Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 01, 1847, Image 3

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the new year, thus opening in beauty. May its genial light cheer ilieir onward path, and may its parting rays tiud them ei.jming every happiness. OCT Lieutenant I*. C’llhoun, Aid de ( ami) of General Gaines, and a son of the Senator, has been elected Co'o ad of the second Regiment of New York Vol unteers, ca!led for by the last requisition. Maryland Legislature. —The regular annual session was opened at Annapolis on the 23th, M ianchuly Casualty — vVe are extreme ly sorry to .-ay that a fatal accident m ourn d yesterday in connection with one <>f the freight trains on the Central Ra 1-Road.— W wen the tram had proceeded auuut tlnrly four miles from tlie cilv on its wav io Macon, one of the hands, bvtue name of John Sing stock, it is supposed while adjusting the hell rope, Uf>l between tlie cars, and the whole tram passed over him, severing Rah ins arms and legs Irom h body, and causing almost immediate death, lie was a German. had been for about two years m the employment of the Company, and was an imJii-trioos and honest man.— Sue. Itapuhlican , Dec. 30. ["Correspondence of the Jialliiuore American.] U ashing'jo , idee. 2b, iß4(i. There was a me a ichoiy suicide commit ted at tlie upper « nd of the city yesterday by a clerk in the Navy Department named Mati n’. lie was a friend of the Secretary oi l e Navv, and veiy respectably connected. No cause is public!v assigned lor the deed. The sad intelligence lets been received several times to-day from your eitv of the dangerous illness ot Senator Harrow. No man m Congress is more esteemed than he is, and the loss ol none would be more keen ly telt. “None know him hut to love him— \oiie name him hut to praise.” A 'aval. —The U. IS. sloop of war German town. Lieut. Com’g. Blake, /rom Philadel phia, arrived in Hampton Roads glib nit. Senator Harrow. —Mr. Barrow, Senator from Louisiana, is now at Barnnm's City Hotel, l\ing dangerous v ill, with inflamma tion of the bowels. —Baltimore American. 2L Uh till. Vail'd Stales District Court. —This Court has adjourned until Monday the lltii ot J anuary. HanaHaHBBOBnBBOBnaiEEBaaBBfIK; ~s cs 3» jfwi ij if v u 111 V' iTJL -'i tC4 aV I .* 1 I • latest OatKs KIIOM LIVKKCOoL::::;:::::::DEC. 4 latest dates FitoM iia vHE::::::i)EC. 1 AUGUSTA MARKET. Thursday mght. Dec. 31,1810. COTTON.—There lias been a moderate demand to-day, ai ye-terday's prices. MO BILL, Dec. 28. —Colton —The receipts this week are 1i,17i the exports, 3.3(54 t)ales, leaving the slock on hand and on shipboard 62,- 1)64 bale-, against 71,01)0 hales same I,me last sea>on. I In* trail actions for the past week, both in the receipts an i sales of cotton, have been tlie largest of the season. Our last review closed on a very firm market with »,n upward tendency in prices. 'The next morning (Saturday) hovers came lively forward, and during the flay some 4000 bales changed hands, at very full prices, improving somewhat on our outside figures of last week.— Advancing freights and a slight decline in ex change, however, brought buyers to a pause on Monday, and only SJO hales were disposed of. holders in iniainitig their positions vviih much firmness On Tuesday the market was remarka bly (piiei, and some symptoms of a dispushioii on the part of factors to relax a little was exhibited, hi.l >nly 700 bales were disposed of. The same, h alures < h iracterizeil the market of Wednesday ; tlie views of faciors still ranging above those ol the. opposite p irty. and the sales of the day summ ed up ouiv r 1.1) 10 hales. 'The siMu of "the man with the carpet hag,” on the Eastern mail boat on Thursday morning, indicated tlie arrival ot the ( ambria’s accounts by private express, and the movements of brokers in the course of tb£day continued tlie impression. The demand became general and although prices advanced during the ■day fully «c. the transaciioiis amounted to 6,Out) ■bales, middling cottons bringing 94c. and middling l iar fully 10c.—while in some instances even high er rates than these were paid, an i the day closed on unite an excited market. Friday’s mail brought a slip from the office of the Baltimore Sun, con taining an outline of the Cambria’s advices upon which th>'operations of Thursday* were based, but it being Christmas day only some 1.0)0 hales were sold at st;II improving rates. The sales of the week exceed 13.000 bales. On Saturday the full accou its by tlie Cambria came to hand. The business of -Saturday amounted to 1.000 hales. In reference to quotations*, and vviih the explanations above given, vve confine ourselves to the rales ac tually paid on Saturday, remarking that prices are unsettled and irregular and llic market a good deal excited. Although we give an advance since our last report of fully 4e on all the descr ptions of cotton, the demand has been principally confin ed to middling fair and the qualities below that grade. LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Dec. 2(3. 1846. Dec. 26, 18 45. Good and fine —a —nom'l none. Good Fair II a —nom’l 8i a 9 ets. Fair 104 a— 81 a 84 *• Mid. Fair ltd a— 7#a'i Middling 94 a It) —a 74 Ordinary.. 94 a 94 6i a fi “ Inferior nom’l none. Freights. —ln foreign, vve have only to report one engagement since our last—a ship for Havre at !|c. British vessels on the berth arc filling up hi li-IG !. a rate that American mast is refuse.— C >astvvise, the transactions have been confined to a bark and a brig for Boston at i*c, at which rale masters are firm to all coastwise ports. M’W YORK, De<-. 28— Colton. —The advance obtained last week was maintained through the days of this, though w ith less business. But to wards ibe close llie market became dull, ami on Saturday some of the few sales which occurred were at jc. decline. Receipts of the w**ek 4,18: hales. Exp ms from tlie I Suites this season 182, DOS hales; last year, 328.698 hales; year before 377,768. Sales for the week. 5,050 bales. Lj> and A f la. Mobile <fc \. <) 35150 hales. 1900 hales. Inferior none. none. <)rd. to good ord .. 94(a) 9fc. none. Mid. to good Mid.. 10 (Vi) lOf c. Iff 5) 1 1) Jc. Mid. fair to fair... 10*f«)ll c. 11 {2)114c. Fully fr. to gd. fair 11 4(<z>l I *<*• 12 (g)l2*c. Fine nominal. nominal. [Journal of Commerce. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. SAVANNAH. Dec. 30. Went to sea, harqu Marcella. Trieste; brig Augusta. New York. Cl I A RLESTON, Dec. 31. Arr. brigs Industn ons, (Br.) London via Plymouth; Juno, (Swcdist Barcelona; Arabian, Baltinmre Went to sea, sciir. Adelaide. Demirara. DECIDEDLY NEW. f ■>HK stock of CLOTHS. Cassimeres, 5 estiug h Fancy Articles, and Trimmings. just opei cd by John Briuues, Merchant Tailor, next dm below tlie I niled Suites II del. Broad-street, Ai gitsia. 'I he public are respectfully invited hefoi ordering their garments eise.where, to examine tl above stock, who h they will find to < oiaprise ti best selections that can be made in the New 5 oi market JOHN BRIDGES. N. B —Making and Trimming as usual in it *‘**duunablti manner. sept "25 [ dr 3 A report being in circulation that WILLIAM JOHNSON has declined being a candidate for Tax Receiver, we are authorised to state that he will not withdraw Ids name until the election is over and the voles counted out—;.i w hich time he confidently trusts that tlie suffrages of his friends will have elected him Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county. Jan I 76 j. o. o. r. AUGUSTA ENCAMPMENT NO. 5. DCP A regular meeting of the En campment will be field This Evening, at 7 o’clock- Members are requested to be punctual m atteu’ dance. By order of ihe 1". P. J in I L. DEWELLE, Scribe. French and Spanish Languages. F. Le BARRIER, tvlm lias been engaged f>r many years as a Teacher in several schools of tlie t idied Slates, and of the Island of ( nhi, gives lessons of French Ids native language) and Span ish, cither at Ids residence or in private families. His mode of teaching is simple, and w ill enable a | scholar to acquire edher language in a short time. His prices are moderate. Apply* to him, at the Frilled Stales Hotel, every morning before ten o’clock, and in tlie afternoon between two an.l ! four. References —Messrs. IT. 11. Gumming, J Adams, J. Gardner, J. W , Jones. G. T. Dome, Dr. Du gas. N. Delaigle, —G ardelle & Uliind. dec 31 75 6t CITY EJECTIONS. On the second Saturday in January. 1817. tlie i 1 f’iiy Council of Augusta will elect the following Officers for the ensuing year, with the salaries, Am-, annexed to said offices. Candidates w ill deliver to the Clerk of Council ! their written applications, (naming secnriiies when required by ordinance, &c.) on or before the day, marking on the envelope the office for winch they offer,except Candidates for < ity Watch, who will I report their names to the Clerk. SALARIES. | Collector and Treasnreiv §I.OOO I Clerk of Council, 750 | City Marshal, 1, (, 00 ! Two Cjty Constables, 600 each, i Eight Watchmen, (pernighl) 81 each. Bridge Keeper, 1,600 Super. Streets, Pumps and Water Works, 800 Keeper of the City* and County Jail, 500 and [board. Clerk Lower Market, 500 Clerk Upper Market, 40 Keeper of the Magazine, 200 Keeperof the City Hall. 75 Keeper of ihe (..'ity Clock, proposals Jo accompany application. Keeperof the Hospital, proposals to accompany application. City Surveyor, Fees. City Sexton, Fees. Vendue Masters, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, (elected for two lerms,) Pees. i City Sheriff, (elected for two terms.) Fees, i W. .MILO OLIN. Dec. 30 Clerk of Council. ELECTION NOTICE. On Saturday, the 9th Janua ry, 1847, ati Election will be held for a Member of the City Council of Augusta, for Ward No. 1, to fill the vacancy* occasioned by tlie resignation of Foster Blodgel. Esq. Baid election will be held at the Fodderand Hay Scale House, under the superintendence of G. F. Parish, Jesse Kent ami H. B. Frazer, E.-qrs., or a majority rs them. Dec. 30 L. D. FORD, Mayor. | DU. WIST.VR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHEKRV. The extraordinary success attending tlie use of this medicine in diseases of the lungs, and the many singular cures it has ef | fected, having naturally attracted tlie attention of many physicians, as well as the whole fraternity ! of quacks, various conjectures and surmises have arisen respecting its composition; sum * physicians have supposed it to contain iodine, other ignorant pretenders say it must contain mercury, an I to i some such substance they each attrilmt* its singu lar efficacy. As such opinions are altogether er roneous, and calculated to prejudice many person* against it, we PLEDGE Ol R HONOR that il contains nothing of this kind, or anything flu* least injurious; uu the contrary, it is composed of lHe I most simple substances, the principal ofwaich are the extracts of tar and wild cherry hark, and the whole secret of its efficacy consists in the mode in which they are prepared. None genuine without the written signiture I. Burrs. ; For sale by II AVILA ND, RIBLEV &CO.,and | THOMAS' BARRETT & CO., Augusta, j Dec 3 ) 3 71 MEI H\N ICS’ li AMvJ Almiusi’a, Dec. 2-i, J 846. $ IO" NorK'F. —An Election will be held at the Banking Home, on Monday, the 4 It January, 1847, within the hours o; ft) o'clock, A. M. and 2 P. 51., f<*r N ine Directors, to manage the affairs of this institution during tlie ensuing , year. 31. HATCH, Cashier. Dee. 29 id 73 to a resolution pass i ed at tlie last meeting of the Rail Road Conven , lion, an adjourned meeting of tlie same will be held iii this place on the first Tuesday in January * next. JOS. B. JONES, Secretary. - Waynesboro, Dec. 12 th. 4816. Dec. 16 3 65 e Office of Jackson-st. ice Co. e AMeeting of the Stockholders will he held on n Wednesday, 3 )tli inst.. at 7 o'clock I*. 31. 1 all By order of the Board, f dec 17 66 G. W. WINTER, Sec y. . CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND NEW YE All’S PRESENTS. One of Johnson’s Daguerreotype MINIATURES, a perfect likeness, pul up in a fine mororeo Case, may be had lor three dollars. His rooms arc over Messrs. Clark it Racket's Jewelry Store. Entrance one door from the Post « | Office. I W hat present during eitk *r of these holidays could be more appropriate than a .Miniature of a dear friend or relative, true U* life and stamped ie upon metal by the great luminary of our system, i- dec 18 ll 67 H CJ => *V. J (teuton. Teacher on the Piano Forte, Mute and Violin, respectfully tenders his services to the cilizens of Augusta. References—Henry Parsons, Thos. Richards and 1’- S. Metcalf, Esq Vs. N. B.— Fur terms, Ac., inquire at 11. Parson’i Music store. 6m Dec. 1 \\ IST IK’S BUMM ID W ILD niUiRV. h*' Tlie genuine article is constantly kept on ham by ibe subscriber, who i.- also the agent tor lie ! Stray ne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.'* 1 leb 20 ' J. E. .MARSHALL, i C-WDIDATES FOR OFFICD. XT A e are authorized to announce WILLIAM SKINNER as a Candidate for re election to the office of Rece'ver of Tax Returns for Richmond County, at iht .m.-miug Election m January next. net 1! 10 \\M~ VV e are autiiorized to announce 55 31. JOHNSTON asa candidate for Receiver of l ax Returns, at the next election in Richmond | county. 22 td august 12 KJ*\\ e are autiiorized to announce ROBERT A. 55 ATKINS, as a candidate for re election to the office of Tax Collector for Richmond 1 County, at ibe ensuing election, to take place on i tin* first holiday in January next. If elected, toe pledges himself to serve (igaiii should a continuance of his services t>e called for, at a future election, by the good w ill and confidence j of liis fellow-citizens Nov. 14 37 eare authorized to announce Alajor IS HA 51 THOMPSON us a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns fur Rich mond county, at the election on the fir>i Jlonday in January next. rd nci 21 BUSINESS cards. B. R. DA N [ELL. VA AVAR, .1) VC<)\, <;i*oiigia. Practices in the following comities; —Rike.Cp- | son, .Monroe, Twiggs. Pulaski, Sumter, Crawford, | 1 louslon, Dooly and Jones. [dec 20 ly J). G. WILDS, A N *’« m n a mk! m ui »at suad mm ms «u u kuah <.« % V SPAHTA, GEORGIA. Will practice in Hancock, Warren, Vs'aslnngton and Taliaferro Counties. Dec. 8 ly 58 geo. g. McWhorter , A r T O R N E V A T L V W . OFFICE L.lir JiAAGE, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA oct 23 Gin 23 DAVID ADAMS, Attorney at Law. Hamburg, So. Ci Office over ibe store of Sibley cV Crapon—will practice in tiie Law Courts of Edgefield and Bain well. 3J 1 y sept 21 W. WILSON, PORTRAIT PAINTER. A few PORTRAITS will be undertaken if early application is made at ids Studio, Unitarian j Church, corner of Greene and Jackson-streets. nov 25 if 47 CLEVELAND & SPEAfi, sff 2 15 * (Over Aldrii h Clreen's Shoe Store.) j nov 11 1y 35 c r (> (’XTIITTTsT 5 f(33HI, (.OODS, remaining on liand of the "■ Stock of tiie late Thomas J Pakmai.kk. are off red lor sale, ai the old stand, on favorable terms, 'idle stock consists of ag neral assortment ol GROCERIES. IRON and B \GGING, with some very superior W INES and LIQUORS. Dec. 39 if 7 4 <-»* i EN E A 51) I'LL \SK I MON LJI ENT JjO T T E R I S S ! J. W. MAl’in A CO., SUCCESSORS TO J . . taiMaui v a < .u % \ tc lkm. IvVITvA CLASS No. 1. d o be determined by tlie Alexandria Class A., Saturday, January 2, 1846. RItA NO SC HEM E. 30,000 OOLIAIiS. 812,000! 87.000! §3.270! 50 of §1,500 ! 50 of §SOO ! 182 of §300! Besides numerous others Tickets only §10 —shares in proportion. JOHN A. 3111. LEN, Agent, two doors above the State Bar.K. JKrOrdeis from the country promptU attended to. Dec. 25 TO TEACHERS. fjBUIE Trustees of the Lavvrenceville Female _bl Seminary w ish to engage a cnmeeient Teacli j er or 'Peachers, to take charge of said institution S alter ihe expiration of ihe present year. A gentle ! man as principal, assisted fry his lady, would be preferred. By order of the Board of Trustees. JA3IES P. SI3I3IONS, Secy. Lawrenceville, Ga., Nov. 4, 1846. nov 8 stf 33 H'i W. E..? \< GSO.N & CO. On tin- fir.-l d'uesday in January next, at the lower iMarket House, ai 11 o’clock, will he sold, 25 valuable NE(»JtOES. field hands. Among (lie number is a good Cook, VN aslier and ■ Imner. ddie intention of tlie owner being to i change, tlie investment, d’he Negroes can be treated fur at private, sale, until sale day. 'Perms at sale. tlec 11 w 61 FOR SALE* J*, ; ,1 dhe subscriber intending to leave Au j. H gnsta, offers for sale two improved lots, .between 55’alker and Fenwick streets, near the Jail, containing very near an acre each. On one of them there is a variety of first-rate fruit trees and grape, vines, and in the yard of ibis lot there is a well affording most excellent water. Persons disposed to make a profitable investment of t!iis kind, can have an opportunity of doing sc by applying to C. A. BEARD. Nov 21 s7 44 OFFICE STEAMBOAT CO. OF (U.| Savannh. December 22, 1846. ) 4 'P a meeting of Ihe Board of Directors of i hi? Corporation, held at this office on the 21si i inst., it was R-solved, That a *g-*neml meeting of the Stock holders be held at this office onthe2sth of Janua I ry next. A meeting of tlie s tockholders is llierefore re I quested on tlie day above mentioned at 12 o’clock »«., when fmsinesswill be laid before them ofim i parlance to the Company * Extract from the Constitution of the Steamboat Co t j "Art. 5. When four stockholders, holding to 1 get he r fifty shares, concur in desiring a genera meeting ot tlie stockholders, they shall have powe s | to call one by giving at least thirty days notice n t | a tsavannaii and Augusta newspaper, of ihe line j and place of such meeting to he held. “The quorum of a meeting of stockholders shal : be a majority of the stockholders, either preset) 1 or represented, who shall Ik* holders of two-third 1 ; ofthe capita! stock. The Presidentand ikecretar ol the General B »ar>J of Directors, shall official I in tlie same capacities for the meeting of stock holders.” Tlie terms and conditions of the above arttcl 1 hav mg been complied with, the meeting of sloe! i- holders will take place as above mentioned. R. M. GOODWIN, Pres dt. 8. B. C. of Georgia. 8 I dec 21 td 72 ’s ’VOTK K.— 511 persons are hereby forewarne iM form trading for aNO PE made hv me in fi vor of Benj’n. L. Kir I 'ami, for three hundred an " I eighty dollars, dated on or about the twenty-fir day of April, 1845. and p lyable one day after dab id The consideration of said Note having failed will not pay it unless compelled by law. Sai Note tested by L. J. Kilpatrick. J'*HN D. KILPATRICK. 1 Burke county, 3 Ah Nov. 1810. 6, 53 MISCELLANEOUS. I Alt. I'STA AR T If. 1 ER V G I AK [>:> A ( Ijr f S TA. 3lSt ] hr., 18-16. 9 Appear on your Parade Gronm!, in front of ‘ A the Methodist Church. This Da if . the Ist hist. nf 1 at 4 past 2 o dock. P. Marmed and equipped ul| as yonr by-laws direct, with 6 rounds blank 7jf\ cartridges, to escort the South Carolina Vol \ (|1 utiteersto the Georgia Rail Road Depot. By order of Capr. J.\s. Adam, Jan 1 ' 1 LEH l> LEW, A. O s. FOR SALE. & PLANTATION, in Burke county, Ga., of e.'»- about 1500 acres, mostly oak and hickory | land, lying on Mclntosh Creek, 22 miles from Waynesboro. Eight or nine hundred acres (one fourth very recently) cleared,and under newly re paired fences. On and attached to the place, are ; a large two story dwelling, new overseer and ne gro houses, and all requisite outbuildings, includ ing blacksmith and carpenter’s shop, and a mill I j seat which can be easily improved. Hogs, cattle, mules, wagons, implements and mechanic's tools, f | in proportion to the. force, and if desired, the crops of corn, and fodder, and p^as,potatoes and w heat, will be included in the sale. About 50 Negroes, I nearly three-fourths workers, will be sold with the plantation, or separately'. I All will he sold under the market price; and on * the most liberal terms. Possession given immedi ately, Apply to M. C. M. 11A d VION D. Hamburg, So. Ca. Jan 1 15 70 {Kr The Chronicle & Sentinel will copy 3 times. MASTODON COTTON SBIll), B.N store, and for sale by * ADAMS, HOPKINS & CO. Jan. 1 w2rn 70 POTATOES. Just received from the Xorth , yellow PO I’AToHS. for planting « 50 do. a choice article fur eating, AI.SO, SEED R7 E, Seed Oats, Corn and Cow Peas. Eor sale by SCRAN TON & STARK, Jan 1 3m 71! AUGUSTA LITERARY DEPOT, JANUARY I, 1847. BN presenting the friends of this establishment 1 | JL with the compliments of the season, the. sub- j j scriber returns his thanks for the patronage they • have afforded during the brief period it has been his pleasure to eater for their amusement, as the ! best returns lor which, no efforts shall he spared in | the coming year to add to the inducements hereto- I fore offered by this now popular resort. In short | although it may not "he in mortals to command | success lie intends to exert his best endeavors *‘tu j deserve it.” The assortment, of BOOKS, PERIODICALS I Eld STRATED PAPERS, STATION ARY,’ i ; and every other article in the business, ts now j very complete, and constant additions are making | i toil. Tim periodicals for January are rich in em- ; j belishments, and will no doubt arrive in a few 21st ultimo. JOHN A. 311EEEN. Jan. 11 76 liriliumt Military ►Silver IJiilJet \ e.-t Duttons, &OCC FT as were made by the subscriber for Gens. Jackson, Glasscock, and many others of our military worthies of the last war. Manufactured by JOHN Gl LMARIN, Watch Maker, at No. 153. Broad-st. Augusta, Ga. N. H. They are made with the same old punch with one of which Gen. Pakehham was mortally wounded at the battle of New Orleans, on the Bth January, IBJS, of w hich the wonderful incidents j j therewith connected and recently republished, | can Fie seen at No. 153 Broad-st. Augusta, Ga. ;si If 73 FRUITS! FRUITS! XJTST received afresh supply of Oranges. I.e- i mons. Raisins. Currants, Brazil Nuts, Eng- 1 lisb Walnuts, Citron, Dates, Turkey Pigs, Al i monds. Shell Barks, Cocoa Nuts, Prunes m beau tiful fancy boxes, by dec JOHN R. DOW. .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY O F II V UTFOKI). CAPITAL •TELnM HUL nniir. undersigned has lieen appointed \gent fur S the above t ompaity in tins City, and t-. pre pared to insure Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture &c., against loss or damage by Fire. All losses will be promptly settled here. JOSEPH MILLIGAN. Agent, sept. 18 6m 38 TO HIRE. THE ENISLING YEAR—A GOOD BLACKSMITH, accustomed to work eilh ! er in town or country. Apply to JOHN A. CARNES. Dec. 29 tt 73 ! 'j* u7m7'^u'Ji'jj RESPKCTEI LL3 invites tFte attention of the / citizins of Augusta, and of all dealers in and ; consumers of buying in this market, to an entire new stock just opened in the elegant block of iron-front stores I recently erected mi the north side of Broad-street, and known as “Metcalf’s Range,” (his store is the lower one of the block, three doors above P. Me i Grvn's. and three below the Drug Store of J. K. .Marshal, Jormerlif Dr. U ray's,) where he is pre : pared loott’er one of the richest and choisesi slocks 1 of Foreign Domestic Dry Goods ! ever opened in tiiis city. He would especially ask ’ \ their attention to the advantages prepared for the ] convenience of customers in the extensive charac -3 ter of h s assortment, which he intends shall em brace every article that can be called for under the ; name of Dry Goods, and in the ample room and perfect light to aid in their selection. For advan tages in buying, for the comfort and convenieiice of put chasers, for saving their lime and money, no effort lias been spared, and none will be spared. ’ which the interest of buyer and seller can suggest, ’ or an enlightened economy dictate, to m ike his t business in every respect deserving the patronage t j of lhe public. ■ To his former customers, to whose liberal confi | 1 deuce and past patronage lie has lieen so long in debted for business in another Stale. he would es i pecially extend tFiis invitation to call upon him at I his new location. Augusta, December 17,1846. 66 NOTICE, s resolution of co-partner - -I J|jr SHIP.— The Co-Partnership heretofore ex isting under ilie linn of MASON <fc TITTLE, l- isthi. day dissolved by mutual consent. The hits i- | mess of the old firm will be settled by Joseph Ma | son. JOSEPH MASON. »- Dec. 3d, 1810. E B. TUTTLE, t, j The undersigned will continue the Advertising i- i Agency business, on his own acroiuit. New York, Dec,. 3d, 1816. JOSEPH MASON. I Dec. 18 67 .*1 i MILLINERY GOODS 1 gy VSHION ABLE Silk and Straw BON NETS; M plain and fancy Dress Caps; Artificial Flow le | ers; Ribbons Tabs; Mourning Collars; Needle worked Cheinizettes; Lace Edgings, Ac. For sale ; on reasonable terms, by "* MRS K. O. COLLINS, Dec. 23 dim over W. H. Crane’s store. £i ’ FU It N 1 TURK. DEsJRUI S to compete with the "defyers of competition.” the subscriber has taken k- j much pains to select a well asserted stock, w hich he offers low, at the store long known as il. Par son s, where he w ill he happy to see all, whether led there by curiosity or a desire to purchase, hoping that his prices and the quality of articles ~~ will give Inm a fair share of patronage, ed Dec 9 59 D. CHAFFEE. F|3H£ PELICAN MUTUAL INSU rst I _E ANCE Company of .New York continues to te. take Marine and River risks at its agency in this 1 my. Its business w ill in all respects be conducted id on the most fair and liberal principles, and its pro fits divided among its customers. JOSEPH MILLIGAN, Agent. ! sept. 18 Cm 38 n ■ imu m n PUBLIC SALES. Ailn- in istrators Sole. By virtue of an order of the inferior court of Rich mond county, sitting for ordinary purposes, w ill he sold otith * first Tuesday in January next, at the lower market house, in the city of Augusta, between the u.vital hours of sale, all the remain ing property of James Fraser, deceased, consist ing of real **<tate and slocks of various kinds,viz: i House and I ot'occuoied by John A. Barnes. Esq., lying on the North side Green-st., having a trout on said street of 821 feet, and running half way through or 132 leet towa ds Eliis-st., bounded on li.e VV est by lot of Dr. J. B. Walker. Also, house and lot occupied by 3lrs. Bowen, same size ol tiie first lot described adjoining il on the east s.de. Also, house and lot occupied by .Mr. J. A. Sim mons, fronting on South side Ellis-sl. 304 leet and running hack towards Green-st. 132 leet or ball way, bounded oti tile West bv lot of Dr. J. B. Walker. Also, brick house and lot occupied by 3fr. J J. ( layfon, adjoining the last mentioned lot fronting on South side of Eliis-sr. 504 feet, and running beck towards Green-st. half way or 132 Let. Also house and lot occupied by Mr Martin Cnwiey. adj ining the last mentioned lot and bounded by it on tlie West, having a front on Sooth side Elli:.-st. of 824 feet and running back , half way to Green-st., or 132 feet. Also, house and lot occupied by Mr, E. W. Doughty, fronting on East side of Mcintosh-st 264 feet and running hack 124* feet, bounded on the North by Walkins-st. and South by Walker street. Also, one vacant lot. sam«* size as the last men tioned lot, bounded by it on the West. Also, two vacant lots adjoining each other on ! the West side of the Savannah road; each fronting on said road 38 feet, and running back to iMcln- | losli-st., bounded on the North by Walker st. AI.SO, 134 shares stock in the Bank of the State of Georgia 1574 shares stock in tiie Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. 66 shares stock in the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company', 18(5 shares slock in the Bank of Augusta. I(K)shares stock in the Marine and Fire Insu- ! ranee Bank,Savannah. 2 shares stock in the Planters’ Bank, Savannah. 30 shares stock in the Steam Boat Company of Georgia. 2 shares stock in the .lackson-st.. Ice Company* AI.SO. Will he sold at the court house in Wilkinson county, on the same day, 52 3-10 acres of land ly ing in said county, being lot No. 235 in the 7ih Di-tnct. Terms made known on the dap of sale. H. BOWDRE, Adtn'r. D p c. 22 til. 70 Ailmmis rotor s Sale. On the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold, at the court house in Canton, Cherokee county, between the hours of sale, A tract of Land, lying in the 7th district 2d sec tion, in the county of Cherokee, known as No. 285, and containing 166 acres—belonging to the estate of Alexander Wclver. late of Richmond county. — Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. \V. EWING JOHNSTON, Adtn’r. nov 7 wtd 32 SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. On tiie first Tuesday in January next, before the court house in tiie city of Macon, will be offered at public sale, without reserve, w ithin the usual , hours, the following described Lands belonging to tiie estate of Paul FilZsimons, deceased, A Plantation, containing two thousand acres of choice land in one body, situate on Keel’s creek, in the third district of Baker county, about eighteen miles from the town of New ton, on Flint, arid twen ty-three miles from Fort Gaines, on the Chattahoo ch' e Riser, being lots Nos. 348,349 , 372,373,374, 375,386 arid 337—six hundred acres are cleared and nnile r gOod fences with overseer's house, negro cabins, gift house, packing screw, stables, Ac.— ’Die cl ared land is fresh and in good order for a croji. The superior tyuai.ty of the land, the heaithi n«*s> of tlie settlement, its good water, w itii an abun dant supply at all seasons for stock and an exten sile range convenient, render tins plantation one oi tiie most desirable in Baker county. A I.SO, 375 acres, contiguous to the foregoing, one bun- ■ dred of w liich are cleared and under good feme, being lot .No. 378 anti half of lot No. 313. At the same time and place, will he sold. Lot No. 12. in 3d District, Baker county , con taining 250 acres. Lot No. 209, in 13th District, Lee county, on Muckalee creek, containing 2024 acres. Lot No. 118. in Tib District, Randolph county, containing 2*'24 acres. Lot No. 85. in 9th District, Dooly county; con taining 2024 acres. Lots Nos. 236 and 237, adjoining a good mill seat on Line creek, in 28th District, Sumter county, j containing4us acres. Terms —One-third cash; one-lnird January Ist, i 1848; and one-third January Ist, ltv49, —approved notes, and mortgage on tiie property. ROBERT F. POE. ) WILLIAM J. EVE, [ Adtn’rs. GEO. \V. CRAWFORD, ) nov 12 wtd 35 OCuThe Charleston Mercury, Savannah Repub lican, Albany Courier, Macon Telegraph, Federal Union, Columbus 'Times, will publish the above i three times, and forward their accounts to this of fice for payment. Kxecutops Sale. Will ire sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in Elbert county. The following property to wii: Two hundred and fourteen acres of Land, more or less, on the waters of Vans creek, adjoining I lands of Thomas Johnston and others. AI.SO, i Two hundred and forty-four acres of Land,more | or less, on the waters of Beaver dam creek, ad joining lands of IL C. \\ all and others, and know n as the Colson tract. A I.SO. One thousand and sixty-four acres nfLand mnre or less, on the Savannah river, arjoining lands of Singleton U'. Allen, Joseph Rucker and others, and known as the River Plantation. This tract <d land will he sold in two seperale trac ts if thought to he desirable. The foregoing lands sold in con formity to the will of Beverly Allen, deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day. LINDSAY IL SMITH, ( E BEVERLY A. TEASLY.S ijXecuturb - Elbert county, November 20, 1856. {gjy'The Chronicle <fe Sentinel will please copy the above three times weekly a fid forward the ac j count to the Executors for payment. nov 25 4/ LANDS AM) MILLS jbi-c’c o a jh: IgNIIE SUBSCRIBER offers fur sale a Tract of Jl LAND on 'he waters of Butler’s Creek, j containing about 60U acres, w ith a Saw and Grist I Mill, and a cotnloriabie Dwelling House on the ! premises. A I,SO, 1 A part of the Tract of Land lately owned by Mr. Wm. Foiigsneet, containing about6ooacres, witli i good improvements on the same. 1 he terms will be made easy to purchasers. Aj>- ply to Major Geo. L- Twiggs, John Bones,or JOHN P. EVE. P. S.—ls not disposed of by private sale.it wil be sold at public auction in the City of Augusta on the first Tuesday in January next. Dec. U stmh3 w 2 68 OTIC IL —On the fir-t day of January next at the lower Market House, in the City o Augusta, within the Usual hours, will he hired so f the ensuing year, the Negroes belonging to tin Minors of William Tint, deceased. JOHN 11. MANN, Guardian. 1 Dec. 17 3wim tJ 66 OTIUIL —On the first day of January next ’ Ml at the lower Market House in the City o a Augusta, within the usual hours, will be hired so the ensuing year, the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Asaph Waterman, deceased. M. J. WATERMAN, Executrix. JOHN H. M ANN, Executor. Dec. 17 3wfm td 66 d i ~ HI \C KSNIi rHS T(» HIKE. i- CBN 11 REE good Bf. \CKSMI J’fla to hire byth S tear, from the Ist January next. Apply t J A VIES GARDNER. Jr. j dec 6 if 57 <nm- mmß-mjmm.* >a.^m. r - -| n~i -i rirmnni ■■IT PUBLIC SALEX ' '.Admi't is fra tor's Sole. Will he-solflat tht- fat- rt-iuence of William John son, sr.. dco is»*d. in Warren county, on Wed nesiiiiv, il t • next,all the perisliu- Me property of said estate. consisting of Horses, eat tie, lu< ■■*, (stock atul fat.) mules, sheen, pi luiaim-i tools, black-mith tools, house* liold ami kilelien furniture, torn, fodder, cotton, tve. Ac. i e.’iiis on the day of sate. it' pect ?,l*o in rnt the lands and hire the no* groes, men. women, hot s aitii girls, on the taniQ day and time. i'oe. r**< mug and l.ir*-: •> vr to continue from day to nay tir.nl r.JI is tfij>p:.--e«! a s _l P - p Jr : L _ ... _ v ; -bl.i AM GIBSON, Adm>. Un W ednes-'ay. the 6 of Januarv next, at 10 o'oiooK, V M..will he s .Id before the office of tin* hfcij i • I .sii r.i mo ;i ml F ru*i (ompany, Iha following prop Tty, belonging to the auulGom j pain , namely : ' up, At. r.'T vrr. A lot of I md on the north-east corner of Broad , and McC'art m strict*. next above the brick build* uigof Hen'i. By tie. subject to an annual rent of slod. payable *ui the hr-t of Jammy of each yea , to the Ci«y Council of Augusta. A lot of Land with V.ooden Dwc'Hng and other improvements there >n, on tin* north side, of Broad* street, in the upper ;.. t rl of the city, lately occu pied b\ John J. B\ rd. A lot of Land on the so:..’, side of El'is-streel, between Ivolloi ‘laud CtuumN.g-slreets,known a« ! Lot. No. 17. . j A lot of Land on the south side of Bmad-slreetj opposite the I ppcr .Market and next below ih« i Richmond Hotel. Three vacant lots on the north side of Broad street, below the 1 pper u.ir!e*t. 130 feel front in all, more or less, la’ ■ J K. Kilhurn'a. A lot of river land in Murray com tr, 3d Sec. Oth I*:s. No. 015, bavin* 11 hj river Connesauga ! running through it, 160 acres. A lot < f Earn! on ih-* corner of Pace and Cross | streets in the city of Baltimore. Two shares in the Florida Peninsula Lan i Company, of 5050 acres each, in the Hackley I Grant. 1 A lot in the town of Brunswick, Ga.. with Bank ing Hon e luere.oij, .a \. In. h is a first-rate Vaults ; which cost SHOO. STOCKS AND BONDS. 30 shares Stock of the- Central and Western Wharf ( ompany. Augusta Canal Scrip, & 1,016 50-100. | Bonds of A'ahama Life Insurance and Trust Company. 0000. interest payable semi-annually in New Vurk at 0 per cent, per annum. | . . The Stock of the Hank of Brunswick, belong ing to the (leorgi t Insurance and Trust Company, unless previously disposed of at private sale. a s r», A number of judgments, hills of exchange, notes and open accounts—a catalogue of which maybe semi at tire office ol ihe ( Ompany. Terms declared at the time of sale. JOSEPH MILLIGAN, Secretary. Dec 10 td 66 /•.,/ rnitor's Sale. On the first Tuesday in January next, at the lower I market house in ihe ci*y of Augusta; within the usual hours of sale, w ill he sold, A nogro woman, named Jenny, about 55 years of ago; one natuod So rail, about 65 years of age; and i a man named Major, about 35 years of age, belong ing lo the estate of Asaph W aterman, deceased—• for the benefit of ihe heirs of said deceased. >l. J. W AT HUM AN. Ex’x, nov 3 wt.l J()HN 11. M \N N. ExT. J. / ■ nfor’fi Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday ih January next, before tlie < ourt House door at Appling,Colum bia county, the following named Negroes: Kestus, a wheelwright; Solomon, a blacksmith; Maria, and little Maria. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of W illiam B. Luke, lute of said countv. deceased. JAMES LI KE, ) ~ TL UN Eli CLANTON, \ Executors, dec 9 w 59 . I. rerntor's Sale. W ill be sold on i lies seventh day of January next, at tin- ! in r. i • nice of Beverly A lien, deceased, in Elbert county, * * < ‘orn. Fodder. Oats, Horses, Mules, tVnvc yoke { of work Sn-ers. a Colton Giu and many other arti i vies too tedious lo mention, i A [.SO, Will be sold, at ihe River Plantation of said da ( eased, on the eighth of January next, ( Orn. Fodder. Oats. Mules, one yoke of work S teers, ( attle. Sheep, Pork Hogs, Stock Hugs, three Cotton Cins and many other articles 100 te dious to mention. The above named property sold in conform,;y to the will of Beverly Allen, de ceased. to continue from day today until all .sold, 'i enus of sale made known on ihe day. LINDS.W H. SMITH, }.. BID EH L V A. TEASLV, \ Lxeculo,J ' November 20. 1816; 1 diflinistratrix Sale. w ill be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, before the ( ourt House door in Jacksonboio; between tlie usual hours of sale, the following tracts o) land. belonging to the estate of Thus W . Oliver, deceased, viz; One trot of land, a Tuning lands of Robert W. i.o\ it and Jackson Oliver, containing eighty acres— me tract of land adjoining la rids of George P°l ock and \V il. n m i). Cantphell. con la in mg fi Jty acres—.me tract ol land, adjoining lands of George Pollock and A. JL Jiue, on Savannah River, containing half an acre. Terms made known oh day ol -.tie. MARTHA OLIVER, Adrn’x Oct 22 i jy A thmn ist rotor's Sale. On the fir-! Tuesday in January next, will be sold, at Appling, Columbia county, agreeably lo an order of i lie Inferior Court of said county, whert sitting for ordinary purposes, the following pro jh*ny, t<i w it: Oi ic* hum it •■'! aml vein r ntro »,f Land, irjoro "i lc hAlio.j in >aid coimlv. and ahota ti% from Augusta. adjoining lands of Chariot* A. Craw Vj turd. Mrs. (-bison, and others. A1 so. five Negr, ■ s: Stephen about 40 years old. Send about 2.) years old. Maria about 17 years old, I Martha about 12 years old, Miley about 7 years old -j —all of said property belonging to the estate of/ 1 Henry (!h it. ib-e'd. Sold fordEtrihnuon amongst, t I Ik* hen s of said deceased. ; oct 31 JOHN CLIETT, Adm’r. / Krei utrix’s Sale, ‘ '■ By permission <d the honorable the Inferior Court of Un-hiiioud county, while sitting for ordinary s. juirposes, will tie sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the lower market house in the city of Augiuta, between the. usual hours of sale, A Negro Girl, named Sarah, the property of the estate ot John VV inter, late of said county, deceased r —for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms cash. ANNA WINTER, iha 2 u td i Kt‘Tutor's Sale. * i ■» I’ndcran order of the Inferior t 'p'i-f. of Warren ‘ 1 j bounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes,will e I b*- sold at the t.'oun House in \\ arrenlon, oh tho first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale, f ' Pour negroes, \ivc; llansome a nian about 32 b j years old, Aliiehe! a man about 3) years old, Tay lor a man about 23 years old. and I - mensona man *■ about 22 years old. Sold as the property of iv estate of Elizabeth Williams iateof VVarreu coy tv. and fertile benefit <>t creditors. Terms casl !1 Nov t HENRV B VKER. Ex’; Executor's Sale. 7*' * W ill be sold at I He* < ourt House of I fancot k or *- fl ty.on the lir.-t 'i’EESDAV.in January next, G follow mg property, to wit; 1 wo hundred and nineteen acres of Land, mors *i | or less, on the waters of IShouJderhone creek, ad ,c joining 1 ».niier and others; one negro man Moses, about 67 years ohl; one negro woman Lucy, .about | 60 y< ars ohl; Ann. 2i> years old, and her buy child I iSnnon, ufiom 3 years old. '1 o be sold under the w ill of John Hill, late of E said county, deceased, for ilie purpose of di-mb ”t non amongst ii,e heirs. 'Perms on the day of sale I)r ; HENRIETTA HILL. Executrix ,7 e ■ of John Hill, deceased., Hancock countv, Oct. 23, I>l6. w«m 27 utd • 23 IN KG ROES EOK SAIM7- rgIHL on lersigned have just arrived with a fres | bit ot likely young Virginia NEGROES, to which they offer for sale .it their place or busmest . in Hamburg. TIIQS. J. JENNINGS & CO. oct 28 16