The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 19, 1867, Image 1

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®l|C :r ■■iln logoi #cot§i«i VOL. 1. The Dally loyal Georgian. A< H.hfsT\. <• A., JUI-V 19. !> '■ ' and Elite Stn : Augusta. Boor ... One Vcnr. - - - - - * *■’> Six TUrcf Honsl**, - - * * Ojik lVar. - * “ * * |i:S ' n l six * " ■ UirM 'Slontii!* s - * K.V-TIIW OF ADI BRTIMINWD „ .. -■ i* ■■ ■ «• -• ; ■ gsisssirco *ft a!t wt • 3 ns 3 Bjs :• %’..s t i . 3g 3 £ I: g 5 S : “ « - : ' |w- ■. S £• ii £ ? : ii V:i HI It'S g# 3 tA. ' ; Months. oqc square, firs’ insertion, 75 061 »ts; < ch inaertio.i affcqr lirst, 50 ecu. v On - e ittare i • atensure*! by \ n Fn- of ini; on ' * Ivdyertib.cment# Inserted three »imos a we-.-;, (every otiiurtiiy) ior a month To: ircr pcrhxi, >villhe cLargetf two-tl&Nh of t- to. ral .Advertisements twicea Wvckone-half .of table rate* *• » • rates. Marriage &P ' Fuuerat • . L Obituaries, cents per line. Advc vs D.f.«ui- ill ; ! ! ... p rii ' W t will, be charged 3* per t ent, ad v nco On t. Me rate?. Address, u Loyal Gordian, n Key Box ; Augusta, <; v. Items. A nil. ■ .•.!• i.i ' s ■ fine* IV s23'• bro. bn* l ** di tt marj .a go. Two conirovreial fieri ■in i.' r: •-.•!, largely engnu- 1 '! in the l!r; li; bave suspend. I payment. Tlie ship Meteor, bound irom New •'<>*■ London ha-be>ei bu ie<* at .sea. The 'flic v.; c-at c" p 0.. C.iiii’.i • ;.-. 250,00 j tons of w heat tlour w6n ex ported tee I si y "If, • ir.i ), ■ . and corn anti e. >tt- i !< ~i in lit it will Inffii ib : iii"d riim;i:i'i se •!•«. ■ ' Kn. ville on tli< : th and ! Ill) of G sEBAI, < 1 .VVi' O.V K'.r.t • ,v --tion. Wt «i ■ glad to that <• portion of Altorney-Cb aeralSlanbery ‘ into a. recent order, U ■ (’■ nt e ; < * anv unprejudict <: man oi good t n mon sen c e would take id ! > n. iii n i, ■ • t be al ~ n#r*l (■ ai. > i yr.' 'Si le ■ r - ♦feat the Militie v Comm::. rs •unnion . 1 i ate the a< e..>r i:..| must exei •Ai-owiiju ’ to the Attorney- '• ’ ins oven, opinio; :he eoitai'i y, piiysv dee'. i !, e ■ 1 e ■ tie ii «jroi . ino !><•. !• anxious the opponents ‘ equal riye* ; horte the t.i onve lit ion will yiv ; ample time to g v'e full expla sioiis their opinions. The dob:'.'; • ; . . n timieil on the report of the It :ft rage iGorrimlttee: Vr.:;>a%, Jniv i ’ - Gold is. •a! 1 Th cl ivi •> of the Gold K; .i’.ge Bank we $24,014,000, . 1 die b.ll: : s sl,- 030..e;0. Om of Browfllowds ml ; . .n- : - shot throng'i tk? lifewl a.l in; " on the Gth, by DeWilt Bunn '!, e. cx-Captain in the Couiedereie army. GA., FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 10.4807. Lleadqi’air;; : ;i ; 1) , '.t (to ■ IV.’l 1/ird to .euro, foil r A--.i, ihe most sn irs; ly settled cujunt. -nit *b i a)u-tioii h.ud tb l I’ttcU.itH'- oi: lii- conuutin; V. I is hen m.ift- the e,.. •mdiWi; Sil v,';roek. ' y . ■ : . ■ tt ;■ jhavefaUetltaitigj ■ • u , (■: , .ill ‘!. li ■ . ; testirjonv » (Mr own «ll::ii. e i it u<' . e * ; l" . ; - his trial h e re a)Wi XIIT. The v :> ' ' . • r, under the late Acts to ; r an* i vote, is ..;uuv ! M;ii Authorities o£ this . i «-i , ... wlnunseeve.r : are .e, ■„ air. • oinpt to interfere to -■ 11;ui . ' re; in i this right-, •ver, util.t than \i v ,!i- art ~ih».- nr vio • ! :• r -is ’ t. ■ any . .. . da.ntk el! i ill ■ . aiH '■ • a , .. . . a ii - .... t i ' tii. .I’aaid ipre .m* .piiet, or. ifneensisar.. upon ■ • iiiii v iitiiurit .. who arc ; !e> iu^i, lifted l ■■> iini*-U the neeessary . eii'i i •, ..•> refuse, or v.ho . p itejd . c.r - applicants to : .■ r. i to 11. - headnuar H- ■.. ■■ .. ui. ..din** in the . vi ill ai r. : tin is J..'.iiHjiieni-. iii mi (•: *io. - .. in -. them to these . tii. i ,t; .aay 1.. brought :■ ■ :V. MB . and \C\ id. .e-.'i r.i April • . inn in she .Southern Stator, is . h ne, r ih. i. foruir.non of all cmi ... • .i|ilinu"utary to "An act en .,! ;n to provide lor tlio nioro s i iif , lineiit ii tliO rebel StaKa," h 1807, slid to t.icilitato tie ’ e.cfo... , "'hat ho f oro the ,-n ail “An acl iu provide lor ; - uveroii 'int ol the rebel ♦ ii to '. e i lu of the nialo • Unih’.i Stub twenty one i*l opwards. resident in each ■arii i the Sue er States m ■ nil ' ™ .... .. n ■■ who are 'a Jilii-i i.i vote for dr! ••him by the vet : l a s*! who shall i'.v.f tafwu and oi, "(.4 I * following esth er afliiEsa* ■*. 'eutUiy swell; or ailirm, : . p c o f Ah i'glUy tod, that I m : ii if the Suit.- of ; that n a vet,■••ding. -U fifty, and ii ij 'o omint} er parish of ui as the' cw» may ho; ~ ,i. n ui.i or eo'otort to the eii ; ~, , r, member of any Simo judicial ■ aof any Stye, to Rapport {ho Con di l listed "et . .!>. ! a; *r r. hellion ,ii,, uited .'ute». or .ucn aider o . rnt ii ui may bo administered by any re, fierinj; ofiioer. .Lift !y' or ■■l-' raii'in, Bopi ■ nteod the el" t.'uii, atlil , ;:a him ot trie votes, ii-t of ro (lvCteil a dnlft u u y us ’.;>•* * past t • I 1 in order t. • recuto thw- provision ..• referivl to with aa little delay Id . *'i umanding offic r r« of the . . <h. ; d th< ■ •idijee,' ;.j It, have, or onu obsain It is ill . ;; , J.< 'll IHU till iwe Ii Hi. or . .one of the Act, fi,i re otherwise suitable persons; and • esiti ca-es of actual is- - i sit ormrpeusation for registers , mbo! of record'd u haat]lotted to the Uee squarters for the ~val •;) tCo ..ding (tenoral. ‘i i>i • Ct-mtoander in each .• : thor ::d to appoint one r :f ktration sa being . ...... i ■ ... | . jjr.r lip operations ol J,. to a--are tbeo.'elvca • , t , very man entitled to yots has the no-, ctrsary inform rtion concerning his politi cal rights, and the opportunity lo mJord . bis name. V. A General Inspector, cither aa offi cer of the army or u civilian, will ho ap p, in ted at these Headquarters, to see that tlio provisions of; Ins order aio fully and <Bicfully execute,.. VI. District Commanders may, at their discretion, appoint the civil officers of the I'nitod States as Registers, with additional eonie. usiition us may sveni reasonable and • eufticient. VII. The Commanding Officer of each District will give public notice when and where the Registers will commence the Registration, which notice will bo kept public by the Registers in each District during the whole time occupied in Regis tration. VIII. Interference by violence, or other oppressive means, to prevent the Regis tration of 'any voter, is p Ively pro hibited, and anv person guilty cfsneh in terference shall be arrested ain I tried by the military authentic*. By command of Brevet Major General Pope. J. V. Ci/NV.NfJHAM, Ist Lieut, 24th 1 . .4. Infantry, Act. Asst Adjt. General. Official: 0. 0. Jvx vim*. Ist. Lieut, ,'hid Infantry, Brevet Captain C. S. A., Post Adjutant. The Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Hesiihi'd hf (In i Senate and Haunt: of i Rcpzcsentntiv i..s of the Unite! Stales e/j C'-.'-IVS,' i.'.'-e'/i till'd (two thirds of lioth ilouses concurred), Thai , ; iho following articles he proposed to the ! LcgwhituAw ol the several Slates as an amendment to tho Constitution of the j United Staten, which, when ratified by | | tlir* v-fpjrtlis of naiil legislature ’, shall In* J valid asjn part of the Constitution, namely: 1 1 AltTfiT.i' -Section 1. All persons born l or naturalized in tho United States, and 1 subject to the juvidicfum thereof, nro citi- ■ iizens of the United States, and of llm state wherein they reside. No State shall j . make or enforce any hnv which shall * ! abridge the privileg, , or iininunities of oiiizens of tin. United St,a* ♦. Nor shall any Stale deprive any pi i'son of life, liher- ! tv or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person withiu its jurisdic tion tho equal protection of the laws, Si 2. Itepn "•■ntatives shall ho'nppor- ' tiorsed among the several States according so iho rcßp’-ctivo numbers, counting tho i whole number of persons in each .state, j excluding Indiana not taxed; bat when ever the right to vote at any oleetion for .•lectors of President aud Vic President ! o- lor United States Kepr, mtatives in ; 'jowgic’ *. t-xeeulivo and judicial officer.) ot I die Li sV Suture iheroof. is denied to any o! die i.siih.i iidittlii’atiw of Bpeji Stale, being j i.wenty-mio years o age, and citizens olj ! the i’nii.'d Stales, or in any way abridged, j except-for parimjpation in rebellion or I other ciini(v4ho‘ basis of representation I ; the rein . ball, lie reduced in the proportion : which the nuinber ot such male oitizoiis | rhali bear to tho whole number of male ; oiiizens twenty-one years of age in the State. Si c No p, rsmi shall b« is Sennlor or i ; ... ative in ■ 'on , . (lei :or *of Rr- ident and Vice-l’re. tdont, or hold any riiliee, civil or military, UDder tho United ; States, oi under siny State, who haviug previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or an officer of tho United States or;, ...i ..• cut! vc or judical officer Os any , St,. ■. to rnp'poi'f the ( Jon itutioii of tho t,Wiled Stai"s, slial! hayo engaged in in surrection or rebellion against tin? same, or given aid or comfort to the enemieC there t) I'eaeii House, remove such disability. Sc*;. {. The yulditv id tho public debt) ! of th United States: authorized by law. I 1 including debts incurred for the payment, ’.'.US iUiii htlUlUl'-t for ' i VCC *ll Slip* ; pressing insurrection or rebellion. Hiftll * not he questioned, hut neither tho United ; i States nor any State shall assume or pay , any debt or obligation incurred in aid ot ; | insurrection or rebellion against the Uui- ; ted States, or claim for the losg or emanci- ; iiation of any slave; but all ouch debts. ; ohJigatior.B and claims shall Lx' held illegal and void. Sec, ■* The Congress shall have power to enrolee, i-y lippruprmtc h*gisia;.on, the | provision;) of this ar: e!e, Congressional Districts of Georgia, I fol. Counties --Chatham, Bryn, Liberty Mclntosh, Wayuei Glynn, Camden, Cbarl i ton, \V i’ioreo. Appling, Tat-nnl. Bul lock. Kitimru * r n. Seri vi u' Mruanuel, .Vlont ginnery, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch, Kcliols, ijowrd- ' U i'rjen, Irvin, Lauren-, ! Aaron, j iirijok*. C«dquit, and Thoina- Twenty- , nine i • uintii '. *!d. Counties —Decani Karley, Milter, i j Suker, M'tcheß, Worth. Dooly, Wilcox, j Puns ki, i-,u-t«u, ’M ,',oii, id. , ion, Ch t*,- Uoochfiq Sumter, Webst, r, Stewart. Quit- | in in, CL". < eihoun. Randolph, Terrell, j Dousdierty. Twenty three cmiu y-.1. CounHs -Mu ;ig«. ScKlcv, T;.v --: * . Ti K axi . T oup, M‘ ■* *■ ith* Hei;;-! Coweta. Fayctt •. Cicytonj Cerro!!, .; Camp ■ i.i. If : vi: in. cad PnuMing.' Fif- Counti - I : ■: Pi! Spalding, Tf'-ury, NewtOn, Butt». ASdinfoc, ( -. *.wlord, Ik Y,. Twiggs, Wilkinson. Baldwin. Jones, 4;- in.:', mi l Tvitiumi. Fifteen counties. ' . Counties —Washington, Jefferson, ; E : vk : llieUnioiid, Glascock. Hancock, War r. C-dumbia, Lincoln, Wilke-, Taliierro, : ft ;■ Morgan, Oglethorpe, <uu( Elbert. Tourt'.-n con Oth. Cosaiti''- Milton. Gw inn U. Wai j Clark, lacksou, Mstdi on, Hart, i rank tin,Bank', Hull, Form its, Pickens, Dowyon, j. Lumpkin, Whit., If dn r-aii.m. R".b»u. 1 I’m; ;, . L”:;ion. Tains;a. useMJstmer. i w eu- ; ty-t iglrt counties. 7i j. Couuti D*:K. *b, FulUio. Coxa, j Polk, Flovd, Bortov,', Ei* .rek,..*, Gwirsfon, : ClifttfoogA. "Walker. WbitficM. Murry,] ; Catoosa, and Dade. Fourteen counties, j TII E National Standard A ALKIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS wh-rh . extensively vi<ud in every Stuto <»• ili. j Union, in many instances more largely than mu ; or all,others, may jnrt-ly licar tlv.' a*hoc i;o!•' ’ Nothing I infc the’most, umiualified merit •• cult j £ivoany Books this proud position. r ' < celicrs ! and friend*! of edit cation generally, are nvim ! that it is creditably maintained by iho NATION A I, SKU IKS SCHOOL BOOKS uv A. s. I!A nxus <0 CO.. \z:\% iork. These furaous Books are everywhere Uicd ami | <.viTy where popular. The catalogue cover. i every department ot School, Acadomie .*nd Col i Ivaiale Instruction. The following are, ihe vol umes representing the common branches,: I’ rUcriNs V> at-on’s Spellers and ]*< 'iders ; Montcitil and McNally’s (teographiea ; ■ (.'lark’s Kny visii < 1 ranunars ; ; !?. rs’ System of Pcnnir.nsldp ; ’ Davies’ Complete Course of Mathematics ; Montiith and Willard’s History ; The silver Lute and Forest ( hoir—Music ; .iarvid Physiology and Health ; Puck’s ami Oauot’s Natural I.*hilo?opliy ; i Porter’s Principles of Chemistry ; j Darby’s Southern Botany; ! Nortfierd’e School Spea,kerri ; Pujol’s Frencli Book ; Andrews A Latin Grammar. THE ILLUSTRATED j EIJUCA TIES A A BUI LET! V. THE rrKUSHEK's OFFICIAL MKDUTM, | Will be sent t » Teacher’s regular!}' for one j .year, on re- ipt of; te:n ccktc Address L B, BARNES & CO,, | EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS, New York. niyll-tini n«'B* E *!s«** A r it h m e tic s. THE J. A s'/' 7;/:>■;■ i J Pi’i HMii'if A fUßutetic. i'.sn titiilly iUu;:tr:*r.u:b; c.inu's the. begimier through the, tir’ four It lib 4 atid the simple i .di! . bio.l.g in 111:! I'*.' I;•« - V. ii •; c MUiipb m for th( T " . HJl.i >. 40 ecu fa. 1 An Elemntla<“!.! Arithmetic. Review ; Urn subject# <*S the Pri i;.o-v ‘a a style adapted to sonicwlmt inafurcr mm;!,--. Ais«) unihwccs Fractions, ib ik !•;«I : i .i. Reduction, am! the. ( ompoumi Uui. . I .am. 144 pag.-s.' m emit i j’rtteticaf Arithmetic, lb. pared e\;n*u.,dy foi Counaoii F*e!ioul.-, civ mg special prominence to tiie bran< le oj Meremdiic Arithmetic, and lutrodiicintim new * Metric- r-,’ with exphm. on and exa nq;k ! I A. Ji iff her Arithmetic. parallotj* A Mental Arithmetic, N, ;-ly ready. This erics i.i nu.c.iing with a most gratifying reception- from-tern-h(•]•-* oVfciy*vtiere, and . . • a< iiy w'hat isnoc !e ! for mental dtoeipimu . well as n . • jt;• • I pr. paratloii for the bu :- nc.> o!'li'.’e. ii is clear, thorough, comprehen ivc. logically arranged. wcUgrudcd, i mjo lied with a great variety of exam pic", and the methods actually used by business men. Specimen copica of any of the above w.irks moiled, postpaid, to teachers and school olilccas, * ■j. .1 . ; . . 1 . file terms made for introduction, §ib APmm'm 4 co.. tUBLISIIERS. •*1» A- f*S BKOAIHV.IV, si. ft'. ui}'J ts ICe|Kuvttor Capiitk Throw away your false frizes, your switches, your wig— of comfort, and not worth a tig; Come sored, come youthful, come ugh and kb- And rejoice in your luxuriant hair. VITOS? <s‘.^f*lfßg/tf. For restoring hair upon bald heads, from --luuc’i r eivu it may have talk ;; out, and forcing : growth <4 hair uj)6n the face it J. - e.xual. i ! . vviP force the beard to grow upor, the Bmoothc-it fare in from live to eight w* - k *. or hair upon bald b< >d ; in from two to litre a months. A few ignorant practitioners have as serted that there is, nothing that will force of hasten the growth of tho hair or beard, their flfldeftfon* are : a- ihousauda oi tiviu • v.i ; nesses, from tin if ov.m experience, cutibienve nc--:. Bui, many v »!Sw, how arc we to di • tinguui t : .i'- iHii the ftpurloi , }• email!!> Iddil:>«-1, ■-tl.'Otli-oi th< throw n a -y lar. a; • <urits in tin ir porcluisu. To "c . . 'mis ty rry i i.KPAR.VTOR PAPILLA ; >• '.oii coat you nothing unh->, it fully •on up to our r ere* utalion . f; .>m diK-i .x"b • -s ■ not I.- * •• i», -:-*>i.l us one dollar and v, .* will forward h. post paid, mgether with a receipt lor t: - money, which will be returned you on uppT . ’ma, • providing entire eatisfac uon id no . Add- W. L. CIrAUKE A: CO., Chemists, No. o West Fayette st., aptblv By me it c, N, ‘/. THE ROAO TO FORTUNE, \T l"E fW put nnv H: ! i' n" ' male tn till! fts.v V ■>: ,'IAKI I :■:> KVEltr l*.\i m if year by tlic emfitiiymviU of Uiv time ordinarl ly.*j»'rt» in i-'aiiinV null reotv-rtion. A Fli-TY CKNT MAMRLE Him free upon appUeuiion. Addrv". PAULDING, RANKS ijc GO., S'JIJ Broadway, Nov York. NO. 78. VAU !Cl O ANT EDUCATiOKM SERIES. 1* rßti i S II I. D B Y ; Ivison, i’liinncy. o <B7 nail ‘ii* Giroeis Street, N EW YORK. No i-i-.U'i--' sciioor, i, X)KB me- iiJ ;. ml to till; public have at iujd. »o wida a iof» cttlafion, or rci'chad tbs approval and ondur incut of many oimpetent aiul rvliabla odnoatom in all part* of ill" Uliitot? Bb-.:uotbift. Among the most pmaUii'iU of tfoar pahlivxla llynti ore this folUiw'n.a', .i < : TRK ( \ION SFHIf-. OI; II • !)I;B8 ...NT) SPK.ULEi ) —entirely may in Ul:v; : u;i,l Ulu‘lrulion . and '•, ivod'.vits, .'rwil . mi bv thi isost tc; H Ir. tin; l aimtry. ROBIN: ON'S oEIIILa O i ABITUMBTItfI— v.'i-y popoinr witk- all t -auburn who have !■ sell Ik.-tu i;i the ■ rooiv. j iiDBINSON’S ALGEBRAS AND HIGHER M.VTHi'M \TlCiS— l'iitiivly --vritUai; full, i I'oropKto,.Rt'icm-ilic ituti r"ictical. j KERB’S NEW SERUM >'F unsuri ;. ,id in aap. - Hy, oliamici-.., r.v. rtCßrcli, ami priii'tljal utility. i SPENCERIAN COPY BOOKS—simple, frao.i '■al ami bo. ' : . N :v lycu .1 .'.■ -xllv!' , vi till " : iCCKBiN < i.v! 'I Aitl’J ;ng AND DKAVVINC -;i. .u imu-.i&w. to eas®, •: Iby ..,0 inebo. i- '• X!>!"■': ! KDiAb ;J \NO C.ißllS . SANDERS’ PrtlMAltt: SCHOOL CHARTS ■larco, for the Hhiaii-rooiu, eight nmnhi'i.i on four card . Al: <. CARDS. \Nl>Aii Uj I V ETICAL TABLE • CARDB. Vv ILSON'S HJ.' /OIUEd, BASQUELLK-,'. EUEM.TI SEJUKIS. DRV VNTaSTU ','! i'ON 1 BO).B;-KE5£m« i WOODBURY'S GERMAN s'BKUBA vfANTIBi SIM -f-it JRI. U>ERA (. .btc> , s liAvmr. ivnis i ,-choob dictu « iaBXEs. BRADt AY’S.'.; nOOLllfr-TC BOOKS, vie. Tiny ai-" r>' m, aurc tin SPENC'K .f.T \ STEEL IT >S, winch are tv oar led by Ui's'bcv.'. dvr ,u.a c flit . uu;i ; on; rior toailothers. 2 " Teacher and e!lu:!n. r>; IntctoMted >tiv m :il to ml lor our Descriptive) Cataloy no and < belli o , and to i.onij iv!ih r-. ivecly. Add re - the Publish, v . I (SK B. r. BAUBi'i-rf ;T;ug ooncs.n --8 ' 1 Tl ;I HO !! ..: JO. 'DV .-DAP ’d AKBJ' VV a; i'.i.n< h [lost hh the 9tre:i .! Uof ■ 'iMimium l’otmh, mid sdipi'i'an' to any other a iKinilicr .• Ic.v iu Ute market, ttettapiu, of no pound, twi> tl.i'SSo pounds, ix lOuni. • and tw- b. o ponfob; wiß'i fuUdirc' it,ns. "i Bnfwslr and-<ii-v<upu'i, n.-r mnkiug Hard. . ,ta e 1 ■ Oil I: J'. 1 <1 will i): - a-. Slip'.'lll! bins 'of Soil. Soap. An dim; i- i'i'o site e. CotistlßKaa will liisii tlb-s tho chiMpi'd rota -Ii ii tho liiark, Yah vom-grocer fur it IS. 'S’. ItARKIT. • Cl'. I.r, .O' TO, ?i ..'U T 4 Wushiob - : son street, New York. KA PER CENT. Saved BY B'BiNC It. TP. I Mil BAItBIT’Jt STAR YEAfiT IY)\V- Di:u, Bit-Id Bi-mi;. fi:.v kdui of Cuh, , may .'ieinailuwil,li thira Y> s Pow.:(,s. " in llftetai siossiih's. No o’ is .'Apiirtai wit:':s svvt'i i milk in used. Nos. T;anil i-i AVoeiiiegttm .a,. , \cv York. ■ X.yTIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPAQV . Cliarteia-d by Act of i.'«»in,ri',ss. OF Tic Eli' ! M. T. H HU, Pn ilcnt, it ..,) YV >; I, '• i-o ■lent. L‘ xls field, no s;il Yicc-President. I’. v. r i . ii irr iii in- . <n. Prtnel; lOlh .-. ors. r i'.*fh street and Peuu -ylVfti.ia.Yvcttui. vVasbin con, D. C. m HI.TI.MS HR P, CO" !P. OF JACK* Y ■ •. . it) i) .1 m. Dup • .JiA -1 uj- ; Ui : rocek.-.U. 1n r« -t; lin ; ;v: id July. itor. < "••!-.' 1 •• - 1 -■ -i. whon call-. Ml mm" ; • •-1 i-.; to - • and; p - itou —n. > oth.uts ar*- !nf*. *••• ferail' b b»*C i •- i;».h ; :’.hcd A: RClU'ljf every citx irom New York to C. Ji. FKfXuE, y • •hie*-. NOTICE. As Iron a ,da ;V. YViIITS, d.i; .r ! lib- ah-uiK'e fi'iui'i tii,’ city, Mil'll ve lietai called Slpon ISO ill;;: «:tt!i'hlClit3 on the e-sbl’ or lid . <!< . ,11 pi. -.ii: I•; 'tl to tha t-bite will pi, .'t'a; f ...11 and inn, sv) I commit settle elaini i wirl.os". ifttmcy- YV. ii. MATHEW??, Agent. , Augusta, On., May hist, 18S7. lw