The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 18, 1867, Image 4

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Thu Daily Loyal tiforgian. AUGUSTA, OA. JI NK IH. mn. Washington - , June 11. IM'l’flll.H'AN ORGANIZATION SOITII. Several of tho agents sent to t ln* South by the I{«-|»iil>5i<-:«u Congrcs nional Executive Committee have re turned, and rejiort that the Republi cans in all of the .Southern State* are organizing rapidly, lint that there is much clisaeimiou in the party, arising out ol strife for leadership. In Virginia the policy ol confiscation is openly discussed, and finds advocates amo*ng the freed men as well as a few white demagogues, and it will lie al most impossible to conciliati them with the equally strong Union Party which accepts the Military Act as a finality of reconstruction. With the! party thus divided in that State there can he no douht hut that the elections will W lost to the Republicans. In Georgia the organization of the party is most perfect, but the majority of its members are under the control of ex treme confiscation Radicals. They have not yet, however, introduced that idea into any |«olitical meetings, and the resolutions tluis far adopted by them at their gatherings have em braced nothing more radical than the accepted Congressional policy. Other agents are still traveling through the South, and the Committee is receiving daily communications from them, through which it is kept constantly posted regarding the progress of political iffair* and the exact ntu tan of the party organization. The Com mittee has ordered 25,000 copies ot McPherson’s Political Manual for i-n” for general distribution in the Ninth. Thousands upon thousands of doc have already hccti sent oil’ under the Congressional frank of its members, and a considerable cleri cal force is engaged in mailing more ot them. .V. )'. Tint?*. Conghkssionai. Rki’liu.i. an Kxk- I i mvK Comm ittke, Gen. Schcnck, | the Chairman, and other numbers ot the Congressional Republican K.vectt ti\c Cominittoc arrived here to-night, and having made arrangements to act m concord with the National Republi can Kxoeutivo Committee, they are preparing to commence their labor ot di-l ribiiting documents in the South, j and otherwise preparing for coming campaigns without danger of conflict ing with each other. Gov. Marcus 1 Ward, tlie Chairman of the National Committee, met the Congressional Committee in Philadelphia yesterday,! and the conference lasted until a Ia to hour at night.—JV. ) 77/»o'. CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. .1/ .l' l t.l jindcct oil /Vi .l in tin I /. t'tid State* in //nil ('iril lliyhht , and funiinh tin Mmn* of their Vindication. lit it i ourt.d by tin St nut t unit llottneof Ucpntf: tutiftx of tin / uitt it Stuff.- of Aiati-ti-o in I 'until '** it**ein/‘U‘d, Tlmt nil |ktmuis Imni In (lie United Stales anil mil subjevt to any foreign jsiwcr, excluding Indians nut taxed, ale hereby declared to tie citizens of ilie l niteil States; and such citizens, ~f every race and color, without regard to any previous condition of slavery or invol untary servitude, evcopyis a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have Urn duly convicted, shall have tbc suite right, in every Si ate aml Territory in the United States, hi make and enforce contracts, to sue, lie parties, and give evidence, to inherit, pur chase, least, sell, hold, and convey real and personal laoperly, and to lull and equal henelit of all luw> and proceeding* for Ilia •eeiitity ot person, and jiropeily. as is en enjoyed hy w hile citizens, and sieill he -ttl, ject to like punishment, pains, and penalties, and to none other, any law, statute, ordi nance, regulation, or custom, to thi eon traiy notwithstanding. ske. Ami ht if fa ft In i men-ted, Tlmt any person who, undercolor of any law, sialute, ordinance, regulation, or ciishan. shall subject. or cause to Ih 1 -übjivlCvl. any inhahitant ot any State or Territory to the deprivation of any right secured oi- protec ten hy tills act, or to different punishment, pains, or penalties on account of such per son having at any lime Ixvn held in a con dition of slavery or involuntary servitude, except asa punishment of crime whereof the party shall have liecn duly convicted, or hy reason of ids color or race, than is pri 'iritied for the punishment of white per sons. shall he deemed guilty ot a misde meanor, and, on eomietioil. shall he pun ished by tip* not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or Imtli, in the discretion of the court. Sue. ,'t. Ami bt it further enact,d, That the district marts of the l nilcd States, within their respective districts, shall have, * xehtsivcly of the courts of the several States, cognizance ot all crimes and offences eomuiiUed against the provisions of this act and also, concurrently with the circuit courts of till United Slates, of all causes, civil and j criminal, affecting |htsohs who ate denied J or cannot enforce in the courts of judicial ! tribunal of the State ot locality where they: may he any of the rights secured to the.n h’v the first section of this act; and it utu 'hit! or inosecution, civil or criminal, has" Wen j or shall la- commenced in any State court, j against any such person, for any num whatsoever, or against any officer,"civil oi military, or other person,'for any arrestor impi isoiinieiit. tres)hissi s. or w rongs done or commit Iml by virtue or under color of au thority derived from this act or the act es tablishing a Bureau for the relief of Freed men and Refugee-., and all acts amendatorv thereof, or for refusing to do my act upon tin grotuul that il would bo im-oiisistcnt with this act. sm-h defendant shall liave the right to remove such enuse for trial to tin pm|XT district or circuit court iiUihc manner pn- rilied hy the ".Vet relating to : halicas mrpns and regulaling judicial i proceedings in certain casts," approved 'larch three, eighteen hundred and *i\iv three. ahd all acts amendatory thereof. The jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters iieiehv mnfi rrcd on the district aiid circuit courts ot (in I'nited Slates, shall lie arr- ' vised ami enforced in confonnilv with tin laws of the Tinted Stale.-, so far i- s U ,i, law- are suitable to cany the smie ini,, effect; tail ill all i-ia,> where -itch laxvs ale j not adapted to the ‘Ji.lcet. oi arc deficient in | lie provision- nnc-ai, f urm h .-tulahl • remedies am! punislt offence* tgain-l law, the common law, as moelifird anil changed hy the constitution and statutes ot the State wherein tla court leaving jurisdictiem of the cause, c ivil or criminal, i- held, ~o far as the. same is not inconsistent w ith (lie Constitution and law- of the I'nited States, shall lx: extended to and govenc -aid courts in ti c trial and di*|>o~iUoli of such cause, and. if of a criminal nature, in the intlietion c.f punishment on the jinny found guilty. Sue, 4. Ami bt it farther linirttit, That ; tla district attorneys, marshals. and deputy marshal* ol the Initial State-, tin com missioner* ajqx.intcd ley the c irc uit and ter ritorial courts of the United Stales, with power- of nrrest ing, imprison mj ot leading' offenders eg in-t tie laws of the l nited 1 States, tie oiUecrs and agents ot tla Freed meti’s Buresn and every other officer wh-> Bray he specially i‘tn|*o’ crcd hy tie I’re-i ; dent f tie l idled stall ', siiall l*\ all,'. Utey are hitch, sj„-c : illy •mthorized an ii, quirtal, at the expen.*’ -f 1 1. niicd Sure-., to institute |>: i. is ding* igair.-’ all and ev tv pc -on who shall violate the provi-ons <>f is j act, and cause him oi them to tie arrested and imprisoned. or bailed a the; ea*. may lie. lor trial liefo.e such court of the I'nited States or territorial .-outt a- by thi- a t t has cognizance of the off ci a And with! a view to affording reasonable protection to ! all persons in then c-oiistitistioivd rights I ot ecptiihty before the law without di-aim - tion oI rac e or color, or previou • eondicion of slavery or involuntary s rvilude, except tL- a punitchmeul for crime, whereot lie pret ty shall have licen duly convicted, audio the prompt discharge of the duties of thi act, it shall lie the duty ol th< iremt eonrs of the T-nitld State- and tin superior eotiris c of the Te rritories- of tin l.'nited Stales, ttoui lime to time, to ijierea-c the numlK-r of e,,m- , mixsioners, so a- to ass ord a sjx-edy and con- ; ] venient means for 111*' arrest and c x.unina : time of jiei'-oirs < barged xvitlc a vioiatio" of : this ac t ; and such commissioners are hereby ! authorized and reejuired to c xerc i-c and di-- ; charge all the jmwer.- and ilutic-s c onfern and ion them hy this act. a- ■■■ ~r, authoriz'd \ I»y law m exerdi-e with regard to other offence- against, tin laws f!„- Tinted j States Hkc a. Ami In it fu: tinr i iiiii'.ttil , Tiiat it shall Ik: the duty of all mar.-luffs end deputy nmrslnrls to obey and execute all wiirranla mid precepts issued under the jirovi-ioiis of this act, when to them din eted; and -!e , Id any marshal or dejihly imirsiittl refuse to ic eeiVe such warrant or other pror-c-ss ~ te:n tendered or to use all jiropiT mean* diligently to execute the -aine, he shall, on conviction thereof, lie lined in 'he sum of one thousand dollars. t<> the use of the person npin whom the accused i- alleged to have eommittod the offence And the G 'tei to enable the-aid coinmissionei to evtutc their dutiesl aithfuily and elUeienily. in con formity with the CoiiHtitutimi of tie Umt'-tl Stales and the requirement.- it thi a< t. they are hcrcliy authorized and empowered, will - in their onntie-' re-pet lively, i,, a j >]M-i 11 :. in writing, under tltc-ir haniVe any one or more suitable persons, front time to time to execute.all such warrants and cither process as may lie issued hy them in the lawful pc r lormanee of I lit i ■ lesjict live tlulit" . and die |iersoiis so c|i|a>intid to execute any warrant or process , alorestiid shall have authority to summon and call to their aid the bystanders or jmissc eomitatus ot the i jiro|K r county, cn such portion a the laid or 1 naval Ibrtes of tin Tinted States, or of the 1 militia, as may he in re -nry to the jierfor i mance of the doty, with which they arc I c harged, and to insure a faithful ob-ei came | of Ihc clause of the Const itufion whic h prn | hi I cits slavery, iu conformity with the pro j vi-ions ol this act; and said warrants shall j run and lie execute,i ley said officers any | wherein the .Stateor Territory within which ! they are issued; Sra . 0. An'/ In it fnrttu-r hun tnl, I'lmt any person ‘ who shall knowingly and wit fully obstruct, hinder, or jereveict'any officer, or other person charged with the execution of any warrant or ju'ik is- issued under the | provisions of this act, or any jeers,m or per | sons law fully assisting him or litem, from j arresting any jK-rson for whose apprehension i such warrant or juxiec-is may have Ikx-ii | issued, or shall rescue or attempt to rescue such person from tlce custody ol the officer, other person or jeer-on- or those lawfully assisting cur aforesaid, when so arrested pur suant hi the authority herein given and de clared, or shall aid, idiot, or assist any jrerson so arn'stis 1 as aforesaid, direejlv or ituliceetly, to escape from the custody oi the oltieer or other person legally authorized as aforesaid, or shall labor or conceal any person forwho-e arrest a warrant or I'roce— sJcall have km issued as aforesaid, si as to prevent his ilia cove tv and arrest attci notice of knowledge of the tact that a warrant has lee n issues! for i the apjerehension of such j>er-on, -hall, for I either of said offences, lie sutejeet to a line ; not exceeding one thousand dollars. mil im jrrisonceut not exceeding six month , by in dictment and eonviction before lice district . court of die Tuilcsl State • for the di in which-aid offence may leave been e'oumm ; ted, or Iwfore the jrni|>cr court ot criminal I jurisdiction, it committed w idiinnny one of ! the orgaui/'i'd Territories ~| tin Tuiteil sttatcs. ! Sic. 7. Ami /" it furtlnr ~ Tlmt ; lire district attonievs, the luar-hai-, ilair deputies, and the clerk- ■•! the -aid district and territorial court- .-h.dl la jwiid (cn their services the like fee- a- may Ik: allow ed to them for similar scrvie, -iu oilier aand in all cases where the pre c eding- in before a commissioner. Ice-hail l>e entitled to a tee of ten dollars in full for his services in ea»'h case, inclusive of all servie-s incident to -u, h arrest and examination. The ]KTsonorj>er soiik authorized to ex, -tit the pi", ess tota' issued Icy such eotumis- oneis tor the ,e ist ot offenders against the jaini-ions ol :tcis ' act shall Ice entitled to a lee of live dollars for each person heot they may arrest and take lx'forc uich c iiinmis-ioner a- afon said. with such othe r fix's a-may'no deemed rea sonable tiv such ecmmiis-iijner for such other additional -enice- as may h, ncee-'-arily jK-rformcsl hy him or then', such as atten ding at the examination, keeping the jrrisoner in custody, and providing him w ith food and lodging duiingTiis detention, : and until the final deti rmination of such! I c ommissioner, anil in general for performing 1 such other dutie sa- mav Ik mptinsl in the I jcreuiises; sueli'fees lobe made up in con formity with the fee- usecally charged in' tlce officers of the courts of justice wlihin the jmijK-r distric t or county, as neat as mav lie practicable, and jmicl out of the Treasury of the I'nited States on the ( cTliticatc of"the j judge of the district within which the arrest 1 is made and to 1~- n-coverahle loan tl„ di fcnd.-Mit as part of the judgment in ease ~f • conviction Ski 8. Am! in '■< forth.-. , i.t, That w henever the l’resicVait of the t nitcsl Stat - shall leave reason!' Is lie \a that offence -1 liaxe Ih'cii or are likely ,o !, committed j against the pmvi-vn this act within ! any judical district it shall li= lawful for j him. in hi- discretion, to diiect the jucb;-. ! Uiarslcal. and distrn t alter try of sitei: ' district to attend at ~tu h j-t'ai', within j the district, and for s,j, h tin:* as he j may designate, for the | 'll rj- - - t li<- me: e sjceedv arrest and trial of jx'rsons ciuirged | wiUi a violation of thi- ; „-t;.cnclit shalTis i the duty of every judge m other .officer, when any such requisition ~lncli Ire mxivtxi hy him. to attend at the place and for tin time Uterin de-ignau-d Sl.l It .1 J'.,;,, it ; shall !« lawful for the Tivsideut of the t nitre 1 . State-, or ueh jeerwon a- lie j may eiiipcwn for that |citi|«ise. to irn|ilo\ j such j cart of' the land or tmvul for ces of the Tnitod States, or of the militia. I a- siiall t>c necessary to prevent the violation mid enforce the due execution of this act. Sr.e. 10, And be it further rimeled. That ujton all cjuestious of law aii-ing in any au-c under the provisions of this act a final ajcjKid may lie taken to the Supreme Court ot the I'nited States. .SCHUYLERt OLFAX. SiHxcker of the House of Representatives LA FAYETTE S. FOSTER. President of the Senate, pro ttmport. i„ tin S. i, nit of the United State*. April fi, ISWi. T'ln. I‘resident of the I 'nited States 1 laying rethmed to the Senate:, in which it origina ted. the hill entitled "An act to protect ail jktsoiis in the I’nited Statc-s in tlieir civil rights, and furnish the means of their vindi cation,” with no objection thereto, the Senate ; proceeded, in pursuance of the Constitution. ; reconsider tlie same; and. lb mitred, Tlmt the -aid bill do jea-s, two -1 thirds of the Senate agreeing to jiass the S I lie. Attest J. W. Fokskv. Sis || tary of the Semite in i'll Uoun I,f di'e*. r s Ai -a m. i«oti Tin House of Representative!! leaving jire c e. did, ii> pm-uami. ~f the Constitution, to , leeonsider the hill entitled "An act tojtrq i t'i tall JHcrsons in tlce United States in their | • ixil rights, and fumi-ic the means of their vindieation.” returned to the Senate hy the I‘re-idcut ot the I'nited States, wide hi*nb j. ■ tions, and sent hy tlic Senate to the Hou-e of licpre.-elltatives, with the messege of tin 1 I‘resident returning the hill: 1!,,.,tr,ii, 'Tiiat the trill dc. p.c- . two lliird of the IIoUM- of Representatives agreeing to , j ■ i ■- the same. Attest Low Attic Mcl'hkhsox Cl’ rk. by CI.INTON 1.1.0 VD, Cllief Cl' tk. Reeonstrnction. Tiu following if a correct copy ot the act " to provide for the metre efficient go.’- ernment of the rebel States : "Whereas no legal State governmeutr nr adequate jerntection for lif» or property now exists in the rebel State* of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mi.wioaippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida. Texas and Arkansas : and whereas it ie necessary that peace and good order should he enforced iu said Status until loyal and republican State government* can be legal ly established : therefore. /(. it enacted hy the Senate and House , of oj the. I’nited States of Ai rim m Cone i-ris ui<einbletl. That raid rebel States *lm!l be divided into mil itary districts and made subject to the military authority of tho United Stater, as hereinafter prescribed, and for that pur pose Virginia shall constitute the first dis trict; North Carolina and South Carolina the second district; Georgia /Alabama and Florida the third district , Mississippi and Aikansaathe fourth district; and Louisiana and Texas the fifth district. Sue. 2. Anti be. it jut the t enacted, 'lhat it shall bo the duty of tho I‘reaident to as sign to the. command of each of s:u,l dis ; triets an officer of the army, not below the tunk of brigadier general, and to detail a | sufficient military fierce to enablo such officer to perform his duties and enforce his : authority within the district to which he is assigned. Sec. 11. And bt it further tna ltd. That it shall be the duty o! each officer assigned ! as aforesaid to protect all porsons in their rights of person and property , to suppress i iusurrcttion. disorder, and violence, and j ' in punish, or cause to be punished, all dis turbers of the public peace and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civil ' tribunals to take jurisdiction of aud to try offenders, or, whm iu his judgment it may be necessary for the trial of offender*, he shall have power to organize military cout i missions or tribunals for that purpose ; and alt interference under color of State authority with the exercise of military au thority under this act shall be null and void. Sec. I And be itJurlhtr enacted. That all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without un necessary delay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted : and no sentence of any military commission nr tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty of any person, siiall be oxe i cuted until it is approved by the officer in j command of the district, and the laws and j regulations for the government of the army shall not be affected by this act, except in so far as they conflict with its provisions : j Provided, That no sentence of death under the provisions of thi* set shall lie carried into effect without the approval of the President. Ski. .». And be il fur the i enaettd. That when tliii people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity sitli the Censti j tuturn of the United States :n all respects, ; trained by i onvenlioa ol delegates elect ed by the male citizens of said State twen ty one years old and upward, of whatever race, color, r previous condition, who Imre been resident in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except such as may be disfranchised for participation in the rebellion or. for felony it common law, and when such constitu tion shall provide that the elective franchise shall be en joy tv! by all such jierson* as have the qualifications herein stated for elections ot delegatus, aud when such con stitution shall be ratified by a majority of the persons voting on the ones! ion of ratifi- cation. who are qualified as elector* for delegates, and when rtteh constitution shall have been submitted to Gabrrcss fur ex amination ami Congress shall hare approved the flße, and when ssi,l State, by a vote ot Tr« Legislature elected under said constitution siiall hare adopted the amendment to the Constitu tion of tiu l uited States, proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and known as article lonrteen, and wheu said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be de- I flared entitled to representation iu Can gross. and Senators and Representatives shall be admitted therefrom on their takes \ the oath prescribed by law. and then and i thereafter the preceding section* of this bill shall be uieperative in said .State : P /id. That tie person exeitided from *ii" privilege oi holding elßce by said prn p > and amendment *u ‘.he t'oDsritufion of: Lie United States shall bo eligible to alec- j tion as » member of rite Convention to j frame a Constitution for anv of said rebel States, nor shall any atteb perron vote lor • members of said convention. *>:*-. fi. Ano be. it fu-thtr enacted. That ctutil the people ot said rebel States shall l o hy law admitted to representation in lice Congress ol the United Males, any | ; eivi, gffverniueut* wtcieh may exist therein ; j sioill he deemed piuTistenai auly, and in I all respects .siilcji tt to the paramount an- i tlmidr of the United Slates at anv time! to aindisc!. m«Hiify. cenlrol, or supernede ' the same ; and in all elections t any office J under such provisional government* all persons shall he entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under the j provisions of the fifth section of this act: and no person shall be eligible to any office ndor any sueli provisional governments who would be disqualified from holding office under the provisions of the third ar tick- of said constitutional amendment To the Republicans of the Union The National Union Committee aj>|>' al to the Republican* of every State. t< r their assistance an 1 co-operation hi this j auspicious cri-is of our eounrn We deem it ol tin- iiig'ncst importance that the Republican* of each State lio'ihl immediately reorganize for the remaining elections ~f 1807. preparatory to the com ing Presidential contest Eqnainlly should thi* organiziition be immediately etl,' I ;n those State* which have never before recognized a* the only just basi- <if govern ment the equal and inalienable rights of man Not a day sli tuld be io*t in forming and strengthening with): those St c - a public sentiment in ■.onMir.unee with the principles which the great Political organization to which wr bGong. To thi- end, we desire to proscCM*’ a .-yt-tvinutk awl thorough cuitves- ~t the southern State*. In the most e'T.ciit speakers of both races. M l would second their effort* by a distribution > f doeit nients, enforcing the pnneipb- policy aims ot the RepnMiciii pin t . M would call, in every locality where i< is ■ p:>-f>ible, meetings lor di* a?-ion, where ' tlie-e who are with us in principbt may barn to net with unity an.l eiwiiriry. These measures are required to bring out j the vote of that large body of Hr pie li-atn i Unionist- who now render the Southern States a battle-field of principh It i’ the pres-ing need of the hour that f old, ; : i! dous and able men, thoroughly imbued with our creed, should then explain our jinneiph*. establish our faithfulness to them, and prove that national gnat tie-< and human freedom depend upon th j, r ronnent triumph of our cause Beyond thi-. it is most e-sentud tin.* w,.' should now establish in tin-, Ftat,*. Free Thought, Free Speech and • Free Press Every part of this Republic u.u-t be open to the discussion ot principles and measure*. This must b sustained, a* a, cardinal point in our creed, at any and every hazard. Efforts to intinibioU the humble and ignorant voter on the part of the Southern planter, must be met with the spirit of freemen, and the determina tion which a just cause sanctions. Iu time past, the Republican party h.i* struggled against the unjust reproach of being sectional in it* aims anti character, though it- purposes and it* means of >'(Tec ting them were shell :,>■ tin fit hot >f the Republic approved It was accused of being governed by selfish motives, and of desiring to aggrandize the North at the expense us tile South. Its adversaries, having the power to silence and to crush I all opposition, denied all discussion, and j overawed even freedom ol thought in ill" j teen States of the Union. It i-, tin ref rt, ! now and imperative duty, which w< , -.n to our party and to ourselves, ti embiace the first opportunity of truly representing to those States how consistently w, have contended for the interests, welfare and freedom of the whole Union. The overthrow of Slavery and the Re hellion, and the enfranchisement of the frccclmcu, rendering this overthrow se cure anil final, have happily vindicate.) our course and organization. but it is necessary to stamp the eonviction of our loyalty and fidelity to the right, irrespec tive of section or race, upon the re: nn stnieted State*. For the tir-t time in mam years, the enthusiastic followers of out flag and confessors of our l'aith are taking part in the popular gatherings, and in many ol ti e iourhern S'ati s, we have rciuon t» Itelbv that tliey form a decided majority. They an . "however, without organization, and lack tin co llision and discipline necessary to sucres-. Three--fourth* of the Republican- have never voted, ams have no practicable knowledge of tiu mean- whereby the popular will is oxjkresaixl, With'manv ot them, the habit is fixed, of n ndering imjilicit obedience to able and eb-xterous politician* who are implacably hostile to our principles and determines! on th« prostration of our e:uis, <>ur immediate action is tier- fore irn jK-rativc We cannot • • iy xith ot im ja riling all for which *■> mil l has been sacrificed in the past Confident in .ntr strength in the North, the West, and the I’aeitlc state*, we must not forget v , have a great duty to perform townnl the final and true men of the South. Republican*' cur apjaxii is to you, to carry on and sustain the work which a few loyal and true mett have ,*o nobly l„- pun We cannot u*k speakers in addition to giving their time and talents for months to thi* labor, to defray their own ncee*sary expenses We cannot print and distribute bH Umont? of the character required witii- MUt k heavy outlay. M hav no no ,n* or reliance except U]Kjn the grneroaa -pint of that great party w hich holds the claims of Humanity and Freedom above ill pri,-. The. patronage oft lie Government brought into power by the statesmanship, the courage, ami the loyalty of that partv, will not aid us in this good work. We must, therefore, appeal iliicctlv aud personally to you. If yon are rich'imt generously. If poor, send m "whatcmyou can afford, she gr-nerotM purpose and the noble aim sanctify the humblest el forts At all events, art promptly, and let Us feet that the sympathy’if the Repub iichii jwrtv with u« iu our purpo-*u ot‘ making thi-great land the home of true Rcpubhean principles, were distinction* of ra,*' and color tire unknown, and w hen Liberty. Virtue and Intelligence tr.uj, tin enduring ba*is of our greatness and pr . - peritv 1 | Aiidre*- letters am! eanni.'.'uti,m- !•, li" v M.xmi s L. M" xirc. t. hsit-imm amt i Trea-urei. Newark, N. J. Ai vnetrs L. Wabd, N. .1. brxtl'LL A PCIIVIAME. 1 s MTli i xj! C’LAFLTX. Mas lohn B. Cr.Ar.K. N II Hoiiacf (Jkkki-kv, N Y. 11. 11. Stai:k wsatiiek. Conn V B. Smithek*. Del, • 11. W Hoffman. Jid. Executive Committee of the National lto on Com X„r Yorl-, May l(i. 1867. All tin Republican journal* are re quested to eopy aiet to second I hi- appeal. I THE LOYAL GEORGIAN. A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, I’URLISHED AT AU C; IT 8T A , Cr K C). TKU M S : Daily, pur annum - - Mi on Daily, six months - -3 00 Daily, three months * 10.) Weekly, ]iei" aiiimni - ■ 3 00 Weekly, six months 1 73 Weekly, three months ... ] 00 Till: LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ONE OF TIIK VERY FEW Outspoken Republican Papers in the South. ft was tin- first in the State to tnlva .cute tin broad principle ol " EtjFA!. RIGHTS FOE ALT,; it vindicates the doctrine ot the supremacy of the National over State Government* ; if unqualifiedly denounces Sin ession a* not only iueuuistriutioiial, but inb.aa idly hostile to, and ib striictivc of, all 1 fi'uioi : ati, Riqmblirau Gov, riinn nt* ; it maintains for Congress, as the body duly appointed by onr form of government lor National legislation, tie rigid uni duty to, at all times, so legislate a* to v indicate tho honor and jrrovves ot the Nation. It u ill advocate tin early reconstruction of tho Slat, in the platform laid down by tin • National Union Republican Party THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS MAI >F ONE OF THE qj*?- OKFimii OIUiWS OF T!IK M»YKR\UKYr I\ THIS STATU. It will pViblisb the LAWS enacted by ( iingress and all (ffi'yERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ALSO DESIGN \TKI) THE Organ of the Educational Association of the State. '' *'k , " l< ' ,H ' found to contain the most general and complete infor ie.-uen re peering these important, interests in our midst, and will from time to time be inrjushed witb able and interesting ( otiunutiientions from fho br*t Educator' in the Stale. A Family Xci'rs/payer. Wlnle devoting e.’Msuie: able spar eto Die discussion of D u . o re , lt po)i(V; ,| qne . tions r.jlatnrg to the times an.l section, vve shall Veserve space tor sm-h miscellaneous Educational and Religious reading as v, ill make the paper nt traetoe and profitable to all. AYe shall s. r U pulo«slv guard against the insor "i any thing tending to demoralize the morals of Rome and Society. On the other hand, vve shall aim, through every appropriate means, to stimulate to Ntinly an*l morals. Hook aad Job Printing. We have just bee, l to great u, tuniishing our Ollbe with the re quisites tor doing rook and joi; Work. A\ e are now prepared to (ill any ami ev. rv des, rjj.ti,,,, „f TL UN \ND 1 AN* V .JOR PRINTING. W : 5... U.. business ot this kind, promising de -patch in ex< enin.u. nralne m kinanship, and at rates the most reasonable. - V cl cl r ess : LOYAL GEORGIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION AL' (3 u STA, G EO.