The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 28, 1867, Image 1

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aljc Dmli) Coml VOL. I. Tilt* Hally loyal ticorgian. ,). S'. lIKI AN i Killl<»r. THOt*. I*. iiKAHI) Of!',., in rpi Ll .-oreerof .lutlv^i, mil Klli, Viif'iisl:. (icorffia. ■ l l .lt VIS : OCX X I ;«r. Mi\ s I'hiTC U»»l!is - - - - a Oni " - - - «* «« Sit UdlHSl", llm-.-i 71..mi1-, I OU lit VS't'.'H «»»' *'-f< *'.SINi..« : V t fi ¥ w y •- -■ “ ; - *! a Weeks. 2 t ¥. f «•' : I Month. W v!-■ V :■ i¥.ii £ i 'Wunties. *’ c : -I .7 -- "V tr 1 a Month.-. .r !. i rv.t f ii ** : tm. „:i,. V "• ?? A '■ l ' ’ M .Hills. Oil. >,iti;:re. tii-fi ii.seri :<m. .. r > i-e.m-; • m-U , jnserliou nfler ti' t. kOccn’-. one Sipiitreis ltii nsiireii t.y t <n l.m-of minion A'iverti-i no nt Sr.—rtvil three time.- a »;>•••[« i oiM' i d.t ,; for • uimth oi longer period, ■.rill lie ( lier nw 'o.n thin!- of 'ahh-. rule-. \,lveii!sen,. tils I'vie.o wok »«.' half of ■ >'>'* ' "U«t v , i.i ,mec n *wk • ■ 'lilulof lulilr V'" "s'; moil- Snseru il n |vi '1 mine"- ! will 0 ; eh:, nli nuee on r! 'AiV.lres,, ■ L.,.-" K '’ • News and oV’W Items. i’.ii.n nil. The I of voters «-:»:• .•..nil!! n< r'i HI Novlolk, ye s| unlay, four lminli'wl n!nf J orl y voters wort resist *»t ivlunn ui?<h hlliiiit'ol tui'i s.ei ell coiore'l. tie oi-.lvr ami ijiiii't jinvailol. 11,,11 ;is ;iis i coinMienci 'i yeslel'.lay 111 Aialt’iinn ami (l —'. vi-t Is* noth Slale:., ~s i-fiiort’.'ii ihr col.irml voter* liiroelv oiili'ir.inhei the uliili coining tom .ml > e ;isl t ati> >n. A; the (•.lose ..I' yes!iM'il ly. tin' 2<l ■lav ill reiristi'aiam in liiciimoml, the yi iiite,. wa re live altead. in the I hint M...tlial, on (lie first 'I ) . aie handled in«i eiirhty seven whiles and one linn diad and forty-four hh'U'k.s iv-ere refji' [eon! as voter Jhc itmrdei ot a ,oj ,i cd liegiataa', ! nr,mod WiAC. i;i Alabama, Inis created "I'e’it y .elleini'ilt aimn a the eohated j.eople. Sill Kl I s' ■■! AI.IAfr "Ml I IIK l-’i, ii v. The E|ii.-('o|nli:nl I’on \cation in N'.irTlt Carolina, it, session in \Vi!iuinut,o.i "<'<*h. tdopU'd the I'.illoivinir mill ( lirisliun re«ol lilt ions : /.Vw/a./, That i< is tin. sense of ||,|. ( ' tl'.ai ill itit.ellertnal as wt .]j . S dn- ator.a! msltaietiou of the eoi.ii-eil |i| ih t.e a' 1 ended m in every! , ■ l.deishim nr of regular n,diiml as wdi a Snmlay s'diools, in WI ill 1 the]-l-s of Tie ell II rob shall !e. taiurhl, or win re the former cannot i".' ett’ei ' and, by the cM.ablish ii'.rii! ol Sunilay!.-, ami that w eiiine'.ead in tim inenih'jrti "t die church win. are suitable ha • atc-fliist■» le.e her-, lie Clirislian duty of s-iiunirinir ill lies «e• u'itletiU delay. }{es<ii’-' :f , That wiiem-o the coh- C (iiutio" and cannons ol tin-, i liarcu ctro cOlH)ihnd With, ei lore.l melt should J . Vi-ccivcd. into ils ministry as spirit n ' tea< iters and Jiastors of their raci*. , Rssnb-rJ, ! Unt. tor* Vi I . re.'tin- churches ,m i “.'bo..) houses for colored i-cl-io, iHts ehuree willing to rccei.e ,aid fvonl somees. A Paris s'aiisticiau fcays that erilin'- against the person are nlol'd frequent in spring than in the snnimei*, I"" 1 against projn rty in autumn and winter, Sake, "f li'.i' sli 'k ti: f’h:.-:v{o last y< ar reactiC!t i‘.ao,s s ,1 ■> t. t.utrisi rat: a tel - in !,oni-.ana slum tliaP'! ,K-2t) while' ami !fi.K-d:.' blacks have' hecii :-1 ■i* • T far in that Stale under . 1:" •••>*• hues. Tinmunt"a of feet of Imnhur niuuu '■tacinred at Si Anthonv Falls, on the m,-, - : pi'.; sin aiueda’ Stt.-KU). Ttm iota: iadiaii pojuiiiitioii ot the United State- y. a e.itimated in 18Uo ;il _'*i i", 75 nuin'ocr •; milkmen In Nr- i ork leu i tieon lino i see ap.'eee tor diluting • heir milk with waier. 'i'tn ihr.-. m i I'n crnuiciit lias cv p. lilted neat !r.- i 1M.000.000 i.H rail wavs j 'hiring lie- j'.ist ~i \ years. j AUGUSTA, GA , FKIDAY MORNING, JUNK *2.s, M 7. Hi iniji vinrns, :$u Mii.itaky DisTHicr. Qeorgbr yioriiht mul .Vuhtirin AlUmtii, Gh.. May 21, 1807 (li:,NWi.\t, (tiiDEUs, No. 20. In iiccorilance with an act of t ongress, siipplianentary to an Act to provide a more .‘lli. iint Ooveriinient lor the relwl States, etc dated March 1 SOT, tin following arrangements are herein made for the re gist ration of voters in tie' States of Geor gia and Aishauui. t. The States of Georgia and. Alalmnia, are divided into Kegirtration Districts, nmnlKred and bounded, ns hereinafter described II A Board of Registration is liiicin appointed for each District, as above men tioned, ti> consist of two white Registers, and .me colored Register. In the State of Georgia, where only the two white Re gisters are designated in this Order, it is directed that these white Registers in each District immediately seleel, and i ante to tie duly qualified, a competent colored man to complete the Board of Registration, and report his name and Post office address, without delay, to Col, 0. Sibley, com mi.nding District of Georgia, at Mneon, Georgia - II! Kacli Register will be required to take ami subscribe to the oath prescribed ; by Congress, by an act dated July '!, 1802, and an additional oath to discharge faith ; fully the duty of Register under die late Acts of Congress. It is not believed that •my of the appointee:. heretofore designs ted. will be unable to take the test oath ihove mentioned. Blank forms of these oaths will be sent to the uppointecss at once, and on heina executed and returned to tii" superintendents of State Iti-gi-tra tion their Commissions as Registers will be, issued and forwarded to theni imme diately IV. In order to secure a full registra- I ion of voters, it is determined to tlx the compensation of Registers according to the general rules adopted in taking the census. In the eit'es. the compensation is fixed at fifteen cents for each recorded voter, in tin most sparsely settled counties and dis tricts, it forty cents per vuti r The eon, pensation will lie graduated between these limits, according to the density of the pop | and the facilities of the communien : t.i(,n. Ten ei ids per mile will he allowed i for transportation of Registers off the lines of railroads or steamboats, ami live eouts per mile when travel is done on lailmuds and mu ami mats. V. B n hereby made the duty of ali j Registers, amt they will lie expected to perforin it strictly, to explain to ail persons, who have not heretofore enjoyed Hie right of nil(Trage, what tire their political rights I and privileges, and the necessity of exer , rising tlicrn upon ali Jiroper occasions VJ. The name »>f each voter shall appear la the list of voters for the precinct or ward hi '.' In- resides; and in cases all're \ou '» Jin v: 1 'nt(jn unable to register, whilst iln- Board of Registration were in the w ills or pj.eioeto where siuli voters live. pportunit v will tv. g 1 * » ii ( i rtgiri- r at tlie .•oiinti ••cats of theii i .q.cdl h counties, ar ijieei!t"il time, o' which • it#o notice nil! be given; but the names ~{ ul! voters till: reentered will In' placed on the lists of ' vi,t it ,f their resjK'Clive preeinets. yil Tin Roalds of Registration will giv due tiolia-, bo that it inav reach all pets ntith'd to regisjul, ,ls the dab when tl. '.y will be in i ach rlcelioq prei t )t i.. ‘ the tirm they will spend in it. and the pi.l t' where the resist lath-u nil! be made; and upon the completion of the pigistrfttiop for each county, the Board of Registration ivili give notice that they Yi'ill be present, for three successive days, at theciituitv sent I>l such county, to register such voters as ' have failed to* register, or been prevented ■ frorii registering in their respective pre cincts. indtoheai evidence in ffir ease of voters rejected by tit- Ilegislet* in dm s ( a .• rxl p.e. incts, who may desire to present t> stimoiiy ill U.ieir own behalf. VIII. Unless obier sfjeo instructed here i after. Boards of lh gistrntloq up) directed. , in determining whether a])plicants to tag iite: are legally qualified, to hold that the | terms ■'Executive and Judicial.'’ in the j Acts of I'ongress. of March 28, 1807, cofn jiris*• ail persons whoniboevor, who have [ held oll'ice under tin; Executive or Judicial Department of tlie State, or National Gov- j ernment in. other words, all officers not i I legislative, winch last ire also excluded 1 dm Act l'Yraons who apply to register but who are -eiisidcred disonaiitied by tin Board-., will lm pcriuittdri to take the required oath, which, witli the obiuetiona j of thd Botud, will bo held for adjudication hereafter. IX. Tiie lists of registered voters for each ol the precinct•• will be exposed in some public place in that precinct, for ten c*n . utiv days, at some time uibtequent to ' ilk i onipletion of tin registratien for caeii count v, and before any election is held, in i.rdei that dl i.upjiosed cases of fraudulent b-gistmtion may be thoroughly investi gated. Due notice wilt tic given and pro vision made for tlie time and place for ex animation and settlement of snch eaan* X. Blank books of oath* required to be taken by voters, and blank registration • Lists. ~ j! '" full and detailed instructions f., r tin 1 nerfot manre of their ditto will In ;t .me. ‘f.-irwiirdcd to tbn Hoards -f 11-gis ■ T'ltion appointed ir. this Order; aqd i! ir ■nioiiied upon fiirso Boards that tip-y pri, ' riccd to complete, the registration with aii energy and dispatch. Xi. Thi' detailed instructions to Regis- . rer,. will designate the member of "*"h . Board who shall he its President. XII Violence, or threats .t violenci. or : y oppressive laet.r !■• prevent mv p.m: on from registering' hi - name, ot ■ v r eisini' h ,j . political nglits. art jw.vitiviU prolifbi toil; audit i: (li. ri.nti* umonnred that no contract or agreement with la >or i , -which deprives them of their wage- lor any longer time than that actually consumed in regislcring or voting' will he permit!ail to he enforced against them in ’ ni- Di Hi... and thi• offense, or any prcvion.iy ti entioni 'l in this paragraph, will cam (he nnmediate arre-i of the otfender and I tii trial before a Military < omitii-xioit q j l'ii" "geri i.-i' of the right, of ever" duly authorized voter, umbo the late Ait? ol' Congress, to register ami vote, is guar nutted By tlie Military Authorities of this District ; and all persons whomsoever are warned against any attempt to interfere to prevent am man from exercising this t ight, under any pretext whatsoever, other than objection by tiie usual legal mode. XIV. In case (listurbav.i ■■ or vio lence at the plueVmif registration, or any molestation id' Registers or of applicants to register, the Boards ot Registration will rail upon tlie local civil authorities for a police force, or a posse, to arrest the offend ers and preserve quiet, or, if necessary, upon tlie nearest military authorities, who are hereby instructed to furnish tlie necessary i aid Any civil officials who refuse, or who fail to protect Registers, or applicants to j register will tie reported to the headqtiar | tors of tin Officer Commanding in tlie State, who will arrest such delinquents. 1 ands nd charge? against them to these headquarters, that they may be brought : before a Military Commission. Bv command of Brevet Maj Gen. Pope, G. I\. S.vmvehson, C.ipi .>:id Infantry A A A. A. G. MILITARY BILL IID'QTKS do MILI TARY DIST . MoNTOOMV.ItV, At.x.. April and. (, unvii.xi. Oriieks No. 1. The following extract from the re cent Acts of Congress in relation to He mnstniotion .i the Southotti States, is puhlialieii ter the iiiformatiou of all con r( rned : [Prnuc No. thf An Act. supplimcntsiy to "An act on - titlud an act to provide tier fho more efficient government of the rebel States." passed March 2, 18(17, ami to facilitate restoration. Be it enacted, etc., That bofrne the first day of September. !B('>7, the com manding general in each district (defined by an act entitled " An act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,’’ passed March Usti'.j shall cause a registration to lie made of the male citizens of the United States, twenty one years «f age. utid upwards, resident in each county o" parish in Ibe Slate or States in eluded in Ilia district, 'which registration shall include only those persons wlm are ijnahfUid to vote lor delegates by t|te vet I aforesaid, aid who shall Imv? 'ahon and subscribed the following vatli or nffirrrtn lion “ I, do solemnly sivar, or affirm, ju the presence of Almighty God that! alp s eitixoii of the State if ; that I Imre resided hi siuij Mate Ihr month? nost proceeding thi? day. and now reside in trio comity or parish of ,in ssid State, as the case may ha; that lam 2J yoprs old ' that, I hove not been disfranchised for partieiptitiob in any rohollion or civil war against the United State?, or given aid or condor! to tin ; enemies thereof; that 1 have never taken at) oath as a member of Congress of the Undofi Rt/rtps, oy «3 tut ofhcet ot the Uni ; tgd States qr as a fppnjhey of any State I.egislntiire, or as afi eyvcutjif or jn'|jpi*l 1 officer of any Stats, to support the Con stitution of the United States, and after wards engaged in insurrection or rohellicn pgljjust United Stales, or given aid or , coirjfprt so (hii pnejjtioi, fjjpreof [ thgt l rill fuit!)fu|ly support tl|p Ciinstitr.tiqn aiid 1 oliey the laws of the United, ntid Vfijf, so t(ro heat of my alnlily, envourage 1 nthors *o to dr • pc help rtn (dod y fffcipli oath or affirmation may hr adminUtored ; by any registering officer. Skc. 4. That the commanding genoral >f each district shall sppomt *" many Rpards of Registration 8* may he ueces sary, eonsisfipy of threw loyal officers hr persons, to make and r,q ( |j;|etr the regis tration, auperintend tire election, and make return to him of the votes, list of vo ; toys and of the ’person? elected as dale gates try * plurality of vide? cast at said I election. ! If. In order to execute this previaian ; ot t)|e act referred to with bh little delay aa pomhlc, tijo potgni&nding ogjoore of the Districts of Alabutnu Gonrgia nuij jL ? |ofi(Ja., will proceed immediately to divide those States into convenient Districts to Regis frntbnp aiikd hi' S'ich information on t|io subject as tliey have ay cap ghtaiu- It ja suggested that the election districts in each State which in IhtiO sent a member ! to the most nonietmjs branolr of the State Legislature, will be found a convenient division lor Registration. It is desirable ; that in *!! cases the registers shall be civilians where it is possible ts obtain such as come within tlie provision? of the Act. and are otherwise suitable persons ; and that military officers shall not bo used for this purpose excopt iri case? of actual lie ressity. Tlie compensation for registers will he fixed horcaftor. but the general rule will b« observed of graduating t|te compensation by the number of recorded rotors To each list of voters shall tie appended the oath of the register or reg isters that the name have boon faithfully recorded, and represent actual legal v« fers. ami that the same man does not ap j.ear under different name?. The registers ate especially instructed to see that o!] iufoinmiton concerning tl|oir politics! right* !? fciv*ll to norson# .'nfitled to vote under d.s .VtSof (engross Hint they ar*- rc*j>otisihli' t’raf ?vi*rj ?'|ch legal vote? ha? the opportunity, IU Af specdtljr >:* possibly, the iiatln ? .t person? chosen for registers shall In communicated to the Headqtisrt rg for the approval of the Commanding Ocnoini jv. The District Coniinaiid'!i' in eiieli of the '■tale? comprised in this Military District i? authorized to appoint one or mure genera! .Supervisor? of Registration yhese busthpss it "he!! ’■>? to visit ‘lie various paint* where repstralien it being carried on; to iuspoct tlie op-radon' <tf the register? ; and to assure t he ll) selves that every man entitled to vote has the nc ceSHiwy informstion concerning his politi cal rigtits, and the opportunity to record his name. V. A General Inspector, eillisr an offi cer of the army or a civilian, will be ap pointed it these Headquartors, to see that the provisions of this order are fully mid carefully executed. VI. District Commanders may, at their discretion, appoint the civil officers of tlie United States os Registers, with additional compensation as may seem reasonable nod sufficient. VII. The Commanding Officer of eacli District will give public notice when and where the Registers will commence the Registration, which notice will be kept public by tho Registers in each District during the whole time occupied tit Regis trattou. VIII. Interference by violence, or other oppressive means, to prevent the Regis tration of any votsr, is positively pro hibited, end any person guilty of such in terference shall he arrested and tried by , i the military authorities. By command of Brevet Major General j PorV. J. F. CONYNOHAM. Ist Lieut, 24tli U. ,S. Inlnntry, Act. Asst. Adjt. General. Official 0. C. Knapp, Ist Lieut, -Tid Infantry. Brevet Captain I V 8. A., Post Adjutant. The Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Ursoh'fi/ hi) the Senate avi/ House of Hepeestntatircs of the. tjnital Stales of Amnieu i’t Congress asiemhleil, (two thirds ot both Houses concurred). That | the following articles he proposed to the Legislatures of the several .States ns an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which, when ratified by | three-fourths of eatJ Legislatures, shall be valid ns apart of the Constitution, namely: AnvHj.K- Section 1. Ait persons horn or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the ju reliction thereof, arc citi tizetis of the United btiites. and of the State whored] they reside No State shall | make or enforce any law which siinll abridge the privilege? or immunities of citizens of the United State*. Nor shall any State deprive any person o f life, liber ty or property without, dee process of law, : nor deny to any person within its jurisdic tion tlm equal protection of the laws. •Sec. 2. liepieaentativcr shall lie appor tioned among the soveral States according tn the tespectiie numbers counting the whole ii'iluher ot persona in each State, excluding Indiana lint taxed ; lull when ever the right to vote at any election for doctor* and [’resident and Vice I’reauleut ir for Uni Ad State? Ilepicaotitarivoa jri , Copgrvis, exceptive and .judicial officer* of the Uegiulnture thereot. is denied to any of the male Inhabitant? of such State, being twenty-one years of age, anti citizens of the United State*, or in any wav abridged, except for participation m rebellion or ; other crime, the basis of rcprrimntntion theivin shall he r<dnced in the proportion which the number of such male citin n? ?liall hear to the wlio'o mirnhor ni' mole citiaeps tyfeuly-ono yeartf »f age ip tho j State. ' Syc •!. Np pi rsop shall he a Senatar er Representative in Congress, elector of President and Vice- President, i r hold any office, civil or military, under tj.e United Styti'B, tu under apy Stßtt who having previously taken an oath ns a member of Congress, qr an officer of the United Status or a? sp executive (ir jtplipa! officer of any State ip (support the Uonslitutian of the United Slates. ?hnl| lpivt engaged ju ip surreotion or rehelhon against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies there of; hut Congress may, by a Hto third? of each House remove aueli disability. Sec. t. I’lie valditv of tho public debt of l!::' Uni!"! States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pppsioiie qqd hojintias forterv( o n ?pp pressing immrrectipn Oi roneltiup, njjml not he qi’estionod, hut neither the United State? nor any State shall assume or pay apy dybt or obligation incurred in aid of insuiri'ctioti or I'lbellion ngajnst the Uui ted States, or claim for tlie loss or emanci pation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligffiwps "fid claims shall lie held illegal atld vojd See. 5. The Congress shall pt'Afe? to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provision? of tin? article. (lopgyesslonnl BUtrlctu of Georgia l l. Counties Chatham, Bryan, Liberty Mclntosh, Wayne, Glynn, Camden. Chari to:.. Wart . Pierce, Appling, Tntnal. Bill lock. Effingham, Scrivon, Kmanuel. Mont goioei'T, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch. Echols, Lovrudw, Berrien, Irvin. Laurens, Johnson, Brooks. C'dquit, and Tlioina?. Ttventy pjue comitie:. ad. C(ii)i|t|e.-, -Decutur, Eai'lor, Miller, Baker. Mitchell, Worth. Dooly, Wilcox. Pulaski. Houston, Macon. Marion, Cliattn • liooehtn, Smnter, Webster, Stewart, quit man, Clay, Calhoun, Rmjdolpli, Terrell. Lee. and boughjerty. Twenty three co,in ti,',. •hi. Counties Mu-eogce, Schley. Tu.v ; lor. T.dliot. lUifrisi Troiq,, Meniweather Heard. Coiv-Le. Fa vet tv. Clayton. Carrol!, Campbell-, Ilaritls'M. and Paulding. Fit' l< 11, eoutnl' ■ iiii Cuuntie? I j>,on. Pike. Spaldiuge . TI, ■r, i > Newton. 111111'. M, ii roe. Crawford. Bit’ 1 Twigg? Wilkinson. Baldwin, Joner. .!■; [|f. Hid Putnam. FifO'i " Ce'lllties. 'it'l Counties W-ishlngti,!’. Jeffirson. ft'.rid Hi'itimou'l. Gldncoi l;, Hancock. War r< n. Columbia. Lincoln, Wilkes, Tuliferro, . Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elbeyt. Fourteen counties. ffih, Counties Miilon, Gwinnett 'Vtd t«at, Clark, Jaok.-ipn,Madlsqu. Hurt, Frank lilt. Bunks, Hall, p’orfvth, idekens. Dn'vsoi’, Lumpkin. White, Hatier-dinm, Ral'fin. Towns, t'nioii. Fannin. andGilmer. Tiveo tv ei'lit counties ?:fi. Ceuntn-.! DeKidh. Fulton I old,. Colt,. Floyd, Rait-iw. ('liiuokeo. Gordon. Chatt'?|Oii. Walker. Whit Held. 'furry. Catoosa. Old D id- . Fourteen eountie-. 1r a e National Standard \ HER IKS OF SCHOOL BOOKS which is • xtonsi\ely used in every State of the Onion, in many instance* more largely than any • a all others, may justly bear the above title. Nothing hut tin’ most unqualified merit could Rooks this proud position. Teachers, and friends of education generally, nrc aware that it i* creditably maintained by the NATIONAL SERIES or SCHOOL HOOKS, I*l m.lsiJß!* ]»Y A s. IIARNES cf* f />., VIIW YORK. Tliese taiiiouH Book.- are everywhere uw and ami i everywhere Jiopular. The eakiloglie covers i every department of School, Academic and (’ol- 1 legiute Instruction. 'I lie following an* the vol umes representing tin common branches Parker tA Wat:,oil’s Spellers and Readers ; Moutcith and >1 Nally’s Geographies ; ( lark's English (iramninrs ; Beers’ System of Pemua]ivship , Davies’ Complete Course of Mathematics ; Moutcith ami Willard's History, I he Silver Lute and Forest Choir—Music; .bin is’ Physiology and Health : Peck's and fiauot’H Natural Philosophy , Porter h Principles of Chemistry ; Darby s Southern Botany ; Nortnerd’s School Speakers , Pujol’s French Class Book ; Andrews tV: Stoddard’s Latin Hrammar. THE lEUASTRATED hi> t r c, inoal / l nul lktin , THH l'L’Jil.lßHKH'f* OKKK IAI. Mi’.Pll'M, Will In Hunt I- 'l ent licr’F ruVTnlarlv. lor one year, on rm'ipt of ttn ui?ntp*. AdiliT,', A. 8. BARNES & CO., EDUGATIONAI, PUBLISHERS. New York. liivlii-Om l|( U KIMtOS A ril It in eli c s*. /'///' LA TEST IXU HE ST lel Yet itHirif Arithmetic. Rmm tilnlly illviHlratud ; carrier Ihu thu 11 Mt lour Rules mid tin* Tulth s, < ombiniinr mentiil i’xerciHUp \ritli uxanipUti for tin sink*, lfhno. )W ' 10 < enfp An I'Jeinentttrn Arithmetic. I K* viu'vH the iihjc,of ilio IVlmnry in n Ms vie iwlyide-d i«» souK'wluit miiturer inimK \V o enii.rae. - Lnu tioiiß, Ledun.l Monry, Kuducfion, mid ihe( omj oiiud Knlc s. I .’ino. H I jHiiies. 00 eeulH. 4 Practical Arithmetic. iVe juired exj i' bflv for Common School-, im v •'pec'iii! lu-oinlnenre to tin 1 hiniu lie" of Mi reanflle ArillniieUe, nrnl introducing the nun “Metric Sv.Heni,” wifli and uxainplea. oro 1 ;, * «i 4 Hi; pier Arithmetic. In pie jin ration 4 Mental Arithmetic Niat'ly rradv. Till?* serlua is mt’i’iiny with a reception from kMu lierh everywhere, mhl is ex fielly wlmt i? needefl for mental dira-inline, n.« j w>’lf foi a pincficjil prciinration for (lie hind- 1 M s!" of life. P.iwcleiii, thorough, uompreiien si vc, logically arranged, well graded, in Mipplicd with a irrcnt, variety of l||t; fMrjh'h*. u "fi (l i».V f liiv*V j Hjict ipu n tvjtin of »inv of the above workM moilutl, jk»? i paid, to tu u hern and school ollb-urs, on n ifij.t of one half the retail price, Vavwn- j hie terms made for intr(*«|urtl»Mh IK IPIMzKI’OV A 10., PUWdSUEItS. ll* All! lIUOitllH AV, V 1. liiyfl if i:< pariitoi ( iipilh: Throw awav your false frizzea, your .wikho. yo jr wfg— Destructive of coiiilort, and not worth » tiir; Come aged, come youthful, come ngly and iaii *i Ami rejoice in your luxuriant hair. ItlhlMK % K>lt ( APIMA, For restoring hair upon bald heads, from whatever oauatj It may have fallen out. m»<l Jor 1 mg a growth ol hair upon the face it has no exual. It will foree the Iward to grt>w upon the ijupothcMt face in from live to eight weeks, or him upon lavld In.uls In from tr,-o to three momhß. \ few ignorvnl. practitioners lisra iui «t rted that there is nothiug that, will force of. hnaten the growth of the hxir or Their ' assertions are false, a > tlmnssmls of living wii , nesses, from their own experience, can hear iv’G ness. Rut. many will say, how »iyy yt* pi dls ! tiiiguisli the genuine t.juu the apurioik ? If cvitmiily i' dill, mil, tu nine tenths of tin . , • Uku? .'uh’crtiiiod for the hair and beam are <-n tire ly worthless, * and you may liave ali cady thrown hwav large amounts in their pun hn To ei I: we 'would -ay try tin UF |’ \U \T<>K (‘APIhLA .1 'ill eost you ;,.uldpg unlev) it fully • "im -ui our inpre-K ipatiops. If your livu-jh.i '!■•( - »».,* :*■ p irend II* 1 mn .loIKy ami ' v will furv. ud it, pi :piid. fogethe-i wllh , reecij f !<• th» : »iu \, li'n h ’'i l * »»c returned vou mi Gp|di ifproviding entire satisfa*.’ lion b n* l tiven. Addre W L. < I AKKr.A’tb, t'h'iuist*, \ > West Kayetb -if,, ■lpd-ly Byra( U-e, N. V THE ROAD TO FORTUNE. 11/i* ‘-m put anv male oi feimtle in the war VI of M\KIV<; EVKRf I)\V in the y. ir hv the employment of Un Him - Iv . :i. nt »n !♦ i«tln’u and h’< ‘vit’oi,. a ITFTV * I F •eni free, upon applieatlon Addr- PM U>|V; HWKH t f’O., 9W* Broadway, New foiHc No. t;:t. A M KRICAN EDIICATIOHIL SERIES. i* unl ts n fit it v Ivison. i’hinney, Blalteinan&Co 17 nnal lit Strcvt, N EW VO UK. No BKIIIES OF SCilooi. IttlOKH *v f : „l feted to the public have attained so wkle u eii eiihition, or received the approval and endorse ment of many competent and reliable educators in all parts of the United statu-, tuithle. Among tho most prominent of their puldioa lions are the following, \iz IHE UNION SERIFS OF HEADERS ANlf SPKLl.KHS—entirely new in malict and illustrations, and received lth groat fa\oi by the best teaeliurs in the* country. ROBINSON’S SERIES OK ARITHMETIC S— very populnr with nil tOactiora who hnv« tested thcnPln tiie elass r«»oiu. ROBINSON'S AI.OF.BRAS AND ttKi HER MATHEMATlUß—entirely ro written, full, complete, feciontifU mid practical KEEL'S NEW SERIES OF LKAMMAI’.S— unsurpassed in simplicity, clwuxiwg rg. bcureh, and practical utility. SPF'NCERIAN (JORV BOOKS—simpUi, practi *al and hvtimKul. Newly engraved and im proved. oI’ENCEKiAN CiIARTS OF WRITING AND DRAWING—f ix in number, tu nine, :24 by do iuehes. SANDERS PRIMARY HAND CARDS—six in set. : SANDERS’ PRIMARY SCHOOL CHARTS— i large, for the school room, eight numbers on four cards. \ JM : (’AHI)S AND A lUTIIMETIOAI«TABLE < ARDL. WILSON’S HISTORIES. PAKtJI'ELI E'S FRENCH SEftim BRY ANT A STR ATTON'S B( »C)K-KEEPINU WOODBURY’S HERMAN SERIES. MANTILLA'S SPANISH liKADERB. * COLTON’S C FOUR AIM UF.S WEBSTER’SSCIKMM, l>H rtoNARIEB BUADUUV'S SCHOOL MUSIt: BOOKS, etc. T'brv ulho manufacture the SPENCE RIAN STEEL PENS, which are regurdtd by the best I’ensmcn of the eotiufiy iv superior to all otliem. TenuheiM ami all others interested are in vitod, in »?vnd fm our Catologae and ('iix übirs, and to correspond with tw fnwlv Address the Publishers. I tn Make Your Own SoapH Percent Saved By ]| I USE B. T BABBIT'S PUKE OONCKN -1 THATED POTASH on READY SOAP MAKER Warranted doutde the. rtrength of (oinmon I', mid BUpeiior !<■ my other hh ponifieror ley in the market. Put up in eauaol one pound, two pouudf', time, pound*, »<K poinuh and twelve poundi*, with full direct loin* in Eiigiiah and (Jerinan, for making Haiti and Soft Soap. ()n< pound *ill make(Mlcengallon* of Soft. Soap. No |iimi it* re-luiixxL Coiiauiun * will find fh l '- ihr cheapest I’otadi in the marke: U,li vqur gruc V (o,r it. Ik. r j|\ ll lltltl l . o*4, (r, fifq Cos, *\\ CAK BV C.‘ and H Wa hing toii 9i reet. New York, fff A PER < ENT. SAVED BY USING 18. T. •>U IIAIIIIIT * STAR YEAST PDW DEK. Light Biscuit, «>r any kind of Cake, may bo made with thb *‘TcaM Powder” in (iftern minutes. No shortening is reqitinxl when »iui } milk Ih used. No-. 72am| '54 Wvdihtgi *n st.. New York. NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Cliurlerfd I*> /let ol* ('oagres*. (; V FILERS : M. T. Ilewiit, President. Rev. J. W. Alrord, Ist Vice Pru idwit Lewis Cleidiaue, id Viee-Pn-Went. I>. 1. Eaton, Actuary Rev. S. L Harris. Financial Inspector. Piineipal Office, yorner DMfi atrecl nud Penn* hvlvnuin Aremu*, WaMdngion, D. C. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., a ID, mis STREET, I’OKMtR fi 1 jACkSM Om< r Hone From Ito t. jt. ?jl ; and on Saturday*, <‘d, t » !i p. m. liepo.ilis - I One In 11 11 and upward received. Inlen>t allowed in January and July T he money (h posited will h< paid back t<i the depo-itor. principal and inter. .t, when called for, All ttn profit? belong to the di-pofitor —m» others are Interested. Rnuuh« • l»avi la« i e t.d.lifheal in ucaih • very eltv from New York to New OriuuK. C. 11. PRINCE, CfMhit • NOTICE. As l*iii mlitiL- lor W. .1. WMITK, <liul„, hi- at.; ern e from the ' ity, and have Iteeai ( tilled upon to make koine • ettlcuirnf.- on the estate oj J. Kiv deeu. ud. til jut mi* iodwt't c d to t!i<* . - tote w ill please call and *-ec too, .1* I cannot 1 M’.tflu elaitn- without money* U II MATHEWS. Agmtr AUgrtMa M»*v --if•*. tMli p