The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 29, 1867, Image 1

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flic IDailt) Cental #corm<tn* VOL. I. The Daily Loyal Georgian. .1 K. BKV.V NT Editor. T!!OS. I* ISKAJ.'I) - - Aj-cnt. ;mice. in ri'nr nt <«l**lm- Hold. . '.rm'rot -Kid on and Kill* .Streets. Augu-ta. (i"orsi:i. I liß 'l S: One *<)ir, Sl\ liuiilli.. - - - - - S lliri'i' tlaiillls. ■ . • ■ i wrjKi v, ' i o».<‘ Y*-nr. ----- s;l **** Wi\ Wonlli*. ... - 15a Three Ifonlli.. ... I ll# K ITIM or I»VHKTI«n« : 00 |5 (tol S'. 50 f# ..HI 15 GO ”17 00 SO O' 22 ‘'o 25 00 5 oo .s (XI 11 00 15 'X) Sri 00 5 s till :S2 50, :;5 00 1! ui .'xl 1! 00 14 CO 17 On’- 28 OO 50 50. 42 fxi is 00 55 .VI t - 00 0(1 II 00 .11 (HI (XI 45 (XI 50 (XJ 55 00 (Si 50 n 'O io 5o ;o (xi s:> (XT ;;s oo 5o oo vs ixi ex; (Xi 5:1 50 0 11 (XI, is (»i r>:: (XI So oO 4: .«( 50 (Hi 0.5 (X) 71 (XI Si (XI 7 1:1 .5(1 so 00 23 00 S'.) .x) 4s (X> OS 50 53 >H> US 00 OS 00 s 14 i«i ns («i ss (Xi rig Ixl .vi OO 011 (XI SO i«i 01 (Xi 100 <x> 0 15 50 24 Ixl ;n> (XI 0-5 (XI 58 00 5 5 00 S7 (XI 1H iXi 108 (XI 10 15 ix 1 SO Ixl 82 IX) 55 00 01 50 SO 00 OS >«> 104 (X' 11.5 (XI (~ Col 32 50 Mi 41 • (Xi 15 ixi 55 (Xi 0! Vi US r.o 125 50 140 Oo 1 ( ill. ,-5 -.HI 50 'XI (XI (X' 5(1 (XI lie. i.X! 150 'XI 152 50 ISB 50 210 IX' Oik square, lirst insertion, 7.) ''cuts, each Insertion after hist, oO vent*. One Square is me.u-uryd by t-u lines of minion tvpe. r . XdvcrtmciiHnt- inserted three tun - week (.•v rv other clay) for a month or longer period, will In* charged two-thirds of table rates. \dvertinements twice n week one-half of t able 1 'verti^Jiientsonce .» r< eh one-Ulird of table 1 r ml Funeral Notice s , sl. a 11 a. per line. ((he nan. Jo . yiverhx-mentx _ (i. ... t t: ,1,1. will lie .Tinrued s.i per rite-. • k~y Uo\ KKI, Vddri'..a 1.0. val Sl.* l '. Newr, and Other Items. Kkciis tikvhon. Ono hnnriml runt eislily-oisrlit rcgistoiTii vcstvnhy -one Inin lroil and one while*, and eighty seven blanks Total for two days three linndred rind four: whites, .me hiimlied alel -ix'y loin , blacks, one linndred ami forty.- iW’iHt" Kf"', Advices from New Orleans show that, |.s,n(io |ie>«ons ha>e. been rs tereil 1 here as voters .under the Re construction act. The while pe.i|ile are registerin!' very freely now, lint the ei.|ored men .already have mneral thousand majority. In the .‘state re turns from registration show that live colored men to one white are being registered on tin average. Ukconstkkctios x C'kk i iintv. Tlk' most, encouraging sign of the complete success of the recon struction policy, in Georgia, at least, are to ho found in the fact that ex- Gov. Grown is one Os its boldest and most intrepid champions, while INuil G. If. Hill is one of is most indus trious and untiring op lofelits. Kx-Gov. Brown has always had the sagacity or good fortune U> anticipate the people's wishes mild sentiments and lienee has been continuously sue ecssful ever since jib entrance into ipublic life; while Sir. Hill lias been -ii unfortunate as to be always, in a {minority, and never suecesslnl beiore thr jie'ijile, outside his county. Judging Ironi the antecedents ot the 'ifxxsutg champions, Reconstruct ion , \fr«*ji ly a success in Georgia.— E ot. /»» • - h,h - , ...... \ ]Ut l a greater Ilian '‘Drown *Ud*pi mine- tiV )**«*'• J -° ok ll l1 "' V " '^ nation re.UimH from al! over the Mate. Tiik Nk |v s.’Al'Ki'' "anel Webster was right 1„» remarked .1 th. oress: “Small is the s.trn riMtured to pntrmiixe a iw*■spapor; n "• ,n [.,1 its patron. I care not how It.liubh: and uiipretcTidiilt; the gazette he takes. It is next to impossible to h.l a ptm sheet without putting into it sonie -1 hing that is worth tire subsenpt..* price.™ A blind man 'had been sitting one dav and pb asantly chatting witlrsollie visitors tor an hour, when one ot them wished the company good morning, ,md left tin- room "What white teeth that ladvsaid the sarcastic ldm.« man. “H«.* d«you possibly teh that.' slid a friend. 'Hb-t-aUM . tue the ,|v answer, “lor the b;t Jh-lt hour - lie has done nothing but laugh, ' Afaj ir G.-u, l*op< ino til- graphed to (ten. Grant that it is untrue ne groes had been ujipointi'-l its tW«- iiiimeipa! (..over mu cut o! Mobile, amt say- otbees are now filled *-v the best men in the city. While waiting for a ictur ni the Go a-*u I’o-'olliee. (b-orge Garter was pistleif hv ;i crowd, aud had he pocket picked ot s.i,tit" e J. lour is lour ifollai- ti barrel- rhea |wr m New York than if was six.weok-- AVGUSTA. GA.. SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 2!), 1867. 11 ic.m "it Ain i:us,.;lp Mii.uauv Disnm t, (ti■! Vh,rin-i ii/hi ,! 11f.I’. .i, Atlanta, (hi , May 31. tstii. (4KMIII VI. ObtiKiis, No. 1 M) Ip aecorilanee xrith an act of Congress, -a;pp(i'im‘!itaiy to an Act to provide a wore "!lichint Uiivernnngit for the re'wl States. , tti., dated Maieh 2. IStiT. tlh follovvitig ■ arrange..Ynts are herein made for tile re "i-rration of voter.-'in the States el Geei gia oiil Alabama. 1 The Stall sos Georgia and Alahain, arc divided, into Registration- Dirt riots, mmtlicrcd and Imintded. as hcninal't. i described. 11. A Hoard of Registration is lietcie. appointed for each District, as above men tinned,to consist of two white Hegisto.s. . and one co'.ored Register. In tin Stati of Georgia, where only the two white Re (listers are designated in this Order, it is directed that these white Registers inaench District inmitaliatelv select, midcaii.-e tube dulv (jiialitici'i, a competent colored man to (inipletc the Hoard of Re-gistiution. and report his name and I’ost office addre-s. without delay, to Col. C Sibley, com mamling District if Georgia, at Ma-jpn., Gemgia. 111. Eaeii Register will he n .piired to take and stilxm rilw: t«- the oath jiiv-eriia and i by Congress, l.y ail act dated July 2. lsiig, .nd an additional Oath to discharge laith , fully the duty of Register under the late .Vets of Cougre-s, ft is not believed that inv of the appointees, heretoliue designa , ted, will he. U.naMe to take the test oil'll ' above mentioned. Ulatik forms ot these oaths will lie sent to the appointees- at once, anil oil la mg executed and returned ■totli superintendents yf State Rigislra lion,their Commissions a-'Registers will be issued, and forwarded to them imme diately. Ii Wi k. | 3 \Vg-'\g | :> Week.- . [ ,M, r. i 3 Months I j 5 Months. J 4 Months, j 5 Monlhs. ii) Month- 1 I IV. In order to secure a full registra tion of voters, it i determined to tlx tin i omp.aisation ot Registers aecordingto tire general rule adopted fli taking the census In the cities, the compensation is fixed at fifteen cent- for each recorded voter; in the most sparsely settled comities and di triots, at forty cents per voter. The com pensutiou will he graduated between ♦hev i limits, according to the density of tile pop ulation and the facilities ot the communiea lion 'fell cents per mile will he allowed for transpoi tution of Registers oil the lines of railroads or i-camboats, and fiv<cent- ; pi r mile when trave! i' dom on railroads and steamboats. V It is hereby made the duty of all i 1 Registers, and they will be expected to Morin it strictly, to explain to all persons, wlie Ifwe not heretofore enjoyed the riuht what ary their political right •mtl orlvilegi' 4 * ,,n,i t, "‘ lu ' ccssi, V <->** '' Xl ' r ! l i .in'- theinupo.V ('.■> I>rojx r oceasioiis VI The name of fuel! voter shall appiar in the list of voters for fht jmcinct or ward in which lie resides; and U> caws wkeiv ; voters have been unable to register, win.-I the Boards of Registration were m the wards or precincts, where such voters live, opportunity will t>»- given to register at tie countv seats of their respective counties, at ipt.ili.d time, of wliieh due notice will he given; but the names Os all voters thus registered w ill he placed on the li-lr of voters of their respective precincts. Vlf. The Hoards of Registration will give due notice, so that it may reach all persons entitled to register, of the date ■ when ther will be in each election precinct, the time they will spend in if, and the place where tin registration will lio.Mn<<h and upon the completion "f the registration for each county, the Board of Registration will give notice thnt tin y "ill he pu.-sent. for three successive days, at tilt (oitnty seat of , uch county, to register such voters a i have failed to register, or heen jiii Tenbst ; from registering in their respectivi pie . inets, and to hear evidence in the ' i* ; "t voters rejected by the Regbtctf in the sev eral prteinets. who may 'iesirc to present 1 testimony in their own heliall. VIII. t'nli otherwise instructed hen I after, lioaids of Registration are directed. : ie. (tetermiiling whether applicants to reg i-ter are legally qualified, to hold that the term-: " Executive and Judicial, ill the 'Acts of Congress, ot March 23, I HUT, com prise all persons whomsoever, who have held office limb r the Executive oiMudi. ial Department of the State, >r National (»..v i rati amt in other word*, all olHcers not Li gislutive. which last are also excluded l.y'tlie Act. I'er-oio who #pi>ly to register. Imf who are c(mstdci'ed.drs-tualilicd by tin Hoard-, will be permittcl to pikt tin re, juireii oath, which, with tin obit it inns of the Hoard, will be held fur, adjudication In rentier. IX The lists of registered voters for each „f the products will be exposed in some public place ill that precinct, for ten ( «n --seeutive days, at some tiiil" xifhaeguent to the toinphiion of the registr;i(it(, for each county, and before any election is held, U: order that all supposed cases ot trauduh lit registration may la* thoroughly inve-ti ga7ed. Du>' notire will lie given anil pro vision made f"r the time and place for ex amination and set tlement of such canes V jilHilk Umlu of oaths required to be taken IIVIIV votcr.s. aax I bhiuk registration , list-, as also full and detailed iitdr.'lJ'fi-ms tortlie pertonnance ot their i’utl- ,; , .will J" at once forwarded to the Ho.uils ot R'"gG , (ration appoinv tl in this. Order; and it is ] ( . m ., t „..d upon these Hoard that they pro ; eced to complete Ihr reg; strut ion with all energy and (I'.spaK It. XI The detailed instructions to tog), will designate the inemls r of each Board who -.1,411 h" its President. XII. Violence, or itin.o: nf violent-', or any other oppr<-- ivt means n pr.-v ut any ' mi. m froni rc-gi-tcring hi- name • r "x-r --rising hi- Jgilifjc'tl rights, ur- po itn'l, ■prohibift.'d; and b It : j(|»o«u- •••( tint' no contract or agreement with labor "t. which deprives them ot tie ir wages tin ' isviyiiuef til.’ie than tliat actually consul 1 m : gist' ling 0: Ail!" permittee lobe enforced against them n Gu- Di : Kiel: aim this " -r uiy pirymu b in tht* paragraph we ' •»*>'< 1 the- inißiediate arr- M "1 the oliu.di ■ an I ; hi trial i".-it>re a Military » oupjt'- ' Xlil the'.'** IVt*f of the wd't o! (W duly aullmri/eii voter, under the 'ale Acts of Congress, to register and vote, U guar anteed by ilu Military Authorities of (his District; and all person.- whomsoever are warned against any attempt to interfere to prevent any man iVom exercising this i ight, under any pretext wind m ver, other than ' objection by the usual legal mode. XIV. In as ,U any dig urbane; or vio lence at the place- d' registration, or any molestation of Registers or of applicants to register, the Boards of Regi'd rat ion will call upon the local civil authorities for a police for. e. or a posse, t" arrest iheottelid eis and pn - rve quiet, or. if nee. sury. upon 1 flic neanst militdry authoriti-'s, who are hereby instructed t" furnish the peeessnry aid. Any civil olli. iais who refit-", or win. fail to protect Register-, or applicants to register, will he r. portul to the hi ad.pen . ter- of the Gllite' Commanding in tie State, who will urre-t such (lilimpumts. and -end charges against them to the-e ' headquarter: , that lliev may he broiwhr In-fori a Mlrifiirv tVitnuiissinii. P>v eoimnaivt of Brevet Maj. Gen. Pop. G If. S XMU'.liso.v Gap', :l:Vd hitantrv ,V A. A. A (. MILITARY BILL i dt> MIUTAIUi DIST.. Montiki.mi:hy. Ala., April 8. Gi'NiuiAi. OnnKi' s No. 5. 1. The following extract from the re cent Acts of Gongress in relation to Ke con«truction in the sontlimm Stater, is pnhlisheo lorthe iiiTtn ioutimi of all eon ccriu and ; j Pt iu.rc No. Ik 1 An Aet iui|i|ilimentnry to ' An act en titled an act to provide for the more efficient government of the relit I Slates,' passed March 2, 1807. and to faeili'.'itc restoration. He it enacted, etc., That he'nrc the hrst dav of rteptemher 1807. the com - mantling general in each district (defined by an aet entitled “ An act to provide for the move efficient, government, ol the rebel Stales.“ passed March I -07,) -shall cause a registration to lie imidti ol' the mule eilizens of the 1 T nit«d Stales, twenty one vi ani of age, and Upwards, resident in each county or paridli in the State or States m ' eluded in his district, which registration shs 11 include only llwso persons who are qualified to vote for delegates hv the *uT | aforesaid, a id who shall have taken and subscribed the following oath or affirma tion . *■ J, ,do solemnly swear, or affirm. iin the presence of Almighty God that l am a citizen ol tin- Slate of . that I have resided in said Slate lor months next preceedmg this day. and now reside ixi tin* county ,or pared, of ,in s:s.ill State, as tin: ease may ho; tliat lam 21 vears old; that I .have not been disfranchised for participation in any rebellion in civil war against the United States, or given aid or c mlort to the enemies theveol . that 1 have never taken an oath as a meiidie.r of Ginigress of tin United States, or as an office! ol the Uni ted States, or -is a member "t any Slate Legislature, or as an executin' or judicial ! officer of any .State, to support the Gnn elitution of '.he United State*, and after wards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United Stalea, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; that I will faithfully support the Constitution ami obey the laws of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, encourage others so to do. So help me God ; which tiHili or affirmation limy he adininisteri and by any registering officer. SIX'. J. That the commanding general of each distrust shall appoint, as many Hoards of Registration ar limy he liqpc.a sary. consisting of threo loyal officer* or persons, to make ami complete the n-gis (ration, aapi-rintcud the election mol make return to him of tin votes, lint of vo ter* and of the persons tlecl- das uole | gates by a plurality of votes cart at said election H- In order to execute thin provision of the act referred to with i* little delay si pm siblc, the commanding officer* of the pittrictrof Alabama, Georgia and l’loridu, will proceed jinmediataly to divide those Slates jntpporiV'-uiejit districts to R-'gi*- Halion, aided by *ueli information on the xiiliject a* ill 7 have or can obtain. It is suggested that the election districts in each State which in IStiO nent. a memher to the most, numeiou* brautii ol tin- dtutti Legislalnra, will he found a umiroiiicut division lor RegistiaSiovi. It is deeiralile that in all cases (W register* shall he civilians where it is possible to obtain such a# come within the provision: of the Act. md are otherwise suitable persons . and that military officers shall not he used for this purpose except in Oh-vj of aptur.l ne ces«ityi The compensation for regulei.; will he fixed hereafter, Imt the general pile will ho observed of graduating the compensation by the number of recorded voter*. To each list of vo;er* shall he appended the oath of th° register or reg ister* tied tilt- ijaipy; have been faitlilally recorded, and repieseiit ters, mid that the saiu'.' man due* not ap pear under different names. The register are especially instructed to see that all information concerning I heir political rights U''jy»n to perron# entitled to vole under the Act|oi f-al;g|e•* ; and are inude responsttile that evert 1 ga. voter ha* the opjs.oitejnity. ill- A* speedily a* possibly, the ram's of persons cb|i>sen toy registers sliali lie c*-mijiiiuicated to the Headquarters f"i the approval of the Gomuiaudiiig Qeiigya) IY. The. jjistriet Giii:|imimler in each „f ihe 81*16* coinprised in ti l Military District is authorized to appoint one m more general Mipi-rvisor* of Registration whose business it shall !• to visit the various pom is where registration is being earned on; to iuspoct tiic opu-.tiou- ol the registers; and to assure tliyuiselveK l.)iat trt-ry man eqti'led to vote has the ue l eessary information concerning his polili- I cal rights, and she opportunity to record his mime. V. A'General Inspector, either an offi cer of the army or a civilian, will lie ap : pointed it thew Headquarters, to see that . the provision# of this order are fully and carefully executed. YI DisfcHet Commanders may. at their discretion,.appoint the civil officers of the United States as Registers, with additional compensation ns may seem reasonable and sufficient. Yll. Thu Commanding Officer of each District will give public notice when and where the Registers will commence the Registration, which uoticc will he kept public by the Registers in each District during tire whale time occupied in Regis-j list ton. YIII. Interference by violence, or other oppressive means, to prevent the Regis- j tration of any voter, is positively pro- j hibited, and ony person guilty of such in- ! terferenoe shall he arrested arid tried lie the military authorities. Hr command id Brevet Major General Row?. F. CoNV.NI.HAM. Ist Lieut, 21th L.S Infantry, Aet. Asst Viljt. General. 1 Official : 0. C. KHAIM', Ist I.ieut. .Tld Infantry, Brevet Captain t' 8. A.• I’ost Adjutant. The Proposed Constitutional j Amendment. Jx’tsolvi'l /'V lh'' Sr note and Jlo'/s/ of Hijncurnintii-rs if I In. I'liilrd S/alf) of , j\ ncricii ih Con grot it iisirmhlri/ (two j ! third# of troth House# concurred). That , the following article# be proposed to the ]legislatures of the several States as an j umendtui'tii, to the Constitution of the I United State# wliieh. when ratified by j threc-luiutli.4 of said Legislatures, shall he j valid a* a purt of the Constitution, munch | Anmi.u—Section I. Al! perron# horn j or naturalized in tire United States, and i subject to the juridiotiou thereof, are oili tizctis of the United States, ami of the State wherein they reside. No State #haU make or enforce any law which shall abridge flic privilege# or immunities of citizens ul the United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person o* life, liber ty or properly .without dug process of law, nor deny to nut person within its juriadie , thm the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall ho appor j tinned among the several States according to the respective numbers counting the whole number of person# in cucli State, excluding Indians not taxed ; but when j ever the right to vote at any election tor elector* of President and Vice President or for United States Representatives in i Congrei*. executive and judicial officer# of : the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of j the male inhabitant# of such State, being I 'wenlc-iiuc year* of age, and citizen* ol 'be United States, to in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall lie reduced in (lie proportion wliieh the number id Mich male citizens sliall hear to the wlio'e number of male citizen* twenty-one years ol age in the \ State. See b. No pi rson shall be n Senator or Representative in Congress, elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United Slates, m under any State, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Guegress, or an officer of the United States ur as an executive or judical officer 61 any ! State, to support the Gonstitiition of the United State*, shall have engaged m in surrection or reMliup against the •anie, or i given ani or comfort In tlie enemies there of. but Cmigre** may. by a two-third# of i each House, remove such disability. Sec. 1. The valdity of the pnldic debt j of the United States’ authorized by law, j 1 including debts incurred for tlie payment j of pensions and bounties for serree in sup- 1 pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall j mil be questioned, but neither lit" United : Stats* nor any State shall assume or pay - any debt nr obligation incurred in aid of ! insurrection ur rebellion against the Uni ted States, or claim lor the less or ennittci pation of any slave ; but all such debts."! obligation* and claim# shall be held illegal . and void. Sec. 5 Tlie Congress shall hare power Ip enforce, by appropriate legislation, tljo provisions of tin* article. Congressional District# of Georgia. I t Gonnt-ie Chatham, Bryan, Liber! v Aji flilo !|, tVav lie, Ui.yllli, Cairn len. Cllal'l tmi, Ware, Pierce, A|>|>lillg, Tntnul. Bill leek. Effingham, .St riven, Emanuel, Mont ginnery, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch, Echols. Lowinh-s. Bel-rich, Irvin. Laurens, Johnson, Brooks. Colquit. and Thomas. Twenty nine counties. 2(|. Counties Decatur, Earley. Miller, Biller, Mitchell, Worth, Dooly. Wilcox, Pulaski, llou.-liitj. Mai im, Marion, ffhatta lioochec, Sumter, Webster, Stewart, (put man. Clay, Callmmi. Randolph. Terrell, I.e*', and Dougherty Twenty three coun ties. 3d Cos until- Mu-e-oge: Scldey. Toy ! tor. Tolbot. lLim-. Troup. Merrivvealbs-i ||ei;|(|, Ci'Weta. Favette, Cbiytoii, Cai-foll. Campbeil, Haralson, and HuuMiiiii. Fif teen comities. 4th. Comities I psoii. Pike. Spalding, ilenrv, Newton. Hints, Monroe, Craw lord. Bibo. Twiggs. Wilkin, m. Baldwin, Jirftcs. Jasper, and Putmim. Fitt .;n counties. till. Cmtnii' Wqsliii,u, Jeffi'i'-son, itnrke Kiehmoml. Obiseoek. Hancock. War ren, Columbia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliterro, Grer-nc. Morgan, tjglethorpc, and Elbert. FiiqilefTi counties •if.ii. Counties -Milton. UiyiiW)c||. 'Vifl- t*,)i. Clark, j arksoii, Madison, Hun Frank 'pt.Hanks Hail, For-',to, Pickens,Daw-oil, i.imipldli. White. I lido r-liaiu,, Towns, Union, Fannin, ami Giltder. Twen tv-eight coimtie*. stil. Counties D< Kalb. Ftdpui, (Jnbb, Polk Floyd, fpininv. Cherokee, Gordon, Clod' eiga, Walker, Wbitli dil. Merry. Catoo- i. and I) "ie. Fourteen eoimtie T H /; National Standard —r7r (V "~ .. ‘ \.SKIUKo or SCHOOL HOOKS wliiclt b ixti'iisivulv used fn every Hludu .•! tin- Luittn, in many in-sUiiu-c.'' m« -i u- lastly Ugmi .my or .ill others, imiy ju ily Im'niv tVbove Jill* NoiliiiikT I*lll (hi mowt uniin.iHlii-d merit *-ould Uiyenny Hooks, this proud j>osil ii m. '1 e;« hci , and trieiids oT edueuliou ffpnei■;»]ly, ii" i\mh' llujr it is etvdimhlv m diiiluinul by (he N A TION Al, S K 111 1 or SCHOOL BOOKS. lTm.lslIFI) uv A. s. HA lINES A- C<> , AIIW VOICI*. These fiiiiH'iis Rooks nr** everywhere u. ed .tnd everywhere popular. The calidojiiie eoven* every depiirhoent of School, \endemie :>nd <*• »l leuiide histruetion. The iollowinu. ure tl: ■ mm 4 representin'j; the eomtnon brauehi Hurkei vV: WntsonV Snelh ih and L'umlvr ; Mmileilh and MeNa'lly’. *4 Cieouraphie- , Clark's I'm‘Hsh Orannuars ; Reefs' .System of Davies' ( ompleie < 'ourse of Mat humuti-' ; : Montoith and Willard's Hi.-dory , The .Silver Lute and Fores! ('hoir- Music; Jarvis' Physiology and lleallh ; Pu k'.'ami (iaiiolV Natural l*liilo:oph> . Poi’lcrV Prfm iples ol Chemistry ; Darby’ Southern Hotany ; Norlherd's School Speaker-; Pujol’s French Class Rook ; Aiuirew ; v Stoddard’s Latin (Iramm u. TIIE ILLL S'l’lLVl FD jjdr<\i rioxA /. nrMX/Tix, THE I‘rni.l hi.h’s on il f.u. MKIMI-M. Will be sent to Teacher’s re^U hilly, for one year, on receipt of ti n’ • r.vr Addles. A. S. BARNES & CO., EDUCATION \L PUBLISHERS. Xrir 1 ovU. Hi\ i ■ km t\i u h i:\bos A r i I h m v l i <• s. THE /• I TEST I Y/» EEs T A Pi-iitinri/ Aril/iutrfi<\ Hrnn tilu|]\ iliu.-'lrated ; carries 11 bcjinnei throuiih the tirst four Rule- and the simph Tal)h-. combimne menial e\i a< i «-s wit It < xainpb s for tin slate. Himo P'S M cents*. An FJemrnhn'ff Arithmetic. Review.- the .wuhjccl- of the Primary hi a tyle adapted to matufer mind.-. \lso eiiihrm t Fraciiou- 1 -r-al Aioicy, Reiluelion an*.! tin » ompoiiipl I.'i.h IVmo, 111 pa e'e bGceiil-s A Pi’Hclicut Arithmetic. I’ro pared for Common School-, «<iv i hoe spe- to I proiiiiueuee to the brain he- of Mere;.mile Ariflimelle, and in*rodnein*/ the 1 new “ Metric System.’' with •-v plana lions and « \ainple.- L3|uo. .T»d pa;:e- *l. A lliffhcr Arithmetic, in pit pn ration A Maltal Arithmetic. Niurly ready. This h i ies is iilt with a most gratifying reception Irom t*».»« iiera e\erywhere, and is ex- Ri tlv wiial in needed lor mental di • - ipliue, as v,elf as lor a ]>racticul preparation In the husi ne. ;ol lit It is clear, thorough, * ompreheu- j sive, logically arranged, well graded, i> supplied i with a great \arietyof (.'Nainple-, and teacher tin- method- actually used 1»y Inisim men. Specimen topi' 'dany ot flic mo. . work moiled, postpaid, lo teachers and st Ii *<*| ollieen-. on receipt <*l one halt the retail price. Favora ble terms mad* tor introduction. I>. \I»l»LKI0\ A < 0.. FU HI.J.SII KltS. 11.3 A 115 IIRIOIDV \V, \ V. tuyU .1 f Hepumtor Tapi Hi. J'liuoa away your In lac fri/.aes, your your vMg— D' -truetive of «a>mfoi t. and not worih a T'g; ( ome aged, collie yonllifnl, conic llulv and fail And in your luxuriant hair. % ic v roic c vrn.i i. For restoring hail up«ni bald he;nl.-, from wliatever cans*- it may have lalleii out, and J forcing a ‘growth of hair Upon the lace if hut* no I exual. If will, force the heal’d l o grow lipoic [ she jOpofiflic-il lace Ip tl'*im ItVt*. jo eight wcekfi, j m hair Upon bald head* >U from fw«» t<* three ' nioutiin. A f* w ignorvnt practitioners have a« serti and tiuit th*“re is nothing that will force ol hasten the growth of tin hair or m ;inl Tluir assertions arc talsc, a* ihniisami* of living wjt m —is, from their ow n experience, cum b , : U \vU lie: -. Ihri, many will K.iy; Idwv a« , we. to ii!.-* tiuguisli Die g. nniae ft- m the. j-purinus . It ~ii t M |jjly IsdilM* üb, as nine tenths ol tin* prupu rations advertised ford lit hair ami beard are. en tirely worthle , ami you may lmvo already throw naw iv large amounts in tlicii purelnwe. 'To such w<• aoiild say try the KHPARATOR (\RfLLA . will cost you nothiiig util can il fully wiiiie.- cp to our repren ntation:. D your druggist d«»< ii'il keep if, send U > tm. doßms and v.c w ill pii v. tnl jiodpahk logefiiyi with ; i ii’.tidpj. i< i ;lu money. \yhU'l\ will Le luUiinnl I >HU pu upplif--sHion, providing entire asHM'**;- tipn is |ipt given. Acjdre-,. W 1 f I,.\KK F %V CO \ iU'Hilalr. N*. -1 \V> I Fd.VC’D*' **t., .«pb 1 y fityraeiirtO. N. V. THE ROAD TO FORTUNE, \I J E* an put miv male W inmah.j in Hi* wav \V of MAKING S3b EVERY DAY in the ytaif h.V lug employ men I of the* time «»rdhnri iv -spent ill V‘ ading and reeteatloi'i \ FIFTY ( KNT SAMFLF sent tree upon application. Addre . !k\i LDIXC. MANKp CO . •V.H) Broadway, V»*w York. no. a\J AM IbKLOAN J fDUCniOIUL SEBIES. I’lllLlsilED BY 1 Ivisoii. Dili iiney, IV s*i34! Jt> <»rrrn Sleeel, NKW YORK. N o sF.ltir.s OF S( JlOOl. 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Rut up i’t eanrof one jiounil, two pounds, throe pound , - * I pounds and twelve pounds, with lull direction*, in English and <- * rman, tor making Hard ami Soft Soap. On* pound will make Ititncn gallon* ot .Soli Soap. No lime, is required. Con mm m : will find tl:i tin rhcapestT'ota-li'ln the mark* b Ask your giouer for it. 11. T. 111151111, ! (it, ft\ till, (>/ C*s % i‘.p, *(i, 7:3 apd 74 Washing ton street, New York. -A I’KR CENT. SAVED BY USINO If. T •>U li t RIIII t'N STAR Y EASE FOW DEK. Light Biscuit, or any kind of Cak< . may he made with l!iis “ YenM row dor” in tiftceii minutes. No shortening I* required when sweet miik is u-< <l. NV*- ‘iami 7f VVashiugi-ni .-t.. New Ym k NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS AM) TRUST COMPANY. Flinrlered 3>j i« I ol < ohkio**. OF K[ C F. R S ; M T. Hewitt, President Rev J. W. Alvord, Ist Vic* Pie idewt. Lewis ( h phane, Td V’n e Pn idenk D L. Eaton, Actuary. Rev. S. L. Harris, Financial Inspector. Principal Otli* *•. corner Pdtii sfivt and Penn- KV'lvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., Ml 10, I I,US STIikM, GlllMi; IIF JAI’RKOV On in: ll(HTt«- From i to I, p. in. ; and on Ssitiirdav>, f> j to •' p. m Deposit: (•: One Dollar and itpivarri roccivnl. Intere t allowed in Junutiuv and tiily. Tin* m*-n v dep«v-:it*vd will • • paid t>»w‘k t«. the ih no-!*..!. principal amt iuiere-t when called ht» Ml the- pr<oii- bt l*»ng n» the dejHwilor^—no miter* are tiuetcMed., Bf.U'ih;'- have Been estuldisluid in itemTy uvetv' * itv irom New York to New OiUnuik. C ?f ITUNCK, Owiht M. NOTICE „ As 1 ." .iiia on XV. J. WHITE, ilarim; Li ah *■ i; • * * tiie city, and liave l*Cdi < ailed upon to make hoiic ' tth-tueu! on tiie t .fate «»f Ro •. *h ea ed. all ji’erson- imlebP-Hl tp the M and' 1 " ill plea ■ ■•all and ' me, i cannot nettle claim- without money- W. H MATHEWS. Ag«m» Augu »a Ha . May hi.-t, lHtjT. lv.