The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 19, 1867, Image 1

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    Ik Oiptiln fond (fvcoraiatt
VOL. i.
The Daily Loyal Cicori
august j. - \, junk u»,r.•.
UFFUTAL OKI. AN l.'. a *«< >VER\ wEX ,
;:y nil i.-ivai. uri.t'CU*
»m til, as i»; s
.1. K UKYANT ■ KVi...
THUS- V IMCAKP - - -i:
OlHt-i, ill nur of Glu'.'v' ■■ :
..mi Ellis Street?», Ancurua. G< <• r- i*
tekmh op* .
Owe Year U> *>»
si x Months
Three Months
rent Avi rKT v,
< Hie Year. > •
Si* Mont!..
Three Month-.... ■ »
One JS«initre c'juals ten tines of minimi ■:
l SquaiV 1 time. • »•>
I ki 2 “ ...
1 “ t “ ; ( ‘;J
1 •• 1 UlOUtil. ....... ... .. e ‘
X ' «> “
1 “ Vi “ ’A A
A liberal deduction wil! he for ;*i: ”.er,
half or whole column*.
Address, '’Loyal Genr■.• v ian,’* Key L-; l-'.V
Augusta. Oa.
All communication' Or puh’U At ion :uiim '
written only on one aide of tin p >per, and
companied with the. name of the writer Wt
will not publNi t!n nemo, unless tin wrdei
wishes us to do ho, t.*ut «\ mn*i have it \
guarantee of the truthfulness of the ; rh !*•..
News and Other Item*.
'l’ht' i .'emue-rntState Oort vutii.i. •
nt HnrrislmrtJ liatt passed a r<> . ' .
whirli w.- M* t»ie Mmton •’ < -
party will 'vhoncwv they ro>; • ’
ti, the IreedmeU t > vote for ‘ It. .
I liiell'i:..” “'Vi* pl'Oi 1:'1 ill i ■> -or
j,. u ‘iOP aiul oui..if . >iO tie '
liitio.V, “tl>e
in any oi the Sl'*U-> ...
eocrcivV <o:, n-iM.i of I-V-.1.-.-al
and we- «*wt. «> tire a* . _; t
the t 111 ViUeueil )i.i*;l!«U!'l <»* 1 " i«*>
publican p.tity to interfere t..j ■ ■ ’
('onyresp will*. tbrt tvgnlatioit e y
elective fraiioliwe in ! U- Sv.r *• c
n\l\ auia. : ” VVt. • have HOji *..<l ; '
timt whenever Mr. Johnn.nJ seen-,..
elinwl font lilt at Oougr' j, the •
Democratic party grows i<ro<i s.’H ■'
will nut do. —A. ) t'ib“ *t
Mayor Monive, "Ti*e 'V,
the imreconiitiueUi 0 IJeIH? 11 . f'er. : >,
have as little iikni'r ini' Gen. etei
in New Orleans ast the BYD-li* in sitin'
hail ior him in the Shouat.-iJii Vattw.
“The World ’ is delighted : lr a
<;.n. tlrant advivihim tiot tot'ino.e
t;„v. Throckmorton, and ’m>p<
“he may reeeive adlitidini ffd-yr
a hunt the jwrtonn.v.i e .s hy yd '
with to the e.otuf y.” 1 •• •
are I’etV null Vhn neeri a<Ti;i(fe
their duties to the evuntiy l>- ■■ ei:u
tlii' gailant soldier. At any n '
is not likely to accept it frpnt r Too
World” .ml “The Wor:dV parly,
whom hi taught the' dutv '•') llt'i
.sundry ill some preMv stiart) ; ins.
„jV. Y. Tribune.
lif lie Democratic t’-nvci. or of
1 1 le'ylr;ur.a, a rt.'Oluti..u tletm mg
(iee shwridan was Wnwltuouslv rn’: !
out of or -U-r. Os eom s-
r l'he staUtuent ili ifeveral n tre
New York papers that tjr Ail ' m-y
Oenerai holds that civil dtio'"i> eyntior
lie removed except Oil trial l>r
t urv Commission, .ire., is eiMie •' ' •
Mr'- Stanhery does not adinitth<*|’ - • r
t,'ii’ military emniTitMrlt 1 m *i-y *'•>•••
to remove iWrrww of StW s On
,l,e contrary, he holds that.
dors have no authority to relive .1
appoint Slate otli-ers and the I
- mid C'.rhinet cotn-iii'm tl i- >m e
' Thev read the 'a s it*.*U a ■ 1 .... -
!' viding tor the mode of hide; :l
• l’ 1 ' vi’/. by an election by
vae-aney, l ti y v y } r
people. — It ft.-”.
'U'iii'tal eleeti rttr
Hie returns oi the,, , , . ,i.
held in Ua* State of Ibino. /' 1
conic in slowly, hut enough is >
,0 know that Republicans are .e. '
narly without exception, all uvet .■
State. In verv many place the D'" 11
erats, reeogni/.ing tbo ulU';' lioic *•
ness of their position, deeiiiiji m
king nominations.
Tint Dkmockatu - < oSVKNTTon -
The convention of the JDcjiioc -
party—tin* p;irty winch, acco'gim" to
Longs, iv t, has m- ’ rmeiplts er et
those which were staked on ’’ '■
and Ji.^t —assembled in Jtarrii .on->
yesterdav, raised no enthusiasm or c.v
eitement among its members *er toe
spectator', although the pJT.c-s
were in the main liaim ire ins;; :' e
delegate-- eci.lcnfly felt twd t ; e y ;• ■■
done their dutv in :o?it >»S an •'■■■
tion, and that they i. 1 fmt httl
any tirospect of practical .hoc**!. p
was felt tl">l theirs was a “lost c— l ■
—Phil". Pres*.
: . ;;m
. 1„ ,• ... m , •/•an... "
■ ■ " ■ pda t s ti
lt- . • . cast l oi .t ..e i
Ni.... :s i , . . -f r u.
•f ' ' i.-’f ' \ ■ lif'Y. ;.y
ill V ... V. H'ot ,»i f .
o . ,v, ■ -». . Wn-lM'fa :. ,
•a.. .. :■ . c mt <I ♦
1.,.. '/ ’ • • •!\ r i ’ -r; t' i. *
• i' ■ ; t ■ :t »' ■ : ir> of ‘iw
, S' . i ft . Dilii • - ,H ' iy
; » 1 »vn‘u *i'f ,
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,“. ' ' ,/• id l (.!
: rv : ' •• ili: ’ v r
; , •, . i-, • . , v.;! ;L
... .. ! i.'.iuis hi:!t! by
p • : . D-v f .. . -1.-' ■ 'S/..K.V •m■ i
K. l\ . i Ltf si; M L < •;»<• 'A ...bum F.
,iiiu lb . . .1 . • 1 ••{,*»••. t!i.. >■ **■. *
U**«u; a-- . * -f ’■ •' Vb* i'.v. :
\Y t :‘ ‘ Vi{\ i-i'iDH A.
, , v i y yn- b t
: jinv-d r- • ; " , L ■*’>' • ' ,;Ui; «**:•■■■
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.'.■•A..- , ’ •-.>••:» ...■ • .b* I- ■ •
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fe '« y
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I'H A ■ 4 ■ ■ t>k XV.
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,, .. -..- ..' . ... .;
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i• • tr./.u r *. . .. am *' ::,s^s '
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;• • ' 1 • ;■
, . ;.1 A.rt\ (j»T
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.' dn cor-. *■’ ; 'jy , Mt ,
. I".!! ..., ~ .... ... , »si« mii-4
lilt-. tuCL- isl -I'd * ■ ;t •• ( r,
: uu yf- : I. s '-mi ' ; .i‘h
i - r d-r
, -1
% . ': '■. :: %1? '.e
f>•AH' * - ,
!;.} • •> ;• • "
- ; £- •*. . f ”. f ’V;
. , .... t tli, 11 .indy of WiwhiiidJou, in
. iv.: ~ 1 Mi va,
, ! i APT! K i.NXIX.
; ■■ ■ ■■>, ,X.,f I J7.i. Vru'
JJeUiM. of >jj //if .S/ ,Hi ./;i (I ilt/utt of j
1Vii.,",... •-./ rt.’n r-.Vii/,s.'.d,vii/.Pai.-iVii i
. (':>!■ r. ........ iU, Timt .Minim IV Hi!- I
i:-Ti f-'-ny Kdiiniml 'i’tini.yv, j
/ . iii.-ijt.:•. doiiert .1. I'ovvell. William
.Juliusoii. lii-my.iSoiu-d, t hiftrle* 11. Morse,
cii it., John S. Pole-.-, ihivid .
I’. i \\ Aml.r-.siu, llanicl t , Kdilv,
\ llrimrs lustier l) K'ulto’n, i
AViUitun H Williams, Isaac Wcstcott, llow- j
Atalcolm. .Joseph )l. Kcnruml. Newton
r■ . t. l>i'.:-lit Miilcr and nil pen<ons I
•' ri:-hall mar la assoeiuted with Uieni.
u. rn- m-rehy creak'd ami!
e ■ 1 a u., - ciirpc.n.ic n’nd polilie, in)
I. : .mu i b' die uni.n of‘‘The Na
■i. lh,. a 'c;, al" Institute,’' ami hy that
11. tin’! h.-.i • -u l es-iim and In'capable in ,
!. . <i ii, and be sued, plead and he im
p’. .ic.i-l. "um'c and be answered, deteml mid !
ii. ki., in a J eouiUs of law and equity ;
■ - .-lacw here, ’<♦ make and use a coimnon i
si::' and Iht mil n, alUr.m renew alpha
, • md •eii -.a!! to lo and per,drill all
is.:.- ■ ivlauv, in die ili|eei el tills eoriiora j
•> IJ ; " :,-.d .ifcill 111 lawful fur
h Ip-fill i. . • 'v ixilitie or ,-orpin-ale
... ... 1 ,i .. ■ f.frthry n./„l C il. That.
, • ' ,i":; petpo eof this corjKiration
Irdl in* lor tie edneation of pww for
he : lirisitru nitnislvy. and those asstviatol
. ;li them as sem-.t.ijUs. ui such course of
t. ami penerti! studies as may he
■i. .a v. i|it : timt jHiiposie, and for
t... : l.eru’ey aethori/,. ,1 to elec, nr
;■ I. . die . is luny lie deemed ne
■ arv ptojicr l*u" the control ot its
a'l.d a, to Hilt-pl s.ueh regulati.jUs nml hy
,e :nt it. ipivoracnt vs may he deemed
1.1 . ari. ina inconsistent with,lie laws of
■he foiled Btaies in force in the District of
■ ■ f.i;r 1 1 11 ;i. itn.i to tmietid or repeal them til
;>:. ..ure; t receive and hold any lands,
1 ■: i, annulii-s, monel s. eoods,ehatleis,
■ : projieriv of every kind or natute,
tiieh! la. :,i' ipunted, or beuitanllicd
■•r in* otlu.-niit' in quire,!, for the imr
i n| ■ a viti Mil ot this dnnoni
-. ..-in n•' vveiTts;..; fifty tiiiuisiimJ dollars in
i -al es'ntr nt -itly one time; and the same to
el'-a' dispose ot in aieh manner as lnt.y he
d'-'.ii-ii I'm Hie pm pise as aforesaid ' Irori
i' i!. Tim, any properly ro m quiruitj for t|ie
pv eeeils th, re, f. oi any un.itey reei-ived as a
. l*. hail net 111- Used foi ally Other tlllUl
e-idtit .dionai purposes. And nrnrided.
in. pe.isiij, siiall lie (Alluded from
.!,aeitiLno of nlueution utiorilud hy the
'A; •tour: tveonnl of Iheolopfcnl Is lief.
. a. I ri/ .. V j'-irf/irr (uncied, Timt
ilo .si may at -ovy 1 itne tie alPa ed, iilnemhd.
■ l :' tepealed,
A 1-riioVrU. May 10. IStlli
1« I■'. a , .„■/ On .let e„!iH-d -pie .h-'T-r |
.... ... a, t'ln.-ux, ./hi/ retjuUiUau
’.// l\ <n-tnlivu/H->n t.'.i.a.,,” i(}i
.l .•/, /hi.d. i : !jI'ei „ hundred nrtd.\
f. . ,/ ny lh, ScrmJr mid Hunt of j
/'To. idr, ~.f r-.f-fiwatrtitf i t
■ i, ..n.w.iWr/p fiial any *areli, j
: ~ ,or hnpri: onne-tit made, or
'it.ii, ... ..milled loli- done dnrinf !
. ; , eii.lmii i.v ny o,!h-i-|- or person, I
», t .l !e vo tie ... am order, wu'Uoii or
i, : L i a- p.. is-aui’. by 'ln
I [■ . ; --or s.i.te;, bi AVnr, or nv am :
. - if the' 1 oiiel Slates liohliny j
ll„ Oi tip: itt..p,,r|iViff)it, disfrict, or I
; i yitln .vlti-h am-li -ei/niej seareli, al j
t I-:! 1: oetiienl was niarle, done, or
eon,table,!, or any sets were so done, or [
~. deed I, .1, lithe) by the jiersrm or .
1 ta the older vi,. nddl-esaoil, ijr t
far 11 U s allOlldPrl. OI by llliy otll'l I
I . ‘a... : ii'sk-thijr him tlierein, shall
,: ■ .. her, I- ,1e.,-Inred, to come '
:!a pniview ot ‘he tie to which lids j
• r, ,01.1 vii iti;: tie plu view of '
l). mo-!.. Tid I . amt sixth »< lions of l-)it- ,
s.C I ~ If 'hlo I to |lifll.-,:ftti ,
! vtr a;mee. foi nil Iht pui|ifi»i- of de I
l ..... ii bisf.apiH-ah error, ■,r hublalif'lt
,i. ..L'.d den in.' 1 hit mi -nehordt i shall.
t'X Uieacl !v wliltlf Uli‘
■ ; 111 Ii-- a fli feme to any Min
. K.I in- a. 1 (lone or omjtted to hi !
Ml- . til pasfinie Os lip.: .-let,
u \ ,r fniJirr ci,outfit. Thai
.-.tod old, i is ill writing, it-shall he
iiftiPiem to proiin-e in evld, in-e theorigintd.
x »h pnsif ol ib aufiwnticity, orn certified
oi i;,o .win-; or il sent by telegraph, I
Hi pr.a.iii, iion o( the telegram purport it wto
oiamiti lenn hM.-lt military ortfepr slialf Ijp I
(,;! .... i.i-ie evidem «of its ipithoptjyjfjr; or if i
it.,, .a :■■ oiti! of sttt-h Or tell gran, lotos! fir eon
-ifodm al, srofidary evidence thereof!
m,a .itiiissiiiie, as io other rams.
e |j it ft,ftJu'r enacted. That,
c right oi .miovai iioiu ilu, btiih: lours in-:
tiie elirnit <*,iiij-t of tin United HtaUis, |
.u.-o in b ■ fifth section of the act to' iHi' ii anieJHlntory, maybe exercised
’at a tilt: nppea!'nice ot the defendant and
tt, ti of his plea or other defence in said
•.of aiiv r»i of said court suhsoqnent
t , tin t .e. Whrn the ttppearance is eut’crwli
■! ■ ilii;■ is ■aiipqniieihtl li, Ify t|i«
... . .Gt itotliiii-. iii-relll eonl,lined 'iiltll ho
~,!. i üb'ihye i!.' tijjlit vl IStiGi
if ■ . lilt ! jr.dgoteai' in the Htate court, nor
dt .i he necessary in tile State com I to
od.': oi oiv'i, itrefy for Hie tiling of copies in
tie ■, irir of I lie United Stubs; (ail,
,n the film" of ilv petition, verified as pro
i! ;fd i: i ahd.lit ih. s'A-tiou. the further jiro-
Ur.-, it. de- ,Slate court shall cease, and
a --."ivd iTnfil a eertiflinfe undt 1 the
!of *ht irriij, Pot,i', of the United Slates.
.'aHiig that He m lilitiUi(pts failed to file
, .miee in the H»hi circuit court, at the next
o- o; - poVUieul
p , l.nt i,i JifH/ur eiuntid (hat it
..mrl sluil], liolwilhalanding the
~fa.: I ui fill things required for
ts„ , .... ,and Vis He ease to tlm circuit court
t-eo further’ in aid rnuxo or
•nt: -lore said e iHfieate is lirothe-eth
, 1,, • (nse., all such further prorcc
,■ yoid ami of none effect; and
~ ■, jaibii. ofiicor.-,, aiidothei lieietiiis. ,
i mYi -. din;! He ■rounder, or by
. ii.rvcoi. ‘ hail b, liable in (V.mages
. ...o.i e, Un party aggrieved, to he re
.,.,1 ill- aebou in a court«>£ the WaU'
el iuii xlietioo, or in a circuit
' , ; Voiti-.l Sklh'* frr Hie district in
j,a... 1.,,; iM-ir-i edlngs may have
r: Ihe party, otttVcr, or
.... - liiift shall lie found;
ri.y. r- of ■!,.ma res in either
l.p ,h- woiy jda’iniW si,all tic entitlMl to
:t rit tin, cimcM, That It
.1 .■ -h, efc rk of the State
... ' f„--o ~ -.u i,- of He. papers and
party so (u-tfioning
for tli- removal; and upon the refu al oi a ,
gleet of the clerk to furnish such eopi< s, He- |
said party niav docket the case in tin eiicuit
court of the Tnitcd States; and ti:ercu|am
said circuit court shall have jiuiiMiirtion i
therein, ami may, upon prool of such info I
sal or neglect of the clerk of lie Stab
lourt, and upon reasonable noliee beiny
given to the plaintiff, rrquir, him lo tile a 1
declaration or petition therein; and upon hi 1
default may order a nonsuit, and disr.o.ii„- J
case at the casts of the plaintiff, with h dis !
missal shall be a bar to any further ...nil I
touching tlie matter in controversy.
Ai’VKoVkd, May 11, lHdii
.1/, Act tn tndlmixt the Coinc/yg of h'ici -co t
Jh il cniictcd. by the ,Senate mid Jhwh of
TejirettiiUilicft of the ['riled Utah*rf .laa eic. ,
,/ I 'nnrfrcM wtxfinhlcd , That so soon as prac
ticable alter flic passage of this nc;t, there
stall be coined at the mint of tlie United
Sillies a live-cent piece couiposed of • copper |
and such piopor,ions, not execc dmc I
twenty-five per centum of nicklc, ns shall be j
determined liy Hie director of the mint, the!
standard weight of which shall l.e seventy- !
seven and sixteen hundredth:;grains, with no j
greater-deviation than two grains to each ;
peter; and the shape, mottoes and devices of
said coin shall lie detciutiiHil by tlie direclm
of llic mini, xx it ii the approval of ihe Seen
larv of tlie Treasury; and the laws now in
force relating to tie' coinage of cents, and
jirovidiug for Ihe purchase of miUerigl, ami
prescribing tlie appropriate duties of th, ,
officers of the mint and,ho Secretary of He
Treasury, hr, and the same are hereby. ex i
tended to the coinage herein provided tor.
Hue. 3. And bt il further funded, Tim, all j
laws now in force relating to lie-
Ifnitial Stairs, and the striking nml coining i
of the same, shall, so far :ss applicable, be. ex
tended so ihe coinage lu-rein authorized, 1
whether said laws are penal or otherwise, for
Hie si eurily of the coin, regulating and guar
ding the process of striking and coining, for i
preventing ilclmsrment or eonfiterfr iling. or
for any other purpose And the director of :
the mint shall prescribe suitable regulation
to insure a tine conformity to Hie required I
weights and proportions of alloy in the said j
coin, and shall order (rials (hereof to he |
made, from time lo lime hy He assay::r of tin
mint, whereof a report shall be in wriling to
the dim tor.
; Hpe. :f. And be it fuilhie efinctid, Thai
said com shall her: legal tender in any pay
i ment to the amount of one dollar. And it
j shall be lawful to liny out, such coins in ex
! change for Hie lawful currency of the f oiled
J Stulex. (except cents, or half 'cents, or iwo
j cent pieces, r sued under f ormer acts of Con
gress,) hi snitiflile sqtns, bv the treasurer ~l
I Hie mint, nml by ueh oilier depnsitai ies in
i ihe- SeereUiry oi tlie Treasury, may designate,
and under general regulations approved by
the Secretary x.f the Treasury And male,
j Ihe like regulations the same muj' la- e\.
( hanged in suitahle sums for any lawful
emreneyof ll»‘ Hailed Stabs, and Hie ex
!),coses incident to such exchange, diatribe
■ lion, and transmission may be paid out ol
Hie profits of :sud coinage; and the net pro
j liis of said coinage, as ascertained io Hie
j manner prescribed in the second peelion of
| the nel entitled “An net i-elid|ng to foreign
| ipipsirml tlmeqlnjtgc of cents at tin- mini of
| tire United Wales, ’’ approved February
’ twenty Itrst, eighteen hundred and fifty
j seven, slmll he transferred to the trcaniry of
i the I fitted Stale.-.; Trorhled, That, trom and
I fitter the passage el! this ael UO issues ot
| fra< lional notes of Ihe United Stub:-', shall
he of:, less deiiomlnaiion than ten rents; and
; dl such is-mes at that I one outstanding siiall
! when paid into (heironsufv or any designated
: liepi.qloty id’ i j). Unit-:! Hl'ilys, or redeeioi ( |
or i. xt hanged as now provided ny law lie p
j tained and cancelleil.
HfcC. I. Andieit further enacted. That, I
| any (arson or persons not lawfully author
: izoll shall knowingly make, issue’ or pa..--,
1 or cause to lie made, issued, or pa sed, or
aid in tin- making, issuing, or passing ol an
; coin, card, token, or device whatsoever, in i
- mental or its compound, intended Io passer 1
be passed as money for the coin authori/vi
| !:v t)ii« w-t, of fpr'.aihi i,| equal value, sue), j
pia-son or permits shall he (kkiiuod guilty of
1 a misdiauennor, and shall on conviction ;
tli-icof, be punished by a fine jwt cx>->“ tiir,,
. one fJtdUWntl dvJku'N n iiy iinjirisoiimt id
! for a Term no, exceeding five years at lie
' discretion of the court
Hpi V -I ( n< bt tt further <g|Vf«rf. 'l’lu.t i,
■j stall he' lawful for the Irea.uirer and the
several assi«Uml tUMßUrcra of the United
States to redeem in national currency, undci
such rule* and regulations a- may be (ire
| aeribed by the Secretary of. the Treasury, the
I coin lieretti authorized lo he issued, when
I presented !>1 *HI!i« sis not less than one hum
! fired dollars.
Appiiovkh, May HI. IH<><!.
Congressional Districts of Georgia.
fat. Counties Chatham,Bryan, Liberty
Mclntosh, Wayne, Glynn, Camden, Charl
ton, Ware. Pierce, Appling, Tfttliul. R”!
lock, Eflingliam, Scrivcn, Emanuel. Mont
gomery, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch, Echols,
Lowndes, (’.'Triep, Uauiens, Johnson,
liiopks. Colquit. and Thomas. Twcut-v
--i)WP tfiUßties.
id. Counties Decatur, Earley. Miller,
Hakcr, Mitel Kill, Worth, Dooly, Wilcox,
Pulaski, Houston, Macon, Marion, Chatta
hoochee, Sumter, Webster, Stewart, Quit
man. Clay. Calhoun. Randolph. Terrell,
Lee, and Dougherty. Twenty three coun
3d. Counties—Muscogee, Schley. Tay
lor. Talbot, Harris, Troup, McrriweutUer,
Heard, Coweta, Fayette, Clayton, Carroll,
Campbell, Haralson, and Paulding. Fit
teen counties.
ftli. Counties—Upsou, Pike, Spalding,
Henry, Newton, Butts, Monroe, Crawford,
Hilda Tw iggs, Wilkinson. Baldwin Jones,
Jasper, and Putnam. Fifteen counties.
3th Counties Washington, Jefferson, 1
Burke Richmond, Glascock, Hancock, War
reu, Columbia, Lincoln. Wilkes, Talitcrro,
Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elbert
Fourteen counties.
Oth. Counties—Milton. Gwinnett, Wal
ton, Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hart. Frank
1 1 in,Batiks, Hall, Forsyth, Pickens,Dawson,
Lumpkin, White, ’Habersham, Rabun,
Town . Union, Fannin, and Gilmer. Twen
ty-eight counties.
7th. Counties DcKalb. Fulton, Cobb,
Polk Flovd, Bartow, Cherokee. Gordon,
Chattooga" Walker, Whitfield, Murry,
j Catoosafand Dade. Fourteen counties.
Naskmii! StaßKilH3<l.
A exit’ll A] ,-t;iy u t‘,l ill every <»f Uu*
Fnioll, ill DDMIY il’Y' !'. D •>; • I;kij-fI V thttll t»lk\
(•» all othciri,',e»y jue-tiy boar tbo übfive tirle. j
Viribie 1 i 'it iiD'MD‘l. uii‘l i : .alH*,;,l merit j
give U!:> l.’ool-! tbposit »«m. TeaeJiors,
muHi tv ra’u <>; e l’D-’.tion r*e-m r«»Hv. ■ ie invar..- it , rcdibibly liudnfpined by tbe
i'Ul'l.isbso nv ,
A. s. HAI'NET «k <’ 0. ,
xi;n rttitik.
Thece fuinoiw SooKs arc pyerywbeiT Jibed apd
cvciyv. In re populai. 'Ilu? e»t:ilogiic cover.'
every U«parlnier.i o; School, Aci ueinicniul CoL
iiiri(ruetiop The following mi the vob
mnee repre i iiUnc; Hie common branches
Parke*’A WatSv-ii'a and Headeiu ,
M.mleitii and M- MidivV phie*
v ln-rkN KnjrllKli (}rmnnwr» ;
il* or./ 1 ftja'e-in 05 l'emiDmunlp .
l)y > ie; ’ t A-mob lo Cot'Vi-e of Matin timtica , \
Montoilli ana Y/iHardV - Hte*orv;
The Silver Lute .. .M Fouot <’J oir—Mt -• ;
Jurvia 1 LJiypiolog; uml Healib ,
Peek' umi GnQntV Natural Philoynph) .
Porter m i’litu iplro <>f Chemistry ;
DiUby’ Moutlu rn Hot any ;
Northerd N Be}iocl BjK*aKciv-;
PtijolN Fi i’nch Claps Hook ;
Andivws efodder.r, LuPn Grammar.
Emu I 77 ON AI. 71 EL LEVIN, j
TIUS I i'liklellKlPs Ul'ilUAL MlMill’M.
H ill lie tent lo Tt. * lu rV regularly, for. ouo j
year, on receipt ot rjiv < I!ntn.
Add, lb.
N< iv York.
j niyli-Cm
tylM h liMRON*
A PrJiittn i/ AvUfrtHH-iir. I»*>an
lit II 1 !; idl'd ; . - ili,- Hu- 1 ■ giinnn
Ihruai.J. I l.e fiivi at'.a-Huir.i mn! ilu: idiiipl*-
Tubie;', cnikim..: 1 mcnla-1 eyur* i^ts w IMI
| expiiiiiiiu lor Me sb'ic Kano. 108 l'-tgiiS,
1 40 cent
I Att Eh nu itiui if Ariiit meUe.
Iv'Y.i'Vi.- 'dil'T",.' of tlie Primary In h
! *v;. <! »» ; 'tb {tin* vlnit 1.1. tiiiv! iiiimls
■\l ••mi urs : ivelOms Fed* i>l Money.
Kediu • • >i.. .■ rir f Mie 1 umpound Knl bTiio,
14 'jp.iru, GO lit G .
A Prcclival Arithmetic. Pro
ptH’iiil exni !y s oy Cpiumyn PehouL, gif
iii;r spe.fdal prdininfnee to Ilu hranehes of
Mi rfi’imtile •ithmotir, and iritnwliif iug tlio
Jd.w “ Metrie Syf«t/ > m,’ with
i.iul examples. P/mct pugc». sl.
■A ff iff her \rith iitctic. In pro
porali* n
.( Jf Oil Lit Arithmetic. Nearly
Tin;- scrh- ’* YiK i np; witli n lr «>>t gn'bfying
I‘ef ' pii'ni fif.iii tiacherH ( vcryv.lierc, and Is cx
act Iv whr i-needed for urciilrl dirtciplinc, an
Midi ns foi n pvctieal prepnration f<*r ihe busl
m-sH.'d Ie it ’.: j fb*ir, tborougli, (oinpvchon
siv*, ]t o;i' : ilv I'lTm’,'"' 1 well g; nlcL iHieppUpd
witli i gre.c vr ii -tyof eAnmjd'x , end leiu lies
tie- methfids aeiUi'lly used bv biuim.e men.
Sj»ci imen copies of any of the abov e workti
moiled. | to teaelien-: amt s< tiool oilktcrt,
on o 1 one b:<!f the retail price. Favora
ble tcniH imtdo foi ialroductton.
|L A
I*;* & i tr. ihumiiwav, y.
£*eparafor tapilli.
-*«rx *
'i'huow ft way your false fri/.r.i . your R\vHeh«k
your v/ig
Destructive of t'oiiifort. .nd n<d. wo. th a fig ,
('ome aged, eome youthful, eoim* wely end fai*
And rejoice in youi luxuriant Imir
It Hl* A H ATOK C Al’llzl.l-
For restoring hub np<m bald head, , from !
wliatever cunc it may have fallen out. and
forcing a growth of lmir upon the face it has no |
evunl. J.. will P»reo the beard lo grow upon
the Mnoolln rt f »ee In from five to , igh> w«elo», .
or hair upon bald liciwhj in from two to titree
month: A few ignonrnt- pm< JUlon<*r» linve iwi ,
aerted thai therenothin' timt will for cm of j
hasten the growth of the hair or Their I
asjkortione arc false, fih thousands or bx iii|r wit ;
nesses, from their own experience, cun hear wit- i
n*--r But, many will say, how are w«* to <IU- |
tniguish th* genuine, from the Kfmrioiw ? If
certoinly isdiiHeult., oh uine-teutlmof tin: prtpa* ;
rations ndv* rtised lor Ihe hair and heard Hi e on- !
Ure.Jy worthbs.-*, and you may have already
'avowi way large amount* ii: their purclmatt.
1., sur.iivrc would .-ay fry »hi KICBA RATOIt
t »!■ will post you nothing miles# it
tuliy loniu cp tore presentation*. Il your
’ Iruggt't •• '*> J‘‘>b Lv* p if, tend us one dollars
, uni v.e will DriO'Mid », poEtiwhl, together with
a receipt i<n the money, which will be returned
you on application, providing entire wiflefae- j
tion is not given
Address, W. i CLAHKK AGO.,
f’ ejoi.'l», No :i Wwt Fayette Bt..
: .j.<yiv Syracuse, N. Y.
il It:, ,!. 1 111 imv nek 'li fein-it, tta way
vc;ir bv lbs '-mjiicx in ni i •-!:*. *i»H‘ i.ntinin-i
Iv .1 .'ii* 'ii n (t'n.: unit ncrciitioi . A FIFTY
CENT SAMI’I.K • " ill i’q'-'ii (lipliintion.
V.liiri '• H IJII.W, It ' NFS ,V i < i ,
7-Ki iti-(; : ('i(Ti’T. N ‘.c York
NX b » r >s.
vu ttbimi rn nr
Ivison, Phinney,Blakeii *'«
U tiu*l ft» ©i-ecH S.f.r-r
X li W YORK.
sered to th< puldic have attained ;o viM: t» elr
eulalion, or received the pproval nnd fndtuse
m- nt of many competent and rclhdne tvlueal-orM
in all parte <•' the United st; re s i.ithke
Among the mod prominent, oi t.hoir ju*b»x- «i
(ions are the following, vi/, .
SPELLEKS—entirely new in * and
lllußtrntions, and rereived with g*eal favor
hy t-hc* best tcaeiittis !u the country.
vory popular with :1\ teacliue w*io have
tested them in the elr. , loom,
M ATiIEAf A i’K'S—ent irely re wrlM* n; tulb
: nmplete, ck'litHle and prac;U and
unumpa.-ocd in simplicity, clt«wne*i.. fe
search, and practical utility.
eul and beautiful Newly el u.u
i)HAW|j\'(i—:iix lu Jii'i.-. I '■<,
.Ml lnclioi
111 H«t.
larj'.c, tortlic »(lnml ).Kiln, . m'lt i;.iii.l . ■
on four i-rirds.
| 1. A Kill,
! uoi/idN s <iii<iOKAt’iiiiq;.
Tlu-v - iiiiii-iii n 'nrc li.* .q.'U* -'!!• ..N
; STEEL FENS, (. iik-li 1,1-t- I,:::' .lulrv ;• t.ct
of ini'couotry i, ..u)>ii’.!. ;
Iff ' Tlilcllia'H i.ud oil uHlCl:; ii;! I
- vlt.Hl to m i;:! for our Dcacriptlvi: t -‘i"'; a, ,t
i Ciri-u):iivi. iiiot ( : orre. poial vv"!: n:i f'
Afirlrces ILii I’litillaliyrs.
cn iviAKEYoupiMSfiiq
MAKER. Warranted double the id, /iglti
(•oii’-Diou Pottwli, arid superior to any oi : e. r -a
ponittcr or fey in the nini kct. Put up hi < »:‘> '<*'
one pound, two pound*, three fix
iv>und» and twelve pound-(VHh lull direction*,
in English ami German* bn making II ml and
Soft fGNip Ouo pomnl will make'-ai.
of Soft Nu lime isi reipuml. Con-»un .
will fitid lhVi vhc ehcap<jk.t Potnidnn the nmrkoi..
Ank y<xur grocer ror it. 14. X.
04, 05, OK 07, r-8, m, 70, Ti ami 74 Wishing
ton street New York
♦7*l H V ESt'/.l’V S I M* YEAHT ! < ’*'/
DER. Ihght Biscuit, or uny kind of Cd.t,, mn>
be made with Ibis ‘Ye»: < Powder" in üßm
minuU No short oil ng l- requiud ulivn weel
milk lw u* and. Nor Tinju 1 74 Wwldnv.ton
New York
Chartered by Art ol’
M. T Hewitt, Pr* Aden'
Hcv. and. W. Alvord, Vke-ITeGdent
Clephmie, tfil V'i< -BredhlenG
>D. L. Eattui, Aftmiry.
Rev. 8. L. Harrif*, Financial Inspector
Prineipnl Ofh< e, corner lOtli afreet and Penn
sylvunia Avenue, D. C.
vi. a, mis strut, roem r,p jacksds
Okfu’-i» H*»vm* -From Ito 4, p. m.; an l m
! Saturdays, fi}*' toft l». m.
Deposit* oi < )nc DoPar and *'pw; id iX5CT'iv» t*
Inten *!. allowed *»i Jainuuy and *fidy.
The money deposited w ill be pail Imcr f » the.
ilejmaitor, principal and Inter* l, when e.Tied
All the prohtH beViiig to the depovitors—m>
othcrv are interested.
Branches have been eiiaVißshul jn iiearlv
, everv cifv-Troiu New York to New <* ; »n«
C. H I‘HfNCE, Cwiim
J\. M lam acting for \V -T. WHITE, dm :r*g
Dm iu’C from the city, and ha ve iß’cn eali* and
l upon to make’ sonic scttleinenh on the e..t«t.e.
! -f. Ross, deceased, all persons indebted t»» the
j estate will please cal! nnd sec me, a* 1 cannot
I settle claims without money*
W ir MATHEWr; a rent
VugUßta, tia.. May bDt 1-BU7 lw