The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 21, 1867, Image 3

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The Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, GA., JUNE 31, 1807. i iFFICIAL <>RG AN V. S. GOVERNMENT. The raj»i<lity with which garden vegetables and fruits are maturing, must surprise all—and pleasingly so. Fruits, fresh, and constantly varying, have confronted us atteach dinner for „j x weeks past, flow strange it would sound in the North to Ik- told that, for a week, wc here have had served up green corn, ripe apples, Ac. A friend from the country stepped into our office this afternoon, to pro mise a ripe watermelon within ten days. Bring it on friend ; we shall hardly he surprised to realize the fact of a ripe watermelon on the 30th of June. Wc are almost prepared to believe that the North is nowljgre, compared with the luxurious Soulli. As results of to-day’s registration at •he Sand Hills, one hvfltTred tn.d d<jh (, r„ colored and forty-out white per sons have been enrolled. The results, it will be noticed, are in keeping with those of other locali ties, as given in previous issues of our paper (Jan the Constitutionalist divine what election day will “ bring forth.” We this morning announce, through official notice, the time assign ed to commence lJcgistration in this city. We need not add a word expressive of our hope that each voter in the city will arrange to curly become registered. It is of paramount importance that the Registry contain a full list of all authorized to vote. Lot it, therefore, like all other important interests, ho attended to promptly and determinedly. [From the Toledo Blndt:, June 10.] The Release of Jeff. Daris M.TION of the grand army of the REPUBLIC At the regular meeting of Host No. jo, G. A. R., held at their hall last ; evening, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Hraihji/artkeh i Host No. 40, (». A. R., Toi l-no, sh, June, 10, 16(17. 1 I Whereas, the loyal i»ec>ple of the [ iMimtrv have h-arno 1 with deep sorrow s os the release by the Federal courts of Jefferson Davis, the man who, while vet enjoying the honors of his Govern -1 mo it, engaged in a vast conspiracy ior I its overthrow ; who became its leader [ when it had developed into a gigantic •chellion, and who is directly responsi ble for the destruction of life and pro perty which attended its progress ; the* unparalleled cruelties and atrocities which rendered its conduct odious in the eyes of the world, and for the wide spread ruin and misery which it entailed upon the whole country ; : therefore, be it, by this Rtfst of the Grand Army of the Republic, Resolved, That Jefferson Davis, by tlu commission of these great crimes, has acquired one, and only one right, which, as wc are taught by the wisdom of all civilized nations, is the right to to be hung. Resolved, That, as compared with the brutalities practised in compliance with his order upon such soldiers of the Republic as fell into his hands, tin) regal maunor in which he was treated by our Government, affords reason for profound indignation, rather than » ground for complaint. Resolved, That those who hare pros tituted their official position to prevent justice 1 wing meted out to this arch traitor, deserves the condemnation of all loyal citizens. Resolved, That Horace Greeley, by , his action in uniting with rebels and cop | perheads in setting at liberty Jefferson Davis, the greatest criminal of the age, lias forfeited all claim to leadership, and rendered himself unworthy the coufi 'lencc of the loyal people of the coun try; and that he and those who with him defend his conduct, deserve, and should receive, the stem rebuke of ail soldiers and pat riots. Resolved, That inasmuch as in the history of this Republic no one ha* ever been punished for troason, and as in the case of Jefferson Davis an indict ment has been presented demanding action by the courts; therefore, wo declare that now is a suitable time for a proper judicial tribunal to establish, tor the benefit of future ages, an exact I definition of the great crime of trea son, and pronounce sentence on the 1 guilty. Resolved, That if Jefferson Davis, iiftcv having perpetrated crimes so atro cious, shall finally escape the just pen alty of the law, the Government will thus offer a high premium for treason, brand as a lie the charge that ho and bis colleagues were rebels, and will in effect say that he who slaughters his countrymen by thousands, so that it be 'lone under eover of or while waging a hellion, is guilty of no offence for which he should be punished. Resolved, That we call upon sol diers throughout the State to unite with 'o iii giving expression upon these topics. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. I‘miiol lit. tin Tb'rxt Se-vtUm ts tit Thirty-nintliCongrem CHAPTER (JLXXXII An Art grinding Aid in ‘hr t *ri urthr, "f > ItndiO'ldinn! Telegraph Linrfnun tlu 7’oiCn of CiUmmo to thr 'lnten of Pbtrerriilt, in the State vs Vtdiforniu. He it enueted by iht Smote and. linn of Hcpresentatkee of the United State* of Amei ie,i in Con greet amnublrtl, That the right of wav through the public lamb be, -iii.l tl.c same is hereby, granted to the Placcrville nnd Sacra mento Valley Railroad Company, a corpora lion existing under die law sos tlu- Stale of California, and designated by the Legislature thereof, to construct the road hereinafter named, and to its successors and assigns, for the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the town of Folsom to the town of- Placcrville, in said Slate, and the right is hereby given to said corporation to take from the public lands adjacent to the line of said road, material for the construction thereof; right of way i.- granted to said railroad ] to the extent of one hundred feet in Width on each side of said road where it may pass over the public lauds; also, all necessary ground for station buildings, workshops, de pots, machine-shops, switches, side tracks j tum-taliles, and water stations Sue. 2. And t>« it father >/ •■/"’, That ! there Ist and ishcroby, granted to the Placet - ville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Com piny, its successors and assigns, lor tlu pur pose of aiding in the construction of said railroad and telegraph line, ami ( > set tin tin safe ami speedy transportation of the mails, troops, munitions of war, and public stores over the route of said line of railway, every alternate section of public land, not contain ing gold or silver, designated by odd numbers, to the amount of the alternate sections p; r mile on each side of -aid railroad line, as said company may adopt, whenever, on the line thereof, the United States have full title, not reserved, sold, granted, or otherwise appro priated, and free from pre-emption or other claims or rights at the, time the line of said road is definitely fixed, and a plat thereof filed in the office of tlu; Commissioner of the General Land Office Provided , That die word “mineral," when it occurs in this set. shall not tic held to include iron or coal. HEC 3 And be it farther enurM, That whenever raid P'acerviHe and Sm-runi-nto Valley Railroad (' inpany shall have ten con sccutlvo miles of any portion of said railroad and tel- ,-mph line ready for the service con templated, tba President of the United States shall appoint three commissioners to examine the same, and if it shall appear that ten miles of said railroad and telegraph line have been completed in Q good and substantial manner, and in all respects as required by this act, the commissioners shall so rep-rt to the I‘resident of the United States, and pat ents of lands, as aforesaid, shell be issued to said company, confirming to said company the right and title to said lands, situated op posite to and coterminous with said complet ed section of said road, unless said land- are covered by the exceptions of this act. And from time to time; whenever ten additional miles shall have been constructed, completed, and in readiness, as aforesaid, and verified hv the commissioners to the I‘icsident of the United Stales, then pnb-nth shall'« is-m-d to said company, conv; \ in- tli a lditional see tions of iaiuf, as aforesaid: and so on a? fast as every ten miles of said road is completed, as aforesaid: Ib-orided, That said connnis sinners named in this section shall be paid, by the company, ten do dr vs per day for the tunc actually employed, mnl ten < "its pin mile for the dmfanu wtually and necessarily travelled each way. Si-r-. 4. .iml he ii j-uetl. ail. 'I said l’lacervilk- and Sacramento Vafi-y rail road shall he constructed in astilistantiid and workman like maimer, with all the necersmy drains, cuWt-rU, bridges, viaducts, crossings turnouts, stations, and watering-places, iitul all other appurtenances, including furniture and rolling sleek, espial in all respects to rail roiuls of the first class, when prepared for business with railsof the best quality maim factured from Alllttrifim iron, and a uniform gunge shall he islfihlislied the (ntirc length of the road. And there! he constt-iicled a telegraph line of the most, substantial and approved description, to be operated on the entire route: I’rariilrd, That said company shall not charge higher rates to the govern ment, its officers or agents, than they do to individuals fur telegraphic service, and that the said railroad shall he and r.-matn i public highway for the use of ‘tie govefinnunt of •he United States free of all toll or other charge upon t|»c-ransj'ortatioi, of any prop erty or tioops of ‘he Unj;-'.' Slate-, mil the same shall iie transported over said at the cost, charge, and expense of th< corpora tion or company owning or op< rating the same wlp.n rMjifii'Cd b,V 'he United States t do SO. Skc. B. And he it further ritoeuit. Tim the President of the United States f hall cause such lands to be surveyed lor twenty miles in width or. both sides of the entire line o(_ sa.d road, after the general route slitdl bo fixed, and ps ns may be required by tin rot ' struct ion oi said railroad , tin odd scr lions of land hereby granted -hall noj he liable to sale, or entry, or pro miplion. liefon or after they arc purveyed, except by said company, as provided in this act; hut the provisions of the act of September, eighteen hundred am) forty-one, granting pre-emption rights and the acts amendatory thereof and of the net entitled “ An act to secure home steads to actual settlers on the public do main," approved May twenty, eighteen hun dred ana sixty-two shall be, and tlie same ! are hereby, extended to all other lands on the ! line of said road when surveyed, excepting tho*e hereby granted to said company: and the unctions and parts of section- of land : which by the aforesaid grant shall remain i the United States within ten mile' on each side of said road, shall not Ik- sold for ln« than double the minimum ) lice of public lands when Hold. See <l. And in it further evarJM, That each and overy grant, right, and privilege herein are so made and given to and accepted by said Placcrville and Sacr um nto Valley Railroad Company, upon and subject to the following conditions, namely: Thu the said company shall commence the work on said road within one year from the approval of this act by the President, and shall complete the whole road by the fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. SBC. 7. Aral bt it further enensted, That the United States make ’be several condi tioned grants herein,and tli »t the said Place, ville and Sarramcnta Valley Railroad Com pany accept the same, ujam the iurthcr con dition that if die said company make any breach of the conditions hereof, ami allow the S3inc to continue for upwardsof onevear, then in such ease, the title to tie: public tends herein reserved far the constrm tern of said road aliall revert to the United States. See. K. And hit further marled. That all people of the United Suite- -nail l ave the j right to sub.-cribc to 'hr- stock of the said ' pSacerx'ille and Sacramento \ alley Railroad i Company until the whole capital is taken up, J hy complying with tie terms of subset;;: It ion. Sec . 3 And hr it further ■ - 1 hat the acceptance of the terms, condition-, anil imposition- of tins act by tie -aid Plaeervill and Sacramento Valley Railroad < mill unv ahall be signified in writing, urn hr 'lie corpo i rale seal of *hc said company. -Illy fv-cuH'd. I pursuant to the direction of its lioartl of di i J-cctora first hud and obtained, which accept - j ancc shall be made within one year after the passage of tl:is act, and not afterward*, and shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 10. And be it further a •(id, That the said company >s authentic,.'! to accept to I its usi any grant, donation oi loan, power, franchise, aid or issistanee whieb niaj b granted to or -conferred upon said company by the t'ongi J s o: the United Slates, by tip leg'-ilautieol any St-d", county, or nmnii ipal corporation or hv any cor] oration person or persons, and said corporal ion is authorized to lioid and enjoy am such grant, donation, loan, or power, franchise, aid. or assistance, to its own use, for the purpo: ■ afon said Sk» ii. And in it further act'd. That unless tin -aid I‘l.iee; ville an-! S:c ramento | Valley Kaiir.-ad C'<>mp.iy shall o'dain bona j ticli sub s-viptimi :o tin slock of -aid company : to tie- . mount of £c-ur hue bed fitoirianii : dollars, a id. live per centum f■•ml within one j year after the passage ami app. -cal of this iici. it sjudl in null ami void. Six'. 12. .•!<.-</ be it /'■' He c - ■'. <•/, That 1 Uougres.- may at .my titu i de.c r gal.l fort!:' rivals .. .. 1: i ill" and SacramciPo \ alicv R lb ■ - ('-ompany. add t" "all.--, ana-: and. or "cue::) lb: ... : Si;,-, lit Aad :■■■ it fort/a ■ That all lots iii villages, xvi and's. shall !»• ■ M inpd'd from, ami«'''t snbic i to, .lie op- r at ions of this a< t. AmiovED, July 13. Irttwi OIUUTLU v'-I.XXXIII Ar Art n lot i’,u to i.a ad t,m -dal to th, Slot, of: .Vtoo-'•■ to. o> cal ih U .s tiro‘Act T iotlrOiuhC JJi irorli-ri bti iht Smell and Jlotrtaof )!t-pva ■tali:: fib. I’.- ltd Sto U C Aon- - : t’n -i.'.-ivs. U dilio’, rill'd wlicru-x rit ahull appeal tiiut the U'lin .l Sinus have sold or . disposed, of any granted to the Tci" lory or Stuk >.* 3Unnc«o'a for the purpos. ■! aiding in the''coiis-inciion of railroads, alter the definite location of the line ii n«,d, and before the withdrawn'.„f saul lauds from-id.. at the proper > o in:; t "die- , raid Plate nim by its amT.t select, m lion of :he lands so -uib oi- lisjio-; (l of, tv n my f ' n- lav-!- if tic United States sub ject m -ale. in-iug odd li'.i-n --hired sect!.".-, wiii.ii: twenty miles of the line of tile uini," - ad, , quantity ol land j • cjual to thu! so sold or disp of, and.tho iancls so selected shall in' -!ilistiluled for tliosc 1 so sold, or disposed of by the United Sta'cs, j and may he disposed of by saict State in ail ' rcspccls as :f said substituted jancis hud liecn | parcel oi file origin :', gran! - ■>- State, | ProrUied loorcvi r fed ..’tiling I* > -:-'in c-n. - j ta.incil ihall b -.... .a.stinc i as-’.- lio iuish -la qiiautily , f land gran "si by net of May fifth, eighteen imndral ••*»«! si\ty-l'"Ue. toiho fitatc j of Minnesota to aid in the eonstvifCtion o< a i railroad from St. I’m:! to Lak Superior. SEC. 2. And bt '7 / oth r t or. .1, Thai that tlic time named in the net. granting la. and, to the i'erritory of Minnesota to aid in tin: constni<-lion of a certain railroad. 'Tom S'. Paul and from St. \nlhony,by way of ."Jill ncapoliK. to a eonvenient poi.a of jn.rtetiou west of the- Mississijipi liver, to the southern 1-ound t' . -f tin Territory." approved March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, f.,t j tiie construction and t;oiuplefion of said road, j is hereby exleiic!"'! for seven vc-ars from th. j passage ot this act j Sec. «. And. be ;1 further ■led. That id I 1 ihe lands heretofore grunt -d ' the I. rritory j and State of Minnesota to aid in thcconslnie. tion of railroads, simll be cirliiicd <,. . State l>v the Secretary o! flu intmior, from time to tune wlu ncv. any o! -"id road , shall be definitely lncuksd and shall is- and. posed ot by said Ship ia 'in maimer ami up on the condition, provided in the pa,'livid,,: act gi an fins sanic, u nrodilicd by the provision# of this ml; J’rc '.</ Tin ! win-,, lilt: original ijuaiili'y gram' ll to aid :n the j construction oi any road has been he mixed, j tiro quantity iiutle.rh-cd to I -e sold fiom lime 'o time J 1 lie inco a-.-cd e..ircs]iimd'ingH jAi and nrio-idcd. fot'lor 'ti.ii u?i :In- , tunpf' | tain of any ten miles ul mad, the State m.iv sell one hull 1 !■" ip.anii:,. i.-f land which stiill Suit." i aiilhorizi dto ii-p ol ~n tin -om ple.fion of twe ;dy miles Six , I. And be; it forth. - -/■->, t,d. Tlml the i land:-: granted by an-, act of t 'oiigicss to tin ' SlatMinn-'xohi. In aid ii: file c<■•.--. ruction lof railroad- i.i said Sian , 5.,--i 'pi ,-di;, lying j in plan . on any di, i.ion ,1 n"id, ! voa i. I shall not in: di'posed "f until iim roi and sliaii ! be completed through and coterniimms wiili ! tin- -am." /•’• - ■ ,V/( (/, ’aerie, Th,. d.i-ipn, visioj: sin.dl not cxlend to any ianrix aufiioi :.: : i\i to lie taken to make i.p dclh a nnic- Sec r, hat be it further eaurtnl. I’uat much of any net ns ccudiicl- with the |.rovi of thiHaot is hereby repealed Al-ntovED, July 13,‘ 18(iti. In the Dcnv I'l’ulic Convention ..I j i’"linsyiv:ini:i, a I'c-ointi. a th-iuking j Gen. Sheridan was tuiunltirousiy ruled ! out of order <>j course ! Sonatonai Districts of Heorgia. First: Chatha n, ilryun and Efliiiiirlism. I Second : Liia-rty, Tat,mil and Mcintoslu | l'iiiril Wayne, Here, me! Appling j Fomtii Glynn, Uamden imci Cl j Fifth • ( off,-, Watt and Clinch j Sixth Echo! . 1.0-viidn- and Berri -n : enth : Brook.-, Thomas and Colquitt j Light!, Dceatui, Mitchei! and Mil-let. I Ninth Early Calhoun and Baker.. Tenth : Lougberri. I ■ ami W rtii. BlcvenUi Clay. Randolph and Terrell. Twelfth Stewxri Weii-tcr and Quitman Thirteenth: Numprar. richlcy and Mae,,.: Fouitet-nt’j Dooly, Wilcox and I’uiimki. : Eifteentli Montgoiuen Tcltair an i Ir.iin. Sixteenth : Laurens-. Johnson find Emanuel, j Seventeenth Bulloch, Striven and Burke, i Eighteenth . Richmond Glascock and Jc-f I terror;, Ninteentl; TaiGifinio. Wanex* «n»l (iroeiiß. T'vumi# i!i lialitv. iii. Hancock nij/i Wasi’ I in^Nm T'VHiity-Fii t Wilkiiudin Tdi j T'V ;nty-,S<N D]i<i ; s'>. I?!* Monroe stuff j J • i,', i TTin ii«vj run. Cnuvtt ,'| nj 1-T Taylor Twenty-Fourth, Marion, ChtiUahooelif': and Muscogee. Twenty-Fifth: Harris, Upson and Talbot. Twenty-Sixth Spalding, Butts ami Fay ette. Twenty-Seventh -Newton, Walton and Clark Twenty-Eighth : Jasper, Pulanni and Mor gan: TwentyvNinth : Wilkes, Line,in and Cos lutnbin. Tliirtieth ilgi.-lii-.ij., M. and Elbert. Thirty First : Hart. I lanklin an,' |[ai,rr sham Tiiirtv-Sei ind Wx ia . Lumpkin and Dawson. Thirty Third Hull. Banks ond J.teksbu Thirlv Fourth: Givi, tt, Deh'.lb and Henri . Thirty Fif Clayton, Fultm. and "Cobi' Thirt' Sixth : Men tiler, Croveia and Canipbeli Thirtv-Seventh Troup. Herd ond Carroll Thirtv Eighth Haralson. Foil .-n I i’au diug. Thirtv.Xin: I: Cic -<•'•. M-.iton ad Eo; I -yth. Fortieth : Union, Town- am* KaL n Forty-First Fannin Gih-icr and Fid,:':) I E rr\-.-"coi»d : Bartow. Floyd and Clrri ! Koxtv Tniio Mnirav. Wbitfieid end Go: don i Forty-Fourth A alkcY. Dade, and Cat ,o-s i:\(s;i>i«lt: excei-siok : CHASTELLAE’S i //. I 111 EI'TEUMINA TOR!! /''(•/• li< tm t/i 11 if Sujxr!'('<'!■ flair. i r PO the liulii‘4 espcc itilly, thi- inv:»lii:il>l(* dt?- 1 L jiilulouv r« commoiuiv ii.s»cU u !>• mg: an ai- , most indisjH-DsilA'? nvtick: to lomalo l>ctuity, !> tvisily appli .'-l, dot 1 !* not btirn ot injure thf k’.it, , Imt aots uiroctly < n Mu’root- It \a warrmUH* to remove superflaons hair from low fore-head*, , nr from any purt ot the body, omoleUly, (oial • ly and radically Cxlirpatim' tlu* saim, leaviuii , the .shin suit, sniooUi and uuUdml. Titis is the j « n)y article iks'il hy the Fremh, ami i.s the >nlv real effectual clepdatiJiu in c\f.Gtcm"e Price T- • edits |icu package, S'Rtt ]'OSlj>aitl, ; • - ..ny I n ivccint of an order, by BKKHKIi lit !'TB\v Cos., CliemM.y apd-M :X» Hi''or HI , N V ' ;ix/Ft;M Ookln\' h'ieiW mat Silf. {’ , pdODICKT' ! v ihe Pr ' DKIVNFA i rHtSVK !.K. CHKVITLX. On-* ap’Rica ; ;(‘ >ii a nan te*l to curl the tuesf. r- ? * siiii-boHi hair, oi either bc\. oiio v.a\ v rinukt- : or Ik av;, mass. - <•: a !,-- jiao ■ ■ cd. i. e<l b\ tin : fasiiioiij’-lcs n- Pans pud Lniidoit will,! uTaiii'yihhV rtMitis. Hoc;- no injury to Put hair, ; Price, by moil, sealed and post-paid, St. Jh j - TipiiAc t ireulavs mailed tree. Address, 13KPm PK, SIM/'JTS ,y CO , Chemises \o. *. 5w • Piver Str(et, l n»v, ' v *'. V. Pole Agents ft j the "CTuHod State... ly STEP BY STEP, OK. The f7t if (Vs First Icrsoii />»/-/ I \ESl(l'sKi> to Hat it ne’-v: bej'imtv: to read iJon an mlpi' o, cd plan Price, - »it “if is one of ur i'Ctd ii to I bool.s loryouny children Ui ii we ii vi. yet rv- v, and >\Td 1 mia less soon win its way to public favor, arid :>»• eem".ally- idployed in the instmeti n of.' eidl df‘T. ” -/>. yf.ij Joynml l> S'< /> />;/ Sc i furtninly .. bijou“f a child's school b007V, ( 7/e J x y.'SA. The .-iibserPiers will send a nreititir e -idain I ill;: s[o itaeii of the abov» work, designed to ten<'h the little oil' s to read on anew nhm t.» ; any one desirim* it It will vi tcac lier < and others inte'i f-ted in education ah idea- of tin? I work. I 'opit sos the work will !)<• >» til to any address, for the purpose of examination, on re | ceipt of ];> cents. WAV IS, POKTKK A • o.'TKtS, 'lVi Souiiom Street, Philadelplii.,. , J. HINCKLIN’d V CO’S \Ci ft Id A T SaTj k ‘of WATCHES ON tin » pit lor oiie-jn iee jdan, ** \ ■ !\> ]>atron a hand oim nd reliable Wateh for ! tf.i price of 'Pe-u I>>’i 1 ou' * without, rec-nvi i j value, and imt t" '*• paid tor mil- - perfer iy i uCKI c. li.t i,-,-Ul Hunt'.": W.iteln -S2M U, : MU) Magic t— ,1 (hart IVnlvii,■-•'-K) to faM MIO bmii- Wal.'lic-, I-a <•!,-,t, IdOtu^-W ttHIO:;-,-,.! Hi-nt’f < 'hrim'ici- Wmelitr to hue ; 10CKI flol,! limiting Ihigli-li I .ever , .HOtoUW ::om‘• !InmiiigDiifl"-: War,IXUtoJOO ’ :l» e. <)ld I flint v and inei lead \V "It he : , ItHl tu ?d>() i od.Hi BUvei iluntiii;: j.e.vers, fiOloi.'iO | mu) Silver Uunliiig I>upi -\« , id to ’’.u J 10000 (iohl Ifimlinu'l.'‘i»in' s, *»0 to V> , !o:kKi .Viiseellalie.otetSiivt-r Wajelie-. 00 to 11>*> •'•VKKI HmOi'Hl . v; ilv -P .-V '■•(( h ''f» to .0 | doOOO ,\ soi iv; Watch"- i*»!l l.ind , 10 to ' I Kveiv per-mn obmiii.- .i H'aleii i>\ ihit aiTahve.- ! 1.0 lit costing but. Il( ; While it may be w<Gill j No partiality shown. Messrs. .!. lliiickiimr «fc ('o.*s (irvat. A.nierixan ! U at( h Comp iity New York (;iiy, wish to im- I mediate-ly ?l'-p■ of the .0 <». may nille iit | siM(!.. ( e.r'ii. ,t, , a -.i de l CUV' h»J es, llohl. i- are entitled to i aj-iieles t'-GRcd *ii tlieii eeniiieate iitxm pay 1 mi nt of'l'cn Dollars, wlietlier it. b< t Wutch j worth TSO (a- "iir worth h s . The return, of I onr < ertifieatt • • utitles. you to the art id' ntunesi I tin iepn, upon pnymeul irrespective oi if -W'orih, j r ail it.-, no article valued 1< ■ than $lO is iiaim ti jon any cet'Uiietiie, h will ftf once 1 seeu tin:• J this is no lotti ry but a strain'll!- lorw n J It «• iJ ; mate transaction which may be participated «n hv even the most fastidious ! A single Certificate will be sent »-y mail, jk. i jiiiid, upon receipt of ■:!> cents; live -< »r >1 . eleven lor s•'; th’irty-three and ah « kyraiif, pre mium for so ; sixty-six and mt.;- valnalde jir* • | niiuni for H l' 1 ; one hundre-d and a most stiperi I '.Vatcvli f* • 310. To Agents, or those wishing ! employnicnf, this i.- a. r:tre oj>poi 1 unity. It, i ’ i 'tf ly eoiidu ‘f'id h'isine.-s, -luiy atltl ■ -ed I.' tlu* fioverani'ient, and o]>en u< flieimi . , eaiclttl aj ruiiny. Try n‘s Add re:", J A «'o., : r.* hi ‘j. v, 11 • a r j* 0., j<*! 1 * ym f.'ity e! N. v, York. I J! ( re- com ih l tad ' of jov to all, , T A NARUS(, ; i (i 1" Old, {- -T( at a ini to : mail; TANARUS!:«; k iu«y '••iii ' on-e >pP-e»o.A Gid r;o ! i.~ free for aii and sill may be lair; . : BY THS3 US£ OF CHASTELLAR’S W S '*■’ Z m 3NJ .M K , Pur fmmt in-- ind Meantlfvintr *he Cdui i jJd .xion, ‘ , . . ! ; The mo. ' "lu p< rfe. t, pi .pnridiois m ! n-e for givie tie r.kiu ;t beautiful peurl-like ; ijut. that, i- ady found in youni. Ii quickly ! ' i ui Moves Tan. 1 rec!d:s, Kiinpius. ihoieij'-y Moth 1 j, s.ii'.oiviK- . I*.nipt,ions, and ail linpuri- ; : f (],. imiiy In di)u( tlic wuac. leiiv* ! [). ihe skin 'aiide and clear hh tilabaster. U* i ] n-7 amtor ' ■ (iH'' ; e,d by the close.- 1. -cmtiny, ! ' j jfjo av/ a toi'lc jirepHi-atio.ii. n perleetiy j ■ iianuKs"". It is the only artieb of the kind used j | i,y the pfonelt. ;tiid is eonsidcied by the Pari i j 5i.,51 a.--!i)(ii pen-aiblc to a perfect toilet. Up I wa-d < of ftd,ooo bot.iles were sold dip-in# the past ! I year, u -u»)i( ient uoiaranfy of its cfihi'-y. j j j',;; l mih To cent Hcnt, by mail, post-paid, j j on D ccini "J an order. Bl'jKr F,K, HIJUTIS A CO., Cht mistd. ! JviviT Street, 'l'roy, V. Y. > i iy MAHHI.VUE GUIDE. }>KIND a.}-,iviiie instructor for married per > oris, « i those ibout f<* be married—both ! inaD and female—in everythingeoncerniiiL; Ihe ; wui rchoious of oui sexmu -.ystem, bo jiioduetioji and pn.uenljou «and '»ffsjo.n»x. • iie bid’mc. B'l the ne-.v disc<tv»*ri«;s never beb te •_j \«• i, iu Koirlish lamrie . i;y W.M YoUN'G, |M. I). I ill' is 1 trillv :» vahmble and inlercfitini:; wo k It- i- v m pittin for the ! '• neral )-".:de:, and ili»i~:ti!iieo wiih unmero is k'.-ii;ivbii;s. Aii young married people, or ! ; ii-ost- ef,!:f mplatinu and hayiri”' ti.e j ‘ !-a-r t;t»p. (tiin -nt to married life, shotild "rev! : ijj.- trioi It di.-'clo-er :- '' rU- e that every one j -hould be ruaptaiiltui wiiij, still it is a ixK»fc that | ■ be lock' and up, md net lie about tile house. | if -will he to anv one oft the receipt of NO . Vddre", Dr. WM YOUNG, Vo. 1 110 -f:.:,e, .front, above F-rliftll, Tljiladvljlliirl, V, 1 ' \yrlF TED AND UNFOKTUNATK ] i- N<> matter what may hc-yottr disease, bejor** ■ vie-, place your.-clf under the « are of any of ib • ' 1 hruorimn Q*;a-.ks —native or foreitrn who ad ’ verb-.; ji this oh anv other jvip< s eet a eopt of Dr. Y inr’fl book .cii read itearelmly It' di * i- ;*• an-, of •••;•*>: you many a dob i*, voi-r ! h old. •»,.! y --ibl-c vo lib • i)r YOUN* -'an ’ < ton ib ,t 1 oi. < ; , * ' S <•;:-(> desi riited in iii- pnrdd ation:. at to j ofliec No. I'.U .sprue." >(j-ft:. j',ov Pouiin I Pt'iiUui.'fph!' l - - '• • ur-, f »| - IMPORTAKT TO MERGE (NTS, Fl* ANTERS FARMERS »»■)., - ... i '.inn ;iu-u: a i-iiivti a"f Mcrrlaint', Kiinuci:- amt l’imilcn, in \ » " IX g Mlj,|'!i,a- ill VIII lir, McLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge. j , i w-’t, ,m ior V(.-'mllut.x Tri*' voirov,|Ui-n< ol* Hint iimleaif Ol'tlia gcmiiuc ' •)/;, \,. , , ' : .i-tM 11- ' c, i.tii -x Ir'-iii.t-iijly iic-t wiv or 1U« «»tl»vi- of the tm'ii) wvrilili-».« , \ 1,, ,r ! t-i.ire i hi- i-iit'li*- w,', fin-lufi'l'l', lag U'liv,-to urge: ; . . .„l it-r,„,rii,i<,u »l iii\iiri:,My wrltingth*' naiiu-lo fiill.imdtu udvixt: ... •, ; ||-,.> v'.i ii :inv otli'T than tlic gouiiinc I>H. MuLANE'.S : I I, ! - •.jii'i.K, U ,1 I.X I-'.LI-'. Ml NC BKOTIIKUS, FITTSjBI K(i, I’A. \s ~ ,-. ~ u > ■ i.i-:ti,->. •in o.(in iug Hit- M. I.ANE'S Colonratcl LI VElt I-,; :-. |tj,’„- fill , a b|H’C'i I'm' or dm- for LIVEK COM '! ) r i :!ii-g it, provulviu in 1 lie Foiitli and Stiutllttcbi, luia 1. , i- " ..-oo- Iriima to clnim Cur ttro.ii' froimiulione uiniilar »It. llrl.iaiJ'N (','lchnitvcl 1.11 »-;ir s.--,g i ~ , ,1.1 ..u .- i-'-ti '1..-- ri-ii.i-ily for Liver Corni>lnint tliat Ima yet Ir-o.ii : ml M, ivli.iiiL in- In: values Ills own ami tin Li-.ullii ot oim, to 1., ■ ovlul ui ~ doring. Take m-itlier VerHiiftigc uoi- Liver Fills. ,ur.- you :u o:ltir. fin ;eimiin Mc LANIES, i.rvparecl t,y I <’ I. p: MINO 1 mOTHEHS, FITTBHUKO, FA IMV MMbAN’K’tS niLtiSiSMTSbll uxm »*IMX FOH TUJ CURE "K ii cf - ".'fa' - ;'; ( out uiu i tti ■ Dtfsiicpxia amt Sir/.- JJcatluch i■. ' ’I Li.. b.'UNFS CKi.EWtATEO LIVKR FILI.ii as a rewuly lu, ■ : " R.H V !"ii'!,.\ I.: , ... sninc no aimlogy "ill Ixs mx-jc-tl. Tliu 11-0,1 • ■ , I is..-' a-of all finds throughout tlic Cuilultiiate '""i - >’> Hio Wc ill 'U''.-, "I. I-, in the. majority or-ase-, tli,- iiatlent is iiutwitbiii ■i- :.Milnr;i',i. an in, rr-.nire.- Hi.,- oiuc: reiiirily riioiilcl l>e provided, Unit would uo I ' 1 ■... ,1. 1 ll'- loro ..nsinuu.m, .mil vet i»- a,, ond . UV-tuaU Tiait siieli is Hi.- true etiar 1 a l -- " ' • .'-o LAND n~l «,‘K i'l) I'.rC, 1 1,ore ean lie no (,nal,l. Tim tesUmonv wn luy b. ' ■' ■' ' "'liiel* Las iuv • u.i'ly nUemlcil llieir use, will, \rc thiuk bu sul !n-ien:. : - i!i ...i.mereileloi' . Ir bus Ikvii uursiiivVl'e ivinli tliat Uiumj i'illaitboulil ■ i ■ l ai.iiul vi in., olivets jirodugccl. That tlicy li.m- bvc-ii *er - eel, :b. I rool'ilu-! -11 :u. ~ _v i. r|nvt I'avoi -Dd.-. w,. c:,!I tlio'x-uuc.]s to wituess who li-.ivc t Vi" fi» nc. ;1 tie 1 v butivticiyl ettoet.-. I'll " - 'Ni'.’fi LI v Ft: I'liJff, fro :i"l in XI forth or rwomin.nmb'ci (like most of tiro non '• " . .." mm 0" I vm-. . :s, 0.1; -imply for UVEK CU.M I’L\J Nla „i!,i ill"--. 0 i..; ■ uj:ine>'C:i with u -J- ranged olate of tliat Organ DISEASES OF THE LIVER, j Tr. • i.i: ■ II '!'• Aj" giro. iie. seat "f ilisem-i Hum is geuumliv sii{mos«L The liiueti-n i! ,: .i> 'an.-.1 X. y. . form, ami on fit- 1 egulnr exeeution of wliieli liep.-nds not on]. Hi" a- nvii,l i: - ; ' a "Of'' t-u; lin j - : -f 1 |,e Hl.omueb, 15-owl , Jb .iiu, „ml Ibe alml, a ' I'l. V l-1 oil vital im.i-irl:,live to Imiiisii lienMli. Win h tbe Liver is sv I ii"ti,.ly,U" o- i- in not, only cl, , . i,,g. - llm vital lntlctiuiM ol ll.a I.oilv, but exorcism a ■ . .ill" ot,. ov-rtli, mlucf null i> oj'.-raiions, wluoli tiwnot easily lie dt-gcribcd. It lias "-a ", , CO „ lilt: lb.and liuiiiifi-.-ts itself liy so great, a variety ol sviuotoin's iof a mo. i ".on,, vie,i,i-, Im; it iioneac!., ai.nv Idiysiel.ins, e: ,-u of oi'Vt,! vininviivv tlian : nij ,It :i. i'lu in’imaU -am wifi, h , lists between tin; Liver ami Ilia brain and j ti.v ' wbieli I am persuaded it exurvises over I lie jiuastoits oi mankind, convince 1.1 I" ", "UII-.I ■ I'vin.-ii.iv, net ofcleep Hmi erimiual atrocit'v, or be , '-"in " o ter.., ii: i.nulrii, . Iroiu tln - sini]>b: fuel ol a ilis.-asc ,1 »tale ol tb" Licvi i Mb t more (.ban mo half oltMi complaint: wltlelt oeeur in tliiacJuu 'lV - - 1 O-I i : .--! . ! -ring'lmir ,in .. diaeasi'd Statcbf till-Livif, I will, iiumerde j'• -i "Ml ■ " !m ! ::-'\- tion, yioppco- rot tin-. M.-i,s«r, Dvrungud flute of tic, bowels. Irritable U'l-: Villi, -ii' - ", -ling-aucl raraion.- If-iii trilling .-ml inadequate enukeii, of wbieli alter ! wuria- tec I oi.-dii b: t, ttioiiglinot least, iitot, tlum liiree Iburt.lis .( tbe liisenses eiiunie o-, tun'e .: iu x . -i t -Mi-nos , in.:- i lie ii seat iu u diseased Liver This is Irutl: a j' -.d'.dogu ' i S »'.*■* •F'l'O'tk?. «*'• -A SA % EK.-Faiu in the riglil side, under tbe , r'ro , im-is.g"-: 01, pressure; sometinns file pain is iu the left aido ; file lialicnl is M,, t . -oi ii , left !i . met lues tin: pain is felt under the Bhoulder I,lade and ii i if,,,-cut n- to ill" i"t> of I.I,:- shcmlfl-r, and is sniuctimea mistaken tor rhenmatiaiu in add it'd with lo- ol appetite and sicknons ; tlic bowels in gem-rr! . on ' „t,i... --.ill, !:■ . , tb- head in troubled will, pain, accnmounied | 'vilti dull, 10-ac , ,i- .ni ", ee. tlx --a -'b part 'Viter-- is gem-ralij- a considerable lops ol memo Irj icieca .1 !i 1 mini 1 ns.ition and lmviiig left iiudoiie poiiie.Uiiiig wliieli ought lobave n doit" '• • V eongliih son eti.nv, an "Hendant. The patient' eoiiijilnius of wean ;r - . 1 I a.-ii;. : !s:rti"d . bis f< t are -.old ei Imming, and lie coiniilaiiui ot a 1 priekiy i' 1,.- "-1!"' "kin ; lii.-spirits roe low ; and although he is satisfied tliat exercise i ivn'tid n i., -,,d;.) i.ii.i, ; 'b - can ■ .ue' l.y summon up lorl-itude. enough totry it, lnlael ■ ' nuxl; Several of tb ymptoms attend the diaeiihc ; But eases have ;-r 111: ■ 'll-,- t'-'iv of li,"i!i rot,cl. yI !■ ...luiination of the: body alter de.itb lues sliom, u„ , J .-■ , Ot give ! -:t- nsiv‘-lv deranged. ' i:;a «: o-'ifVMSi. -]>!: M i..'.NJa :s UVEK I’JLLS in ease* of VGI.’K AND : i’l Al' n ->du • • -vn m l ' tjironm. ai, iuettve -1 iiappj results. Nobettercatbaitieeunla jl. ■ and ! -1"i -:|I" .1", -o. if idler ialitii!' yttiutn- W" would advise all wlio lire MlUictcd with tin ! IMreetious. Lilt- . ii..,- I’ii!' on going lo bed, every sccomt or tlilrd night. II : ':"v I 1 Hue '• lim-.- n- ; • luorniiie, take OU" or two more; but a slight break : t 1 rod ' y loliuw til-dr tme file Llvr Hits may be used where purging simply la i,. - - ' i ' id' " j''x, i i.e;, ai- ini iior tu none, and in dose« of two or three •ii' ' ’ a Si--k 11.-: I . -'is" in slight derangement- of the Sloiwueh ini. xM’LANE’S rmri-cixn woe.m specific or vermifuge. V -ii-a -• l" ii-- loin,ait body , liaidt ar-- octte-r I'nlitled to (In: attention of the phi i n . - ' ■-1 it 'iion |irodaeed by WOLMM in the stomach unit ! .... t- ion tin:: n , i-> lrei|iicutly nierlooked, and couwoueutlv '.. .. ,-u -no i-pi.lj.-d bill "In-, 1 li.epaiieut is an inlant, if tiie disease is hot ea i. .- ■ ~ - -d • , fre-ia-n'iv . '":d, m whole nr in part, to some other cause Ji ■ • ; ",-iii : i.e I'.eii. I'm' -t•'n-;-i lm: lew -oniu, may exist iua cl-ild. and |b •• ‘-'l-dy, ill) rro-.ui'.i i.l tin- cuusfil.iition invaded I,v m: .th ■ im.i: of lit.wiiie.h lafaney Is exjiosed. than it. is fearfully suit •a.-' ■ 1 li'-':-'. i: to" ii -I'l :"I.V liap],. if iia.t n disous.; ot h,-i « i«e eiu-ifv : | 111. n ■■■■■: and! > Hint cause, bills tiam-e to treat, iudi ■ - •'■ . n- I I • -111 which ci'.Luch liiils in i onsepn ir ~| -.vorms being overlooked ••• -."t'greai -. i"l- t ,-" if a t-tewt and |irom)U remedy lmposs.-ssrii. to ti ,and they '-.i . ilio iit ioss ot nine, which is so precious iu pueli ea-ep, the cap,- I. ixciit be ' :,r Venn .1 i* - , vs, h.xu’r,;. and with success. ryiii|>luiMS xv lii i: <'iii>J>ol MlTin- eomitenun- , is pale andlcsdcn a.-n .-i in ii a ri. unis, lilted spot over one or both "licebs fijf ores 'I- • ■! ’! th- !-"!-:!•-• dilair-; , . azure,-emi-c in.-h- run., along 1 „ lowi i ,-vi-lid, :1m .lose i, ii". .eeliing of tbe upper lip; m-.-.t-ionjl headatfiv, with i iii'ittiu ."i tin' l- - - ''in -ui unusual seere.tion id saline, ptjmy or furred tongue'- dli- l ■ ■' in ti* morning ; appetite variable, romcHmes-voracioiit- with u 1 .-rowing-a.-,1, •*i ll' 'll" a, 1. oilier limes entirely gone; ltd-ting pains in the atoiuuch: , , ‘.ii ial ,»". ..,1 i'■ -II"I,■ i:. ; uii.'iit. I*. line throughout, tin: abdomen; bowels irregular ,t ; ■ in, - costive-. dimv, m,Miiiln-,|U( utty tinged with Wood; body swollen and hal’d '"- 1.-ii-l'! : .. . ■ -eeasinradlydillieult and iiecompiuiied by hiccough; cough aomc’- , 'im- ii x im.l "'in -: rove, un.asy and di-turi'cd sleep, with grinding of tbe tcotii, temnei ; i.., inn x riy irritable, rvi Wi.-'ii- ' , I!"-- vm -a - ar- ;--and to Hit. Me LANK’S VEUMIFUG4, WAV Mir. l»t- I'ENiJKi) ri'UN !/> KFKKt.' i A ■ UIIE i:.' niiivi is:.. . -- -viiie:, h-e. littcndi-d ti,-'edniinistrati,.ll of tiiis preparation lias been - Ui V -ni-'l ns in idi-deiim ourselv- - t'-tbe public to KK’iTKN TIIK MONEY iu erery I T pit v- ineti'-etiial, pro: ii'ine fin -ympioiiis attending the siektu-M of the ! ■ nii "• aiinit A-.rr..,. iii- - npi.oaitiou ot " --mu tieing the .-am •: Iu all cat-es the medicine I ..houhl r.::■■-! in : I.i "1 ■---.■orilaiu-- wii ii !in dir-.-ei inn. | \V- i : . e-iv-s in :in pul.-ie-tb,.t Dti. '-Ici.ANE'S VERMIFUGE DOES NOT OON t i '.IN ffiii’i "iff i.N ANY lOliM, -n it :.- -ill Oi-iocent preparation, and not capable : ~f -1 ih- sJigbtCPt injury io the tiu.--t t- :ub a infant. r ; ISIr, elictso. Give - einld, from two to ten v «ra old, a teaspooafut in os much , xm-ii-i: t wilt"! every immiit-g, bt ,1 it purge* through the day, well; Imt if not ret,eat ro ii, 1 1" - l'e i, t- n. gi \-i 1 ■ n-. te. unde i t give less. To a lull grown puraon, i ,;i -.- !teuspo-e.ifulfi. J5-<: mi i<• of ( rtx'ilK and :i (i ( elieles Piiruorliii- to Im- Hr. .the a.iiin-"-*. Mi - , o li.irit- ot it): *l,-LANE’S GENT INK I’KEPAK.XTIONS has i.idaced UU| rim A,')'(l p'" '-.-'" I dl -upt palming Ujion tin- I'uldie counterfeit and inferior nrt-jf), s, ui eons- i-,- t ■ -- -ii- ii the nn,pri"ton o, -. ", ,-u forced to adopt every possible guard ag.iinsl ti "id. I' 1 " iiasers wii! picas,- pay attention to the following marks ofgcuuinc iii- ■- . l-t Ti, K.\l- ria.i Wrappei i. a line Meet Engraving, with the signature of C .M, LANE and I-’LEM iNG ISUCAS ed. Tli- Dir -etioris are printed on kin,- Paper, with Water follow DI M- ’ \NK'> : 'i-.I.EItI(ATEI) VERMIFUGE AND LfVEI." FILLS i Ml' ' ,';!{')* . rorot'bif'Tififs Thi Wr.P-r >Ja,k e-ai. semi by holding tii« pat-r ; fin - l i" 1 X i'l LI x ' '-to name stiitnped on the lid ot tlic bus in red i‘R i- FA i; t-. D ONLY HY tiMiSti mmm, pittsbbeg, pa., ’ N i ! ! ‘ I'■ ■ !!, i •'i MgL:u><* r.iy<m PilL . A »unilu(_;i* nir<i lauil( ISyruj **>ie*» tn sMIMsVK** i vDirvuiiuei:. ! T\u «-*• ■ . ir*! }m r jnai!, lo any jmi'l ot 17 11 i 1 l Sinter s , * ■ i ! • , " **it< k t,i! \«■■ll j I.«, on itit* n » ot tori v in