The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 28, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 1. The Daily Loya! Georgian. AUGUSTA. GA., JULY 28, 1867. J. E. BRYANT - - - Editor. THUS. V. BEARD - - Agent. Office in 1W of Globe Hotel, cornel-of Jackson ami Ellis Streets, Augusta, Georgia. 'I'IICSIIS : <One Year, - " * - 8<» J>»ix Months, ..... .8 Three Months, - - - - 8 WEEKLY, One Year, ..... si.-! 00 YioiUli*. .... 8 7,' Three YSontlis. ... I 00 8S ITUS OP YDYEKTISIYG: __&w. -i cn" 4*" WK> >-* | and ° Squares. £ i Sij 5S* a- o or. *os w 1 Week. 88 8 gBS.Bg.Bf 8. SI gggSrfSS*?. Weeks. 888 8 8 8 8 8 8.8 8 8.1 S«BSS#BBSS3SP2| 3 Wwkg . BS3 8 8.8 8 8.8 8 S 81 a»ssaißßsaß ; 3s«|j Month. 3888388383881 Sa@BsB6ftSBBBS| 2 Months. 8 8.8.8 8.8 8 8 8 8. 8 8l Months. , gBS.B 88SS8.o38i SESSSSSSSSSfeSgji Months. ggß 88 8 8.8 8 8 8.8 l Months. g 8 3.8 8 8.8 88 .8 8.81 S*S?SBStJsB-iM.i Months. 8 888 8 888.88881 One square, first insertion, 75 cents; eaeli insertion after first, 50 cents. . One Square is measured l»y ten lines of million ! type. . , * Advertisements inserted three trines a week (every other day) for a month or longer period, will l*e charged two thirds of table rub-'. Advertisements twice a week one-half of table rates. , , ■ Advertisements once a week otic-third of tabic , rates. Marriage and Funeral Notices, sl. I (bit nark*, 20 cunts per line. Advertisement' inserted as special notices will lie charged 38 per cent, advance on table rates. * Address, “Loyal Georgian,” Key Box 100, j Augusta, (Li. Items. A (correspondent of the U I .oyiii SmiTiiv<-~ r Me., writing on (he ilh inst., from "Washington, who makes puhlte the following: This afternoon the lion. Mr. Jndd, mcmi>er of Congress from Chicago, to please pome boys, bought a hunch of tiro crackers, set them on fire, and threw them into the street, in front of Willard’s Hotel. A policeman near by immediately arrested him for viola tion of a city ordinance of which lie was ignorant” and took him before a magistrate. Senator Nye of N<a uda Hfipeared for him as counsel, who' at ‘ee telegraphed to New York for A J Greeley to come on immediately ■ i1 , y 3ir. Judd. An answer was ,ul k . trow New York, that Greeley leeenu out the MNsis was.o’' „ -U not attend. Where sippi, an . vemurM that for such , (lsMet , an offence t hey usu • _ a mem. n-e -lolfnrs, b.u as it } j , ; off her of (. ongress he mol , ... with a fine of? 2.50, which »*■’• ’ Tll,ld promptly paid. Jlkalitfui. and True.—ln yi , article in Fraziers" Magazine lids' brief but beautiful extract occurs : “Education does not commence wit h ; the alphabet. It begins with a mother's j look with a fathers’ smile of appro-; hation, or sign of reproof—with a j sister’s gentle pressure of the hand, < or a brother's noble, act of forbearance —with a handful of flowers in green and daisy medows—with birds’ nests admired but not touched—with creep ing ants, ami almost impossible emmets iwith humming bees and glass bee hives with pleasant walks and shady lanes, and with thoughts directed in sweet and kindly tones, and words to mature to acts of benevolence, to deeds of virtue, and to the source of all goods—to God himself. Flour has fallen/Mo dollars a barrel i . n Baltimore and other Northern cities. : h is rumored that the commanders r %c five military districts of t;.e T vn , line, ton to confer with the Presi , ah j n ,"i each other upon uniform rules of acttl'n » nd practice under the , , -tiou A OIB - —State Journal. reconstm. 11011 Keusio N.-FrY'F rk ' k I)0l !f lass ’ “ a letter to the announces tin- arrival at liochestei if his lost brother, Per, 7, and family. The letter concludes as ' • 1 meeting with my brother, T- ttel nearly forty years’ separation, is an event alto gether too affecting for wora- to de scribe. How unuterably accurse.i is slavery, and how unspeakably joO are the results of its overthrow. 1 l-c search now being made and the happy reunions now taking place all over the South, after years of separation and sorrow, furnish a subject of the ‘loop est pathes.” AUGUSTA, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 2,8. 1867. lIEADQrAKTKUS, iill Mll.lT.UtV DISTHICT. Florida and Alabama , Atlanta, Gn.. Shiv 21, 1807. General Orders, No. 20. In accordance with an act of Congress, supplementary to an Act to provide a more efficient Government tor tile rebel States, etc., dated March 2. 1867, the following arrangements are herein made for the re gistration of voters in the States of Geor gia and Alabama. t. The States of Georgia and Alabama, arc divided into Rcgistration Districts, numbered and bounded, as hereinafter described. 11. A Board of Registration is herein appointed for each District, as above men tioned, to consist of two white Registers, ; and ont colored Register. In the State of Georgia, where only the two white He- | gisters are designated in this Order, it is : directed that these white Registers in each ; District immediately select, and cause to be duly qualified, a competent colored man to complete the Board of Uegistialion, and report his name and Post office address, without delay, to Col. U. C. Sibley, com manding District of Georgia, at Macon, Georgia. 111. Each Register will he required to take and subscribe to the oath prescribed j by Congress, by an act dated .7 uly 2. 1862, 1 and an additional oath to discharge faith fully the duty of Register under the late Acts of Congress. It is not believed that any of the appointees, heretofore designs- , ted, will be unable to take the test oath above mentioned. Blank forms ot those oaths will be sent to the appointeess at j once, and on being executed and returned j to the superintendents of State Hegistra tion, their Commissions as Registers will be issued, and forwarded to them imme diately. IV. In order to secure a full registra tion of voters, it is determined to tlx the compensation of Registers according to the general rules adopted in taking the census. In the cities, the compensation is fixed at fifteen cents for each recorded voter; in the most sparsely settled counties and dis tricts, at forty cents per voter. The com pensivtiou will be graduated between these ' limits, according to the density of the pop ulation and the facilities of the communica tion. Ten rents per mile will be allowed for transportation of Registers oft the lines : of railroads or steamboats, and live rents | per mile when travel is done on railroads j and steamboats. V. R i- hereby made the duty of all Register... and they will be expected to I perform it strictly, to explain to all persons, who have not heretofore enjoyed the right of suffrage, what are their political rights and privileges, and the necessity of exer cising them upon all proper occasions. VI. The name of each voter shall appear • in the list of voters for the precinct or ward |in which lie reside is: and in cases where i voters have been unable to register, whilst 1 the Boards of Registration were ill the wards or precincts, where such voters live, I opportunity will lie given to register at the I county seats of their respective comities, i at a specified time, of which due notice will be given; but the names of all voters j thus registered will be placed on the lists of 1 voters of their respective precincts, i VII. Tile Boards of Registration will : give due notice, so that it may reach all | persons entitled to register, of the date ! when they will be in each election precinct; • the time they will spend in it, and the place where, the registration will be made; ! and upon the completion of the registration ! for each county, the Board of Registration will give notice that they will lie prosem, for three successive days, at the county seat : of gueh county, to register such voters as i have failed to’ register, or been prevented from registering ill their respective pre cincts, and to hear evidence ill the case of I voters rejected by the Registers ill the s''V -1 era! precincts, who may desire to present testimony >u their own behalf. VIIf. Unless otherwise instructed here after, Boards of Registration are directed, 1 in determining whether applicants to reg- I bn i- are legally qualified p> hold that the ,pi-ms Executive and Judicial,” in the \,.r: of Congress, <>f March 38, 1807, eon; • prise all persons whomsoever, who have 1 Lift office under the Executive or Judicial Department of the State or National Gov | emment- iu other words, all officers no : Legislative, which last are also excluded I bv the Act, Fentons whoapp.v to reustei. , : but who are considered disqualified ay the | Boards will be permitted to take the reouired oath, which, with the objection, i ofthe Board, wiii be held for adjudication i hereafter. „, 1 IX The list sos registered voters tor each I of the precincts will be exposed in some ! public place in that precinct, for ten coo i iecutivc davs at some time subsequent b) ! the completion of tl.c- registration for each ! county, and before any election u held m j i order that all supposed eases of fraudulent registration may be thoroughly investi gated Due notie-' will be given and pro vision made for the time and place tor ex urination and settlement of such cases. X Blank books of oaths required to he 1 taken bv voters, and blank registration lists, as also full and detailed instructions 1’..,, tlw. oprfomianee of their duties, will be for the performance ot their duties, will he at once forwarded to the Boards of Regis tration appointed in this Order; and it is enjoined upon these Boards that they pro ceed to complete the registration with all ~ **xf" The detailed instructions to Regis, tors will designate the member of each Board who shall he its President. XII. Violence, or threats of violence, or anv other oppressive means to prevent any person from registering his name, or exer cising his political rights, are positively prohibited; and it is distinctly announced that no contract or agreement with labor ers which deprive* them of their wages lor any longer time than that ire pially consumed m'registering or voting, will be penjji ted I lo be enforced against them m rids Du ! trict; and this offense, or any previously mentioned in thk paragraph, will cause ! the immediate arrest of the offender and his trial before a Military Commission. XIII. TUe exercise of the ngbs ot evcij duly authorized voter, under the late Acts ! ■ of (long l to register and vote, is guar anteed by the Military Authorities of this District; and all persons whomsoever arc : warned against any attempt to interfere to prevent :c , man from exercising this right, under any pretext whatsoever, other than objection by the usual legal mode. XIV. It: case of any disturbance or vio lence at tU places of registration, or any molestatie of Registers or of applicants to register, die Hoards of Registration will j call upon th<> local civil authorities for a i police fore, ,n- a posse, l > and the offend er- and preserve quiet, or, if necessary, upon the nearest military authorities, who tire in reby insti ted to furnish the necessary ! aid. Any coil officials who refuse,or who fail to protect Registers, or applicants to register, will he reported to the heailquar- ; tors of the officer Commanding in the] State, who will arrest such delinquents, and send charges against them to these headquarters, that they may be brought j before a Military Commission. By command of Bivvm Maj. Gen. Pope. G. K. Sanderson, | Cnpt. 86,1 Infantry & A. A. A. (!. MILITARY BILL. IID’QTRS Mu MILITARY DIST., Montgomery, Ala., April 8. General Orders No, 5. 1. The following extract from the re- j cent Acts of Congress in relation to Re- j construction in the Southern States, is published for the information of all con- j ! cenied : [Public No. o. ] An Act BOpplimentary to “An act oil j titled mi act to provide for the more ] efficient government of the rebel States,” ] passed March 2, 18(17, and to facilitate i restoration. Be it enacted, etc.. That be r ore the first day of September, 1867, the com ; mantling general in each district (defined by an act entitled ■ An act to provide for ; 1 the more efficient government of the rebel j i States,” passed March 2, 1867,) shall ; cause registration to he math andt 1 male ] citizens id the Unit and State IV one | rears of age, and upward r -i,. u. each county or parish in the State or hates in chilled ill lus district, which r,■ :i.-tration ■ sh.ill include only those persons wlio are ! qualified to vote for delegates by the net i aforesaid, aid who riiull have taken and subscribed the following oath or aflirma i tion . ••I, , do solemnly swear, or affirm, i in the presence of Almighty God, that 1 1 am a citizen of the. State of- ■ ; that I hov. resided in said Htate for mouths text preceeding this, day, and 1 i! ,vv reside in the comity , or parish of - , in stid Slate, as the case may he; that I am 21 years old; that I have not been disfranchised for participation in any ! rebellion or civil war against the United i States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; that I have never taken I an oath as a member of Congress of the United States, or as an officer of the Uni ; ted States, or as a member of any State ; Legislature, or as an executive or judicial ■ officer of auy State, to support the Con stitution of the United States, and after wards engaged in insunu . tion or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or 1 comfort to the enemies then of; that 1 will ’ faithfully support the Constitution and obey the laws of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, encourage ' others so to do. So help an God p which oath or affirmation may ho administered | by any registering officer. Sec, 4. That the commanding general of each district shall appoint as many Boards of Registration as may lie neces sary, consisting of three loyal officers or persons, to uiauo and complete the regis tration, superintend the election, and make return to liiin of the votes, list id vo ters and of tlie persons elected as dole gates by a plurality of votes cast at said election. 11, In order to execute tins provision of the act referred to with as little delay as possible, the commanding officers of the Districts of Alabama, Georgia arid Florida, will proceed immediately to divide those States into convenient Districts to Regis tration, aided by such information on the subject as they ha ve or can obtain. It is suggested that the election districts in each State which in 1860 sent a member to the most numeiOßs branch of the State Legislature, will lie fonud a convenient division lor Registration. It is desirable that in ail cases the registers shall lie : civilians where it is possible to obtain such as come within the provisions of the Act. and are otherwise suitable persons ( and that military officers shall not he used lor t this purpose except in oases of actual ne cessity. The compensation for registers will be fixed hereafter, but the general ; rule will ho observed of graduating the compensation by the number of recorded voters. To each list of voters snail ha appended the oath of tlm register or reg isters that the name have been faithfully recorded, and represent actual legal vo ters, and that tiio saige man does not ap pear under different names. The registers are especially instructed to see ' ‘ y at ; information concerning political rights >< givoff to persons cm . - Ito vote . under the Aetjof Congress i an. they are made responsible that evrj ,oci» I'gal voter ])as the opportunity. HI. As speedily as possibly, the names • of persons chosen for registers shall he, communicated to the Headquarters for the approval of Hie Commanding General. iV. The District Commander in each of the States comprised in tips Military District is authorized to appoint cue (> r more general Supervisors of Registration whose business it shall be to visit the various poi.irs where registration is being carried on; to inspect the operations ot ; the registers ; and to assure themselves ; that every man entitled to vote has the ne- cessary information concerning his politi- 1 ca! rights, and the opportunity to record his name. Y. A General Inspector, either an offi cer of the armv or a civilian, will bo ap- ! 101,1 ted <\t these Headquarters' to see t hat the provisions of; lus order are fully and carefully execute,.. VI. District Commanders may, at their discretion, appoint the civil officers of the United States as Registers, with additional compensation as may seem reasonable and sufficient. VII. The Commanding Officer of each District will give public notice when mid where the Registers will commence the ifpgistration, which notice will bo kept public by the Registers in each District 1 , during the whole time occupied in Regis tration. VIII. Interference by violence, or other oppressive moans, to prevent the Regis tration of any voter, is positively pro- ; , liibited, and any person guilty of such in- j terferenco shall bo arrested and tried by I the military authorities. ! By command of Brevet Major General | Pope. J. F. CONYNOHAM, Ist Lieut, 24th U. S. Infantry, j Act. Asst. Adjt. General. Official: O. C. Knapp, Ist Lieut, 33d Infantry, Brevet Captain U. 8. A , Post Adjutant. The Proposed Constitutional Amendment. At solved hi/ die Senate and Haunt of Representatives of the United States of ! America in Congress assembled (two i thirds of both Houses concurred), That ' the following articles be proposed to the ! Legislatures of the several States as an ; amendment to the Constitution of tlm ] United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall bo valid as a part of the Constitution, namely: Article —Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, und subject to the jnvidictiuii thereof, are citi ; lizeus of the United States, and ol the | Slate wherein they reside. No State slia'l | make or enforce any law which shall I abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of tile United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liber- I ty or property without due process of law, i nor deny to any person within its jnrisdic j tion the equal protection of the laws, i Sec. 2. Representatives shall he appor tioned among the several Stateo according to the respective numbers, counting the ; whole number of persons in each State, | excluding Indians not taxed j but when } ever the right to vote at any election for electors of President and Viec-Pr p‘ or for United States Representatives in Congress, executive and judicial officers of i the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of i the male inhabitants of snob State, being j twenty-one years of ago, and citizens of ! the United States, or in any way abridged, | except for participation in rebellion or | other crime, the basis of representation 1 therein shall be reduced in the proportion ! which the number of such male citizens i shall hear to the whole number of male i | citizens twenty-one years of age in the | I State. ] Sec 3. No pi rson shall he ft Senator or i Representative in Congress, elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United Slates, or under any State, who having : previously taken an oath as a member of ] Congress, or an officer of the I Ailed States j or its an executive or judical officer of any j j State, to support the Constitiition of the j j United States, shall have engaged in in- j j gtirrection or rebellion against the same, or i ] given aid or comfort'to the enemies there of; but Congress may, by a two thirds of Wl , *.i*u .. "-"V * J . ' each House, remove* such disability. Sec. 1. The valdity of the public debt of the United States; authorized by law, j including debts incurred for the payment j of pensions and bounties forservee m sup- | pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall ] not be questioned, but neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of ] insurrection or rebellion against the Uni ted States, or claim for the' loss or cmanci- ] pation of any slave; but all such debts, ; obligations and claims shall he held illegal j and void. Sec, 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the ; provisions of this article. Congressional Districts of Georgia. Ist. Counties- -Chatham, Bryan, Liberty Mclntosh, Wayne, Glynn, Camden, Char! , ton. Ware, Pierce, Applimr, Tat mil. Biff look, Effingham, Seriven, Emanuel, Mraft : )’'outcry, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch, Echols, Ijowndes, Berrien, Irvin, Laurens, Johnson, Brooks, Cotqnit, and Thomas. Tvvcnty- I nine counties. 3d. Counties - Decatur, Earley, Miller, Baker, Mitchell, Worth, Dooly, Wilcox, Piffaski, Houston. Macon, Marion, Chatta hoochee, Sumter, Webster, Stewart, Quit man, Clay, Calhoun, Randolph, Terrell, Lee, and bongUcrtv. Twenty-three coun -1 tl0 "' 3d. Counties—Muscogee, Schley, Tay lor. Talbot, Harris, Troup, Merriweather, Heard, Coweta. Favotte, Clayton, Carroll. Campbell, Haralson, and Paulding. Fif teen counties, _ ~, 4th. Counties■ Up on, Pike, Spalding, ! Henry, Newton, Butts, Monroe, Crawford, Bibb) Twiggs, Wilkins Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, and Putnam. Fifteen counties. ,jll) Counties —Washington, Jefferson, Burke Richmond, Glascock, Hancock, War, ! rim, Columbia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Tab erro, Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elbert. Fourteen counties. . oth Counties- Milton. Gwinnett, Wal ton Clark. Jacks-m. Madison, Hart, Frank tin Banks) Hall, For th. Pickens, Daw ,si, Lumpkin. White, tlaberdmm, IW>an, Towns, Union, Fannin, and Gilmer. 1 tV-eight counties. ~ ■ 7th. Counti"' DeKiiib, Fulton, Cobb, p„lk Floyd, Bartow, Cherokee, Gordon, ' Chattooga, Walker. Whitfield, Murry, Catoosa, an t Dade. Fourteen counties. ] T 11 E National Standard i A SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS which i : V\ extensively used in every Slate of the Union, >n many instam e.-» more largely tlia.ii any j or all others, may justly bear the above title, j Nothing lmt. the most unqualified merit could : i;ive any Books this proud position. Teachers, i and friends of edm ation generally, are a ware | that it is ereditubly maintained by the NATIONAL SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS. ruIILISIir.D BV A. S. BAH XEX rl- VO., I'OKK. . These, la mo us Books are evcrywjicre used and i everywhere popular. Tin; catalogue *'ov«'rs ! every department of School, Aeademicand < ’ol j leciate Instruction. The lollowinu' an* the vol- I nines representing) the common branches: i Barker Watson’s Spelh rs and Bea-lcrs ; Montcith and McNally’s (ieoeraphie; ; (’lark’s English (irninmurs ; Beers’ System of Benimmship ; | Davies’ (Joinpleto Course of Matin math s ; Monleith and Willard's History; The Silver Lute and Forest Choir- Mu.d*-: 1 Jarvis’ l’hvsidiocy and Health : ; Peek's ami Ganot’s Nat ural Philo ophy ; Porter’s Principles of Chemistry ; Darby’s Southern Botany ; Nort herd’s School Speakers ; Pujol’s French Class Book ; Andrews A: Stoddard’.s Latin Grammar. TIIE ILLUSTRATED JH> Uit no XA L BUL L ET.l\ - THE rUUUSHKIPs OFFICIAL 2W! IUI.M, Will he sent to Teacher’s regularly, for one, j year, on receipt of ten cents. Address A, S. BASHES & CO,, F.DI’CATIONAL PUBI.iSHKUS, New York. myltUOia 4|i AFRimiOS' A r i ( h m et ics. j THE LA T.EFT ANJ> HEFT. O —— A lArlmari) Arlthmcile. Ib-au i lifully illusirated ; c arries the l-epum j thnuiuh the, liu-i four Rules and the simple. Tables, uicntal c -.ereises with ! examples for the slate. Khno. 10S paipis, j 40 cents. An Elementary Arithmetic. Reviews the subjects ol the ITiinary in a j st yle adapted to sonuuv lmt, matun r minds, j Aho embrac.w Fractions, Federal Money, j Reduction, and the Compound Rules, kbno, j M l pages. 00 cents. A Ernetieai Arithmetic. I’rc- ] jiaretl expressly for ( 'ommori S* bools, gi\ ing special prominence to the brunches of . Mercantile Arithmetic, out inin. ceiiig the \ new “Metric System,” witl» • xphinatiom i and examples. l2mo. :i;UJ page . #l. A lilt flier Arithmetic. Inpre-j paraturn. A Mental Arithmetic. Ni-arly j Tliis scries is inci ting with a mo-- ratifying | reception from teachers every where, is ex- \ actly wliat is needed for mental discipline, as j well as for a practical preparation for the ness of life. It is dear, thorough, comprehen I hive, logically arranged, well gradml i- -'ipplied j with a great variety of examples, on I leaches | the methods actually used by Inisim - men. Bp>e,eimun copies of any of the above works moiled, postpaid, to teachers, and school olliecrs, i on receipt of one-half the retai l price. Favora-j hie terms made for introduction. It. AFIGLTOY V, <'o„ I’UIiI.ISHEHS. 1 tit Jfell.Y StBO.UHYYY, Y. Y. rnyfftf Rcpandor f'apslil Throw away your false frizzes, your sv.itclicf, your wig-- Destructive oteomtort, amt not worth a lig; Come aged, come, youthful, come u ly mu’, i >ii Amt rejoice in your luxuriant hair. ICllinitA I OR < APH.M, For restoring hair upon hiilil UeaiL. from whatever eause it may have fallen mu, mil forcing a growth or hair upon the face it has no , cxual. It will force the heard to grow upon the smoothest face In from five to eight tv< ct.s, or hair upon huld heads In from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners ha , a, aerted that there is notliing that will force, of; lee ten the growth of the hair or beard. Tlutlr assertions are false, as thousatids of living tvit-j nesses, from their own experience, can hear wit- . I ne-s But, many will say, iiow are we to dis tinguish the genuine from the spurious? It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of tin prepa! rations advertised for the hair and heard are en tirely Worthless, and you may have already thrown sway largo amounts in their purchase. To such we would say try the RKPAUATUK ( At'iUl.A ; it will cost you nothing unless it tufty comes up to our representations, it your - druggist docs not keep h, -end m> om- dollars and' wc wili-forward tt, imf-iistUl, log.'tlicr with receipt for the money, winch will he returned you on appl'natton, providing oidirc sati-hic lion is not given. \ddress, VV. b. CL A RK F. & GO., CiieiuisU, No, 3 West Fayette st., apte-ly Syracuse, N. Y. TIIE ROAD TO FORTUNE, TK cun put any male or female in the way \V M .■ ; ' i’.!tY_ DAY year liy the omploynmnt of tin; time ord- ; lv ,j«>nt in reading and rocreatiou. A FD-h '* OK NT SA.Vli’i.E sent trc<- upon applican Address, PAUI.DXNIi, BANKS * CO., 500 llroadway, New York. ISO. 8(>. AMERICAN EDOCM9U! SF.BHS. PUlif.fSilEn BY !IvisoiKl’liiimcy iU;ik : *7 and ts> NEW YOU Iv. !No SERIES OF sc:to- !. lit >. ev. r. r i sered to the pift'lic !i;;\e i;, -i <o wide a e.r --\ culation, or received tic app- and e and e incnt of many eoinpotenl and relic!.!,' til tv liars - in all parts of the Uuili-1 . .u tote. Among lh - mod pi"., .1 ir ;■ e-w | lions ale t lie followin',;, . TliK i \i(.\ SEIMF.S l>r i ' \ND Sl’EI J.EKS— cm and 1.-. ft, ; - c -ml il!us!rations, and reecivc,l with gre." ’. favor liy the hesl teaclna- in IP.. • oimtry. ROBINSON'S SEi.'IFP DX ' i.r; 11VI* Til -- - very I'opalar iviilt .dl !-.- ;ciiers who have tested them in 'lass room. ROBINSON’S AI.C a”:!: \ND tUCfIEU Yl A THEMATIC: ■;-lh !■,rc v, riften ; full, complete, scientific and pro tiettL KEIiL’S NF.W SKIiIKS <>F (i KA MWAUS-* unaiu'i 'a -i ii in .inipheiiy, cie-arne.ri>. senrcli, andpraeticai iitiiily. SI’JONI. KKi A N COI’Y terite- iu.|d>;, piaetl cal and Is autifnl. Newiy ogrtved and im proved. SfF.NGICUIAN CIIART'OIF VVKI'ONC \ Nl) lift AVV i Nl, ill 100 I. le dI y SO Inches. SANDERS’ rtiI.VIAI.Y HA.M.' GAUD, -hi in set. . VNI )K;. FRIiMAKY M i HP- tILAIvTS large, I,>r the seiiool- i0..;0, eight rr.ieii., is on four cards A BC GAUDS \M) VUi ! DM I. if*' ■ LTAiiLiS CAItDL. WILSON’S llisTDiBK: . PASfiB RULE'S FKKM 'll y-KVAii BRYANT A ST I! ATT' .-NT p.i «>:. WOOD HU I, Y’S’G i'J;M A N -Lit: - MA NTH.LA’S SPA XISII RE.\: ■’.«•.: 1- J . COLTON’S CLOLI; ' I’iil WEBSTI: It’S SGI i (l( >!, 1U( T ION A ft! L.- BKADUIIY’S SCIIOOI. Mi : . They also mamil lei ere ft; - IT ... .. Lid STEEL PENS, which rrgarmd by ! ‘ ""t Pen- men of the eoumry r- iq re - -A ■Li • . 2 qViiclieis and, in: .. . . cited to m-ml stir our De ieri;,!! - > 1 Circular.-*, and to roris-sp-jnd - Address the Fuldislici's- so^rssm L )SK li. r. BABBIT’ N :T ( ; 'I BATED POTABII <•!; v MAKEIi. \V:>:i-GJ.tul (louhl.- U.u .■ vx -.. Ai I I'biniiKiii I'ola.-h, :tml .snjiunor t • a»iy ■>' j/imiiicr or ley in thu markut. Tut in •g * • one. pound, two p-.n ih, 1 !*r •• mm.ud poumle and twclvu pound-, u .i» fuildin'i ih , in English and j man, {.o- making Hard ana Hos! Soup. Oik pmmd 1 dioju. ol Soil N" !;mu i- v jo ■d. Con i.inui - will find this the clu i*. 1 h tho mft.'kut, j C r L ‘a. fit, <js, (H‘», ()7, »;s, (*/.», 70-. is .uni • W . hlag ton street, New y«n‘k. !~t \ TLi: . >T l u • - ♦>l f UK I, C(iiS3') ;-i 1 Vi* DKK. Light Bi-uuii, u . kind oi ( . :.,.u, he. m:uit* vvi t this • V--• »■! ! n : . minutcri. No >lior!t uing in jmrutJ win n w« <r, milk is usud. Nos. TJ.tnd 'll A •Uh a., New York. NATION AI FREEDMAN’S SAV TRUST COM PANL Ylnirtcred S*A- A«-4 of 4',--:;-;--css. OF i’K’Kli.S : M. T. 11. LI, I'' aienf. L, ,1. w. M'.onl, Nl Vic Pi. - i la-w= i h~l Vic l’r. id, m. D. i.. Kalon. Aen try. Rcy. S. I. lla. ri j , Fhiaiu i:d tn.-j~ cl. Prim i|r,I I 111*0 " . Ilhll >-|r , I- • p syhunia Avcnii' , Wu.-hi; a, I). C liltANuil AT A!Air, AA, Mi, M, Kl.ii. -i'ihUT, "Yl" hr Ul Oi-'l-i; Dor:.- F... a ]•>!.; ci. ;an 1 on Saturdays, GL' to i‘ m Dop.- ii oDii,. i) ■ ftsa ! - ■ InturusL allowed in •• ''•'•in ucd Jufj;, Thu monuv dupodlud will D ! h:--k !o Df dupo i!or, p-'l ■ . • -ml iis v/A-.. th-t for. All the* profits Ik bn. • to tuu . —v..o | othvrs ina ru and. BrtMM’h'> huve h ■li io' ' :o ; every ( ity Irt-i , Nu.v u> i b )u;,: NOTICE. As lam Mia ' '- ' F * "l>on to mail, ■"• Hi ' '•••• of J. Rosa, dccc '-cd. all p: r-oua ii.dcUvd i.o tftb estate will }•!••-• 'll so-' in , »•' ! • o>rt settle chains v ithout ncy- VV. ii. MATHEWS, A. lju