The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 21, 1867, Image 4

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Th<* Daily Loyal (icorgion. U'GUsTA, GA. JIiNK 31, 18(17. The Albmfi.p Cable Cainpaiiy have pub" Ik 1 ,i slati-mont of their receipt?* dni"ig April, which amounted to SI 7h,700 in gold, the largest irumbor ot messages being sent from Europe. They ostmiate their business from the opening on July 2 Htil, INlili, to the • of April last, to have brought them t>l(tin gold. A < adored lawyer has l« , < , n uppoin ii I iqsqeetul ol freedmi-li’s schools in Virginia ; in the orgnnig/.alion of tln lower hrunch of I lit; City Coimeil at Washington, a colored man lias heen appoint il reading clerk ami another o messenger, ami at Raleigh, Clot - lionice Chase has or<h-re<l that i the sniii'noniii" of jurors, no dis til, am of color shall he nunle. The trtosi < ■noon sign of tin 1 nea i , the rich promise of abundant .•runs of *- • nii, wheat, and cotton, in the 'Vest and South. The extravagant prion.-, of the m eessaries of life which nave prev..’ l ed during tin- last few y.;>-t rnprei dented and unjusti !• h!e in a country so richly endowed who ag, ie.ilturtd resources as the ITnhed S ales. The ev ;i is evidently about lo correct itself, and an oppor tunity o| obtainin'' cheap food and .-.h ap cl,tilting wiU once more Is- pr, seai’ ii to tiie Auierie;"i people. Phil. /V- a,. Wiuni Ma midimi was in the full fi■ I• of success, lie issued a general O: ha o!cs Movicmi.antagonists, which •oiiitilimd the following sentence : “Von are not warriors, hut banditti brigands, robbers whom, if cap oned by my armies, I shall treat .as arrested !,-lolls.” K he was in earnest, the world can not complain if the Liberals apply the order to hint. If lie was not in earn est, lie was guilty of a sorry jest. Tour hundred and fifty Norwegian eni'grant- arrived on one steamer at Milwaukee last Thursday. Within the following forty-eight hours eight hundred mute arrived. The most of them were bound for Minnesota, but many wi'd settle in Wisconsin. In ad dljlofi to these eleven hundred German < migrants arrived at Milwaukee the. : iin week, one hundred and fifty of whom will remain in that city. There are said to lie a to,(ton Grand Templars --, North America, and the order had an accession of 100,000 mouthers during last, year With the most rigid economy it cost Mi - . George l’cabody twelve mil lion') t" stay i<i this country a year. More Mexican news readies its to day, probably about as reliable as that of the last two weeks. The Maximilian proclamation, wltose authority we have already ipiestioned, is pronounced a burlesque. CIVIL RIGHTS BILL, Is I'/ to prated nU Pt run ns in tin l nit td St.iii ii in their (tint Iliyhts, mill furnish the Mi nini of 1/n ii Pi/alicntion. Hi it r roll'll it by tin Senate amt l fun nr of 1 b)',rmitii/i'ri of the I 'nited States of America in Htmfirew assembled, That nil persons lioiii in the United States and not subject lo any foreign |»iwer, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to tie citizens of the United Static; and such citizens, of every race and color, without regard to any "previous condition of slavery or invol unlary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have heen duly convicted, shall havethe same right, in every Ht ntc nmi Territory in Ihe United States, to matte .and enforce contracts, to sue, he parties, and give evidence, to inherit, pur chase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property. and to full and equal iienetit of all laws and proceedings for III# security of person, and property, as is en en joyed hyr white citizens, and shall be sull ied to like punishment, pains, and penalties, and u> none other, any law, statute, ordi nance, regulation, or custom, to the con ic,uy not evil hstniiding. Skc. V* A it be it forther enacteit, That any person who, under color of any law, t; lute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, shall Mtbjce!, or cause to be subjected, any iidiahilaiil ot any State or Territory to the deprivation of any right secured or protoe led iiy this ad,or to different punishment, twins, "i penalties on account of such per oti having til anv time been la id in a eon dilion of -lavcty i>r involuntary .servitude, cxi iqii as a punishment of crime wliereol' iliepmd shall have been iluly convicted, or ’ey res sin of his color or race, than is pre crilicd tor the piinishmclil of white pet ■■" is. -hull he deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and. on conviction, shall he pun i bed !.v line not exceeding one thousand dolin'- or imprisonment not exceeding one y- <c, oi both, in I lie disced ion of the court. ■Si.' . I t it he it further rmiefrt/. That 'lie di 'rid courts of Ibe United States. xn!n,i rice respective districts, shall have! exclusively ~f the comas of the several rie C":,ai.c.inee of all crimes ami offences I'MUimiied againsi lie provision* of this act a! ", eone'.irn utly with the circuit courts of tin I oiled Series, of all cause-, civil ami criminal, affecting jie'-oii- who are denied • " c.omot enfoi-i e in the courts of judicial i ihrinal of the State or locality where titer one he any of the rights secured to the ii by he or t .eelion of this ad; and it am suit ■r pi,: ," ution, civil or criminal. h*« lieen " led! he commenced in ana state emit. " rind any .-ueh pefson, for ana rati-e "It. ne'er, or against <ny "llieei. , icj| ~r .iditoiy, o." oriie. ]u r-oti. In or. arrest.-r :"j,:t ‘"n!)r’nt le -pa-scs. or wixmg- don, ~,■ •nunel' "I by virtue in nndei . ~lm of an hor"v dcriv, and ii'oin this act or tie ,„ i ... 1 niiej a I hue. i u for tin rr'licf of freed ", n nut Itotugi,-. and all acts auieiidutory "• o!, >)■ tor Ist u ring to do anv act upon j ■he -• »md that it would he inconsistent "i'ii 'in l aeri such defendant shall havethe ... •< yuevt- such cause for trial to the . 'I Kstri'-t or circuit court in tin p;. i< irla-d by the-‘Ad relating to hab< is' ivrpus and .regulating judicial • ••:<!.,v;s m curtain »j»j*r*>\ v ; h . t ivii , *‘»Ti humlnM Am! -ixl\ * il! -M »1 Mis ;uiu:ml.tlon iluuot. Thu ■ ; m *!' i! ml 'Timm;)! nutters <•> im.»'t!;>i tin tin* distiiri .-uni rrvuit l ” *1 \ in L’nityd flutes, "hall l»t txi r :-*•? ' ! <l t j H i-onfohuitv with the '' >« UjL rniivil st;itu>. s«» i,.| ;iMuh ’ ••v \\r lifJ|h| v to (MITV till* .»!»»•* into wlf( I 'Hit ,T i :»i, (l,’ir wild' s(M }| »!v*t ..t f-il •<A*ltv »i iiv h/tirimt in | Urn provisions ncctwiny t<» lurnish stiitabl * rtiiutlios and punish ofteners against law. the common law. is modified and < hang*‘d l»v thu constitution and statute** of tin* State wheruin tin* court having junsdiction of tlm cause, civil or criminal. U held, so far a tic* same is ixh inconsistent with tin* Constitution and laws of the t inted State**, shall lie extended to and govern slid court.* in the trial and dis|MMtion of such cause, and. if of a criminal nature, in the infliction of punishmenf'on the parly found guilty. ' Sr;e 1. ,!//// hf if further euurtrd. That j llic district attorneys, marshals, and deputy marshals of the t’nited Slates, the mm missioners appointed by thei ireuil ami ter ! ritorial courts <»{ the I'nited States, wit ii I powers of arresting, imprisoning, m bailing offender'' against tin- law* of tie t'uifed States, the offiei*i> and, agents *»t tie Kreeil nn n’s Ihireau. and every oilier oltieei who may ta- sjMeially emjMiwt red by tin I‘i< *i deiit <;l the I nited Stales. iiall iie. and tie y arc hereby. s|K:cially autlmt iz.cil am! n quin"!, at the (ixpente of trie United Star. 1 1 in-liiulc priiccclings against ail ami cv •rv person who >ltall violate the provisons of is act, and cause him ot them to hr arrested and impri-oited. ot bailed as the ease may lie, for trial liefo.te such court of the United Stales or territorial courts as by this ml lei- cognizene, ,and the otfencc. And with a view to affording reasonable protection to all persons in their constitutional rights of equality before (he law, without distinc tion of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or 'involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the par ty shall have been duly convicted, and to tin prompt discharge ot the duties ~f this act, it shall be the duly of the ,io nit courts of the United Stales and the superior , om of the Territories of the United State-, from tini" to time, to im reuse the number ol com ■ missioiieis, so ns lo afford a speedy and con venient means for flic m n -t and e.vamina I tion ul ]>< isons charged with a violation ol i this act; and such commissioners arc hereby authorized and required to exercise and dis i charge ait the ixnVers and < 1 uli■ - (onferred ! on them by this act. as they are authorized by laxv to exercise w/ilh regard to other otTenees against the laws of tin- United States. Six . n. Ami he il fi/rlhi e nnti'lei/. Timt it : shall I" 1 the duly of all marshals and deputy j marshal- to obey and execute all warrants j and precepts i iwd under Uie provisions of i this act. when to them directed ; and should | any marshal or deputy marshal refuse to re j eefve such warrant or other process when ! tendered or to use all proper means I diligently to execute the same, lie ; shall, on conviction thereof, he lined in the sum of one thousand dollars, to the useof 1 hr* person upon whom the accused is alleged to !m vc commit tod the offence. And the better lo enable the said commissioners to execute j their duties faithfully and elllcienlly. in con fortuity with the Constitution of the United | Slates and the requirements of this act, they ; arc hereby aullmrizcd and empowered, with in their counties respectively, lo appoint, in writing, under their hand*, any one or more suitable persons, from time to" time, to execute all sin Ii w arrants and other process as may he issued by them in the law ful pi r fonnanceof (licit respective duties; and the person" so appointed to exeeuli any warrant or process as aforesaid shall have authority to summon and call to their aid the bystanders or posse eomitalus of the proper county, or such jiortion as llie land or naval forces of tile United state-, or of ilir milifia, as may lie necessary to the perlor malice of the duty with which they arc charged,.and lo insure a faithful ohserxMice ol the clause of the Constitution which pro hibits slavery, in conformity with the pro visions of this net; and said warmths shall run and he executed by said oHicci« any where in the Slide or T' l i itory within which they ale isstuxlj Skc. ti. And he it forthii imn tut. That any person who slmli knowingly and wit fully obstruct, hinder, or prevent "any otticci, or other person charged with the execution of any warrantor process issued under the provisions of this act, or any person or pri sons lawfully assisting him or them, from arresting any person for w hose apprehension such warrant or process may have been issued, or shall rescue or attempt to rescue such person from the custody of the otHcer, other iHirson or persons, or those lawfully assisting as aforesaid, when so arrested pur sunlit to the authority herein given and dr elated, or shall aid, abet, or assist any person so arrested as aforesaid,directly or indirectly, to escape from the custody of the ollieer or other person legally authorized as aforesaid, or shall labor or conceal any person for w hose arrest a warrant or process shall have been issued as aforesaid, so as to prevent Ids dis covery and arrest after notice of knowledge of the fact that a warrant lias been issued for the apprehension of such person, shall, for either of said offences, be subject to a tine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and im prisoment not exceeding six months, by in dictment and conviction before the district court of the United States for the district in which said offence may have been commit ted, or before the proper court of criminal jurisdiction, if committed within any one of the organized Territories of the United States. j Skc. 7. .!.,</ he it further tnnileil, That ! the district attorneys, the marshals, their deputies, and the clerks of the said district and territorial courts shall he paid for their services the like fees as may lie allowed t them for similar'services in oihci cases; and j in all eases where the proceedings are before | a commissioner, lie slmli he entitled to i fee : of ten dollars in full for his services m each j ease, inclusive of all services incident to such ■ arrest and examination. The person or per ' sons authorized to execute the process to he . issued by stub commissioners sot the wrest ■ "I offenders against the provisions of this ! act shall he entitled to a fee ol live dollars | for each person lie or they may arrest and j take before such eommissiout i a» aforesaid, with such other tees as may he deemed rca j stumble by such commissioner for such other additional services as may In necessarily performed bv him or theni. such as atten ding at the examination, keeping the prisonei in custody, and providing him i with food and lodging during his detention, and until the final determination of -itch commissioner, and in general for performing ■mch other duties as may tie required in the premises; such lees to lie made up in V'll formitv with the fees usually charged bv the officers of the courts of justice wtiiiiif tin proper district or county, as near as may lie practicable, and paid out of the Treasury of III" United States on tin* t ortitii at*, of* ih" judge of the dis'rict viritii! u hi' h ri" ai " -: I- made, and to In n . ovrahi, fomi i|,.. • defendant pail of lie ind:un iri in "a- ot | ion ioiion S " . I". ... i, , | > iiciicvcr lhe I'resid' iri of tln l 11 i 1•, 1 Slates shall have reason to believe that offences have been or ale likely to be committed I against the provisions of this act within any judical district, it shall he lawful for him. in his dim-retion. to direct the judge. • mar-hat. end di-triu attorney of uni', district to attend at such pint- aitliit the district, and for such time a- In may designate, fm tin pttr|<o.-c ot the m<Mi spcxai.v arrest and dial and pet son- eliarmal with a violation of this art; out i! -li.ilTcic the duly of every judge- or "ttu-: .ritit, . when any -tt' lt retpitsiticm shall be t'. .;vtri: by him. to atb nd at the pl.ue aid ;\<i tii time tlierin designafcsl. St c !». An-1 hr -V ; -rlh. < .and. Diji hdl l", lawful for tin l’n adent ri the United Stati"', or • m-h t»'i-'.u i. In may eni|M'"er for that po,:|». ,o r-<,,■ >*<>\ s'H'li part of tilt fil'd "i naval 'for eesof t,lie United States.- or of the militia, I as slmli Is- necessary to preveni the violation and enforce tliedue exixattion of 'hf- act Skc 10. Aiitl hi V f'/lihe/' ‘loichit. Thai upon all questions of law ari-ing in any under the provisions of ilii- act u tinal appeal may betaken to the Sunn‘.me Court of lh< United States. SC'IIUVLEIt( old AX. Speaker of the House of IvepresenlatiM s. LA FA YETTK S. FOSTKH. President of the Senate, pro tempon. loiln Si null of the inf/iit Stefi.i, ApriJAe IStlri, The President of the United States having ■ returned to the Seriate, in which it origina ted. the bill entitled An act to protect all persons in the I'nited States in their civil rights, and furnish the means of their vindi cation,” with no objection thereto, the Senate proci-cded, in pursuance ot tin- Constitution, to tneoitsidet tin- same; and. !ooet'tit. That the said bill do pa.—. twu thud- of the- Senate agreeing to pass Ha san.i . Üb-st .1. \V. PoitNi.v Seeretary of (lie Sena!" In l/n lionet of Jlijieeei otntii'ie. I S April \)th. 180*1. The House of Representatives having jnn t-c-c decl. in pursiainec-of the Constitution, to reeoii. id.-i the bill entitled -An net to pro tect ail persons in the United States in then civil rights, and furnish the means of their vindication.” relumed to the Senate by tiie I're-'ri'-nt of the United Slates, with hi ob jeelions. and -cut by the Sennit: lotla House of Kepresentative;-. with the me--age of '\d- Pre-id' lit I' turning tin- liill: /iieoirnl. That tin-bill do | . I*.lords of tin Hou.-e of Kepi- outativc‘- agreeing to ]*, - the same M'l'-t KpW.vup Me PliKi:s"\. ( J. i k hyCMjiTos IrixcYp. Chief Clerk. Reconstruction. I'lie following is a correct copy <d the act “to provide for tire more efficient go ernment of the rebel States . i Whereas no legal State governments or adequate protection for life or property now exists in the rebel State* of Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas nnd Arkansas ; and whereas it* is necessary that peacu and good order should he enforced in said Stater until loyal and republican State governments can be legal ly established : therefore. Ih it enacted by the Scout' anil House of Itepresi nlativcs of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That said rebel States shall he divided into mil- I itary district* and made subject to the ' military authority of tho United States, as hereinafter prescribed, and for that pur- I pose Virginia shall constitute the first dis trict : North Carolina and South Carolina the second district; Georgia Alabama, and Florida the; third district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the fourth district; and Louisiana and Texas the fifth district. Skc. 2. And In it further enacted. That it shall he tho duty of the President to ns sign to the command of each of said dis tricts an officer of the army, not below the rank of brigadier general, and to detail a sufficient military force to ouablo such , officer to perform bis duties and enforce his authority within the district to which lie is assigned. j Skc. And, be' it further enacted. That ; it shall he the duty ni each officer assigned ns aforesaid to protect all persons in their I rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disorder and violence, and to punish, or cause to ho punished, all <):< turners of the public peaee and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civil ! tribunals to take jurisdiction ot and to try \ offenders, or, when in his judgment it may i be necessary for the trial of offenders, he j shall have power to organize military com j missions or tribunals for that purpose ; and all interference under color of Stale | authority with the exercise of military au thority under this act shall he null and ! void. j Skc. 4. And be it further enacted , That I all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without un necessary delay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted : and no sentence of any military commission or trilmnal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty of any person, shall be exe cuted until it is approved by the officer in command of the district, nnd the laws and regulations for the government of the army shall not he affected by this act, except in | *o far as they conflict with its provisions : | Provided, That no sentence of death under ; the provisions of this act shall he carried ' into effect without the approval of the President. Skc. And bt it further enacted, That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Consti tution of the United State* in all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elect l ed by the mat* citizens of said State twen ty-one years old and upward, of whatever race, color, nr previous condition, who have been resident in said State for one j year previous to the day of such election, except snob as may he disfranchised for participation in the rebellion or for felony at common law, and when such constitu tion shall provide that the elective franchise shall he enjoyed by all such persons as have the qualifications herein stated tor elections of delegates, and when such con stitution shall he ratified by > majority of the persons voting on the question of rntiti I cation, who are qualified as electol* lor : delegates, and when rueii constitution shall hava been submitted to Congress for ex animation and approval, and Congress slmli have approved the same, and when j said State, by a vole of it* Legislature 1 elected niftier -aid constitution shall liar, adopted (lie amendment to the Cnnriitu tiou ot the United Stale*, promised hv the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and known * article ionrteen. ami when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of tin- United States. ,*it! stnu -iisi! m dared -nK.tlcri to r«pn xoutatton in ( -jo gross, and Soiiatnrs ami Representative? shall Imiuiiuitjpl th.-rt-ii'ou mi thou taktus ■ the oath prescribed hr law, and iln-ii ami thereafter the proceijing s vet tons ol iht* hill shall he inoperative in said triate . I Provided, 1 bat -jh peisun excluded from , the privilege of holding office by raid pro posed amendment to the ( onstitut on at the United States shall lie eligible lo i-i. e tiow as a member ot tiie Convcnti m frame a Cuiistitutioo for any of . m -. . : Stales, uoi shall any aueii 11‘ivvu vote tor numbers ol raid convention. I'll . “. Anil t - fur' It to--, f until the people ul sard retie! Staler shall ,be bv law admitted to epfcsentaliou it 'lt. Congress ‘I the United Ntai.-s -ur civ:: gnvernments which may exist tin i.■ I. : shall hr Jointed pi 'i. , ma! rnli uid n j all r. fipects S'tbj. el the jrtramn.i -i * . tlnnnt of tin United ,N>iq,-s «t nr. tiv, to :.l"-]:s!,. iiindifv. ooiriral, "I siqurs '■ the sain'-; an.l in all oleetiniii t> any offteo under such provisional governments all pt retinr- shall be- ; -."I--i " vote, in" none i other, who an-entitled to vote under the provision- f tin- fifth ---eti-.u of this art; and no per. on .-hail be-. im'd-!- tn :iy off:-. - mb r not ■ . i who would be disqnrilill -1 item holdai .; oflico under the ; rovi-ions ! the third tide of said eoititifutioua! ate- dmctit. lo the Republicans of vhe Union. The National Unl.m <m, mm" i,r,n. is to tin Repaid! ."i- : 'tv _ : their a.-.-ist-nm-i; amt "" !'(" - - ii ’’: - auspicious - ri:-l- t ■ ’ ■' -:. 1 We deem it "f t• 1 ' that tiie K* pul-li' -.a- • f ll *li«n-M immecliid'-ly rtui Lrill.: , ' r. inaiiriti". elections of tSU7. jo ■ nt >’■■ i: - ' ":u --ing Fre'i'leiriiai i-uri •-> ti . a-el ! this i H;atiizaf!"ti ; . ... effoet* i ■ in those St-it- -v. hii . ii " U' l'ire reeoouiz'-'l as the sfli'v jn.-t mi- ufeovi-in nn-nt the <-q"al am! imti" .a' ' :ight ,t man Not a dux -Inmld ti. ;. h.r-.i and stn ngtliuiiim i :t- - a puldie seiitiui'dit it. e< -.' -i «i h the principh - "ti l: '- iti- .... .t ! I’oiitictl "i-ganization to "hie!. belong. TANARUS" this "nd, we de; cute a systematit and a, -~f the Snutluru State's, b> tin- i . ii.-i ,l sjx-akcr- of both ra '•<>• - - - ,-d their efforts tiv a til-• . "' mcni.-. enforcing tit. prim. i|-it • p'-'b-; and olu, -of the Kepnbti- -a pan A c Would call, in every b" nbiy n her. it •- possible, mel ting, to,. ,i ! .cus . m. vvin-f --those whi are with . m ptiru ipi ne. leant to act with imit v -• • -m ;fv These un.i-mcs "■ a. ■ •.» the vote of that lo body f 1;. iml.ti. .u Unionist:- wlio tic-, tie -ui State,-, a liattle-field id* •nineipa- ti i- lb pressing need of tin- hour tim - bnl'i jnd. clous and il'i- un i ili"ia»i('iitv .nlmed with our ' i'"’ and. should '■ xidni 1 our principle#. , - 1 1! >] 1 -1: ■ n;- fi 11 ... - - them, and pr-o that and human freed,m, <hq» , >:p- n tin pi r manent triumph I om c-..e., . Be.ynml this, it • ■:t.„' h. v • should now cst.ii.di.ri! in tin.- St.-.t. ~ Free Tiemgl.l. Fr,-. r?p., ■ : Ki,-t Press Evci-y I'.tt of 'his fb-piiidu; I" ; I be Open to tin dtseiissi.,n of jiriueinles and measures Tin-, b, •- , is a cardinal point in -mr cm*d ■: .and. ever,- hnzard Klfurt- m timmitiate 'ln humble nnd igmu voter on ts, p. the Southern plant. . mu-' i> • , : i'ii the spirit of froetie-u, lUut ti tieleiVnimi tion which a jttst . a.m. ,:ir, • . In time past, 1 3.. if,.:n : l,ii , , i, ■ struggled agniusl ike n-piom-h of being sectional in it- ..tin md ..1 -r though its purpnsi. ami it- !••■ nf"!h - ting them well -Hi' h a- 'll" IL: till Republic approve I it a,, '!-, I ; behlggoverued hy motive*, and of desiring!,! aggrandize tiie "V"-'! i expense the South, its iiii-.vr-.i ■. having the powrl . s;i,.,iee l.ll'i ITU !, all oppo: ition denied :>li .If--,e over.'iweri ever, fr ”...t. uu rill! , ti: f, teen State -of the U. -nt. i: o. til-,,: ■- now and imperative duty, which mi ovv; . to our party and to oi:r<,eh ■ I . n.iirav , the first cipportnuity . :r:ly ,■ nii u: I to those States tio,v con.-'.-nor,! - u t, ,- j contended sot tin interests x\ Ifnv a-,., freedom of the -vh-.ti t n.<.... The overthrow of Hiavi;v •..,1 l!i Imlliou, and the enii .... i,: - ,u r Un frccdinen, rendering rtii ip' -,- cure and final, have happily tin • our corn's, and organization '.ur ri i necessttn to stamp the i.onVietjon <-f out loyalty and fidelity to the rigllt, ii resjiet - tive of section or lace, upon tit-- <vvim,- strueted States. Fot the first tim-i" man. years, tiie enthusiast it folb-.ui-rs >f our flag and confessors of our faith tin. taking part in the impular g.illn ring-,, nnd in many of the S' -rihem Si .1- i\, have reason to belu-vi that th-- rm a decided majority. fi" - ar , I-xx <v• e. without drgamztttion. ami !tin liesion and discipline necessary to .in-e*-,.-. Throe-fourths ol tin- !>:< publicans l a..' never voted, and itavi no tu-aeti, aiile knowledge of the means wher< i-. :.A popular wili is expf'-svd. W : 'ti;,n , ot them, tiie halut is fixed of rendering implicit olrcdienee to aide r: . ■ i-- ■ politicians wbt .ir< phi In, :-.! iv ' o-tti, -, our principles ami determim-'! on rim prostration of our mom Our immedinti action 1 1,. >- im pcrativc. We cannot ti •- tii- tq; im periling all forxvldi h hi? n;, sacrificed in the past ( ■ if, n p it stretigtlt iu tiie Ni'ith. tin V. i|,. Facifle .states we mu -t it-.t t*. -r- ■’ ti p - j have a great duly to tmrforin "'am tin ! loyal end tj-t<*.* men ortlr S .'itli. Kcpulfiicatisi out .-ppeai is t- > ~t. p-j early ou am! siistaiu tin iv.n-k xviin-fi .. few lovai and tre tuen ha-. " -,-.lii- ti.- gun We cannot a-k sy- -ki-: , |<<j•: to giving tiieir ti :,. at-ti r-t*<tin mi,,. to tin- hd,..:. t iefri, tb .i.m ~ . expen , - We rat m.< ; documents of tii<- , balm't. . r oaired •- i* ti ; out a heavy otitp-.y H e ■no m- i relianet except "pen qs ■j, - ft that great party which binds tin . ..tin Humanity 'in! F, • doe, i!«, V( . -,;i , Tint patron:!:','- oft!" Oovi • tittle,;t l.r.nt'rht i int< power by the -tai, the ! courage, and tin- loyalty of that . -t- j will not aid Us in tbl - : ' v,-.e !■. Wc must, therefore, appeal djn r-tU and j personally to yon If you ,-Me rieb.p.yixe generously, if poor, send ti-, whntev'-t ."ii jean afford. Tin: generous purpo-s „nd tin- nob!: aim sauctify tp. ti, • fort , At all vi. iLit'Vartv '‘rh'ff: ■ [' _ makun. tin- : ~- km ' , f , ■ im C amt coke : ul.e •mi -.- Liber:v. Virtm "mt i emlitriii:; ?>ft-i- ~ ...p : fi-iitx. i ‘ Aii !: - Gov 'ip.. <v , • p p., . 1 Tivasartf. N.m v ’ ■'\mi p. a. : ' ri V UV if t ■ V !lolt« K , .UP, V V !l 1! -Si ~. .. rt . H. W Aid 1 I ' . . '■m 'ti.. Ai! :tie *ti.- t, r)l f. , , I h DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, ■ iTrUT.ISHEiJ AT H ALT OUST.A, OK(>. I TERMS: I liu iiy, por annum liiiily, Hix months Daily, tlivcc months- and {qS Weekly, per annum ;; lk; H V'uokly. six montlis j Weekly, three months • - ■ j 00l o- I I THE I.OYAL GEORGIAN I IM ONE (>]< THE VERY FEW M Outspoken Republican Papers in the South I It w advocate fin broad principle of “ EQUAi.B HU "ti'S IOR Vt,l. ;*' it vin lieatt-s the doe!)ine td the supremacy ol titcH ti. ■ Govermnentts; it unqualifiedly denounces I j i<-> ,oHsf -pitioit;:!, but inherently hostile to, and destructive of, alii I Do. . p IU .-ini. an <lovemtiHiib . il maintains for Congress, as liitß I !,i.ti ....., :• , oluied In • ntr form of govirnment for National legislation, thtl j t'o-j-i <|',t <<., .ti all times, so legislate as to vindicate the honor and j j o' • ... <he Nation. It will advocate the early t ee-onstrm tion of the tiv tin- tdatlorm laid down by ti e 1 National Union Republican Early THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS MADE ONE OF" THE I oh iim mim of this i\ this state, I Ia -tisii tin- LAWS i iiaoled by Congress and aJ! GOVEiUGMENT I AD V Els-TI SEMEN Ts. I THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS U.SO DESIGNATED THE Orwan cf the Educational Association of the State, It will, thevefove, be found to contain the most general and complete infer - 1 - ’ i •*•<•!i"rt these important iutereMs in our midst, and will from time " " I riiiush'-d "rtii able and interesting Communications from the In si Edueat'irs in (lit- State. ! J Fa mil}/ Newspaper. ; . . ,|i t ti.ti .pace t" the di-' "- mn o! to gr<;:it political i j ii'.--, tot,-- i .-latitig to the times and section, we -hall u.-erve space for such ttii-ee:eii!-.-"io Kilneari.inai am) L’eitgious ) eailiiig as will make the paper at j md jirtititalili- to ail. XV' shall acrtijinlous-iy "vtnl against the instr ;t -i: i qiy'limg teU'iiiig to demoralize the tnoials ol Hotne awl S«K-icty. On j tb'- other i -itui. we shall aim, thro-agh every apj'rojti iaie mean:, to stimulftte ! ''-'t-1 v and good moral'-. | 800 l «w(f Job Prmihvt. U : t !••'<•> .PC -q tie.,; ; pi:!; , -t - i .|.ti-,.. t\t) ft>ls IVOUfi. r\ v • .?,*•; v«_ r , " :■ -e. of th'Grind, p;:,::riri'.c and; :ti ; !:• •< ti ’-til s' raffs the ms -t r{.r-<j.'.d*b-. . Y »1 ‘1 r e s k r i.fY A fft’OEfrliN PUBLISHING HSSBCJATIBM v i {i k.. \ ? x *yl( },