The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 29, 1867, Image 3

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f In* itoily Loyal Georgian. | *lfmvr.v. i.a . .till*k ei». ' I T > grow a shade tree in tin' flM.y. must sell (jX from am«j«g tie nn> t MstUl'llx' kllul-S-7 —ifsose m «st:mt exposure to llie cltufilig awl .too- ' IsitfDe of animals, vehicles, At*., "ill ■ not, yield in grow tl., out with pepon- , ■ tent willfulness hold its jvtsy autl pros : ■ per. I It is almost .at hard to secure t Ihealthy, well developed shade tree in ■ the eity, as to evoivi a pure life ait oi' ■ the eontaminat ions of tin- world I We always feet sad .to see :■ shade ■ tree yield tip its lit . Our eity lest ■ many last iiioht during the storms Ourfj ■ shade trees should i- a pride. V\ e I must rep;"' the s( .e "a'! j ,e. »| i I |»ll> Registration. I The result oi the velds' vat sat yes t fetei day was I'l'l ' . AVllites Colored 1" Republican Meeting, i A large meeting X' ,s held at Trinity iChureh last e\--mng it was uddre.s. led hv His, Maxtor }llodi;elt and [ Col. llryaul. We are just in: ve.vipt of I ltoin the North, (fur nexvs, tor the last few days, ha. heen loidjiiexl almost . entirely to local items. W -hall in form concerning the <mtev world f.o-| morrow. A friend, just in from a 'is xveoks' sojourn in Sax aunah, states j that, lmsiiiess there is dulka than here. j it must iie pieity duit l BY TELEGRAPH, [Frotu tfi-* .it; i’.'jK i.s.; I roiu %\ W.v<»!P»\; Jumc ::7. Definition, tm-niiit . o? Fom; ' '*• IVnu r*ylvania, is iR-sul. Intelual rcvrnuti nr >[ i ss4‘.?,flUP Welchman wu*- on U'c t-Toiul all day iv trial. Nothing now .v.c* »•]i«*rt«x ? (. ’.Mucrnu, Hut tor, *u'*« * ; unit .Srtwm/k, i the Joint Ordinance t -imimi t< r. .to i m "dun to day Tho Judiciary UmuniUee war* in j.ji, uni o four o'clock. Many wild BLaH-hn »»l• »*•* current with r< ;nrd to whal iu«j > *UI ;<ucl ijonv. Among tli« iiulliontiositod i- a v;in< ■< remark of Bout '.v oil that tlic President must i. im]i«aclied and removed. The Court (and Clainid adjourn'd u iin- Pith oi August. The President ;werir. :• Go* Kciiii- h at Hartford, said. -EveryhoiVv in Cnim*. Unit aiul elsewher• know wliat inv vi* w» tire with i>Terence to the fi*>.t |n incipie!* *»i got ei uiu"uL My acts arc lji:for< ilt<- '-omitry ami iuy \ ist course must suffice as to vvluttVin i>c mv I'uturc [ course. The Peunsylvania (,'ouv"ei.iic*;i | nominated Henry VV Williams Supreme f Judge. The resolutions d'-iuund "uurniit’ .<*• j from the- vtiurjuinhcd which will render treason [ odious aud forever imno- • ii»!• Tlicv applaud Liimohi and denoum 1 I'- -i | ih nt .loluison’s tailun i.» gatfu i up font ii\ in | "ii'aiiic Jaws lh< juincijdcs -cl tied ny tie . or, | withont which lwaee is ;> sn.n* Hiey con I ileum President Johnson ami !i * - jdjant *AS | forney <ieneral” and a jnajority « r * !j«? Cak-m t, 1. Tiicy apjjjaud rid*iii and ni»ckiv.~. audevpret dial (c-ueral Grant v>ill v»utti«*avt *3 ins past r<- cord by sustfiiuiug them. Tin y cbm uteri/c Havin' release as n proaeli t<‘ the nation Tin steamship North America F aslc • at South Poiut, Ahtfvurfta Pfistf nii« is ioid new are sale , specie amt u. re hiadec. The cunpf was tiirowu ovcrtfo.ird. Ihc.aptain hopes, to save ilie v< -sc! it • In- weather keep* moderate. The Hemld >» despHtehcr lroiu a.. Lais Po \oU, of the 11th, arc nnfavoraMe ««• Mavimiliitn’s •af'ty. . • The Tribune's despatches *iln.r • ini 11 m> ;‘j and a half of New f»rh.m t.‘i‘A sh-rip is tVandn leut.y* I roiti Orleans. THE CKESCENT MAYOR UO«;rs. A* Vkw Ohm: •. V s .Tune ' * Tile City Tr> nsurer has punli lied a 'tao nn-n! of the amomd- ol notes I.'sued, and by what a i»|iHority denying Mayan ilc-d!:'. pov. •’ re pudiateany portion . < ontiian <» r> <:• iv* »**r <htits due the city Wiic-mt ni *. in lion. The writ ngatiisl Jae->'o 15.: rU* i by depositor loi • jut'c/.zlfmen. ot >.T,fAK), •• ■ n :ri.-.l to day. The action of Mayor Heath, in regards Un city curreney, is universally cond-.-inned. S rom ttieliin<iiid RiciiMuNii, .i tuie 21, Judge L’mlcswoodA* - mu; adjounied tod;,.. A distiller was couyietod *»f making fak- en tries on lifs liookt*. and wa fined tom hi.-* distillery apparatus iorf.-iim? Registration commenc'd 4 oday in '.)»'• ,? saril, and resulted : TO ; * ! J -4T*o*n «luia»inu)«. \V AN N.ViJ, JI.BC V>. Seveuty-thn* whit*and ]" f i-olored i -e terrd to-day. To' jI, t *'»'• From IMiiladelpliiu. PhUvAheli’iha, June A committee of twenty-live 'itizens h ■ h**en appointed to receive ami tcruler the ho-pi fafitiwi .of tip city 1«» the Ptesident on in u„ I.AWS (IF nil. CNITFI) -«TATKS Vu-vt'ii it! s x - '■ ■ *>J Ur 7’/ <■■! niri/-.' i'll.'. C’l'KK FJ.XX .v : . rint„l! nn .),•( i/,' .1“ '> :■ /-e- •/-! ■*:< 1 V• IJU'!. ‘iijiitSn'lrwh.r .i!,V '■ I■' I'OMIM ED KKO'f li’.'K i Tllut -ii'iieti !xx- nix■ ; j." .■ ■: -Y ti'jkitur mu (He i ■ ;>■ ’... O' xx! in In?)iiier >f !!>,■ 1011.,'-.i:, ■ 1!'. ' >liic uj.m tj :■ .it.. ami inli.' i I,' '»( iii'n,,.. veiim ie ’ 'O x\ Ill'll, ,> i litem til 1?' I'ei.-H ;;i' f‘ n. a 4 ill l iniil |.i Ik 'lil’e .*• it•'' j i «}•:•-., half 'ln' Minnm :.t>; . • ,xi<l m, tie <■ MIX' 111 t'llUlill ,IJ Sjli) lii '.-J itl;it>|l’Xl Mi: | inMeil tc the aui'ium ,vl:.. li -e.o cotm.s.v --■ Bi-Ill* Os 'lull U •U't.'Cl mil, ut’Clxt ; ■ , ■■■" 'Ulateti, muia oracsioud' .. na •• ] I’.e clMlueti'il fii>n, the -mi uir . ;i : comnusMcns es the a'''V ■ i;.*SV •• es ill,- «li ~ •iH, xx hif!i ii i ,»i ... . - :i"e shipi'i’d : v , idi iilnti i That seeiion Uvvntj -i\ '. ■ 'ti'iking'imt a afiex tiie.xi .h nmi i. t : inserlißg in lictv llioreci Hie 1-eWxv 'in 1 1 11 aujnstihciii of tiv ■'. •: ■ ; ! ami enlleetoi of infe: ia!?• x - nuu xx !•’ • ; i ae, ile tlit- tii'. 1 i;i "i .lien' I , Im.i.lrcil ,ni,! i. u ; . ! of ilmiri"6m|iei)ii..;ii a 'c: .1 . • . dii" ti.e tiw!*; vr. 1 .11 i uhserveii; phi) where ■’ ii mu ee • • nix ],urlei i', .du'. ii !>x • ;mn ■ . i i:.s:'f:xnHiii" er 1 j I :;'*ji.■ n-. an .si):," .;. .'iii v ytUT' 111 ifl.■ l ftiel" o' ‘ lieu mem . lie liee in mere ~..: no (MllW'.tOl ill ill" Simr 1, i ll .-)■ :uu. -.1 iS ' h.ill "e a|' : ii' : ir •• neii ;. ' ' ~'..'.1,- ~i . .. : i . . .Vi m'i,v"‘.'.r"nu’:e"" ’. ’ ' .. i . tin; liiahiet Mum i- .:.n. • . ; 1 ■: 1 1 x' law to It. iiili.xv, l .0 ■ ’ 1". 'or .i Hie ~ ' iv.’.- '. .. .1 • ■■"cl' niut,'i!'i ‘ioi-■ , .... ■. a,,Titl’d iiali lie :.,iji t.frrl. a '.ixw,, : 't: , ■ i:. eimfo; milx e. 'he 01m! '• - , r ] made : a-..e, co’h;’ : | of mu eonim » ,'ui uiltitUo x-w '>u u,,.; j !l 1»1: is )'o> j, ’I: " liv la xx' T.u ■ ii; a- ~,\'x i ! ". "ii ris'x’iv-I- : !i..i •, r„ -v ...-, iieo hue ii"' mixleH’d !'i t, uo, : .- :i'e ,i ' Uv' ileiav. Till!! .I'X xlim 'XVX'mX -i:,.,u . . ,’x. rx ;■ | - 'king ," 1 i a!! af'px tiiee i x 1 :':A ill IT 1 ; 'iai- fie : T • axil at :mi 'Sjlieei’.itv aiiull, xv , nvt V : im n; iii one io-xv. oaon jnxl. 1. Y. lif.i . ala' if 1 . het ;•> • ’i I ', ~. oici. ill. ' til, I"X. iiux, :.e "mi i'uiv. oil and on i," . mix a ’.viilcin raid <o.’.r.:y hi \\ '. , i., ... :. Hill at lot id •;<> rveeivi’ :’.io -m .. x.' o'. ! Sflillli Hcl K !, . - '111.., ." , : 1 amii nciifiealion. im*'. .-ex Ii IK)t!« '■ hv aa ('o'.' ; e.,11 e | 'Uij- iHTaoii .-hall mgl, ■ ... !-i more Ilia ', km eax ■ ind a i of 'in, roll, l , or ,xf Ills ’. x •• • j a no ~• , !: 1. ■ . 0 mii jilace of Ih;mu, u .. . ii’liimuliiio * tic V'ayi; ■ ■•— • in- ,mount tie ~ I, xx . II" lor 'he :: emu;. ; .. e. \ . . r. .: :■— ami Sviih frit" r. 11F 1 - ix ami ; ere ;",!v r. v.--- ■ ■ • - me. And If ..:V . •• ’ ■ unity or inter., ~;jd ' 1;>. ; . , v, ; i:.'i ;i):!,.i r ';e;"i aluie W.V' ■-k . !la■ mT\ o, liie ,-ii ii,-. lieii, e. ii .-linll be Ihe fie.’y :»*.■ ■ le ,!• In.ll vto (;<ila , in -a ,1 , ,oi ,x-. i ety renti; ami ndi, v. . ■ |of ;ru 11,*r I’eanno Uxliiio"', n, . ». ..IV. ' 111 IXV 'i '.,.1*1*1 •;» ;• ;as i.o Ualmlcl o, ." . I . hi. 11! lav - die cod. •)•. " oilte. XX'laX' j>rm - d*ai .'I In'. | ilu 'lilt,, "I ' ‘ Fa 1 ' " l da'iuly. I" gn,.’ iio’ix • n 'lama • , . In . ii. ill tin’m. m i ' -me a '"ii <tav f "in a ',l ", 1 re. >• • ' 'her. of : 0)11 ~,c r a xx ,' i, xla.X I Oi,l urn; I",a, ,j,r < x.i ; tniie xviHihi xvlikii su. I. ■ 1 a. 1,, i 1 >;,id ; umi i!' Ilu■ 'xmm ;or ■ * . v | not Im. paid v.i'liiu tan do ; „Lieli 11,Hire and demand. !. ■" a I i tor aljC'ii, ,'to o, !|i- • 1 ■ ; :„,.,I!aal. !l,a ,;"d Fix' X'."'' ' • luldillonal tli.-telo, :•» ui'mi u.d ,»v • ; uli.l aule ol ihe aotioa. i|, l ,fc eea 1 <‘to,ling Murk', seem'd;, , am! • ■ m 'data, id the persons ,leF',„|,:a ■’ > 1 A a,i in ease 0! di li' 'iili .-'a ! ■. >. < • | lit Ike Oflif t • eh:,, "ad a. id' 1 make, ,11 cm t"‘ lo 1:: ‘ n- •; I Ilia 'joo,! or ait' ■ ,’ ... a : idi . mint, xiiall i.v (f, > id,, ; j.. ■ .oi ol r.ia'ii ir ’ "is Fa , lor lu*i divaHina, ~r :,ao. pi.,, a , • : ! xvilii ,11 "I .milulil" . - ,1 . . j lion, il ’III) : 'll li lan I', o.' •• xx , A,I tin- III,)) miei'li .1, ".lx! :|e < r-. and ' . lof ale ami ii;o -aio • 111-ei j,.,;: io. I rue; ; o no! tieiilicl .. : p,dd sia j ' j no xv*.paj)CV xxi.ii'ii ’lie a"!; o', xvu. ! di-, ji'in !.- .nude. ilieri* la. am." ,e. : j!i:o! tlual - ad " 'd > ’•>. 1 'I. .'ll the port Oili- < ii .il 1a '• II 1 xvitlun live link's, ueate.-t tin; ’ idi a" o’ tin person ho•• prom.ty :ri !:, •. ; liiiiueti, and ia n<,, |pa,- .in,jl i"- - 'la , ■" I lie j)l:i.-’,«s. M’hielj rio i.a ..J.:;', . par T . . o'!ir'es ftmli iim'd, ami lie am,'pi lo; the aala iiioieol. xxlo'h! no ;'a ' in 11, -- ti.;.!i on nor luon ■:. ■ > • • fiom die da!e of ;.>l"h ao, itlx ux,.- i ; n\vnar i r ;,.!‘;;o;isor "1 tie’ ya III.; y ‘ pulilieelfouo, j 'st pivot mo o , . ia [so' ixia ~ t 1... pin;, ’ ; .r tarty. f< / not if* nurc Hi;”' tu.Jc . *:i f’fjiTi th ' iihr.f :-i uurk.iig . .it it il : . ' ! Vn«l - ij'l; ,)k* innl M'lj .. *}»•' ! i- ■ *■.» i»»n ■ ’•>' . il'i ■*,if J” . 1 np' k g . j* hidoso. nvt for • . i■:.* •«i ; iu nil liiivJy ii ;y: And if any j'Witvon !•. .' i ■ns i o<*bif ion * i w <•. corf a; '»•>:. hi:i>.o ! to pay any t.-x. -huH or tefr-i *)'!■ 4 :'h"' -if At ■!( »;, ig' • - ( n Ju-ii in f«v»»r ,J > Htv Uni■*>: r* • -n* 1 ; fiiutril wrrs urn.- until pub!, with tn* <- ; pMrnltu-s, jrnrf co-'t*(‘ Hi; > 'may ; ;u- in . ■ i Tiliun tjp.n-in. ujmn nil *»= pi •, ,nj r * ; I ’• * pApjw My oclnr-j.- Ipy :-h: !: f /* i k* u ; 'n- rougrnny, n norpf/'. •()a; .. | tliu coll -übi, tier uo • ; - - 1 1 wnrrrnP nv-.y' mTtbnw?/.!• n>; -pufi :ollv'- - ‘ t i ievy , tipcrii i*H [»:*.-poiiy »»mu r ii- '• ; i >, liy ft loil ip.; tc. AM !' per-”;'' k Ait. ;• ' i ■ tu»n, coruppnv ; . *.: . ; Hk-saiii Re i••• foe jyiyi-Mv* *«•:?-. | sqm 4qe a ion wttt, i*"* *• : ’. 1 • *jsli-v Hi} non puv/imot. aiul u . -;t ii i furtfiPr sui’i a.' •iial! !»- Jb 'ii-p? J ' ” r ' ; tr. ami c.\pen: .. cf ,k ?i levy. At. • Cii>‘ iof ah- a afimsmV. ‘ix- < *-r?i ;1 - ■ j «n’h uaU U'O’Tlm •'!<■ j;ui* 'p* - tifh »oid j lift'd v-i <»i s,:i u M ‘.tupic. , j.* nil to the propci f> nokl; uiui ■••• . i oropertr shall comsih; of sUk? » •• i ■ : . !-ale jHihII !»«• notice, rvhen me-v -u, . y ioipornta u company, *'-r a;>oci:. ■ c*l ! said, tinnafi i\ an i diflfl h. * a< li i on)oi’a*h>i\ i'enpar-y, o» tffer”* ' * u " r-‘ c," ‘f on fberr b- r.rd • •aiin' iri !»eU •* any '■ o* \ ' ■>' fii *ies. wb’yb -teci Ia 4 og . wn . •; ' .shed or not' Ac . ’ : ’■ - * ' " r -‘ f H*c iuijj' v ■ *.;! M?‘c-n./P. i ■ wr, -n * • bolt i- p* •: hi; oi v, »cil -• 0 '' • ' • o. -tAJmvu-f : fn ■ • • • JUf thg iuup -«j ' a. • ■ - and 'tiff }.:')• *U. crfi*-Uelr, cl ffv: : - r 'm ; IP'+ : PinX' be •: ’ ! * < p . r-o!. If j. , ~it a; in. I nr -vr . • ”a : t i projXLi .li«tr; A" "o . tin -•* • ’ j > i • ’I-. ' > •• • ’ (TO i clmrgt ; till!'; ■ ’ rop yuuMit ; .y ttforesaid, th»* Fx c >j•..;l pt.vcd m soil the paid >i , rtllcef..'? at.]>ul*’ir auction, • -iti from tVic -'-i-o; cods of such ■ . .'MmatKinldc Toj tho use of red :\ coiiiuibslou office ■ , r. . u.eoii ioi nusowu use, with :• ■ * v.« ’ for (lisbaint and sale, • :r. ■ \ . , ; ixt.-. •; any there* he, to . ■ m ’ . (”.«'• tied to receive . '-. a rf'u. . That there shall di , . .ini ;o’.d :iak‘, if he ... ~•.*. .. • • ( ;;nily. ihe rchool .i \»• ...m-< essii\ for • . ' . u• ' o i pet. mill Use, one v .•* - ; • : u ~ u'l 4 nc woo! tlicre :• • • .I 1 :.-Hot vniui -if \ !tf»y dollars; the * • ■ • n «*w. Vh'”<. and sheep ,■ : . ’•• . ,•• and np thirty dans, fuel a’. ~w do':. pj<>\ isßms ix)«n amount , . :i i'. .y itoiiam, household it,. use lo an amount j • .. ihn • I:Mildred, dolhus , and and or jiiiploiiunts ot a trade or .ax not vTCJiter than hd : . . Ik exempt , j ’.t e. u;As iig die disindnt shall > , i ' M riMtd iiouseholdeis of ! ‘ • ... • v.*M» -;:.T .tpprad-e urni set I .'.»•••••■ ,i. amount oi property | iv,. y-. ia * i.. amended hy I •* , ' - c aet'.o;: clause and Ac ‘ni, v\-> d-; ioiiowiny Thfit 1 - v v ‘ and -P'iraint ; . U . " ’• ■’ . *'• j’ s h»'ieof | : . ... ' . m and; and die ia.v. with ! .. .. . ' MlP.illsMOns till* j h " • y '.an k*e *.oid, and the j , of he sale, alter ■ *'s ami < ice.pec. shall | .. , .• . c .* k'. iegsdly entided tore- ! .i\ • ! .r‘ he < ando* he found, or ! ... ...ic then surplus ! . die- ; ‘. t usury of the : i . . :i, ■ .i -d- in *d f-*r the vise of I ii i ;'o ;c-eeive tine :m<, j v m iii; . pp’.n a 1 .on riu-rofor t i • • Ti-aa'i y. who. upon j ;• ■ . •; .i • • I -d. •:•: v proofs in j ■ ■ . . v . y war»:::d on vim ! . . . t ■ a. s'd.a- P- be paid .to the j . , - bel >of a * Kind j ■ . . .. , ar.ot been .. id* .■; h properfv ; .... . v:f. tax, tin* : : , ‘ • itt heluilf j ;- ! ft •s •- .• • - mu: not ex ! 1 : m . ». . A ;i: ad v'uses j ■ ! , ; .ax. upon. , • . ; -1, :,' 1.0 ! : ... •• ' n o ;'h, mount. | , ' ic.’ yme-e of said I •,d” • i: eii iOliri iequin»l ' : • •i' \ =. ••• ■ so puichased j ii and < r sm • h .m;'-- 5: . " - ;. •cn ae. And tin j • -• A- A di'Ti.y? nf • | . .and in Ho ~f aieh 1 : .jo : . .. •' •. f | • , .ab" . dxi.'.bon a- tennine ! , id . i oved a* aii | and icd s i/ui'es; where c. i ..\ .i , • • :•*;.>• ...ii a distraint | ; r, . . *,,. .hail pav into the ; . , , ”, i c- (here he. "'dr ;;fh T ;.C n-ied by j ! • • , : .. . C xd Ic lollowing: i , :• • ’<\ !he d‘M‘ imposed I ■•••'- . -• il •• b* ;i• cT T 'vi/.i'd tueoiu- t j , i c . <M .'•;*,i e tat--: .’ • . \\ nose « Tale .. . :v‘. • h;m hi " . "p, !'!•"* ‘ b v!i;,i iikil'ir . o'" IT i. : c . . «* , dd.a y, ami the I .... *4 v 1; . : • 1 )iV -< i pro •o , X - • HP- ■■'. ,! I. * ; (p, st*, !| not ; ; hi. :V -. *«»- !!.. /( * fort) ip .f j .. • -ml notice . . • .c. ; •' ■ • be published in ..- • ... c t• nt\ \ihere ; ;u- ’ . i),o. . i . ei I ’ikx )P *! .oe ii) bn posted , , .. ; Oil’ -.I" I)( ! 0 -'-v • , ,!l< ; . ddliC Oi.ief V. ithill • ' mi t •) < siinii ~i, i it... ii i.-idil the , , »-i,i b Mere,! order of the , • •; pc .. • ; ivxyuue. At the ;!!': ■ i ii ?! ofilc(T Jliakifig C • ■' sell ;;:e - aid v« :' 1 ■)”. '.in same U! 1 ; ■ .» , . 1 .•■' y !i:=- ex pi* rise} of . - : ci; p; foi a • vr , .;r,l's : -.A ’ 'be (;f Id dollap*. , V . # .dn ' c; .-: ' ■■ n •- -sr and: d.m-ujote ... , , ,»■ - • -id' »i» tmet p ,*wh: *m' p/•. >. i. a';n . a...- liie'/of shall ' • i ptil lt( !; . an.* ■ «• • •'•* • i ; v;: tide, apportion v- n.> - r: ..- dc lniidmmi'. piiee . . *’. ... x .«(’• ! foi >;:id i: ' h , . in •. ;... nbiioiitim pi ice, ti and; • a i. • c • nm- !-> be pur i -<.vj ■ • . ~h b,StJik.y, ind n, .-, c 1 ■: ; hen lieri b,after r ■: , !«»- .-• *v , * hi* s-one • ’• . . ! • H : in- h;giie>t ■ .... : y \r. adjourned , ■ > . am slmii Thfnk it .., ! . ' ' •• .oTi l bid shall ,i : in. Jiiij shad .* vv "i• *:• i• 'aiT. e><ale in . • ale and the : , -. 'llllli -j i VC- to ■ '• • : J : ' S: 1 . vX Migll ~ ,■; . . on, eke-ell, for xx - ■ " , >• r, '"lo, tii" ii'im,' ~1 i" or::'.' (..ikl therefor; Ml., ■ '«•' O ■' M’lii "l)|l li ill '. !)■:, • : tii" iii.K In roimifler •r. j. ■ i, • •' • -■ !'■ or ,le|"l'v . . : •' I.' • V l.tmhi'Ki. , ~1 • 100, i. ioi'i fort!i "i‘Hi,; <o, " ,; ,ir. .xvilii i!e- t:,\X'. ~f • ’ , ;•>" i;■ . . ii* «;•* - 1 - 'tea .*ni date*! 1 : , -f j-iliu-t a- jivi :• of ;.'X.- be .on. ' ' - ' • IMilVf.iilire ot III: .. '. . . -'f! Hi: - : li." I'lirty lie , ; .1 , 1 ■ ;v;ii ,"o.’e’ lieth :"F. Cnitexl i I ,y xvh.ov , 'I : . ' ' ■ X. '• iltll'.lO. !' i■ i >.T . «ny umc ; and ";f, ' :’■! ill fin tiler ~ .1 ■,. ’ mie of "Ml 11 .•:* ' ' ' • ’ !', ~1 esliltr . !•• .: . •!, :■ !:■ eve, ,|,o . or I , 1,. ... . ou " lii'viiifi Miy interest lb, rein, or a lien thereon, or imy |>er son in their behalf, shall be )M>rniitte<l to re deem the land sold a* aforesaid, or nnv par ticular tract thereof, at any time xvithin one year after the sale theroof. 11)1011 payment to 'lie purchase). , r. in rase he eannot be found in the eounty in which the land to lie re deemed is sitimU. then to the colli c.tor of the district ill which the land is situaty, for the use of the purchaser, his heirs or assigns. Ihe amount paid by tln- said purchaser and in terest thereon at the rate of twenty per cen tum per annum. And nnv collector or deputy collector may, for’ the collection of taxes imposed upon any person or for xvhicli any person may lie liable, and com mitted tohim for collection, seize and sell ihe lands of such person situated in any other collection district xvithin the State in which said cllieer resides; and his proceedings in relation thereto shall have 'lie same effect as if the same were had in his i*ro|H*r collection district. And it shall tie the duly of every collector to keep a record of all sales of land made in his collection disiriet, whether by himself or his deputies, or hy allothci collector, in xvhicli si,all tie set fertli Ihe tax for which any such sale was mad", the dates of seizure mill sale, the name of llie party assessed, and all proceedings in making said sale, the amount of fees and ex penses, the name of the purchaser, and the dale of the deed; which record shall lie eu lilied by the otlleer making the sale. And il shall be the duly of any deputy making sale, as aforesaid, to return a statement of ail his proceedings to the collector, and to cer tify the record thereof. And in ease of the death or removal of (lie collector or the ex piration of his term of office from any other cause, said record shall he delivered to his successor in office, and a copy of every such record, eertilied by the collector, shall lie evidence in any court of the truth of the !ae;s therein slated And when anv lands sold, as aforesaid, shall lie I,'deemed a" hen inl'efore provided, the collector shall make an entry of the fact11)1011 the record afore said, ai 1. the lid entry shall tie evidence of such redemption And when nnv property, pel' mini or r,al. seized and sold by virtue of toe foregoing provisions, ahull not be suffi cient to sadly the claim of the lTilled States for xvilii h distraint or seizure may lie made against any person whose property maybe, so seized and sold, the collector may, there after, and as often as the same may lie neces sary, proceed to seize and sell, in like man ner, any other property liable to seizure of such person until the amount due from him, together with all expenses, shall lie fully paid; ]‘i"rriri), That the xvord "eounty,” wherever ihe same occurs in this act, or "the a> Is of which tins is amendatory, shall he construed to mean also a parish or any other etjuivalcnt subdivismi of a State or Terri tory ( To hr rniilinittil i„ • ,O,IV (T.vos.) Shepard & Cochran, Importers and Jobbers of CHOC KIUR-Y Mfirrjiv SI., 1 ork. \Yi-oik-i for at tin- lowot prices, White (iuiiiite or Stone China, AM) (Joimiioi! Ware ip Original Crates, < >r lb- I'm kul to Suit ('ubtoiiliMHi. ALsu, KKKNCII < HINA, 14 liilr* Gold Hluiml or Ikworafcd. \ Great Variety <»! Glass Ware, Lamps, Looking-Glasses, Silver-Plated Ware, In Hut, cv< yt i'|‘i'«-rt;uiiiiitr to tbi. j lium- We.nolii ii ihhlm> ami invite tlic uttcntion of ! buyer*, »*;Oiiiiiy r nil tlnit tlu-y i-sin do us well— : I 'VC think better Hum they eatt ilo I'lrtcwhttrc. THOMAS S. SIIRPARD \VII..IT A M 1, COCHKAN i NEW YORK HOTEL, NKW yoilK CITY ! m A Hi' ( » pnrttn r>liip h v I'*' mi j ib'r Up* linn »t Cnoiston A Jlihlretli, i. ilis i bolveci by inutmil consent. The btiHiiess will I he nrri'Vl on by Mr l>. M. HiUlreth, who is : Muthoiizi'd to oil'll 1 lie nano ot the linn in U iiihlution. JIIKA.M ERANKTON, H. M. I!IJzH4iETIb .S’i*vv York, Juniory It, l^t»7. MR H. M HJJzDRETII, forinerly proprie tor oi the St. Charles Hotel, N'-\V Orbrnns, ! pun based the in.tvtV'J. in the above Ho , p‘l lrom hjs lute- p utner, Hiram Cranston, Esq., iukv•* this opportunity to assure hi* friend*, and the public, generally, that lie Mill spare no ' pain* or expense to maintain the heretofore es tablished reputation of this well known Multi, Ia - cue Ol fit'- best in Hu* eoeidj-j j* NT STBVJ3NS z(. 23, 25 and 27 Broadway, New York OpPtWtTK UOWI.LVO OHKLN, ON TI£E EUROPEAN PLAN. i I, IfK STKVKNB HOUfxK i- xve'H and xvi.U'ly : known In tin; ti'.v ling pulilie. TP". i.gil'M) is , apt .-Sally -Miibibl, to merrle-.jiU n"xl tui'ine;,, men i! Tin ..(use I'mviVutfj !o Uv tm'im'-" ; ~(.1; Mfiliv • it> i-wni (he highway of .Houlhcni ! iiiifl \y, ,'9l'U tritv, 1 mid artiatent to nil the -ij jiuipa! Railroad and Steamboal Hepotr. I ' The HTEV'F.NH HOl'SFz has liberal accom* ’ modafion for over :>OO i* well tin i ni*h«d, and poisessc* every modern improve j 11, nt for Hi'* comfort and entertainment of it* inmates. Ihe rooms are spacious \vc\\ ventilated provided with yr^tcr--the tt' iidam ■ b : ”p»pi hiid r'cspecflul—-timl Hie it:*/!.' ia - ■ neroiisly provided with every dHica ( y of the ht-Hfion, at moderate rates. The rooms haring liecn refurnished and re -11: fdeled, we ;in- enabled to offer extra facilities tor the ( nifort and pleasure of op;- {mcKts. (iEU. K CIIABE vC pO. , ; b-L»r rrqpne.ton' 3TP.EI/ COMB BRUSH Scot to 'N ginb , 4wiall4-ft** Phlciil. , j I 11 A y E Hit- 1 JeHsure of informing the )Tiin ! tn.'l til!"ULdiout the that I hare made i with the Mystic River Hardware | Manufa*firing Coin] any. for making my Stee! Brusi) Qottan i mb r n»y own personal oqu-rv “ind those •vi t*.» buy at.* Uuat they w ill be i in workmanship and finish to 1 oBY before made by no j 'l h" vuperiority of the Bt* "1 RrufeU Gin ortr I ,11 oihtu:., hut* Ion*; t*een conceded, and the in i uMKiscd v-duc Os the- but over the other <*ing j nmke them a necessity to the Planters. That all may be supplied, orders should be ■ nt at an early date. The. Company ar< also ready to supple all ' kinds of GIN M \TERIAL and MACHINERY i-*-d on Plantations. Applications lor Circulars and reference will j receive prompt attention, RENT A MIX ]). (iULLETT. Foriueilv of Annte, tjt. Helena Puri-li, La. Addn JOS. H. ADAMS* COMBsE :!N» Pearl street. New Yoik. . SuicAeent M .-tie Rivei Hardware Man. U<». ix-.'X ! IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS, PI*iII«PTKMS FAEMEBS Il, r K have been informed that the usuul pi;u-ti< eol Mcivluuße, Furimrs and Pluuters, in VV oi-deriur; their Mipplies ofour Dr. McLaiie’s Celebrated Vermifug:©^ Has been to simply write on for Yerini!:;u«\ The itiihi-qm-ma- is that instead of the genuine DR. M( LANE’S VERMIFUGE, Huy ln-<|uently 2*t oik or tin; other oi the many worthlcbu preparations called Vermifiiui* now I)» lore the public We, thereloii ,L u leavi* to ui>,e upon the Planter the propriety and importance ol invariably writine, the name in full, and to advise their factors or agents that tin y wilt not receive an> other than the ncnuint DR. McLANF/S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, prepared hy FLEMINC PROTHERS. PIT'ITHiURG, PA. We also would advise the same precautions in ordering DR. McLANE’P Cclobra ted LI VKIC I’ILLS. The great populariiy id tliese Pills, is a specific or cure for LIVER COM PLAINT and all the Bilious Deram*, ejm-nts so prevalent in th * South and Bouthw*st, has induced the venders of many worthlr. . nostrums to claim im tlu-ir preparntions similar medicinal virtues. D« me deceived! E>*ls. lit*!: IYIPS Celebrated I*ll.l are t!»•■ original and only r<*lial>le remedy for Livx-v Complaint that has yet been discovered, and \u tin Planter and Merchant, a- he values his» own and th* healUi ol tlmse depending on him, to he careful in oidenne. t ake m uner W rmifmre nor Liver Pills, unless you are sure you are getting; the genuine M< LANE H, prepared by I CL]C, JVi INC 15 PO'l'l LERS, m'TSJII IM, VA Dll. MT/ANE’B <l l i ltimi i) U\m FILLS, Foil IT IF It Ills OF * Hvttintix or hirer < mu phi nth I>uspep.sia omi Sirh lieaduche. In olicriiig to tl," pulili, DIF M, i.XMFS '.T.I.KUIf A t'lil) J.IVF.Ii I'JI.LS ns . iu, ,tv to, 1.1 VEK nnd BILIOLIS CO.MI’I.AINTS, xv, ],r,'Mim,; no ujiolom xx ill i, v nt’ucl.d 'J'h, ),)', Villen,-B of Liver Ci>iui>lnint "ml Dillon" I *i— " ,it nil kind ' tlirnughmit tin- ITiitcdStnu*. "'id jii'i'uliui lj' in tin \Vv»t "ml Soulli, xx here, in I in- majority <>! ,"»«.,Tin client in not xvitiiin (lie reach ofregular physician, requires t lint some remedy .-lionld tie provided that xvould nut in the least impair the ,'Olistitnti"n 1 and y, t In inf and cllr,dual. That sueli i tin ini, el-.u Meter ol Di; M, LANK'S LlVßlt I'lLl.S," tin re ran lie m, d„,|1,l ihe testimony xve Uw T tore you, and the great .'Ueeess xvlneli I,a,- (iUcmi.:,l their :r>e, xx iil, xxc'tliink be sul lU'ient to convince the most incredulous. I' lias been our since r*- xvish that these Fills should be fairly and fully tested, and stand or tail by the , Ilex Is produced. That thev Inn,- iil( tested, and that ihe result lias lieen ineve.yi" jieet f.ivoralde, xve all thousand t,. nun,. who lntve experienced their henetleia! etlec, ■ i'H. M, LANK’S LIVER l'llJ.S, are not held forth or reeimiiiietided (like most "I the i.oii tdar Itiedi, ines of th" day,) as universal cure ails, hut simply fm LI VE]! ro.Ml’l A 1 NTS mid t hose symptoms ex'unee'text xvitl) a deranxi'ed stale of that organ. DISEASES UF THE LIVER The Liver le lunch more I'reipieutlx 'ln- . -at of dis. a-. Ilian i.. generally sui'p". ixt. The fmietiou it is designed to ),erfunil and on tin: regular'execution "I xvhicli dot" lid not onlx the general health of the body, but the pow ers of the dtomaeh. Rowels, Drain, amt tlx; whole Nervous System, shows its vast and vital impor’anceto human health. When the l.'r.ei is se riously diseased it ill tact, not only dcranges the vita! functions of (he body, lull eyer'daca a )K)werful inlluenee uvertlie mind and Us operations, xvhicli cannot cosily be deseribed it has so close a to other diseases, and uinnili sts itself by so great xariel yof syinidoms of a most doubtful character, that il misleads more physician.-, even of great eminence |i, Ul | any other organ. Tile intimate connection "'hi, Il exists between the Liver and the liniiu uiiU the great dominion xvliieli I am persuaded it 'xereises over tie passions ol mankind eouviux e Hie thill many unlortiiimte being.- have committed acts ofd'-'p and criminal atrocity or I," come what, tools term liypoehoudri#,'.-. from tin -imple fuel ol a diseased state of the'/dver 1 have long been that more than on, hell ol tin complaints which occur in this coun try, are to t.x (•om.idcreU as Inning tin it seal.- in u discus, and stale of the Liver I win ••iiuiuef.t* lime of t hem indigestion, ffinppng, ol tin- M-’ii. , I'eiang-. and ; late of tin- Dm,, 1 nilj,t,| 0 aml Vindictive Feelings and Passion.- lrom Irilling end ined. male . a uses, of wifi, h xxe u'Ur wards fed "shame,l ; last, though not b ast, m 'ic than three fourths of the diseases enume rated under the head of CoNsr-MiTlox, liave 'ie ir seat in a diseased Liver. This i- fruity a frightful catalogue. J KVIII'TOnS or A mXI'LVSUIk 1 lt i'ain in the right side under Uk . edge xd till! ribs, increasing on pressure , m'liu lime., tin )min is in the tell side ; tin uatici I j. rarely aide to lie an the left sid- ; aoni'-tiines the pain if felt under the should" blade and u frequently extends to tho top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken foi rheumatism in the arm. Tho stomach is atl'eded xx ith loss oi .ip|>ctttuMid sickness ; the hoxvd in are eustlve, sometime.' alternating xx itii lax ; the. head is troubled with pain, aceoiupunitil with dull, heavy /rtiMinioii in the. hind, pan There is generally u eon. iderahh i ,, en of memo rv, aeeoitipaiiied xx itii a paintul s' nwition and havin'; left undone - ouieUiiug xvlii, h uiighl. tolnm lieen done. A slight dry cough i, -om; limes an altendard, The imtien; eompiain' ol vxe'm nr, sand debility ;he is easily startled his. leet are xold or burning, and ho I'omiduius u r I'lieklv seusatii'll of llie skhi ; Ills spirit'ar, loxv ; and although lie is satisth-d that ex .(.Ye would"he tienelieiul to iispi, yet he an -■ 'nicely summon up l'oi titanic enough to try it iuluct lie distrust- everv remedy. Several "1 lln al ove -ymptono attend' h«1 vanuii have (SveUind XViiere tew of tliem existed, yet i xaiiiimition ol'tin !"idy alter ,|, „u, ),«. shown «,.• Liver to have heen extensively deraugx and. ■•’■•:»"KM.- I»H. M* LANK'S LIVKD Fib! .-ir, "S Os AM K AVI. FF.VF.K, xvln'ii taken xvilii Quinine. piodnetiveol )ia)i|ix results. No better. m, (1 .,, , used I'ceparalury to, or after taking t.'innin \x •• would iiilvi. e all who air allbeted ' Vith the disease to give them a 1 1 iai. Ilireetlßtis. -Take t xvu or three Fills on goin". to hid, every second or third night, i they do no! purge two or three tunes next no'ruin:', lake "ic or , \vo more ; but n ii”hl break fast slnndd invaiia'dy ft'lloxv I licit . Tic i.ixei Pills may lie used xvhrir piii"'m..'sim|iiv i, necessary. V anti liiliou" j'lirgative, ilnx an interior In none, anil in doses nt imV 1 , M - tiirce they glv<’ astonishing reliel in Sick D' ndaelie ; r.lsxj in slight duvuigeiueut.- otthe Htoieacii. ’ pH. M LAX I*;\S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. No db'iisc to wliieh tin liumau hodj is liable are I letter entitled to 'lie attention ot the old tauthropist than tlmse « onseqiient on the irritation produced hy \V< ipxis in tin: pi,,„ aeb u.,,1 Dowels. Winn 11"- Milh r' l' is an adult, the cause is freipiently overlooked, and I'eisi unenllv the proper remedy is not applied. But when the patient is an infant, if the’disease is noi Aj tirely uegleeted, it i- still too frequently are. died, in whole m in pari, tosome cllier eause li ought liere to he ):artieuturly muorked, tlia'. aPiiough bn: ;i xx xeorms nniv exist m ■, , j u iu (M " hows" * v,• i tui' - ‘-nt they may have heen pi vioiislj, no sooicr :• llie coui-liliiiion' invaded l.v any any u( tic numerous train ot disea-' s in xvlneli iulaucx :■ , vjnsed, tliiiu it is i.; u i; ull uemted by their irritation, lienee il too frequently hapjiens that a disease otterxx i-e e-uiifv managed iiy pnqa i remedies, when aggrax ated by that caii'e, bids d.'tiaiice to I ii al ne nt '"judi eiiius in other rx-spectf but which entirely lad.- in eoiißCqinmee o| worius bine- overlooked \ml even in eases of great violcuei, if a potcio and prouipl pmudv la pi,-., es.-i. |, ,p. u - u„ ’ oulii In, expelled without ioss of tine, which i- precious in ~„•), ea.-,s, tin ear uiiaiit he attacked, hy proper remedios, even-liauded, and xvivU " Nyniptonis xxlilcti faniiol Im* *S Ulakrn. tic > "imtenam , i.alo am l |t u ~ color,al, with occasional Hushes, or a i ivcuiew-t'ibed spot over one or both checks the heroin,; dull, Ihe pupils di ir. 1 r-1 a'X rg-xivec ini x iicie runs along t <■ lower exelid tic uo'e {- irritated, swell- and aop.tcUuies (d 1 axis; I'Wldliug' ol Ibo upper iip; o. ra-ional h'-adaeln- yu liumtuiiq: or tlivotd’ing of ttie ear- uti umisiial secretion »l saline, slim} or furred 'louc’i hieqUi vrv fowl, par'ieufarly in tile morning , ■,),)«■(il„ x arraid, , siu'ciim,: vora ioc wP|j '■] ::u!txvtug-uTwatlxw at th- stomach, nt other times entirely g .ue . tie,dine pam- in licstouia. i,' ueeasiohld tlimsea anil vomitiug; violent paili* througliout lh -abdomen ; I".xvels i, regular ai times < ust Ivc ; stools slimy, not mile,quentiv tinged yvlU'. Hood, tindy swollen end hard urine turbid; respiration occasionally ,>nd at’eoini.auied bv hiccough cough Mine" times dry and convulsive ; uneasy and tlV>' wrfu'il dec):, wpl, t rinding ..| tic teeth"' imi.,' variable, tint geieaally irritatdr., ,\x’ 'A Whenever the ahove ay .nptyiinsa.vx'found t" "\M, IMb ,M. LANK'H VKI.'MIFt’KK Xlo ill-. lIKI'KNIU D t'l’ON 11> KVFFFT \ t.TKK. ’ >lAi Tile un\yeria( sutxcyss xvliicfi lias attended the adinini. tration of this picparalion has been A)e!; a-' ' o 'x arrant us in pledging ourselves to the pubic to KKTt.’KN TUK XJONFV in .verx instance "here it proves nctieetuai, providing the symptoms attending the sicknc" of tbi eliild or adult xvi,mint (lie BUiqiositioii oi ""I nc being t 1,,. e„ us , ~f| #b should he given in strict aeeordane, xvfflt tic directions, We. pledge ourselves to tip, pui.l," lin t DI!. M'LANK'.s VFUMH" t.'tiK DOFS NOT tov TAIN MKRCLK? IN A.W FO,l|M ; and. that ft I-an imea ul pr,.’i«ndiou, and not mulde of doing Utt, kltglttcstfiynry ty>, the ~,,,-t Kud'i iufwnt, ' “ '-apablc Direction*. Dive a child, I'r«U\ t-i ten yeai old, c tea-poemfui in a, sweetened water every morning, Wong , it M purges through the day, well; but if not r., o, Pin th" evening. <>Vey ten, give a little mon . under two, give les- To a full groxv f S give twutxasi'ooutuls. ivoou, llcwnrc olCoilMlerlellx mnl nil lelii'le. i'licnoi-tinc <«, lie It. u, Hoi lie’s,.—Tic great popnlaritx ot Di! M< LANK'S liKNLINE PltKl’Aß \TIOnV lias induced unprineipleil iiersom to utienift palming Upon tin pul,lie emiiiterfcit and Interioi articles, in eonsequenc,'of xvldeli ill.'propt.ietoi . have t.eeu forced to adopt everv possible guard against frond I'nivlnxser will ph p.'.x atPutiou to the following marks of genuine ness ■ Us. T'liy Fxternwl Wfapp, t b a iine fUe«T Engraving, with tic si'-nutura ol ( M-, I- Vk’Y and FLEMING DltOS. !d. ilu, ton it mu: are printed on Fine Paper xx ith Wide Mark as follows; " tilt. M« LANK" IJV LFt’d! \’l ED VERMIFUGE AND J. I VFK PIJJA FLEMIS'ti DUOS., nt'H’llfKTOi:.- ’ (a. Wan r M,i."k ran t«- seen In holding the imru i up to the light Tly« LIV |,K Plld.- have 1 1,.- luun: tamped oil the lid of the box ii red wax. ]'l.’K)’Ai:Kl> ONLY' li Y FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURG, PA., Soli I’toprietoi ot Dr McLuik’s Jdxiq ITUs. V’ormiftij'f mnl l.mip Syrup. sunt itt nnu its wiikiii:. Tiw l'i'o)irti,to! iiii xvanl )„.T mail, inn 11, an!, to any part ot i.antctl ,States, iiiic in,x Liver I’iil -, <n■ one via! Yi rii"l 'iyp , on tic receipt ol lortx cent/, hi (iovcniuieiit st»xups. oet'W