The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 18, 1867, Image 3

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■The Daily Loyal (ieorgiau. AUGUSTA, OA., JUNE is. 1807. , oKKH'CAE ORGAN r. S GOVERNMENT PREPARE TO REGISTER f • l>e]itit'lir;iii(j, tlic little lKls rolill, ■ when tin- rogistration of voters is to I begin. To-day and to-morrow the ■ registers will be in sessional llteeorner ■of Boundary street and Delaigle's ;| Avenue. Thursday and Friday at I Burnt Lot, Sand Hills. In a few day ■ the registers for the eity will com ■ metlee. every I’ejmblican have S life name registered. Now is the time I for work. We must prepare to over - | throw tile Kehel party that has brought ■ ruin upon our State. GEORGIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE AFRICAN M. E. ZION CONNECTION SECOND DAY Mosn.w . dune 1 7. Bishop Clinton presiding. The de votional exereises were eondueted by A. Calmer. Journal of the prexious | session was read and approved. By I the suggestion of the Bishop the action I of Saturday, electing \\ G. Strong, | Secretary, and T. O. Campbell Re- I porter, was received, and on motion, T. G. < ‘ainpbell was elected Secretary, and W. (I. Strong was elected IN pur | ter and Compile of the Minutes I j'die 1 ’resident. announced the standing I UoiTiinittet'.s tit wit : I On K. West, Adam I Palmer. On Fiiutncc E. ') est, J{. Brown, T. (I. ('ainpbell. On Orthr*— T. (I. Cai.upbell, h. | West, S. Derry. On Sub Confri'citct He strict,- i- West, A. l’a'mer, T (1. Campbell, 1!. Brown, W. G. Strong. (hi JSdntvttion —W G. Strong, S Bwt.rd, M. Butler. On Sabbath School* —K. T. Kent, 1 S. Derry, 1). Davis. On ( 'olij'en nrc l} fl 'Ul<hinr* A. I Palmer, T. G. C'anijiell, B. T. ~ Y ., ' "L K - I West, \V. G. Strong. On Huiiine** J. M. Butler, T. G Campbell, D. Davis. On /’o*/, Office—l fobert Brown. The Discipline questions Mure taken up and the following persons were ( | revived into full connection, to wit : | Ivhvanl West, A. Palmer. I*. Brown, $ David Wesley, Simeon W. Beoii 1, i t Smith, J. I lays, King Jones, It. Kent, W. Harris, J. Jefferson, M. Broom -1 field, Edw tird Jones, John Sauls! o iy, J j Frank Wil'iams, J. Smith, F. Smith, I Back Ward, 1». Gould, W. Will iams, Tobias Hopkins, Hardy Moldy, Jerry ! Wilson, Win. Laws, Tol'i is Williams, I Rubin Smith, John Roberts, Edward Lacey, Elisha Webb,* R. Whitehead, . <Fibril Carmichael, S. George, Preston Neshit, Ezekiel Pionour. Rev. Mr. Goings of the Baptist Church was introduced to the Con- I j ( . r , 'uce by the President, and on mo -1,; - elected Honorary member of 1 non v, a*. . , 1 ~ .. MiWKmcntly, m* 1 met onlcreiK ’ . .... ' ■ , -«-ks. lhe ladies or Ia tew happy reim. . , . ~ V- . ■wosented to tlie | the city of Augusta, i ~ • , . „ 1,, .. , , 1 . ’'resident, a I ( out, •reuue, through its - ~ j | 1 hook to record the doings of t. . * | and one quire of paper. It was I reived, and on motion, a vote of thanks | was tendered to them; subsequently, I the Bishop made a few remarks in l which he said that the doings of the s First Regular Methodist Conference | over held by colored men in the State I of Georgia, would be recorded in the I book just presented by the ladies, j Twenty-four (24) Societies, containing j i in the aggregate, three thousand three ; I ' lu| rd red ami sixty nine (;i,3(Ki) mein-; f Urs were reported, and on motion, :f received into the connection. t The Committee appointed to wait upon li. If. May (white) and Henry . F. Bussell, (white) Ksqs., vepfirbed I that they had waited upon the gentle > men, and found that they were willing : to" have their names recorded on the rol ls of lay delegates ill this Confer ence') that if the colored people wore i not a shamed of them, they were not | nshan red of them, &c. The report was | roceivi'd and ado|it,ed ; and, on motion, | the names of Henry E. Russell and It. 11. M ay were ordered to be rceerd- I ed on the 1011. Adjourned to three o’clock ]'. M. Benediction by Rev. Mr. Goings. < ’hie! Justice Chase, in ordering the summon of a new panel of Grand and P« tit Juries in the United States Cir cuit Court for the District of North Carolina, assumed the responsibility of anmiling a previous panel, for tin pur]*ose of placing freedtn n on tin: jury. The L niouists of the State | made a formal demand on him to make the change, and as it met with no op position, ever, from the Conservative members of the Bar, he did not hesi tate to respond favorably.— A I. Times. BY TELEGRAPH. ;• •• -• , ; ••• | s'roika ><m. XMJSCKLL \NEOVB W.U UIM/IV'., .luiic 15 The Pi 'te iti »jas i’t- eiy. •! . iiuiiioiidl from T!p,‘ oi !' \ms n isrmUu > the rt.*;or.Hi(di “f JmliD r .*ll v.,; • •• iHsnui 11; Shditlnn : .!• *>• ■ a.i« n b\ ;ho iw,* 111. lllflaorpi’if** s;»V Hi" !. V . OiUHHUt'- er :»• F.l ]?■ di-- ’ ibc Ur. -- >.- Toes, «»••- hit’ ' OllDi V mV“ r tli. 1 'O'Plst* S’M"? 1.. R-. rciu -t.i !(> fiiirvi «•> c»o\. ilxUuiittVE. 'iic! tis T it appointod m..oi' ■ t rat us with i*. n-fjer jndi incuts and i-Mh. f\. t inwith ~i Uoi.i.Hv, the stay provided by law.'" They also >t-;ijc ILc'on is unlilted by ! :.v x•*f It i-.r t! . portion Also, that fh> prep* : \ n? oiUv.c;;:- IV loa-a CCllllty, 'Tc Vi'.-', li ,> t■v '• i coot; .-Mtcd and eld snu'n tic close oi * tic war under proces.-c,- iy svicd by : Pur* FeC—V Oi.-h i- t (’nvu i or %’.* v Mcxic > The securities■ lv Id by tlic Tu'-auitv ul the I niu.'d >::.:••• ; a?-t : * XaiioDa’i Banks arc rejna ted to-day, i v ’ f«'»)K»ws. : For circulatinu; notes, «340,551\5W ; foi deposit'of public mon •ys W,W3SX>O, Jc.ii;:y the week there has b‘. it rcccivoG ;«• the Treasury* from tin piini - rs, v lhb,•!'>>.os i.; fnc. liounl ci«rrencv. Tlrero tnib been tor" a; d*-I l - .hi A•-i iant T:i’a«urer •UNew York. «ni‘UUX>; r,> ITrited Ktnt-s de positing at* Pittsburg, to National Banic- «Uh),:;O:3.CHy Tot oh Amount of National Bank currency i.-sued during liic week was In acUia] oirculntion . t thin date, slso,Ovb. Amount of fractional cur rency redeemed and destroyed at.the*. <l< part - uicntdurin;. <lk wcc.k, TANARUS" *.‘>iK) Keccipts v'rom internal revenue io-day vcr«t .i* • b ! »,.v>0.84, ir.a king the total amount for tl>*• week ending' 10- (lay, 54d.hN , :md total since the begin ning ol the present !:m t h‘>( The amount »f .*..did in the Troa-.ury ol the United States to-day, wsu SI; of which sum £1.4,000,000 has bi-cu deposited by parlies \v)io hold ccrtiiG i.u. thei cos and 585,- 000,000 IwlongA to tiu Clovernment. The I.oui Natioual Bank of N'cvvOrh ans, m its vohnUa y apj»ll lias been dhcon linucd as a depository for puiblic money; aud a dnancial agent of the United Voito. It. i* under,*-food in ofm. : 1 circle.-* that ok At torney (lencra'i, in his opinion jusi._prepared, holds that the KccoD-rtnieiioj. ; > - provide for two go\crnmenis, milltaiy and civil ; tied both arc prov-sioiMb and to i *• oticycd, ln»f to cuuh when rc-organ.radon ol tli Slat- :u.*v nunefu ■ fake' place. IT> •' ?;:)*•. ! t pesitmn tli ill the military is (*nly io protect ail in 'tear lights of person and property . b. r iit« pi r 'ion of or dcr, Ale! the s'.ip]’"c - ' a:: d\ V •bucu ltd rmn • There i- u<‘* aui-hority in law ic.r tin removal l»v themililary < oimnamUi of the p.opu ohicersof the. Butte, neither executive nor jmlicial, or the appoiutmeu: >•{ t’udr ae ' - - : «n - The military command*.-. ?u m»t oiith"!ivetl o-d. - 1 .0-y, 'nit U bouml to j*io!c' i ci; l! "’V. •r- j milimry eoni- Di.nuh i being, rvgai b I . mm ervatm -d the and not an aDit*'-.ii«»r ol the lav. «.[ Ni.-vj.r • writi.-li • b-t;.- •argemty rc-omui, ■ lul ‘" . jm . yv , ;i,:x K. <).<-■ Bui-rutt m-v to day. 'vliU'h ' ; * ;! * 1 beginning on .u ;eda\ An »• ,Uit t.r .-,. • 1*... ill.* luu.'.'X'i'a. Hie Cali fornia .44. !:» *rriv<.<! i . W:*.!.; ' nh ' tail. lhri.«(jii the Ui:u':‘*.i Vw cer color-'d Sol .0i... -in that ii iad Vorvlftn Xf u Ili-BU'-, Jmi« Kvuilift. It ojq.eo; - liiut .iui iii.L ,Uc ..H, :i,;»l In vo-u-uc 'tlu-Fenian |>iii-<.ii„i-. it. Walcrl.rrt, -m day. the military !.nJ to i:ld '•.[« v ter- wit! ■ o a u form i used the bayoiiei.irt. u- \ mitnl.erof 1 . tei.- m-reliayo ncttt-l, .Hid ill .all- .: I.theii pl-oe from , till*; v] -i l • ii: > The »'«oven uncut v*'i)« ■ **nd out 1 ntnuhe • «>t t roopH iu tie d.c-.uner Jk-lghm, to be n* atiotn u m ( •mfti.t, > -X i.u: i* -JiGie io The .Spanish Govu'on.*-•*'.« decided to send an envoy extraurdiiiary b ■ V/.i.shingion, •• d!i mw ordcir. in regard to the * '.>V m dilll* :v- h-les KYoiss w Vf>?'!«. York, Jma ■■ ■ A grand concert for the relief of Bouthujn .Masons will l»c given !h< V* ademy of Music on the evening' ol tin bHi !u# ; and. b*me« 'l Brady will also del*vc. an ad*!o . The rt-hviiiP of the IVnnsyl v.oiiu l * nUal '■l for leasing the Chicag** -oul Alton and Bo\ Koatb ecu id", no i p* eial inteice! in Terre u . iimmcial cii ' r ~. ..,. . _ I-r«in ' ,r Onj-v a* *. June 15. • *WiHou rt'Holution, The Bci>ubltean Slat- ' -n . fur ahktntc Conuri H- to qu-i-ii a'.e u , the peaceable !«*='» or loree of arms, tvas tabled. , Ctovcmor FbmOer i«i<lr. cil tin ( ; vc.stcrdsiv. • i -coMaii ac-mmt of dcvaslittlnff I -i-irnr Ml ll.cMaiiiCM Mmy liv..- nnrt n-lueU )iro])C'ily has i.'vn Jv-!n<.v 'I Senatorial Districts of Georgia First: Clmtliam, Bryan and Efliingliaw. Second; Li'-ert;-. Tntnal and Mclntosh. Third : Wayne. I’lor-’e and Appnng. Fourth: lilyim. Camdi u and Cba'lton. Fifth: Coffee. Wan- mid Clinch Sixth : Echols. Ln-.vnui- and Beriien Seventh • Brook,-, Thoiua:. and pjj'pdt. KBdith Oec- ttir. anil'i -b, , Early Cam * at £ B T. th Dobi'licrtv- Dxaial Worth F ;, ■ .... li li-'h and I- • fvv.Jftl.’: c '"' ■' •W- pr am! Q ern«n ‘'•'•.Hof- ■ * ' Foul t ntl I ft*. W» ox an - ulad Fiftcei h: M«; u ‘ rfttlr , 1 'g, , . .'. v:.." :- ZiffiS x o-«-."f fbison. Nintw »th Ta inf " * !J,1;U1!! ■: . ■ ntietl Bali iu. Ho * "• ; T-db" fix ■ Twiggs WUI a and .tone* , , Tw( ol > Mo ■' : ■]■•„.;,•; T ANARUS; ilous'on ' r:.-A lot-I aim - Tuvlor. , , T-- :•• •' '• ■ V and M-isi'o.i-ee. ; Twenty-Filth. Bams. I m**m m. '■ > T 1 nty Sixth S| tiding, Butts and Fay ette. Twnty-!Seventh Newton, Walton and Clark. Twenty-Eighth : Jasper, l’ntnam and Mor gan: Twenty-Ninth: Wilke . Lincoln aiut Co lumbia. Th:: ii, th Old. thoi'p. Madison and .Elbert. Thirty-First; Hint. Franklin and Haber sham. Ihiity Seeood : While, t.unqikiii and ! tatvsou. Tliirtv-Third Hall, Banks ami Jackson. Thirly-F.MKth (iwtrutt, DeKutl> and Henry Tit :v l*'i;i)i: Cl* ''..ill, Fulton audit obi, Tier: -Six'll M, r: in, liter. Coweta and Campbell. Thirty S'-venlli : ! r.n;p. Herd and Carroll. Thirt; Eighth : I! ■, nils.-*>. Folk and J’nnl rting. Tliirc. Ninti: in :,,ki , Mdton and Fin syth F,nii la . Uni-.-n, Toxyns and Rahim F e-ty Fir-t F-imiii . (tilmer aiul I’ickeli- Forty Set oiul: Bariov , Floyd anti Chat tooga Third Murray, Whitfield and Cor lion. Forty Fourth Walker. Dade, and fiaioo^n. The Proposed Constitutional Amendment, fit •‘olecJ i. y ih Semite ami House of ' . ah f ■ United State sos A i in Conirra-* (two thirds of hath Houses vonelirretl). That, the following articles he proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United Staled, which- when ratified by three-fourth, of suid Legislature*, shall ho valid a* a part of the Constitnliou, namely: Amici i -Suction I. All persons horn oi naturalized in the United States, and mihjeet to the juridictipn thereof, are citi tiz.cns of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liber ty or property without due process ol law, nor deny to any person within Its .jurisdic tion the equal protection of, the laws. See. 2. Representatives shall he appor tioned among the several States according to the respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indian.' not taxed ; but.when ever tin tight to vote at any election for ejectors of !"i .*; id,-is! and Vice President or tor United States Uepfeacntatives in Congress, executive -and indicia! officers of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inlitihitanis of tmek Stale, being twenty-one yours ot age, and cii-Rtous of the I:tiited ,Staton, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crinv. tho basis of representation therein shall ho reduced in the proportion which tin number of such main citizens shall bear to tho whole number of male citizen, twenty-ono years of age in tho Stale. He ;j. No person shall he a Senator or Representative in Congress, elector of l'ii' ,deni and Vii -. .J'seshlent, «,r hold any office, tit ii or military, under th United States', oi under any 'Si ate. who having previously taken an mth ' a member of ■! or nu officer of the 1 'oiled Stales ; 01 m- mi cyeeutire. or officer of any State, to support tbe t.-oiistitutiou of the 1 Alice . ' •-it 0.1. f-il!'.:! i:' e Cllj- igt-tl in ID surr-x ee - =-■. !■■ lliiui sgaiu..: (hr same. Ol gi'yPtl tud Ot roiiitbrt tile’ SfteintOs tbel'o■ o, . 1-, I i'ii:.*rc." may. i-y a tw--thirds of each House, lemovit SUull (lloah-lily. !. i i.e valdity of the public debt us tie-i nitml Stato, authorized by law, including debts inclined for the payment of pensions and bounties fur serVi-T m sup lircuiug lusurrw-t-ion or robeilinti, alia., ;,ot he questioned, but neither tho United at,-lie. ii-,,' any Stato shall CssniiK* or pay run debt in obligation iticurrod jit aid of intiat roetion or rebellion against the I ni- j t„,l States, nr : iaioi for the loss or eim*nci jiatio;; of any davc . but. alt such debts, nl,it. ~th,ns old claiuts sbali lie held illegal ami .'oiu. Sec. 5. The th,ingress shall have poviC-i t<- enforce, liy appropriate legislatiou, the provisions of this article, Military Districts in Georgia IL.AO.Yn: Dc rnti i m-- Geohoia. t Mhcoij. <*».. Ap' il U>. IfME i OiiMMi •! Onru-.its. ( ] Th, Military District of fieovj-m i„ fierehj iliviitcd into (U) eigl.l I’osts .k fol low'!- : Post ok S.ivitx.ut To im-luih- the cnuiitics of -Chiithtnn, Eflingjiam. Bulloch Brvau. T-itiudl. J-iG- 1 ' . 3lclnlo:Ji, Glynn, V/;,vt. . Appliliy. Ticre,, (totfee Chari t n. Uaireleit. Clinch, Eehol:-. Loxvn ties. Brook »■ :i- • fh-lquitc Thomas Dik .:tur. Mltcildl. Mill,:;, Baker, and Earl -. , or Auoi -ta To iiiclutk-the eoun ti,- I’ Richmond,' 'oluinhiti, Warren, Bias cock, Washington, .Johnson, Jefferson, Burlo-. Serivcn. and Enuimicl J’osToi’ zVn.ANTA -To inclmh: the conn tc „f Uolil), Fulton. Uampljcll, Curroll, '.(ovet.i, K.-I.V'-IC- t.lsylon, S])at,lil- JJcmv. Newton, l> KidJj. Milton, Cwiuni'l: "» !, 1 Butts j,,,. ] in' J•AJif.oNt.o To inidiule the cmmtiesci Fannin: Union. Towns, Rabun, (dimes. Pickens, Cln rokcc.Kiwaon, Lump- Mu White, llahcrdumi Hart r 1- oiwytl). Banks. Franklin, and Hall. Post of Komi. -"i o include tlu counties J)ade Walks v. Cnh «- - ! Whitfield Mur , : Chattooga, tlordon. Fl-yyd. l'"lk, I’auld jl. , fiitiafeoi), and B riow. (toiiueily Oak.-. hv m Act ot 'hcLcKisla- I’OST or .\Ttil-- To Hidudi; the coun ties,:!' C-lark. Jo -m Madfeo. . Elbert. M«'Y»n. Mahon. Wtlkcs, Cr.-nte. Teliaferro. j-me,.-!;.-. Jasper, flit rain. -mi'. Hanso , , pro T -,r (ol > Ml.. • i<- " Jte T Me -,-C M a T ~|. tvillcy, so -S' I ■ 1 sh. *iintinnn, Rwt -1 q,;-, na.v CAhonn. .ml ( hstlahooclive. n . T inclui’s. tin coun ■ i;„s, A.,,,, . Baldwin. AV : i’-:usoii. fw.'-o-s'. Lauren P ! 'cfe. Montgomen*.; .1 :.,x .1 W-'th. . Dooly. 1 v , .r, . T„A Upsiei.Monroe. PjW, S': I . ...G Do-udielty. ... .•.•nmaiir' of C'oi. 1 -.lw V- Mni.EY 1 '.rt.. A .t. '.-UN HIT-MPP, l-t Lieu: Hid* u A B'- i : ry. and A. A. A Men 1. lOffi, ini O C. IvN-ri . ' Lieut t:*d Tut uitev hi • c L. A. Po t Adjutant. J. iIINCKLING & CO'S G KEAT SALK OK WATCHES (xN it, populor one price plan, givimr every " patron a hnndsomo anil raliahta Watch lor tlie price at Tea Dollnrs! without rcganl to value, and not to '*■ paid tor unless perfectly satisfactory ! :,00 Solid Oold limiting Watches, SS.WtoTaO r,no Magic Cased Bold Watches, ‘JOO to :,00 rs» I,allies’ Watches, Enameled, 100 to -.'oo moo Bold llunt’gt Inoil'tcr Watches aSO to 300 !(HK) Gold limiting Englisli l.e.vcrs, COO to -JSO •iOOO (in!,! Hunting Duplex Watches, 150 to .00 5000 Gold iliintg American Watches, 100 to 150 5000 kilvcr ll,.inling Levers, 50 150 .'ilHlO Silver Hunting Duplexes, 75 la '.'so 10000 Gold Hunting Lupines, 50 to 75 10000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches, 50 to 100 75000 limiting Silver Watches, 05 to 50 ■*oooo Assorted Watches, (all kinds,) 10 to 75 Every person obtain-, a Watch by (his arraiu-,,- ment ,-listing lint ®lO while it may lie wurlh t *SO. No partiality shown. Messrs 1 lllnckling ,X Cos Great Am, Companx - , New York City, wish In jm mediately dispose of tlie above magnificent, stock Certificates, naming articles, are placed in scaled envelop, . Holders are entitled to .■nicies named on ‘.licit certificates upon pay ment ol Ten Dollars, whether It he t Watch wort h #750 or one worth less. T)ic re turn of otn- certificates entitles you to the articles named thereon, upon payment irrespective ol its worth, and as no article valued less than tli) is named on my certificate, it will at once lie seen that this is no lottery but a straight forward legiti mate transaction which may lie participated in by even the most fastidious ! ' A single Certificate will be sent, by mail, post paid, upon receipt ol 25 cents; live for it! , eleven for #2 ; thirty-three and an elegant, pre mium for $5 ; sixty-six and more valuable pre mium (nr $lO ; one hundred and a must superb Watch for sls. To Agents, or those wi-hing employment, this is a rare opportunity, it is a legitimately eondueted business, duly autho rised by tin- Gov, rnment, and open to the most careful serutiny. Try us. Address, IlickUuK A « «.. Broadway, near I*. it. leK'-eim City of New York. hXt I'.I.SIOR ! EXCElifilllH ! CIIASTELLAII'S HAUL EXTERMINA TOE!! For Removing Superfluous Hair. tpo the ladies oqweially, lid,- invaluable de- I jiilatory lv.i’oimncntls itscll ;u an al* HHwt iinUisi'ViiKiblc iirliulu to female* bounty, U • iwily applied, does net, burn or injure tlie skin, but. nuts directly on the loot-*. It is w»minted to i vmove (superlluous lurir Irom low hueHeuds, or Ii oih any part of the body, completely, l >tal 1\ oid radically extirpating the mhih', leaving tin* Ivin soft, smooth aud natural. This is tlu* onij article used by the Freiu h, and is the (ml.) n>l • lfcetual depilatory in v \i- ( cn< *• Brice'la cents per pit: kaF;e, sunt ].:» t puid, to any addreHM, on retxdpt. of an order, bv BKKGKK SllUT'l'd Cos., (jlmmi- tB, ;'<pb-!y T'b Hi vet iSt., Troy, N. Y. There comcth jilad tuliny , id joy to all, To ymtui, iiiid to ohl. to v.u . i and to mall; I'he beauty which om ( was > pr<-eioWB ami tare. Is free for nil'and all may be lair, hi mi iis la of (lIASTFLLAirS White Liquid ENAMEL, For Improving and Beautifying the Coin plexion. 'l'll o moot valuable and pc-fi-et preparation in no, lor giving the skin a bc.aituuf litarl-lLk, lint, ihat is only loimd ill youfh. fl ipiiekly relll'-ee Tall, I-l - 'i, ie-, i’iliode... liloteli,, Molil It.iid.iv, flail,iwvn-s, Eruptions, and all Impuri ties ol the Skin, kindly healing the same, - leav ing tlie skin while and clear as alabaster. Its us, -cannot be detected by tlie closest scrutiny, and hoime a vegetable, preparation, is perfectly tuin,|!,-s It. is tin- only article ol the kind used liv t-lic French, aud is ,on i,ter,-d by the i’uri siiui as iiulispeu-'.alile to a. peril-, l toilet, ilp ward of 511,000 biilll, - were old during tli,-.pi, si y, ar, „ t.nilu'ient guaranty of its cllie-y. Prior only 75 eciim. IS; ill by ijiaii, post paid mi rc'-cipt of an order. IIEKGEP., tSIICTTS &( lb, Cheiiiist,, :'HS Ilivi-r Street, Troy, N Y. -q-0 R STEP BY STEP, OR, I ft c (h inf's First Lesson Hook 1 xRfiIGNKI* to I'-aeli new beginners to read leon an iiufirovot ldiin Price. 25 <-,an» rtt is one Ol lhe liest first bonk-for young Clrildreu tint we have jet seen, and will doubt „„n win ii-> way to ptibiie favor, and i.e generally employed in tlie instruction oi i-nil <li-, n ’lnwtiri Stole .too,■not. si,-,, 1.,/ si,,, i certainly a bijou of a child’* l.i. .a ii.) ,'k - I‘htln. J'rar.- Tin; Siilisrad e; - will send a aireuhn eontaio iiig I e,•inn'll pages of the above woi'k.d, -igned tote let; the little one- to lead on anew plan, to any one debiting it. It. will give leach*-«e and olhi-r:' nileiested in education all idea of tin: vork. Doiiie* of the, work will be sod l l" any oddi < lor tin- purpose oi examination, on re eeipt of 15 i, id' DA VI: . POIiTEII ,v t:«iA i EM 713 kansoin Street., Philadelphia. MAKRIAHE bUIKK. IjEING a private instruetm for married per ) „in. oi those about to lie married—both male a, ■■umle- iii everythingeoueeniing the plnsiologj and relations o! on: sexual system, anil the production and prevention oi oft- pririg, includin' -all the wiv and; eon l'ies nevei bi-O-re given in i'll,.- bnghsli language, liy W.M. Y<»UNG, if..!). This L really a valuable and imcri stmg work it is written in plain language for the ,r, n,-rat readi-i. said illustrated with numerous Engraviu-. All young married people, or ztsxsx&ssr&iseia this iiemk secret• that every om -rtiouDl lie neijunfSla with, still it- is a book that inusi be. locked us, foil! not lie about the house. —No matter what may be your disease, belore you place yourself urnlor the care of any oi the m.tnrimi- QuACds—native or foreign - who ad trrt.-c i» this or any other paper, get a cop.v ol Hi- yptfiig'sbook and read iUarefnily It "ill tie tlie means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. j) YOUNG cun lie conrult•'<! on any - 1 111, di-a , * de-erihed in ids polilieatlous, al hi, r ',jfli.,, No. fid Some- -treet atiove Fo’trfli rtiiiiideliihia. 321JJT7. Auinm, (joldcn, Flaxen Silken Curls tylfeu’irt EE • ■ t.frd UST 'ot Prof: MEBRECX i i'HIPPJ; lift cnF.VF.rX. <»nc appllca ;ion ,varr mej to curl the most .-:i n Jo an hair, ol either sex. into wavy ringlet: or heat V lua-ac:) of curls. Ha- been used by tin f ,-iiionabi' -of lMri. au'i i/■,idoii with tin-mom -ratifying r< sub" H *,- no injury to the hair. p ~,. mail oeahal ami nos: -paid, *1 Dc serimivo eir. ula.s ui.tifi-d (r> - Address. RE KG IP sItUTTS ,v CO. Cheimsts, V., *JSS IHve'r stieei. 1 roy. N. 7 , Set \genl- for tlie rutted ,-b ie*. xpo J y DII'ORTAST 10 jIEKC-IHNIS, I Pi£.A3smSRS & FARMED S | \ Y\’ E h;»vu b« id iiD*.; i,i*. ill #i;■ l.l»u u-u:i! ]• hi * i-u ‘ Muj clumf Liuhd ■ ;uid Liamero, .•*, VV Oi-ilejitv 'iicit u}(pliu. i td’.ii Dr, SffcLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, llah been l*> ;in - ,-ly v«TiL. -• v,*y.nib,.’{i,. -n. < jiu'; ;h r tlni( oaU of ibe -. y»n.iim’ I>l\. Mr!. \ N :• »> ;4* y r*< (jt. U'.*;. •••-• fin :{iu fit: -u *! - )bui*y VT»rtijiv;>B |>ie]»ai:»lit i: u: H-.'u. Y« tihifu: f nuv. i* b ;*• \ h. [»;; •*;• •-. W., therefore, be# K.ive to ut‘;c upon lliu I’hiibi , tin 1 i'i*;j>iiei\ ..nU iiiiporl-.i."(• of iu\oif. o.Titir.gtlie Duiue in lull, ami io ailviae tiie-ir lb ■if!-.*- ov iV- Mt.-x 1 !..i| ti,« *.• a*'” ; : i •■i v • . ■. *i!'.i. r than It.e kci r.uine DK. McLANK’rt CKLKlili.V’rKJi VKBV«.Ft r (,L, }Hvpi.'v4 by Ks. t-'if LN<» if IB I.'ITTBBIH{G t V>\ VVe ill."' '..ould • b, -.u.t;* ?*.• • üßio*« i > Grtler-ui*. DK. Me’LANK’B (’. lebik'ted V Eli KILLS Tli; ureal ogi *. 'ari?v «>♦ 11 « !'K .«;• . hpeeifK or ciu’c. for LIVEK COM PLAIN l ,i;i;1 ail the* I** 1 ■ m ’i >■ r. " me:» , '* j .-<* j-ivvalt):» in the South ami Southw.ut, luu. imlnucil the of niiiuv 'vr.rtl,’, .* • vo. tnmi-: • ' elahn Iv• t 11»< ii piui; irntionf euiiihou medieina! viv'm... !'* • ’ - •••!•. * BS'fiii 'r« v L Celebrate.* 5.1 •i: «• ibu | ; u.i ..#*]v i> i.* , i’ , u ’ • u'llv lor Liver (.'omd!",i iit t itiifc lull* ye*, been tli.-H'ovi retl, utul wo: nry i!iu «'!:*;iam! %L•;• *«» .n ., us )i•; Yalue.’ by own and tin; health ol those depi Du.tjiL ; :. • 11. i;. oi f. in- • _T;*i.( i:*. iihe;' V( i Oiifuy.'uor Ljvu l J’ilL. mile**; von a*'!!■• . .; :t.iii:; tiu ~,enmm )*i .'paled by I*' i iEM l T\( 4 BROTHEI {IS* PITTSUI’KU, FA UH. M’LANE’H CELKIUIATEP LI \EK PILLS, Full' till-; (rt’KE OK Hr pint is ot Lifer Coin//lu /. Ifi/sprpsla nnd Hick Jleodachv. In "llering i, iln: imMa DK Me i.JvN E' • t'Ei.KBIvATED LIVER PILLK as a remedv i'oi I.IVKK ami i'.ll.lO’.'K I'UMRLAtNT.’., a, ;a- un, no ajioiogy will ij t . rieeii, and The -re, prcvalenet* of l.iver Complaint and Ui--.e -. all kinds' (hroutrlumt the ruitcdSta'f and pveuliarl) it; the West aud Soittli, win re. iu Ha majority ot easts.'lhc nulient js nutwitiiiTi tin; n-aeh of a regalarpity teiati, reipiir,.- (hat -ome remedy should' be in-ovlded, Unit would not 111 tin: least liujiuir tile eonstitu:ii,;i, and jet i„ : m amlejleetmil. Tliat suel, is tire (iu.-ehii neter of t)i! M, I.ANK'a I.IVKi: PIUS, r- .-m l*c »,o itmil.l. Tin testimony we lay t'- li’i'e you, and 'll, :■:".at sue; - anieli lu; invar;.,.,'c attended their mw, will w>: think lie sui. tieieut to eoiivir.e- th- imv-i ini :• diilon- it iia: n our -in, ,iv wish that thes, i'rllsshoiild I, fairly iiiid fully t- -ted, na.i sim,l -,r fall by the efi'eet. prndueid. Tlmr tl,ey |, vll , ~, tested, amt that (lie residl tuia. been in *• v -esi-eet: tuvimitde, w, call ih,,us-in I-; r, ...,.,, who have ,-xp,-ri*!iiee«l th.-.r heneilciai i*t!-,-i.. DU M, i.AN’i s i.rt-FK L'li.i.y, ai,- :,-ii !: id. i,a i 5 ~.. n , ..imiiiended dike most nl the pin,, ular Hicdi, in.. ot tli.- day,) i„ univeiwal cur, „'! . but • imply for LIVER (a 'M pi. AI NTS „.1 those Minjdoirrs couneeted tiiin a deranged slut*- of that e'rgun. DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Tim Li-. - - no. i, rao.'-ti a l ' , tli- ..-d dls.-ah, ;Don is gam, ra’D -ng , lit net 101 lit i, and" ;e.i. -d to | : , and o, Lis- ,aar , , i;G lot win, Jr dej'ell,! . oe-t only I lie general ie-aHh ot Hie io.iy lull t:,;; luov, ,> ;li, Momin-ii, Bow, 1 Brain, and tin- v, j.,,/','. ■ -rt-: .- stiow in \ and vital iiiip„r 11. ■ :- human jn-.i:■!,. Whei, thoi.ive*- 1« -i --rionsly ,b 5,...., ni- :u met not on;} ,i, . .iiie*., : I*** vital noietiuna of the i-.niy, but exercise., a pov.-iTu: ■ lit. ■ :ud :: -»i* id,;)i on,it e;i,.i 1 v b-' described, litius 5,M.10, ,11 -ii, ■ i- * -.: ■ i 1 1 , ■ ■ ia,i niaiiiii -:.lf!,\ g.'.at u v,. riety el viupfoms oft t u f fut ehiiraclei that it misJoadb 0101 ;f. bins, ev .. i.- .■: ciuliitmc* 1),...'. any :!„ , .... . 1- u Le,",., 11 1|,,: J.iver mid Ihe brail,, all its. . * * ..... , ... • hi- ~ ! ... p* I--,I !l • IO s OVCI fie p:„ ion.: ,1: malikiud, eouvinec i „ O Uiirt-- I■ vine, aave < oi.imirt-,1 ;M -,fd, and < ribiiiiul utn-uti, .. 1., - 01., ii;. "lid:-." t>,.:u He -.luple finitof .1 litedstate of Die Liver/ I tun ' :■ .a -,i , iad more t!: . on*, lirdf ot the eoiiij'-lMi.-.a winch f.eeu,- ii, ~ ,j. iU . In. Ilf io ,'.,u-1 I-, ed oil a ! tr -in a diucaßed elate of the i.iv, r. I wiHeimim Iji 5, ... eiili. HI ! lid if .lir-e, ist„p, ...-, it tlie Menses, Deranged Male of the. Bowel.-, Liiiahi and V 1 ,;i. ; 1 v•■ K.-, bngi,.:; dPa a- : 'em. ~filing and mudiwuafe. - ■,-... m n j.j, i, ( . . wards 1- ! a Ilium:,] ; lasi, thoin.i, not leant, no r,- Hiatt thife- fourth* ot tin ilisca. e.* enm,],- at, . :. head < .. it rtON, Ini, 1 heir seat in ■- ,li eused Liver This L tiully« frigid fill catalogue !4YMl , 'r«.«*i O* $ B>*>iii-;.&S»i-» ».»»'»•:*:. '•.1,.. H- "’ll* dd , und, , |j , : the lit tu- ■■■ ••a I ' '>*>"• : " 'km- tfe pan, .a 11, ■he i,-i> side ; t ati- »t j rurel'. -hie to li*-. on th !■ L id- sound 1. , s tl.e | ,1. .. fell itud: ; ti. shoulder brude. uuil ; tr,:, l, in,tlv exKmt:., ;,-p. n! Ih. . ■ *»*l i ometime- toi-lab-n for un,. .'. Hi,•arm.' Un* ;0ni..,-h, dl- -• •' - itb '•■ ■ • , 1 it '.d xiekn ■ -la bowel- m , - ~M'o • . •• • ... . . •■, . : -d •,:;'. p.oii, ,a ■ witliduli, heavy seneaalotl in th . .. :■ gout liy idoralfieffo rStemo n. .! 'lilj al"' "a eel. 1. . ■ . v .0 ,„ !•.,»• hemi ,1,01. A alb-jit I IV • ..ile 1 - •- ni. : ~1. - .0, ,uu let TI. • pat lot .tuohife. ~,■• u,—. • : ,:- •-,!:'• ; - :s atari hi : ■ >,, ■ ■ id .;• burning, and lie eotio, lain s ~1 „ pri,i:ly siiisaiieu . : .5. l-nu . h'.- - pun -a: •! - ttieie-'l: k- s'almied I j;,, 1 ~xe,<U ■ •.vo'ild be Ikl’.-u' ml t - uia-. v- i ■ a-- ■■ ~•■ ;ij, P a-f da u, on. ~g]i to try ii. Jfr, (p- < 11, a- imal . o ..•• Ud Hu-diseuse . but ease;, guvs’ occurred whore, few ol .them e i•t*- ,i yote- . and the body ril 7 e, tooth sis. :diow-u the Liver to have b ■• ti : 1 • -it... 11 .-.ty derrmi;,:., !«(•'s: ixa m,.i vt.- :■ E! Kij.Ltu., e»s,.-*>i vgek a,m> 1 LVKK, when taken .Mi (inimta . ar.- modm-" ■■••.', -ol' ■ N,j brdtci ; , llc iised pr paiatory to, or lift,: t-dung'• t-nni *., a-oii; il , all wlei ar. silJlivtci wjft, .g,. disease, to give them a trial G>i «-<■«•* «<*#»■*,. "fa 10: t••o e. I .'d'- seennil iir third nigh;, ft they dolled purg-f - ■ urt!-- "am ’■. • -ke Hi *•;■ two niece, but 11 si;gijt.brerti. til“t‘ should iuw. 1 1 totloiv'a M:' !• Used wh: i,- purg ill' Oijm.,) y ■ necissary. '. in,. *•• u-.t,. and‘ln done- if (wo ot li':., they give •:, . n -■•iig l ..! ,a , • a-emen,'a nt di,,, Btoidaefi. to it. yrteiNK’S AMWiCM WORIK BPE-omCOE VSftMXFTIGE, No di-.-a-e O V iu.-i: ~. i,i,:••••■.,' ~- • ia-rtea: ’ • 1:, r cut itltii to the utU'idifiu ol the phi lantlieen,ist the: H, no- ill. :•! fin ir 'i.-U.-ot prabi.-e ' by Mv-KMS in the fttomaeU and Hmvel-' When t:. :.I’- 1 ■: 1 • ;U" • :.ti\ '■ rte...ami c,,|,m;, the proi -i ■ '■ Doi entb' laiMi-H- i* an infant j, the disease j. not th tirul.y t).' , ted, o i . at:, a 'a ; rtitdso; in ; i-t. It Ollgi'l! 1:1 r, tl, I* j lii* il'arll ■ l, :! • -ti. t.,.,' . . - ' -oi* fe-.v worn, mIV "-til.i ir;a . ! and :,(■ un fi ho-.v.-'H v : aai ,- VI I h:o ■ m - • „-1; i. . louncr fe H;, e.iurtitifiiei, invaded t-> any at, vof I h-s 1’- nil a-' '- : n, '■■■ -■ ; o '.-Id a :,IsUc> e exp.i: ilinu j; :. feMfttliy eug men led '•-• •: ; I'ltaum. li- *il : -. a--, .. '•• lipena that II'.aslTv naiHiged i.y ]•:■', per ,a- ni, n I’tiu.-' hid in treatment, jitd: ,-ions in etfe . m-jm’ '• -- "mI- . evl, .. . m on, aiuci.ei; of woaius hting overlooked. And even in . a.,es of ereini: ». ■- :! a p me! ami prompt remedy I puss, - ,1, eo that they could beexji, 11'd "illioul !o ol tint, v. I ■■- , ■ e,;e! is, , tin* cnee might ih ntt'acked, bv prop- !■ nm, das. ••ve.u-luni'l‘:d, and vit ti shcee-.-:. '>jn*i"*on~ tihfeD < u »»*[<» t Sue "f ;:*,»•■• !<e»i. -■ Th, • -.* •i.•, * -i.aie , j,.r'.e amlltadeii eolorcd wit!; o ioh-.; 111. .ir;,, • ila and spot over one or both die, !, the c , v » hen,line drill, Hi pm i- •;,’.•’• . a.! asur, fe ie, ei.-.-i, along t',C l"Wei eyelid, the uutu i irritot •ol wlla and • •-"Him.- bb' • da; .vetting efth* upper Hi): oeeasi.imfi headaelie, with humming or throbidnv ofth, ~, uu nnn-ind ,-,-ri-t:. u •■! wilin , slimy f om .l ton, i:e' I. mat I, vs.-v t 0,,!, psi-ti, •.,.•; i,-- • I ■ I:: im ' -dug , - ep.-ni, vurinide, srinmtiiii.-s voriieiaim, wftli •s no v. i: sensation ..'.the tone" u. ifd!)-: time,, en‘ i ,-ly goiri, ; !e * , ing | lain* in th, .’ oai.u-i;, uia.asionr.l uaiiscii and vouhliug ; wieid ; -■ Hn oagfiout tile abdj, tie:,,: box,.] irregular, at tiiiKßcostiv, . doo!.,: bi.iy. i, ! iintr .oientiv tee..,: with. Ido,iu. body ttivoUen and hard; urine tu el -id ; respii la . -ailini, o-e aeroni, ani •-.: by liiecougbi. cough dome tiam dry ami''onvui..i'. ■■ a. my -md -i - i.e,.. with grludine of the teeth; temper variable," Imt- geueindly irriialde, ,Xe , Wla "ever tlie above pd .-n ,ov tooml ••; •vie' DK Mr I.ANK'S VER.VriKFGE MAY BE DEFENDED i.TON IO KKKELJ A CLKE ’I ho univ' isal success'vl,ioh has attended t! ~<dmii,i: Uation of this pn-j ariition lion hecu such as to warrant as in pledging mu-civ .. p. .lie publit to RETURN 'THE .MONEY iu every hiatniic "in ii 1 prox • inelfeetw.l providing'the -ymj Intd' aifeudht.'! tlie sir knee, of the child or adult warrant Hi*-Mipl'ortt ::,u o: '• onus i,■■iiig the ei,use. iu ail eases the medium should be given iu strict la-eor,lance with fin dir -< liens. v\, pled.' -IV.. -O tl::: eubda til;,; DK M< !.A NE a > ERMIKUGL DOES NOT CON TAIN MERCURY IN ANY FORM ; ,trot it is an jijnuivut pri'pur.itiou, and not capable ~j doing till slightest injury to the most, infant. i#ii*e«'tlo»*!s.- <!i* • child bom <m, <■■■ i.-u ,• ,o old, a tcaspoouful in ua much sweet,■lie,.; v, ~t,-r ,-xery morning, fa -ting ; if it ; 'iw- 11. on;;!, tin. day well, but if not, repeat ii in 'hi: evening. Over tee. giv, aiittieu: sie;, r 1 e-- • iv, ! ■•■ - To tl full grown person, give t wo tea- pop!,tills. >{<• vt .irv- ill CuanlerfiTle ;ibi! js ft Vri i< lew. 2 'urnortiugr So S»c. S»i-. ,'t| «> - Tlie (.'«•„• ~,,pid,irity ot IMI M LAM!',-' GENIrtNK PiiEKAKATIONB has indin-ed -luprincipTcd p -:• .-.:•• o,,•: ;to m* Hi-", tin jdfidfe ,-oiini<TfeU and inleiini . i( le*. in coilßCHieuee of ■ ideh m p: • '," •- ■ •- i lor- ed io ~duj,f every poseilde r-1 aganibt fraud. l*ur, !i;i:-,-i iii: id .- • pay i.0.-etioi: i 'in following murks nt (genuine n,f Ist. Tin Extertni Ar ~j : i, a •-'• : Engi-iviug, wit Ii tho .signature of C. M.LVNT FLEMING Biol,'-. :ii. ii, Du, -I i.*n a,,- jn ml,-.,! oil Fine Paper, with Water Mark as follow- ' DK M. i.ANE’B *.:!*..'.Ei.’ILVTKD VERMIFUGE AND LIVER FILLS, i- LEMINi, BKOB.. I’ROI’ItIETOKM,” Thi- M’.imt Mark an be seen by holding Hie* paper up to the light Tli" 1,1 '■ Kit KILL.* 5 have ’he II :anq-ed "I, ill" lid of til,* I -ox iu led wax I'l.’Kl'AliKD ONLY KV riiEMirtii SiM'iialg, fi'JKSBM, Pi, S i'r,.;.,; ... ! M<-1 ••■-••• • Live; Pill", Venni Dig.. ..jut Lon:.: oyraj*. •,pj N sit m: kt B* *esi *W t« »;•s**.. To. io: ,v;n I ~m. u*i: **> "i, io ■■■'■'•( j." ul ot Loiithd . ... , ~., ]Mi ... • ... . *.' ’iol •!•*,', ol th. rccfiDl of iotky owiw u; 1 (Tovfriinn-u* - irt iqi- I oefJO