The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 27, 1867, Image 4

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TSk- Daily loyal Georgian. | AUGUSTA, OA. .11 I.Y '.7, iwi7. | Constitution for Repcblicnn Clubs. iVe call the attention of our Repub liciui leaders to tin- following Const,itu tion, \vhit'll will 1) .u 000(1 one lor them to adopt in organizing Republi can (Hubs : ARTICLE I. a (Ms. Vliis Club shitil In-.known as Mw Union He publican (lab of-- ‘'raw*- ot town,) comity ol , Ki:t!«;‘ > AKTIULK II 'i’li'M UJiib ori'sinizcff for I lie purpose « f :ol TftlK'iii;: the inlcre,:*! -of the l cioo Ih-pnl >!b i-i parly in this Stuio, jinil ihroiiiilio i tin notion. H will Htrive to elevate labor, will( ate the iirno r«Bt, and sustain tie Rail '• of ulrmcr al jtirtieo. AUTICLK 111. oniemtß. 'Vlift officer* of this Club riiall be :• i s n -i-h lit, two Vic'e-Prcr'ide.'its, a Secretary, a To - un r, ami lib Lxeeutiv • Committee of live, members. The above namrtl officer shall be elected it the Itrs iiudetiiijv Sr mnuiiry and July in • idi year, avid they'Jffibn bold over until tie ir nieceora are duly eleeUul and qualified. ARTICLE IV. OCTIJIS Os OFFJCKIIS. /he officer* of this Club sliall perforin the duties required ol similar office! - !»v ordinary parliamentary usa;»’e. The. Ext euii\e ( onnuii tee aha!! jirejiart b'.isiiic-for the n»ee*im.> of the Club and makt -neli n^emenl- e shall secure a good sit,tendance. They -hall a! ■ » make such efforts as may he in their power to make the meetings in teres liny; and profitable. AUTICLK V. QUALIFICATIONS OF M l!M lIHKB. The only qualification *m- c- any to become a Member of this ('lub, should lie a good moral character and an evpiv I determination to support the principles ol the Union lb-publican party. AUTICLK VI. ki;ven t’K. flic evpenrtes ot this Club idiall be defrayed 6y voluntary contributions from among the members and others. fisk & match HA N KKIIS. MO. 5 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK, •Ulya and sella at market rates all descriptions of fIOVERNMKNT 8K( l UITIKS. ’ ccounts of Banks, Bankers & Others Received on Favorable Terms. Coiled ions made throughout the United B'ntes and Canada.-. *>. Certificate.-. of Deposit • I sued. m BAlfiimiMG MOUSSE 0 F AY COOKE h CO., Mo. 20 Wall St., cor. Nassau, N 1.0 W YO It lv* V\ K buy and bell at the nm>tliberal current prices, and keep on hand a full si iPr^xof Governmentßondsofall Issues, SEVEN-TiSIBTIES. AM) OOMPOTTNJ) I NTTJIKSY N( >TES, lml execute orders for purelnmc and sale of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. A'e have added to our otllee a Ketail Depart ment, for the accommodation of the public de mand for investment in and < .xelumgrs of (luv orninent Securities, the purchase of COLD mul INTKKFBT COUPONS. and the sale id' IN TJKIiN AL REVENUE STAMPS. ISeven-Tliirties converted into Five-Twenties al the most favorable rates. ju2B JAY COOKE A CO. A lietiiil i ful Head of llnir, Sich Gloss ami Kaven Tresses instead of GUAY DECAY! XT IS m<QT A 3¥S l Catalytic Hair Color Restorer, Reviver AND 9& i: .* s t i r s s: s; , H AS jiruM'il to lu- Hie 1 . -1 llnir preparation ever pr* sonU.l to Ihe public, a lari To which UuMiramtn who have uni! it. will IcMitV. iftho hair in fulling; oil', or becoming gray, the lisr of tbe CATAI.VTIC will surely un-cat its tlceay amt cause if to assume, in a short time, ; !! its lormcrbeauty. Asa HuirDrcssim;, tIicUATA LYTIC is umniiialUal by any oilier preparation La tho world. CATALYTIC Restores Grav llnir to llio natural color. 'CAT A LYTIC L’romotes liio Growth of tin Hair. CATALYTIC I’revonts Hair falling out. CATALYTIC 0 tango* the Hoots to their original organic action. CATALYTIC Eradicates Damlrnlf and Humors. CATALYTIC Keeps lite Scalp healtliv. CATALYTIC OonUtius no Injurious ingredient. Ifvou wish to Inna: u beaut il ul head of hair— rich gloss, raven tresse> and silken texture, in stead of gray decay —use tile ( ATALYTIC, which wilTgive. life, growth anil beauty to the ajir. Every bottle' warranted to give entire satisfaction! \-U lor the CATALYTIC. Take >other or yon will be disappointed. •‘■'or sale by the principal Druggists, flic t.nule supplied bv McKesson a hobhins. Wholesale Druggists, ill aVi Fulton st., New York. 'or sale in Atlanta bv UKIIWiNi: FOX, audTAYI.OH X DAVIS. ALSO— Sweet Southern Boquet A Hare and Most Exquisite Perfume. This delightful, IVshiouable and Standard fcbmthcru IVrf'ume is known throughout the South for its great delicacy and gentility ; far surpassing it) it?* rich and delicious odor any thing now offered to the public. *Y» CJ-rr f»t>B TIIEHY KOttCKT Is THE LADIES’ DELIGHT. is it is the most delightful, lasting a nd sash km.ible perfume. Try it but. once aid you wil us* no other. The odor is delightful. SWEET SOCTHERN BOCQCFI is dis tilled from fragrant Southern Fivtwors, and dedicated to the' Ladies of the South, l \ ,1. S. TEMBEUTON, Manufacturing Chemist, jdJ? Columbus, Ga. J. & P. Coats’ BEST SIX-CORD CABLED Til HE A I). JOHN & HUGH AmiIXCLOSS, 3olc Agents in E3Tew York. i<£» e.VI.VIS SII.U-KK. | \V. C. HAMILTON Sliafer & Hamilton, (Stiff< ors so Leonard J. Gordon & Cos.) FOEMf ELY PHILIP COKDOIN, P' ru i I Syi* 11 [> s , Cordials, Bitters, dtc., Whiskies and Imported Wines. Mo 55 Vesey Bt., Mew York. j<‘3» ITI ARSON, AI KIN X- CO., VARIETY, FOUNDRY, AND IYI.-UIIIH’K UOIUtS. MunuructiJi crs of all Kinds of AGRICULTUR AL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, Shell as Straw Cutters, Cora Similars, Ciiler Mills, Saws, Circular Saw Mills, <1 list Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Os the latest and most improved patterns. Wit!} our improved Valve, ten per cent, of the lin lis saved and all our work is warranted to give .• alisfaetion. For further particulars, In quire as above, of Pearson, Aikin W Cos., Varie ty, Foundry and Machine Works, Main street, between 12th und Pith streets, Louisville, Kv. TiioDour, itovKK, Is. ic. iimitAito Ic. n. mttlb. President. | Secretary. | ISiip’t. ItOYER WHEEL CODIPAYY, Successors to ■ . kto y <>r A < «>., MANUFACTI liKHS OK S.VRV KN'iS I’ATKNT NVIIKKLS, ALSO- Whe:ls, Spokas, HnLs, Felloes. Shafts, nows, Fold s, ~n: vll kinds of CAHUI.YGG UNO WAGON MATERIAL, PLOW IIA X DI.IOS, AC., X«. a.*'.' M I iiird CINCINNATL New Leather Store. REED BROS. & CO. Great balacctiinHs tillered. Prici s (treathj Li< (faced. | U. have jtist. received a very large, fresh, j and a.-I! ;n orhd alork of Uiu tiiivat. brand aof i FKENCII CALK SKINS, which wo uiv now I I -1' i fi’oin £1 70 to d-f por pound. We have on hand a large und complete stock of all kinds of LEATHER undSIIUK FINDINGS, consist ing partly m Sole, Cppcr, Kip Skins, Harness, Skirting and Bridle. Leathers, Fad Skins, Mo roccos, Toppings, Linings, Ac., Xc. ! Also dealers in HIDES. OIL, TALLOW, and 1.K.-VniFi; uml (ICM BELTING. Please to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. REED 11ROS x- CO., 111 Main st., between Third and Fourth, Cincinnati, Ohio. N. It. Cash paid for Hides and Leather in rough. jc2o wf.vke, 1 w. A. TIIt ItSTON', Late of Flemiiigsburg, Ky. | Late of Paris, Ky. M LTROPOLITAN HOTEL, ntn siitiiirr, BETWEEN FRONT AND SECOND STS., ('citcinnitti Ohio. WEAKE &. THURSTON. PSOPKIBTUKS. jc-M SCII M ITT & BROS., BIIOW CASK WARE ROOM, Yo. GO Jiaiu Nlm*t, CINCINNATI ...OHIO. I - Vll Kinds ot SHOW CASES kept on band and made to order. je& ST. CLOUD HOTEL, COKXEIt SECOND AND JEFFERSON STS., WM. S. X M. S' DEIIONEY, PROPRIETORS, lomn?ti.ii,i:, ky. •’■ ‘O' #3 SO per Day, .ic26 cJAwrrrowr &. bysrs, WIIOLKSALE MILLINERY HOUSE, H>l We»t Jlatn Street, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY, Ask the attend —1 of MILLINERS and MER CHAN US t.> thei. >■ of UIKBONS, BOX NETS, I.ASJIHS i\l> VIINSES- BIVI’S. Dress Trimming-, Buttons. Braids. V K -/. coons, HA XJJKER CHIEFS, And Fine Imported Varieties. ' Orders receive good and prompt atten tion. je2s THE FAVORITE AD MOST COMFORTABLE ROUTE FROM uugusta to New York, VIA SAVANNAH. r r I UK following Now, Fust rind First-! 'las-. StoHiunliijis from SAVANNAH to NEW i YORK every TUESDAY, THURSDAY end SATURDAY: Emit ire Line. ST Saturdays 8 AN SALVADOR, Nickerson, Commander. SAN JACINTO, Atkins, Commander. Allan tie C. M. S. >S'. Cos. Line. S’l Thursdays HERMAN LIVINGSTON, Baker, Commander. GEN. n ARNES, Morton, Commander. Murray'* Line. Sail Tuesdays. LEO, Dearborn, Commander. VIRGO, Buckley, Commander. These Steamships are all of large carrying ca pacity, well adapted to this route, and are lilted up with especial regard to the comfort of pos ters—State Rooms large and airy, the Steward’s Department supplied with the best the New York and Savannah markets afford. The through freight Tariff having been much m: ifUCED, Freighters and Fasscngera will find this the QUICKEST, SAFEST and MOST ECONOMICAL route to New York. THROUGH TICKETS to be had of Ticket Agent, Office Waynesboro’ R. K. Depot. SAVANNAH AGENTS : Murray’s Line—HUNTER A GAMMEL, Agents. Atlantic C. M. S. 8. Cos ’a Line—WILDER & FULLERTON, Agents. Empire Line—B. Jl. HARDEE, Agent. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, ; je2s Gen’l Traveling Agent. J. IIINCKLING & CO’S |« R E T S A I, E OF WATCHES ON the populor onc-priee plan, giving every patron u handsome and relialile Watch tor the price of Ten Dollars! without regard to value, and not to be paid for unless perfectly satisfactory ! 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches, 9250 to 750 500 Magic Cased Gold Watches, 200 to 500 500 Ladies 1 Watches, Enameled, 100 to 200 1000 Gold H uiit’gChron’b r Watches 250 to 800 1000 Gold Hunting English Levers, 200 to 250 2000 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches, 150 to 200 5000 Gold II untir American Watches, 100 to 150 500(1 Silver Hunting Levers, 50 to 150 5000 Silver Hunting Duplexes, 75 to 250 10000 Gold Hunting Repines, 50 to 75 10000 Miscellaneous Silver VVatelies, 50 to 100 25000 Hunting Silver Wateln-s, 25 in 50 20000 Assorted Watches, (all kinds,) 10 to 75 Every person obtains a Watch by t his arrange ment costing but. 910 while it may be worth 9750. No partiality shown. Messrs. J. Ilinekling A: Co.’s Great. American Watch Company, New York City, wish to im - mediately dispose of the above magnificent stock. Certificates, naming articles, are placed in sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled to articles named on their certificates upon pay ment of Ten Dollars, whether it he a Watch worth 9750 or one worth less. The return of our certificates entitles you to the articles named thereon, upon payment Irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than #lO is named on any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is no lottery but a straight forward legiti- J mate transaction which may be participated in by even the most fastidious ! A single Certificate will be,sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 25 ecu la; five lor 91 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty-three and au elegant pre mium for 95 ; sixty-six and more valuable pre mium for 910 ; one hundred and a most superb Watch for sls. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly autho rised by the Government, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Try us. Address, el. SI • 4 A Cos., 140 Broadway, near I*. <>., fcl)2-8m City of New York. MARRIAGE GUIDE. I>EING a private instructor for married j>er ) sons, or those about to be married -both male and lcinule—in everything concerning the physiology and relations of our sexual system, and the production and prevention of offspring, including all the. new discoveries never In-fore given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, \l. I). This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that eve ry one should be acquainted with, still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of 50 cents. Address, l)r. WM. YOUNG, Vo. 410 Spruce street, above Fourth, Vluludelphia, Pa. W "AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE —No matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself under tiic care of any ot the notorious Quacks —native or foreign—who ad vertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young’s book and read it carefully. It will he the means of saving you many a dollar, your lieultli, and possibly your life. I)r. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publications, at his office. No. 41() Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. There comcth glad tidings of joy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small; The beauty which once was so precious and rare, Is free for all and all may be fair, BY THE USE OF CHASTELLAR’S x,ra trzp E 5 rsr m: ej x_. / For Improving and Beautifying the Com plexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use for giving the skin * beautiful pcarl-liko tint, that is only found In youth. removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions, and all Impuri ties of the Skin, kindly healing the siuue. leav ing the skin white nud clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation, is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by the Pari sians os indispensable to a perfect toilet. Up wards of iiO,(XX) bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guaranty of its efflney. Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order. BERGER, SHCTTB & CO., Chemists. 255 River Street, Troy, X. Y. ap6 iy Auburn, Golden . Flaxen and Silken Curia, PRODUCES by the use ot Prof. DEBREUX’ FRIBER LE GHEVEUX. One applica tion warranted to curl the meet straight and stubborn hair, of either sex, into wavy ringlet.* or heavy masses of curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Paris and London with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to the hair Price, by mail, scaled and post-paid, sl. De scriptive circulars mailed free. Address, BERGER, SHUTTB iX CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States, j upo ly ■ivx iii.sioi:: b:\< ki.wiok : j CHASTELLARS HAIR EPTbntMIXATOII!! \ For Removing tiupcrjbiou* Hair. 'TK) the ladies especially, this invaluable de 1. pilatory recommends itself as being an al most indispensible article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, total ly und radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, .smooth and natural. This is the only article used by Ute French, and is the only real effectual depilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package, sent postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER BHUTTB iY Cos., Chemists, aptl-ly 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. Xew York and Charleston K(ip Line. SAILING EVERY SATURDAY FROM AUGER’S SOUTH WHARF. T I IIE ch gantSido-Wheel Steamships MANHATTAN, M. 8. Woodhutl, Command er. CIIAMITOX, R. W. Lockwood, Commander, Leave each port on SATURDAY, and for speed and comfort have no superior on the coast. Both Ships have splendid Cabin accommoda tions for I’assengcrs. All outward Freights for this Line should be consigned to COURTENAY X TKENHOLM, who will forward tile same free of commission. Freights received daily at the pier. For passage and business connected with in ward Freights, apply to STREET BROS. X'CO., 74 East Bay. HENRY K. MORGAN X CO., Agents, ;i»i Broadway, New York. STREET BROS. & CtL COURTENAY X TKENHOLM, Joint Agents N. Y. X C. S.S. Cos., jc‘J3 Charleston, S. C. Augusta to Yew York. ! r r 1 HE GREAT ATLANTIC SEABOARD AND GULF MAIL ROUTE is the .piickest, most pleasant, safe, reliable, and comfortable from Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Columbus and Atlanta to the North. This old and favorite ronte from New Orleans, Mobile and Montgomery, v ia Atlanta, Augusta, Wilmington and Weldon, N. C., to Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, in now in excellent order and successful operation, with new Engines, new and elegant Cars, arid Sleeping Cars. From Weldon, three*- routes to New York are now open, viz : Via Richmond and Washington City. Via Portsmouth and Old Bay Line Steamers. Via Portsmouth and the new Annamessic Route. The. last is anew and very pleasant route, by Steamer, from Portsmouth to (Tislield, on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and thence by Rail over the length of the entire State of Delaware, connecting at Wilmington, Delaware, with through trains to Philadelphia and New York, or to Baltimore. Fare from Augusta to New York, by either of the three routes,'s36. Elegant Si.L.nMNG Cars on all Night Trains. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Through 'rickets, good by either route until used, for sale at the South Carolina Railroad Ticket Office p. H. RANGOON, General Southern Agent. For particulars, inquire of ISAAC LEVY. j 025 loG Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Change of Schedule of South Caro lina Railroad Company. Office South Carolina Railroad Cos., i Charleston, July 9, 1867. f On AM) AFTER TUESDAY, JULY »th, IW, tlie Til KOI (ill MAIL TRAIN from Columbia to Augu&ta, will run as follows, viz: Leave Augusta 7 00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston 4 00 P. M. Arrive at Columbia 5 20 P. M. Leave Charleston 8 00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta 500 P. M. Atlantic stud Gulf Stsislsond. DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leaves Savannah at 8 30 P. M. Arrives at Thomasvillc at 7 45 A. M. Arrives at Live Oak at 6 20 A. M. Arrives nt .Jacksonville »t 12 40 P. M. Arrives nt Tallahassee at 2 20 P. M. Leaves Tallahassee at 1015 A. M. Leaves Jacksonville, at 210 P. M. Leaves Live Oak at 8 00 P. M. Leaves Tlimnasviilc at 0 55 P. M. Arriv» s at Savannah at Q 00 A. M. STEF BY STEP; OR, The Child’sTirut Lesson Hook DESIGNED to teach new beginmm to reed on an improved plan. Price, 25 cents. “It. is one of the best first books for young children that wo have yet seen, and will doubt less soon win its way to public favor, and be generally employed in the instruction of chil dren.’’—lManure State Journal. “ by Step is certainly a bijou of a child's school book.”— Phila. Press. The subscribers will send a oircular contain ing specimen pages of the above work, designed to tcaeli the little ones to read on anew plan, to any one desiring it. It will give teachers and others interested in education an idea of the work. Do pies of the work will be sedt to any address, for the pufposc of examination, on re ceipt of 15 cents. DAVIS, PORTER kV COATES 712 Sansoni Street, Philadelpiha. Change of Schedule ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD. ( )n AND AFTER SUNDAY, JULY 7TII 1867, the Passenger Trains on the Georgia Rail road will run as follows. The change is made to close tip the delay at Augusta : day passenger train*. (Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Leave Augusta at 6 80 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 5 15 A. M. Arrivc at August.a at 600 P. M. j Arrive at Atlanta at 0 10 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. | Leave Augusta at S 00 P. M. : Leave Atlanta at 6 20 P. M. ; Arrive at Augusta at 8 15 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 5 00 A. M. Passengers for Mayfield, Washington and Athens, Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery, Mo bile and New Orleans must leave Augusta on Night Passenger Train at 6 00 P. M., to make close connections. Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and 8L Louis, can take either train and make close connce- j tions. *■ THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked j through to the above places. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Niglit Passenger Trains. E. IV. COLE, je£> General Superintended. THE LQYAL GEORGIAN, J 8 CilPvLi v i . . v - , A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED AT AUG L B r l’ A , GK O . T E R M S : Daily, per annum - - - s(> Daily, six months - -3 00 Daily, three months - 1 o.j Weekly, per annum - -3 (Hi Weekly, six months ! 7a Weekly, three months - - - 100 THE LOYAL GEORGIAN TS ONE OF TIIE VERY FEW Outspoken Republican Papers in the South. Il was the first in the State to advocate the broad principle of “ EQUAL RIGHT* 4 ' FOR ALL”—It vindicates the doctrine of the supremacy of the National over Stale Governments —It unqualifiedly denounces Secession as not only unconstitutional, but inherently hostile to, and destructive of, all Democratic Republican Governments—lt maintains for Congress, as the body duly appointed by our form of government for National legislation, the right and duly to, at all times, so legislate as to vindicate the honor and prowess of the Nation—lt will advocate the early reconstruction of the States on the platform laid down by the “ National Union Republican Party.” o THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS MADE ONE OF THE OFFICIAL ORGANS OF THE GOVERNMENT l\ THIS STAR, It will publish the LAWS enacted by Congress and ali GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ALSO DESIGNATED THE Organ of the Educational Association of the State. It. will, therefore, be found to contain the most general and complete i matron respecting these important interests in our midst, and will from time to time be furnished with able and interesting Communications from thu best Educators in the State. o A Family Newspaper . While devoting considerable space to the discussion of the great polin' • questions relating to the times and section, we shall reserve space for sir '• miscellaneous Educational and Religious reading as will make the paper at tractive and profitable to all. We shall scrupulously guard against the inser tion of anything tending to demoralize Home and Society. On the other hand, we shall aim, through every appropriate -means, to stimulate to stud and good morals. Book and Job Printing . We have just been to great expense in furnishing our Office with the re quisites for doing BOOK AND JOB WORK. We are now prepared to fill any and every description of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING. We solicit business of this kind, promising despatch in execution, neat' " in workmanship, :uid at rates the most reasonable. Address : LOYAL GEORGIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION AUGUSTA, GrEO.