The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 28, 1867, Image 4

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Tin* Ilaily Loyal lieorwian. .AU-NUSTA, OA. JI NK #. IWiT Constitution for Republican Club*. YVY *■;»!! tin .1 1 »!• »»1 imr Ropub*: ii(*;ill It’JHlri ' !<» ill** follou inir (’‘HlMtitU I lion, whirl) will !><• :i -jowml one for | tliein U* :nlo|»t in oroanizinif ! rail < Inb'* : AKTIULK I N \ MC M»i « In)' Umll l«‘ kn wi -»s !h< I *llloll Kc p 11 1 *I i« •' l < till* of . (liniuc «»f tmril.l j IMIM' V *1 ' »ts Os AKTU LK I! I hi" (.lull :« ortfjiiii/fd for the puriM*?** of »and the of tin.- Union HipuMi-n. 1 o iri.v in Hl.i4r ami thrmtgliouf tin nntioii ft t> ill strive to vli vitc labor, cdocaU’ thu Isjno • .in*. ’»»t«l u"f.iin tin- rau" -of universal justicr AKTJULE Ilf no n ms lln oilbi ->| ;4ii« ( lull l# » Prr«.<lri»t. | tvMiVir * I’rt od nit. a K< < n tarv. .* Tn aoin ~ * •iinl an Kxo< »itlvc- Committee of five ih«hi>-<;> j The »tiovi> named offittr* shall Ik* clwted it tin; ■ fir"» iiid in January and July in each yi ar, .1 ini tin 1 v shall hold over until their P»iror-*or* | art* duly »*i»-<*ti*<! ami '{Ualifled. ARTICLE IV di/tibs or orncßMs Tlii- » |*- « »sos Club shall perform ti.iv j Int v- Mpuiivd of similar officer* by ordinary jao ii.'imait arv uoi'i' Tin Executive Conuuif j shall prepare bu.-iue** lor tin; meeting* of j >!n < lul* and make touch arrangements as fhal! ; •recur*: a good attertdfltiee. Tliff shall aim* j make -»!i ffojf- may be in their power to j 111:1k • the mcrfiutrx interesting and profitable. A KIU LE V ViailH' \rtONsOK MKMUFK ‘i 111 only iptalifi* a'ioiid n« < e>sary rti become 3 iihiiilmt ol this Clitb, should hi a good moral - harm ter and an etpressed determination to support t.l»r principle* of rln I'niou Republican ( party. A KTK'LK VI. HEVEX' E. ITir of this Club hall be defrayed by voluntary <• mtribntion* from among the meinbc r« ♦inl 'tthers. To the Republicans of the Union Tin- National Union ('oiiiinitteo t.jtpeals ti> llir I?. |ilil'li< iin> iif every State, lor their iiMsiatitiieo sml cooperation in this niispicioiif crisis of our country. We ilecin it of the highest importance that the Hepulilii nils of each State should iinnieiliatelv reorganize tut tile remaining ('.lections of IK(17, preparatory to the com ini; l’l'csidcntial contest Kspccialiv should tliis organization lie immediately effected in those States which have never liofon recognized ns tlie only just basis of govern un lit the eipuil and inalieuahle rights of 111,01 Not a day should he lost in forming and drrngtliemiig within those States ; puldie sentiment in eonsmmnee with ill' principles which underlie the great Political organization to which ttt liclong. '!’o this end. we desin to proseetile a ■ yslcinatie and thorough canvass of the S. iithelJl States, By tin most ellifielit • iieahers of both raees We would seeomi ! their efforts hy a distribution of doeil j incuts, enduring the principles, policy and aims of the Itf publican party We ; would ••all, in every locality where it is ‘ pirsihlc, meetings for dim tission, where l those who an with us in principle may’ learn to art with unity and enenrgy. l ies- measures are required to bring out tin- vote ill’Unit large body of ltepuhlican Unionists who now rcndei the Southern States a battle held of principle, It is the pressing need nl the hour that bold, judi • ion and id 111 men. thoroughly imbued with our re-d, should there explain oi)r prineiples. establinb our faithfulness to them, mid prove that national greatness and hotnaa freedom depend upon the per tnaneiit triumph ot our cause. Jteyoinl this, it is most essential that wc ' should now establish in those States, ! Free Thought. Free Speech and a Fret Fuss. Kwry part of tliis Republic must be open to tin discussion of principles ami measures. This must be sustained, as • cardinal point in our creed, at. any and j . very hazard KfVortf to intimidate the ! humble ami ignorant voter on the part of! thi' Southern planter, must be met with j the spirit of freejneu, and the detcrinilia lion which agist cause sanctions. in time past, the Republican party lias , struggled against the unjust reproach of | being sectional in its aims and Character. ■ though its purposes and its means of effec ting them were such as the fathers of the ! Republic approved. It was accused of doing governed by selfish motives, and ot j desiring to aggrandize the North at the’ expense of tile South, Its adversaiies, ; having the jiower t.o silence and to crush I and! opposition, denied all discussion, and ! overawed even freedom of thought in sis i seen States of tlie Union. It j*. 11 1* 0. ■ tsT( J . i nOw and imperative duty, which wo owe i to our party sind to ourselves, to embrace tbs' first opportunity of truly representing i t« those States how consistently we Imvi | ismti-iidi'd fin tin interests, welfare and ; tV.'sd.'in of the whole Union. The overthrow id' Slavery and tlie Re hellion, and tile enfranchisement of the frsi'diniu. rendering (hi• overthrow se ■is e and final, have happily vjndieuted <mr course ami organization; hut it is accessary to stamp the conviction of our ioy.dty ami li'lrhty to the right, irresjxs live of section ot race, njion the rctoi* .trtictcil States. For the lirst time in many i years, the enthusiastic followers of our ilag ami confessors of our faith are there i taking part in tlie popular gatherings. : and ill in lliv of tile Soiuheril Kill- ». wc J has- reason t« believe that they form a ••••hied majority. They are, however, without organization, and lack tin' co I hi sion and diseiptinc ma-essary to success fhu e fourths of the Repuhßeans have j tteve-r viM and have no pc.uri- ride l-nowhaige f tin means wlierchy the j"';' !:ti wdi i- 'Aprtssed. With iivuy ■ t them, the habit is fixed, of rendering i'nplieil <ln di< ms- t. able slid dexterous poiitiihin- who are implacably hostile to; our principles and deti rinined mi til* | prostration of our eause. -in: iiiimv-iVaiv action is therefore mt : poiativi We eiouiot delay without ini i- tiling di for which so niueh hio Is on ■aerifieed in the past Confident in our ii-ngth in Uu North, the West, and tiic I’aville 'tales, w, must not forget that we a.e a great tlMi to pcriftinn tow ard tin hi -a! and true men "t the South Ib pahliiarts' ov apjwid is to vo ~ to '"I ami sustain the work which a, tew loyal and true men base s t> led dr ! gun Ni earned ask speakers, in addition to giving tlnir tine am! talents for month* to tin tailor, to defray their own n •ccrstfv expenses We aunot print and distfihuls’ I dortiioents of tlie eharaeti r re<piirr<l w itli out it heavy outlay. We have no means or i ndiance except u|H>n the generotts s])trit of 'ha* great party which holds the claims of Humanity and Freedom ahoy all price. The patronage ol'the (lovernnient brought into power by the stall 'luunshiji. the courage, and tin lovalty of that p; rtv, w ill not aiil us in this good work We must, thiuefoia appeal directly and personally to you. If you an rich, hgive generously Ifponr send us what-vi r you ran alToril. Tin gem mils pm|e>s< and the noble aim s.iiu lift tl» immlilest <i fort' At nil i tents, act promptly and ei iis Its’l timt tin- sympathy of the I! -pul limn party is with tt- in' o.ti purpose of making this great land tin iiomt ol 1 1 tit ilepuliliean principle , well distincti on ,f race and color are unknown, and when UiUrty, Virtue and Intelligence fr m tin ! enduring basis ofotir grealm-' ami pi"- I polity. Address letters mid < ontrilartiims t' tiov. Ma»(i.« I. VVvttn, Chairman and • Treasurer, New ark, N. .1 M. is J,. Wahii. N. •! .Sami ki. ARi uviani i;. I’m * WIt.I.IAM CI.AH,TV Mas- R, Cl, a UK. N. II (inni t.KV. N V. 11 11. H f AUK AY K A Tit Kll. Coll'. N. R. Bmriltkks Del. II W. lIoKKM AN M-l. Kxe< litive Committee of tli Nutiomi! j Union Coin, \nr Ymk. May FI, J*■ t*7. ',/AI! Kcjiubitcan jotirnnls are re j guest' I to (opyhnml to si con-l this appeal. PK.VHSON. AIKIX &< <)., VARIETY, FOUNDRY, AND RAnilYi; YYOKkS, Manufar turvr- of nil Kindfl of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ANI) MACHINERY, SStioii as Straw Cutter*, i-oru SiieU' rs, C’i4l ci Mills, Draix Sh*n, Cimilai Saw Mills, t-iiisi Mills, Si<am Kngitie* and Hollers, Us the Utc:*t iinl mobt jni I^i ' With oui iin proved Valve, ten permit •> i Hit i !'«el i* suved -aucl all our work h WHiTantcd ! * tfife Batlafnctioi* Forfuitlnn pmtlrulHis*. in *l»lrc :i* ohoTt, "t r< ar. c on, Aikin «V- <■< V.n i* fy, W'umlrv mid Macliim; W*«iktf M.iin i*tr« i. liftwt( n 1 Jill wnd )Jih Mruc’*. Loni^vilii, Kv jfVd riionoKß itovKit, 1 h, r inmuni- j < . n. i.iiti.i- President. | S*errti-rv | Sup'f KOI HR WHEEL H»imV, •Sue* c«Hor»* i<» I'. II yrr A < (i, , M.VJU I’A' I ejlMU*. ok SAHVKN S PATENT WHEELS, Also Wheel*, Spokea, Hubs, Felloes. Shafts, BOWS. POJ.KS, AND ALL KINDS OK CARSIAOB AND WAGON MATEIUAI.. PliOW IIAMILKS. No. a.TU M cm| ll.leil HI,, CINCINNATI. jc2G New Leather Store, HEED HHOS A co. Great InrttictnH'iits OlfcmL Price# Grenthj Ifethiccti. w K liavi just recciveil .i vorj larei . h. sh. mu] well assorted stock of tlu> iliiest nrurnls of IPiENCII CALK SKINS, wliieli we are now telling trom (I 70 to (g per pound. We have on timid a large unit complete ttnek ofal! kinds ol LKATHERnmI SHOK KINDI NOS, onshi ing partly ot Sole, Upper, Kip Skins, Hurmsb, Skirting mid Bridle Leathers, Pud Skins, Mo ronns, foppinjs, Linings. ,V. , ,A<. Also dealers in 11II)K!S, Oil., f \LLOW,,imI LEATHER mill (it M BELUNO Pka.-e to give iu> n t all licfore purciiasiiig clstwiiere HEED BKOS .v <’o . ill Main :-t.. between Tbild and Kourtii. Cincinnati, Ohio N B.‘ Cush paid lor Rifles ami Leather in rough jego 5. WEAKH, I W. A. TBI’KSTON, I.iilC'.if Klemingeburg, Kv | Late of Pari-. Kv JIETHOJHILJTAN HOTEL, JIAIk STREET, BETWEEN KKON'i AND SECOND STS . Cinelniiatl Ohio. WEARS & TIIDRSTON, raoPßißroas ieZl' S( II.MITT A. BROS*. SHOW CASE WARE ROOMS. *o. 4M Street. j CINCINNATI OHIO. *-4/' kindr <:f CASES kt j>t mi I hand and mad* L« filter jcJyi ST CLOUD HOTEL. coUNEK SFCOKD IND 4EFEKRX-is., WM S * M. S. DFJIONFY, PROPRIETORS. I'M im ii.'m:. KT ••'lee M » Her Onv. j«.y, CANNON 6l BYERS, wiidi khat.i: MILLINERY HOUSE. IWI %*«•>! r««-f. I.OriSVII.I I l\ KNIT* KV Ask cm attcmi > i «.»f VLr < IIA N l S to their Stock * t uiimoNs, no\\kt>. I Tlkll H (Alt niHHIiH' || I IS, Dress Trimming. Duttons. Braid* i z-// i.Darts, n.i stih r /,1 -turrs i And Fine Imported Varieties i# Orders r■ -ite good ami ft"iupt situ, thm 1 UF KAVOHITP UU MUST FORTABL<L FROM nugusta to New York, VIA SAVAX NA 11 I IfK ("Honing New, Fast and la- Ste»iiizhip> -ail trom SAVANNAH to NEW YORK ev.ri TIKBDA Y. THURSDAY and SATURDAY IA rrirt/'n /,/..., I Athi’.li. <. 4/ /;»./"" /...... I N- I Suii Tuc-d.ivt* U: ri»iirxl.i\' jS' I -urd'iv-* i.k «•, heuman , -AN UVIMiiiHiX, ‘ sALVAUOU, ' I H*:it l*nr:.. ; linker, j NL:kerx>n. f’oiiMiiaud'-r. ; Coininaiitier. { Cofmii tud* r. VIK Ml. <»LV. imiMN i »(V ,'H'IMO. ' liu -kley. Mono;: j Afuin>. j CollDlt.Older. I Cotiili :.Tltl ; ('• *ll i 111 : 1 1 1 (1 u* r. | Thex- Bte;»inshij)!? .ire 11 of i:o^ r • .trryintf t;* j juicity, w*’H adapted to this route and arc fitted i up wit4i espeeiul regard f<. the ‘omfort of pas ; v* r» — MUd* K<*utis !;o-_m and airy.'.lo 1 Ik piirtmeut supplied wit!i tie Lest tlie Xctv • York and Savimiiafl mark ■! tr>rd. 'Tier I through T;.:itl li.iv.i _ ix », mu* and in i wtpii, Fk and " iii iind this the (41 ICKI'ST, SAFEST Hid M"<T f« * >Nt iM iC AI. i foit Tp to Nc’v York THKOrGII TICKKTS he had of Ticket ; Aijenf. Olli- p Wayui stiom’ K. H. Depot SAVANNAH AI.KNIS Mun.. Lire—Hl'NTEl: .. (iAMMKL. Mlmi'" v M. S. S( ", Lit WILDER A KUL.'.KHTON, Agent. Knipiie Lin*- li II HAKDKK. Ag nl. DEO A Mi t.'LKSKLV, j' .’'.’l Traveling \ .1. If I NOEL! VL tV Cos s a it i*; z\ t s a c k 1 1 V WATCHES ON the poptilo. .me pr-e« l.tu. .: 11 lt every patron 1 hmidHuit *i»d rcliaLL H atch for Cm- j*rlec if Ten Dollars' '** if lio» to value, and not to « paid l«*i hit I — perfectly sat jsf:.etor\ 1 YOO rtoiid Cold W:»! hr- J->0 t > « *'* '»<*> M'l-p Cast t (fold Wad It* *OO to aOO a*n I.adit-' Watches. I.iiaiiHk lijflto *3OO DttK) C-ol«i i Wat. ] u ■ i*'to ;W ICMfO (Gild Hunting Knniisli la vi rs, jno to 250 .Uton Cold Hunting Duph v Wetelu-s*. 1.10 to aoO rANNMioI.I an Hot . 100 to ] ;.(MK) Silver la v< r.. 54) t*, ;:/» >4nK» Silv'-r Hunting Duplu'. 75 tat HHiOO (Dild fl'llitilE'Lepitu . .50 to 75 ID4MKI .Mi-soellaneoi! Bil\ r Watche 50 to 100 •£SOOO If fintiii- I s *iiver Waieh. . o> 50 ‘{OOtM) A. sorted Wat< li<-. j (all kinds ) 10 to 75 Kvor*y pi’tson oMainsa H':G a. Ly this m rauuc 1 ment efwttur hilt Hid while it may Le worth $750. No riartjiilj'v idiovn Mes-rs f iV («• <ir*at Aim rican Wsiteli Company, N'ca York City, wish t > iin mediatelv d'sjMise of the i» I>* *. ina^niflceiit nitx k. tVrthn ties, namin.s; article.*, an- placed ill ruled envelope* Holder are entitled to articles mimed on their «•••»•*ili« :tt« ** upon pay ment ol Ten Dollars, wlictlm 1 he 1 W itch 4 >rtU 07500 r one wort h 1( - 'l ie return o f our eertilieates entitles you to fhearto lea named thereon, upon 1 aym .-m in < -}»(■( rive of its worth, and as \y article valued less than $lO is named on any certiliefttc. 1’ will at into t*e seen that (Ida i* 110 lottery hut .1 sfra -Id hu ward lejjiti mate < raitsa« tion wliii.di may n }*artioipfiie(! in hy even the most fastidioi - ’ \ -ineie C ititieide sill h< m \, y maip p C *,t paid, upon reentpt of ‘.'.5 ecu's, live for $ 1 eleven tor Y*; thirty thru* and inelegant pre mi mu for $5 . sixty si v rnd more vaDinhlc pri mititi) for $lO ; one hundred and a ino<; -tipeil' Wat»-h foi sls. To Au-nt-*, or 11 1 * • *\ishini:! -mploviiient, tills is a ran., pp/ r- unity It is a IcuOintiuely eondutted duly antlio rDtal hy the Cloveit iiM-nt, m l »pm to*the most earcful suntt.iny. Trv us Address. <l. A < 0., 11H Ih’o •! wa\, near P O, Jeh-J dn. City of New York MAURI AGE (and IDE. BKI N<4 a private instructor lor married per sons, 01 those about to he married—both male uni female—in everythime COneemiiii; the physiology aud relations of our sexual systejn, *nd the production and preventioti of offspring, i including till the 11 *v distuv riC' never before Liven in the English hie»ti;u:e, by \VM Y( M. I> Mil sis really a valuable and iiatenvoing v ork. It is written in plain languaje for the general reader, and illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or thost eoutemplatimr and bavnig tin least impcdiiaeiti to married life, sin 11 Id read this hook. It discloses secrets that, ivory ope should be acquainted with, still it ie a book that must he locked up, and not lit about tit-* house It will .e »ent ton tty on-' ot the receipt of 50 •cuts Addrest. l)r \VM YOl'Nh, No, 415 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE -No matter what may lie your descale, tx.fore . ; you jtlace yourself under the < aiv of any of the notorious Quacks native «-r foreign - who ad vertise in this or any other p. p* r, a copy of Dr Voting's '*..ftk and oad o earetnUy, It -.r-ll he the means o: saving \*.u j»ia»*y a doll u , yum health, and pousibly your life. 1»: YOUNG ean Is «<>ii>ulu <l on any "f tin diseased dgSeritwd in hi> pHMieat tons, at his aliui No lit* Bppt MjilMdelphia There eometh ghul tidings of joy to all. To young and to old,' t*> great and to small; The beauty which ol kt nt. so piveion* and rare is fre* lor all and all may he lair, BY THE USE OF CHASTELLARS w&irß x,ravr*> E3 JNT AMEIL, Km Improving mu! Ikauti/viug the Com pleximv 1 to* mo>t valuaMc and jH't'feit i»n‘{';initl*»ii In u.-c for'giving the skin a txautitni ).• arl-lUu tint, tiiat is only fouiul in youth It 'iiiieklj remove* Tan, Freckle*, Pimple*, Blot. lies. Moth l'atihts, Sal lowness. Eruj.thm*, ami all Impiiri ties of ti e Skin, kindly healing the -aim, leav ing the-kin »liite and clear ~ialm*tur. It* use eannof bo del a ted by the closest acrutiav. (lid iK-ing a vegt talde pivparation. i- perfectly harmless, ll is ll.e inly article <il tin kind used by til'-U 'ucli. and is eoi.situ Mil t» v . sian-a- md’siM iis;:o;..-to .. per feu toilci Lp wards ot iO.i Ail .ot tics mil d.l during the j.ast yar a s'ltti' .cut guarantv of its .'ill i, . I’D' only To i"» m - Mill oi i.iail, j... 1 - (, •a i' '-"ii -it an iintei', ii I--'!". SJfl 1 rs At 0., ( i.cmisis Rivir Sir..' Troy, \ Y ; '■> »■ i " "lot. DLBKFJ'X I ff- f■- - UFA s’ X. ; plica ‘ '•* * ‘ • :n«»- ♦ <traiuhi and • ‘ -.-. r W. V ringkl? > _ Da- >.t :-M TANARUS" dhvtb< * ‘ ' T P* ; t i. I dl.a with ihe llKX't ;;r.ip \, •*-_ «>! i».' • ioiurv to thu hair, ’‘s « l -i.d paid, $i Dr •* ni tr •• * .irofer* iwiicr fret Addn^>, I!Fls*.Eft Sfn TTS .v I*o.. ffe-ml ta. IL :;-. t, » r*»v, N Y. # S.x], *:,r- , , *t t’ufled “P 4l ! r j CHASTELLARS //.I//.- EI'TEIIMISA T<>lE! h’nr Jit nnn'htif Stiperfinntis Jim ft r PO the ladi' especially, thi* it.valuable de- X pilaUny rce uniuend** it"'lf 1 Uinganal i»»(*st article to female Itcanty, i«* easily applied, does not bum or injure the skin, hut at t«* directly on the r»x‘t- It i* warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, total ly and r;idlcally extirpating the same, leaving tin* skin *oft, smooth ami natural Tills is the only article used I*v the E/em li, at«d is the only real effectu >1 depilatory in e>isU*nc« ITiee 7‘ emits ]k*i paekuui, sent po>ti»;»id, to any address, on receipt of an Order, by BF'KfiER BHe TTS A G* ~ Uheiiiisls, apd-ly •-**» River 8t , Troy, N T \cw York anti (liarlrston Stt;amsliip Line. SAILINti EVERY SATURDAY FROM AIM. Fft’S SOUTH WHAKI 1 liF •U gant SiUe-Wiu. 1 MANHATTAN. M S Wood hull, Com matid cr ( UAMI’ION, R. W L<» kwuod, C* uiiiir>nder, Leave each po t '»n SATURDAY, and for speed and comfort no superior »n the coast. Both Ships have splendid Gatin aceommoda tiom for Pj^wsuger* All outward Freights for this Line should l-e consign* and to COURTENAY A TRENIIOLM, w ho w ill forward the same free «>f commission Freights received daily at the pier. For passage and busiuefrs < onuecti and w ith iu ward Freights, ipplv to STREET BKOk At O. ‘ 1 East Bay HFNRY I? MORGAN A CO.. Agents. 36 Broad war Nsw York STREET BUOB A CO. < OURTKNAY A TRENfIOLM, Jt/lnt Agents N Y. A C. B.i>. Cos., jeJA C harh ston, 8. U. Vumista to New York. IHE t.KKAT A l LANMt SE \BOARD AND tiVLY MAIL ROUTE is the ijuirkest. moot pleasant, safe, reliable, and «tnfortehle from August,*. .iavMiLi .b, Micou, <5 lttmhusand Atlanta to tie North. This old and favorite .-cute from New Orleans, Mobile und Montgomery. : Atlnmn. Augusta Wilmington and VWhlou. N C , to Kichimmd, M ajhington, Br.lthrore, I'kiladelnhia, N« w York, it now in excellent order ana siico s-hil operation, with new Engines, new and elegant Cars and •Sleeping Ca r Weldon, tukfi? KoLfr.s to New York ar* now open, viz Via Richmond and Washington City Via Fortsinouth and Old Bay Line M am* i>. Via Fort.-mouth iml the new AnnatucMc Route. Tho loot is ate w aid very plea ant route, by Steamer, frotu Portsmouth o> CriMb Id, on the Eastern Shore ot Virginia, and thence by Rail over the length of the entire State of Delaware, connecting »t Wilmington, Delaware, with through trains t« Philadelphia and New York, or to Baltimore Fare from » • \* w Y'ork, hy either <»f the throe route.*, f:*#*». ELJEOSNTSI,HKI tNO( AKSOII *ll Night I rail. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH Through Ticket*, good by either route until used, for sate ;»t the Smith Carolina Railroad Ticket OHU * P If LAN(»IX>N, General Bout hem Agent For parti, nlan, hejuire of ISAAC LEVY. Je!!s 1-Jff Broad street, Augusta, Ga Change of ScLedalo of South Caro lina Railroad Company. Drm i- Sot rii K..ilhoxi> Uo , . Charleston. March 11, WO7. t On AND AK’IEK WKDNI.-DAY March Lilli, 1 -07, tU THUOt (HI XIAIL lKAlNlroui Columbia to Ani/iista, will run up follows, viz: Leav August i ..0 55A M. Arrive at CharUutoii. .4 00 I*. M. Arrive at (.'olmnbio ... .r. 40 I*. M Leave Charleston kOOA M Arrive at Augusta... . .~j nti 1’ M. Atlimlir' aml (iuSI l{uilrot««t. UXILY (SI,’M'XY- KMRI'TBU.) J.iTivcß Suvaiumli nt -, ;io P M. Arrived at Tbomasville at .. 7 16 A. M Arrives at Live Oak at. . 0 50 A. M. Arrives at .Jacksonville it .. ta 40 j-. M Arrives «t Toilahiuist • at . ;i 20 I* M L'fives Tallahassee M. 10 15 A M Lcxvi-p Jacksonville at . .. i 10 P. M Leaves Live Oik at . .. BOPI’ >1 Leaves Thouiasville at ... 6 'M p. M Arriyesat Bavantish st -i 00 A M STEP BY STEP, 08. The r/t ihl's Eirst Lrsson Hook nESICI NKIM.i o a .'b nea »• .'iumrp to trail on an improved oiau Pro i, Jo cettU. "It is ••nr of the b -t lirst tsioka tor voiunz children th.u we have vet seen, and will .1, not. less soon win its Way •.. publi. : ,vor. .n.| i.« ffeiiirally eitiplovod it; tli. instr'o rio- . hil lrcn."—ltrbi r in M»t. J.„ " Sin, >.y .V. .. i. , er , uuly .. ■ :j-u .. a clui-J s lino! .k ji„ p;. rV ' flu sui s. rits-rs Will-cud a "ivuiat out„lu '■'lJS speciui' ti p,..;i -of the aoivc work, desigui and u. teach the little ones Jo read on anew plan, to • 11V Oil'-d'-L ime it it will i;ivc '.'a her- ami others interest* and in vdiiesiioti an idea of tire work. II").ks o, Ho work will be -<dt to sitv address, tor the piwpow 0/ ex uninaiion, oa re'- (S'ipt of 15 Cents. DAVIS. PORTER * t'f.'ATR 712 Sar.som Street, Philadelpifaa Change of Schedule <>N 1 (IF, GEORGIA KAILKOAD. On AND AFTER SUNDAY .JUNE 9TH IS»'7, the Fasseiiifci Trains on the (ieortria Rail road will run as follows. The ehanire is made to - lose up the delay at A>i-usu dxy rxssENoBH train j Dai... Sunday- Fxtcpt ;d.t I j-c-ne Aoi/u-ta at. ,r>nu \ M , l.eaye Al"".:.i Ut .SPO \ M Arm u A u.gnsD* r ....5 4.5 p \{ \niw:ii vtlurn,. . eYOO p \J xI«iKiT i'.-."FWI!It THAIJC* j-' ' ' - V, "t '-Li . .(I 00 P. M Leau An uit . . 7 15 j \i-riv u \, "list ■ . 1, iil A M Arrive at Atlanta it 4jg >4 l*""t I'a i- for Maytifhl, t\ iiii'^-',nl ,to) \ aeits, i. inn-t ' >ke Dtv ’.’a • t'T' r Yi ait! from AmnisVa and Atlanta J a.ssettt/ers for M e-st poitd, Montiromen . Mo- Vt ”■ ' >rt ' R-sii lear lutrtista on ’ n U Tr:,il ' ' m:k, Pa—.oia-i - to- N t-5 . BU. * -. .1 it.tlt- t,"ar.(l •D»« ’em M.'lltaili,. . , tn.vliSr. and St I o*l, - '.ai> tak. either Haiti ,m| make . lose enne - tionf. THRO, IHJ TICKETS a mil* w (locked throtmb to 'ln above plat ■■- PI L'.MtN-S IMI.'VT SLFEPIVt, t \ps on all Nl ;V Pa... n'M Triin.. . ... T 'V « <t| | '*•—» <-ciM r:»l StirMTinti iHlpni THI imi eUQftGIAN A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED AT T E RMS: Daily, per annum - - - S6 00 Daily, six months - -3 00 Daily, thro** months | - 1 05 Wookly. per annum -3 00 Weekly, six months 1 75 Weekly, three months - - * 100 <» THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ONE OF THE VERY FEW Outspoken Republican Papers in the South. It -v is tin lira, in the State'to advocate the Uroatl jirineijile ot ■ RIGHTS K< ill —lt vindicate- thu doctrine of tl -su]>reniitey ot the National ovci State Governmenls —It tuitjnaliliedly dciiounces Ski kssiiix ;is not only uneonstittittoiiiil. Imt inherently hostile 10. and destnutive of, til! !>ein<«r*tic Ke|mblican (iovernmenls It in.aiiitaiii** tor Con-fross, ns tin* Iwklv duly n|'|>ninted hy mir form of government for National legislation, the right and dutv to, at all times, so legislate as to vindicate the honor and prowess of the Nation—lt will the early reconstruction <d the State* on the platform laid down hy the " National Union Roj-tiMican Party.' THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS MADE ONE OF TIIE OFFICIAL ORRAAK OF THK (iOVKRVHLAT IA THIS STATE It. will j.nhlish tho 1, \\VS emu' hy Uongrcsa :tn<l all GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ALSO DESIGN A TED THE Organ of the Educational Association of the State. It will, therefore, he found to contain the most general and coni).loto infer mation rejecting these important interests in our midst, mid will from tiu» £ . to time he furnished with aide and interesting I'oininuiiicntionq *',om the hesf Edili'.atoik in the State. A Family Newspaper. V hile devotingeonsifler.ahle spaco to the discussion of the great political questions rotating to the times and section, we shall reserve space for such miscellaneous Educational and Religions reading ns will make the pa|wr at tractive and profitable to all. We shall scrupulously guard against the inser i' >n « and any thing tending to demorah/e the morals of Home and Society. <)n tho other hand, we shall tiiiu-, Ihrough every appropriate means, to stimulate to study and good tnor-jl* Booh and Job Printing . ”*’ have just been to groat expeithe in furnishing our t >fUt- " with the re •pii'itc- for doing BOOK AND .1015 WORK. M e are now prepared to till any ami every description of IJT1 J T M\ ,\Nl‘ FANCY TOR I'KINTIXG. TT <• solicit business ( »f this kind, promising despatch in e.v«tition. neatness in workmanship, and at rates the most reasonable. *4 tl and r e s s : LOYAL OEOR6IAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Al GT_)STAs GEO.