ile spoke of Canada as an asylum )■>
ili nisei f, which looks as though he lid j
not look ttjum the I'nited State • s in
longer hiM own Country; and he in,
presses the wish that Canada may nl
wavs “remain a part "1 the llritish
Empire,” which shows that he is op
posed to annexation ami to Canadian
independence. This looks as it he in
tended to reside hereafter in England.
AYe presume he will make occasional
v isits to the Ignited States, U> look after
his trial and save his bondsmen their
money.—iV. Y. Times.
The secret of the honors at West
I'ojlit 1 icing carried off by Southern
< "aiiets this vear is tint' disclosed by
the Washington Star:
It so happens that the successful:
graduates accredited to the South real
jy belong to the Northern and Western
Stales who, having distinguished them
selves by gallant services in the Union
army during the early part of the war,
were nominated to West l’oint as train '
Southern States, in order to fill up the
allotment of cadets accorded to those
States previous to the rebellion. The:
citizens of those State.-had cut them
.-••lves off from the privileges ot West
Point, scholarship by going into the
rebellion ; but, a- above stated, under
the rule of apportionment, gallant,
meritorious 1 'nion boys from tin, North
were sent to West Point accredited to
x hese Southern States.
'l’Dt’ Uiclitnoiid Whig estimates that
the number of white pm sons difi.m
eliised in Virginia by the Ret .-true
tion act* will exceed ten thousand It
further thinks that at lea it ten thousand
more will fail to register from dWsati.-;
taction, disgust, or indifference It
further says that the “ white Radicals”
claim a great many more than thirteen ;
thousand votes.
Alabama, by her State Convention j
at Montgomery, raise- the Republican ,
standard, and plants it firmly upon the
solid foundation of peace, Union, free
schools, and equality of political lights.
The work has already been com
menced in that State which
a victory upon this platform Li its sup
porters but earnestly continue their
effort-, the Republicans have, how
ever, no time or strength to waste up
•st wavering or faint-hearted friends.
They must advance their standard fear
lessly, counting those who do not rally
to its support as opposed to if- pro
gress.— <if cat Rep>'i‘lb\
lir.n ova i, of rui: M ayoi: o kM ohit.k.
-Gen. Pope, in a recent letter to Gen.
Grant on affairs in Mobile, says from
what he can learn, he doubts if the
“removal of the Mayor and Chid ot
Police Las been most satisfactory to
the Union men or to the respectable,
rebels in Mobile. —•A r . I • Time*.
The hotel to be erected at Stone
Mountain will be perhaps the most
substantial structure of the kind in the
Spue. It is to be three storie- high,
be-ide- the basement, and it i- estima
te., I xv ill cost between' »25,00 b, and
<k;-,0.0ii0. The Enter].i- A—s iatioti
■is coni|H.scd of men of the right sort,
mid we look for the prosecution <>t tin
work with energy AO.tnt.' Jim.
.In Art nwccruiir; th P' - ohri/s of Mu
Mob ■;/ .V. t -'do.
ii V chUcln! h:f ‘!h N oild J/>.■>/*,' ,-f
!!' '■( ’o'lVt ait ft. ■ I (I y I'ti.s if .ifihi’/ii'
/• r , xn T!.;fi, :: provided j\>r
111; ! rf»V t :i;p«l to *i> :iid • ••: -'i’ditinn of tlic
Sg.u N'Mrila. tLul ivir u-ry mu' tiaei
til' - ".cl mljorfimr the piv.- 1 -it -liMcni bonn
lii« Umk a i 1 ;ip(l lying l.<
5 d'u'n •:< ’’ *y -t'u’h :hp! lolly- ivoud
degnv- .if r.fjiih i.iliiiitk- and 'VMfi • f tlm
Vrgitudt \v. ; : \V:!At;ir,gtoii, is licit .by
!a;ih<l a!- ~ Mi’.’l i 1;»* Siiiir «*!' Nu
M-:u V. ~ f,’,■■/!'. f-vVc,
tlint v-i lu i’pli' n.hifd to ami iiimlu a jw*r* of
tiu 1 St.; l * 1 •■'! 1.. .1! lint v-xtont t-f iprri
toiv lying within the lvlh-wing Ixtunthiriu-.
it) wi: t cm::'.! mu 'in- ihirty-suv«-i»(h
deuivu :-r uorlli l.itituc, a! the Hiirty-sovcnth
11 ■ \i• • 1 It*,:. ••*;«■ \\ • J iu»m Washrtigton ;
::iul n pninp Ih'-nov -ogMi on ■;-id «i<’ nv v>i '
iongi’ii'ic 'it.' tlu: middle • t* ihr river t olonnlo
«>f \h t . t-l’ciiUP <l'»w n *lm jiihldlu of
s.iitl !M<r to the e:;- ! - 'i AiiitlaiA the
M i . ni (’iiiitorni'i ti; •ne;- i;f>rtipvp.<tcrly
don-; sue ixumda'ry i t' Luhtornii. ’«> :}\i
ttillty -. I ’.llii d.«‘in ,TU 1 1 'tilde ; uul
iliunut* t ast :ilo;.ir stui uigu u of iutitude* h*
the t\' ln-giujing : nh''. Ihui !iic
territory lucntionufl in this viion slv.dl pot
become ;» p:irt of til- .State ot Xfv.nla until
mid. State sli.itl, ihroimh lis cm.
sunt thereto; . \.u<t. or-in'-didforU-tr., 'i’liat all
]K)vtss»rv riuiii ,-•***jttired by cki/ons of the
United Slates *n mining maims hi, covered,
locate;!, aiul •-nirinuily it• »’*«l*• lin compli
ance with tin- rules and reirulation:- adopted
I>\ miners, in Ib.e 1 Uli-H.uik; ;_i;it and other
min.iig diftn«’tr m the • iiit- t v ii;e«»rt>ora
ts i by Mu: pro*. Lien ot this u : iute. the Slate
of Xevadn shall remain as wilid sub
dsthvr mi»dng t ; •, but iviiliitig 1 1* • i• • -
in ’out.lined .-n■:il be so construed j,muling
a tilL* in lew mineral htiul- held by
-'ory ti'::': ::: the mining State- md
A'rO.’iCi 'KI-, May •*. i-hi-
.1, j • Ut •/- '<>" • ,r,I -li-)IHt/t//•/
5i,,,. f:r?, a i/.. I‘nijvii SUlhi <thd fin fslantl
~f r.uhtt < ,u pyx.' indi.o l*trtnh «;>d
‘I. . i V.l /"':•■ ■/. V
VViieiv.i ■ JaiiU - \. A- •Vi t" A It!. fl i‘i :!,
junior \le.vindei 1 ianh'nm, it;nior. (diver
j\. KMatmin L William V
Stuitli, and .lame..; M Digia--. then
- suce N >nis, and as'«glis, ju t- »ip- com
|)osing the liit-Tnatiuna! Oc< an i * i:ij• h
('ompany. ami ine<»riyi.;ati and t • ’lnjiai•• b:*.r
terud by tin. Stub- v ,Vw Voik, ,ne d«-> of • dai.tli-ni i., a !!m of submarine
telegrnphie eommu.nie;:! ion bet-sveuii tin
United Siab-s «and Atneina «al tin \V -t
Jip lie Island*- 'iitl tie Hahama--: Now,
thereioi\‘ in eid-; '«> faeiliatp tite -aid en-
L rp.ricie
Jh it ~,ii'i!m\ S, ,/ iin a yj
lb. jo cxCrdolictw, > j if.i l it t>l of. L/otk •
in t'mifji'isx arMn.-rhlf'!, r Timt the sai l In
iernttfional Ocean fe!« gi tpli U'ompany. bi
; eurporaled under the jaws of the State ol
Nt w York, their .successors and xissign*.
shall Jnrve |j»«* sole privilege tor a ju rioiiol
fourteen vein's from the approval «.)f this ad,
to la y, ponstruef, land, inainlain md op
eia'o tedegrnphie or magnetic liriCHor cable
in and over the warm -, ivt f>, ’.'land's shores,
and lands, over which the Lulled Stab’s,
have jurisdiction, from the '•ho t'* oi the
Stale of Florida, in tlie .-aid United Staler,
;h: tlu. Idaud of Cub;', mi Mie UahmiHis.
ei-hei or ))oth. amt ot.het W -1 India l .laml •
Sec. ti. And or •• f- i tin • onocird, ilnit
, the said International Ocean
j Uoinpany shall, at all lime* give ‘he United
States file free m-of -aid cable or eablus. to
'a telegraphic operator ol its wn >elcciioil,
to t>an -:uit. any message, to and tior.i its
military, nava!, and diplomatu or ' or.sular
agents; and the saht :ot;ij>,oiy :>il ketp. il
: its lines open t<» tin puhlh lot tlie 'i in-mu
—ion for daily pUbhe.-diou ' maiod and,
common iid repoil- and inh'iiv <**. and all
messages, and" patehe; ami • * nnnuniealioiis
diall he forwarded in flic order in which thru
shall he received ' and the -aid company si.all
not !•«.* jK'tiLiitted to'l.n.ei and collect cl
aiesrag • trail-Giitteil a;n and
- eniMo ’i;* ;u tlian tin rad c thiee
dohars and ti it • cum mes «»f te;.
\v*a a- , -idijeet to lie p *W( i »and (
io aiiui end a- riui te siiid rales:
'n.<i 'j k.d the .• liv! ! mi national ' >e-.a!i
'•’'•Jeg.apii Comj.-u: .• -hah v-hin the ]• vb-d
of hl'i - ye:u 1 ' p lif ..a- a;:-' '»! till a A
t tin Niid .-i.hntaiiiie (clegrapine eajM’i or
t a!*le.- Uj he isc i <wii. .<!••» * ij.d- t|p.- . .fid ■ i
l.k or < able.- Mad] !«• in «-• fui opciMtion h»r
the Iran: ijii.sicd '■! lucs.-a.'(• v i hill the '’ ‘d
period ol ;i v " v< :u: ; «‘fhe* a i>e tJdrumnt so
Ik null am) void
g.., • foil/ur idyl, 'i hat
CoJt.gJi imve power, ai any Mine, to
alter or repeal the foivgoing act
A :Tie . v‘!-;{}, May ». Is»'io.
A,, A- > ■ t r!> ■! J ■ ■ d/rf-tfn t/f ft,/ <%/'!; 1
JJ, ;• t oto lrd .// //.. .«• '//, n,,d JJ-.'Uit rj
' JllJiVtXri't’diof Ho If „it i,! o'.to so fM, c. e• .
in ( 'd/tf/r e.v- inMi <f Thaj the Lo.p't /•
< J aim.- siiail lr. •• mrisdietion to Item mu! (L
: termii.e Mie claim of any jiaynnister. •juai -
teima ter (ommi- arv ot sub:-Lienee, ot
i otlua di-h'M'-iinr ollieou of the • ditud Stat< s.
<»i of i.'.: ••da-iini.-tiaturs or eivU; idol's, »-*i n
lief from resjjonsihilily on account of h
by capture m otherwi -c. while’ in the line of
lit-duty, of govummep' iuuds. vottuher , re
cads. * and papers in hi; iharge. and for.
wliieh such oflicei wa- ami \< Ituld r>* ]>onf-.!- '
1*1. ; I'rot'id'd. and hat, an appeal Miuy )ie taken
to the Supienu’ Uomt, as in other can *
Src v 1 <■(! '■ it further *.n/)Ctaf I’ha!
when: \-er .-aid c<>..M shall have ascertained
the facts < f any such bu. tf* ha\eheeu witii-
I out fault <"»r neglect on the pan oi imy such
i oftin-r. i 1 1 and! m:ik< a decree .•setting forth
. y,.,. dd.cof. 'odd Which the propel
j JK-Couuii!— otiieeis. /,f tin tna UiT slUlll ll
I ],, *.\' -lyi- oflicr the a molt! d-o del ;.(:<! -
.j , ~,]P * ije • I it-L: ill !i» of !»' ’< * OlU'd .
•«. *•..,;•■ :,i). i-M'u;.
le • - A'—'Me (/,■ ire, -f Mr /-"'//
/},( ( , g. t t \'r:./,,0t,r-.r ).> Ihr
UiMr'o ' of tfoUm'fii’.'
It. /it'll ir.f iff • I lfit"-- t ’ tibn* of iht ’ .'■ > .'■o j ,
in fft,.nit-■i.-'.'t us ‘ '".hud Tied yh- v_ y =',! ••!
the count v>i "W <•-'liMirton. in die iu- « !
( kdumbia. • ji*'•'! by emi- we, < and ■■■■-■:. re
and locate a> puhfi< hmi:' l -iv- • ■>■ I
known and a •»•«< ;u- nuhtarv toady - s ’i•
distiic! diiihl.' tin ‘l-'dion . a!
j niav lie;an ;idyi ;l‘i!e • Pr 1 hat tie
! damage- which ilie owners ice Mttd over
* xvhieb said road> r> * -V. 'dl c-mmc l*y ic*i--)»'
of '•aid road-hcinir th-< ; . m: :1 :•;l• *e>
diidl lx* assessed aoiecl for 1-
three of the act of ( o».appro •! -iuly
first, eighteen hundr* •» and evi lvi'. •.'di ; i* and
oVn act eonjVniae certain pn\vci'> on iie
levy court Ii the county of \Vashinglon, in
the i >i and iet. < y (;o!umhi:i.
AupiniVKii, May !), ISOd.
Am Aft ' ‘ re/.’ lin Aoifo.ol riooUu/b.l
[unfit aft'.
ts ■ a,.-, ,'/ hti th, rod , of ■
*• f>f, If'.iiid 'totiwof va
;. t *•*• owfiv-' ■f. Id'.ai Ahiam I) Uil-
IMly.;. U. Ura}. Edmund Titrm v,
Viaiuia’i Uu ii.n'd--. ihd; .; i Unwell. William
! . .hdMl. :.::, il*. .y t>. al\l, ('hallos li. Mor>e,
t sepii (’ i. , M>hn S Po. r, David
Kid -. !) W. \eMer.-v»n, :>aniel ( Eddy.
laonavd A Grimes, fustic. I>. Fulton.
William R Williams Isaac Westcotp How- j
a; M >!;d: aim, .1 ‘.phi!. Kcimard, New ton
Id mv!'. ! 1 >wight and all persons'
ali i shall or may he ori P.d with them.
and their suc.\-..v,#, • Ml " liCi ehy creati’d and
dee!;-,rod a ‘c>dy '. aGja a* - 1 ; ( and politie. in,
1 dei-d and in rev: tin- naiue of "The Xu
.ionai r I i*> .>]■ ■gicai Institute - , *' and hy that
n;‘!.:e shall have •’.teces.-.uin sum he capable in
iiw to u and he ; -tied, plead and be im
pleaded, m.iw'c rand he aii'Wevod,. defend and
be defended, in all courts of law and evputy
and. to madvc juid use a emnmon
i .ii. and ti.i .-ana ica-boi *»v »vnew al. plea
■ ure , and generally '.«> do n)nl ail
i lungs ’ciatN <• t-> tin oh’em < t this coijJoYa
titei wltieh '- maw am! -tu:!l Me lawful for
.in indivi'in.d *n l*«*<:y pohii'* ot e aporate
to do.
ME-: J i fo ft />'il.; norftd That
die object and purpoM **L tilts eci'poratioii
M’ml] h* for tin education of persons for
ihc Christian inihNlrv, ami titose 'esociatud
with ilie-m as assistant.-. ;:i cell coursi of
'theological i'.ud general studies a> may he
and -epu and proper i'-»i thm purpoM ; and for
that, purpose is hereby a fihori/.ed to clcet or
:ij»i« iid uc.ii "llice' a may he demned ne
ic- o-y or proj)»*i tor the •onl r> 1 ot its
affair- ; io aiiopt. • t if) i leg illations and hy
l.sw* f- <:' i 1 ennu-nt a- may lie deemed
! li: :l!V, no’ : i;C>' 1 a—ieiU V'iMlthe jaws of
the l "Mud Sci c ■ ij> f.-icc in the I> Iriet of
(■oluiubia, and fo:mien<lor i\ j.<;»l them at
plea -Vive; to receive amt lio'at nay lands.
! 1; neiuent*- annulies. moneys, lukhis, elm dels,
i or other ]'»ro[M.Tt v ol every kind or nature,
which shall he given, granted, or help tea l lied
to it. oi he otherwise ne.juiml, for the pijr
i pose of raviy ihg out .the object of this < or|w»ra
tii '.i noi exceedin': fifty iltoiu-aml dollars in
: real estate at any ojk* iimi ; and the same to
ell or Jispe -c of in MLcii inaiiiicr as may he
dc -ii cd t<u the put pose a- aforesaid . Pecri-
U. and. and ied any propofty *o acpuii dj fur the
! j, tore Til-, t hereof orany money re las a
gift-, -hall not li. used loi any othef than
‘ —cb t diicMiinni ptup'Sk Iml /‘rord/of
015.,. That no person hail be e\< hull «1 from
lie :alvantage:- o! education affonUd by the
1 institute >ll MCCOUnI of theological belief
Si-.c. ci. .1"d hr V forth/r didcU'd. Thai
1 this art new at • i;v time be. alter, and. amended,
in ;• i>< a loll!
Ai r"",vi.a. '.J iv 111, INCH.
i HAI i Ki: l.x NX
I- . 1-1/■/ or.nird to A<l, f rfi/ii Art /-.
loti to/ Iliiln:/:.' I'm) tor, and rii/nbttimj
.hnlir/.A J 1 ■■../,... . A : rhtin Co «*," .
/. Moo t third, t I’/lt/ti it htto It-to/ mat
ti: it tddrht/ 1/1/ 1/r Atltolt d;ot Jfo„„ ttf
ll' jotifitldiindt/J'tlo t niti it S/ati/oj' ,\ou I'ird
id Cd.ojn.o tnsu-mbU Thill MIX -uinli, ,
,cE;uiv, :iri - -!, oi ii in. >i i--! >nii. i-nl miidi-. or
;inv :i"l-tloiii' or oiiiiili-il to In- dmu" During
tin- -ii.l M-i-iJlii.n, liy uny tilliu-r nr iiwmiii, ;
uiiilui - nml l)j vij-t-itc" of miv nnli.T, v.-irtten nr j
virliul. yeivio! or -pri-inl. i mill hy live
I’nwiiU-nt oi .-Sonrrliiry ol War. nr by any,
Niilit.-u ', ofllwof ihi'lliiiu-il Siairs hoMiug
tin-oniimianil nf iho lU'iiniluicnl, district, or ]
1 |)la<-c \\ iltiin wjiicli surli -ciznn-. swircU, ill- :
iost, nr imprisonment wax ininlc. Dour, or
commitloD. m any nets '.vi-n- so dime, or;
omittc-il to tic done, cither by the person or !
•iliiirr b' '*■';■ n*. 1 h<" orDi-r >vn- aDun or
, for whom ii- »vh- intended, or by any other
pi.-r.-on aiDiim or .i-.istiny iiim ilicrrin. shall
be ln-Id. inD an-hi'ii'by dt-i.-iarcd. to mini
rvilliin the purview of i.licacl to ivliiili this
i- arm i '..-tin .- Mini within tlu- ptirvii-w of
- inloa i |, lil'lll a .'! -i\tll s'ctiimr Ol ttlUj
ala. • oj 1 ii.. ! eighteen llillllUlll .
alio sisty-i 1 1 ii -. for ah llu puipoM-s of Du
tail <, I. .oi.-l-: .. j)|a ai 1 i-. ;or or liiuilaiion
iirn ah D *tirriin. lint no -urit orilcr -hull,
li> tnivi-of ij.j:, nei, or tlu-n t 'a y IficH this
!. all aiiiiuiimi.-lli, ill' ii (lefunri In any S|lit
oi ai-iionioi any act flar.r ur nniilti-D in h-
Dnnoaili'i tra- pas-iayu nf this act,
-'la Aiolh. A forthr, < norjitl. Tlml
v. i'l-n ili' ~id ..rdi.-r it. in xvi itlng, it slialll..-
nl jli ■ .an .in i . ai' in l>'t{(C ', ;
\ iji j.iv..,f of- it nuth.'nlicily, ora ••i.'rUtiud
‘.I 1 In- ail.' , -Til -i nt’ oy li-l'-yiapli, |
Da' pt-nilm ol flu t-'k ,'i.iin t'Urportiiiy; m
-.i-.iua!'.- t :oiii sui'li mi lit ary '-(jjnr shall la !
J;!"! ■lla I aC.ll* "VIIU'IICC I'lf il .11 ll 111 ’.lll icit.V JOr If
•In or: o.a.'i of ui h o: 1.-h utaiu i- lost in'ciin
la j 'is 1: i< - .1. s">m!a,-y I'vi'hanci' IhciTof
-hall Ia- iDiui -i 1 in i'Hit i rase-
Sue hid h< it /-a , t/s/r t iiofilitl. That
Da-i-i".ht of ii uioYiil fioin the Mafu l ourl in
t.i Da uircmi. cifiii'l nf Ihr I Tiitml Status.
prnY’ili-il Ml t'ti filth : f-i tinr "i the ai l to
h'r!i this i anti ro.itni;- may be umtc:--lal
nfti-r the a|>)H'.iriinw if the i'i. temiant and
Dm tilin ' of hi.- I'k-i.or . iiia ;’a fl-).. ■ ■ in -aid -.
fi mil. "i any u imof -aid court BUl*«:<(Uuiit
o- Du and i-ni xfben Ht<' app'.aiiiiHo is uit'.nd,
■ml In-lore a inn i- nupauiudhal to try the
..Mir; but Kotlliiig lIUIUIII «;lltiiilal'l • hull U.‘
litili.l lo abridge the iTirl't oi -u<h n.-iuoviil
after iuDana-nl in tin Slate mml, nor,
shall it bn n-a-csKiry in tin* Slati i-oi.rt to
; offer in ai vi n ret \ for the tiling o.t‘ copies In •
the rirenit ■'■■■■ ,$ Ihc 1 iiitwl SIIIII-; but.
mi ih - min;: of tiii.- petition, verified a pt"
Milled in said fifth euelion, tiiv fiullivr pni
i. liiiL's ill tin- State court -hall i i’itse. and
not la: i. tini: ! urjtii i ccrtUlcate uiuh i Ihc
sen: of the i.-iiviii* ixmrt of the United Htate-,
stntiie: Ibnt tin pf-titiii’i' i lm- failed to file
i-opii-s in Die said rural! court, at the next:
'ii rn. is ; ii’enl,
-v i. And r till . t/otrU and That it
Ih Sen- "oorl ■hail, iiM’Gvif hstjuidiiig Ihe
mi Mo: lUDiK i m! .ill dungs p-tphi t and for
iliC mip'-'d :i i iliu ruse lo the rircuii court
f.i i .M* 1. prov ed furfher in ->** 1 cuuh- or
j. Mil' mi before - ih] *el iili'. iitc j )!»>du(‘(’d,
ihee.M Ml. li sucji I'urther proccu
-*;•;!] 1:< ■ »:d :;?ld of UOIV rlf'rrY nild
!I hum • - ifJilcLT*--. -mkl othui per,
dienceiogi, liMMuedint iiu ieumlejy or hy
ei»|«>. 1 li'cruof’. .-h.di he buhlc in damage:-,
sot io M. {'ally .iEglieved, to be l(
.-nvMi-ii ’*v ,*riioti in i court of Ihe Ande
i,jiiiimiicii. il. or ii: a cireiiit
i.| t]u- i'i Mates h r the disirii' in
hicj; • »ie!» her provrediogs umy lmve ;
bfcn hud, or .• ]■ ••' the'i’/. othiei. or
jr • «*r. < offending -m.i• 1 be found;
nm!*” ;• ; "ov;ry of ti;U)i.ui’>*s in eithei
t. ii j j’t, !!u pjiifv plaintiff Mudl tic entitled, to
ih e.idie < </s«
r, Ant/ ■!' If j't/r'th.t f t/' irfi.d, •till it
-...til it. Micdut * of the cleik of the Slate
court. •> lurnidi copies of the p-»pei>. s»ml
fik-in tiu ca.-c toll.-. pnrLv o pciiumung
> for the removal; and upon the rcfu.-al nr iu
gleet of the clerk to famish such rnpii-i, the
said party may docket Uiccasc m tlu cireuit
eourl of the Tnitcd Slates; a nl thereupon
said circuit court shall have jurisdiction
1 herein, and may, U]K)n proof if such refu
sal or ne'D.rl of Ihc clerk of Ihr Stair
court, and upon reasonable no '■ ■ 1 >;any
1 given to the plaintiff, rei|Uire him to tile a
deekimtion orjictition therein; and ujioii his
default may order a nonsuit, and dismiss the
cast-at the costa of the plaintiff, which di
mi-sal .-hall he a bar to any furtlivt sn-t
tmu-iunj;- the iiuilter in eontroversy.
A I’l'K.i vMay i!, 1-liti.
l 11.-U'TKK J>XXXI.
I„ At‘l to ai't/l'irur the. Coint'ff- of Fir,-
/*/,-,v,v. ' ‘
Jf< it ,'OdrUd hi/thx hklwll. oik/ IJodr, -j'
1 ir JO', X IttoUlOK I nihil Hhtt,-K,lf.\ll,<VC,l
; That so soon as prac
lieahle after the pass:ta;e of this act, tin-re
-lull) he eoined at tile mill* of the. f'liili-D
Siates a rtve-i'ent piece Composed of i
and nickle, ill sueh pii>]iortions. not exceeiiinL
twenty-live per erntum of niekle. as shall lie
j determined by. llu director gs the mini, tlu
taud.-'rl wof'fht o! 'Vluch th ill 1-1 .-evtllly
seven util sixti-en hundredths grains, witli n..
I greater deviaiimi than two yrainu io each
i price, and the shape, mottoes and devices of
| said ruin shall lie determined hy the director
■ J Hie mint, with the approval of tin Sccrc
| I ary ,-i the Treasury .and tie-lavs now iu
lore.: relating to the coinage. *1 eehts, and
providing for the pureliaae of material, and
proscribing the appropriate duties of the
ofilf ci> oi the mint ami ihc Sucre!aiy oi the
'rrciisiuy, he, ;ind the sane arc licruliy, v> -
tended to the coinage herein provided for.
Sue Andbc itfvrlh/r riiticf'd. That all
l:|Ws now iu force relating; to Uiccoin>of the
United States, and tlu striking and coining
I of thu-ame, shall, so far a> applii able, lie «
| tended to tin l coinage herein authorized, j
! whether said laws arc penal or otherwise, IV.
i the security of the, coin, regulating and guar
ding the procc . of striking and coining, lor i
i preventing debasement, or count orbiting, or j
for any oil ter purpose. And the din elor of
’he nunt .-hall pr« x ribc suitable regulations
j to insiptv u dm conformity to the required
j weights and proportions of allov in the said
| coin, and shall order trials, thereof to bu
made from time to time by the a- ayer of thu
mint, vvlurcof i re-jiort hall he in writing: so
the directoi*.
S!■',( ;}. And h, ii tnocled. 'That
said coin shall b< a legal lem.lur in any pay
ment h< the amount of one dollar. And it.
shall he lawful lo pay out. such coins in cv
change for tlu* lawful currency of the United
’ Slate . e xcept cents, or half cents, two
f cent piece- issued under former ads o! Con
gre.-'-,) in uilahle sums, by the treasurer ot
the mint, and by .mb i)thci depositaries ii
the Scerf’tary oi liic Tirasmy, may designate',
ami iimhn gi-neral icgulations a'jiproved hy
' !h<' Secretary of the Tree ury. And under
ihc like u gul:iiion> the mf»y be u\
changed in suitable sums foi any lawful
! currency oi the United Stab -and the ex
pensc: incident lo such cxchangi, ilishibu
fion, and transniis>ion may he paid out of
(la* f)r*»f|Ts of said coinage, and the net pro
life ot *-#M '-oinagf, us usyevimiied in. the
manner pi i-M i ihed in the •c«ond sccfion of
Mu! act-cnlitlod ‘*A.n act relating to foreign
coins and the coinage of cents ut the mini of
the United Slates,” approved February
twenty first, eighteen lit metred !ind fifty
-*ev.-ii, sl)ii:l he tianslVrred lo tin: Irea -tuy of
the United Slates; Promdrd , 'l'hat from and
after the. passage of (his act no issues of
fractional notes < | tin United Stales sliall
be oi ales. denoinination than trn cents; and
j all such i> ;ics at that tlnicoutstandine shall.
1 when paid into thctrcnsiiiy or any designated
depository «»j the United Stab s, or redeemed
or exchanged as now provided by law, he r<
tained end cancelled.
Sj:< 1. Au/lbc it further cittoffrd.
any p-guh or persons not lawfully author
izod ho li knowingly make, issue, or pass,
or cause to he made, issued, or passed, or
aid in the making, issuing, or passing of any
coin, card, token, or device whatsoever, in !
mental or its compound, intended to puss, or
b" pa- ill a- money for the coin authorized]
by liii- act, or for coin'd equal value su I:
prison or persons shall he deemed guilty of ■
a misdemeanor, and shall on (onvh-don j
thereof, he punished by fine not c o ceding
oih thot’siuul do]hirs..ami by iinpns'.mnr-m !
ft*!' a term not exceeding live yea) • ,r the |
rli-ciction of the court.
;>i,< '■>. Ahtl hr it fnrthx r nmrttd. Thai j; ,
shall :»<• lawful for tile Huiisurer ind the'
> uver:»i '-- i: lani. !r**asurers of the United
: tStipt - i•. n’llcem in national eurmnev. undci
- ucli rul" stud regidafio»!> *- may he pre
| scribed h.y the {Secretary of tin* Treasury, the
I coin herein authorized to he issued wlcn
! pii M Mled in sums of not less than om* hun
' tired dollars.
AiTJtovij), Aiay tfi. 1H(>(»
Congressional Districts of Georgia,
1.,*. Conmii-M Cliatlmm, 13rv:ni, Li licit-.
M'Tnb'Ji, WaytM . Glynn, Ciintilen. Ciniri
t<,n. \V;i'-■ *, I’ii ii-i. Ajipiing. Tiiliimi, Kn!
loi k EilinTlinm. fieri vcn. Emimuel. Mont
Tclliiir, C-'llc, Clincli. Ki-ln.l
-i.iiwi'ilfs, Itcrncii. Irvin, Lauirt)', J"lni-"i),
I trout Cnlfjuit, auii Tlionni-. 'J’wenty
niiic rountics.
:_>•!. Counties- Decatur. Earley, Miller,
Hakei Mitctieli, Worth. Dooly, Wilcox,
I’ul.i: ki, Houston, Macnii. Marion, Clmtbi
lioocln-e, Sumter Web-ter, Stewart. <i“’ !
man. Clay, CallioUli. Rainlolpb. Ten'eli,
bee. miiD Douo'liertv. Twenty till'd: eoun
:kl. Counties Mmeoitee, Schley. 'I ay
lor. T:i!b..t, Hani-, Trouii, Merri-weather,
| lean I, Coweta, Eayette; Clayton, Canoil.
Cainplielk Iltiralson. ami I’aiilDine. Fit
teoti counties.
lt.h Countie- Cpm ill. Tike, Sjiabling,
I[i-M v, Newton. Butts, Monroe. Crawtori!,
Hibl,; Twioo~. Wilkinson, Baldwin, •limes.
.i.., .pi-r, aucl Putnam. Fifteen counties.
.'nil Countie- Washington, JofliTson.
iiurkc Bichmond. Glascock, Hancock, War
ren. Columbia. Lincoln, Wilkes, Tnliii rm
Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elixir.
Fourteen counties.
oth. Counties Milton. Gwinnett Mal
ow, Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hart. Krank
' ’in.liauks, Hall, Forsyth, Pickens.Dawson,
i.emjikin. White. ‘Habi-i-ham, Italian
i ' wii-. Inion. Fannin, and Giliiii-r. Two.
ty eight counties.
Ttii. Counties Delvalb. Fulti n. Cobb,
11,,1kI 1 ,,1k Flovd. Bai tow, Cherokee. Gordon,
Chattooga, Walker Whitfield. Mur.v.
Caldo-a and Dade. Fourteen counties
tvifion. PliiniKjy. illnkuiiuii! A;To
frf ;«it<il JSi- I*m»i Ssr<*4>B,
X il SERB-. 1 OF SCHOOL BOOKf over of
i‘» :b • ! !;’ ' IVI : <1 Ki) wkJe u ciu- ■
■u!.imi ••• • i * •Ii In- D ;tl and oiulursD-
Du ' many ■ -nt •• i M rubablc od«eutc>rs ]
in .ill mm! i' 1 nil 1 S|.a(e>, ah UiK
. bib'i:'. tin pn min* in '■! I boh p*jhtiea- .
i li 'iis aif ihc follov. ie.-.M \iz .
Id’J'l J.EIiF -i liDreli new in mnttvr anil
ilhe-tration.-, and rceeixu'-tl \v i'l» riua: lH'vor |
by ;he bc.-.i teaehta. in the couutry.
! UOBI Nt’u :VH SFI; JKb (>F Mil T 1 i“4 Wi' M\s -
\a iy popular with all tern, bora who have,
!v!etl !iieni in the e l. . - itmhu.
hiliti:-SON'.- a.L(.ij;k.\,-‘ '.;>n (Gt.iiru
M.VI HIMATH M- - mil. 1> ~■■ - -divn; ...H,
••'Mnph-tc. fifi •nlill' Mai )»:• .eiiu'il.
; K KliL - VFVv si'p iKb nl?’ ii KAMM AKS -
mi; nr]tas>e(l in inqilif ity, i ioHrnc-s. J j
:v.'iHi. and )>r;e tie;-! utility,
I Si’j-.NVIMI !*\ N COF V iKK’Kti - KmpW, {'raeii
va 1 mid b-.auiiii i >’■ wK and im
| proved.
Ml I V IM.iAN Ml! Ai: M' r OK WRITING \ VI)
DhMWVTNi. ;i\ in number In size. Aby j
• U inelio.
ttANPKKID i til MAL V II VNI) SlAittib iv
j iu set
! -A NIfF.KM- FlttM MIV , t't Kit it, GSiA t:TS
largi , bw 111" fi- bool room eifi.hl *Mnti’;crtj j
nil four t aVd*.
I \ 1)< ( A !‘i)b AND AU! MiMKTK’ALTA fli.K
; ins runiks.
UAS.III 1.1.1.i' - Fit KM'it AI I.: I i'i'*.
; mantm.lvs di'aniwh hfaukity
1 COI.TO -. '■ OKtMSU.* I”. I'. 1 S
\VDltS'i'l-Dt’;■ m Jli.iol, )))("! toNAltiK.-
| JIKADI ii VS llOOt. MCFb ’ iJOOKD .tr
' Tii v !;■:(» i.;: tuifa* Un« the :■ I'icLtl*.l>’ I,\ \
S'f'lhKL I’KNK, wliieh a!’• nuni-ded by Hit be>*
l*i nm< nol tie * Mimi i\i ,; itpci ioc U»all oilier...
2 /'•/ T- at he:. .and all oilier* iulcrobtu.d , . • in
j \ i(« and to set id for Dar I>i -ei iplite * •.lalogne asui
i < 'h'riilai , and io eorn -pomi with UHlrnciy.
I Add iv* tli* ■ l > ul)!i.''liei>
TTSI': !*. *1 i:A I‘J tT’M PUIIK \.VS('*:<■ ■.
, M.\ (■; ! \V a doi.bie ill- Btrcglh «•! ;
, I'oniDicit I.‘ la !., i ia! .-I;j.<aiti;’io any Other hi
! iic»l)i:e■ i;•!■■ vin lla n;..i‘ke* I':" ikp in ".mi>ol
i mid pound, tdi pound ■•, thi»< pound-. ;
pMi ::■!•• -ml t'»v• 1 1 " p**unKvail: wdi dir; ■ lions,
: i'i l'n '!i*h d.I (•tcnmiti, tor making Jiai i ami
.So}(, S*.:»p. *ba- puuiid will mal.e liP.eeii .j llotis
! of Soil :*M tj * bine b required. Coiwunn i.i
: will jiml ihi tin t iv-pee! Fol.udi in th*’m-irkel.
1 A>k your gier lorn. *i. r. st Y.stecti'l
Ul ti;. IT. ... i;o, pi, ; : :lu ,t , t vv.t-hing •
urn i Ni <v Yvrk..
-/i I'.NT S AVED HY ÜbiNG £s.’l’.
»() BS.*t '.S 'i'Ali VI.A.TI I’OW
-1;K(! I In i’ l ■ .-n any kind of .Ola*, may
in' m M .*:f 1 j »ii j- Vt■• mt. Powdei ” in fifteen
in.; ae - A.j i-:■ i> !• .ijiiirt-d whenswcll
• !!.-«'d \V , J ltd '* j Wsvdjlngtoli >!., i
>< w V-w!;
A;. : .ii" 'i'iiii'4 inr W J, "Vill'i'E, 'turn.-;
I s'. ' nee b'm 11*' ;!>■. mil h'-'M: l*cui • .Di' *1 i
u, - 'll l" mi -n;:: : D'.-tii'-iil. un tin' l ::l;i 11- '"
.1 ),, , (il ", .1 Til .11 1". 'll- i'l"l:-bt* j a !" Il
■ l 11 . wii! t'h:.' s I'll 'II.! in*.', I -illlli't
M (111 rI.UIIO without 11" ‘ll. J"
W li. M Vnil-'AVD, As 'III.
.Aiitrti-.tit. «»., May M-t, IHO?. Iw
< i*siriere«l !*> i< Sos * o*»*4* < ■**.
OFFi h K HS ;
V, T. I.; v, b'. Yr" idee!
K. • T. \V. \iv.T.!, : ' V:.-i I’m idcKt.
la v ; ' kq 1. «ne, '!•} Vicc-l*n aicleut.
|> j \e| nary.
i;. v. > I iJ.I tb, Kiniyll' ial ili |H t I<T
I’i iiw ipal ! ei.■ • aner I'.Mii *-1 ii;<l i’eim
-vi' aiu::*A . Wa-hingtOU, D. ‘
* l na<a. i'.‘i u -Ki vu 1 r*»J, p. ij». ; »uu! on
Sal m-iia.x •> . ,} p m.
li ,'■»* .5' and (bie Della! ami upward received
lntert i alio.end in Annnn and -July.
'i i‘" money «b'jwi.- and •id >:jiaid b»<*k b» (lie
ti"].''-ib i. p.aie ip'd and iimilVii, v IK« < 'li*‘*i
Ml tbe proti. io « t.:r '■ the ‘lcpoHitorfi- no
oim lM are infeic-b «!
lJr.nteln In . - ltd a e.-Uddi.-it and »*J lie.u ly
r \ t. \ iit s • Y 4 *i i v so NV". Oiioai.H
(. ! i ! KINC K. (Miiu
NO. 54.
T // E
National Sliiisthtiil.
extensively used, in every fda'e ;>f the
Union, in ninny iwtsnias mon large!\ thanauy
or all ot.Ueiv, may justly hear Uie a.bovo title
\ r oUibig hnf. Uiu'iUo3t unqualified nnai: loed;
give any Ifoof - ffiis proud position. M acht r ,
! and friends oi edueutitni generally, aw:ut
tlnii i! b eiO'lit'hWy malnfiuhcd bv the
v \ Tin N A b bi' li IKS
1 1.’1'1.l IU D PY
i . N. nA UN Est <b ((>,
TU,-sc (iiumni JJooliH iin- wvrpwliuv uk-«1 .nut
' virywlr-v.: j'.'ipuliii. Tin' 'at Jogii'" i"o■
■ wi’, Dr-u-imi.'-in n! rrlinol Vi' ;:n-J Co'.
• mil:': i.'prc-vtil-liiK the comimm l'i'.i:i'-iu'a :
i'itrkcr iV Wriaun'.. Snyllu-';n)D UirD'. '' ;
Aloiii',D'h ;inil Mc-XallyVGcngriU'lik'' ■
I lark'- BiutlMi iv- .
brii'' kvoii-m of Pimmanehiii .
llaxicV (ionipli't.c Courac ol AlallicmaU'.- ;
MonU'ilh amt Willaril's History ,
Tin- Silver Lute imrt Forf.-.l Ckvir—Mn.-U'
.l.irvi'' Tiiy.-.iok'gi' anil li l .illli :
H., i- :uk) liain't : N .tiiriD I’iiilo|•].V ;
; i’.n In V Prim ip)' :■ "I Ciiombtry ;
Dm "yVi S"Utln.:i n Ikr.any .
Nm liwi'D’* .-'cliool Spivki-iv ;
Pujol'.. Fiviu-h i i-i'r' Hoot; ;
Amlivi.- i. SliaklavJ’rt Latin Gtamin
IB* l'fliU; iji".;'-. vmci ... wooli :>i.
Will la ".ml to Tiai-lar'. rcguiiii'li, : ou r
viar, "I! ri'lm ij't nt I'K.V I.'KNT'.
Adclrc a
Biit'eATlONiVl. l'ia!l i.SilK*.. .
New Yor/. ,
my Li 0m
AMf win m.
I Erhtun t/ ipif'ntu th\ U< •<*
tifully illu tralfd ; earrie* tin l.e",oiMi*a
fiirough the lirsf four Huh -and Md* .mi l.
Table,', eomldiiing menefi exen i. • xvilli
e.xamjdcH lor the. stale, lfmto. Ids, p;ig« ,
!0 eejifs.
An Ehii/ritltti'i/ Ari/hntt //r.
Keviews the, subject* of Die Primaly in a
style adapted lo .-ouiewT»:«l mature' mind .
Also embru** Pnictions, Peah ral M-.mev
Ifeduetion, and theCompmuid Pules I’.'mo,
114 pages r,O eeills,
A Pi net ten/ Arith iur/ir. I'u
pared expn s. ly for Common Seliooi , "i .
i»ig speeial protnilienee to the braneiie of
Mereaetih 1 \rifhniefi*’, and introdueim.'' li <
iH'.xv “ Afctrie Sysiein,” wif li cxplaino/mie*
I aid example*, himo. .’kMi page*, fl
I Iliuht r Arithmetic. In im
| I'arali )ii.
A Mental Arithmetic. Ni-o-iy
Tbi- -‘ lies i. m* efinir wifi* . i» •>. •' /r.ifily'i.;.
jeceptnm from !( :>»-lier* e\a rywh. i<-, m*! i?je\-
iedly svliai is needed for men!u! discipline, as
vrelf a- m ■, practical preparation for the lrnsi
ne-s <»t life. It is clear, tlmrongh, eomprehe.n
--! Hive logically arranged, well graded, i- upplie*!
i with a grral vai'b ty *.»? ' X Oiipie-g anti !* be-,
‘he iiit "h<»d.- ‘"‘ually e -ed bv hu.-incss men
fipceina n eopi* -of <ny of lb* ib‘»'.‘ 'mhK
moiled, poslpaiif. (•* ie.e her. and -< in/oi o!Ji- ei>,
on reeripf of one-half tiie velai! [trice, l avora
-1 le tenn. matlo ;<•! in(nnlue»ion.
It. i% PPIJSTOft: Sl CO,
4i:t *x. if/i ifiiOAim \v, v*
my! Ml m
\XJ K , m |nfan s' male or female in the way
X\ -.j M.\KlXb UM KVKIIV DAY id Uie
x ar l»v'he einp!«»ymeiit of fin lime ordinari
jv j»« nl hi reading mid recruai-ion. A FIFTY
< i*. vi !• A M t*LK fcut free upon appheation.
.\<lt(r*. , J'AULDINU, BANK.S cViCO.,
;V.W Uroinhvay, N7\v York
!H<'iniratur <’apihh
T Iti"a "wuy yniir I D.*’- Iri/zc-, your iwilcl/tf,
\ mil wiu
iH- trm-iivc of i-omli'it, and not worth a lig ;
l ( iimi: iiircil. cumc youthful, come ugly nud fail*
' And rc.joii-'- in yoiir luxuriant Juiir.
I;.. .i "|».u ton I*l li- wi.-, tioj.i
v, tliiU". . a"-'' il "lay ilal'- lilli.n "ll ! . alill
i I 'l-i-iny n growth "f hair Upon 111", fan: It. i.a« no
; 'Mm! It will ini' - tin'. Iward to grow upm!
ii;. niootln:- 1 la' "in from Hvt* I" r-iglit ,
o; liair upon laiUl In aD- in from two io tlirir
ptonDi-. A f'.'ii iirnorunt pr.ii-tit'oui'i-liav a.--
ri'.d Unit tintu 1- untiling Unit will ol
liasien the on * .'til of tho hair in juanl Theil
.. rtioi'- ar- f ilm.', as thousand- A living wit
; ii., trom tliyir own cxp'.rii.'nrc, can hear wii
n,..-.. Hut. many will sav, lioiv an; '.w In ills.
ihmuisli 111" winiuiuc trom tin 'purious? Il
.•. iTninlj isditliculi :■ iiiiii h iilh' "f tlu prepa j
r.oioii- aitvcrtlscd for III" hair and board an; un
ii "ly v.-ori hln. anil you may Have ah ' "ly
thrown r way targe aonounts in up tr ptnrlia:
T.'-ml, vi*'would ay trv the KKPAKATOK
( U’lLi. \; it will "0-1 you nclhinu' unti an i<
tul!\ i iimcs up lo our ri-prcsenlaiions. it your
dn'-.’fist does nut k"rp it. -raid us one "• Ihii
~ud "ill IWwiii'd if. pn-’lp.i; l. l":;; 'her wilh
Ia ,'"ipt im ilie money, v.-hh In «il) hi; '■ tttnrad
you on applicalion, providlm; entire satiß/ar
. linn i- mu u'ivi n
\ii,lr, A\ I. (J.AKKF A: ii
t an.’tnisi? :i AA'c-i Fayi th f -.
.pd-lj Syracuse, M. Y.