The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 29, 1867, Image 4

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Tin* Daily Loyal Georgian. AUOUBTA., OA. JUNE 2!*. t»(7. Constitution for Republican Clubs. WY call flu* attention of our Kfjmb Ik ,in to lilt* iollowiiit'ConMitu tion, which will Im* a one lor iheui to a<lo|»t in ort'sini/inir ran ( hihs : ARTKyC I NAM/ Till* Club Hltalllnj known h» the l ni«m Re publican Club of— , (name of town,) county of —, BtsiU* of ARTICLE II This Club is organized for the purnoH* of ad vancing the interests of the Union Republican p utv in tiii .State and throughout the nation, it w ill strive to elevate labor, educ ate the Igno rant, and *u*t«ln the caOte of universal justice. ARTICLE 111 OFFICER*. lhe olll< *-r.~ of tills ( lull shall he a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, nnd mi Executive Committee of five members. The above named officers shall la* elected at the first meeting in January and July in each year, and they shall hold over until their •uc< c**ore are duly elected and qualified. ARTICLE IV. DI'TIM OF Os FORKS 'Hu- utllerrs of tliis Club shall perform the duller, required of ftimilat <dflc<*rs by ordinary parliamentary usage. The Executive Commit tee shall prepare business for the meetings of the Club and make such arrangements a* shall secure a good attendance. They shall also make such efforts as may be in their power to make the meetings interesting abd profitable. ARTICLE V. QUALIFIC ATION.* or MEM HER*. The only qualifications necessary to heeome • member of this Club, should be i good moral diameter and an expressed determination to support the principles of the Union Republican party. ARTICLE VI HEVENI E. The c x|H!iifes <if this Club shall be defrayed by voluntary contributions from aiming the nu mber* and others. To the Republican* of the Union. Tin; Notional Union Committee appeals to tile Republican:* of every State, for tlieir assistance end eo-operation in tlii auspicious eri o -of our country. We deem it of tin- highest importance that the l{epitMi<:an* '/t each State should immediately teorgHiiize for the remaining /•lections of ISG7, preparatory to the com ing I’residenti/il contest. Especially should this organization lie iiiiniediately etlected in those Stales which have never before recognized as the only just basis otgovcrii liicnt the ciptal and inalienable rights //I man. Not a day should he lost in forming and strengthenin'' within tlio.«<- States a public sentiment in consonance with the principles which underlie the great Political organization to which we la long. To this end, we desire t<> prosecute a systematic anil thorough canvass of tin Southern States, by the most etli< ient speakers of both races. We would second tlieir elliirts by a distribution of doeu incuts, enforcing the principles, policy ami aims of the Republican party. We would call, in every locality where it is possible, meetings for discussion, where those who are with us in principle may learn to act with unity and cncnrgy. These measures are required to bring out the vote of that large body of Republican Unionists who now render the Southern States s battle-Held of principle. It is the pressing need of the hour that hold, jutli i-ious and able men, thoroughly imbued with our creed, should there explain our principles, establish our faithfulness to them, and prove that national greatness ami human freedom depend upon the per manent triumph of our cause. lleyond this, it is most essential that we should now establish in those States, I'm- Thought, Free Speech and a Free Press. Every part of this Republic must be open to the discussion of principles and measures. This must be sustained, a» a cardinal point in our creed, at anv and every hazard. Efforts to intimidate thr humble and ignorant voter on the part of the Southern planter, must be met with the spirit of freemen, and the determina tion which a just cause sanctions. In time past, the Republican party lias struggled against the unjust reproach of: being sectional in its aims and character, though its purposes and its means of effec ting them were such as tile fathers of the Republic approved. It was accused of being governed by sellisli motives, and of desiring to aggrandize the North at the expense of the South, Its adversaries, having the power to silence and to crush all opposition, denied all discussion, and overawed even freedom of thought in sis teen States of the Union It is. therefore, now and imperative duty, which we owe, to our party and to ourselves, to embrace the first opportunity of truly representing to tlio»r States In/w consistently we liavu j contended tor the interests, welfare and freedom of the whole Union. The overthrow of Slavery and the lie-! hellion, and the enfranchisement of the ftvedmen, rendering this overthrow sc- I cure and final, have happily vindicated | our course anil organization; but it is I necessary to stamp the conviction of our j loyalty and fidelity to the right, irrcspcc- ; live of section or rare, upon the recon-j -trm ted States, For thr first time ill many ! years, the enthusiastic followers of our flag and eoufesaors of our faith are there i taking part in the popular gatherings. | and in many of the Southern States, we j have reason t« believe that they form a decided majority. They are, however, ! without organization, and lack the eo : liesion and discipline necessary to success. Three fourths of the Republicans have i never voted, and have no practicable i knowledge id the menus whereby the popular will is expressed. With many ot them, the habit is fixed, of rendering j implicit nlieilienii to able anil dexterous i politician- who are implacably hostile to onr principles and determined on tin ' prostration of our cause. Our immediate action is tin rcft/rc ini-j perative We cannot delay without im periling all for which so much hi- been | sacrificed in the past. Confident in our I strength in the North, the Wist, and the I’acilii States, wi must not forget that we : have a great duty to perform toward ! lie 1 loyal and true men nttlie South Republicans! our appeal is to you, to uairy on and sustain the work which a few loyal and true inia have so nobly lie gun We eaiiuot a-k s|icakcrs. in addition to giving tin ir time anil talents for months to this labor, to defray their own necessary expenses. W> i aiiiiot print and distribute j documents of the character required with out a heavy outlay. Wo have no means or reliance except upon the generous spirit of that great party which holds the claims of Humanity and Freedom above all priee. The patronage of the Government brought into power by the statesmanship, the courage, and the loyalty of that party, will not aid us in this good work. We must, therefore appeal directly and personally to you If you are rich, Jgive gem tiuislv. If poor, semi us whatever you can afford. The gtncr.uu purpose and the noble aim sanctify the humblest ef forts. At all events, m l promptly, and let us feel that tin sympathy of the Repub lican party is with it- in our purpose of making this great land the liom" of true Republican principles, v re distinction -of race and color are unknown, and where Liberty, Virtue and Intelligence from the enduring basis of our greatness and pro parity. Address letter' and contribution* to Gov. Manet s L. Waitu, ( liairmnn and Treasurer, Newark, N. J. M wo s L. Waiii), N. J. S imcix A UrnviANi i IV W i1.1.i \M Cl,ATI.ix. .Mass. John 11. G’i.aMk, N. 11. llokack Gitniii.iiv, N. V. 11. H. Sr a hkw katiikh, Colin N. 11. Smitiikks. Del 11. W. IIo»KMAX. Md. Executive Committer of the National Union Com. ,Ve*z- )«rT, May 1(1,1807. ' * All the Republican journals are re quested to copy anil to second this appeal. PKARSON. AIK IN A- CO., VARIETY, FOUNDRY, AND u\<nm: nolens. Mautifactnri-rs of all Kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. Such as Straw Cutters. Corn Nhellors, Ciiler Mills, Drag Saws, Circular Saw Mills, Grist, Mills, Steam Engines and 1 toilers,. Ol the lutcat and most improved patlm.*. With our improved Valve, t 1 per ernt. ol the fuel ia saved -and till our work is warranted !o give AHtislmtion. Forfurth'i psirtic 11.11-, in quire a* abort-, ot IVartson, Aikin Cos., Varie ty, Foundry and Machine Work-, M; in Hnct, between 12th ami liltti streets, Louisville, Ky. je26 s, k, rinii/Aiiii Secretary. THOOOKE hot eh, I’re*Wlnit. ROYER WHEEL (OMI'A^Y, ti» T. Hoy cr A Cos., M A Vt'FA( T I'HKKs ol SARYEN'S PATENT WHEELS. ~ Al.M> Whet Is, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes. Shafts, bows. FOLKS, AND Aid. KINDS Os CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIAL. I*now IIA VOLES, (VC., No. !*«s* McM 1 liii .S Sit., CINCINNATI. je*26 New Leather Store. REEI) BROS. & GO. Great / liiiliHriiieiils Offered. i'Wuv.s (J rent sis Jteitnrrit, w E have jnst received a very lithji , Irefli. xml well assorted block of tho llm st brand* ot FRENCH CALF 8K I NS, which we are u ,„ v selling from $1 70 to $2 per pound. We have on hand a iargv atul complete atoek ol all kind* of LKATIIEU and SHOE FINDINGS, consist ine partly ol Sole, Upper, Kip Skint. Harm ms, Skirting nnd Bridle Leathern, Pad Skins, Mo rocco*, Toppings, Lining*, At., Ac Aim dealer* in HIDES, OIL, TALLOW,nod LKATiIEU and GUM BELTING Phase to give ue a call before purchasing clm where. HEED Bitot* iV CO., 11l Main M., between Third and Fourth, Cincinnati, ( Hilo. N. IC C'a*li paid lor Hides and Leather in rough. je26 S. WB A UK, | W. A. TIIIHBTON, Late of Fleminfffthurg, K\ j Late ot Paris, Ky. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, »l»n Nl'llllUT, IIKTWRKN FRONT AND SKCOND BIS , 4'ineinnntl .Ohio. ffBABE h THURSTON. I’lU'l'RlKTimS jt-26 se n>i itt iV itnos.. SHOW (ASK WARE ROOMS. Ylnin Sgi4*« t, CINCINNATI OHIO. 14* All kinds of SHOW ( ASKS kept on hand nml made to order. jeii S r J'. CLOUD HOTEL, eonxKit secosuam) jeepruson sts,, WM !> A M. 8. DKHONEV, I’UOI’KIKTOKS. i.oi iwv u.i.r.. kv. I*rlw /rt M |// i l>/„, )■» CANWOIf Ac BYERS, wholes m i-: MILLINERY HOUSE, ■®l Weal Niiiii Ntreii« LOITtSVIT.LK KKNTH KV, A»k 111/: :i! tent i/m ol MII.I.INF.IIS .util MKIS - ANTI* to tlieir t*t<»ek ot IMHHONS. MONNKTS. I.AlMi:*i ni* II Vl*-. Dress Trimn/inj, Duttons Braids. i t: r / >, n <)/>s . iiA .\ />Kt tt< /ui r.\ And Fine Imported Vr.rielies. rtnli rs rn l ive goml-.uut |‘nmipt a'Hu tion ieffl TliK FAVORITE tMI MOST COMFORTABLE ROUTE KHOM to New York, VIA SAVANNAH. nr 1. HP! following New. Fast and First-Cln.-'s SteftiiiFliip* sail from SAVANNAH to NEW YOKE every TUESDAY. THUKSDAY arid SATURDAY I Atlouti- M | S. .S'. C.j Lint \ rt’l Thursdays • HHUMAN LI VI NORTON, Baker, Coinmaader. GKS. lUUNK-. Morton, ('ommaiidet .Ir.nrn(f* Li**. Sail Tuesdays. LBo, I)i arboi i», C'onimamler. VIUGO, lint kley, ( ominaudor. Tlk-hc Sleanibhipb are all of large carrying ( a piieity, well adapted to this route, and arc.fitted up with e.-peeiat regard to the comfort of |>n<- gerri— Stafc Koom.s large and piry, the Department supplied with the be<t the New York am! Savannah markets afford. The through freight Tariff ha\ ing been mm h Jtr imtfii, Freighter* and Passengers will tlml this the qi:h, saps-t and most paonomical Hot’TE to New York. THROUGH TICKETS to l»e had of Ticket Agent, Ortice Waynesboro' IL L. Depot. SAVANNAH AGENTS Murray’s Line- -HUNTER A (i AM MEL, A gent?. Atlantic ( M. 8. S. Co.*- Lii WILDER vV FI LLEKTON. Agents. Empire Line—B il. HARDEE, Agent (tEO. A Met LESKKY, jc2s trcii'l Traveling Agent. J. IIINCKLIMI k CO’S GREAT SALE (< t WATCHES ON the populor oue-priee plan, giving every patron a handsome and reliable AVateh for tie priee ot Ten Do!h">*! without regard to value, and not to !■ paid for miles-- perfectly satisfactory ! VM) Solid Hold Hunt ing WaD he. . to <SO 500 M Igie (.’aseal (iohl VVatelie-. AX) to ‘>(XJ Latin •*’ Watches. Enameled, 100 to 200 ’OOO Hohl Hum’gC'liron’tcr Wat* In - 250 to 800 looottold Hunting Englisli L< vct*. *OO to 250 tiKX) (fold limiting Duplex Watches, 150 to 200 stXHH*old llnulg Ann rh an Wat- he -, 100 to 150 .‘•000 Silver Hunting i.'-vers, 50to 150 5000 Silver Hunting Duplexes, 75 to 250 10000 Hold Hunting Lepim s, 50 to 75 HKXX) Mise< ilaneoti* Silver Watches, 50 to 100 g*5<XX) H imt'ne.: Silver Watches, 25 to 50 ‘‘JIOUO Assorted Wntches, (all kinds,) 10 to 75 ! e. it. i.tT rt.ii. i 8/1,/’I. Every person obtains a Watch by this arrange ment costing hut |lO while it may be worth 1750. No partiality shown M«-:srs. •). Ilinekiing a. (<» ’- Amerii »u Watch Company, New York City, wish to im mediately dispose of the above magnificent, stock. Certificates, naming articles, are placed in scaled envelopes. Holders are entitled to articles named on their certificates upon pay ment ol Ten Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth #750 or one worth less The return of <Mir certificate** entitles you to the articles named thereon, upon payment irrespective of its worth, anil as no articn valued less than *lO j* named on any c( rtitUatCj It will at one : be seen that this :s no lottery hut a straight forward legiti mate traian* tion which may be participated ill by even the most fastidious ! A single Certificate will he tent bv mull, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents ; five for #1 ; eleven for 12; thirty-three and no elegant pre mium for f5 , sixty i\ am! more, valuable pre mium for tlO ; on*' hundred and a. most 6Upcrb Wat h for sls. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitiiinitely eondtu ted business, duly autho rised by tlta Government, and open to'thcmost careful scrutiny. Try us. Address, ,1. Ilit klititt A Cos., 1 IP Broadway, m ar P. O . leb2-«*ni C ity of New York. MARRIAGE GUIDE. I> r.INC » private instructor for married per > sons, or those about to be married—both male nnd lcm ale—in everything concerning the pliysiology ami relations - t our sexual nvstem, and the production and prevention of offspring, including all the new di.-covvries never before given in the English language, by WM Y<)UN(i, M D This is really i v iluslde and interesting work. Pis written in plain language for the general reader, and iUusrmied with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this hook. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with, still it la a book that must lie locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of 50 tents. Address, I)r WM. YOUNG. No. 410 Spruce street, above Fourth. Philadelphia, Pa. MT AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE V- matter what may bo Vour disease, before you place yourself under the care of any ot the notorious Quacks—native or foreign—who ad vertise. in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's book and read it carefully It will be the means ol saving von many dollar, your health, nml possibly yotir life Dr. YOL’Nti mn he consulted «<n »uy «>t the disease* described )|i his publleations, at bis otlb’c, No. l!*» Spin c street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. There eometh glad tiding* ot joy to all, To young and to old, t<> great and to small; Thu beauty which nm-c was ?«> p;v« ions nml rare, Is tree for all and all may be fair, BY THE USE Or CHASTELLAR’S wmF'TD rraufu E3V AME3L, For lin{tmvine wmt lk-aatUvinc th- font pl/xion. The most viiltiiiblc anj j/orlirt j/tiq/iiriitiou Id Ufc for sivint; the skin i bcautilul jn/if! like tint, that if only 1/ninti in vontli. ft qnh-klv I . lni/vos Tan, Kna kU'*, Pinq/lcs, uinti'ln s, Motii l’atolirft. Sal|//wncs.s, Knq/ti/ii/s, ami ,11 |inpuri tits ot tilt Skin, kindly 1/calim; the f/iinr, |o»v inu; the skin wl/ltr and . lrar lis ilal/astiT. It# n*r cannot be detected b,v the clom-v scriitiav, and In-tnir a vccx-tal/Ic iHcparatlnn, is j/crt/vtly harmless, it is the ntifv art'll !c •/! tin kind used I/y tlm Flench, ami is / itiisidcrc/l In the Pari sians as imlisja n.-al/lr to a jnriis-1 toilet, i'r. w / id-- ot :.t',<XX> hottl/'s a/ ;v -..lii tin j.a t year, a Bntlicir|/i ti.ira'tt vof it.- q|{ ,1 y. Price only 7* rein. ; Kent t/y mail, jaist-paid, on rcecint ot lit • oiler. BKHGKK. Mil TIH /let <»., Clmmirts, .‘s.j Itlvcr Street, Troy, .V V am; # ly .l"W*. lijhlf. t'tH.ra, .sV.’/ ~. ptlOtHTl F i/y til DSC ot Prof. DEBREUX’ i FKISI.I: I.E CHEVErx One ai.|itica -10"/ n/ovanted to cnrl the most Vr.iiirht and -tttbl"/ni hair, ot <-jf!i< r sox. into v rin -let? or It. avy mas.- - ot , in... n : „ i Kvn used I/y the Lidnon.ihhs «and P.:ii> nnd l.ondon with tht most .'/:/I'!yiny rc-stiit-. Iloos no injurv t. the liair Price, t/y mail, scal.-d and post-paid, *1 i)e scriidiu / ireubrs m„|hd tnv Vddrcs- BEUtiEP., Mlt Tlji X CO.. Chemists. i No 'JtCi I!Kc. street. True, X. Y., Gole Ae/'i/t for the United Sta'w. ly j kxcivl.miok : k\u,u*i«k : CHASTELLAR’S HATH KPTKIiyfTNA TOR!! b'vr J'l iinji'iiKJ Supcrjinonts Hon'. TO the ladies cspei ially, this Invaluable dc piiatory rt commend* it*»eU a?* being an al iiK «t indDpensible article to female beauty, if eartily applied, *locs not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the root*. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low forehead*, or from any part of the body, completely, total ly and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skit: soft, 411100th and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the onlv real effectual depilatory in e xistence. Price 75 cents per package, sent postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an order, bv BERGER SHUTTS tc Cos.. Chemist*. npG-ly 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. \ew York ami Charleston St<*;inisiiip I^ine. BAILING KVEP.Y SATIKUAY KBOM ADrtF.R’H SOUTH WHAUF Ftnjtirr l ‘> >•' B’l Siturduys HAN HALV ADUKf Ni< kernon, Uomniniider. 'AN JACINTO, Atkin.*, (’omniauder. T. HE elegant Side-Wheel SteaiuFliip- MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhull, Command er. (JIIAMPION, R W Lock wood, Commander, Leave each port on SATURDAY, and tor speed and comfort hare no superior on the coast. Both Ships have splendid Cabin accommoda tions lor Passengers. All outward Freights for this IJneshoiitd he consigned to COURTENAY A: TRENHOLM, who will forward the fame free of commission. Freights receive and daily at the pier. For passage and business connected * jtli in ward Freight* apply to BTKEKT BROi dtUO. 71 East Bay. HENRY.K MORGAN A CO.. Agents, 20 Broad war, New York STREET BROS Jc (JO., COURTENAY *v: TRENHOLM Joint Agent* N. Y AC. S.S. Cos.. je2s Charleston, S (. Augusta to Acs York. IHE GREAT ATLANTIC SKAIiOAKD AND GULF MAIL ROUTE is the quickest, most pleasant, safe, reliable, and comfortable from Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Columbus and Atlanta to the North. This old and favorite route from New < Irlean*. Mobile and Montgomery, via Atlanta, Augusta, Wilmington and Weldon, N C , to Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, ib now in excellent order and successful operation, with new Engine , new ml elegant Cars, oud Sleeping Cars From Weldon, threk route* to New York ore now' open, viz : Via Richmond and Washington < ity Via Portsmouth and Old Bay Line. Steamers Via Portsmouth and the new Annantcssic Route. The is anew and very pica-ant route, by Steamer, from Portsmouth to Crisficld, on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and thence by Rail over the length of the entire State of Delaware, connecting at Wilmington, Delaware, with through trains to Philadelphia and New York, or to Baltimore, Fare from Augusta t<» New York, by either ol the three route.*-, #B6. Eleil%rtHlebi*ihoUa](4 oii all Night Trains BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH Through Ticket*, good by cither route until used, for sale at the South Carolina Railroad Ticket Olib •• P. H. LANG DON, General Southern Agent. For inquire of ISAAC LEVY, jc2s 136 Broad street, August*, <ia. Change #f Schedule of South Caro lina Railroad Company. OrntE Softu Carolina Railroad Cos.. / Cuakleston, March 11, l«t>7. t On AND AFTER WEDNESDAY. March R«h, 1*67, the THROUGH MAIL TRAIN from Columbia to Augusta, w ill run as follows, viz : Leave Augunto * 6 55 A. M. Arrive ot Charleston .4 00 1* M. Arrive at Columbia ... . .5*20 I*. M. Leave Charleston. . . S(K)A. M. Arilvdat Augusta.. 5 00 P. M Aflnifttir and 11 1f listilroiifl. DULY (SUNDAYS KXCEPTHD.) Leavcft Savannah at S9O P M. Arrives at Thomasvilk* at. ... 7 45 A. M. Arrives at Live Oak at 030 A M. Arrives at Jacksonville at 12 40 p. M Arrive? at Tallahassee at 3 20 P. M. Leaves Tallahassee, at 10 15 A. M. Leave* Jacksonville at 2 10 P. M. Leaves Live Oak at 8 00 P. M. Leaves Thomasville at ft 55 P. M. Arrive* nt Savannah at 600 A M. STEP BY STEP, OR, The ('hihl’n First I too I: DKsMGNE'I) to teach new beginners t<, read on an improved plan. Priee, 25 t ent*. “It is one of the best tiist books tor voting children that we have yet seen, and will doubt less soon win it* way to public favor, nul be generally employed’in the in truetinn ..f oliil droii, I * iMhiiwre St‘it* Joush il. '* Step hy step is certainly n bijou of a child'* Aehool tKM>K. M — Phil*\ Press. Th«f*ul>*eribcrs will send .1 >ir« ular eontain ing specimen page* of the above work, designed to teach the little ones to read cm a new f plan, to an? one desiring it. It will give teacher* and frthers interested in education an idea of tha work. Dopie- of the work will be sedt tu adrirt>s, for tin* purpose of ex uninatimt, i#n eeipt ot 15 rents. DAVIS, PORTER v t COATES 712 Ransom Slivet, Philadelpib.a. Change of Schedule ON TIIE GEORGIA RAILROAD. ( )n AND At'IKR SUNDAY, .JINE'.tTII 1 <s#i7, ti//- I'n-?ctic'i'r Train* nn the (icorjjia Hail roatl izill nth /is U'llow*. The chanit? is matte to clow up the delay at Aujcnsta : DAY l-AS.ftXOZII TIIAIX 1 D lily. Snnd i v . Ex c/ p ted. Leave Augusta at f>ot» A, M. Leave AH.auwnt a (ft) A. M Vll'i'c ai Atm'U.U at.... 54.-. f, »| Arrive a! Atlanta at •; yn p jp M .ltr I'A.'SEXOER TBAIN 1./'av/ Atl '/i-t . a? f. m p. M Leave Atlanta at .... ;;; p yj Arrive at Augusta at. . n it) v M Arrive at Atlanta at, 1 n M P isseiiiters for Mayttci/l, A aahhigi, „ and Athene, Ga.. nitt.-t taU, Dav l’as#nmer Train from Augusta and \tlam.a. I t,.f \\ e? t point, Mouiu'inu .-v, M'l wle wi| Sew OfitMta must knv ttevts an Nlaii: Passenijer Train at 600 V At . to makv close connections. P/isMttan. tor Nashville, Oaiinth, Grata! •Jum tion. Memphis. Lonisv m,., can tok" cither train and make clojo i/.nmc, tion*. * ' ■through TICKETS? ilir/'uch to tiic -ltK/Vf T'hi.c-. " - 1./tikcd /Ml'Vi'irt/ 11 ''ALAt E SLEEPING ( Al!> on aL Nuria 1 a-., n ;.., j,..,- E. H'. COLE. General Sui»eruitemleut. I m tern homumi, A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PI'IJUSIIKI) AT UGXJS TA , GK O . T E RMS: Daily, per annum - - - S6OO Daily, six months - * * ,)(l Daily, three months I * * Weekly. j>er aniinin - ‘ 00 Weekly, six months 1 7> Weekly, three months . - - 100 THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS (INK OF TlO VERY FEW Outspoken Republican Papers in the South. It was tin first in tlii- State to adrix-nti' tli<‘ oroa<l jirincipli' *>t “ KLJI AL IJItiIITS FOK ALL”—It vin<lic:ttcs the <l<»cttitic ol the «nj»ri*nißi-y of the National over State OoTeriimentu—lt an.fienouttees Sr.. kssi„n ns not ohlt iiiieonstitutionsl, Imt inherently lioatile to, ami .lentriietive of, all Deinocratie li. |.uhli, aii Ooverimienta- It muiiiHiitw for Congress, as tho h/nlv July appointed lemur form of government for National legislation, the right and duty to, at all limes, mo legislate as to vindicate the honor and prowess Ol the Nftti./n It will ndvo. *te the early veeonstrueti.m of the States on the platform laid down hy the •'National Union Catty. - ' O THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS MADE ONE OF THE omcin (mm m thk covhiwkt i> this srm. It will pnfilisfi tTie LAWS enacted hy Congress and ill (iO\ KKNMKN I .ADVEIfTISF.M KNTS. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ALSO DESIGNATED T’.'lE Organ of the Educational Association of the State. It will, therefore, he found to CGnlftin the most general and coinplete infer • nation respecting these impovtant interests in our midst, and will from time to time be furnished with able and interesting Communications from the best Educators in tbn State. A Family Newspaper . W Ittle devoting considerable space to the discussion of the gr'.-at polithill questious relating to tlie times ami section, we shall reserve for such miscllaneouM Kdncntionat and Ilefigioiis reading as w’| t | nla lco the psper at ttactive and profitable to all. We shall scrupulous' iV S gni T ist the ittsei tiou ol anything tending to demoralize the mor (( j- }{ o nie and Society. On the other hand, we shall aim, through ever- f appropriate means, to stimulats to study and good morals, f Book and Job Printing. W e have ju.f been -p, great .-\pense in furnishing our Office with the r* .juisit.-s for doing 1/ „ >k AND K*l? WOlUv. U t are now prepared to fill any and every desc/ iption ol I’LAIX AM FAN"t V .1015 I*F -|x pixg r -olicit hr ls i, K . ss (( f this kind, promising despatch in exe.-titnm, neatur*- in jp ? Bl |,irates the most rettsonahle .A. cl «! r o « m : LOYAL BEORfiMN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION A ITGUSTA? GEO.