Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 03, 1847, Image 1

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15V JAMES GARDNER, JR. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. OFFICE IV MclNTOsjll STREET, Third door from the Sorth-Wcst corner oj Hroad-st. Sales of.I.AND l»y Administrators, Executors or Guar dians, aro required, by law, to bo bold on the fir.-t Tuesday in the mon‘h, between the hours o*'ten in the, forenoon and throe in the uftoruoou, at tile < ourt House in which tiie properly is situate. Notice of these sales must lie given in a public Gazette sixty days proviousto the day of sale. Sales of NEGROES must beat public auction, on the tirsi Tuesday ol the month, between the usual hours of sale at the place of public sales in the county where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar dianship, may hate been granted, first giving sixty da vs'notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. Notice for the, sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner forty days previous to day of sale. Notice to tin: Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published for forty days. Notice that application « ill be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must be published f>r i FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published four months, before any order absolute can be given by the Court. Jlxtracl J'ruiu the act of Cun%rcAS of ‘id AJarch, 18 15, section 18. “ And be it further enact, d, That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General, in all future let tings of contracts for the transportation of the mail, to let tlte same, in every case, to the lowest bidder tendering sufficient guarantees for faithful performance, without other reference to the mode of sueh transportation than may be necossarv to provide for the due celerity, certainty and security of such transportation; nor shall any new con tractor hereafter be required t.i purchase out, or lake at a valuation, tin; stock or vehicles of any previous contractor for the same route”. Or Bidders will be careful to read the forms and instructions appended to this advertisement. They are requested tostatc, in their proposals, the nmd by which they intend to convey the mail. Wherethe size ami weight of the mails, or the speed called for in the schedules, shall require it, tnecontracts will he made for coach, steamboat, or railroad conveyance, as the case may be: and, consequently, such routes will lie let to bids pro posing such mode of conveyance. In all other cases tin* routes will be assigned to bids proposing the cheapestmode of transportation. PROPOSALS for carrying the mails of the United States from the Ist of July, IS 17, to the 3dlh June IS.il, inclusive, in Georgia, will be re ceived at the contract office oi the Post Office De partment, in the city of Washington, until 9 a. m., of the 10th March, I S 17, (to be decided by the Ist day of April) on the routes and in the manner end lime heroin specified, viz: GEORGIA. 3'250 From Savannah, by Reform, Armenia, lialcyotidale, Scarborough, Brinsonville, Nlid ville, Holcomb, Davisbomugh, Tennille, Oconee, Emmett, Gordon, and Larksville, to Macon, PJU miles and back, daily. Leave Savannah daily at 9 pm, arrive at Ma con next day by 8 a in. Leave Macon daily at 3 p in, arrive at Savan nah next day by- am. Proposals for the transportation of the great northern and southern nun is on this route, with the necessary expedition therefor, will also be considered. 3251. From Savannah, by Darien, Bruns- ) wick, St. Marys, Hazzard, Fla,, Jacksonville, Mandarin, Gaty s Ferry, and Picolatu, to Pdat ka, 310 miles and back, once a week, Loavy Savannah every Saturday at 1 p in, ar rive at Pilatka next Tuesday by 8 a in. Leave Pilatka every Tuesday at 9 am, arrive at Savannah next Finlay by 9 a m. Proposals for twice a week, also for three times a week service, w ill be considered. 3252; From Reform to Springfield, G miles and bark, twice a week. Leave Reform every Tuesday and Friday at 11 u in, arrive at Springfield same days by I p m. Leave Springfield every Tuesday and Friday at *2 pm, arrive at Reform same days by 1 p in. 32'»d. From Armenia to Slatesborough, 21 miles and back, once a week. Leave Armenia every Friday tit I p in, arrive at Slatesborough same day by 7 |> in. Leave Slatesborough every Friday at G a in, arrive at Armenia same day by 12 in. 3251. From Halcvondalc, by Black Crock, Buck Creek, Jacksonborough, Mill Haven, Sar dis, and Old Church, to Wayncsburough, 59 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Halcyondale every Tuesday and Friday at 2 p m, arrive ut Waynesborough next day by t p in. Leave Waynesborough every Wednesday and Saturday at 2 pm, arrive at ilalcyonduie next days by 1 p in. 3255. From Midvillc to Swainsborough, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Midvillc every Saturday at 2 p in, arrive at Swainsborough same day by 7 pm. Leave Swainsborough every Saturday at 7 am, arrive at Mid ville same day by 12 in. 325 G. From Davisbomugh to Louisville, 12 miles and back, tw ice a week. Leave Davisbomugh every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p m, arrive at Louisville same days by 7 p in. Leave Louisville every Wednesday and Satur day at 10 am, arrive at Davisuorough same days by 2 p in. 3257. From Tennille to Sandersvillc, 3 miles j and back, three times a week. Leave Tennille every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 p in, arrive at Sandersvillc same days by 1 p in. Leave Sandersvillc every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at I p m, arrive at Tennille same davs by 2 p in. 3258. From Tennille, by Irwin s x Roads and Buck Eye, to Dublin, 3i miles and back, twice a week. Leave Tennille every Wednesday and Satur day at 9 a in, arrive at Dublin samedavs by Gpm. Leave Dublin every Tuesday and Friday at 9 a in, arrive at Tennille same days by G p in. 3259. From Milledgev ille, by Dcvereaux *> Store, Sparta and Mayfield, to Warrenlon, 15 miles and hack daily. Leave Millcdgeville daily at 8 a in, arrive at Warrenton same day by 7 p in. Leave Warrenton daily atG a in, arrive at Alii- j jedgeville same day by 5 pm. Proposals to commence this route at Macon will be considered. 32G0. From Milledgcville to EalonUni,22 miles and backt. hree times a week. Leave Miiledgc ville every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 1 a in, arrive at Eaton ton same da\ s by 11 am. Leave Eitonton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 m, arrive at Millcdgeville same day s bv 7 p ra. 3261. From Milledgcville, by Blountsville, Tranqui’da, Hillsborough, MomiceHo, PaloAith, Leak* sville. Newton Factory and fttarsville, to Covington, GO miles and hack, twice a week; Leakesville to be supplied by one of the weekly I nps, and Newton Factory by the other. Leave Milledgcville every 1 uesday and j rid ay alsa m, arrive at Covington next days by 12 m. Leave, Covington every Wednesday and Sat urday at 1 pm, arrive at Milledgcville next days by 8 p m. Proposals to commence this route at Hillsboro will he considered. d2G j From Millcdgeville to Gordon, 17 mile: and back, daily. • Leave Milledgevilie daily at 2 p m, arrive al Gordon same day by G p m. Leave Gordon daily at 7 am, arrive at Miiledgc i ville same day by 1J am. * 32G3. From Mayfield, by Rock Mills, Shoals l °f Ugoechee, Curry’s Mills and Fen’s Bridge, to t Davisborough, 33 miles and back, once a week. Leave Mayfield every Tuesday at 9 a in, ar rive at Davisborough same day by G p m. , Leave Davisborough every Wednesday at G a I* m, arrive at Mayfield same day by 3 p in. 3264. From Sparta, by Long’s Bridge and War then's Store, to Sandersvillc, 33 miles and back, once a week. . i Leave Sparta every Thursday at ll a in. arrive at Sandersvillc same day by 9 p m. Leave Sandersville every Friday at G a tn, ar ri\c at Sparta same day by 1 p in. 32G5. From Sparta to Ml. Zion, 7 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Sparta every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a in, arrive at Mount Zion same days by 12 m. Leave Mount Zion every Monday, Wednes day and Friday al 7 am, arrive at Sparta same days by 9 a ni. 3266. From Dublin, by Lauren’s Hill and Cool t Spring to Marion, 38 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dublin every Friday at 5 a in, arrive at i Marion same day by 8 p in. ; Leave Marion every I hursday at 5 a in, arrive ! at Dublin same clay by 8 p in. 32G7. From Dublin > >*y Mount Vernon, to Col quit, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dublin every Friday al G a in, arrive at Colquit. next day by 10 a m. Leave Colquit every Saturday ut 12 m, arrive at 1 )üblln next day by 1 p in. 32G8. From Gordon, by Marion anil Tarvers ville to Hawkinsville, 50 miles and back, twice a j week. Leave Gordon every Wednesday and Saturday l at G am, arrive at Hawkinsville same days by 7 | p m. Leave Hawkinsville every Thursday and Sun day at 5 a in, arrive at Gordon same days by l> p.m. Proposals for triweekly service will be consid ered, 32(19, From Hawkinsville, by Copeland, Tem perance, Jacksonville, Lumber City, Box ville, Colquit, Perry s Mills turn Surrency, to Darien, 151 miles ami back, twice a week. Leave Hawkinsvilleevery Sunday and Thurs ! day at 4 am, arrive at Darien every Tuesday and ; Saturday by 3 p in. Leave Darien every Sunday and Thursday at 6 a in, arrive at Hawkinsvilleevery Tuesday and j Saturday by 5 p in. Proposals for a third weekly trip from Ist Nn vembci to Ist July in each year will be consid ered. 3270. From Hawkinsville. by Mi!wood, Vien na. Cedar Cteek and Holydaysville to Albany, 75 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hawkinsville every Thursday at G a in, arrive at Albany next day by G p m. Leave Albany every Saturday at G a rn, arrive at Hawkinsville next day by G p in. 3271. From Copeland, by Adams and House Creek, to irwinville, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Copeland every Monday at G am, arrive at irwinville same day by 5 p m. Leave Irwinville every Tuesday at G a in, ar rive at Copeland same day by 5 p m. 3272. From Perry s Mills to Reidsvillc, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Perry’s M ills every Monday al Cam, arrive at Reidsville same day by 12 in. Leave Reidsvilh every .Monday at i pm, arrive at Perrys Mills same day by 7 p in. 3273. From Darien, by South Newport, Rice ' boro’ and Old C. H. to Savannah, G 3 miles and back twice a week from Ist November to Ist July, and once a week the residue of the year. From Ist November to Ist July. Leave Darien every Monday and Friday at 5 a in, arrive at Savannah same days by ID p in. Leave Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday at 5 am, arrive at Darien same days by 10 pm. From Ist July to Ist November. Leave Darien every Monday at 5 a in, arrive at Savannah same day by ID pm. Leave Savannah every Tuesday at 5 a ra, ar rive at Darien same day by ID n rn. 3271. From Darien, by Bethel, Waynesville, Langsbury and Jefl'ersonton, to St. Mary’s, 77 miles and back, once a week. Leave Darien every Wednesday at 5 a ni, ar- : rive at St Mary’s next day by 11 a in. Leave St. Mary’s every 'Thursday at 2 p m, ar | rive at Darien next day by 8 p in. Proposals fur twice a week service will be con sidered. 3275. From Darien to Frederica, 11 miles and back, once a week. Leave Darien every Friday at 12 in, arrive at Frederica same day by 5 p in. Leave Frederica every Friday at 6 am, arrive at Darien same day by 11 a m. 327 G. From Darien to Brunswick, 18 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Darien every Wednesday and Friday at G a in, arrive at Brunswick same days by 12 m. Leave Brunswick every Thursday and Satur , day at 8 a m. arrive at Darien same days by 2 p in. 3277. From Rieeborough, by Waitlioursvillo, to Hines ville, 17 miles and back, once a week. Leave Rieeborough every Tuesday at I p in, arrive at lliiiesviilesaineday by G pm. Leave Hinesville every Tuesday at 7 am, ar- I rive at Rieeborough same day by 12 m. 3278. From Waynesville, by Waresborough and Alapha, to Troupvillc, 125 miles and buck, once a week. Leave Waynesville every Wednesday at 2 p m, arrive at Troupvillc every Saturday by G p in. Leave Troupvillc every Sunday al G a m. arrive at Waynesville every Wednesday by 12 m. 3278. From Jetlcrsonlon, to Haddocks, T la., 35 miles and back, once a week. Leave Jeffiersonlon every Thursday at 5 am, arrive at Haddock s same day by G p m. Leave Haddock s every T nday at 5 am, arrive at Jefiersonton same day by G p in. 3280. From Waresborough, by Holmes'file, Camp Ground and W illie s Store, to Lumber Citv, ftO miles and back, once a week. Leave Waresborough every Monday at 5 a ni, arrive at Lumber City next day by 8 p in. Leave Lumber City every Saturday at 5 a ni, arrive at NV aresborough next day by 8 p in. , 3281. From Troupviile, bv Piscola, Fla., and Cherry Lake, to Madison C. 11., 3 j miles and I back, once a week. I Leave Troupviile every Thursday at Ga m, ar rive at Madison C. 11. same day by 0 p m. Leave Madison C. H. every W ednesday at Ga tn, arrive at Troupviile same day by G pm. d 282 From Troupviile, by Sharp's Store, Oka pilco, Tlioinasville and Cairo, to Bainbridge, ft 2 1 miles and back, once a week to ThomasvilU , and twice a week the residue of the route. Leave 'i’roupville every Thursday al 8 am, ar -1 rive at Thomasville same day by 7 p m. Leave ’Thomasville every Wednesday at 8 a in, arrive at Troupviile same day by 7 pm. | Leave Thomasville every Monday and Friday at 7 am, arrive ut Bainbridge same days by 7p m. Leave Bainbridge every Tuesday and Saturday at 7 a m. arrive al Thomasville same days by 7 p m. 3283. From 'Troupviile, bv Parn-he sand Hen derson's, to Irwin'file, 75 miles and back, once a week. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1817. j ! Leave Troupviile every Sunday at 5 a ni, ar j rive at Irwinville next day by G p in. ■s j Leave irwinville every Tuesday at 5 a ni, ar- I rive at Troupviile next day by 6 p m. it i 3284. From Macon, by Busbayville, Perry, 1 Minerva, Horsebead, Travellers’ Rest, Ameri cas, Starkvilli', Palmyra, Albany and Newton, j to Bainbridge, i <0 miles and hack, three tunes a s | week. J Leave Macon everv Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a in. arrive at Bainbridge next days by 1 2 night. ‘ Leave Bainbridge every Monday, Wednesday, 1 and Friday at J a in > arrive at Macon next days ; by 41 p m. Proposals for semi-weekly serv ice on this route > will be considered. 3*285, From Macon, by Bateman’s Store, Fort 3 I Valley and Marshallville, to Lanier C. 11., 4G I miles and back, twice a week. Leave Macon everv Tuesday and Friday at 9 am, arrive at Lanier C. H. next days by 12 rn. ! Leave Lanier C. H. every Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p in, arrive at Macon next days by 328 G. From Macon,by Warrior, Lchoconna, Knoxville, Francisville, Union, Daviston, and j Talbotton, to Ellcrslie, 7G miles and back, three j times a week. Leave Macon every r l uesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 in, arrive at Ellcrslie next days by 1 ! 7 p in. ! Leave Ellcrslie every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a in, arrive,at Macon next days j by Mam Proposals to end at Bellview instead of Ellcrs ! lie will be considered. 3287. From Macon, by Prattsville, Forsyth, ! Barnesville, Griffim, Fosterville Jonesboro, Tuck er’s Cabin, and Poolsvill, to Atlanta, 101 miles and back, daily. j Leave Macon daily at 9a m, arrived at Atlanta same day by 3 p in. Leave Atlanta daily at 8j am, arrive at Ma i con same day hy 2j p m. Proposals foi the transportation of the great , northern and southern mail from Atlanta to the point of divergence ot the New Orleans route, to he performed with the necessary expedition, will alsu be considered; likewise, proposals tor said service from Macon to said point ot divergence : of the New Orleans route, will also be considered. 3288. From Perry to Hayncsville, ID miles and back, three times a week. Leave Perrv every Monday, N\ ednesday, and Fridav at 1 p ui, arrive ut Hayncsville same days j by 7 [> rn. Leave Havnesvillc every Monday,NV ednesday and Friday at 12 m, arrived same days hy 3 pm. , 3289. From Traveller's Best, by Hamburg, Grangervill, Poindexter, Ta/.ewVl, Pine Hill, j and Upatoie, to Columbus, 8D and back, | once a week. Leave Traveller's Rest every Wednesday at Ga in, arrive at Columbus next day by G p m. | Leave Columbus every Friday at G am, arrive at Traveller’s Rest next day by G p m. 329 D. From 'Traveller's"Rest, by Hamburg, | Martin's Store, Pondtown, Friendship, Mays ville, Lanb • bassie, Richland, and Lumpkin, to f lorence, 72 miles and back, once a week. Leave Traveller’s Rest every Friday at G a in, arrive at Florence next day by G p m. Leave Florence every Sunday at G a m. arrive at Traveller’s Rest next day by 6 p tn. i 3291. From Lanier C. H., by Tazewell, to Lumpkin, 7D miles and back, once a week. Leave Lanier C. H.. every 'Thursday at Ga m, 1 arrive at Lumpkin next day by G pm. L.-o.c Hiiii|iKin i Salnrdfiv al fia m ->rriv*> at Lanier C. H , next day by G p in. 3292. From Americus, by Danville and Dray ton, to Vienna, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Americus every (Saturday at G am, ar rive at Vienna same day by :> p in. Leave Vienna every Friday at G am, arrive at j Americus same day by 5 p m. 3293. From Americus, by Plains of Dura, Lannahassie, Searsville, Pineville, Gienalta, and Halloca, to Columbus, G 8 miles and back, once a ; week. t Leave Americus every Monday aIG am,arrive at Columbus next day by 1 p m. Leave Columbus every Wednesday at 7 a in, arrive at Americus next day by 5 p m. i 3294. From Americus to Cuthbert, 50 miles i and back, once a week. Leave Americus every Wednesday at 6 am, j arrive at Cuthbert next day by II a m. Leave Cuthbert every 'Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Americus next day by Gpm. ! Proposals for service once in two weeks w.ll be | considered. 3295 From Starkville by Oceola. Chenuba, and Hard Money, to Lumpkin, 52 miles and I back, once a week. Leave Starkville every Thursday at 4 a in, ar rive at Lumpkin same day by 10 p m. Leave Lumpkin every Wednesday at 1 a in, arri' O al .Starkville same day by ID p m. 329 G. From Palmyra, by Oak Lawn, Gilliam’s Concord, and Pacheta, to Fort Gaines, GO miles and back, once a week. Leave Palmvra every Wednesday at 7 a in, ar- 1 | live at Fort Gaines next day by G p m. 1 Leave Fort Gaines every Monday at G a in, ar- ■ ! rive at Palmyra next day by 5 p in. 3297. From Albany to Thomasville, GO miles i and back,once a week. Leave Albany every Wednesday at G am, ar- 1 rive at Thomasv ille next day bv (i p in. Leave Thomasville every Friday at G am, ar | rive at Albany next day by G am. 3298 From Albany, by Cuthbert, to Eufaula, Ala., 90 miles and back, once a week. Leave Albany every Monday at 4 am, arrive at i Eufaula next day by 8 p in. Leave Eutaula every NV ednesday at 1 a in, ar i rive at Albany next day by 8 p ni.~ Propusais for ser« ice once in two weeks will be 1 j considered. 3299. From Augusta, by Belair, Berzelia, j Lombardy, Thompson, Camuk. Double Weils, j Crawfords'file, Jefferson Hall, Union Point Greensborougb, Buckhead A/adison, Social Cir cle, Covington, Couyer s Litlmnia, Stone JV/oun tain, ami Dccature, to Atlanta, IGS miles and back, with a branch mail, daily, from Cumak to | Warrenton, 3| miles. | From 15th March to 10th December in each ! year. Leave Augusta daily al ID p m, arrive at Ata lunl i next day by 8 am, L» c Atlanta daily at 1p m, arrive at Augusta 1 next K by 3 a in. Front Jth December to 15th March in each yea : x. S Lr ye Augusta daily at 7 p m, arrived al Ata lanta next day by 7 a in. Leave Alalanta daily at 3 pm, arrive at Augus ta next day by 4 a rn. Leave Camark daily on arrival of mail from Augusta, say at 3 a in, arrive at Warrenlon, same day bv a in. Leave Warrenton daily at lO.J p m, arrive at Catnak same dav bv 1 I p m 33(H). From Augusta, by Richmond Factory, Mcßeen, Waynesborough, and Birdville, to Midville, 55 miles and back, daily. Leave Augusta daily at 5 a in, arrive at Mid ville same day by o p m. Leave Midville daily at 5 a in, arrive at Augus ; to same day by G p m. ! Proposals for the transportation of the great i northern and southern mails on this route at a speed of not less than six miles an hour will he j considered. • 3301. From Augusta, by Darby’s,Culbreath s - I Eubank s, Double Branches, Lincolnton, Go ! shen. Petersburg, Cook’s Law Office, Elberlon, - i Eagle Grove, Bowersville, and Fairviow, to | Carnesville, I 10 miles and back once a week. , ! Leave Augusta every Monday at 6a m, arrive at Carnesville evei Wednesday by 7p m. , j Leave Carnesvil every Thursday at Ga m, i | arrive at Augusta cry Saturday by 7 p ni. 3302. From Lonibary, by Republican and 1 Ready Creek lo Sylvan Grove, 21 miles and back, j once a week. Leave Lombardy every Saturday at 5 am, ar | rive at Sylvan Grove same day by 12 in. Leave Sylvan Grove every Saturday at Ipm, arrive at Lombarby same day by 8 p in. 3303. From Thompson, by White Oak. Appl ing and Hay.sv ille, to Wriglitsboro’, 40miles and back, tvv ice a week. Leave Tbompsfm every Tuesday and Fridav at G a in, arrive at Wriglitsboro’ same days by 7 i p m. Le te NVrightsboro’ everv Wednesday and ' Saturday at G am, arrive at ’l'homjisoi) same days by 7 p rn. 3301 From Double NVidls to Powellton, 7 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Double Wells every Thursday and 1 Friday at 7£ a in, arrived at Powellton same days by 9 Jam Leave Powellton every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m arrive at Double Wells same day by 7 a in. 3305. From Double Wells, by Ravtown, to Washington, 20 miles and back, three time a week. Leave Double NVells every Monday, Wednes day, and Saturday at 1 a in, arrive at Washing ton same days by 9 a in. Leave Washington every Monday, NVednes day, and Friday at IJ p in, arrived at Double Wells same days by Gj p m. 330 ft. From Union Point to NV T hite Plains, 7 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Union Point every Tuesday and Friday at 7ja m, arrive at NV bite Plains same days by , 9J a rn. Leave White Plains every Tuesday and Fri day at 5 am, arrive til Union Point same days by 7 a m. 3307. From Union Point, by Public Square, to Philomath, J 5 mites and back, once a week. Leave I nion Print rvrrv Wednesday at (i am, arrive at Philomath (sameday by 10 a m. Leave FhiliomatN every Wednesday at 12 m, arrive at Union Point same dav by 4 p in. Proposals tor semi-weekly seivice will be con- 1 i sidered. 3308. From Union Point, bv Bairdstown anil I ; Salmonville, to Athens, 40 miles and back, six 1 times a week. Leave Union Point every day except Sunday j at 5 am, arrive at Athens same day bv 9a m. Leave Athens every day except Sunday at 3 p , m, arrive at Union Point same dav by 7 p rn. Proposals for service on this route at a speed not exceeding live miles the hour will be consi- i ! dered. 3309. From Greensboro’,!by Park’s Bridge, to j Glades x Roads, 13 miles and back, once a week. I Leave Greensboro s every Fridav at 7 am, ar- j rive at Glades x Roads same day bv 11 am. Leave Glades x Roads every Friday at 1 pm, j arrive at Greensboro’ same day by 5 pm. 3310. From Greensboro’ to Penfield, 7 miles , and back, three times a week. Leave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday, i and Saturday at 9 am, arrive at Penfield same days by 11 a in. Leave Penfield every Tuesday, Thursday, and oaiunirt y *■* v •* iil orri vp (Trppn.Nluin)’ sarriH j days by 8 a m. 3311. From Madison,by Eatonton, Stanford- j vfile, Clopton’s Mills, Blountsville, and Clinton, to Macon, G 5 miles and back, three times a week, ' Stan ford ville to be supplied three times a week i from Clopton’s Mills. Leave Madison every Monday , Wednesday, and Friday atG a in, arrive at Macon same days by 7 pm. Leave Macon every Tuesday, Thursday, and * Saturday at 3 a ui. arrive at Madison same days j by 4 p in. 3312. From Madison, by Shadydale, to Mon ticello, 27 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Madison every Monday, Wednesday, j and Friday at Gam, arrive at Monticello some days by 1 pm. Leave Monticello every Tuesday, Thursday, 1 and Saturday at 9 a in, arrive at Madison same j days by 4 p m. Proposals to extend tlus toutc trom Monticello, | by Hillsboro to Macon, will be considered. 3313. From Madison, by Ebeneber, to New- j born, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Madison ewry Saturday al7 am, arrive at Newborn same day by 11 a in. Leave Newborn every Saturday at i pm,arrive at Madison same day by 5 p m. 3311. From Madison,by Salem and Farming ton, to Walkinsville, 22 miles and buck, twice a ; week. Leave Madison every Monday and Friday at • ll a in, arrive al Walkinsville same days by I p { ui. Leave NVatkinsville every Tuesday and Satur- I day al 8 a in, anive at Madison same days by I i p in. 3315. From Social Circle, by Monroe, Good Hope, High Shoals,and Walkinsville,to Athens, 10 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Social Circle every Monday, NVednes i day, and Friday at 7 am. arrive at Athens same ! days by 7 p in. Leave Athens every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at G am, arrive at Social Circle same days by G p in. 331 G. From Covington, by Jackson, Indian Springs, and Gullettsville, to Forsyth, 44 miles and back, twiceavveek. Leave Covington every Tuesday and Fridav at 9 a m arrive at Forsyth same days by 10 p m. Leave Forsyth every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 am, arrive at Covington same days by 7, j p Ml* 3317. From Covington, by Oak Hill, Mc- Donough, Fosterville, Fayetteville, Kidron, and Saluda, to Nevvnan, GG miles and back, three j times a week. Leave Covingto i every Monday 1 , Wednesday, and Friday ut 8 a in, arrive at Nevvnan next days by r 11 am. Leave Newnan every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 2pm, arrive al Covington next days I by 5 p m. Proposals for semi weekly service will be con sidered. Proposals for the extension of the service on this route from Newnan, by Willow Grove and Corinth, to Lagrange, will also be considered. 33 18. Prom I .itbonia, by Flat Rock and White I House, to McDonough, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Liflioniaevery Thursday at 1 p nqarrive at McDonough same day by 8 pin. Leave Me Doiumgli every Thursday at 5a m arrive at Lilbonia same day by 12 m. 3319 From Lilbonia, by Rockbridge, to Ches ter. 9 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lilbonia every Saturday at jin m, ar rive at Chester same day by 2 p m. ; Leave Chester every Saturday at 7a m, arrive I at Lilbonia same day by 10 a m. 3320. From Stone Mountain, hy Choice’s Store, Sweetwater, and Yellow river, to Law renceville. 19 miles and hack, three times a week. Leave Stone :V1 contain everv Tuesday, Thurs i dav, and Saturday at 11 am, arrive at Lawrence ‘ ville same days by 1 p m. Leave Lawrenceville every Tuesday, Tim , day.and Saturday at 5 a in, arrive at Stone Moun > tain same days by 10 am. Proposals to extend Bus route to Gainesville i will be considered. Pro[K>sals for a further extension of this loute , from Gainesville to Clarksv ille will be consider ed. I 3321 From Decatur, by Panthersville, Tuck , er’s Cabin, Cotton River, McDonough, and Locust Grove, to Jackson, 44 miles and back, j twice a week. Leave Decatur every NV ednesday and Satur day at 5a m, arrive at Jackson same days by 7 p m. Leave Jackson everv 7 Sunday and Thursday at 5a m, arrived at Decaturo same days by 7p m. j 3322. From Decatur, by Crosskeys, Roswell, : Lebanon, Social Hill, anil Vickery Creek, to Gumming, 41 miles and back, once a week. Leave Decatur every 'Thursday at 5 a m ar rive at Gumming same day by 7 p m. Leave Gumming every Friday at 5 a in, arrive at Decatur same day by 7 p m. 3323. From McDunnough, by Sandy Ridge, Lofton’s Store, and Meehamcsville, to Mon licello, 31 miles and back, once a week. Leave McDonough every Tuesday at 7 a m. arrive at Montieellosame day Ivy 5p in. Leave Monticello every \Vednesday at 7 e. m, arrive at McDonough same day bv 5 p m. 3324. From Washington, by Danburg. Peters burg, Calhound’s Mills, S. C., and Leb anon, to Abbeville, 45 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Washington every Monday, Wednes j day, and Friday at 9J a m. arrive at ALmeviile same days by 7 p m. Leave Abbeville every Monday, NVednesday, and Friday at 5 a in, arrive at Washington same days by i p m. ; 3325. From Washington, by Aonia, to Re j hobotli, 18 miles and back, onceaweek. L* ave Washington every Saturday at 1 p m, ’ arrive at Reboboth same day bv (i p m. Leave Rehoboth every Saturday at 7 am, ar rive at Washington same day by 12 m. 3320. From Washington, by MallorVsville, I Goose Pond, Millstoneand White’s to Elberlon, ! 3G miles and back, once a week. Leave Washington every Saturday at ( JJ a m. arrive at Elberlon same dav by 9J pm. Leave Elberlon every Friday at b a in, anive at NVashington same day by 7 p m. 3327. From NVashington, by Ccntreville, State I : Rights, Bowling Green, Salmonville, Sandv j Creek, and Scull Shoals, to Salem, 43 miles and j back, once a week. ( Leave Washington every Thursday at 6a m. i arrive at Salem same dav bv 7 p tn. Leave Salem every Wednesday at 5 am, arrive i at Washington same day by 7 pm. 3328 From Elberlon, by Harrisonville, Cold - | ‘ water, and Montevideo, to Rogersville, S. C, 23 1 miles and back, once a week. Leave Elberlon every Wednesday at 1 p m arrive at Rogersville same day bv 8 p ni. I Leave Rogersville every NV ednesday at 5a m, 1 arrive at Elberton same day bv 12 m. j 3329. From Lexington to Lexington Depot, j 3 miles and back, six times a week. I Lt ■ave Lexington every' day, except Sunday,at 7 am, arrive at Lexington Depot same day by 8 . j a in. | Leave Lexington Depot every day, except ! Sumlav, at 9 am, arrive at Lexington same day I by 10 am. Proposals for twice daily service three days in the week, will be considered. 3330. From Athens, hv Danielsvfijp, Madison : Springs,Carnesville and Bancroft to Clarksville, i l,»e and I ««ru>p q Leave Athens every Tuesday and Friday al 10 am, arrive at Clarksville next days by 3 p in. Leave Clarksville every Tuesday and Fiiday at 8 a in, anive at Athens next davs hv 1 p m. Proposals for triweekly service will be consid ered. 3331. From Athens, by Baseobol, Harmnnv Grove, Hurricane Shoals, Grove, Level, Bush ville, Middle River, Hollingsworth and Dawson, to Clarksville, G 5 miles and back, once a week. Leave Athens every Friday at 12 in, arrive a* Clarksville next day by 6 p rn. Leave Clarksville everv Thursday at 5 am, i arrive at Athens nextday by 11 a ra. 3352. From Athens, by Jefferson and Cun ningham’s Store, to Gainesville, 39 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Athens every Tuesday, Thursday, and | Saturday at 11 n. m. a.rnv cut Cjiiintisv itlo Stimo i day by !) p rn. I Leave Gainesville everv Monday, NVednesdav, 1 and Friday at 1 a in, arrive at Athens same days j by 2 p in. Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con | sidered. 3333. From Blairsvfile, by Polk and Louds ville, to Mount Vunab, 2G miles and buck, once a week. Leave Blairsvfile every Sunday al 8 a in. ar | rive at Mount Yonah same day by 4 p in. Leave Mount Yonah every Monday at 7 am, arrive at Blairsvfile same day by 3 p m. 3334. From Blairsvfile, by Taeoab. Ellijav, Talking Rock, and Pine Log, to Cassville., 84 miles and back, one a week. Leave Blairsvfile every NVednesday at 1 am, arrive at Cassville next day by 8 p in. Leave Cassville everv Friday at 1 a in,arrive at Blairsvfile next dav by 8 p m. 3335. From Dahlonega, by Amicolola, Prince Eilward, Ellijav, and Coosawattce, to Sprint Place, <ls miles and back, once a week. Leave 1 )ahlonega every Monday at 7 a ra, ar i rive at Spring Place next day by 7 p m. j Lea e Spring Place every Fiiday at 7 a rn, ar- I ri v e at DaMonega nextday by 7 p ra. 333 G. From Gainesville, by Lucksvfilo, New Bridge, and Auraria, to Dahlonega, 2G miles and back, three times a week. Leave Gainesville everv Sunday, NVednesdav, 1 and Fridav at 5 a m arrive at Dahlonega same 1 davs by 12 in. Leave Dahlonega every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at I p in, arrive at Games' i le same days by ft p in. 3337 From Gainesville, by Hartford, Cross ; ville, Calhoun, Barrcttsville, High Tower, | Orange. Canton, and Millville, to Iron Works, i GG miles and back, once a week. Leave Gainesville every Wednesday at G a in arrive at Iron Works next day bv G pin. Leave Iron Works every Friday at G am, ar rive at Ga'nesville next dav bv Gp m. 3338. From Lawrenceville, hv Auburn, Mifi berry, and Marcus, to Jefferson, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lawrenceville everv Friday at 7 am, arrive at Jefferson same dav by 7 p m. Heave Jefierson everv Saturday at 7 am, arrive at Lawrenceville same dav bv|7p m. 3339. From Lawrencevil e, bv Cain’s and Chesuut Hill, to Gainesville, 32 miles and back once a week. Leave Lawrenceville every Friday at 6 a m arrive at Gainesville same dav bv 4 p Leave Gainesville everv Thursday uR am. arrive at Lawrenceville same dav by 4 p m . If route No.— be extended to Gainesville, this route will not be let. 3340. From Lawrenceville, bv Suwannee, Orrsville, and Gumming, to High Tower, 33 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Lawrenceville everv Wednesday and Sundav at G am, arrive at High Tower same davs by 2 p m. Leave High Tower every Thursday and Mon dav at 7 a arrive at Lawrenceville »anie days by 3 p m. NEW SERIES—VO .. i. - S Proposals tot tri- - •. - . dered. 3311. From La\ » PmcJtnevvillo 30 tut -*ui >■ « ■., .. Leava Lawrenct v </* ' a : , * rive at Pinckney vil: > i Leave Pinckney v- ev »*’< f ~ arrive at Lawrence' i . ~.v h‘, S /. ,J j 33-I*3. From A t • , \ . . , [ J jrroye, Corinth, L y ; ir „ ; u-r C,\y» t Point, Cusseta, Ala -! • - vr> m, Jt;) j Au burn, tnCheliaw, I : u ■ ~y L«\r. r Aflantada v iv . next day by I I a rn. Leave Chehawd i'. ■<. a ta next dav by 3 n n. 3“.U3. From At r>. ■> ( t , .. .... • Camphollton, Dark! r t W, ,[• ■ ory Level, to Carre tunes a week. i « V ea . Ve Ata ] an,a '} iin War I Saturday at Pin., a wa; ! by b p m. i Lcave Carrollton < v,. •/ ,VJt „ M - V, . and br,day at 6a. i by Ham. J I■ I . i will be consiilefet I 3314. From At!; . H rK -,.. -Vw„rth yuiatou, Adairsv,||e to Oot times a week Leave Atlanta a ui, arrive at Uot . . . Le*ve O “ol*"*’*™* * 0. From iVla v *. . V. . . .. ton, - I miles and i . ; . w Leave Marietta ( i„) • Li 12 m, arrive at Car. . . , r w ){ I Leave Canton c y . ... iiiv’-.. v r . , v ! d n ‘> arriveat -am ,(• < , >.. , Proposals (or tlm . t ». j route will be consi t , 3346 From Ca i nageville, 13 mile i Leave Canton evt , ~ I Haroageville same i , . n ,‘ ‘ LU v> Leave Harnagevil j at Canton saint- day ; 3347. From Carter- ; • . • j back, three times aw i. Leave Cartersvill. j tun lay, at I p in, ar I p in. i l.eavp I run Work, 1,, I l.rdty, .111..,, i .ia p . r r 0 . , r“" f " r ’“ •«■■ - - -i..-;.... :ms. From Cartel • . i . , .. lot edariown, 37 mi n ■ 1 Leave Cartersvill u v’'i ,y, : ,V . V < torday, atl p iu,arri | Leave Cedertown !rv , , ‘ ; ’ r 1 FritUty at Ha m, arri . * ’ ' 3341). From Knur- i ... _ /.. ' \ i" ! ‘ ‘! six times a wcek. Leave Kingston . d ... . ... . , arrive at Cassville s ‘ “ P ni Leave Cassviile » v ~ . arrive at Kingston i 3350. From Ootlu v . Lafayette, and Fir ~, f. ' ", ’ i back.once a week. Leave Ootbcalo; r> r r Trenton next day I. Leave Trenton * . .. ~ ~, Oothcaloganext da .v ■ . i 3351. From Sprit - ... , . j Springs, and Che*. ' ' ‘ " back ,once a v\ eek, L-.ave Spring FI v o ... . 1 at Lafayette same t Leave Lafayette r\ Tbnr-.1. ♦- , Spring Place same ' n ’ ‘" '* ' "'« 335’i. From Kon town, Lafavette'. f! j v»Jle,63 m'ii«s aud ’ 1 ... ~,W ; I Leave Roseville 1 arrive at Rome ne , ‘ 1 ‘ ’ 3353. From Ron \ and back,oaeeaw , ' '' 1 ' ' Leave Rome cv VV -,' , VJ ? , j Cedartown samed y v , ... ; Leav t red ar tow j at Rome same tfa \ 3354. From Cav byO. e. , ... Leesburg, and T back. on.-, a v eek 1.- i Gadsden next dav >c.« a.S/.Twl: Leave Van Woi cv.-v t Kingston same da • , ’ rriv !,t Leave Wert same lay f e dl 3356. From Vat ' ... , '24 miles and bach Leave Van We • „ _ | Villa Rica same d 1 Leave Villa Ru j \\ ert Mtiiir day I) : 3357. From Ne ; River low n. Can rietia,s2 miles au Leave Ncwnan v ihi i n „,, r )IVI , ... nelta next day bv >in \ . Leave Marietta ,We . ‘ “ Newnan next day \ 11. 335r<. From Nr y !■ .0.,. r . . ...... , . rolltoii, toTalli,,,. I.cave Newnan TV Tiiur," . 1 „ . , 1 allapoosa next d. h\ II a in. Leave Tallai nan next day by 1 ■ , 3350. From Net n ■. , (J 1 , miles and buck, U . i . F f-itiKiin ; Leave Newnan, ! 0..! v , arrive at Frankli Leave FranUlii j' . ' , .. ( .y v , m, arrive at Newt „e ‘-i ' 3360. From Nr Q.,M . . »• Greenville, 30 mi \ , 'A,-' ' ° 1 ‘ ' Lea. cNewnan ... .. 7 . ~, ‘. ~ vi lie - .me da vby I .cave < ireen vil 1 s - Newnan same dav o ; „ ' .“ ‘ ,-,r ' * ."*■ 3361. From Nev a .. t 1 , ' 'HirM J.ev>., 2 1 miles and back v U Leave Newnan ’ . ■ - same day by 5 p I Leave Erin eve ... • f same da\ by 3 p y 3362. From Urnßi. by ?; ,1 . Greenville,and M- ■ .tv :>e, ,■ ’ ’ back, three times , . V, Leavw Griffin e- > n .. ! atl l» "*• arrive ar > ~ . , by ' ~, Leave Lag ram. . , W, 4,,. ~i day ut 12 111,amv ■ G, ” a-1 1 , a , Proposals tocii • . , ~ considered. Proposals to n ■•6.1. . 1 and to extend it,. . , , , . . . Fane, WeslPoi.. : Auburn, tot heh tr .nspoiialioii oi -ui .-J M >i; wi lalso be cons; , , i, ? ~ • ~ ... ~ , ci 111 I Leave Griffin ( ,v -n -.M ! day by 11 a in. Leave C|,e|,aw • . .. . j ; by 11 a m. 33ii3. From G df >, > .ah . , 1 three times a we-k, i Leave Griffin ere I at 1 p m,arrive at i I, ■■ v , 1. . , ! Leave Zebulon e\ . ih.., . ... day at 7 a ni,arriv< I* *ia\. ; o. . , 3364. From Gritfiii i } j mi .es and hack .once Leave. Griffin ever I ville same day by 6 ] f ; Leave Fnioliyille -v it 6 c .. i Gritßn same day by ,1 ■. j Proposals for semi lie , 1 3365. FioinZebulo * I Wi- •- j to Greenville, 24 unit .= k Leave Zchulon ev* n . j ville same day by 12 0 Leave Greenville e r. i-h. > ar*;«* a 4 ' :i 5 j bulon someday by 9 in. Proposals for twit' a■» ■ ' r - . r * I be considered. , | 3366. From Texar 4 11 Gold H ill. to Coritub ' Leave Texas every «■ 4.-. ■•>•'' 1 ! rinth same day by 5 p Leave Corinth ev, t o i Texas .amc day by -for Iwic i '‘f «i 3367. From Green ' irm ' 1 j, ■ r Springs, King’s tiaf " 4 .■ * '’llllnhu-. 15 miles . , 1 ( Con ■ r" ! ' l ‘ ’