The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 27, 1867, Image 1

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fife Ortilw Coßftl Georgian* VOL. 1. The Me -:i Keorjjiaii. tYjVk' 1 !'. rii-'A Ivl-’ - A-rent, ;■ ■■ IJ| ; V- Hlluk t’i in rOl » : Otic • .<*'• - ■ * " - " J*l\ ♦ImMIO'. - - - :t .'*» i ■■ ' ‘ On. wt. 4. •* ' - ’ *.*,-. .is.»«*»:«,. - - • * ’•* •8 - - * *“ w a »■- 05' *»01 I.STI’-SVJi 5 - ' : i;•;•; - : :'' • '* 4- .: > ■' " : m t.YI" . . ~ .. .. . , ; c vili in < I’: ■'. '!■ f ,' M '/ jV ; •\ liven'. >«• • l ' ; •”« • ,nlr ' l " Jill'l'i' -11-V -'.-'.Vi ■i' •..< «.•!. r T \,V..,. ; .1 K V IS' • 1«*. W( :V « . iv r, Dm* a . , fin' ; ■l' For;-!. »*"'■' in tl.” <it, bn :•;« » -r. * , < . t iUVm'.nUA: -Jiu-ui: >fi»nv XX ■hUA: .V '.. wc no j< ; : . s» •nurW" s *'- '■ ■■ •/)>• iWi.i on * Li the 'tin' - .;•. >.'■ jv.’-' L " '*'" lilKTii; : 1 renurn. i* i- .!< "^irl *i'. V.-L u "' : * hv, is t. .Ism, i Fe.Jonc u itl "n( <v.!;iv \V" and 'V • ■■■: ■ :*.:■* . • *- f■" i ulf.ii ,-T " *" t i j»i.i Am*'-- at - oils oi:' I'omt, wis !".hv. al)k- ;in-l w 'ill.,- !.» si i vt- pro, Blewsaud Other Items. A y.,,:. In-- «I Cy Hsn.i ; i l»ou :ul -; ? • -•' ] ■ " { \ ‘ : ' ■ s.-- >;,M !■ 'i.if;:;. rli, : :t > 1 iiJl< f •-.i.;. •'!*“.! with !.■’!! ’.V wit’ll «... i VI A ,i,iv. i: jcitnA.' l\ . ' , . . ,!• hc cuinio* .•• ••> 1 r;iIIS hi--; Jfp' s - arc i , 1„. ;>hl not sir..|; j j Miv w.-ii lii'l* " 1 i of both soxi '■ !(<• tvi ijve l "i v.-.n-s '.vilho::! :■ i: y 1.. f'.ino yet til-I : A •’ <tiu i/<»t >*' -,IV. ■ ... 'lb 'l'li. .i: avoiriinjiui it* 'I *. ■ hill ,*l liliil., in ic*' t'";' ,llim * i.l‘*' 111'!' SOHO M in* "IHV! OH .' ili'man. ' ••lie ■ i • ‘•• 1 ' - 1 o to—- ' ■* '•*'’’'tj'icy ,i |)! Ibis', •' *: !••-t•' ! ; O';- Ol ‘ ' tvili *r- i ■* * s '- v• • lon' J«. ir .'..00 so : io I'll; ; : . ;.. CO' 0.0 ’ o: ti<". fits ~n..::i'ly •• • o||]|<|;lC.;' •• • .'!( :ir; Ls tin not sc.•!!'<•!*:»* i'i I*. 1',,. ;■ ruk'i if th 11 I Hill. .Mil! I. • • li-itii*; •• i'A^V . [// /;, fa j\. - \< (iI'STA. (IA., TUl'KsnA'l MOKNINO, dS \K ‘ , Ad -1,1 ... ....": 1: i," ■ \vjl !l ill ;„'t ■ 't' l nlSittc - ,I;llV..'|>l. nt.'ii*'- to IS :M : >:*• vie •» more : !|;,.j <I i ‘tiinc. i. o< 1 S: it.- ■i; .0.1. 0 V is,:.:; 1t,.. 1\. !:.)VV111- :i;ritn —’ n*.. . * Itci on ocsic I'.’.'Mc n ~'| l'l.'.'-o.c’. "..*;. ..riiiu >ii. >t. AlttlniHiu, ir. iii\ .... i ..... U-.'ist: nion Disun ts, ii.o.nt .i. '. l . .i:. . ..mii-.i licri ir.ottci i!. A 1!..,.f.t K' is lie’,; in j...., 1.1 *Vir c ... h T>istrift . :.s .il.oYc men • i .1 t..ii- ■!' twn wiiiif H-n'isl'Ts. C.nmccl H.'-is!-. ».. the StnUi i; i;, .- .o•:. wlic;.. only tlr two .'. hits H- H'.itc.s ■:< .i. .‘ ■! m tins <Hd-i H i-. ilirc T. i licit th o '.vltiU' H-s-istfi's in • :*.cli i;i,.|. ■ . ill-ill. Oi-!' • • *!u*t. on.l Cl.use to iv 1 i ■ 'ci ( i :c - i.iitoi man to. , tit !'.. till si,-. : ~ I! ; ... . s.l Post iitlicc. o In tv.- .. ~ hi, -1 I'. iiiv (• silil-v, com . . !>•:.. , .* M C •i.'t'.'i i!i. k.'H v. .. .*■! win o n.. .<“ ..... .... .A. 1 ill.. ~;,tl j r-ssii'cci i Ti.l i list'll c, i lith tit untitit the late \ ', r:■ . !' ■. ■:*• I'-it-vifd tlti.t ■ • ; ■' '*’", s •*■ ' 1 ‘Usiiiyn.i i t't ’> w;• •'ln l > i • • : MlO U--t -itli j-liovi mrutiosn-il. Hlunk ; . in- • f v. .]; i-t .•. :it to tl’* ;>}>}»• »iutro.'-F «t »•»1 ** *" I* !i*' :mi •< hi.: f\rt uti.l 5lll(l I'CtUi'lldi ..... - ! - • uJr : : - • - .vili .j, * ; . V 1.,. 1 '.-A ;-',’ it ) - .'.'•- •' .1 to il\ Ibe ~ npr-n. ilion of Hr> -ruing to tin* _’. * .. ir . .|,t; ; t .. *h< <v.ii -r.s » Uici>, n forty r- ntr- \' i vi-»vi. n,u: c >m lx-n-Htum viii ix l t-,; i !,i-t ween tlu’se limits foil- Occ-iir ..l'tlc [.op nitiiion mnl • mTi;•« i numnnic : ■ v iir..,..i f y. ft ’ liyi > t»y tiv>« !*-’ th- f t -« .til !( iccA Hi-., "ill ■ 1 'lj ' 1 '-y H"' tie' VI Titti tittiue •.t'-iml. v fcr.Oiall *t{»f«vr ■ o - li-f of Y"i-' ■■■• r-,; *ii.’ ]>r—.,!c‘ ■r v, oi<: , ~ii s .uni in toists wk- s till. i’> "'.1.! • of : * WCfU ill till •v;,r:U Cl- t.r.-inrfi, CO' : ; . oAers live. • yonl'lrkay I.« ''O' c tors.;. U'J lie ii ... .. ■ i ■ ;,m e I’lc I .re.* ' >!, till' lief * . , . of Ink .pt ■ " I ... ' - v j ; ’i s s,r,; ,C "i.'.i■ istrati-.n 'vili ' ~n , ' 1...UC '■> • oii-soi-- i-i mid o:• -• ll„ t• i *.\ S|,-livl o. *?. aUll Ul cj ice icUci • tnli-.n v-'i'n i>- noc.c, once flu ~...np1. c,;. *il't!<..r.'gjstrnnoi> )•„, ,• the ii..«r,iof ip el «•.*..tnm ■*:< ~ ■' * ••h di '• u ] 'nni. ■r.-uiv- ,u r•!'.• ..iiity • • V:r,"- ”’v. H s! ii,..ce,' ii! Ui-ii >.ci,.:k ..-111 I'll'; ... •■! j. 'f H lift ■ at', i. j;, - »r<i.* ..f !<i o', triiioi. .lir-'t'<l. in,. i. i.iii'io.o a- tii-r .|'.lirnnts srey . ~ . ■ . : *. 1t..11l flm? ilie ’ Kis • :.I1 ! Ti.ilo i'it " ill till p, ~(• i' .ii;.. - -,{ M'.irli ‘-Hi, JflftT. , r] ~ , • .. . 1,,5.... •it, who hrtv- I. Is s' • ii; :- i! , ii-. .Imli-'iii 1 |• oi. i;t f !hs St:irc. .r Ainicioo A - * , . -s "... | sH lifllcct: not I . •>> in!• 'llsii exc’ish I let Person «rln a)»|*l« to register i. ■j, . 05.:.; •., cniliiil i. v tie j. .. v. i( ; 1 1 , ~,|iirtftnki till .' lat I, * i o .Th: objection? ..ft!;. ;; ••'•c Till! - for'of!. of i.' ; i )ii-ii;ifr<'r IX Th, i;.: .4 r< ol: re<! , -teiv for *•••' n , I,- 11l- lie: wiii he exposed in some penile t’- 1 '' Pc.; : - eiiKt, ten en-i --’..*' r . * . - ‘ :* .nos o, o :Ad;"»i"ii for oneb ~f ' . :• .11,'.01l Is l« ill ,-tH sepps., ‘I Ilf fni.H'lk m I-,,,. .• |,r thoivnttrhir iov-sii ,,r .iii*', ivi'i lx; given and J'-o v’isi.ill ine'li for the Hue Htel [flare lor > ' , ~*:hc,o *. ■■ l s-ttlcm-iit oj’fit ell ci'". X itiniih hooks cf <nths required to he hilcH ii v voters ;n<i i.lank legist nit hm .... ~!i tnii ..nil dm. ill'll instruction*. Sm th.*lb.;iu.'!—«t l!.etf .iijji'r" "..!•< , ~ .: i,. 1- „f It. 0.. Vi ii)' : a: ■ : i .... ru-t 1* * prcv« |)t :»;j\ IS;; 1 ;;;,........ > ■■ ■ ;'* j m regie*, ’. o - ,r 1 'Pile- *.'■: . ■■ ; i . v ;l Vi -<. (•(! i” host tin in :r. me J-h- I .lull -Ills tieQoo. ..{ o:’.v |>re\* : ; r:y AS ... i ,c ■, If ! * * u*) - .*. j XIII The • v >*. ... oi tin right of'eiei*.' .!u>■ :mth.>ri/ed Yiiter, umtei tin* li.t*' Ails of Conore■*. to tecisier -not N'ote, c* .mti'cil l.y ilie Military A*.tlii'*-ntie.« cf this district and nil person- whomsoever uve warned .my attempt to it terferc to ptev itt any not*i from » xeivi inir this ri-lit. u,idi t ,:!*; pretext whatsoever, other than* iihj,’cti..ii 'ey tile '-i-'C'.l legal mode. XIV. In fuse of my distmtuinee or 'do ! inn. i ~t the place; -s' registrat'.on. or on* molestation oi H- vis Ter or of appli'-ants to rc-'sie; die lloir.’snf lii gist I aTio:> will , ill upon the, local civil authorities for a [ o !', roe. or v l ossi. to arrest tile offend i..s and preserve gnie'.. or if ne, ossarv. *.pou die nearest l.iilitr.rv .nitlioritie vvlio are heivhv instrnefed to furnish tile uei*cs.-..ry aid. Any civil otUeials who refuse, or wlu> fail t. protect Hegisters. or applicant' to r. gist.-r. " ill be reported in th, head.pun j ters of tin other! Commanding' in the State, whi' "ill atT—st such ili'limpidits, and send eharge;'- against them to these lioadtp.tarters, licit they may !■.' brought before a Military Commission. iiv command I Hr. ve* Man Hen. l’ope C K SVM.KHM.S, Cap! •!:•:.! Infantry * A A A U MILITARY BILL 1 ID’QTRS do MILII AHY IMST . Montoomebv, At,a April K. Gf.nkuai. Orukks No, S I. The following extract from the re cent Act? of Congress in relation to Ue cansti action in the Southern Stater. :« published for the informal inn -f nil con ceraeii : i Public No li. | An Am iHipiilimejitnri to *An act en titled an act to provide for the more i'i'ii;*>:it govern llteilt of the iel.el Stales," passed March 5. Hfi7, and to fiieiliintc roetm ation. He it enacted etc,, That iadoro tin* firri day of September I-hi', the c<>m iimnding general in each district (ilefnicd by ao hci entitled "An not to provide he thg more efficient governnieiii of the rebel Svtatoe, 1 ' passed March ". 1d67,) abail ea iuic a reg ist ration Uj hp niade of the male citizen? of the United 'stnies. iwefitt one Years of aye, Hint Ujcwardr, repjdeut in each county or parodi in the or States in ' eluded in hie district, which registration rli.ll' iiieidJ-"" k those I'-.WUb Who are . qua!.fed to Vote for delegate? by Uie »r.. hfcrc* Mil. a id aho shall have taken find s.iLscnbi';i tiio foUertny ««ih or .'flirma tion “1. - do solemnly swear, or affirm, in tin proem:'! es Aimighb* God, that I am a eitiju-n of the s tate of that y ’.■.;(*>« '.'sided in said Mato tor ruontii? next picceeding this day. anjl nan* -.. id- in the county , or parish.of ii »:•.id Htale, fta tin lit:*.' may ho ; that lam xf i years old that I liar.' not boon disfranchised for purvicipation in any roliclljori or civil war ngainet the United Slates or given aid or eomb.rt to th tl eiei.f; that I hftv.. never taken in: ne >. m Jitiber of Oongros* of thi* United S ales. Os Hi an r * ted Stines, nr as a member of any State ; Legislature or as tin e.rcoiiuve or judicial officer of a..v State, to support the Gon ?titiition of the United States, and alter wards e ngr.god in iusurrpction or rehellion a-a;n*» t||i' United States, or given aider comfort to (Ji*j qni'iiiios ihr.eof 'iiftt 1 vr;ll faithfully gnpport the O.matbntiop ao 1 obev tl: laws of the United States, end will, t« the best of my ability, entourage Others *.] lx do. So llplj: me Godivho h hiU Vi c.itnnafion lety l»a '»>|l||lll>sfef<Jd by any tepie'ervjf cfli'iW, Sk?:. f That the commanding general of each district shall ajineint »* Ijiuny Hoards of Registration at* Inay he ncccs sa'-y. oonristing of throe loyal officers or in.-niii-. to in alt e and complete the regis- Lai.'.fl -uperintend the election, and rmiur- return U> in lb r ’s Ml,, yptfs, list of vo ters nnd of th" p. rsoiir ejected as dele gate;* In* a plurality of vote;* cast at said election 11. In order to execute this provision of the net referred to with as little delay no. (tilde, tile commanding officers of the IbAiiou of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, will proceed immediately u, d.siijp foOv'* States into eonviuionl District? to ltegis ♦ ration, aided ’!)}* such information on tho suliject as th T have or can obtain. It is suggested that thr election districts in fyi.'l) State which in 18G0 sent n member to the iiiont r#i4m«»ot.a branch of the Stale f/gislature, wij! hc found a witiri'iiipn; divuton so: Registration, hi? desirable that in *il case? the, register? shall he civilians where it is possible to obtain such as come tvitbiu the provision? of the Act nnd are otherwise suitable persons : and tiiai ffijlitv-ry officers shall not be used tor this ptirjosc ex,."PM., aw* of actual ue cesMty The compensation (or r eg. will he fixed hereafter, but the general ru J ( . mil he observed of graduating the cornpemmlicn by the number of recoidod vntiiis. To each list of voter? »ti?|l he appended the oath of th- register or reg . . :l]■,j the m.iiie have hi on faithluily I If: sod r*s|»:vrii.vut'a(;hi;it »• torn ntlit that UK* ii!.-? M ! m*< ut*t Ji{» I*s!, r I'he TCulUl ’.i *• sin- -«»l!y iii.-f i i?‘h» tl«ut all :n?orr<»ot:oi: (‘ouroniing »he;i |»o! is v**t- to |icrtft>i!s :»ntitlctl to v.'iti* ui; i«*r ?(»•» A* , kii-1 ii;-s -o> lfl'uW tbnt tvir) ruich ’,;<*.• r!).; j[|j. \ r Ari pO.SSil'ly. thr? IlslliUi'S of p. IS—...- cilOß-li so: r* gistorx sll.d : eomi.iumcated to tho Head.(Urn tors for the n ,,.,.r.iv... of the ( eimiiiiiiding General * jv. Thr. pistyict Commander in cacti .if.i: -tat,. onniprised in this 'I htary il’.tri,*' i * autb'.'-nfeii to appoint s> •eneiß: bupcrv.sor? »1 Registra'i n I* isit . .*. t Giail !,e to rift the • . :*.« poiora • lit re regisiralioi! *.J being ul i *t .oi; t».* imp-cl 'ho ‘tporati. :: '>• tii- registeri; ami to assor*- "** .- every nion -i)tith'd to vote has the ne cessary uifornuti.m eoniermn,* Ins ..din 00l ri.'.U;.'*, and tile opjM.itunil*.. . re nd his nauic. v. A General Inspector, <k:h«r an offi cer of the .army or a wytliaa. wilt lt*> ;.n pointed it those Hcad.)uni lei's, to •, ■■ • - '.hat the provisions of this order are fully nml c ire!ally executed. VI JVM riot Commanders may, a: .:■■:* 1 discretion, appoint the civil officer? ~f the Tinted Stan*? as Registers, with additional ' comp: nsntion .a? may seem rr as.,!. and sufficient. V H The Ciimmandip.: Gffi, : . r of District will give public notice whe;: and where the Regi ■i ? will, coin men,*' ’ln Registration, which notice \v:ii be I<,• j• t pufilic by tbo Registers ill each Miat-et doling th<..whole time occoi..t Ito He:.... tralion VIII. lilt, rfereiice bi* viole:uv?oi oil. i oppressive means, to pre'. nt ilie U.-gir tration of any vot-i is pn?iti\vl,v pro hihited, end utiy j*. rsoo guilty ..f un i. in terference shall be arrested and lid I-.* the military autlioiities IJy cnltitnaml of ljrcvet Maj o Goth Porn J. !' Cows.: IIAM ir! i.iniit, *24th t S. Intantry. Act. A?<t Adjt, Generai (tfliotal . O. C. Ky Ist Lieut, .'did Infantry, Brevet ('iintiii.: U. S. A.. Post Ad jut ant. The Proposed Ccixstitutiona! Amendment. Jlr-tolvi /.y th. Smah .■»</ •■ of l{<l>resertat>ccs / 'hr /ook?./ Stitt.- .* •••' Amt rim in Congrns? j. ( tv.'O* lhi|*d:’ of I'oth Ileuses ..oricurycdi, That the following arttcl-s in- prup-sed w i!•. Legislator*': "f the'* si vera! Si.h.os ,*s an uQiumtno : t to the < n.-titution es .he United Mu' or which., vhvu rutifiad by three fourth? of said Legitiali r.-s, shall be valid us :• of the U.'ii Hltnmm, mu.::, !• j ArtU'i k—(Suction J. All persons boro i or naturalized in tho I.'njleu Stales, and subject to the juridietion thereof, are . i" j tizens ot the United Smtet. and Ill i State wi.eieiri they nu.i.le. No Stale si.a! nmko or enforce .any :;uv which shall abridge tin privileges or immiiniti.-s cl eiti'unsi t the United States. N'ur r!i..i] wiy Htel?- itepn,• ..... (icraoi. ■■ in"-. 1:!- t ty or propei ly ait in.m dim [ nice' ?ot law, ; nor deny to any person within it*' jurisdie tion the I'.ju.a' [ rot-c.tii.n of Hu- iaws. *i: i.rd aitu.lig tin: -'.‘V-i'ui S‘at* - aeei.rd’ng to tin r, rpective Mmibers. counting tb , yrheie oupdier of pernio? a -ach Statu exdudiuji Indians not fasa.i , Imt '.vlieii ; ever th-* . i gilt to vote r.t uny ( lection lor vlcctorH ’i iio;»t ami Vieo-Lre'?*'.* m OV fill* ; '.a*, .■ Hej.reS-otHt.Y,'? ’X I (.'oogreso, (-vi e.u.ivc nnd judieit.. id'. .. u ’ the Legislature thcieo! ts (iciiieu !> <■; the. male mhuhitauts of sr:,-.• stare, n.oni twenty-one y-Ui? -r age, in.,l liiize-. .1 :lie United States, »i it; any way abridged, except for | arlicipt tion in rchellioi otlici -rilin', tin; basis ot representuin o thelein t.hall be .educe.l k. the propnil: •• whicii the Jimoi" t o' Mich male ,: 1,,.; > . shaii iicar to the wtndo tiumb-r id :nule : oifiz,*o? twenty. ..ue .years of age ,u tr.i j State. 1 Sc- No jm r?on snail hc a ScD'aFnv m Hepr-s* niativo in Uongr.'S., cioclor of 1 President and Vic- President, or hold oj.i j office, civil or military under the United Stia. ; , under any *.tate. »iip !:..* "g previously taken an oatii as a member of i Congress, or at. officer es til- United S'.He? or as an executive or judical officer e any Stall', to support th- Uonstitotiott f tti f t ,'mt. ,I'’tales, *t.:dt lu.vo -0.. .gni, m :n --sairee'.il'U or rcbcllie.n 'gainst tin sain, n .'ireo ah! or COmfylt.'O 111-uivmier Lx,. • if: imt Congress mu; .by a * ,v<> third 4 . I’.ycii House, remove sorb dis n lby Sc. . I Tho yii (ill iv* of the piilil..: d-m Ilf the United States .Vatluiriz-d l.y law. including debts inclined for the p.ayipoiit . of oeitsions and in.unties for s-rvee ?..)• pressing jnsurftotion or r-lieiliuo. .diali ; not b- .in-AioiiKl, b|tt iieit(icr tl;c ' Tn'etl Slide? U‘>r ftliy State ahull itstfuirte or pin i any debt or obligati, *o iticnped in .4 of I itisinrectbjii or rebellion ogi'in:' the l ,o ted Status, ot claim for lit pation of any slave ; hut all such d.d t* ol,digations and claims he held illegal ami void. in V Til ( dffirx e||al! hnyc powei to anforoe. by »ppfo[in.ate l." ; LlaUi,:i. tii" provisions of this article. . Congressional Districts of Georgia I t. C',,untie;-. Clotfli'.m. It,\ an, I | Mcf'.ii -II W.oync. (ilyi -. fVimt-l!. I h."'*' i- IV .i > j'-i-l ii, i\ j,;11i<11/ I.llt .i ihn loci;. Pltinuhum, S 1 riv-n I:ioaiitl' i lb n* gomcry T-lfni, U "If.-. Übneh. 1, I. L iwmli s. Benieit. Irvin. Lauren.-, .bdnuoti, itrooks. Coi,|uit, ;;n(t Thoioa'- ’l'> itdy nine < onnties. .'.I. C'liintie.-. Ib'iatoi. Rariiy. Mili-i. |laker. Miteheli. Worth Do dv, W ' -ox inilnski, ij‘ : dim, M"o' Mai'."'’, •'h-’l*' hooelme. Somtei Wctist,'.' So a art ‘/nil j man. Chiy Ualhottn. Ifau.lijljdi. | Lee. ami Dongherty. Tv., m v tliiv. n an fjes »and Cos inti- Mti i cis— Slide; 'I -. i.,... TiiiiVit Ha::': To' ■;>. M rritv ..'.m. 11. . :"1, t'owitn. Kifelt.' Ul.i.Vtmt Cl *"- C'.!o|>li*d:, I i;.i■ not P ..d'lin" Pi! t■.i nolo|-' I's, Counth" • j it;., Hj.nt :*i *-. 11. 11l- .N< II in... Nv .1", - c.' ; •>'•:. Hi >b. 'I .. iy. wiikinam. L .Mwie, !••:■ * . .1 1 -)' i .ami Potr. n. rift -a .amt - C, ili;t,' Waa'.ito.a : .( iittt :-*. Bi.-hmou. 1, t**.’' ( *o ... iianc a s "a* ron. C .iumbia. Lincolti. M’i'kes. Ta' ‘‘ft", (ii.-tis. Morgan, figlct!.. *|. nmi Eib, it K*. iitooo ' onnii,, fitli. Couigti.M. ; ; •••*•• Civi.itnit. W..i i.oi. Chirk. Lt< ks(jn, M.ici • • i., Hurt. !'. ,■ ■- |;:s.!i :u;:-, ll.ill. por-yt It, Pi-k-n?. Du .v u Lnaipkin Will'll* Tl.-d-et-huu, Rni-m, I*.. t. td'iii. t aiiidli. .iini *. i 11 ( ii 'o tv - iglit cc,unlit yth C'.ointie? n-K.iH>. F'dton. C'd'b R. !!<. F. :.* 1. 1! r !t * U ..'''*: U;,ket Wbitti:‘it. *■ rrv M >{sA '■ ‘ M.<i) 0 1 and i l - U xX \ \ Y : r . ’: • ~7. •. , : -'u-.v .*• t;•; 1 • * x ui'7 ,*‘iT ; . * tl.; . ... u.-i * ; 11ii'.■ .- • • i .i.TihitvY v' .* \ v ;•'■* \ \ j. ;• H T i- .-*. S( iIiH f£ .• VA H)K S, i . - V f> io' V A'.s ii -■ U , \v:\% -imst M'in. * f't f ,i: Ml. .'i. IlCDried AiUl :f. '• -tl..' i • :*. 'i ‘u :■ -ilow il/ tiv ! *'. Vo ; u;.’- u:.m.... • , ,-u,tiuc, I ■ *w 1,.* 1 IV I -v W " .mi’ - S;•" ;:*■'•• •*i l • :: *' < * : 'v- ;i • .1 'tV.iivP .V- ixuuc-y . , P'o-V.-I 1."!' II"' Vi. '-ri' • ‘MOV • Nflf. . .' . I‘it. ; II •'!}. !'■. ■ .»•.} « ..It' NuiMvr ! l*}jil • ,»j.kv , if. i.T* •Vi :i tilt of ( u’-'.v , ; - 1 l>t . ti' ;.1 , -V*."l > V : '•:;*• Hor*\; .VloJlAM' - U ; * lu. ~'' I~t UU (ii • GdD.-u ■;;ir ;i ' ;.TK.\T. r -:i! Kind \ r/o.v i /, /:r/. * i . yy.v, : o *■: ri Vt , •• i« i,>- - mh-0.-ja*. TL'M’’':, •” • -, i’** • : 'i ’‘ : L l MEIBB4CO., iiUuuATi. i ''TiLbstiKi.M. AV .v Viivfa m v i .* dm A i // h at eli c s*.. VJ(L' i. '■ 1 I•fi /*T •£ l‘i , * , cff J *";/ - ftf \U:au , ■: tll( /■ i-'Xanr: • A <;;n r- if . I Prut tiftti irh'fiiti .-‘ir. !':v ,< fl-ifftfi J: ; tit mt‘i i r 1,1 |>H .1 Mrntai A t't ! h >i.< tis <*..i!y .V!'j ,! • ( 'i •• O (-1 J»j: tioti fit, (lie hlirii - >: !'••• l : u. •• . *,,•. •;ii.fuii-j*. v .* v s:i‘: • t *.* •iu*.* 7 « ■ •’ | .. ! J !hs ’ ! r ; •’ ijuoii.. Gt ii !t of .-lie. oiiu * 11 7 .••:*'• -f'7o', joi; v i7c■ n. \mn:r:un 4 ra. t r.» a t ?:f at3(<i» % tu,i tt > . \Vi ■% Htu <i ♦. 0 1 -siß 5 \c < :• ":h .•! ir.rv nc .' .iu •.* ■• tl ii.ts h». t -f! U 'V.:; f* * pc. -i, . !.•<•.• • i -*.. I,. tv iiim.m lilf -■•Hi- J!, ’• •'.* eld V .- • 1 i,; i‘ v\"i ■■ ,4,,w m ii. r|J inti there 1.- ..ciiiicy. *h>i* gc, > tu 1; .*rii tln _ l!>•■' ;i * i- *•• .ii T'u i. ::;*•• ) ' ■• C, •I- •; ]* .Ci*. vVll • ■*■'! V.* • ■ •- • A». iTo.'i ><>,. ii Kjd-'j • • ■ !•'o*- *'i?" Viuii nnt g-ivc.n . W CL KjKIl «.V ( vj,, n,t mis s. No :• V. .ic _ \ t* . !« I 3 *Tiif I!.•*«*, Y. ; TBK Eo4o X} tGETUNE. ! \\ . . ! ■*■ DAY : : 7'7’7; : : ;; ' '•"I- »■' '*•;'/, i NO. (id. AMERICAN HU SERIES. 1M Hi.! I? It Kl* BY I *.*... i*hiiiitcy. Hlakcmaiittl’o S': ttat«s ~*,<> til-veil Ntrecl, X KW YOUK. V i v »»:•' ? (:iiu; H* iHK)K» im*: ol *• i" ■ * j 1 ■ ‘ • Vi; . .•Itaiiird .-o will*? u cir— voi *llO ■ 1 . it *•• . uti ill" :ij'penVili jklld OluJor.K o'*., . out;'. !• i ( ; and 1' lialde <hlik :i!(.)l*h ■1 o: ■ l'»;;i• ■•: sen. . ,«<Uite, A- -1 -• 1 -Mu }»i.m»iuei»f of thrtlr • l* ■ ’ M ., !!p icllo-Ali.v . • \t. l ilt, r • • . ■.;:!*• t>\ 1 ! \f)KiW \M) i-TK, ;.)• ' c’u.iroll 11 'a Id mutU 1* nud iii-; 1.■ *ii *. ,:j 1 , t v* and \v’.;h j;ivoi ■ ue c-u. iu* - ; , f‘te * * UlSU'>. ' *■. 1A s ‘- :•! Uli';* (»I- tIUTWMJGTICjJ— -1 ■ co*mi'...p -' itli ;t: 1 Cm* hern who have ! - 'it l ' ilium i?i tic "trc mil •c 'll! N 1 - I1 iK vS AN 1> UIGIIKK M A t HKMATICS- outre ly ro-wrHtoii; flill, < c.j-lot. . i- liti.i* amt f fucticui. *lv Ki: i,'•;. \Y cJ:;;!i*..< OK OKAMMAKS— ue ■ *;i |* 1 '*'•■»! i simi'liuii e, iv * . 1 m -ml |o‘aetc .il utility. ■ Oil '' ■ \’S : • • #*' ju.m'K: - imjihj, jiraoli -) I*e.-e:! N . ; l •• and iuiv j-CU.-!. ■*• : * ivl ax *■ ; vin v; wuiting a ni» i'»c s\v;n*x •. iu uci*i* In • *(' in !.*■ . ■' \ v r>?* •;•...• i j :iy \ 'iy hand )U hCI. t-.WIfKItS' l‘!!lM.\ ItY SCHOOL ditAIITS ■ n.r ruiau, eight numher? Oil i ell r ,'l|l'(|, \ !*• * MU.*. \VI> \lt ITH MKTMIALTABU* * ATtHI, \\ : 'UN'I* t* 1? T* xf: n'.,s. VA.soi S.U.K'S KHH.SCIC HJUUBtx, Hi', k ANT.v STK A'!"!'(•'.*:-* >U M Ili-KitKl'l V, a • 1,.11,11 !:' s (,! 1 \ . HUiS. ■ ■. t.r :}<■- sil• |* \ DKKbi 1 *: -I ■ ■ : * ■* C i,o(j It A "II! !> \V! 1 11>...1 |*l: • InVAKIEU UK 111: loot vil'MC dt»*.»Kts. etc ■ tu'.i", i i.i ’.'iv cPKNtH,I: I A N 1 ::'i 1 are n v' i.ited l.y tin- lie-t a. . .amirv iv n[..a ka'tcftlt .itliei' ' .... illlONMlCll '!'■ ill :•: —tel ’..a in He- .i|.,*te Uataiogaie met • 1 .. , ai.,l to -•';<» .poll.l with »u> {rooty. Add ’ . .In laikliolie!?. OWN Soapl &y u V • r : li \I-i■ ii' S .''HE KN l * Sii . .. KiOAi>y S( )A i *■ • \ I.fa. *\. c, kmhle x;e rtriu*.trill «-f ‘’•- *• • 1 ' •• Mr.. :• c. ally 01.h.0r. • ■i 5, vfh the fiiip U*•' I’iit upm cßitMil U j *•11 *i, j ;*>..,|s t fhfuo IHUtlnfs <i\ i' • •! ' !v cuimdri. »a!»i: lull fill Ue-timis, rv '.i 'm .. ' Imi u:, ioi n* Kin;r Hard ami '* * • *’• ; * u*l , ,;i Ul.l:c lii'KMJIl UltllnliK •:i >i,i-i m-m} X** ilitv i* in tl. (’oi:- im-.i * . I «lc .:j- ' foPGi. ill! I IS. i . HAimii % •il lu. <V» ,111(1. 74 VVaOiiura - - a'• ki> nr UiilNO u. 1. •M/ a? HWV > AT.VH YKAST J*oU I»!• I P. ; -mi *• .my kiiid ol Cake, mav :■ i,i• ' ... Vl.i-i I’mvlcr” in IlHven . iu 1. ■ 'in*, j* r**<|uired when *\\ eet , ill- 1 * A ■’ uui *1 <\ V '"- York. NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS vNI) Tin’ST COMPANY. 1 I r 5 <‘t 5 •>#>' tv l «|* Q OIBRITri*- ■ * V F I CJ -: K S ; M. T'. I;. '. itt, I*!’** d'Ouit. ■i W. Ahord. i * IV. i>lent. I.i'" i-. < :•‘,‘liuiAl \'ic < l*j (■'idenC l> 1.. Kal.iu, Aocu.ry !U v. S. ]. H:;i ri . Fin.'neial In.-jieoloi IT ; .toil >u ' (lilif', t it‘i" I'.M ii .-I re* I him Ii 'rim - vif.mi.'. A . i'ii U-. W.i -lilimt.m, ]). C miANCIi AT AUOiJtSTA. (IA-, a ■ uo, STllliliT. * .*!;>' P. Ol iVWY ■ ‘ I ' '* T'»‘n . ! , n». ; ttlid „rt > O. v >u• ij. 4.rd nvei. etf. *•' • ••' OAn A :ji .*:,iu;ary i.k 'nly. ' ‘ ' lb ' ' f a and I.IU'J, to Hi, ' *' H' ’ in**. I cm. vtm called v■ * • • •*•• "' a. “ : .‘iHisttnrt: -no * ; • ,t,*< ,t*U * ')*•(!. ' ’ '! * - ' !, !i'i;ed !n u* ruh : '.' M'. X’* ' V’ ■ i C. Ncv," Orlcantc < li. i*l IN< iv, fiMdiiei NOTICE. • 'V .I WillTK, .tarin- It: • "H" ei'v. ink U..V tasai called * "a * - .*' ’neat ■on :.lie- e date cj I at! i>: I'-am.. iuduM«d i|,e i: a- 'I dal 1 Me, m« 1 , ,111101 . 1 lini- die- : n. 'ley. •A' H At VI iIKW>. A-ent V e.:ta, (. . May dial, INi',. Ivy