The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 24, 1867, Image 3

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Tiie Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, GA.. -IULY 21. 18ti7. Grove Meetings. The meetings held at McKinley s Grove on Sunday lest, as per notice previously given in our columns, were attended throughout by a large and orderly assemblage. The day was pro pitious, and the exercises varied and highly instructive. Some fifteen min isters were present, most of whom participated ill the services. The meeting was addressed in the afternoon by Rev. Mr. Cuthbcrt, of this city. The exercises on this occa sion were of a iorm initiative of the erection ot a church building ncai that spot. The ground for this purpose lias been kindly donated by Mrs. Mc- Kinley, and a few staunch members of the old Springfield (Baptist) Church constitute the nucleus of the member ship. The hanuoiii/ which lias marked the separation of this small colony of mem bers from the old Church lias been such that the new interest will bear the i name of “Harmony Baptist Church.” j The vicinity in which the Church will i be erected is being rapidly occupied j by freedmen procuring homes. In the spreading out of population, we are glad to witness the Church being made of pioneer interest. OFFICIAL LAWS OF THE UNITED ST A I'F.S, J*Uast'el oi (he ritenn'J .Session of ill* Thirty niuthCnhyress. (HAl’TEli UUYIII. An Art- utukiuy Ajijiroprititi'iiix for Ho /,.ms■ lalit'i, h'j'icuiic,,\i nd ,/mdeioi Jw'jitiitus ttf rite f t'/etri'no at for the Yatr cmlimj the thirtieth of .lime. kMndn.eltmelsi.tUj .nr fit , tiiid for other Pnrjt, |COKCJ.i;'i)KD.j MdnijxtiUtiti roller. For salaries and other necessary expenses of the molropolitafi police of the District of Columbia, one hundred and twenty thousand dollar . And the com pensation of said metropolitan polie:; force, officers, and clerks lie and the same is Hereby, increased fifty per centum upon the amount hereby appropriated, commencing on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ,-ixty fi vc, said increase, to lie Ina ne I v the cities ot WiLshinjaton and Georgetown, and the enmi ty of Washington, in the District of Colmn bi:i, in the proportion equal to the number of patrolmen allotted severally to tilts city of Washington. to the city of Georgetown, ami the comity of Washington and Georgetown, and the levy «mrt. of said county he, and they are hereby, authorized and cnqiowerod to levy n special tax not exceeding one iiuur lerof one per centum for the purpose afore said. For the construction of a police telegraph in Ihcc.ity of AY'iishington, lifteen thousand dollars. Sec. 2. A,id hi it further true:..;. Tied from and after the thirtieth day ot June, eighteen hundred and sixty six. thennnua% salary of the treasurer of the United glides shall he six thousand live hundred dollars, the additioru! salary herein provided for, for the year ending June thiiiv; eighteen hun dred and sixty-seven, to lie paid out of any money in the treasury not, otherwise appro priated. See,;;. And hi it further eime,te.d, That from and after the thirtieth day of.Tune, cightc-ii hundred and sixty-six, the salary o f lire commissioner of public; building*, s’liali he twenty five hitndivd dollars ])er atimim, and the increase of salary herein authorized may he paid out >f any money in the trea sury not otherwise appropruged. Si:'-. 4. .led hr. t‘ forth') enaehO, That the President is hereby authorized to appoint a private secretary, at an annual salary i.f three thousand five Inuidrcd dollars; an ai»sis uint sC’CTftai v. at an annua! sah.n >f twent •- tin: dollars ; a Is r' luu.d writer, at annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars; . a clerk of pardons, at an annual salary of two tlioitiftiiddollars; and threeeierksuf the fourth cV's's; and a Jeward of the ITesi dent's household, who shat! re, civ,nil annual I salary of two tin ysand dollars, and said j steward steiil have the ev tody of the plate, i furniture, and other public property in the I President's bon e. and- Dull giv. a Inind to i the United States in such urn as the Serre tarv of the Interior .* hall deem suliieie.nt. and i to be approved by him, for the faithful .its- | Chargebf liir. trust; and the amount tieee nary 'to pay the salaries of the officers and clerks herein provided for. tc tin; ti.-cnl year I ending June tiiirtieili, eight' an .unbred and | «i.xly seven, and also such sin) as may he iiKeessitry to pay the alarm of said otlierrs nlfcl clerks from the date of their appoint-, jnenl to the end of the fitse.ei year eighteen j liundrod mod sixty -is. are hereby apprenii- ' nted out ot spy lir.i.ey in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated tine. a. And In U furlht.r e,wr.U.el. That j from and after the ildlficlh day of Jute.: eigiiteeil hundred and sixty-sla. there shall ! tie an officer in the Treasury Dept.rim ijt. to j Ih*. known a.- tie .-ristaut solicitor of '., treasure, who h.di he apjxoiitcd by the Sec retary of the Treasury, mid who shall receive an annual salary of three .Lourand dollars. A nd the allot ney-general of the U nih'd .‘shdes is herdiv authorized In employ in' his oilitv. in nddilion to the present force, a eleik to lie known as the law clerk, it an annual salary of twenty-live hundred ti.dhut*. And the amount required to nay the salaries of tiie officer and clerk herein provided for, for t!a; llail year ending June thirtieth. < :ghb en hundred and "ixly-revcn, is hereby, appmpri ak'd. Kre. 6. And it further rmicUd, That the female clerk- usd counters employed in tiie several department,; and bureaus, whose apiKjiutments are made by the several lieai'.s of dt parttiienLs under the provisions ot law, and whose- legal compensation lias heretofore -.uuounted*to seven iiundred and twenty dol lars each per arnuin. and the ieio.'.'e clerks employed at the i\jsi Office Deliaiiiiient shall, from am! after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty- riv. receive in lieu of all other compensation ..n emual salary of nine hundred dollars each jv.r an num; and the amount necc-.-ary to pay the increased salaries Iren in provided for,!the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hun dred and sixfv—W<*n. is hereby appropriated out of any mbnTV ill the treasury not other wise appropriated. Sbc. 7. Anti be U fnrii-er nmelcl That the addition of twenty per centum to t bo compensation of tiie females not otlnrwise provided for, messengers, watchmen. and D borers ranjiloyed in the .several depart- ments. and under the commissioner of pub lic buildings and the eommissionei ot agri culture, and at the enpito), by section three of “An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses ot the government, for the year ending June tiiirtietii. eighteen hundred and sixty live, and for other purposes,” is hereby continued in I'ui'cc, :uid the amount necessary to pay the saute tor the fiscal yotti ending June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, is hereby appropriated. Sec. 8. Ami be -it further emo-tetl, That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to appoint in the several bureaus of his depart ment, in addition to their chief clerks, and in lieu of the clerical force now authorized, clerks as follows, viz: in the bureau of yards and docks, one clerk of class four, who'shall lie the draughtsman, 1 wo clerks of class three, two clerks of class two, and one clerk of class one; in the bureau of navigation, one clerk of class tour, and one clerk ot elans two; in the bureau of equipment and recruiting, one i lcrk of i ia-s four, two clerks of class three, two clerks of class two, and three clerks id class one; in tiie bureau ot ordnance, one clerk of class four, two clerks of class three, and two clerks of class two; in the bureau of constructions and repairs, one clerk of class four, two clerks of class three, two clerks of class two, ami one clerk of class one; fit the bureau of steam naviga tion, one clerk of class three; m the bureau of provisions and clothing, one clerk of class four, tlilec: clerks ot class three, six clerks of class two, ami three clerks of class one; in the bureau of medicine and surgery, one clerk of class four, and one clerk of class three. And the amount necessary to pay the increa.. of salaries herein provided for. for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, is hereby appropriated out of any mom-yin the treasury not otherwise appropriated. See. t). And h, it further mortal. That the provisions of the act approved April twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and sixty four, “‘increasing the .winpensatinn of in spectors of v ustomsin Certain ports,’’is hereby continued in force. Si.:’. 10. And be it further macled, That in adjusting the accounls ot Slew:.',' Gw van, under and by authority df “An act making . ppropriutions for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses ot the government for the year ending thirties!! June, eighteen hun dred and sixty-six, for printing presses, ma chinery, material, and labor furnished and supplied to the Treasury Department, and for expend'd arcs under the authority of the | .Seer--tar,, the proper accounting; officers of the treasury an- herein authorized to make said adjustment, without deducting for ex penditure.- made, by said department, or itn dor mtUtorily thereof, upon said presses and machinery for the purpose of improving and repairing the same. St-.t. it. And he it further enacted. Thai tiie urn of thirty-nine thousand two hundred and m-\s uty six dollars and fifty cunts he, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out, of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated to purchase Indian annuity goods fortlie Indiums parties to the treaty of Fort Larantie and for the illiickfool nation, to replace those destroyed by lire on the -’earner Frank Dates, at Saint Louis, April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty six. i'-vEC. 12 Anti be it further euurtrd, Thai in eases ill which moneys accruing to the United States from ‘-lines, penalties, ami for feitures,” or a.her sources, have been errone ously received and covered into the treasury i before Hie payment of the proper informers’ i moieties or othei charges legally and justly ! elnu gjc;al>!c against the same, so much money ssmay lie necessary to pay said claims, ml j milted and certified in due course of settle ment, is hereby appropriated out of any ! money in Hie treasury not otherwise appro i printed. Atwiinvisit, July 211, UHHS. CHAPTER GCIX I .!// A/t to ttrnenti (lit fifth rite-linn tj on Art ttd ill a! “Ait Aid dvW“Kng I‘iibUe l.tnth to ! t!" n.~rerttl riioUa tend Territories trhudt nwy . nrnritU CoUer/at for the. Item ft! of At/riml ; ' tut; amt lit,''M,elmnn Arte."'ajt/nwed Jnly i 2, V-m, .to unit) 1.1 tend the Time with which ; rite I‘rorhitms of .'“id Art "101 lhe ore. ■■■/lit j nnd jorrli oat i. tohliilit and. l lie it t-., ,/,0..<! toj the riel)trie nml of ih io <ro nbtii'.'H nj the t 'lifted rifalauf . I tnerico ! in t.'tmgrnx ttxtn itthlnd. That the time in which ! tiie .several States may comply with the pro i vision-of the net of .Jtdy two, eighteen Inm 1 died and sixty-lwo, entitled “An act doimt i big public lttmU. to the several States and 1 Territories which may provide colleges for | the benefit of agrieuhthe and the mechanic arts," is hereby extended so tlial the aceept : anee of the Itenetii- of the said net may lie, i expressed within three years from the pnss ! age of i,hi» act, and the colleges required by | the said m-i may he prnvided vvltiiiii five i years from the date of the tiling of such acceptance with the commiemohc- of the general hind offiiV: Prbeiiltttl, That when any Territory shall become a ritalc. am! tie admitted mto the Union, suifi new hlale •shall be euijtied to the henelils ot the ‘ aid act, of Inly two,eighhen hundred and sixty . two, by e .pressing the acceptance therein required within tin <«. yiars from the dale of its admission into Hie Union, and providing the college or colleges vvitliin five years after ttch acceptance, a- prescribed iii this act: Prodded further, That any State which has heretofore expressed it acceptance of the act herein referred to "hell have the period of live years vvitliin which to provide at least one colli ■. ns described in the four!li section of . aid act. after tin: time for providing said college, according to the act of .July ,-eeoml, eigiiteen hundred end sixty-two, shall have cxpiixM; Ai*l‘l:ovkd, .July 22. ISWi. CHAI’TEIt OCX. An Ad. i./ fir- /ht A'"mlnr of Judyet <j the derriDti < inert of the thi/eit Staten, n rid tv f.hane.: ei rtoio ,1 mfiriol Cireuiltt. He it r, acted by the Sen,ale and Jlturn: of lit))ft, m 'otica. of 11" I idled, rib:ten ofAincrit 't i/d Cimt/iwt a.vrt,tblcd, That no vacancy in the office of associate justice of Hie supreme* court shall be filled by apjiointmcnt until tiie number us a-goeiate justices sliall he reduced to ,-ix ; and tfieiv.ifter the stiid su preme court shall eon i*l of a chief justice of the United States and nix associate justices, any lour of whom -hull hen. quorum; and the-aid court-hail liuht one term annually at the neat of government, and such ad journed or special terms as it may find neces sary for tiie despatch of business. gi 2. And be it father tniieta!. Tint tiie first and .-'-ee-nd eiixiiil- sinli remain as now constituted; tiiat the districts of I‘enrisylvaiiiii, N"v> Jersey, and Dela wan: sliali eomlitute the thin 1 circuit; that Hie dislrii !- of AfaryL'iiid, 'Vest Vitgini.i, Virginia. Noitli (Tareiiita. ami South Umo lin:i"--!i;i!I con.-litute Hie circuit, that the districts of Goof.-ia. Florida. Alaluma, Mississippi, Louisiana, and 'D-..; - slul! ;>m -titute the. fifth eif-eif; “hat till: di.-tj i. is o! j Ohio. Michigan. Kentucky, tud 'i o.w - -e i shall constitute the -ixlh circuit : that the district- of Indiana, Illinois, and Wiscoirm. -ii..i! constitute the seventh circuit; and the Toe of ’Law , lowa, Miasouri, Ka and A Am,- sjuill - ore titute the eighth circuit; and Hie dialruis of t.’alilor nia. Oregon, and Nevada sliall con. title He- ninth ciretiit. i Apwiov i-.p. .Jitiy 22, I sod. { liAPTEK l GXi a., , t.iih-l do’ Title 1“ e.rUti ■ t.olnU a illeit -•/. .v.i’oroti J.ind’s of the t 'fly ttf fit,.;,,., and-the Town f tinnta Irmtullte ,SpUc of '- 11. it eiiAct X jthr Senate and House of li> ii.'i v, trio tic. vof the United Suites of . I mt-rica in Congress iioutMcd, That all the rigid and title of the United States tot lie land vvitliin the corporate -units of the city of licnicin, in the county T Solano, State of U’alifoiniii, as deiined in net incorporating said city, passed by the legislature of the State of California, April twenty-four, eighteen hun dred and lift} -one, be, and the same arc hereby, relinquished and granted to the said city and its successors, upon trust, however. Unit so much oi said lands as is in the boiui fide occupancy of parties upon the passage of this act, by liomselves or tenants, sliall he conveyed by -aid city to such parties: Provided, homer, r. That, the relinquishment and grant by tlii act sliall not extend to any lauds vvitliin said corporate limits occupied as a military depot of the Unitixl States, or heretofore mterv and Ity the United States for pubiie purposes; nor shall they interfere with or prejudice any v alid adverse right or ttia tut. if seelt ext :. to said land or any part j thereof, tir preclude a judicial examination and adjustment thereof. Skc. 2. Ant! In V further e.luictcd, That all the right, and li of the United States to the laud within Iso corporate limits us the town of Santa Cru n tile Stateof Ualifor nia, as defined in ’ act of the legislature of 1 hat State ineorpoi ting :xiid town, he, and the same are hereby, relinquished and gran ted to the corporate uthoritics of said town and their successot :u trust for ami with authority to convey . much of said lands as are in tiie bonti tide occupancy of parties upon the, passage of this act by ’hcmsolvcs or lenauts, to stteli -tie- prude. That this count shall not < e.'iu! to any r< servation of the United State- . . r prejudice any valid atlvt i a tight or elaia;. ii such exist, to said land or any part tii teof, nor preclude a judicial examination .a.i adjustment thereof. Afi'itovmi, July , lMtiti. C'HAFTKK UUXII. An A,tfor a (lamt of I,antis ‘olio Slot f linm-tm dial ill I’m llonstciit lion. of the Sort hern Karnes lo'emeu. and j'lleyrofth. ih it ' i.octal by tin ■ mo'e anti House of lufnt M-htutins ts the I 1 I'd S'utesnf Ano rieo it, "sseinbkd. there is hereby granted to Lin- State, o i. ; uisas, lor the use itnd Item .'til of the Sain Joseph ami I ton er City Railroad < umpire, the same being a corporation organized’ ider the Jaws ttf the Slam o! Kansas, to ere oa-t and opetute a railroad from til wood, i: Kansas, vvestvvartl ly, via Maryville, in the eat) State, so as to etlecl a junction with the Union Fa.eitie Kailroad, or any brane.l. thereof not farther west, than the one himdrclh meridian of west longitude, cveiy alc-rnafe section ot land designated by odd numbers, for ten secdons ill vv id hon cad .ideofsaid road, to the point of interseelion. But in ease it hull appear Hint the I a-.ted Stales have, when lire- line of route of: ad road is,definite ly li veil, sold any section re any part thereof, granted as, or tiiat the rigiit of pre-emplion or homestead cltlement lias at tached to the same, or that the same has been reserved by the I nitre States for any purpose whatever, lltmi it hail he tin-duty of the Secretary of tile Interior to cause to he. selected for the purpos* forewtid, from Hu* public lands, of the United States nearest, to tiers of SC', tions above :j. itiul, so much lead, ill aUeniali! sections .1 pin t:; of sec tions designated by odd numbers, as shall bo equal to such lands as tin United States have sold, reserved, orolln; rise appropria ted, or to which the. l ights oi pre-emption or hoi stead settb incuts havesHlsehod asafqn mint; which lands, thus indicated by odd iiiunhers. and ,-clivlcd Ire re.c: lion ot the Heeretaiy of Hie Interior as af.resaid, .hall tie held ly the Slate of Kan- for the use and purpo.a aforesaid: P," PI, That. Hie land to he so sell sled shall in so ease he lo cated farther than twenty tn.'.i: from the line of said mail: Provided f-..:■ -.. C. 'l’liat the 1 lands hereby granted Ire- and on a; count of said road shullhc exclusive! v .j.-plicd lithe eomtruc’ioli >t tie-sum and Ire- no other purpose vv haltvcr. as -nail U disposed of only as in ibis act herein;:!': :■ proritleu: Pr.'-ola!. r.i.m, 'i’hat no pmi of the hind •'ranted by Ibis a •: slia.’l In- ajt(.i • and to aid in the eoiisiruetion of ;pij radfead or part there*)! for the i-onstrui-lioii of which any previous grant of land or lion., bus been made l v Gongre-- .Lm procn'ol further. That any and all lands heretofore reserved to the l idled St.nes by any aeti,; Congress, Or in any other manlier by roiiiiieteiil au thority. tor the purpose of aid ire. in any object of intei-eal imjirovcJticttl. re for any oilier purpose* whatsoever, be, am! the same are he.reli.v, ves* rveit to the United Stales from t.ln: operation of this act, e.v far a-may iie tomi ueix'fs irv to locale the route of said rend •through said lands, iii which Cuss Hie. rigid oi way lei one hundred feel on each ride of said road .shall b* granted, .eqiijert to the approval of the P.' dent of tiie United Slates. Sec. 2. And nc U Jetrffttr, myuri. 'l'hul ;bc -cetiires ard park- of ... etion: ■ * iaud vv blob by ■ m b -mttt shnil roioain to tin t id led Slat' . within ten miles oa ear! kloof said road, sliall not li; Id (or Ilian douhic trie minimum pri'c of the public lands when old; Her shall any of rad lauds become subject to dale at private* entry until the same -liall have turn first offered at pub lic ale to the highest, bidder,!'t orabnre Hi" file re:*. a;d minimum price, as aforesaid: Pro ■fidtil Tiiat actual and lire.a Ude hHI r.-,, im der jnov i.-ioii- of the pre-eiiqaion mi I home stead law -. of tiie United States, ; lay, after due jiroof of setUcmcnt. iriiprovcihci’E cul tivatir.a, and occupation, a now provided by lav , piiicla-e ,|„ : ,t ||„. in, I'eas.ed mini'iiui . j-r. > is..- ad; Anti /trot Uhd also, That a tlii t.-. o:i auyof sai*i reserved seel ions, miller the prov I ion-"I tie* home-lea I lav,, who improve, occupy, mid cultivate tie aim (i r a period of live year-, and comply with the :•< vetai oondil ion:- and requirements of said act, -hail lie entitled to patents for an amount not exceeding eighty acres each, anything fit tin- act to tiie contrary notwith standing. Sec. S; And be it further Thai I the grant of the. kinds hereby' made is upon condition that id company, after the i .in struction oi it , mad, shall keep it, in repair and use, and shall at . 1! times be in readi ness to t!aiis,|)orl troops, munition-, of war. i sttp|il : .i..- and pul,lie .-lores iipun its, roads for j the government when required to do so by any dcparlniei * thcivof. the govenuent it , ali limes h. v ins Hie preference ill the use ot ! the road for all the purposes aforesaid at fair | and reasonable* rates of eompensation, not | exeeediire that paid by private individual-; or the average |tnid for like .services on oi lie i roads. And tin" lands In nby giantrxl, held, ; and reservtal as aforesaid shall i ll lire to Hie ! bGicfit of aid I Oinpany, a- follows; When; the governor of the Slat of Kansas shall | certify ti,a' any section of ten consecutive! miles of -aid is comniel.ed in a good, substantia!, and workmanlike manner as a fit-: etas; Mien the sai,l t-'ceretarv of thelnti, :oi i-istll i to the -aid company pateno for so ’many ; -e<-Hons of til* !and here tn'iefoi'c eiapu-ilas lie oppisite t*> and to- j lene.iiiou:. witli He: said cmi!])l, led sections. .Vt.iT when e.erliiieates of the Governor, ! afon said, .-iutli ire pinted to -aid .Keere fury, of the completion, as aforesaid, of cm h sue: re. iv e. -e. lion of ten consecutive mile- of -aid reed, the raid Secretry shall I i- lit* nreniHi • -site t" said com- I pane patent- for tl|« said seel ions of said i .and a 1 nfoie.-i.iil for each *4.-atd sections of said land as afore-aid for (“,uh of said see-' lions of loud until aid road sliall tic com- ; pieteil: Prodded, That if- aid railroad exult- i paiiy pi i: a signs siiail fail to eomplele at ! least one section, ot' -aid kbwl each year from j Lite date ot its acceptance of the grout provi-! ded for in lids act, tlien it’s '-'ll O the lands for -aid section so tailing of completion shall revert to the government of the United Hiatus: Pror-d, it further, Thitt, if, said rood is not completeriAvithiii fob years froqt vile dale of tin aeeeptanee of tlio grant Itereili tie.fore made, the lands remaining unpaten ted sliall revert to the United States. Sun -1. gl ml 1-eit further enacted, That as soon as tiie said company shall tile with the Secretary of the interior maps of its lines, desigiinling the rotite thereof, it shall be tin duty of tin-said Secretary hi withdraw from the market the tanifi; granted by this net, in such manner as may be best calculated to ef fect the purposes of this act. and subserve the public interest. Hue. r>. , [ini be. It forth,)- t nodal, That the l nitei! States mail sliall lie'transported on said road and its extension, under Hie di rection of tlu* Post Office Department, at such price as Gong!ess may by law pro vide . Pito-idal, That milil such price is fixed by law the Postmaster-General shall have power to fix tbo-componsution. Hut (i. vlurf b<2il further enacted. 'Tiiat tiny right of way through the public lauds, be,' and the saute is hereby, granted tosdd faint. Joseph and Denver Gily Railroad Gompanv, its successors and assigns, tor the construc tion of a railroad :es proposed ; and the rigid is lietehy given to said eorpondion to take from the public lands adjacent to tin* line of .said road material for the eonxtructioil there of. Haul way is granted to said railroad to the extent of one hundred feel in width on each ride of said road w hen; it may pass through the public domain; also ali neces sary ground for station buildings, work shops, depots, machine-shops, switches, side-tracks, turn-tables, and water stations. Hue. 7. And be it further etuielid. That the acceptance of Hie terms, condition.-. and im [Kisitions of this art by tin: Saint .Joseph and Demit City Railroad Company shall ha sig nified in w riting, under the, corporate seal of the raid company, duly executed pursuant to the direction of its 'obard of directors first had and obtained, which acceptance shall he made vvitliin six months after the. passage of this act and not afterward:-, and shall he deposited with the Heeretaiy of the Interior. Aeriiovioii, July 22, It-Kid. B.VVTIST. Rev. ,1. li. (’Kostiin , In fore sailing, for .Europe, i-i.'sigqt"l his cliarge as pastor of tiie eliuivh at the falls of Seliylkilf. Rev. Dr. Andrew Bollard, pastor of the church in Taunt-op, Mass., lias ac cepted an appuiiitniynt from tlie Ame rican Baptist Home Mission Society as District Socivtary for (his district, with hi- licariquftrteiat. o.'IH Arch street, Philadelphia. The n fission to Sweden continues to prosper. The last, Triennial Confer once was attended by 117 delegates, representing 112 elmreltes. The. 'rhe ological Seminary lias been organized with a full body of teacher: . Baptist, places of worship in Stockholm, f. The progress of the work at all points lifts booti very encfiiir,aging. Associations, lfi; elitpehew, US.I; iiichi'lk rs, (i,S7.’> ; Sabhnlli school pupils,- 1,710; teach ers, 107 ; ehiii r.lies having places of worship of their own,‘JO ; received by baptism, 577; bv letter,2B2; restored, 11.0; died, Js; dismissed, .’in!); ex cluded, 222. Net increase, BHO. SPECIAL NOTICES. 4m USsloi y . TUK AMKIUCAN (ONKLKIT. -INO. THOMPSON, N. York * Uroukiyn A-unt, onicu No, li * William §t., up btairß. Jc?3o fiH iiP. NCicilom, cocjnseli;oi; at law, No. 170 Broad way IV v York. jc3s THE, k N i)fi:iiSJ.iiN E.I) i iSih llPClOVIO) !,ii«; HjipoiuliiuMit ol CNiTKi> ttTA'J’JW ,COM- M S.'-'SP >NKII lor the Sou I hum Dibtriut oL< iuor R" i : - < )/li( u at Au^lttrtn. JACOB b \ VIS. May 0, ISUY. m.yS-liiu TANA- JNVALIDS’ WflKCIv CJIAIKS, EOli jn or oui -door iiau, IVpm ' *-C. InvrtTiil ( 'arria'iyu loortlcr. PiiU ut Citnlei ini;- llori i■, £7Jto#.Jo. ('iiiidruii’s Carriages, Hobby Hon . . &<*. S. W. SMITH, it:2r> No. ‘JO Willhitii udvei, N. Y. :<.•/ ! COTIUOS WKJJSOKKs OP A iJ, KINDS pioiuptlv rupitin ii or Liken in pirri for tin “ wilji tkc “ Jop v/hiu!i i.* warTauled to bo diuabb’. I>» :•*!. r■■■•» riupj/lif tl with Duly’:. WtiJiin ;' Machinu niVU llic “ Cni vursal” Wriu-ur. M KTUOPOJHTAN WAS!! INC MACjJJNL COM PAN Y. R. C. DROW N INC, C< ij'.Tul A'iuiit, Nu. *':> Courlkuit! oUuct, Now York, oppobitu iMureJiauto’ lloUib Dinner Party. i lIK GOLO'RKa Un iZUNH (li . Itidmimid couiiiy, urc ioviicd. to ptuluko ■.% poucrul i > i iv in i<; it , to be :■ ' ! M ({ Up oy 53ATim©AT, »7th INST., AT BUTLER’S (’REEK, On llm Saviiiujxlt Kond, i •onjiics.frofji .Ym- u.Na. Tick*, ts lb' (t’cntlOMUMl, uacii . HO “ 50 “ <it.ntlcm.TM and Ludv.... (diildrcn.: > Ticket * can be obtained at Uie “ National Ho tel,” iu this city. The people a ill be Siipplied wii.h lii.viirier of every kind—the Liblcs indn^supplied alternate ly with Fruiiri, i'l'oVi.sionH, cVe. * Every one «ln» know- the hounlkn of a Colin !iy Tabl<, anu enjoy-v a country holiday, will find their expectations lully realised at tills time. Conic one ! Conic all! (June altogether ! HAMEL M. MERTON, f ISAIAH HEK'I'ON, Ooumutiuc. Auu;u sliiy July ldtli, JSb7. jyM-td A Protracted Meeting VV JJ.I. eommenee on WEDNESDAY twT*>r<: li;. fii-t M</ml:iy ill Augu I, .'t brushy Arbor, (African Church) Wlopft),- county, Gu. All .**• uominatimis, white and reretfcJ. at-c invited. . , -i A M t.- ! - ire U. tot £500,000. \\ OOD.--Large inbciifancc in England to >ll descendants or relatives ol‘ CLEMENT WOOD, wUo came. lY.;m Em ! nnl. Apply, by letter, postpaid, toHic \’IIE V A LIEU Dr. UO;b-\S, Ad vocal* , it] Upper Bedford Place, jyU-twd London. JMI’OKTAAJ’ TO MEROIUNTS, »*.It.AISITKRK & FARMERS II Ms have been inlormcd ibat the uaua! p , utin oi Mt iclbud-, Eannens and Plftliicre, in VV ordering their supplier ol‘our Dr. McLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge; 1 tna been to siuqily vv i it* on for'Yet ll jii; i>. flu; cumiequetice i; that instcuil of the genuine DU. Mi LANE'S \ KKMIKUGK, they ln*«|ticntl.\ gel one or llic other of Hie* many worthless preparations railed Vermifuge now In lore Hie public. We, therefore, beg leave to nrgo upon lit.- Planter the propriety and import:.nee o 1 invariably writing the name in full,and to advise their faetor-' or agents Hint they will not i. reive anv ot-licr tlian t-liegenuine DU. MU.ANE’S GKI.KIiiLVI'EI) V EKMH'UGI’. prepared by I' I.EMJNI. liltuTilLKS, ITn'SIiUKD, PA. V\ . also would advise the same precautions in ordering Dli. Me’LA SK’S Celebrated LIVKK PILLS. Tiie great popularity of tiiese Pills, as a t.peeilie or euro for 1.1 V Kit CUM PLAINT and all the Itllious Durnnvenients ; o piv.valeul in the South and Southwest, has 'lnduced the venders of many worlhti; a uoairuiim to claim for tlieir preparaf ions similar liH-dieiind virtues. tie nol deceived I tifl.-C. tV B “fd Ceietirated H.lttiSlß^ K't B.a.S are Hie original and only laTudile remedy tor Liver Complaint that lias yet been discovered, and we urge the Planter unit .VL -.dianl, a; he values hi., own mid Hie health of thorn* depending on him, to be careful in order!..' . Hike ucitner V erniifuge nor Liver J’iils, unless you are sure you are getting the genuine AtcL.VNE 8, prepared by Ci BIIOTUEIiH, ITTTSUIj HG, PA. Dll. M , i.aA.lsi.K\S ( u\m mils, FOR THE CURE OF Heptaiis or Licel- Complain!, Ihjupepsia andMvfc Jleatlaetw. In offering to the imbli*' DU. M, LANLT * ■■■.I.KRKATHD LIVER I’II.LS us a reined v b • LIVER amt IHLIOt’H COMPLAi MU we presume no apology will he needed. The In-,, providence of Liver Complain! ami iiliious Im ca-eo <,| ~11 throughout Ih.’ t'niledSbo,.' and j .eeullarly in the West and Hodtl:. vvli-r. m the majority of eases, t|„ i..'di“nt is, not vvil Hi,- f. veil of a regular physician, r. mires ; hat -muc remedy should Ire prov id. and, that would ,V ■ in I'm I1 impair tin- eoiistitut'.oii, and yet be ale and ,it -elmil. That miei: is tin-tine e1,,,,’’ ar.ter of Dlt. M. LA NET I.I V MR IMI.LS, the.-, can b.* *!o doubt. The Uv.tiim.ny vv" lav I fore von, and tin* great success win. I' has invariably attended their use, will, we think be nil lielci'it t,. .-imvin.-e tiie most iiuiedulous. I! ! !«en our sin.-ere wish that, I'illsalw.. ti b. fairly and fully tested, and . (ami or tall 1';, tin . tievb, p.-.alueed. That they have been so I.,ted, and that the result, lias l;e.-ii m eve.y iv.-p, el lavonililc, we call thou.-ami . who have , xpi-rieiie. and their cifeets. Di; '.!<■ LANK’S LIVER I'll.LE. are not held forth or recommend, and (like nio-f .d11,,, LIVER COMl’LAlNTa,kud DISEASES OF THE LSVER U The. l.iv.-r IS much more frequently the rent of disease than is generally supposed The function it is lie iguc.d to perform, mid on the re -uhir execution of which depends not the •■.-Ill'll.l health of tin; body, till! the powers ,and the Stomach, Jiovvel-;, Itraiii, and the whole Nervoii i'vslem, show, its via i and vital ImpmU to human health. When the Liver ism rinuslv dim need it. in fact not only deranges the vital functions of the body, but ncreisc. po.v; Vi lli iiillm nee over t in: mind null its oia i .dioi vv Hi. Ii cannot easily lie describe,l it j. 1 . lore II .•oiiiu.ctioli to Ollier di- a- , and ni.mile Isilselt by ;.o great a v.iriei v olTviin.l mi's of a. most doubtful character, Unit Umi deiult. moi e jiliyaieion -, even of great cmiucncc lien! anv nth. r organ. Tim intimate eon m I ion which <• isls lietvn en the Liver ami tiie (he. rent dominion which 1 am pel. haded , uoyer the passions ot muiikind .mnvinve me lind many iinfortuiiatu heing; ha,. I'ommitle.l acts id'deep anil atroeilV or be ,,1.1, what tool: Ic.riii hypochondria, s from re* impl*' Liet ol a di;-, .isiaDlaie. of tlu-’/dvcr 1 have, long I .cm convinced that more on. half oi the complaint., which occur in this eo'iin. to. are In la: considered as liming their "i a disc.;; e.t state ol the Liver. I will t'lnnm-nite ....'me Ol Iheni : lndigf.-li«ii, Stoppa -d th, ileuses, Deranged . laic of Hie UoweD Irrilalde ,111,1 Vindictive Feelings mid I’a, siom tram In!,mg and madv,|iuitu<-auscH, of whirli ’we ui'ii r vvaids fee] a-Jaime.l ;la 1, I,hough nut b ast, im.i* Hmii tliiv.-loiirlln of the dk-ens, a enuim I: ,led under Hie head of (joxsr vii'TKix, i.iave the;;- ~i|, n, a diseased Liver, i bis is trully a fi i'ditful catalogue. J SfltH-rOMN oa*- A S.**'K*6.-l > aiu li. the itoht Side under tin ,.,l"e of Hie. rib.-, increasing on pres, urc ; muni him- the pain is in the left side ; tile patient is lart-iy abb* lo Me on Hie 1. ft i ide ; nun. nine;, tie- puiu is tell under the shoulder Idaiie -m.,1 it li . (ineiitly extends to Ihe top oi tin- shoulder, and ... . omcUmcs mistaken for riiuiimu’iisiH i., lie -a: an. ' Tin- stomach is alfcctcd veil !i loss ol'appetite and sickness ; tin; how. Is in ' eem-i- I an- co.vt.ivc, sometimes alternating with Im. ; the livad is with pain, accnuuunicd with dull, hi'iivv . '-n: aai,>u in the back pail. There p gcnciv.tly a coiislderalilr l.„. <d'memo ,-v aeiamipaiiiedwitli u paililul seiisatiiM. and ha,. a left imdou. ouiethiug lit lo liavo 1,11 i; done. A sligtit dry eougli io bontul iim .- an iitl.umiaMt. '1 and putieut « omit! iiur < f ' • n. . 'and debility Th.' Kea-dly startled ; ids tee. or I, ami l„; .-.mipliios of a pri.-alv sens.atien of the skin ; hr spun low; and alt hough In- is satisfied that exercise would'lie bcuvlicisl tolling yet lie can ai-vly uii.m.m up fortitude enough tu try if Inia.-I |„: distrusts every remedy. Several ot Ih-anore symptom , attend Hu; disear, ; hut. sums iiav,', I Iyer to have been extensively derauge,!. ■ i<ui i: ,n» •••KVI-tie. -l»t;. m-i.a ,l. LIVER RILLS in y GI!E A vi. FEVER, When taken with Ruin ,m.pi . ■uetivcol li.'ppy r, nib-. No l.etter, athurUc cun be med preparatory to, or allertr.kmj tpiii.m W. would advise alt who are ulllieted with the disease to give them a trial. B»lrc<-(i««»w." 'l’alvc two or three I'D 1 a, gmig to bed, every second or third niri.t D ti:. vdo not purge two or tl.r. e linn lie >t mo. nine, take one or two more; Inn a alight break la ,'. shoffid invariably follow their mm. . • Liver Pills may lie used where innping i, V. art. A- anti-hllioii puigative, I! :.. inleriin-none, amt in doses of two'or three tl.ey give astonishing rebel In fca-k I ; into in slight derangenieuts ol tJ.e Stbmaeh. ’ UK. NMreliS ,)*AS AMERICAS WO Mi SPECIFIC -d VEEMIFU E v No di;. ms: to vvliich the tinman body 1. Ir 1.- are bell -1 . iiiiri.,. to fh* aUeiition ol lie- pl.t lantliropiat than those con?aguciil on lit. u i.laUoii produced by WoH.MS in th,; Ftum ieii mid bowel- ; Win II the . alter, ris an adult, th, , tu, *• is freiiuontly ovt ilooked, and eoiisciuently Hie. I,roper remedy i; not applied, lint vie lie patient is an infant, if the dis,sum is ~, tireir neglected, it is -till too frequently a. .lot and, in whole or in pint, to some other enuse U oiprl.t, tieVo to be particularly remorked, «.... ultlioieih Iml few worms may , xi-t i„ ~ vhild -mil liowsoever,lilies.-,- lit they may have been pr vioiiely, no sooner is tin .'i,i,.--titution invadret l.y any any of the numerous train of diseases to which iiituney ir. e* posed. Hum it is, fearlully am*. mented l.y their irritation, t! lire P too 1; s ntl.v 11 -.. j*: •;.., that a, 1 i i.-« otherwise oauify managed fiy j,roper remeiti'; stun in/gi a ■ "i! by tiiat. ea:r e, !dds ... iianc- lo treatment ind: . ions hi othei* r* sped .: nt rr h eidiigly t.,d in . onsonueiiee of s orm ; being overlooked \nd even ill in ".- Off nat viol, n- ', H . : e- ■ ' mid pr, mpl r■* •l ■ dy '* iso..-. - e.i,'s„ ||,u| < cun lit lie expelled without losa of time, win. I. is so precious til :uv!. css. the ease mhl.i 1.0 aria, ked, l.y prop r r. medic,-, cven-Wifmeil, amt with aueees?. ■- . :«J j»£OSS«.- ; 5..011101 be M .:?• G'.i.ei-. -’! . .... ;.,, 1,. .: ~ ; .dual.ill, in ,1, with ..cieisionalHushes, or a cir.-uin rihed spot ns,- both eb.rks, ll„ , - t>, '-nine dull, He- pupil-, dilate; an azures,-i s -ir.-h* rims atue;: i- ! ,wer eyelid, the nose'is irritated, em ii- and smuc’.imes bleed'-; bv.. ~ng ol thu ujipel lq ; oc .ad,mid hc,„!u,-l c will, liuuiiiihn or tliroldiiiig oftlio ear.-.; an unu hat lacr.-tion ;,i .dir. limy or lurred tongue breath very foul, partieiilarlyin the no.ruin , .q*l>Git variabfe, .-■(.mnhms yoraeiou- win. ) gnav, ing sensation -;t the ■ tomaeli, at other . entoely i. one ; Iter-tin:* pains in or. a-ii,m,l nausea and vomiting ; violent pan,-, throng!,...,! th, . talonim ; l owd. irregular si tin,. 1-0. live; stools slimy, not mitre ; , nllv tinged with bl.m.i; body ,-wulteii and ta.rd m in,: turliid ; icrpirnHon occaxioimlly oitlt.-nli . ml aeeoiiipahir:! by hieeouah; corn'll soint titue: dry andcouvulsive; uneasy and distarbee -:e*.p, with riudiu-* of tlio teeth; tuupm varlabfe; Lflt geiit aatly Uritablc, Ac. 1 Wire never the. abovesymptom, are to,,;;;: 1 o , ■■*.-!, DR iIt'LANK’S VElsMtFl «IE MAY HE DEPENDED UPON TO EFEEC’I A < 1 2E. The uulvermil success which has aUtnbc. ! ; c -..dmini-lndion of this preparation he,-,, suet, as t!> warrant uin pledgin ': onrtelv. u, ti public to LETI i:N TIIE AIo.NKV in every inslauei; where it■ p'roves incite, tied, prov id'i.gpa viu.iiisir, at.teii.Sim* the siekm . s ~f c1,11,l or adult warrant tlio auplawition „! w. . *., •;i tin, eau.-v. in all ea , . the i.e dieim hliould be'riven in strict aceoidanr, with tli" dir* '. i*,. . VV,- ple.lge ouiselv.'.s to the. puMic tlial irit. M b.'.'si, - v Elt MI FLU ii DOES NOT CON TAIN MERCURY IN ANV FORM : mid ~.. . ni pr, paration, and not ia,„ib,e ot doing the slight.. I injury to the must t, mb r inl nr. [Dir: ctiims. Give a child, Iron* O' ■* > * ten yen old, a tigwnooiiful in as sweelem and wider every morning, tas.nig ; :• . . riiro .gh tip day, well; but il licit repeal it iu Die evening. Over i, ,!, give a little, n, •: *. , under two, give U, .. To ;. full grown pmamj give two teaspoon.ala. .... Ihiware »f Coiißtcrlrita »»•■** : >G irticlra l*nr|i«riiii|>. s» | N . SaitM-'is. - Th-, si';iHipularity ,*i ltd V. b.‘ -K’. OEM. INE PREPARATIONS lias induced unprincipled per oe.’to sll. :i ;s. i.pon Hie (.;. t.ii - .ounteif.-R i,m| articles, in r.oß»e<|uru"<: of whirl, the prop!; tors have been bus ed ... adopt every poSoddr giinru against fraud, t'ui, harers wilt pleas' pay alb to tin following marks "euuiu. - n.-s, • id. The Exi real Wrapper, a lim nd tri, graving, with Urn, signal nru ,and ( \I. LWL and FLEMING LUOS. 2d. Go 1 >i.■ ' i*ms ~ri;d. ,1 „n Fin,- Pai , r ... ;,|, *.y.,*..,. Mark follow : “DR. M; I.ANET Cl*. Ltd) tv. Vi EO VIIt M i F!':. E AND Llv’el 11LL,-. FLEMING iiP.OS., PP.oPRI ETot-.iS. VVa-.r Mark ea;. b, se.n >,y luildii., He „p to tin: liglil. The* LIVER PILLS nave the name stamped on the lid of Um 'bo.x iu red wax. O i’REI'AR 10 D ONLY BY EMIING BBBTHEBS, PMUEfi, PA, Sole ] , i<;|,ia ! ..r ni Dr. McLain.*'.- f.ivt- ) 'iiis, Vt*i*iitifu<rv ;ii:,*i Lnn;.' som) it* i)i;ai.j:ks !;vi;uvwiii:iii:. Thu Rroiii i* !ors t.ii-vvar.’i jwt nitii), jiost jmi.l, to tniy (nu tof United States, one box Liver Dills, oi* one* via! Vomiting:*, on tiie rocpijit of forty enutd iii Govermnoiit. sliunjes. octal