The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 18, 1867, Image 2

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Thr Daily Loyal (icorgiaii. august* *• .\.. Junk m. mt. OFFICIAL* ORGAN 1 s. COVEKNMENT. Official Organ of flu; Georgia Educational Association. UNION REPUBLICAN STA TE CONVENTION. In pursuance with .'i Resolution n.'ciitly mlfijitcl l»y tin u Executive ComniWe, f t/o ; t nion lic/ntbliceiu Party in (ie.uryi.iif tlitre will lit a Stall Ma ('anocnlion lil'l<l in tlie City of Atlanta, oil the 'fourth day of July” next liy the friends and nup purters oi the National Union Repub lican party. The friends and supporters of that party throughout the entire State, without regard to color or former ebu llition, are cordially solicited and ex pected to have their counties represen ed. A platform of principle!! will he adopted upop which to conduct the uppr'iuchiuo political campaign. It will not he the "‘white man h Convention” nor the “colon and man’s Convention,” Ini! that of the friends of “universal education, eipial j list ice, and the politi cal rights of all.” Several distinguished Statesmen ii'oiii dill’erent portions of the Union have consented to he present and nd dri - the Convention. All the friends of tin movement are invited to attend. Wm. Maukiiam, Chairman, ill m:v U. Kakiiow, Secretary ot the Kxeeutivc Committee of the I'nion Hepuhlican I’arty of Georgia. Vn. a, G.v., .May 20, 1807. Ail impcis in tiic Hlutf friendly to the itltcvc call tire roquested to puhlisli it. 'DO TELL! Si.nrnoc- imi— In the c.i»c ot the n. am in,in who was -hot unit killuil Thtirsdiiy 111 ;1 1 1, liy tin Wiilcliimiil on tin' premiums el Mr. K i "gam, Kupeiiutendent ot the Fuctory, 'vliils in tin’ act, (if stealing, ttic testimony tie fie-u the Koruner'ii Jury, resulted in a veritict oi .iu-tiththU' hiuutciite. In tlie very fnen of i hi:, veriliet, Tlie 1 .< (ieorgitin of yestrriltiy ; " it ivety si at.* t lii*t tbe fi redmau was-hot liy . I .ally of while men while out serenading t in- -ame. paper, nhiring in the murder (if the - Mr .toiin W. Price by a burnt of armed ne gnu- , “rents to justify this cold-blooded assas --illation as »n offset to the alleged murder of » I reeiliuan last year by some white men hi Co lumbia county It is a matter of serious regret Hint a paper which lias it ill its power to do good, slimild wilfully lend it soli to such a per \ r-inn of facta in publishing inflammatory aud ili. toi led appeal:- to the prejudices and passions . : tie freed men. Its utterances for some time pud are calculated to im ite the frecdinen to c cds of violence, by inculcating A etrurian and .-editions teachings We are in favor of tlie fullest protection to the persons and property ot all dieses and conditions at men ; but we respectfully submit that the teachings of cer tain white men in our midst is not intended to promote peace and harmony between the two races.” — Vhreuarh: it Sentinel. Knr n long time, out city papers, with peculiar dignity, iliil not iloignlo notice us ; hut, ut length, they could keep silence no longer ; and, then, they hut their dignity. Whenever they speak of ns, if is in the most undigni fied manner. They appear to keep still ;ts long ns possible, then lose their tem pi'! 'tiid make fools of themselves. Our “ umhle” advice to them is to kevp cool during this hot weather. It tnakes'no elill't rettee to ns whether the* do nr do not notice us ; anil the idea “I “ firing the Southern heart” against us is “ done playedout.” They know that we shall say just what we please to say, and just when we please to say it. We were informed, upon what we ■ *mindcred good authority, that a gang of men with music, clubs, and other weapons, were seen to pass near the place where the colored man was kill ed, lmt a short time before he was kill ed , and we said : “ It is bettered that ■etue of this gang committed the mttr ier. ’ This was written before the verdict of the Coroner's Jury was known to us. We have no desire to misrepresent tacts in any ease ; and we never do j - intentionally. We are ready and : w tiling, ye-, glad to correct any error I tiiat may find its way into our pap, . W( wish till < 'hrvtiicle and S, at in, / would *lu the same. Thai paper has published absolute falsi hoods concerning its and ret used to publish our denial The Chronicle nod Sentinel man know s that our article in regard to the murder of Joint W. Price does not “justify this cold-blooded assassina tion." We eharaeteri/i'd it a “allot riblo affairbut ttv called the ntten tion of our readers to the tact that a year ago Harry Thomas, a colored emu of property, w as murdered by a gang i of white mi'll, ne.Mi tic same pi.u , and that they escaped punishment It is a fact that in nearly every in i stance, where while men have been murdered by colored men, tin- in n dcrers have been convicted, and pun ished. That is right. We are triad of it. We hope that the men who murdered Price may he discovered, and punished. In no instance, when colored, men have been murdered by white men, have the murderers been convicted or punished by the civil authorities. Indeed they are hut sel dom arrested. More than fifty colored men have been murdered in this State by white men, where one white man has been murdered by colored men. In the former eases the guilty parties are never punished; in the latter always. In many 'Maes the white murderers of colored men are known; but no attempt is made by the civil authorities to arrest them. Tin* thin,/ minet Atop. We hold the Rebel party responsible, because they have been in power, since the war closed ; and we give the. leaders oi that party fair yearning that the Republican party will soon have eontiol ot this State; and, then, justice will be given to ail. White murderers will then he punished as w ell a* black ones. Tile uttciaiices ot tin- paper were never ealculaltd to “incite the In ed men to deed of violence We have lived in tHi- city more than two years; the paper ha- been published fifteen months; and it is well known lhat in no city in the South i- then a heller P hie; existing between the in*, racer than in this Thei'c has not been duriie; litn* the least approach to a riot. W< assert; and we challenge any citizen to bring proof to the contrary, that our advice to the frecdinen, both pub lic and private, lias always been e.aleu lilted to bring about friendly feeling between the two races. The *-.J*e.d people in the South have Tinned nobly since they were emancipated; and every lair minded Southern man acknowledges it. They lime ecu their friends robbed, murdered, and in every way maltreated ; lmt they have not retaliated. If they commit crimes, they are punished. If crimes are committed against them the criminals, if Rebels, escape, unless the military authorities interfere. Bcenusi we bring these facts to the attention ol the public, y\e are charged with pub lishing “inflammatory and distorted appeals.” We advise the colored people not to take the law into their own hands in any instance We tell them that it is better to sillier wrong than to do wrong; hut we publish the facts to let tlie good people ol Geor gia and the whole country know what devilish crimes are committed in this State with impunity. We believe that a large majority of the citizens of Georgia deplore the existing state of affairs, and are op posed to the Rebel party We intend to hold up the crimes of that party to the gaze oI the people of this State; for, although our paper has been t ailed a “nigger" paper, w hin Rebels are, and have been, glad to read it. Henry W ard Beet'licr once said that Southern 1 men who come to hear him preach went away cursing him, but come again; so men who curse our paper are sure to get a chance to read the next issue. • We believe that the Rebel leaders will yet cry for the mountains and the hills to fall upon them, and hide them j from an outraged people, not colored I people alone but while people. OFFICIAL. LAWS OFTiIK IN ITEM STATIN i\t*m i a t'a .8,. .. ■, ~f x. TMrtyatinttiV- <n ... ’ t’ll AISTKK 11. XV -1/1 Art mo.Huy a l7 emu „f in ait, at, StctMn.i I" it in . , o ~ Krtrndon t!„ Inn, V nuai . 1i.ii1.% ni, fratn l‘il-,t hi ah. . th, st„t .<• ]f,.„ irtUtta.i, .1 * /;. it ■ hi the > ", t II .. , ■ I «Mi '' aft,', I Cult,,l Stale. f.u„ it, Oat'll, »* -s., ..-hi,,/. That theft- in*, ami I is hereby, granted hi the Stale ut Mi.-euiri. 1 fur the jmiposcof aiding in tin .-oustin'- timt ' ami extension ot the Iron Mount tin front its present terminus at Pilot Knob h* a i 1* ant on tin southern heuailary line of the* State of Missouri, every alternate set tic. I hold designated *>y 'slil number**. Id ten-n tion ui widthon each side of saM rnml, but in j ease i ! shall appar when tln mute of said road j in definitely fixed that the United State- have • sold any !- tions or parts thereof. granted a? ' aforesaid, or that the light of pre-emtion j has attached to the same, then it dall tie law ful for any agent or agents to be appoin ted be the Governor of suiil Statu to seieet. suliw--! to tii- approval of the Secretary of tie Interior, from the lands of the United States nea ri t to tlie 'iers of sect ions alsivt sjs- died so much land in section- or parts of sections, to be • * leeted as aforesaid, a- -hall he eij’iai to such lands a- thy United States S have sold or otherwise .ippropriated or to i which the rights of pre-emption lyive at : laeli* i wiiieh kinds thus selectedshall hr held i.y the State of Missouri for the tt-tr nnd pur l>/'s/ i.foresaid, and for none other: I'nri, ltd, I’ the lands so loiatled shall lie within the fronton lend district as now established and not more than twenty miles from the line of lid road Atul pr,touted, further, That ail mineral lands except those con taining ena: and iron, and any lands hereto fore reserved to the United State- liy any act ofCougn -- or in any other manner by romp! tun* authority for tie pitqiose of aiding in any object of internal hnpniveuient. or for any other purpose whatever, he. am! Hie •ame are, reserved to the United State- from the operation of this act, except so far a-it tuny tie found neee.x.-aiy to locate the routes of said railroail through the satin!, in whiih case the right of way only shall lie granted, subject to Hie approval of the President ot liie United State-. Sue. 2 Anti he it furtlnr erntrtnl. there he. and i- hereby, granted hi the Slate ot Arkansas, for the purpose of aiding in the conslntelion and e.vten.-ion of a :abroad from the joint where the Iron Mountain railroad intersect* the south'i'll 1 *• sir*; iry line of Mi .sotiri, by the nearest and mo praeiiea’ole rout/. to a jioiiit at or neat Hie town itl Helena, oil the Mi -i-.sippi river, every alteniat* section of land, tlcsigiinled by odd numtH is. for ten sections in width on each side ~f .-aidroad; but in ease it dial! appear, whim the line of -aid road i- definitely fixed, that the United States have soli! any sections oi parts thereof, granted a:- a fore aid. or that the right of pre-emption hat att.'ii lied to the same, then it shall no lawful foi iuiy agent ot agents to he apjaiinled by the (jovet tor of -aid State, to w-ieet, -nlijeet to the upprey alof the Secretary of the in tenor, from the lauds of the United State* neai'iW to tie tiers of sections above speci fied so much land, in alternate se. ttons, de-igtiated as aforesaid, us shall lie eijtnd to land-,i t tin l nite<l States have -old or otherwise' appropriated, or to which the rights of jire emption have attached, which land!) thus selected shall t«' held by the State of Arkansas for the tuse and muposea uforesaid, uid for none other: Prettidcti, Timt the land so .selected and located shall in i..l>v f i-lhct than twenty miles from tin line of jy/ad when the -ante shall tie lo cally!: .!//(/ jiraritl,:,/ furl/nr, Tltat all | mineral lands, except tlio— eontaining coal • and iron, and any laud.- lit retofore reserved i to the Unite ! Mutes by any act of Congress, ; or in any otiier manner by competent au thority, i'of the j/urjiose of aiding in any oh S J”< 1 of internal improvement, m for any i otbc* pur|»ise whatever, lx*, tied the sum. j arc, reserved I" the United stale- from the ! ojN-ratlon -f this act, except */ far a? it tnay i tie found nee* ssary to loi ate the route- of paid railwav throngli tin ,«:tme, in which case the ri_Lt of way only -hail lie granted, sul'C/'tlo ''it approval et the President of tin United Slates Sr:.', ft. .I'd in : fart', i ■■ r-i. That tlie sections an*l pnrt- of -ctim ot land will*, ir shall icinuin to tin Uniicd States w itldn ten miles on either suit of said road, mn! the even sci tions and part.- **f sections i irirspotiiliiv, to the odd lei u 1 within "verity tulles of the same, aitull not l*c. told for !<ss-than dotthie tin minimtun ptiecof the ptllilic -cuds when >old, not -'hall any "t 'lk-said hdids hceiMtii's'dijei- to j*i'ivn‘ecn try itntil the same shall have I Kell first 010 ivdat puhiii sale to tie iiiyie-.i bhii!/ r at ot above in niuimtMui price as 'derC-aid. i'nn uleti. That actual bona fide etHet• un it* i tin- pre-emption iaws ot tla- United Stab may, lifter Hi* juoof of scttklncut, iniprovemeut ami oectijintion, a- now pro viiled by Iw, purchase the same at tin in creased minimum prill, Aral /: /('<//'. "fe//, I'hut settlers under the provt-:**n« of the homestead law, who comp!;, with the tnrm and reqititi incuts of (hit. j.-aiilj net. shall be entitled to patents for an amount noi r\ eeeding eighty tte.res em it, anything in this a■! to the contrary notwithstanding rise. I .led '■/ it further niuctai. That tlie-aid railroads > hail be and remain, pith lie highways, -*• la- is the .-aliw may hr con stmned .under this act, for tin a-e of the government ot the United States, free of all toil or tillu i liarges ujwn tlie Tansporl oa.n •*f any property or troops of tiro United Stated, and at tin eo-t- in all rrspeti- of said mihoad comjiaiues; and the 1 said r*«ids an- i.erebv required to be constructed within llu term of five years from and after tlie fi. t •lay of July, urtno Domini eighteen hr.ivi;,.! and sixty six St-.v. 5. .1 /■ >•' !„■ it further auirtnl. That the land- loreby granted to said Stab’s of Mi'-ouri atal Arkansas shall hi disposed of l y said States for the purposes aforesaid on ly, and in manner following, namely: Whenevet the governor of either "t -aid States shall certify to the Secretary nf the Interior than any sect ion of ten eon-eeutive miles of * doer ot said roads is comnh-tfd in n giKid, sul'stantial. and w<irktnanlute matt tier, as a lust-class railroad, and the siud Secretary -hall be -ati-tied that saal State has. complit and in good faith w ith this requlrc tneiit. the dd Se. n-tary *>t tlie Interim ,|„dl issue to Hu slid State patent- l'.*r all tin* land- granted and selei.ted as af /res;iid. not i receding te sections )>cr mile, sitnnttxi "p jHwile to and w ithin a limit of twenty miles of the line of said suction of road thus cm plrtcd, ex.emUng along tin w hole length nf said completed station of ten mile- of road, and no further And when tin governor of -aid Slate siiall certify to the Sexveury of the Interior, and the Serretan -hall la ati liol that jut**ther seeiiott of’ -aid road, ten consecutive mill s hi extent, connecting with the preceding section or with some other first, class railroad which may lie at the time in successful operation, is completed as store -aid, the -aid Secretary of the Interior hall issue to tip' said State jiatonts for all (ho lands granted and situated npjtostto to and w ithin the limits of twenty miles of the line of said coinp'etcd -eetion ot -aid road or toads, ami extending the length of said section, ami no further, and not exceeding terr sections of land per mile for all that jatrt of said road thus completed under the provißkms of this aU and tier act to whiehthisis an auiemhueiu, and -o, from time I<i time, until raid roud- 1 and brain iu- are *'om|deled And when the : governor of .rani State shall so certify, ami ! j the Secretary of the Interior sltal! !*e satis i livtl that ihowholeof tuty one .of said totuls •Hid bmneln- is eomplebuin a gixaj. suti -umtial, and workmanlike manner, asa first > cjnss railroad, tii. said St. atari *.t the In terior shall issue t" the 'arid state ; paten!* lo pj tie remaining lands granted for-and *>n aexount of -ai l com 1 i*l*'tei! road m.d br.ineiies in this act, -una- ' Hal within the saiti limits of twaaitv ' , niia- t tom tile urn thereof, throughout tie* - ! entire length . --si*i toad and brat. li. -: i'l ii-ied. i'h- * • !:md shall be granted or | ■■ *u veyed u -a- 1 Sia*: imti<T the pr o-isr '/- i of-ha act -a, aeeoitnt and ;lu •*fist: i*c'tior, of ■ I any nsilrosio : pm tla tvof that has Non . an intend umt* a tiie pi'-e-tiu - . i an ve* )i*a gi't at the date of the pa -aye of this act. and ."ti'ptixl a.- a pnrt of He iin, of utibuod jiro- V tiled for in this mt .!...• nothing herein v-Miamcd shall inl.a-fere -.villi any existing rights acquired urai*" any k" | ot * Congo's* itei* totore enaotial making , f/ranH of iand to tie- -aid rital sot Missouri j and Alkanscs to aid in the cor.sfi ietwn of j j railroads: A,/d' provided further. That siroufd ,-ud State* nr either of tliei.i t til toe* il’.pj* j the roads herein recited within tin tinie ; prt-M.iibtai liy tins act, then the iami< tm I di-p'ised of as afore-ai*l. within ’he Mir*- ; -/> tailing siiaii r* vert to Hie United S.. er Se**. t'c Ani Uit furtlnr ~aUfil, Tii. 50..!! as tlie governor of either of fi t States shall me * ' cause t;i V filed with the .Seeretaty of the interior umj designaUnv the rout* - *t -ai*l loads !. :* in mentioned, tie at! .‘null !*.' tin *l**t. of the j Secretary of tile Interior ' w "ti haw it**::* market the land* i*nil>tiu.rd within Hn jtr**- • visions ot this n< t I St:. 7. A, ■! In il/ trt/.e ted That ; nothing tonbiilted in a- ' hull '* mad a-, j vesting in the State of Arkansas ti*k totin' lands In-rein recite*! for ti"- Hus! ; *tr| >• *-* j aforesaid, or ai'Uioriziti;:, •i*lS .i • 1., mate j any disposition of the same, un'!! ant S*a'.- j shall t/e r* stored in ail ti-sj*-* * t*» .' ; t**nn a j relation to the national gov rumen! and b j reprtsettled iu the Contrns- "f 'b* ! nit*-1 j AITBOVKii. .fitly t, tM*;. j- Gen. Grunt is loudly t..aik<*i **: lor j lit*'next Presidency. Tire extremists | condemn him ljut tio totm is imne I likely to suefe* *1 \tiit* lolinson ' thriii U. s. Grant. We .-at* snrelv rely J iijxin Grant'* tut dim - - in what he att-nipts, u** mats * t hotv deficient ho may he in other (jualilientiors- He Woiilil probably (till tin Test -tai*-- m.'iiiship to hi* council. It i- j*. • *i..ilrlx early t*-> rtntieipati' the inmiiig* man. but as we survey the picture 'gallery his leature* heat a r*--i nib!" i" ; G*'ii. Grant. Atlanta Era SPECIAL NOTICi*> REGISTRY NOTICE, RICHMOND COUNTY. The Board *.f Kegistcrslortlic l*'c S, *:;•*• District will meet in Richmond County .*: tin tollowing precincts, at the time apeeifie-.t, and for the period heiein given, fur Hie purp— a regish ring ualitkil voters under the lute law** of Congress known as th- Rea onetruction Act June 18th and l'df li, Tile-day and Wednesday— Corner of Bounddry St. u**l Del ngl*'- Avon*' June 20th and 21st, Thu.. and Frida.i t ar the I Tnirth on Buret Lot, Hills. June 24th .in*l .'atli— Vt It* IA ir June 36tlr—At Poor Hou* June S7th—At Klcluuond i tori June 2stU and 29th—At rim- Iltll. July Ist and 24—At Mtß. an. July 3d an ! nit—At Tart* * July sth—tv nj I’ulmer’s TIIOB. ri riKINNK.It, K r PA.NVUI.. W.Xf. IIALU, ivoi'.k.) Board *4 U*a;i.-ter 1.. r Hu l-H. Di-t j August *, (*. June if!, !**~ and a Hands Wanted. A NUMBER UK (.UOUWOOD e ii-.l’l'Klts « :m lilltl uly ' DljDi.A'ln* Hi, uud JLT*» •*! ; ’ unlliiigoit .lAiX>i> K DAVES. wyJO In THE INDEKSP'N’ED UECEIYLI) khc qmohili'uiit di INITKD ST A'l EH COM MISSIONKK for ihe Howth«Tii Di?trit iof li.--.-i ! "otliec i»t -Nimu.-f.*. JAOOH K. DAVIS I M;t v a I**37 in x v :-G | *l. V. ItHY.%: ! • C, f?. ItiUII A •:iv,-tj v BRYANT k RICHARDSON, i no us Ei, v A N l) j rory>si:!.LOK> A T LA !i\ vrjc. i r.v. aa. Office, r FJJLiUHt MontununY ST’ t - c i: F•* in K>v R » i ; lion L. M. Mot rill. M C ’Atishit._-.ui. It : . Hon Hidncv Pulumt, M. C. WmliLi m«ui D c , lion T. .c h\y,‘:i, Hull•’<•, N V. F.flk;':: rK* 11 Li; .it, Kn!.. N York* (U'n. (ieo F Shuplv porfl.tiwl, Me ■ Hon. JtjM i.a How .nl, ('«»!. Albert t« Hr iu. *f; I?o»*ton M. j •* S Sbulti, Tit -‘l i’ftrfi v»; Health, V n Vc-K i City. mypi !! liiiow Till IFestiiiv. M' ADA ME ¥. f THORNTON, tin r rat English .V-lrultgl-t, Clairvoyant ami l*-y. : i'li* mcfriiaati. ivti.rli.i- .i-t'>iuahed th* ;t: *!i—saf lit* *'hi Wii] 14, lr-s now ;.. /.. i : , i j,vi - 1 ’■ * *t Hud la: N V M ui.MiK* Th : ntiui ]*** : sc.-es swli vo uier iil powura at **•*mid -igiit, - I * enable tea n. impa r knowli de* .*! tin gn .nest intju.i tanr. * the single o. in.:-ried <>t ! either sex While in a -tutu of tram *\ -hr d< - linu.tti's tla v' i v t* uu;v. of tt.c pe. - ... . : -, ! to marry, aud »*y tin aid **i an in-triihieni of j fhtense power, known the P*T<'li>'U:olmpi , guaranti . - t.> .t ;;u-like jr. ; ui. ,f tupui lm-tuiud o ivite of the appli.-u:i. 10. gether with date ot r.i...riage, poenh*. h lit*, leading trait- **! * luiraet. r, Ac. Tin- i- mi lmmhug, a- thousand* ot i* ,-timoii’.*;- . an ,h ---oi l. She will send, wiien desired a . a'titivole, or write a guarani* v, timt Hie picture i- what it purports mI a. By eneki-ing a Bimil! look ot hair, and -taring plaee of birth, age, disposiikm, and i'omplexioii, and i nviosiug (tin vents and stampep envelope, addressed to yourself, von will receive the picture and informa tion by return mail AH eommuni* ation- sacredly confident;.:!. Ad4re-.-. in oonfidtaiee MADAME K V. THORNTON tpfi-ly P. O. Box 238, Hudson, N V J.»** To ta)NriUMl".l\E&—Tl. hnving tie* l, restored to health in a f- . ", , ; v . i | hv a very siinplr remedy, after having rsl yiars with a si-veri lung »t! ■ nm. ami that dread *li .a i //i'-umj'Uoa, is . u. maku known in- t/ttovv-sufferers ri:. \e. m ! of cure. To all who desire it, lit will scud .;j :h. : jai.-i ription. .tr v ot ihaige,) with the dine | "ioiis for i*r. paring t mg the same whUl; ; they will tied a-IRE < f I.E for(.l a emption, ] \-liiniu, Bre.i'etjlH ", Aa The oniv es „ t j the advertise! in eialii:, Pretaxi; i-- to! ‘nl.vtit tii. .filii't t. spread n: 'll;. ! which he'.- to ... iuvalaabk ; end h. * hopix* every -■ biVTwIPTry his renis'lv, a . Will St till !• • riling. Hid may pro" : j ittg E .'ties wi-uii ■_ th P-eseripU*»i vitt psi 1 aditvt-s K.'-i 1- A;| -f ,\ • A •h..'.-l.u * ■** **’ N t j W ILLSON’S : imilT series OF READERS VNI) SI‘ELLERS. n mson’s Erinntcti Speller. A Simpu :>'.u\ Um-Tessive Cours. of I . j,- g-...;ig" with Hinting ntnl lJiitation Ivxereises, ami tlie : \\ rtlii-ti Uotllj in.* i til'll. Ji> MaKCICS '.Vi 1.1.5i in; i lint,). I;■ ■■". i v ut-. : 'j^eeit;--. j Wiilstnds I.a eg. i Speller. A l’t"g'i >*ive ( "itt-f ot I-* -*"b. in S|h-I! .. .. ~'- *>l Otlliuijw ami * T w .j ; t) ftvaonynm !'ni' Remliii;:'. rijieUiny; timl Writing; ami a j ne*v Sv*t* ..i <d Lbatiiilinns. Hv Mvit* trs Wit.i.sox. i -T«e, D.ri j.age.s ; .:#j Utils. cent-'. M tHson's I*nnnr. Tit* S-in*"! tna'i F.itutly Pritm-r. ltilr*Mluet...'ij to Scric.- * S.fli*•' and a.ul I*titilv Re.ulet's. lit ri!- '*■' it *'A l l.t.sai.N. 1 ■ mi*, | f.- jl“. f 'uts. cents. j Utffson’s First Header. Tin* Fii-t IF t*l •• .'u tin- Mmol am! F nnili S,- ; I',. M :i. -AVo i in. 12 1 no, j'.a.ri'ri, .1 ( til . 10 cents. ; Willson's Sceohtt fielder. The Si com I IL-nlo "! the Selnmi ami j F.atiii’v N- i : v M.naars IVtt.i.sox, 1 gnu*, i• I pages, lun Cuts. 00 j ee„'"' ~I Third Header : ■ <’>"/• S,, n-u. Htirii luanler ot .* (•rtnle l H *'w • at : S. .iti*l “'bird Higri* i- oi file School and Family Series. Hv M 1 .- \\ • ;.-■ • n ! gt'to, 21(1 t),:gi; 70 Cuts. SO cents, i l’. f/son's Til ird ilea tie -r. ’• i ''Tim’d li* ml* : of ttie School ami Fattiilv Seri*- IT,-M v!" ;* * Wii.'.son. 12nt", :!•'■ I ]nitre*), 112 Cuts. SfO(tents. A fourth Render: s ..... A hotirtli lic.adei ot.t Grade bet *,. uen the Tiiird and I'< tft It lieadi ts of the School and Family Series. Ilv A! 1. iVI: ' ! 2tii(>, ; :)2 pages, n C uts, sj;! Jo Willson's Fourth Header. Till' Fourth lo ader id the School and F.atui!y S* a’- Hy Mari it a W11.i.-oN. !2mo, ritiu jiagT-, Uid l'uts. ill A. Willson's Fifth (leade r. The Film R* **i«-i of ti*e imoland i autilv fieri . l*y M i o *x - iriia*-, *tn pa*. ■ . '.tor tat st :;o. from M . I.* 1 ,1 A.- ' 0..:. , ■ u. r Your ex.'* Held - . lm- ' • n •iml exinuiii-tl with I like the iv,rii the C! : ' an.l i’o. w it- *■ Iwlkving ttiein un;..-.udiy .I'l.ipnat s. aid the elitid iu imikiug ac ,: ' |Er.tract ;■ m ;. -• I . b.. ■ .am. or i ui": I US' I;, onnh ms* riom ii./d got for tie of nidS'unullJ l-UC my ! present, vho h:al I- 4 Ndh, fat- ■ Hint k-hud used ttt* nil.' r!- ->g . ■■ i'. , mid von .■ ne knew 1 ut i :.riigned . - VVua viu» SsXtos. I':'"iit tii A; Ere ihi.:.u (Rev t.VMis ! The ! a: i i ■■ ■■ i". " .!■!' o-ri. .' ihis Series ; ii.m titl'e m.i H:;i: Ura ri r,r I'ose till v /; ri..- : ’ vairi -tudy, sue!) v iii jay maud .'.ion fur Mon lomplef ii. *trm 'ioii ,:a lwurd.' They iu; ther: h.ri pi * uiiarly ..ri:: : *1 to thy pressing it" its am! 11 e.;. k per".*j*tties oi Hie •olorid rtdidmi. Eiurii hook pro/'m ■ly uud liiudionie'.y ibu-trated. .'iid th" itius'rations !.:• MX inn aid* (ttu tender thee 'lejiebeusion a the reading matter morenuy TheioUotr ilig tesiimmiiais ' e;i sde, a front a HenE. I am. A i. Ilf: i. Si'm.'K.-vs'.V: I ' , Mi/'X Ra iiVoSj,. \ i It' . J.a : ,*:u Diar Si: I have he* e familial wail the . R .niers train thei: ii:-t juilriii-uti/ni. and am' free to say toy mi, us I hnv.- anil a i.dy .-aid t,. | teu.d, r-. -upeviat'labaa ~ ud *:tb■ . . that, all tilings lornT'Ered, I r ,g, rd th.-ui the i best Seri* - Injure li,. , riai, Ja, a.., ;..,g I ]" ulhir l ui" / J this S, ii, ; wus a heppv in- j -piration of ti.* author, and th execution ot ■Hu pkH .-a 'Veil dun, . ar-afiy t-. admit ot improveiiient. Mr. Will-on’- "yle of einupo j oiti 'll in the lower mnnhers the ri al* -and : something es lit* plmi in the higher uuuihers, ! have been imitated by '..tur later am Hut- of: si hoot routers w ith ika idealadvantagi- y their . works. Item Mr. Willson has n-jt .aniy made a peerless Series at Li- own, hut ha- , levated j the general standard *>i such work-. When- | ever my choice litis not keen constrained by ! ■in fin-tu , r iL. ■ .rig., used thi. t" lhint!ii whiri sari volosi and -.-hoid- vrlth ! 'ii,i'. li 1 iii*' been in u> v a ■ t,„. ' ' '■ Yams, truly ;; Xi ,j. vSi Harper l>rolhe-rs, PiibJishers, k RANKLIN' SQUARE, NEW YORK. ■J. K. I]irfxV^T, AGLTVX' FOR TaL' STATE OF GEORGIA. AUGUSTA, GEO. j i'lom U . M i, General Suprlanfenilciit In i dn.aii’ Si hoolE in Arkansa . : 1 m.'Vvr made t/utfer ''alter- than from those i isioks The * harts .nr un-tirjiasaed l.j any. f’ an V- 1 Mriruia.i,, Kuperlntemieiil ol I'.vediiKli'- tj.diook liu eliafge of tVnusyl Valii.i Fr. I'ilmeu'- A iation,) toi .Middle tianu out Northern Alabama, Wiii-i.n's Ih'udt.TS are unsurpa-svd iiy uuu ; ri: ii-leg-t*' exam me tii tu with a view t.< iu i '""ri . 'ti • on !* ''ipl'nf half pri. r ,V Bmn iiS'K., also jiuldi-h u Seiie - sr hr.otf ,ttie/ I'untilf/ Charts, ToI s:t>-. lo in .e.mhvi, In Mareiu-. \Vill.,ou : Those Chart.- are desi-ucO, In ouhection | .nth H i '..mpanying Manualot jn-trueti'.ni !by Ma'.viu.s WiUson rpjino, >i 50) atul jHe Primary Object LetcOßS lay N A. I <’o’Kit*:"-, 1 Elmo, Si .*Kp to furui-li the teach.a ; vvith tk rc'iuLii' aid- for tlie piuetieal | '■: ior. of e Han: -y-n.m ui KUam ti Mary lh-inil Hon. in ti* six Beading Charts j H". tv; is -ii iii*. out ly large to bo easit !ly r-ad #t a rii-tae.' "f .twenty hit. Thesi. Chart * wili tie liirnished ift her separately or , he *■ !i -. 'it her iiiounted or iii sheets, a’, ( t - ■ 1 !• umily l -v, iu neat atJjSMmu, o' t |«- t- i"" _ inn i- When mounted, two aremi ‘ “ ia ’ ; ' '“' A' Chart, a'.au'.gg',,, ri" lux 11,1 v »-«• "nt by mail, t N sitEtTs. at j tii: ui i ■* s ij;;niu<l . In Stuts. '' Hriri-tea:-.; M :.'y Ujltstraied f . ‘ ■ . '•>) Cti. ,' ;■ :,| "ri’ 1 ri W -..u- L 5 vtu, • HI. Rinding ■ Kurort,j Le-sons. . .Tacts IV K a:ii!;g : Tlrird i . V. lieaditi, U'Vriii, u . ....; tU ! ‘mg , Fifth TANARUS, v on- :» c | s . "Airy s/.nmi. 3.5 els. ■ * y 5 cts. l-\. rithiic O.dai' '• *' RV.’iiii*' and Ft fsi»vcijyc. oo vis-, Ni Linos and Ms „,/. ;.., ( r ' B*«l Soiill .! ■'3s eft*. NiiX. familiar fnl .r-g a* eompanied V a de pi e at - -vtt of lfaml '!' A nrri .. »t no NT V. Chronmtio Sculu 01 Colors ) gy xv Nnintal- : E.aiM> Uses., cou- N\l. Ck-silk«tiouo: Animals 00 e!-, V'TI. Bird- tlteir Chi iiiention,. tto XVIII. Keptile.- ami Fishes.., .„ , . NIX BoUtnical Foiins, .y, tio,t* NX. Chesiiiiidion of Plant- iiO ets XNi. Uses of Piauts.' uo els. N.VJi. I, .'lies! Uses, aaatiuueit.. 00 els. Price of tlie entire t-ett. i„ Sheets... .8U TO Mounted Its (JO “ Alins Form... 20 00 Calkin's Pi imury Olneit Lessons (I 50 AVUlson’s Manual ..f Object Teaching . ’ 150 There lm- Mrvu nothing published in lalutationa! iinc for year- that, to mu' luy u ,L.i, -.iu:h a mean- of ei us ti,e-e Ch at- , ud tin aianual that accoinpimiea them ;/*/' " JeUnu tnr. 5* ili-.nn'* Matmai i* the truest American ex - pic. :rii,u of tiie priueijilcs ui IVstaiottzzi that !;:i" > Keen made. Mr. Willson i-ieeitinude ly earryii.c out in Ud Manual and the a- eoi«- t*attying Charts, the ha-b of Id; a^ uln .t,i t . yyatetu ot .Sehool 11. nders.—„V j; TANARUS,