The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 25, 1867, Image 1

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(Tl)c Uni Iti Coyal #cotgktt. VOL. I. The Daily Loyal Georgian. .1. E. HR YA NT Editor. THUS. I>. BEARD - Agejit 1 Oltii i , in n sir of Gloln' lloti-1,. oniiroi .lof-kmn ml Kill. Street*, Aui.ii.stM, (Aioirgi i. riiK AS : tint 1 V«‘«i\ - Mix Jltnilli'. '* Tlirt't' itloitlli., - - * - y Our leaf. ----- t* :f i:(l Kit Honllii-. - " ' " 5 ’l'llrre Bontli-. - - - * 0,1 Bt VI I.S or u»t ! « » cC j ' [lilt? *5 is s.:l = ; ’ | iis « '= l ‘i SS3S = s j Week-. ■ 3£38 f» : J s‘s 3K? | 1 Month. 5•; 2 *■ 7t- v. i: : l i ir Si* 8 5 5 5_S g. 3.5 11? Si § 3 5 3 -3 is S S t- S ¥ o U Months. 838 8 i Tl 5 IS 3 ~ ri $ £ £ & ri B J 4 Month ;i 15 X > - ic V 5 -> y r ’ &j 5 Month* SiJ S 8 j ?l 8 f 8 8 ~. : 0— 3* 8 S-- j*> Month-' BSSBS 58iS - £* ! One Lilian?, firs insertion. 'e> emits; each j insertion after thst. a> cent- On.- Square i* measured l»y ten lilies of minion HVIM-. ' < imai!.' in- trod three Uuiesnwtck .(every other .lav) for a mouth or longer period, will he charged two-thirds of ruble rates. Advertisement-' twin • week onediolf of table VdveriiscmenD mice a week on* third of 1 o t M aniatvr and Funcial Notices YH. Obituaric*, ‘-h cents per line. .AdvertiseMerit* inserted a- special notice-* will b« elrare.-d *»5 per cent, advance on tahl Address *' Loyal Ccorgiau. Key Box HW, Augusta, (ia. r News and Other Items. “’Tis false, 1 ' as the >ai<i when Jut lover told Iter Mix l.rtti 1 iftt 1 Itair. Tht' SultUnif I’ovtt! ha* oraiitf.l to nVicit- tint riolil D, hold laixU within tire limits o! I lit' Knioitv. Senator Wade's excursion * jiartf rettclit-d IVoria, lll.,yesterday, < /' roiiti to the Hast. The Senators who at" still with the party united in a dispatch to (fen. Schenee,of the National I ’iiion < 'oiio. fssional ('otmnittee, reiptestlno hint to urge all the Kej.uhlican inem hers of Ooiigress to he present in Washington oil the Ist .'I July, in order that a *< :>wi« may he had. I' is reported that alt of the fourteen iS'iiatni'- who have been on this ■ our sjon are in favor of a Jnly session. A Western paper teib ns of a Ger man hi Chicago who w ears a heard moiling below his kie-i s, "ilhoiurh i-t is nearl v six feet high, lie is a good ■hell fronhleti iti walking h-st he should step in i tnd really does not know v. h'it 10 do with ' Why does lie not wrap i? tip in In- ,'ar> • -they must he long enough. Motv is Miink. -A •.•orrespon fleiit of (lie Advertiser writes of mine-; near Foxeroft, in Maine, that an a.-way .of s|.yecitnens showed p result of from ig'ioo to Jjtaoo of silver to tite toil, he sjiles a lj-.rge percentage ot copper and had ; in a harrej of lOOolhs was found *t) i ~ >l> rilvei and lead ot th<- value , '(• •.( jfj.iii; and in another harrel, • rohi to the f " , *' l ' ’ Tic Ni wlit" ti Uep"Me en mentions t!,e following, wht\“U. " r f 1 ' , ! v slight reflection on the pAipie hern, whose munificence BJtnhite<l itselt so protouseiv winter oil l' 1 * occasion of a (.fraud iuio'itwnMit• “A poor, forlorn, one armed man. with garments all tatterea and >"vn. w ho has been a vagrant on the town tor neat ly a year past, and el,tuns to have been a soldier in LougstreiS - D.vison, after an unsuccessful appeal to some of his Southern friends for material aid, has been taken in hand by the b reed men's littreau who are now furnishing him with daily rations." What would a Southern slavery ibitean do with a “forlorn, tattered and [ <nrn v C’ntou soldier iti case such a | ‘‘limb” enisled? Kcbo answer l tinl'. "jh iVc«i?'t,v/. In ordi •• to l.cep a rose flesh da big a late ball at Paris, tin of Wales carried a phial of w ater under his vest, in which the stem of the rose \yu- "l : scried. A Sou i In‘i'll v\ ido w, the niece ot at< ir mer N’oniiern i’resident of the l lifted States, and at one tiirie a resilient "1 the White [imse. ha- lately received from a Inmcvnlent gentleman oi !>'is ton the mean's to keeji herself andchd di'en ii'oitt absolute starvation. Ail means of support, her personal ia l '" ' included, had failed, ami seeing an aeeouni of Iti- virtues i>,.i new, pap' '• | she applj "tl to him, an utter -Iraagiv. j Dot iiiworthilv not uttsu- . • -fully. A I'GI'STA. GA., TIESDAV .MORNING. dINE -J5. I8(i7. ill U).;t AK't'KltS. ; ii MII.tTAItX l)l-'lltH i (h-unji.‘ p’loriii'i in.ii . I U'h'inm, Atlanta, Uu . May ‘hi. lsid t.KNhtt.ll OKIIKRA, No. 20. 111 arc. . lance with an act of Congress, supplementary to an Act to provide a .more efficient Government tor the rebel State-, etc., .late.. Man h tsiiv'. :he followin'.: lOT.utgomoin,- arc herein made tor tin re to:.:ration of voteisin the States of Gioi ;P > and Alabama' I. fin-Stan -of Georgia anti Alaliamu. are iivided into Uegist iat ion Distnets. nmnliered and hounded, i- hereinafter described. II A Board of Hcgistr.vtion is lu tein appointed for each District. al.ov ran consist of two while Registers, and .a colored Register In the State of Georgia where only the two white 11. gister- ip l -ignated in this thder u i di: ct • i in; these white Register.- ia each Dt.-f.i-* immediately select, and cause to l>. ditl. ; cilitied, a eunipeteitt oolored man to ,oiii|.i. , the Board of 1U gist; at ion, and rep. : in- name and Post offii- addi-'-s. without dday, 1c Cos: (' (' Sibley, eom manding District "f Georgia at Macon Til Kit]' R: gist it will Ih u(juin<l t« take and suo-iuahe to the oath prescribed by fniigr, -:, by an act dated Inly 1862, and an adeitiomd oath to disciiarg, laitl. fully tile duty of Register under ti: late Acts of Cong res- it .s not believed that any of the appointees, heretofore designa ted. will be unable to take the test oath abey mentioned. Blank torms of iltese oath- will be sent to tlit appointee-.- at on, . : ml":, bring executed and returned ;ue superintendent.- oi’ State lirgi-tr.i ■ c. their Comniis• a- Registers will jb, isned and foi ".vanled to them imme uiatclv. IV In order to -eenre a lull ngistra tiou of voters, it is determin and to lix the compensation of Register- according to tie general rules adopted in taking the census. In the cities tile compensation is fixed at fifteen cents for eaeli recorded voter; in tin most sparsely settled counties ami di trii-t... .ti forty rents per voter. The coni pensation will lie graduated hetw. en tie-' limits, according to tin den-itv of the pop illation and the facilities of tic- eotiimnnien timi Ten cent.-: per mile will Is all m.d for (rans|B>rtati>m of Regisier.- "'V die lines railroads or steamboats, and five emits : p» r milt when lire 1 is done .m railroad and steamboats. V. It is hereby made tin' duty oi ali Registe:-, and they .' ill lw expected to periorrn it strictly, to explain to ail per-ons, who have not heretofore ‘enjoyed the right ~f s.jtfisge, vvltat are their political tight and privileges, ggd the necessity » 1 e.xet (C*sb)g them upon nit proper .occasion-. vi. The name of each voter -hull appear in the list of v*. ‘ter» for the precinct or ward in which he resides! "ad i" '.uses v. here voters have lieett tumble to register, whilst the Boards of Registration were in tlif wards or precincts, where such voters live, opportunity will be given to registei »t tlx county seats of their respective eo'i.du-, its •» sjK<:iii<;<( «>} wnirn •tu" ■ wilt lw given Imt tile names of ail voter ttiusii'cgi-tered w ill tie placed on tile lists . I voter- . f their rc-pective pit, Inets VII. ihe Hoards of Registration will give (lilt notice, no that it may laecli all persons entitled to register ot tic date when they w ill be in each election pr < met: tlie time they will spend in it, and the |i&ice where the regi - 1 ! ition "ill tie mao: : arid upon the (g.ioptetion oi tie' i v -c ration for each county, the Bomb ~f Registration will giv ■ liotie. that they will b po.-clt tin tla-ec. site, o-sive days, at the t ounty seat of Hitch count.;, to register such voter- a ha ve failed to registei, up been prevented from registering in their re-.- £;*ive pre e.incts, at.d to hear eviiiene.e in tin . a-c v oters rejected by the Rigi-t -r- ia the rev eral preciix ts, who may desire I" pre tent ti’-timotupiu their own tieliaß VIII: fnlcss othenvise instructed iiert aii-r Boards of Rogistration art directed, in ot certiiining whetlnu .ijipiicant- to leg it, r .are legally outilihed. to lioh.t that the terms "Executive <m>- .'inlifnl,' in the A '-of C'ongret" ot March 2:i, ikO. - "in prise :>.]i person whomsoever, win hare hold office under lh" Ext cutty or Judicial Department of the Stab >r National Gov cr;or,iin other -void-, all officer- no: 1.1-01-1:0: v/(licit i..;s‘ ire also excluded be \ , Persons V.iea'lpjtly ■') re‘gi-tei |,h: .... considered disoxalißed hv lie iJ..,0 i wiii : permitted to take the ri-j.i.i.' and oath, whirli. with the objections of’: Board, win bt held for adjudication her, a,u-t . JA Tile lists ol legc-t, fed voters tee ,-aeii nl the prt'eiriets will be c.vpo-ed in , ,tr,e public place in that precinct, for ten eei,- , egtive davs. at some time aubsevpieu: to tin completion of the registratien for tell county, "'id ts tore any election is hell, in .-der that II suppr.-a ,i cases <>t fratlde l'i t i,"'lst rat ion may tie itjorongtily ilt \ e- 1 . gated Due notice will be given and pro vision made for tin- time and place for ex amination arid settlement of auch case- X Blank laioks of oath- required to !„• o.ket hv voter-, and liUnk registration b . .i bo fit** and detailed instrm thm ;m [«u for:,inti,t tin :r dutie- wib he ; ,e ‘ for .val'ded to t ie. hoei<l- , ‘ go > at ion appointed ill dll Grdel : and u i njoined upon thus, Beard- tliat t!l<". pro C, ,-d to eompl a. the registiatioil ai. , ne'.gv and *1! Jiateb. Xf 'fin ,1. : oii-'i i:pt.nn tion- R.egt tei -a iII designate tin nt 'U,t*:-r "* “ r,( b IS,I , si,all ta It- President. x-jl vi,,leaf,| or lUs pats ot violcma • 1 r ,n- V :te : aiore-dv Ipeifiis I" pr. '-ext »n.v oi .si.n -cgist' ring o- ~,:■ , ■' " ’ t lii- in»liti‘ -ii •• :,i ‘‘ \‘ ' ;t prohibit'."t; and it i- distimtiy tint -d tiiiti «o < ontn** <gi •ihr i-iiicit' ; v i’ 1 ' ers. which deprive* Shew { deal •/. any longer l ime that, dta: ‘y,;o!\ ■■ "it -me 1 .n registering or voting, wih i,: p'amib-' be enforced against tji' in \n ill! ' Dn tio.t: and thii ofienv. of any prt < i'dt-.,v le. lit ioued in :id - paragraph, "..hi •' •' " tite :inuud;,,t arr'-'t of tin- otb inec oc! If- :,ia! befit"' a Militar ( tpnmissi > Xlir. Tile cxc.'L'i-, "f til, light at - . " dtdv a :t!ioi‘i/c,i voter, under the late Acts of Congress. to register and vote, is guar anteod by tlie Military Authorities of this District, and all person- whomsoever are warned again-: any attempt to interfere to prevent any man from ex. wising this right, tinder any pretext whatsoever, other than objection by the usual legal mode. XIV. In ease of :*v disturbance "I vio l.'tu e I .lie places of registration, or int molestation of liegi-t. . -of applicants to regi-ter. the Hoards of Registration will call upon the lo'-ai civil authorities f»i ;■ • p,lli< e i'orce. <.r a posse, to arr,#t the oflend ■ and picsci... quiet, or. if it, ecssarvdiipon le near, si milt!ary aiilliorities. who no her-'! v in-trueted to furnish t!w ne,v—ary aid Any civil oHieiais win, refuse, or wlio fail t ■ protect Register- of applicants to , register, will lie reported So the heatlqilar 'ter- of tie offie.-r Comma!'!.ling in the Mat. who will arrest such delinquents, and -ami charge* against them to t!;<•-<■ .head,, atirt" r-. that they may !„• brought *H'f, , Miiitsr* Cotnmi .-siun. !’.. eonnuand of Brevet Mai. Gen. I’op. G. K SAXDKItsO.V Cajtt. .■ ;,! Infantt , -V A A A G. MILITARY BILL HD’QTRS 3i> MILITARY DlsT Moxtoomkuv. Ai.,\.. April 8, G nNF.It AI, Okdbks No, 1 The following extract from tlie re cent Acts of Congress in relation to Re construction in Hie Southern Slates, is paldi-ho'! for the information of ill! eon eertX'd : [Public No. G.j An Act. stipplimeiuary to "An act en titied an act to provide for tlie more efficientguvwumunt eftlm rebel Slates,” passed Maveii 2, 18(17, and to la,ah',• ' . restoration. Be it enacted, etc., That, before the i first day of Scpteniher. IBU7. the com manding general in ouch district (defined hv an act entitled “ An act. to provide for the more efficient government of tlie rebel States,” passed March 2. i867.) shall | cause a regist ration to he made of the male citizens of the Dinted States, twenty one years of age, and upwards, resident in each county or pariah ill the State or States in eluded in his district, which registration' : shall include only those persons who are qualified to vote for deiegaph) by the act : aforesaid, aid who shall have taken and subscribed • ■ following oath or affirma tion . o p , ,1,, solemnly swear, or affirm, In tlie presence of Almighty God that I am a citizen of the State of ; that I have resided in said State tor months next proceeding this day. apd nmv reside in the county , or parish of , in said State, as tin: case may he; that I am 2l year,: old , that { have nut i been disfranchised for participation tn any rebellion or civil war against 'lie United States, or given aid or emntort to the enemies thereof; that 1 have never taken an patjj as a member of t’engreasof the United SUbiS nf as an officer of the Uni ted States, eras a member nj »r.y State i Legislating er aa an executive or judicial officer ol any State, to support the Con rritutjop of the United States, and after words epgiqs'ed in ingorrcctiou or rebellion against the l piled Slatea given aid or ' comfort to the enemies thereof that I will ; fuithfulir support the Constitution and J obey the laws of the United States, and will, to the bent „f uiv ability, encourage others so to do So help me God which oatn g/firmation muj he administered , by ant registei in* ofji'-er. Ski 1 Tlmt the commanding general of each district shall appoint as many Boartjs of Registration ns may he neees anrr, pons:"fine of throe loyal officers or persons, to nniae and epinpleta tfto legn, tration, gupeiiiitend tlm ejeetiou. am) make return to him of the votes, list ol to rero and of the persons elected as rfaio gates by a plurality of votes east ar said : election j ii In oyder to execute tins provision of the act referred lo wni, aa Jittf;, fjelay as poraible, the commanding uliicers of the District'' of Alabama. Georgia and Florida, will proceed immediately to divide those States into convenient Districts to Regia traiion: aided by «Mnh information on the subject as 11101 Inn. 6, can obtain, it nj suggested that, the election districts in i eaeli State which iu IRfiO sent a member to the most numelpus branch of the State Legislature, will be .found a convenient t|ivision for Registration. It is desirable that in nl, ease" 'lie registers shall lie civilians whero it is possible te obtain site!) as come within the provisions of tl,e Act. and ate otherwise suitable persons ; and that military officers shall not he used lor tins purpose except iu cases of actual ue pessity. The compensation for registers will ho fixed kei'eshrt • hut the general rule will be observed oi graduating the compensation by the dumber of recorded voter-. To lisi of voters slinll he appended the oath ot the register ol reg isters that the name have been faithfully i.’ord-':, -on rept event victual legal tu tors. and llim the ».tmr. man does not ;,p near umiei .idlerem uani'.'i T'ln- registers ,'ire especially ii;*:nict;;d to see Uta' alt ird'ormaltbn cottvenung theii political rights i- given to persons entitle! to vole ■i q ter (,:•> Ae.t’ol' < oner;t“» ; and they ar** made (<.';.'po,,-."iij<) tipi* -vert moh legal voter hat the opportunity. 11l As speedilj as pOf.-ihJy, t||C luitpes ,| is,"sons ehosett ter registers slinll he m'tn.nicai-i-i! A. the Ueadijnarters for the approval of tiu'. Uonpmandiug Qencrai IV. The f‘'strict (’otnnmndor in each it, omprisetl in this M.iiitary iMetra 4 ,,U,*>ti.p.'d to appoint one or g ticiai rtupevri.spff of Itegistioto", -,vLhu.-mess- X shall to visit ti),: vanixD j»win-r .vhei" registration i? 0.-ing carried ~u to inspect tie operation' u 'lje registers ; and to as.urn llietnsel-.'es fail net man clßiHed to vote has the ne cessary information concerning hi- politi cal rights, and the opportunity to record his name. AY A General Inspector, ei:her an offi cer of the army or a civilian, will he ap pointed at these Headquarters to see that the provisions of this order are fully and carefully executed. AT District Commanders may. at their discrelioti, appoint the civil officers of the United Stales a- Registers, with additional (mmponsiiiKiu as may seem reasonable- nod ‘sufficient. YU The Commanding Officer of each District will give public nonet when and where, the Registers will commence the Registration, whtdh notice will be kept public bj the Registers in each District during the whole lime occupied in Regis -1 tiaucn. VIIL interference by violence, or other ; oppressive means, tn prevent the Regis tration of any voter, is positively pro hibit, d.iuxl any person guilty of such in terference shall be arrested and tried lyv | the military authorities. By command of Brevet Major General Poi’V. •I. 1' COKVKC.HAM, Ist Lieut, 24tli U. S. Infantry. Act. Asst \-ljt. General Official. 0. C. Knxpp, Ist Lieut, .‘kid Infantry, Brevet Captain l S. A.. Post Adjutant. The Proposed Constitutional Amendment. A‘,r< 7 Ay the Senate ami House of Rejircsc.i ’atn; s nf the United Stales <1 | Am, rial in Cintgrcss assembled (two j ’ thirds of both Houses concurred). That ! the following articles lie proposed to the j Legislatures „f tlie several States as tut I | amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by 1 i three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall bo valid as tv part of the Constitution, namely: | Anriot i;—Section !. All persons born or naturalized iu the United Stales, and subject to the jiiridictiot) thereof, are citi tizens of the United States, and of the i State wherein they reside. No State shall j make or enforce any law which shall ! abridge the privileges or immunities of, i citizens ot the Untied States. Nor shall : any State deprive any person id life, liber ty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its juris,lie Lion the equal protection of the laws. See. 2. Representatives shall he tipper ! iormd among the several States according to the respective xii|tiliei„ counting the whole number oi persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed ; hut when ! ever the right to vote nt any eloctiun for Selectors of President and Vice-President S or for United States Representatives in ! i Congress, executive and judicial officers of j : the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of’ : tho male inhabitants of such State, being ! twenty-inio years of age, and citizens of i the United States, or in any way abridged, i except for participation in rebellion or j i other crime, the basis of representation j therein shall lie reduced in the proportion : which the number of such male citizens : | shall hear to the ivho'o number of male ' 1 citizens twenty-one years of age in the i I Stipe. | See ,i. Np p, rsnp shall he a Senator or 1 Representative in (.'uugress. elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, nt under any Stale, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or tin officer of the United States ; eras an executive or judical officer of anj , 1 State, to support, the < ,institution of the United States, shall have engaged iu in inirrecfinn or rebellion against tlie same, or n -jv;'ti all! or eopifort I" the e|i‘'lilies there of; hot Congress may lij a two thirds of: : each House, remove such disability See. 4 The valditv of the public debt of tlm United; States, authorized by law, , Uicjiiding debit incurred for bo payment! of pensions and bounties for set *e<; m sup pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall j not be questioned, but neither the United States nor any State nlmii uaviunu oi pay U'ltr debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion.against the Uni ted Staton, or claim for the loss or emauei pufjop <4 am slave : hot all such debts obligation;,'and 'claims pfiail bn held nh rol and void. See 5 The Congress shall have power ; to anl'orec. by appiopriatc legislation, the j pi,,vision. ■/ thi.- article. Congressional Xliatricta of Georgia, ! i -t. Count,i,'.* Chatham, Bryan, Liberty I M'-lnldsh, Wayne, Glynn, UanXien, Cliavl- I (on. Ware Pierce Applii)!.'. Tat no!, Bui ' lock. Eliiiixliam, Striven, Kmanuel. Mont ; xitmery, Telfair, Coffee, Cline!) Leix, lk, j Lowndes. Berrien, Irvin, Laurens, .lolintung i lie,a.are Cnhjitif. an<! Thoma' Twcnlv- \ nine c.ouiitie-'. 2,1. Counties Deeatur. Earl,'.' Miller , Bakei. Mitchell, Worth. Dooly. Wilcox.; Pulaski. Houston. Macon, Marion, Ciiattn hqiiclicc, Sumter, Webster. Stewart, | man Ciav, Calhoun. Ran,lot),h, Tertrll. Lee. an*l Dougherty. Twenty throe ties rid. Connti"* Mu*,,,o'o Serb ', i lor. Tailmt, Harris, Troup vU'i, iwiatliei. II ard, Cow, ia F.iytto. Claytm, C.o 011. CallipiN'tl, li. l " re'i 1 <i ll , pit teen counties. 4th. Counties t.j;.*on, Pike. Sjialdhiy Henry. N, ivton. Butts. Monroe, Crawford, j Bill!,. Tivigg-. Wilkinson, Baldwin, Jones, j la.qiei. in.'! I’,i!n.,tn. Fifieaiicotiuties. ;> l l l Counties AVasitinwtotl ( Jgfftr Burke Rieliinond. l ,fast o, i-, Hancock, War- j ecu. Columbia. Lincoln. Wilkes, Ta'il'erro. Greens. Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elbert j Fourteen cmnti, . x till,. Omuities- Alilton Gwinnett Wal ton. Cb,rk, Jackson. Madison, Hart. S’ lin.Bank-, JI :a 11, Forsyth, I’ickens. Daw .-.on. Lumpkin. White Ifaber-ham, Rab,;i. route Union Faunjit. ppl(iiljue; Tiki ty t iglji nHttiiie.* H!i. t'oiintm- -D' Kali’. Fnllo:,. Cold'. P 011,., plovat. It., 100 . Cherokee. Gordon, j Omit'"g ~ Walk' i. Whitfield. Mum. | C. too a. old Dad" Fo'.o'.e n e.oo.r.'i' * Tll K National Standard \ M;UJKB ok SCHOOL KOOKS mlu.-h is i\ c\t«Misivi‘]v u.-'d in uvcrv Kintr «► f tin* l uiit.i, in muiiv iiisumcus nn*rc lulimn any ■) • :«i 1 nuiy jnu-Uv Ihht lln* nhnx-u fit U -. Notliimr Kuf I lie most uii<| unUHiml merit could i£ivc any KtmU- rlii- proud posiiimi. Tt ;i< ln ;im] Iriends t>| cdue.iiion liTnc.rnHv. are .iavpi-c tint it is eruditiihiv lunintainctl 1» y tin NATIONAI, SKKIKS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, i rr.Msin-1 - !»y I. N H-AUXES d* VO.. 'l’lioe liinnms Kooks are t \ < i vav here used ami cviTvw lici t )ni]*nl:ii. The eatciloum covers cvirs ih'pnrtiiicnt of School, Academic ami Col - li yiati Instnn lii'li. The lollnAvinic a»v the v«*l nmeß iepn\scnfin«’' the common l*vanehes : ]*arUvriV W.itsonV Spellers and Ke.nh-rs . \! i.lciMi and McNullv's (ieoirraphie.- . ('lavk’> (iraimmirs ; i Kc(‘r ’ S\stem ol I’enmniLshii', Davie*; < 'ompletn (’oursc ot Mathematic.** ; Monteit'h ami WillurK’s History . Tlie Silver Ijitu ami Forest choir Music; .ho. i-' Physiology'and Health , l’e< k ,- ami (inuot’s Nafurnl PhilosopliN . l’orfer * Principles of Chemistry . Darby’s Southern lioiatiy ; J \onlicmPs School Speakers ; Pujol's French Class Bonk ; Andiews xV Stoddard’s 1 atin Hramma;. THE ILI-l-KTKATF!) !■:/) r < a Tfo.y. i /. nruj-rrix. ai:t i",'.* oirieix). xikdii m. Will lx- to 'l‘eaelterV regularly, for one ye ir. "li re,n ipt nt tun i i'ntk. Art,lre,;- A, S. BARNES & CO., iIDUCATTONAL I’UBLISHMHS, X<‘tr York. m;. IV Util *|l iU'KGUIIOS' A r iI h nt nli cs. 77//■/ /,. I tj:s T . I X h I! /;,s /’ A f'rloiHrit Arit/imclic. Dean llfullv ill list rated ; curries the I" iriniMT through the first lour Kuh sand Hie simple ’l’ables, eombinlmj; mental e\t relses with evaipples for flu* slab'. Ithuo. lOH pages, Ml (icntu, lit f Jli tiH iitori/ Arithmetic. Ib \ie\\B the sultjeets «»f the Primary in a (yle adapted to somewhat inatmrr minds vls.t en ibid ees Fractions, Federa! Money, Jletlm-tioii, and flic Compound Bull P.'mo, 1 I*l pages f'b t\ nt> I Urnctiml Arithmetic, lb, |red expressly lorD Itiumuli Srhools, giv i|jLC sjipcipl i*roinliierice lo the hram lies <»f Muffiiilh Ai’itlimtille, and Introdm lm* the i not “ Metric Ny-hm,” with explikiiations and e\aiirplcs. I‘hiio. K’Wi patres. .1 H iff her Arithmetic. In pre pnratiou A Menlof Arithmetic. VuK i< ally. 'rids ait - . n,tk.iinu with j- iif e| uptlilyiiu: > , .eeptiot, ; rotii lu.i !;j.r. every u lu*ve. ami is e\ act! /ha' is needed for mental discipline, a> well a* t'i a piaefu .tl preparation for tin busi ness ot life. It is uimtr, thorotigb, -•omprel ti; , logiualiy arran:;j;d, well graded, isMtppbod v. i»li a Tin vat'lt |y of (t,niipb ». and Jeaelie tile ii',e*le>(• - k tmiMv used by luisnuss im n. K} • • imeii ei.pie »!:,i v "f the above work< mailed, po>jpaid, foieaeliurs and school •Hjeci>. on rci f ijitof osu- halt the retail price. Favor«- hle terms made for introduction. IL API'LETO* kV LO., !’Utu,ißilKi;a £ STS A 111 HKtMItWAT, A. 1 . nty'.l-t t ItepanMor Capilli. 'I blow i" y voiir false iti/./. . your swifehv, your wiir- I )<-I motive of com fort, and not worth a tin; Come aged, come yorilhfttl. come mrlyam! Hit; And rejoice in your luxuriant hair, IK KIM|MTOII Idjr lolorine hair upon bald In ail.-, from vvhali ver cause it may have fallen on, and forcing a growth of hair upon the face p bus no - \iial !! will force the beard to upon the smoothest bicu in trout live to ei.yflrt vvoek^. ~p hull npob tiahl head* in front two b* three mouth*. A few iguorunt l»rn<*tltK»m 1,1 haw as scried that there i* no* 111 ley that ni'l force ol . hasten the ixrowth of the hair or Their assert ion- are false, i* thousand- of living wit nesses, from their own cxperlene< . an hear wit nr Jbii, many wil! >ay. how arc v.t b| d's tin'iuisii the <r< !"iiuu frmi, ify jopi* y it ci' i:.«.Uih iit idiie-tciHliAot the prepa 'imt- thvftised for thu hair and In-.u-d arc en [ fii'i-Jy worthier. you mav have, alrea<l\ fhn.wn ■ y !:o-k, inoent- in their pureluiM'. 1. ii h ‘Co would -ay try the KI’PAKATOL i CAPILLA . ii will cost you nothing unlesd it I I fully come- op »o mu'representation* U y«»w» drujtir’i.-i and" - idh dv, * -.itid ba tmv ,ti<i v t . .• tit »i maid i;. po.-'paid. K»ir‘ iher wKh | t foi Ihe moie “. m Idyll n tue retur»»C*l I you on application, it- 'idini: enfin s-disiv I I in i- md given, ; Add'•< L ( i,\KK I fv U».. tin ini a r No and U>.-t Fayette st .ij.*■ !’• Syracuse, N. Y THE EGAD TO FORTUNE. \\/i' • t*o pul tun mole ol in the w.ty ol MAKINf. <!i) F.VI.KV DAV in tin vear b> tin*‘ inpioviucni "I tin time mdinaii i lv'pent in reading and I'cmeatA l* 11 t \ j ( FNT K\ M PI.I- r ent lr< » upon a; iib a*!‘»n. Aildr-- I\\ UliNti, inNK J ‘V fit.. Vr.i Kroadnay. New V-e k. NO. (>O. AAI fi’Ti I CAN EDIICiTIONn SfßlEl IM it I. i S !! ]••, I> !t V Ivison. riiiiuiry, Kiitkeinan«t-(’o 1? illMl Ilf (filTCli StfW‘l, X J£\V Vo lllv. Nl. SI'.KI I’.S OF SIT 101)1. BOOKS ox,, ~! ! lered to the puhlh !iiv« attained so wMe n «i ? etthd ioli, orrcteivetl ihe ijiprovai and cud him men! «»f many . "inpeu nl and idiubta CMiucntor* in all part' of the Fuiled Stale.-, ontilhk Aanonu the most prniuitieuKnl their |wjblien lions are the fnlhoving. viz : TUI! CNION SKKIKS OF BKAPKKS VXD BPEI.LKKS -entirely lew in mutter ami illusfnuiuns, and reeei\(a! with grtvo favor by the best teachers in the country. ROBINSON'S SKIHI.S OF AKITHMETK ’S very popular with all feaelmrß win* hnvs tested them in the class room, ROBINSON’S ALOK.KRAS AND HIGHER M A Til KM ATK ’S - entirely ia. written ; full, complete, scientific and practical. KELL'S NF,\V SKKIFS OF (i BAM MAKS— unsurpassed in siinplii ity, clcunies,-. re scitiuli. and ]>racti< »t utility. sI’ENCF.KI VN <'(»PV K< M >Ks simpttt, ju a< ti eal and heatdifi.l. Vewl\ < and im proved. ..SPENCERIAN CHARTS OI- WRITING* \ND DKAWINC i\ in numhci. l»»!»•.*, 24 by KO irn ltes. ! SANDERS* PRIMARY HAND CARDS—six in set. SANDERS PRIMARY SCHOOL CHARTS— houc, foi the -eltool-rootu, cighl numbers on four cards, A 1H « ARDS AND ARITIIMEMCALTABLE ( A ItDL WILSON'S HISTORIES PASQI Fi-bE’S FREN( II SEKIHBL KRY A\T «V STR A T I'ON’S BOOK -KKF,PIX(v VVOODKI RY’S HERMAN SERIES. MAN'J H.LA’S SPANISH READERS. » «ILTON’S CE.tMi RAPHIKS WEBSTER’S SCHOOL DICTIONARIES BKADCUY’S SCHOOL Ml SIC K(K>KS. et<-. They alrio manufaeture the SPENCERIAN STEEL PENS, which .ur regarded by tlie host ITTisini nos tin eouutiy i superior to ali oilier Teatdtci> and id! other.-, inter on ted arc in viferi to .-401(1 lor oui Descriptive Catalogue and Circular*, and to correspond with ux freely. Addrest* the Pnblwlier*. inf] Make Your Own Soap* |J PekGent Saved By r \ rjSE K. % RABBIT’S PC RE CONORN 1 TRA'l’li) POTASH on UKAI>V SOAP M AKER. \y'kii': I'led donl'K the strength ot • oinnion P jxiiiiller or 'ey in tirn market. Put up in cans of one iMpiiut, 1 two pound.', three iiounds, sir , pouiu'f ami welvf pound', with full directions, in Kiiglidifind Herman, lor making Hard and Soft Soap. One pound will make liftccn ot Soft Son|> No time t* required. Goiiaimiers will tiini'Mii- the (In i.pest Potaali in the market. Ask \<-Hi lio.ei p.r 11, I’. lUIHRH , til. ii\ '»<», I» K . *»d, 70. T’i and r A Washing ton 5t0; ,, l N*ov York. PER CL\*|. SAVED BY USING ||. I . •>U llAltlllft’S STAR YEAST PdW DEW Light Ki ( uit, or any kind of Cake, war bcipadewith this “Yeast powder” in fifteen in dliter*. No shortening i- r- iiiired •rhensua et nilkisiiM il No. 7v mid :i Waßhlugoai si. >fw York NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS * ani) TRUST COMPANY 4 liHi'leted l»y A< sos 4 «ngr< vs. (I F VI C FR S ; M I Hewitt, President. Rev. and. W. Alvord. Ist Viee Pn. ideal Lewis < h phane, -d Vice Pn-ridcnt. D J, Eaton, Vinary Rev. S. L Harris, Fiinnn :al In**pe< (<u Prlneipal Olliev, cormu lilt it street and Pt mi «»l\ miia Avenue, Washington, l>. C. lIRANCn AT AIKiUSTA, RA-, W. ST, iI.LIS am I'IIR.UB «l (b in i: Hot im From li< \ p. m, ; and , n ', U’ \ *o P j- ill ffep«»sit> o« tine Dailai amt nowani iweieed. 1 lib rc'l atloudl in .i ( uo|yiv ,o.»l filly. I lie moU’A»*e. pitted will b, paid back to i}«, r ( |i p t xHisi, )*r»4»e4|>al and interest, wlicr. e «Ue(f lor. Ml the { ioiii,-. hennu.. to ihe dv:fMWltoi>. others are interestid, Braueht*. have Heuu otablished in leaily • viwv 4 My from New York to New Oilcans C. |{. PRINCE, lTwhic: NOTICE. A - i ,;m maius f"! W. 4. WHITE, il.uiure •ii .ib*i•»»«-« tram tie CUV. and ha\t Yiecu s ailed upon to make • ..m til* ne-ib * </ii tlie* e-fate of •I. Ro. , betca-ud. til pci ons iudelHm to th • Mai» will p|**a *#- <"*li aud see imj, M 1 t annof • Itb tabu without money* W li MATHEWS. A vent. Xn-u'i.-,. (,u., May hist, lJjtjL lw