The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 19, 1867, Image 4

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    The I>J*siy Loyal (toorgiun. j
In Louisville, on tin l 1 nth instant, :
AI n negro, filed a petition in the
(' .. ,j stab: District < bnirt fora writ :
,i i, r,i, w has been is- i
~i ciiiv; a whit, man named |
(til : i ;i:i‘ In Court tin' ho ly ,
, - r .lamrhti 1, Bertha Milton, tor- ;
l- still retained in slavery. •
I'li.' -is- is tu he triixl at the present j
i.i .I' ‘he l'nit' il States (’oitrt.
T- Is esv Oi l. ans Hijiuhli'iiii ex
pre . the hope that Congress will
eviniA its appreciation ot the trank and
manly stand taken by tint. Longslreot
in ii.jijiovt ot the Kevonstrue.tion plan,
by restoring him to the lull rights of
citizenship. Senator Sherman, it may
he remembered, introduced a si til ila r
jn.i|iosilion in regard to K\ -Govaiuor
Brown, '•[ Georgia, whose efforts to
iu-.iaee compliance on the part o' the
C .uthoni people have no doubt hecn
pi rsistent and serviceable. Ihe.Seiiato
t ook noiction on Mr. Sherman’s motion,
and we anticipate none in behalf of
(■Jen. Longstreel at a period so early as
• !,. liv/niJilirini appears to desire. Hut
o. mere mention ot the matter is sug
... • ... i( shows that Republicans
In '. " no deposit ion to perpetuate disa
bititle.- except as a means ol holding
enemies of tie Union in cheek, and
th: 1 they are prepared to sustain the
adoption of a liberal policy to those of
the excluded class who prove them
k, i, tlie earnest promoters ot the
oinal ]>lan.- jV. Thue*.
N'iimin.'siidm rot: I’uksiiikniv
Cai.’itsk asm (,'onvkntioss vs.tiik
I’oi’Ui.A’f Wii.i,— Wo are on the eve
of a great change in that import ant part
In political machinery, the nomina
tion of men for the Presidency. ( an
<ii.: ‘c .vim arc merely the results ol
p.vt.y ' uvyiins who owe their protni
n, n ..i tiie greater or less strength of
:!,... <•; that digue in some set assem
h. a ,e »f Imckstitring politicians who
v. 'la accidents of a politietd condi
tion, represent only the compro
ii,, i and cheats of party strife such
i. . i"ii: no longer he accepted hv the
as rallying points for the e.x
ja i.,:i of the popular purpose on
e-..M questions, or as the deliberate
selections of the national will for the
Itodicst place in the gift of the people.
| A r . }'. //. tahl.
Tut: l'ltKsMD.vr’s Ki.iirn To
Wasiiimiton.—There was a marked
an' , is in the reception given the
Ibesi.ienf on lon return to Washington
oi Sr ur.lay and that which greeted
lum on his journey home from his
Chie:i,*.i trip. Then, the general leel
illivai: me of dissatislaelion and dis
couragement. Ilis whole course from
tic time of Ins departure from the
sV'ii.e n ,use had hecn chariu'.tori/.ed
1 - .In-most crious indise.vetions, and
even among his hahilunl supporters
lucre wmiTumid none to applaud.
I '.. v mt„t ,■’> /„ I ni1,,1
V ■ i ( irit liiykle, iij"l f'ln .'i/i th
'• afth,:., ! /nlirutiaa.
. '\'i<l h;t the Sim,', /lout, t,f •
. / ’aittt!. s.:-..'. k >i Ann
« , ■ iThat -all pci.-oll" ■
1... . a Me t : lit •.1 Stntes imd nut subject to,
am to!, ;, a jniwir, excluding Indians not I
lm . in act iy Ocrlarcil tu lie citi/.iaent
a i Stales; ami such citizen-, i>l
ivi ,y one. anil color, without regard Id;
sc pirvinus condition of slavery or invol-:
cut c sci vitmle, except as a pumsliniinl tin ;
. ice v.iiiaeot tin piU'l.v shall have Inca J
. , ov. a-tcii, shall have the same right, in |
ev reiniit Territory inthe United States, .
|.i c! .",c and enlorcc. contracts, to sue, lie
p i,’ll -. And give evidence, to inherit, pur j
ill tea's sell, hold, mid convey real ami
uv'-.ora! property, ami lo full and equal laws and proceedings fur til*
security ut person, and property, as is ia
cij •;.( ■! by white citizens, and shall he sub
j, • . c like punisliment, pains, and penalties,
n,t to none uther, any la'.', statute, ordi
teuici, regulation. nr custom, tu the con- i
i uy ith: Minding.
.'■ice. .lad I" ii. J’tirfj. r i inter,<l, l hat
tni pcison who, under color of any law, j
•.'n.ute. outininicc regulation, nr eusloni, i
xh:d! object, or cause to he subject'd, any j
iatm!at, ml of any stall or Territory to the i
deprivation of any right secured or protec
icd by tlit: ml.or to different punishment,
pains, or penalties ot; account of such per-'
hi !• vHi.g at any Unie been held in a eon- I
i o of slavery or involuntary servitude,
• o eoi a : jnmishment of crime whereof;
i v shad have been duly* cimvieti'd, or
■\ , nn ot Ins color or race, than is pro i
. i sot tlm pauislunent ot white per
on. . .' hall he doomed guilty ol a misdc- 1
mc:c.,!'. and, on conviction, shall he pun
died -y tine not exceeding one thousand j
dull-t: or imprisonment not evcecding one !
'."'th, in the discretion of the eonit. j
: I i,l In it ftui/m intifUil, That ;
"'tin of the United States, j
''oh, i ihc.i i .in tin districts, shall have, \
• c .'v. ’y ol tlm courts of the several j
I'!. . . omiivac.ce ot ~11 criniisaiul offences ■
; oumcttiai mraiost the provlshms of this act I
nr,: com mrenlly with the circuit courts I
of tin - United Slates, of nil causes, civil and!
criminal, alfivling |icmnis who are denied !
cannot enfotve in the courts of judicial 1
: min.'ll "f the State or locality where they :
:■ O' mv of the rights scrim'll to them hv j
‘l.i .section of this art; and if any suit!
ivditon, civil or crimimd. Ims been!
; . dal: lie i immenced ill any State court,
a .am. I my such |x'fson, for anv nmse I
whatsoever, or against any officer, "civil or!
i.c.c..iiy. oi other (xtsoii, for any arrest ,>r|
■1; i .iii .it I n •■]sissos, or wrongs done or
ore’!-thy virtue or under color of all
dr :• ''"ivcciiom thisaet or the act es.
1 cig lU .hi tor tin relict id Fiwil
m ' cd ic't.c . , and all ads amendatory
"I .umiug to do any net upon
a :ur tii'i it would he inconsistent
>'i .i is. a, !. •*oeU defendant sliaii iiavc the 1
'. '.eiuove stn h muse tor trial to tiie i
'■ ■■ j district in circuit court in the j
"■ " ..''.ad'.,' by the "Act lvlating to:
lirlc,,. (■■"• pip tutu regulating judicial
nro'.-U s ,n cerfaiu eases, 1 ' roved *
S'"'. 1 cilitecii hundred and sim v
- In ail a amendntoiy thereof Tj„. j
1 ’ 1 "• civil and criminil matter.
• ■- ecu on the district atHleitcui’
- ' o Ui ■si Stall s, «haii he ex ,
•r■. nfitt.yd in conformity with the!
1,1 l ltd* States. ... fm - t .. suih 1
few •' 1 -‘titahle to carry the same into!
• " in r.i! cases wh. , ■ut h law ~
nut o "o!'H to the object, or arc dcticicnt in !
the proviso.: 1 ; I
rcmt'lH'rt and I
Ihu a.s nvnidi'«: and j j
by tlironi i. idi -i*i >* .:' nf t)n'
when-in *i»c . <mrt b-tvin- jurisdicuon <»t tne
cauM-, civil f;r t iii.'.inal, i- •fa ■
Hifmt is not :iuon! ; i:-trnt ’.. b lh«* • nnsii*'d I'jti
ftllti )i»w f “
IlitUT ■: ... il
\ n r ■-x ■■■■
. I'd •!
I !>■"•( ■■ ' O ' ' '
j Off ''ll-Id S''.' ' '
Slates, the
Ut‘ U's l*ii! c:.
may hi pi" i.' y n.p' *••
dent • f he I ■ *(-l ' '
they ate herc’.v •
qiiiicd, at Ihi i • p :' ’ ’
t i instil' Ur pi." ' ■! I'' O'
p.r.-on w ho sii.c,"i"
act and causi ion m Ihciii "dv o'
and impri-oiicd o ‘ •Ui ii « the " ' : "; >*
he, foi trial ix'fojc .on ■ ■ ■of 'he !c" <1
; States or territorial con..' .e. Ay. ml
I lms cognizance of the otb'iw'' Av.i ' ' h
j u view to *<i
j id! pci *»n i.n tl" i! '' - -*•
of equality heti>r< th. ! "v. w;:)e. ' ••'! ■
Mion of nm or ii'l'ii. "f 1 '' !
of slavery or iiivoinntaiy n : • i ,; ]
as a puni-lilM'"!' !' ■*' i ' J.' 1:.: "I hi pa '
ty shall fiav hen duly vi ■“
the prompt di i h.a . •• ■■■ - J
act. it -had lx- thedu‘\ ol 'lie <cui* ■ '
of tile t nited Stall? aiul tin; Mipcri',' fit -
of tiieTerrii'ii'i'■ of the Uuin dSta: oiii
time to tiui". to :i!C".c..-i: the rnimla I i-a
nilssiuucrs. o i■: to all',' 1:. ■ pc,*.,. e ~ :
venient meal: .f.r th a:!- :o •: , ""."a
tiun of pranous chargul with av: do' •;> ot
this act ; and such (omiiii: aiies .. . c , ,
: authorized ;fnd required *•• '•••
( bur ire. nil lb * jvrvu uni •]•*■ • •*. .• 7 :
on them by thir- n:*t, ti-'’ ' ? ;i / l
bv law to '.V. !! ti r t*
I o’n«*n«T". 1 5 b- - 1 •’
| States
Sw 5. A n'l h- ■ / ‘ • '*
shall be the duty <■! .>.is . *'> • "I' ' .
inar.'bnis t<* obey .■•no - . u; i<’ •
and preeejd.s i- in*d l ie _ ‘ f. ; .1
tliH act, when to !hem din*. ‘i , red eh. 'id
any marshal or deploy marsh;;: • m ■
<ci’ve neh '.varrant or -‘lit : poi. >v.* i
tendered or to nsr »t ■•*• s
dili'o idly e\t*f inc lit * ■ •■n*e. oe
shad, on i oin i«'l ion thoic.j t»e h:r it ‘ nt‘
sum wf one thousand toll iv-v to il.< no: ;u»
prison upon whom the ;e -n * and b U' *_« ' o
have committeel the off< ju-e And Is** :.'er
to enable tin* said eoimni “*.‘T • * *-! r |
tlieir duties Irtithili’.! ' nd eftirie.ii !'.* in • . I
lorinity with tiie Con lihoion o;' ;l Ceil j
Stales and die , e:; t : r •... •, i»! lh • -hey ;
ale la vel t\ r.tiioj*. and a:id * .
in writing, uud* their hand. , a::y * *.-r
more snitabje p»*r oie ; !.■•-, ’line in e,. . e>
evecuo all s.di Mjiivmv t ii p.<
as may be i *• sied by 1 bent m 1 ie* h *< tu! -i
fornmnei of lit. ;r m.* j‘« < :\ i dutie- ; • ■-.! !io
peisons appointed ’ * im- *!‘. •»ny *
WMirant or pron a ;»t<,* ' M
authority lo >umiib'i] . : ■ *o i .fid;
I the by 'lander- <-r -u, ~*. ■ ;io
prop* i county. <>i * ’> *• •: . >r
MMVaI loiei , ..I flu t i • • ‘ in*
j militia, as may lie si . m *a : 1 • >r~
■ manee die * ■'. e* re,
j charged, ami to iusw- i- t os! . v .- e
jof the (}ait;,e oT the m a* * .lip -
j hihits • Inver\ . i ,; •■onba’-s ■ v ’ ,:s -
I vhdotiH of this art ; and »id '■ *• '.■*:' had
! run ami be e\ce iit tl b\ . <-th. • a..
I wherein the Sl.-if.-!'■ I- • M.; • win, ':
j t hey are issued*
I any \k< •-n via -had |,tik*
; fully ole i; : hmde: ■ , ‘ *; .r.
I f>r oth' ! pe: -ol! IJ; J ’ ' ; a * ' ■ !',
iof anv v. arrant or no- <• * - *■- ;• '. ,n*
| j HN)visions of thi o- a i-. ... (i .i
--j sons law fully n-. i.'duy him or them • -n
| iss.ueti. orVhali o in imV V >, . ,-V
| other per--! Vr o* * ' .*. ■’' *. ' v
■so :ti tested n> .lb*: e:-nid, >i .< p\ e. ,iw ,« «v%
:(o cs« ap» from tiie nady . i tin -if' • »r
other pernm leirai’v ...niioi. ■ i a- • ,1.
jor shall labo* oi t one. 1 an* (!■•;■ ; i•-\. n •
amst a wiu raii? or prmcS' -ee lia\e
issued as a foi-said. ;*•; t-* pie\
j eovery and am -* .11 . m* •* • ' \e.. • .».
; of the far! that a wm an! a >i • a .. tor
j the apprehension ** J v-Kh p. , , r
1 either of said otfemv*-*. i*« idp-• ' o a mu*
j not exeeeilmg one thou.--*nd d.»l : r. . ?.?
I prisoinent no; e\ < >iiv_i i\ na \ \
j dietment and « on\ i li.*e. hef.a e * l i, <>> -:
court of the I'nited so,*. :-i 'hr ,*to t •
! which said offance may hi \ • !)>*t i i* a: t«n; (.
| ted, or before the proju r ~j . : im..* :
j jurisdiction, if commit?ed a’. dhm .*•••'.■ . - .
• the organized Tenifm - ■ ; Da' i . «
| St ato
Sec 7. Ami W it farH; - Th ii
the illstrict iittoni. y•. the :!..-:r
ilcpttties, imil the clcik of tlx snip ISt. jet
inul territorial c.iui't!- hut! !«■ pniil fori lit ir
services the like fees , t > may c, nlkfwei! to
them fur similar ci vjc.s in i,''hi i cue;, mu!
j in till'Uses w!iere tliepiD.\iii:i:gi iichetnre
| a ciinmilssiimiT, hi -’ 111 j ciiTP'ii: .1
of ten (inliiirs in full In h;s . ; .... i tl ,
. ease, inclusive of all services ini'iilcnt n. uih
! arrest ami I'Xatninalkm. The ik-isvi; pi :■
j sons authoriznl to iMTut; tli 'piwos t hi
; issued by xmunirsioners tor lie st
|of offetiilers against the provisiot. if ili.s
■ act shall he entitled to a ter of :> ,|t,.. „
j for inch person in■ m they nmy arrest ;.; and
take before such commissioner;: ufoic ■i.
j with mil'll other tc. - I- mat tdec'!..!;
\ soimhle by such coiinni. anu , .
j additional services as may 1. nm ■ :' v
! jx'i-formcd by him or them. e h ".o- ,
I ding at the i xaiiiim.iio'! , .
! I'risoncj in custody and piovi i..._
j with fixxt and lodc.ii." duritig lc : : pn,
land until Ihc llttal o| ~u
j commissioni r. and in genera! ha ( ,ei i'oioiiiig
such other duties ns may lx r: i,u: i in it,,
prcmi-cs; Mich ties lo he mad, tip in con
formity with the levs usually i liarg. and to
I the officers of tlx courts of jusie . wtdiiii tin
pix)|H-r district or comity, as near a« In . M
! pmeticahlc, and paid out of the Tiouri-iw ot j
[ the I'nited States on the certificate o’ 'in i
.judge of tiie district within which ihc arrest !
is made, and to he risovdirihlc I
I defendant as part of the .lodgment i. .. , ;
1 eon riel ion
] , S >' s.l " T vk. . That
J whenever the f ,r o{ »;>. f'n, is ~t -
j shall have reason to ?vl : *\e that i«!'«*:»«
| Imre tx'en . r ms ka :c hi commiiied
a'miust the pro*' t!,;.-
j any judical dislrie!, shall p,
I him. in hi* diverethm. jbvt t tin v,'---
(mmshal. imi dutuct -pi aaev ie u h
district to uttetui at •r *h r*bi - withbi
} ilie (Ibbiv i, ands.». such iiu.<
j may dcsiguHk*. for pc,:p< -, ~j ii
j speedy arres-! ami tp * \,f per-or.s.ehura-.-.J
‘ with .' • !*•.},•:ion of *i-.i •, ■ • .•
i the duty <>! \ erv .u.; - '• »;■ •(
■'■ ■ . •
by him. * * a* 1 -• , ;. ~ t • ..,. j
lime tlicrui el- iu*'tie : |
Niiali he lawful “hr ‘h ■ .. . |
| may t mprvaa i* ?h • • . . . i, M . j
; *Uch part ft the amd ,u ‘
a:> of the I’niied fftattiF. e*v of ‘lie nvihtui t
a- -e l* tie* ('-r> ary to prev« "it tie violation
na«’ * ni’nvce tlW’dut* cxecuii«»n of this neb
-it. 10. Atui hi- it f'irr/.ir tn-irtfti. That
■ ur. n all qu* '’ions law aiisiug m any
~..11 ... under the provisions of this act a final
anpr:‘! may* lie taken to tic Hupfun •."’nt
' 1/A FA \ i S fix S
I'lWid'.at ii the Senate. Ilf * • •
J.,,;,- ~,"Vr V*. .li c.Ti;
T- jtde:.* M i." f nit. and . na'mg
r. 'n: iicd to tin: .Senate, in v. U’.eh it ong.ii*.
i t ,j jjjt- bill ejitiUed *■ Ar net t.* pre eci .ill
~'• ... lh,. Cnip.l (States i.i thyi: • Til
rii 1c... anil turnish li.c Uii-ms ot then xituh
, : ;. n." vvoh.'iODhjK'iioo 'JiCieto. tin Senate
I j, : : ' iii pursuance of the ' '(institution.
i oi. Tliili Ihc S'.kl hilido pa:.-. two
. | ... ol die Senate .ig.'-i-'in _* to p's die
] ,1. W FottSKY.
Secd'cc v -‘I lic tSenut,
.: . -.7 :>•' IStjli
ihe H t ,1 Jlcpic.-.ada'iv.;'liavitig pr>-
iv •• • iiicr the tiill "..''that .in a•' tnpro
pa I-"!!- in tin; t iiiux’i S; *(••• inHieirl
■ : far., n lie loetuis of llnir
vii a ciiirix-; :ic -• , ii by the
I’K-.i.ion lit tic i p.i'dl stater with hisoh
|i 11ions, and nt oy the K- oatc totii. Jfouse
of ii'i-p,- ei. ativt . with f'ic i':e-"ip*i ot the
I’li d' :: tcU; nm,; tin bis
It, ■ '.ml, Th-c hill and •. !« i 'birds I
*" V ft: i Kl".,' Mil Ml I—o-.. Clerk.
c '.'.M oaLl'C. :i, • llicf noil,.
Tiie. following is a correct copy oi the
'I provide for the more eilieient go/«
• .'Vtinicnt of the, rebel States ;
Wherein mil. pul Slat" goveri'iments or [ii'otfetioti f'-r life or property
! now cxisti in the rebel Stab x af Virginia,
j N'ortli Carolinu, South i.' uoiioa. Georgiu,
! Mum.--:p|n, I . siaua. Flertiin,
; 1 Vx.,l • and Aritameut: and whereav it is
] necessary that peace and gm>d order should
Ii i nfiire.ed in ..aid Stales until loyal ami
!r ■ j i:KTi* ;i n State govArumouts can be legal
: H exudduhed ; theridore.
■',virt,\i i’-j lhl' Sm, I'll 17". i I fault 1
11 Itrjirr.initaliv: las the I ■!■il.StaUs c f
li irin i in Calif nis ui.tta bUd. That
taid rebel State* shall he divided into mil
i ar. distiicts and made , ulnject to the
military authority of Urn 1 niteil States, as
In reiuafter prescribed and for that pur
pose Virginia shall constitute the first dis
trict North Carolina and south Carolina
tlx; second district; Georgia Alabama nnd
I'iurida the third district . Mississippi and.
Arkausas the. fourth district; nnd Louisiana
; ml Texas the fifth district.
Ski . ~. Am! i-Hfurik.-i enacted. That
! it . ‘.all he the duty of the President to as
sign to the command of each of said dis
i triots an officer of the army, not below the
; rank of brigadier gmieral, and to detail a
milk'ienf military force to enable sutb
: ('dfie.i'r to perform his and enforeo Ins
uiCeoriiy "ithrn the district tu which lie is*
S::c A. Ai lhe fw.kri nnncteii, That
j i shall lx: the doty of o .eh officer assigned
i. afiivt xuid to pre'c'i' 1 nil persons in their
rights of person and property, to suppress
iimnricttion. dimirder. ami violence, and
in puniidi, a; eatiso to he pitnished, all dis
i Mirbcrs of til" (midi' peaoi': and omoiuals.
and t, 'hi od hi in.,' allow local civil
tii .1,;. ■ i l ike jnrtadiotieu and and to f ry
olTendeiii. t- win om! judgment it may
I I" nee sary ini' the trial of offenders, be
■ si;;'* 1 hiiv. power mi organize military coni*
missions or tribunals fin- that purpose;
mu! all intore iiimv tinder color oi .State
Buthorlr with the ex"'■ of military au
t ,i r;< v nmlrr t!iiact shall be null nod
, Mm:, t ■ /a • * .-I ran, :■ ,i, That
jaii (.ersonc pi.: m.-ier military arrest by
i virixe of this act shuil bellied without un
necessary delay . and no ".rad or unusual
punishment shall liu utdmted . and nn
si ntem e ut any military commission or
, buna! hereby authorized, affecting the
. ! ti .0 libei ty of any person, shall he exe-
I cut. and until it is approved by the officer in
eornnuiid ot Hie d’-tla t. and the laws sod
1 reiih'i ■ ns ;or the gov, i nincnf of the army
; ,{!! not he. alieited by,this nc!, cxe. pt in
s" ar its tliei conilict with its provisions :
Pr nil mi. Tloit no sentence of oeuth under
the provisions of this act shuil he carried
p,t'i "iVin: '.vilhom, tin apjinnal of the
S, i . A. Anti be it further < • tried. That
i’.'lht! tlio ix 'pie of any one, t i said rebel
-’isle:, shall have formed a constitution of
Mi i rumen: in coofortnity with the Const:
talon of the United ‘Slates 'n all respects,
framed by a e oiriu-om of .Ulegat.s elect
j od by ihe main citizens of said State twen
ty-one years old and upward, ofjrhalever
race, color, or previous .''Hidiiion. who
!iavo inmu resident is and State for one !
Veiii pri-viouK to the day cl sneh election.
cj'Cept inch ie iuhv re disfraneliisud for
participation in tin udiellion or for feionv
at common law, am! when such constitu
tion shall provide that t 1 . , l.vfive.franobise
shall hv enjoyed by tdl such persons as
have tiie qualification* he;, hi stated for
eleetioos nf delegates, and w hen such oon
stitu»iou shall he ratified by a majority of!
*ho perions voting on the question of ra till !
oat .mi. who are quii lifted as electors for!
di l . 'i'".-:. ami wL'C'i sue ti i'.; '- f m:, a shall ;
hero been submitted i- t'n.g:.-.- forex
animation and appioval, and Congress .
siu;' have approved the untm . and when !
-aid State, by n vi>te of its Legislature ;
Ceded uudnr said constitution siirrl! have j
a leptcd the amendioent to the Cocstitu- !
tion I'nited States, proposed in- the
Tinny-Ninth Congrem. ami known as '
article fourteen, nnd when said article shall i
haw become a part of the Constitution of
the I'nited States, said State -hall he de- 1
j elarnd entitled lo rop.vsentaimn ;u Can
j gross, ami Senators and lli:|..', seiHalives
l shall bo admitted thoiufixim mi (hour taking
the. oath presettlual iy law, and then and
! tlii reuftob the pre .ouing sections of this
.hi. shall he inoperative iu raid Btr.tei
j i lhat m, p"rxon excluded from
the i'-ri lege ol ho’.iiug ofiioe by said ;>ro
, !’" !! ' naiomliuuut to tlx Constitution ol
t.Tmtad Str.tre shat* no eligible to el e
j t. vi .r . member «i the Cc-nvcntieoi to
j frame a Cousfi'ution for any of said rebel
Brutes, iioi h ff! any each person rote tor 1
in:inker' of said convention.
»'• - •■' -e-:, That j
* 'he people . i is id robot .-Antes shall
h ; aw ul 'ii11;.,{ representation in ;
t". ; of lfit Coiled Mate?, nnv |
o ' M v '-l aments which may ovist therein i
sir.!' hr deenied nrorisional only, and in j
»1 respect;, subnet to the paraiuouQt nu-1
ti* >“t ol ■ ; oitod .States nt any time
to aoolish modify, omjtrol, m supersede'
tlii- same . and in nil elections to any oC l '® |
under such provisional goverumem nil J
poisons shall bo entitled to vote, and none |
other, who arc entitled to vote under til*
provisions of the fifth section of this net: j
and no peison shall be eligible to any office ,
nder buy snob provisiono: governments [
who w 00l ! Iw disqualified from ficlibog j
office under the provision* ot '!.« third ur
ticlo of said constitutional amendment.
To the Republicans of the Union.
Til. Nali'.on! i ilion C"mmU''' .i; p
to tie Re.puliliuitm ‘.I .'. " v Silt- fi.l
their sA'tnms sod operut-im u: t =»t**
AVe deem ii of theldglicst imjiovrnce
flirt the Rcpuidici'.ii: •'•!' "a«-ii M: *•• ‘."o-übl
imnudiat'!y ■■ '; ~ni/, fix tm ,i'ir.., oing
electiuiix "t tHUT. pi> iul'ii" t.. tlio eei.i
ing Pi( -iidi ntial i Duty.’. i.-poi ic!: ■*.•• 5
this ,-;!i;> im uif. (ti ;
inent the • iVin! a.iii inaiiemiDiO riplit-' j
mar N<>' i day .Hu.old !•" ’.. .i in 'oimerig ;
and n i gtheiiirig within Mio n Ste.te? j
tiie lirioeijik'S whit'ii id.'lt.-'" ii," . '" it
systmnime ami «horoo*gli 'lie j
cithern Six*"- h ; . tj, ■ i it
-peake; - of‘ "Uii " ■ ’* -ml
their efforts by a disti ibnii"!! i' d"”«-
tnentE, enforcing the prinf ijii*-, ; ■
ami aims <d the Republic:.' y" ' . V*i?
would tall, in every Inca lit- win . .»
jinasibk', meetin'i’ f'oi liiM-ii: moi.. vkeio
. }l th
tlm vote' of tli at large body lh t o V ..u
i Lnioiust. who cu" i. nder liie i- uihein
States n battle-fluid of prinei;,!, 1» is the I
pressing need of Mi" hour that bold, ji'di-j
cions and abb' men. tiiormigidy im’"" and |
with our erei'd. shoubl ’L* • "Mi!;.'," nr I
piineipl, "-’.ahlish our !’:!; ,t. 'u'
them, and prove tii:.; iiulion.'i! pre sins:'!
and human freedom depend upon the per-1
mf'uent triumph of »nt cause
Beyond this- it is nv t i -entiul tiie’ we i
should now estahlish iu those States, j
Free Thonplit. Free Speech nnd a Free ;
Pros- Every part of tlii? Republic must
Ii open to the disemsiou of priueipli s!
and measures. This must hi sustained, es j
a cardinal point in our creed, ot any a-id j
every hazard. Rllurts to intimidate the i
bumble ami ipnorant voter on *!■■ pint of
the South'.!.', plainer, nm t . .net with
ti.e spirit of freemen, and the ilci. imina
tion which , jn.<-t cmiw sanction;
111 tim< jiust, til. Ropnbli. 0,1 party Id s
tni;;g!cd igju.-t l), on," I of
I letup "'liomi: in i. . aim- and ■ "ie>-;r.
thonob ; - , .... „..l ... ... ,| !
ting tin-.:: ".-ere >"• I; ." tli" I'dh'-'s Lie '
Rcj-xhi. ape. ■■ i . v .. ~t of|
being governed I>> «>(i»b I]
riiimiug to
i \j»' i*m* nt un. South. !*h t j
having the t° siieni'*.* Htu* to cnub
ill upposition, (Itnivd *UI discu.'.-iju. ;uiJ |
ov«-ra\vcil (-yen Ircedoni i*f thought in )■' j
UO» St .11 - ‘ t llioi* 1» I !
»ii»|k s-Titivv vlutv, %viii( \i mt \
if nn* pTly uml !•. oarsvlv*::-, U, oml;.•(*€'!
the J*i>t opy v »f tmlv u { u<i mu
to those HtnUci I><uv consistentiy h-«* L ive
contended tu the tvellari ud
freedom of the whole T niou.
The overthrow of Siaver 1 , -un li 1 !d
Hellion, ind the (nlranclns, meet #»f the
treedrn* u, ren<L*i'!iig on riho*^
•‘lire ;i’id firirtT liavc v vindu* ,-t and 1
•>«} < ('r.i -c and u k it i
loj a’i v oid licit ii* v lo the* right. *i * < . o
tiv- *•{ race. tin ncwi
striicte<l State*-* For the tir-1 -ti.ue i.i ,ny
vein's Fie “Uthvi.-'.it.M’ t«riui j
tnkinu |-*rt :n tie* p«»pnl. . I'-du ts t -i,
iin<! if. many of tin Southern s’iiite . \u
iiinc r( wf , i *o Ix-iiev** ihnt thev l’crr a
major:t . They n, tnnvev. r.
hesiou and
Tii rev fourth** ot the Keptiltli'-aiH have
nevei voted, and lihv no ; tuole ,
\ fcm.oOrdyt ci iu* i::«*huf nher* : )t\ tor;
I popular will i> >pr.x-.x-d. U’.-h' m „,y i
lot tin to t 1h- ludut Ji\« I •f !t i 1
j mmTictt «*l»ediep • ?**r.l»U* and «lc*iTi;i-..-v*s j
I jKdilicii" - ’.ho or.' i'c-rl'o-ih!;. I,- i.o t„ |
"«> |U ■ I'"! j I .n
• pro-truioß t.f out (■•uu
; (>.,r irmued,..!. c " ot "w fi, j
peixtivi cannot w • rjm »ut oa
i jA-ruiiig «and» tor wlijch am* *i iK v eii
t -acriilced in the pad. I xoident in otu
| !-trnjj,rtti in the N< *tV,, tin W> ?, and tho
| haw s 41 eat doty t- perform the
j Joy * and 1 < ;* men oi flu. ■>«»utii
j |mMica;,n our npp- ai : *« to y- a.‘ to
jcari \ »en and s’isUlin the vi.-:*L u*hjcU j
jli w lovui ;m-‘ true mendia'-e •*.. egbh' V,._ !
! b'"‘*. . We, annet ask -peUeV..'.., .xkidi.'u j
Ito -I’-jntr tin It tun;- o»d t:dei; v s foi ]
j tc. this laiusr, i.„ .fi triiy ibeh ow e I
! expense-. \Ve ( iimi'W print .Hid distrilmtc !
j li". I IIH-lits of (In: eh:u:" 1, : re. ■!* 11 | ,vit', :
; cut . Innv.v outlay. W,- l, llv ,
I le!i.inC"t".;vpi m.-.n the irerx-.ut.- ; irir ,f'
; that great party t. 1.. Ids in. \.y mf ~f!
j Hnnumty and Fuc.h.ii ii,..\ ~ij p,j Ct .
, Phi [i.itrmi.ig. "I iii" tfiivci-mneni lirouxht
j into power b> ;ue stat-.Mmanslijp, ihc
j.minige, and -lie ioyaltv .1 that jia; .
j will not aid us in th.' good work.'
\\ e iii'ist. thi'ietuiv. appeal dii-fe t!v and
jpers.lll.dly tu yon. If von ur. r'.-ii.':,-..
, generous!v. I; p.M*; , iui wb.t""or- D:i
Man afford. Tin g.pim Dud
1 j l "' noiile aim .sanctify -j,, hnmhli-.f
j iuits, ( At all M eats, ac: promptly, and
j let ui ie. i tli,' sympathy of the Uep;ii>.
in an j’.'.i *' A with us ,11 on 1 pij-.q. ~
mu (king this great iauu ’.tie home of tiue
| riocipb were distinction ~f
i'll-.', .it’d color xn unkiiewn. and - v i
l.Hx in Virtue and Inteiligenec from tee
ng basis of our oi.iitm s s and
! A'idr .- idtris. i.",' 1 eontiihutioiic *0
j K.a Mabci.s I. AV vttu, Chuiiina:: aad
I Tretyin•.Newiiri.. X. J.
MAlters I. 'iV.utii. \ .;
s ~i A. Frit ,-i >; i.p.
V’:.: :.'. .| Cusux, Mm
i.'H.V R X ‘i
IbMiv, •- v v
H. II - . '.;,:i c
’V . JioEEtt VN Ai".
r 1 O.iumtrt'e >t tie National
LnioM L-.m; A! - >VM. May :c. isiir. j
k h 1 '- ■ second this appea I
’! K K VI S :
IsUUiUI - - - S(i till ix mouiiltj - - 3 (Ni
L¥iiy. three months > * 10.)
Wcddv. yifu annuni - .‘i 00
’ 'y nvidth: I 75
Wtvh'v threo Tru'iiih - • -i 00
*i i' i.A ri'AL GEoRfiIAN
OeiFpoki-i? .He*;cblicau Papers in the South.
J tv;. • . o' t -ii ihc flud. to advoeuts tlto lniin.l j>tiiw.ipU; i.i “ KQI.’ \S.
I.iOii'lS Id M* Aik.*,’ u viu.’iuatt;; tlu .ivcti in. ol tin suiircuuicy o! li"
1 ui,'*'.■' i,H. ! ore. niiii, nt: ; It uii(|u;ilific<lly <;' Sk..ksmon .is
,k u.: l . lust iuhv".ntiy liostile to, :«tul ilen'trui'live 01, all
i 1, ... »iovcriuiHiffs: it iiMiinisuu ('on; !. ?, :i> tin
. . •, i>y ... i i.-rtn ot goveiluneiH lor Kt'.iioua! legislation, the
. ; i", iu time., .«i llgi late a. to vimlitate the honor and
. N ..'•(•. It will wivocate lb. tally icooii-lructioii of th.
-I ", . do i.lstfoviM laid tiown by the “National Union Kepuldican
is> AtADK ONK OF Tilt:
|";M- M uv V *•; MY T»SK <rUVKU\tfl;\T 111 ms ST4TB.
M I•" ' ’ VIV m,acted by t.Mr-re • mid nil <!<)VI’.UNMKNT
... t> i ;
:> AT.Mi DLrH.N .vTiil) TIIE
h-i .g *"*£ ; r.c* Association «f the State.
, i J ; . r ,- t >. j
' - ‘ bond Sr? i"mt'itti liie nm ’• r*ei»ervil nu.l eoinplete intov
j ' ■'i I: nt lutetc'.l: mi on''midst, and will trointirne
aoU' aiid HilucotiJt.g (lounnuniutilknm from the
!'•> t !■*..-«. is in tire State.
■-i 'Family Newspaper.
’’ k , ; ')i •'!< !..)>!• tpoce to Uu diseus: ion of the o,. 0!ll jiolitl'*rt :
j "k ) N i‘ u a tAinvi anil l ectioh, we shall reserve space for xiieb
I’"’ ' *' ;u.' ! Religious t't:ultii.g as will make the paper al
jll '“•* : ' iU; «- ’ ?,!i We shall scrupulously yaard against llieimei
o <U -it.."ali>w liie moral.; of iloiiK; an.l Soeituy. On
11 ' "■*'*» i*!*'*;‘ ;h every apnioo.u»te means, to stiinuiate
to study and lhorals.
Uook and Job Printing.
b,.\. j.i .i. ■ n yreit t >pi f-e it. k.i nisii.ny out Office with the re
fi:' 1 • •« ■ 'ilk IV'OK' \ND JOB WORK.
" u ' ' 1 •• ‘bh x*' v an.; • very iltaeripnon of PLAIN AND
J '.\i K i. ■
‘' " ’ : " 1 ' l’ l<a!! ’ k':-; 'b siviu hin *n:c l .utio; l , ) IlCfltn< ssf
- " ; nr.l, ' vn.i -, thcmor.t reasonabte.
«1 ci i* « s s ;
-V e e> LbJ. A? oKO.