The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 18, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 1. The ' Dally Loyal Georgian, j ,1. B2YANT -- - Editor. TANARUS! if’-. P. BEARD - - Agon-.. Offli- » 3 ro Globe Hot.’dorner of Jackson : A. mm • on, An .<u«ta, Georgia «>Hi' V si ’* Nsv iltfuCi ~ - 'l’lireo ttOiEt'a*. " * • * * Oar %<•.•.:•. ».-•■£» 9© >• .M ■ . ■ - - ■ " * ™ ■J'i, i Iloulh . SO© BATtM OS’ AI>TKBTW«?«3t ! *3 00. <?5 00 f,O '3 00 13 l IT <K) -JO f- ; . * •! 5.00 8 00 11 00 1.3 00 'll t ; r ( '{ GO 0 50 II 00 . 4 00 1. 00 gtf < : > 00 ; i 50 8 CO Li 0C 17 00 20 00 COO 1 ‘A; i , ; 50 5 ■ 0 50 1.6 50 20 00 23 00 :.-S Cos 0 (o 58 (* 08 C- 15 :.0 ; Vi 00 83 00 28 06 8200 50 00 *0 00 80 00 01 00160 00 A nl. • 5 ) ' ’ <>.:.• - -tur\ fir..: insertion, 75 cents; each j iii’ r. ilivt. »ccnts. < ;*<• i:j m . >rcvl ’■ >y ten lines of minion j t; ' ■ iiwr»c*l three times a week I (t »m i» Unu » rind, . i. 1. on* <" of table ; A ’ -I . ■ •■inn,*’ K< Box i< ' Items ®Ue . m i c:ivi in tho world i the Mammoth Cave in the Plate oi Kentucky. The greatest river in th< Mis- issippi, four thousand one hundred miles in length. Tlie greatest Valley in the world is the Vailejf of the Mi issippi, 500,000 square miles. Tlie greatest natural bridge Lithe world is that over Cedar creek in Vir ginia. The greatest mass of solid iron in the world is tho Iron Mountain of Mis souri, 350 feet high and two miles in circuit. . Hie longt t railroad in the world is the Illinois Central Kailroad 570 miles j long, and which co.-t about ft!o,o 000. , We knm from exchanges in that ; qc . ! -t that Northern land agents, buyers : ! < \plorers, continue t > ar-! r’ ro in < orable numbers in South w< stern . nia. One agent is new i-i iidunoi 1 maty searching for a sub l le it* a Xoraviim colony, t7hi> !> i-roposes to emigrate in a body i from yh. nia. Strike f little deeper into the Soutli <.■ :i c-'UiiS-y. gentlemen! We boast of having in our State inflncements to j buy and to work lands such as no other Southern St e can fun i ?b. A generalization of the Louisiana re-: gi-.ti'rti'ia !■< ports show that out of 111,543 pc rsoiis registered in Louisiana, there have be. n only 37,420 whites —against 74,110 blacks. From a few sub-districts, no reports have been tiled since July, but nothing to come in will, materially alter the above figures. Work ox . i . Central Pacific Uailkoad.—San Francisco, July 9. — '•> -i; on the ‘' ' . J Pacific, Railroad is b iag pu-i ! : ; reward with energy, and is c:. pec -1 to be oomph '.ad •> ; -er the mountains b ■ November. Sixtt-.n ■ d:i!from t • Truckc summit The Sumii! tis te thousand hun dve-l and tin • - ' -hi feet in length, and A - have ' >een sent East by the com pany for car. and locomotives. The business of the road this year exceeds that of last year. Earning for the i , ,-i*h of Jut;;- v re §122,000 in coin. The recent strike of the Chinese labor er-. only can -red the - tspension of v. rk one -lay. Tue workmen resumed kb>or at the former term.;, making no in version.?. Six steamships arrived at New "kork on Monday, bringing 3,015 passengers. The registration in Dougherty cour,- ty sums up, whites 352 ; blacks 2,104; total 2,450. AI'GUST.Vs GA.s THURSDAY M(MINING, JULY 18, 18(>7. , tIEADQUAIITKiIs, 3» Mil ' lA DISTIIWT. Atlanta. (• .Mr; ‘l, 1807 GESSRAL OltDKi:-. X». Tn accordance with ii -s of (\ini-;r supplement- ; : 'A' to prim efficient Government for tin- rebel State-, etc., dated March 9, 1807. til a . iU j Tho sun • ‘ ( bi i A! ' . . uni livid 1 in: K . . do: 1) ■ ict-r numbered and bounded, as hr;A. 11. A lizard of Itigi-tration is hetein ioued, to consist of two win: !!-ui of Georgia, where onh the two white He- i tuanding Di-trict of Georgia, at Maim, Georgia. 111. Kao.h lb. ‘ter will requiri ■ to fully the duty of Register under the late led, will be unable trf tek 1 the t ath above mentioned. Blau! forms ot the-, oaths will be -out to tho appointei-:: at once, ad on beingcxecub <1 and tetii: nect io the suin rintcndentß of State Registrn | i. Week. IV. i ' • ■ - nr- a foil r- ;t - - fifteen cents for et-ch nvorded voter: io the uto-t sparsely settled counties and di- ■ triei -. at forty rents p< r voter. The • om i units, a cording to tlio density ofthepop tion. Ten ccnfc: per mile will !)■ ftllo ved for tran -port-ition of Kegisters off the lines of railroads or steamboat , and fit • cent per mile when travel is done on railroad- V. It is hereby made the duty of all | Registers, and they will be expected to anti privileges, and ,■ nen iti ol e: ■r i ing them upon all pro; cr <• • -ions. VI. The name of each voter shall appe: ; ivards or precinct«, where sttch ; otis Am-, I opportunity will t e given to r 1 -ter at ihe county seats of their respect; 1 -' count ! at a specified time, of which < m uo!le vy ill bo given: but tin: namCn of all voter-- thus registerca v. ill b- - plaited on the! sot voters of their respective precincts. VII. Tito Boards of 11 c-tr: on will give due notice. ' tiiut it in: r> ;oh all isersons entitled to r edster, of the date when they will 1 in :ct: el t ion f- ''tneb the lime they will spend in i:. and the place where the ; 1 rut >1: will bi ms :c: and upon the comp; moi the n‘c oration for each county, the Board oi Registration will give notice that tin y will be present, for three «ucci * -ive days, at the < oui .ly seat of such county, to register -uch vote; a - fftile'l to register, or bi '*’l prevented from registering in their n peeli pre cincts, and to Inm ecidi nc <■. in tlie case of voters rejected by the liegisters in the - ■ eral precinct . who in ay desire to present, testimony in their own behalf. VIII. bides ■ lithe: - :-c in c. 11 M -d Iw n - Board of R i lratiim ere direct-d, in determining whether applicants to reg tenns ‘‘E*c iti •-■■l Jnd:ci;ii. in th; Acta of Contrre of March 23, 1807, com by the Act. Persons who apply to register, hi ■ who are considered ii qutuiffed by tin required oath, which, with the objections of the Board, will be held for adjudicatl c IX. Tho lists of registcred vtJtcix for each of the precincts will be exposed in ■an the completion of th registratien for each county, and'- ...> • loction is held, in order that all supp-c .1 ".< ot iraudulent regi 'ration may lx; thoroughly inv.--.ti - wilt Uj givi n li-l s, . - » full and i • m eniained upon tl Boatsi lia . n XI. Th- dctailc : r.hwt 1 tors will designate th -n. niter >r' each *bo;ird who s’uuil be lis Pr -nt. XII. Violence, or th of vioiem - ic: . : ■*- MM ! ; m; ; ’ .A . :- . .mount i that no controctror tigri-emi.nt I jth '• mi - in regLstc r i:i :or v - :ta . 1 ill - r i’C trict; am till ■ 1 mention.-1 in this pangrupli, wi'd earn the imtaediat u: t ■ ■ I his trial before a Miiit try Coi.n-.i-sion. Yirr The excrcis. -.7 the right m ever.. . Inly authotked voter, ttndir the late Acts nt Cmgress, to register and vote, is guar cd by the Milititry Authorities of this I'l-trice; and all pvrsouis whomsoever are v.M-T.e-l ag>in-t any attempt I" interfere to pi cvciit any 1 ’.ell IVmu exercising this right, pretext whatsoever, other than wli.i. t lion by th. usual legal mode. I\i V. In ; nf any diaturhanee or vio i.ttlu pin; of registration, or any ■ A.: i: R. |.. or of applicants i ■ the Bo it-tls of Registration will call n|H»n the In: : civil authorities for a police torn:, or p. e. to arrest Ihcoll’enil r. if lie. -aly ■ poll :he u.-.uv-t military authorities, who are i ■ wiu iructed t > furnish the necessary A:- civil . \aho refuse, or who :'.i•. : : protect Reel-, is, or applicants to : ; !-. v, ill be ri i-eio.'d to tin- headquar- ■ of th. Officer C lmnanding in the S: l who will arre t -uch delinquents, md - nil charge- against them to these us Am,cm ;s, that they may be through! core a Military OoniJpis; e n. !c.i-nnand of A; i t May. G. a Pope. Capt. 83d infantry a- A. A. V. G. MILITARY BILL. IID’QTRS Bo MILITARY DlsT.. Moxtgomuuy. Ala.. April 8. G FNF.KAI. ORUF.IU No, I. The following extract Irom the re cent Acts of Congress in relation to Ke eoustruction in the Southern States, is published for tho information of all con cerned : [Public No. ti. ] An Act mipplimentary to -An act eti titlod an act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel states,” parsed March 2, IBG7, and to facilitate restoration. lie it enacted, etc., That before the first >! y of September, 18(17. the cotn mantling general in each if trie (defined Iby s: ■ ; entitled •• An net to provide for tho more efficient govermii' i ‘.fie rebel Stans.’! p i sed March 2, ) diall cans > i ; ration to ho i.|< ■ the male citizens of the I'nited Star i. twenty olio , i and upwards, r -i.lfnt ill each eonnt.y or jiariah in the t-I r,t- or xtates m eluded in Ins district, which registration 1 shall include only those perwois who are qualified to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, who shall have taken and ;-ul:.m-i died the following oath or affirma tion ■ “ | , do solemnly swear, or allirm, in th pri once ol Almighty iiod, that I vm a citizen of the state of ; that l have resided in said tat for - month < next proceeding this day. and parish of ~. ■ ■ that i am 21 years old ; that I have not been and Ira 1:1 -d for particip ion in any rebellion or civil war against the United States, cr given aid nr comfort to the enemies tin r>ml ; that I have never taken au oath a ! a number of Congress ol the United States, or as an officer of the Uni i ted States, or r.g a member of any State Legislature, or a-art executive or judicial officer of any State, to suppogt the Uim atitution of ihe United States, and after ward encage lin insurrection <r n h : l i->ti against the L uited States, or given aid or comfort t • the enemies thereof: that I will faithfully support the Constitution and obi i. lav of th. I i:led Stat ~ and will, to the best of my ability, encourage other ito do. I .i help me God which noth or affirmation may be administered, by any r< A : ing officer. Sko. 4- That the commanding general of each district shall appoint as many Boards of Registration as may be neces sary, consisting of threu loyal officers or persons, to malic and complete the regis tration. superintend the election and im lie return roliiin of the votes, list of vo ters and of the persona elected as dele ft !,y a plurality of voles cast nt mid olectioa. 11. In order to e.: •■•ate this provision | of the act referred to vrt'lfax little delay as po sibie. the commanding officers of the 1 Districts of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, will proceed immediately to divide those States into convenient Districts to Regis-, tration, aided by sue!) information on the i subject as th *y‘ have or can obtain. It is suggested that the election districts in . each State which m 1800 -eat a member in tin- me. f i;:ii:i; ■ !.ranch of the State Legi.-huut'", will found a convenient diviiion tor 17 ;:i • ration, his desirable that in all cases the registers shall be civilians where it is possible to obtain such as come within tiie provisions of the Act. and are other w 1 fitable persons: and •bat mi It tar,, fiietrs shall not i/o used for this purpose except io cases of actual n< cessity. Tin- eonip; u ijtiou for registers villi fixe i her. after, but the general rule will bo ol rv ! of graduating the t e ~;i I th- number of rccnided voters. To i 1 nf vo;ers shall be *:•: t . i ii •• register or reg * .• have been faitlifally r ■ in: pr rent actual legal vo , .ia.i does no: up r< ar under dith . ■ n «< Tho registers M : t-j.v'ji lily .;ci .1 to t'-at all i i;o-.;in« conee. ; ; 1 palibcal •• i . .. -or:. to vote i . 1 -!<• - ; sou hey are :na i ■ rcspon.-.ide «’> -rj saoh legal 111. As -pi niy as no >:ldy, the names of ■ ;, 1 • : r registers shall ho cotmnunii d‘ c lit iqiiarters for the approval of the God: anding General. ‘;V ; , _• U. : i airaaiider iu each ©f tho St irised to this Military , .... i appoint one or . of Registration wb. • I-in* - mil In visit the V l ie:.: « wl m registration is befog carried on; to inspect the operations of tin) r r : : :e. ... a-sun. SbOlusefow that every man ■ utiUed to von -,.is the no- i cessarv information concerning his politi cal rights, and the opportunity to record his name. V. A General Inspector, either an offi cer of tho army or a civilian, will bo ap pointed at these lleadq uarters, to see that the provisions of; His order are fully and candidly executes. VI. District Commanders may, at their ! discretion, appoint the civil officers of the United States as Registers, with additional compensation as uiav seem reasonable and sufficient. VII. The Uommatnlirig Officer of each District w ill give public notice when and where the Registers will commence the . Registration, which notice will be kept public by the Registers in each District during the whole time occupied in Regis i tration. VIII. Interference by violence, or other oppressive n cans, lo prevent the Regis tration of any voter, is positively pro liihited, ami any person guilty of such in | terferenco shall be arrested and tried by the military authorities. By command of Brevet Major General Bom:, J. F. Convxgiiam, Ist Lieut, 24th l . S. Infantry, Act. Asst Vdjt. General. Official: 0. U. Knapi’, Ist Lieut, 33d Infantry, Brevet Captain l . S. A , Post Adjutant. The Proposed. Constitutional Amendment. Resolved by ihe Senate and House of Representatives of the United States if America in Congress assembled (two thirds of hiiifi Houses concurred), That the following articles ho proposed to the Legislature:: or tho several Stales as an : amendment to .the Constitution of the United Stater, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall he valid as a part of the Constitution, namely: Article—Section I. Ali persons born | or naturalized in the United States, and I subject to the juriitictlon thereof, are citi tizi’ns of the United States, and of the | State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of ; citizens of the United States. Nor shall. ; any State deprive any person o f life, libcr- S tv or property without due process of law, ! : nor deny to iciy person within its jnrisdic- • ! lion the equal protection of the laws. , Sec. 2. Representatives shall bo oppor ; turned among tlie several States according I |’to the respective numbers, counting the j whole number of persons in each State. : i excluding Indians not taxed ; but when- j ever the right to vote at any election for: electors of President and Vice-President ‘ or for United States Representatives in Congre.- ;. meocoiivo mid judicial officers of tile Legislature thereof, is denied to any of 1 i the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of : the United States, or in any way abridged, j except for participation in rebellion or ’ i other crime, the basis of representation | therein shall he reduced in the proportion | which the Bomber of inch male citizens | shall bear to tho vvho’e number of male eiti/.eus twenty-one years of ago in the | Stale. See 3. No pi rson shall be a Senator or ’ Representative ill Congress, elector of Pre-shfi nt arid Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United 1 ; Slates, or under any State, who having: previously taken an oath aa a member of i Congress! or an officer of the United States 1 or as an executive or judical officer of any Slate, to support the Constitution of the i United States, shall have engaged iu in surrection or rebellion against the same, or : given aid nr comfort to the enemies there of; but Congress may, by a two thirds of each House, remove such disability. Han. I. The valditv of the public debt ; of the United States’ authorized by iaw, including debts incurred fur the payment! of pensions anil bounties forservee msnp- ; pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned, but neither the United; States nor any State shall assume or pay j any debt or obligation incurred in aid of i insurrection or rebellion against the Uni ted States, or claim for the loss or emanci- j pation of any slave; but alt such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power Li eniurc-. by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. Congressional Districts of Georgia, j Countie Chatham,Bryan. Liberty M; Inn-!:. Wayne, Glynn, Camden. Chari- j ton. Ware Pierce, Appling, Tatnal. Bui- ] lock. KtliiM'liMiJ. Sc riven, Bmunuel, Mont : Miiaerv, Teifiiir, Coffee, Clinch, Uoliols. fjowtulc.- Ben i :ii, Irvin. Laurens, Johnson, Brooks. Coiquit and Thomas. Twenty nine count.;e j . Vil. C'atntie -Dvciit-nr, Earley Miller. Mitchell, Worth. Dooly, Wilcox, pci./ !!•) Macon. Marion, Chatta -1 uuche Sumti:% Weiwtcr, Stewart. Quit man. C 7 • Calhoun. Randolph, Terrell,- i, -, and Dougherty. Twenty-three coun tie .'id. Countie- 1 -M:: '-ogee, Schley. Tay lor, Talbot, Harr; 1 . Troup, MeVriwcatUer, Heard, Cowetu. Fa. C'layti/i), Carroll, Campla ;i. Haralson, ami Paulding. Fif teen counties. id,. ( Mm,m ~- Upson, Pike. Spalding, U.-nri. Newton. But.: -, .'/onroe, Crawford, . 4 , r. . Wilkins.m, Baldwin, June:-. ..A'-per, Hud Putnam. Fifteen counties. •Mil. Counties—Washington, Jefferson, Burk a Richmond, Glascock, Hancock, War ren, Columbia. Lincoln. Wilkes, Taliforro, Greene. MorgiU), Dglothorpe, and Elbert. Fourteen counties. tith. Counties—Miiton. Gwinnett, Wal ii. ,i. Clerk, .lack-on. Matlisim. Hart, Frank lie Banks. ll.dl, For-.yttt. Pit lewis, Da wsoa, i, n] Wl:, R.- ; -an. 1 ini'. 1. .mm. Fannin, and Gilmer. Twcn t; fight eoanvu ; til. Couuti- s—DefCilb, Fulton. Cobb, 1' ,lk, r :■ and. Bartow, Cherokee, Gordon, (. litre -k Walker, Whitfield, Murry, THE National Standard A ST-TOTs OF SCHOOL BOOKS whh.:h is j <' !- ■*-five]v nsu.i in twer> Mato <>' the i l'-A iifjt: uy in- tan- - more av.:’ *K’; • ny or ail others, may justly bear the 1 aboYO tiUti. ; Nothing Imi, li‘c most runjualith-d m 'it t ovJil jyivc any .Books thirt proud position. ToacUftrs. , and iriunc's of education, g'enur.iliy, arc aware that u o (.'JTdUahly iiia-liuaiuod by ttiu NATJON AT SERIKS OF SCHOOL BOOKS. rtr.LijHUTi nt A. BA TEES A < 0., ;IKW t»KK. These lam or- 800 l : aro everwihire used a ml | everywhere popular. The ('.staliurue coveri 1 (liinartmcu! ■» ketio.4, A'aidemieaiid Ool loifiate tnstruetiou. The following are lhc vol- i nines representing the eonunou brandiv-. Parker &, Watson’s .Spellers and Kraitei- ; Mmiieitb and MeNutlv’s Reogniphie. , Clark - Kiiglish Grammars; Heei ' System of Penmanship : Davii s’ Complete (jour.-e of Malheiu:'.’; - : Mmiteith ami Willard’s Histon : The Silver Lute and Feres! Choir— Vie.-: ■; .Jarvis’ Physiology and Health ; Peek’s ami Ganol's Natnroi Philosophy ; Porter's PritieiplM of Chemistry ; Darhy’s Souliimi it 1 ;y ; N’ortherd's School bpeafeers; l’p.jolV. (.'reneh C lass tlooi,. : Andrews tv S.todda.rd’s T.atin Grammar. TTIB Ii i t rTBATED ED V ( t TIO A L L H CT. LET IN, THE TI'BLISOEK.’e? OFTICIAI, MEDIUM, Wilt lui r.out to Toucher’s) for one your, on receipt of tux cents. .Vidros* A> S, BARNES & CO,, EDDCATiONAL IM 01 ! <ll • .R.- Aew York. ! inyl3-«m j QILU’KPJBOS’ Ari/hm e t i c s. THE L. I 7 :ES Ta ND JJES T I f Yi'lmary ArU/t inrtiv. Be;>u ! ti fully illnninucd ; cirrios tlie -iCTinncr i ihroHub tlie Jii-Fi. four Kulof aiml tut- • TabJcH, combining monti'l cForoisoct with ' u\ani|tlc- for tin* -late. Itimo. 108 page*, 40 cent.-. An Ele,uenDiri) Arithmrliiu Ke .icy.-s the bubjcei i oi' the IMnnn-y l.i :» ! stylo adapted to somewlirt maUirt r niinds. j Also embraces Fractions, J’Vrh rui iKtuu-.v, : Bcduetion, and the Compound. Kite-1. K-Tnu, \ I4i pnvy 00 ccjii . A I‘ractU'ol Arithmetic. Urc- i pared ejprcHsly for Common. Schools, .'.jiv ing special prominence to the branciu:." of { Mercantile Arithmetic, and introducing the : / noav a Metric fey'icm,’ 1 with ext j uiut cxaifiph'w ( ano. 83tt pages. A .11 if/her A Htlimclic. In pry !•: tration. 1. Mental Arithmetic. Nouily ready. This ■ru- G meeting with a. most gratifying reception from touchers everywhere, and is ex J ftetly what is needed tor mental discipline, as ucl! art for it practical |'reparation jor the t usi ness ot life. It is (dear, tborough, coinprehcti hive, logically arranged, well graded, is supplied it ■ < a.; ■. md ” the methods actually used by business men. Specimen copies of an • of the above works moiled, postpaid, to teachers and school oliiceis, , on receipt of one half tlie retail price. Favora ble terms made for introduction. D. IPPLETOH & €O.. PUBLI3HER3. t a;: A las Mieo 4UBWA.Y. N. % . my9-tf Reparatoi* i itpiiii. Throw away your false frizzes, your witches, your wig— Destructive of comfort, and not worth a tig: I Cbmc aged, come youthiul, come ugly and tali And rejoice iu your luxuriant hair. ai£PAK ITOR IK4P KLIxV, For restoring hair upon bald heads, from 1 whatever can sc it may; have fallen out. and th of hair niton th i exutil. K will tor' A til** beard to grow upon | the smoothest fr* o in from five to eight weeks, i or hair upoh baid heads iu irofri two to three ■ months. A few ignorant praetition'havas ; verted that there is nothing that will force of ha ten the ui ov/tli of the huh <>v heard. Their assertions are iulsc, r.s laousandfc oi living wif - nc'-u-. from their own experience, can bear wit i ness. But, many will say, how arc we to dis tlnguisii tin; gen.due ir*>m the spurious / Jt certainly is difficult, nine-tenths of the prepay rations advertised lor the hair ami beard are en tirely worthies.-, and you may have already thrown a\vu% largo amount- in their purchase. To such vve would say try the KF.PAKATOK CAPILLA; it will cost you nothing unless it I fully come- up to our representations. 11 your druggi-t docs noi keep it, send us one dollarh , and we will forward ii, postpaid, together with Ia receipt for > w money, which will he returned i you on application, providing entire satisfac tion is not given. Address, W. L. CLARKE & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette st,, apO-ly Syracuse, N. Y. THE ROAD TO FORTUNE, \\fE C-.UI I.U :• in fire 'rev VV M >fi\K|\G - ' KVKRY HAY A lire year In- the employment, ol the. lime urilinari iy -;r nt in muling and recreation. A I’iV’TV CENT SAMPLE seat iree upnn applies.tiOD. A.;.:,. , 'U.I'.-’-M, ii.Wi- C’U., EDoHllfiih I’UBl.lSii r;> M i vi'Oiu i'hiiiiit y. '• : J? aim! t» tre , VKV\ ■ AO nIIHT- ii? foreit to the public ha-u :. oalatiou, or rct'-iniil t!:;j ... ment of raany vi’i.iiivu.iu A... ■ ... iu all parts <• the Unit A ■ 1 Among ihr mo-;. proi:fi> lions arc the following, :/ • THE I NJUN SERim O SrELLEKS entirely ■ )Uu«l ration-, and t by the beat tcaolier- m ROBINSON’S SEKIFA i very popular will, a.: tested tbom in lire - : . ROBINSON’S AI.i.EBTiA-, MATHEMATICS- eu complete, seicntliie and KEItL’S NEW SERIES uo»urpus3cd in simp!''-:.,. . , .... search, mid practical a;fi SPENCERIAN COPV Bffi . ... and beautiful. N. . proved. SPENCERIAN C HARTS ;V DRAWING—six in trail.'• o 0 iireh. - SANDERS’ PimiAEl II v in eel SANDERS’ PRIMARY S< : large, for tin; school-ire . - on four cards. A BC CARDS AND ARIT: CAROL. W ILSON’S HISTORIE;t. I’ASQUELLE’S FRENCH • BRYANT & STRATTON’S Jfo’ • WOODBURY’S GERMAN ' ’ MANTILLA’S SPANISH COLTON'S GEOGRAPH* WEBSTER’S SCHOOL DU BP.ADURY’S SCHOOL : Tiicy also manui.u.M ~ STEEL PENS, which ar. Pensmcn of the country: - 53T Teachers anil all ;A>- . i ited. to send for our Des, ri) Circulars, and to eorrespoiKt Address the Publishers. 1 5oxn%m I TSE 11. T. BARB Ii x !\ I TKATFJ> i'OTA.MI > MAKER. Warrant'.'l <i<» common Fohuslt, -nml superh.* ' ponlfi«ror Icyin llift murka . one pound, two pouiuF. : pound? 3 and tw» Iv.- r.onm' . in English and German, im ».i Soft Boai>. ( >ik juniKi! nil-' . oi rjijit Bonn. No Unit ' : • , 1 will find tlun the ohuaju ~ • * j Ask vonr grocer f**r ir. “<*s, ‘S'. • O-l, «&. 66, 01. >K OU, 70, Pi .. I ton struct, New York. pr/i PUR < ENi v,Vi:t>: ' *>U it %flJisrvj. mi •- HER. Ligifi !.:• nit. or ae; i .re. 1..- made P, fio- ’• ~ .v-,. P iv. mltmic- N.i-iiori; nina i-rr 1 ■ mill.'is used. N0... 72 and 7i New Cork. NATION FREEDMAN’S S AND s TRUST COMPT Oiiirtirii! hj V<> » OFFICER.. 7 . M. T. Hewitt, l’n ,'dre: Rev. .1. W. Alford, \ Lewis Clophane, fid Vi -F: n i) Eaton, Acte: ry. K«\ . S. ’ Harris. I.'in.m Vrineijisl Ottiee. irenrer ;M- I sylvania A venue, WMliircM- . f Bi!AM.;U AT A! B * NO, it), ELLIS STREET. C»;U | OrrrcE Morns- From i. ’ Saturday;?, Oh. to 9 p. m. ]>epo>its of One T)oll u‘ .oi: Interest allowed in January The money dupodti. and v «:* depositor, principal and in, - 1 • VI! Ihe profits belong t*j t : • others are interested. Branches have betn cstand:; u'.’jrv city from New Fork ?••> *- C. F . V) . . . . NOT! CL. ' As I»m acting for W. re V 1 his absence from the. city, i upon lo make *omc teutem^i.: ’j J. Rose, deceased, ail person-, | estate will please call nud s . , i settle claims without money-