Newspaper Page Text
Third dour from ike Surtk-W'est corner oj Broad-st.
Sales of LAND hy Administrators, Executors or Gitir
dians, arc ret|uir«<J, by law, to be lici.l on the first
Tuesday in the moil h. between the hours o? ten in the ,
forenoon and three in the afternoon, at tile ( ourt
House in which the property is situate. Notice of
these sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty
Days previous to the day of sale.
Sales of NEGROES must beat public auction, on the
first I'uesdayofthe month, between the usual hours of
►ale at the place of public sales in the county where
the Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar- j
dianship, may have been granted, first giving sixty
days’ notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes of
this State, and at the door of the Court House where
such sales are to be held.
Notice for the sale of Personal Property must he given
in like manner forty days previous to day of sale.
Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must
be published for forty days.
Notice that application *.v ill be made to the Court of Or
dinary for leave to sell LAND, must be published for
FOUR MON i lls.
Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must he published
four months, before any order absolute can be given
by the Court.
Extract from the act oj Congress of 3t/ March,
184a, section 18.
“Atnlbc if farther eaaet d, I'hat it shall bethe
duty of the Postmaster General, in all future let
tings of contracts for the transportation of the
mail, to let the same, in every case, to the lowest
bidder tendering sufficient guarantees for faithful
performance, w ithout other reference to the mode
of such transportation than may be necessary to
provide for the due celerity, certainty and security
of such transportation; nor shall any new con- i
tractor hereafter be required tj purchase out, or
take at a valuation, the stock or vehicles of any
previous contractor for the same route”.
Bidders will be careful to read the forms
and instructions appended to this advertisement.
They are requested to state, in their proposals, the
mode hy which they intend to convey the mail.
Where the size and weight of the mails, or the
sjieed called for in the schedules, shall require it, |
tiie contracts will bo made fur coach, steamboat, I
or railroad conveyance, as the case may he: and, j
consequently, such mutes will be let to bids pro- \
posing such mode of conveyance, la all other
eases the routes will he assigned to bids proposing
tiie cheapestmode ot transportation.
PROPOSALS for carrving the mails of the
United States from the Ist of July, 1847. to tiie i
3Uth June 1851, inclusive, in Georgia, will be re
ceived at the contract office of the Post Office De
partment, in the city of Washington, until 9 a. j
m., of the 10th March, 18*17, (to be decided by the
Ist day of April) on the routes and in the manner
and time herein specified, viz;
3•250 From Savannah, by Reform, Armenia,
Halcyondale, Scarborough, Brinsonvilie, Mid
ville, Holcomb, Davisboruugh, Tennille, Oconee,
Lmmeti, Gordon, and Lurks vilie, to Macon, 190 i
unDs and back, daily.
Leave Savannah daity at 9 pm, arrive at Ma- I
con next day ny 8 a m
Leave Macon Daily at 3 p m, arrive at Savan
nah next day by 'J a m.
Proposals for the transportation of the great
northern and southern mails on this route, with
the necessary expedition therefor, will also be
3:251. From Savannah, by Darien, Bruns- ;
wick, St. Marvs, Buzzard. Fla., Jacksonville.
Mu nd,inn, Gaty’s Ferry, ami Picolata, to Pil.a
ka, 345 miles and back, once a week.
Leavy Savannah every Saturday <.l i p m, ar
rive at Pilatka next Tuesday by 8 a in.
Leave Pilatka every Tuesday at J am, arrive j
ai Savannah riext Fiiday by 9 a in.
Proposals for twice a w eek ako for three times
n week service, will be considered.
3252. From Rcli>rai to Springfield, G miles and
back, twice a week.
Leave Reform every Tuesday and Friday at 11
a arrive at Springfield same days by 1 p in.
Leave Springfield every Tuesday and Friday
ait 2 pm, arrive at Reform same days by 4 p m.
3253. From Armenia to Scatesborough, 21
miles aiul back, once a week.
Leave Armenia every Friday a- 1 p m, arrive
sit Statesborough same day by 7 p m.
Leave Statesborough every Friday at G am,
arrive at Armenia sauie day by 12 in.
3254 From Halcyondale, by Black Creek,
Buck Creek, Jacksonhorough, Mill Haven, Sar
dis, and Old Church, to Waynesborough, 59
miles and hack, twice a week.
Leave Halcyondale every Tuesday and Friday
at 2 pm, arrive at \V ay nesborough next Jay by
1 p m.
Leave Wavncsborooghevery Wednesday and
Saturday at 2 pm, arrive at Halcyondale next j
days by 1 p m.
32.55. From Midville to Swatnsborongh, 20
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Midville every Saturday at 2 p m, arrive
.at Swainsborougß same day by 7 pm.
Leave Svvainsborough every Saturday at 7 am,
arrive at Midville same day by 12 in.
3*256. From Davisborough to Louisville, 12
miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Davisboruugh every Wednesday and
■Saturday at 3 p in, arrive at Louisville same days
by 7 p m.
Leave Louisville every Wednesday and Satur
day at 10 a in, arrive at DuMsborungh same days
hy 2 p m.
3257. From Tennille to Sandersviiie, 3 miles
and back, three times a week.
Leave Tennille every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 3 p m, arrive at Sandersviiie same
days by 4 p in.
Leave Sandersviiie every T need ay, Thursday,
and Saturday at 1 p un arrive at Tennille same
days by 2 p m.
3258. From Tennille, by Irwin’s x Roads and
Buck Eye, to Dublin, 31 miles and back, twice a
Leave Tennille every Wednesday and Satur
day ati) a in, arriveat Dublin same days by tipm.
Leave Dublin every Tuesday and Friday at ‘J
A m, arriveat Tennille same days by Gp m.
3259. From Milledgeville, by Devcreaux's
Store, Sparta and Mayfield, to Warrenton, 45
miles and back daily.
Leave Milledgeville daily at 8 a in, arrive at
Warrenton same day by 7p m.
Leave Warrenton daily at G am, arrive at Mil
ledgeviile same day by 5 p m.
Proposals to commence this routcat Macon will
be considered.
32G0. From Milledgeville to Eaton ton ,22 miles
anti backt. hree times a week.
Leave Milledgt villeevery Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday at 4 a ai, arrive at Eaton ton same
.days by 11 a in.
Leave Eaton ton every Monday, Wednesday
nnd Friday at 12 m, arrive at Milledgevilie same
Jays by 7 p m.
3261. Fltmi Milledgeville, hv Blountsville,
Tranquilla, Hillsborough, Monticello, Palo Alth,
Leakesvillc, New ton Factory anti Starsville, to
Oovington, GO miles and back, twice a week;
Leakesvillc to be supplied by one of the weekly
trips, and Newton Factory by the other.
Leave Milledgeville every Tuesday and Friday
at 5 am, arrive at Covington next days by 12 m.
Leave Covington every Wednesday aud Sat
urday at 1 pm. arrive at AlißeJgcvdle next da>...
by 8 pm.
Proposals to commence this route at Hillsboro’ i
will be considered.
3232 From Milledgeville to Gordon, 17 miles 1
and back, daily.
Leave Milledgeville daily at 2 pm, arrive at
j Gordon same day Uv G pm.
Leave Gordon Daily at 7 am, arrive at Milledge
| vilie same day by J 1 a rn.
32G3. Fijpn Mayfield, by Rock Mills, Shoals
( of Ogeechec, Curry s Mills and Fen's Bridge, to
Davisboruugh, 33 miles and hack, once a week. f
Leave Mayfield every Tuesday at 9 am, ar
rive at Davisboruugh same day by G p m.
Leave Davisbnrough every Wednesday at G a
m. arrive at Mayfield same day by 3 p in.
3234. From Eparta, by Long’s Bridge and War
i lli rii s Store, to (Sandersviiie, 33 miles and buck,
} once a week.
Leave Sparta every Thursday at 11 a m. arrive
i at Sandersviiie same day by 9 p m.
i Leave Sandersviiie every Friday at Ga m, ar- ,
j rive at Sparta same day by 4p m.
i 3235. From Sparta to Alt. Zion, 7 miles and
back, three times a week.
Leave Sparta every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 10 am, arrive at Mount Zion same
j days by 12 in.
Leave Mount Zion every Monday, Wednes
day ami Friday at 7 am, arriveat Sparta same
days by 9 a m.
32GG. From Dublin, by Lauren’s Hill and Cool
Spring to. Marion, 38 miles and back, once a
I week.
Leave Dublin every Friday at 5 a in, arrive at
Marion same day by 8 p m.
Leave Marion every I hursday at 5 a in, arrive ,
at Dublin same day by 8 p in.
3.2G7. From Dublin, by Mount Vernon, to Col- j
quit, 45 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Dublin every Friday at G a in, arrive at
Coiquit next day by 10 a m.
Leave Coiquit every Saturday at 12 ra, arrive i
at Dublin next day by 4 p m.
32G8. From Gordon, by Marion and Tarvcrs
• vilie to Hawkinsville, 50 miles and back, twice a
Leave Gordon every Wednesday and Saturday !
at G am, arrive at Hawkinsville same days by 7
p m.
Leave Hawkinsville every Thursday and Sun
day at 5 a i.i, arriveat Gordon same days by G
Proposals fur tip weekly service will be consid- I
| 32G9. From Hawkinsville, by Copeland, Tem
j perance, Jacksonville, Humber City, Boxville,
1 Coiquit, Perry’s Mills anu Surrency, to Darien,
154 miles and bock, twice a week,
i Leave Piawkinsvilieevery Sunday and Thurs
; day at 4 am, arrive at Darien every Tuesday and
Saturday bv 3 p rn.
Leave Darien every Sunday and Thursday at
G am, arrive at Hawkinsville every Tuesday and
j Saturday by 5 pm.
| Proposals for a third weekly trip from Ist No
vembei to Ist July in each year will be consid
l ered.
3270. From Hawkinsville, by Mihvood, Vion
( na. Cedar Cteek and iiolydaysvilie to Albany,
75 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Hawkinsville every Thursday at G am,
; arrive at Albany next day by G p ni.
Leave Albany every Saturday at ti am, arrive
1 at Hawkinsville next day hy G p m,
i 3271. From Copeland, by Adams and House |
Creek, to irwinville, 32 miles and back, once a
Leave Copeland every Monday at G am, arrive
at Irwinville same day by 5 p in.
Leave Irwinville every Tuesday at G a in, ar
rive at Copeland same day by 5 p m.
3272. From Perry’s Mills to Rcidsviile, 18
j udles and back, once a week.
Leave Perry's Mills every Monday at Gam, ;
arrive at Keidsville same day by 12 in.
Leave Reidsvillc every Monday at 1 pm, arrive
at Perry’s Mills same day bv 7 p in.
3273. From Darien, by South Newport, Rice
boro’and Old C. id. to 8 ivaunah, Go miles and
back twice a week from Ist November to Ist July,
and once a week the residue of the year.
From Ist November to Ist July.
Leave Darien every Monday and Friday at 5
a in, arrive at Savannah same days by 10 p m.
Leave Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday i
at 5 am, arrive at Darien same days by 10 p m.
From Ist July to Ist November.
Leave Darien every Monday at 5 am, arrive
at Savannah same dav by lit pm.
Leave Savannah every Tuesday at 5 a m. ar
rive at Darien same day by 10 u in.
3274. From Darien, hv Bethel, Waynes vilie,
Lungshury and Jelfersonton, to Si. Mary’s, 77 j
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Darien every Wednesday at 5 a in, ar
rive at St Mary’s next day by 1 I a in.
Leave St. Mary’s every Thursday at 2 p in, ar
rive at Daiien next day by 8 p in.
Proposals for twice a week service will be con
3275. From Darien to Frederica, 14 miles and
back, once a week.
I Leave Darien every Friday at 12 m, arrive at
Fredenca same day by 5 p m.
Leave Frederica every Fiiday at G am, arrive
at Darien same day by 11 a in.
327 G From Darien to Brunswick, 18 miles and !
back, twice a week.
Leave Darien every Wednesday and Friday at
Ga m. arriveat Brunswick same days hy 12m.
Leave Brunswick every Thursday aud Satur
day at 8 a m. arrive at Darien same days by 2 p in.
3277. From Riceborough. by Waithoursv ille,
to Uiucsviile, 17 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Riceborough every Tuesday at 1 pm,
arriveat Hinesviile same day by G p in.
Leave Hinesviile every Tuesday at 7 am, ar
riveat Riceborough same day by 3 2 m.
3278, From Waynesville, by Waresborough
and Alapha, to Troupviilo, 125 miles and back,
once a week.
Leave Waynesville every Wednesday at 2 p
in, arrive at Troupville every Saturday by G p rn.
Leave Troupville every Sunday at G am, arrive
at Waynesville every Wednesday by 12 m,
3278. From Jefiersonton, to Haddock’s, Fla., 1
35 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Jefiersonton every Thursday at 5 am, :
arrive at Haddock s same day by G p m.
Leave Haddock’s every Friday at b am, arrive
at Jefiersonton same day by G p in.
32>0, From Waresborough. by Holmesville, I
Camp Ground and Willie’s Stoic, to Lumber
City, 80 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Waresborough every Momlav ats am,
arrive at Lumber City next day by 8 p m.
Leave Lumber City every Saturday at 5 am,
arrive at \V art sborongh next day by 8 p m.
32>*1. From Troupviile, hv Piscola, Fla., and
Cherry Lake, to Madison C- H., 37 miles and
back, once a week.
Leave Troupville every Thursday at G a m,ar-
rive at Madison C. H. same day by G p in.
Leave Madison C. H. every Vv ednesdayat Ga i
in, arrive at Troupville s ane day by (j p m.
3282 From Troupville, by Sharp s Store, Oka
pilco, Thomasville and Cairo, to Bainbridge, 82
miles and back, once a week to Thomasville, and
twice a week the r< sidue of the route.
Leave Troupville every 'Thursday at 8 am, ar
rive at Thomasville same day by 7 p m.
Leave Thomasville every Wednesday at 8a m, j
arrive at Troupville same day by 7 p rn.
Leave Thomas vilie every M.mday and Friday i
at 7 am, arrive at Bainbridge same days by 7 pm. ;
Leave Bainbridge every 'Tuesday and Saturday j
at 7 am, arrive at Thomasville same days by 7 j
p m.
3283. From Tro.ujivilie, by Parishe’sarnl Hen- |
tlerson’s to irwinville. 75 miles and back, ohee a I
week. i
- s AAA .. - « » sjT winT *T
| Leave. Troupville every Sunday at 5a m, ar
! rive at Irwinviiie next day by 6 p in.
Leave Irwinviiie every 1 uesday at 3 a at, ar
j rive at Troupviile next day by 6 pm.
3284. From by Busbawille, Perry,
Minerva, iiorsehead. Travellers’ Rest, Ameri
eus, Starkville, Paiinvra, Albany and ’Newton,
■o Buinbridge, I*o miles and buck, three tunes a
Leave Macon everv Monday, NV ednesday and
1 Friday at 8 a m. arrive at Bainbndge next days
by 12 night
' Leave Bainbridge every Monday, \v ednesday,
and Friday at 4 a in, arrive at Macon next days
by Up rn.
* Proposals for semi-weekly service on tins route
will he considered. ,
3265, Fn-nr Macon, bv Bateman s Store, tort
Valley and Mars'aadvdle, to Lanier C. 41., 46
miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Macon everv Tuesday and Friday at 9
! am, arrive at Lanier C. H. next days by 12 in.
Leave Lanier C. H. every Wednesday and
Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Macon next days b}
5 p m. .
I 3286. From Macon, by Warrior, Lcboeonna,
Knoxville, Francisville, Union- Da vision, and
Talbott on, to Llicrsiie, 76 miles and back, three
times a week.
Leave Macon every r l uesday, 1 bnrsday and
Saturday at 12 in, arrive at Ellerslie next days by
7 p m.
Leave Ellerslie every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at 1a m, arrive ; al Macon next days
by 11 am. .
" Proposals to end at Bellview instead ut Ellers
-1 lie will be considered.
3287. From V!aeon, by Prattsville, Forsyth,
Baniesville. Grifiin, Fostcrville.Jonesboro, Tuek
j er’sCabin, and Puolsvill, to Atlanta, 101 miles
and back, daily.
Leave Macon daily at 9 am, arrived at Atlanta
same day bv 3 p m. *.
1 Leave Atlanta daily at 84 a in, arrive at Ma
-1 con same dav bv 24 p in.
Proposals'for the transportation of the great
northern and southern mail from Atlanta to the
1 point ofdivergence ot the New (.Orleans route, to
be performed with the necessary expedition, v.ill
: also he considered; likewise, proposals for said
service from Macon to said point ol divergence
of i be New Orleans route, will also be considered.
32siS. From Perry to Haynesviile, 10 miles
and back, three times a week.
Leave Perrv everv Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 1 p in, anivo at ilayiiesvihc same days
| bv 7 pm.
i Leave Haynesviile everv Monday A\ ednesday
and Friday at 12 in. arrived same days by 3 p m.
3289. From Traveller’s Best, by Hamburg,
Grangervill, Poindexter, lazu’wcli. I ine Hill,
and Upatoie, to Columbus, 80 miles and back,
once a week.
Leave Traveller’s Rest every W ednesday at
Ga m, arrive at Columbus next day by 6 p
j Leave Columbus every Friday at 6 a in, arrive
at Traveller’s Rest next dav bv 6 p m.
3290. From Traveller’s Rest, by Hamburg,
Martin’s Store, Pondtown, Friend-hip, Mays
\ilh-, Lanhahassie, Richland, and Lumpkin, to
Florence, *2 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Traveller’s Rest every Friday at G am,
arrive at Florence next day by G pm.
Leave Florence every Sunday at t» am, arrive
at Traveller’s Rest next day by 6 p rn.
3291. From Lanier C. H., by Tazewell, to
Lumpkin, 70 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Lanier C. H.. every 4 bnrsday at G am,
arrive at Lumpkin next day by 6 p ni.
Leave Lumpkin every Saturday at Gam,arrive
at Lanier C. II , next day by 6 p m.
| 3292. From Arm ricus, by Danville and Dray
| tun, to Vienna, 3d miles ami back, once a week,
j Leave Americas every Saturday at Ga m, ar
rive at Vienna same day I y 5 p in.
i Leave Vienna every Fri lay at Ga m, arrive at
Americas same day by 5 p in.
3293. From Americus, by Plains of Dura,
Lannahassie, Searsville, Pint ville, Gienalta, and
Halloca, to Columbus, G 8 miles and hack, once a
i week.
Leave Americas every Monday atG am, arrive
at Columbus next day by 4 p m.
Leave Columbus every Wednesday at 7 am,
, arrive at Americus next day by 5 p m.
3291. From Americus to Cuthbcrt, 50 miles
and back, once a week.
Leave Americus every Wednesday atG am,
arrive at Cutlihort next day by II a in.
Leave Clfhbert every Thursdas at 1 p m, ar
rive at Aim rieus next day by 6 p in.
Proposals lui service once in two weeks w.llbe
3295 From Starkville by Occola. Chenuba,
and Hard Money, to Lumpkin, 52 miles and
back, once a week.
Leave Stark 1 iile every Thursday at 4 am, ar
rive at I umpkin same day by 10 p in
Leave Lumpkin every VV ednesday at 4 a m
arrive at Stark ville same day by 10 p in.
3296. From Palmyra, by < )ak Lawn. Gilliam’s
! Concord and Pacln ta, to Fort Gaint.-, Go miles
I and back, once a week.
, Leave Palmvra every "Wednesday at 7 a m,av
liveat Fort Gaines next day by G p m.
LeaveEort Gaines every -Monday atOam, ai
rive at Palmyra next day by 5 p m.
3297. From Albany to ThomasviJle, 60 miles
and back,once a week.
Leave Albany every Wednesday at 6 am, ar
rive at Thomasviile next day by 6 p rn.
Leave ThomasviJle every Friday at 6 a rn, ar
rive at Albany next day by G a m.
32W From Albany, by Cuthbcrt, to Eufaula,
A la., 90 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Albany every A/onday at 4 am, arrive at
r-ulaula next day by b p in
Leave Eufaula every Wednesday at 4 am, ar
rive at Albany next day by 8 p ni.
Proposals tor service once in two weeks will be
, 3-299. From Augusta, by Belair, Berzelia,
| Lombardy, 1 hompson, Cairn,k, Double Wells.
! Crawfordsville, Jefferson Uajj, Union Point
i Glee nsbyrough, Buekhead A/adison. Social Cir
cle, Covington, Conyer’s Lithonia, Stone Moun
tain, and Docature, to Atlanta, 168 miles and
j back, with a branch mail, daily, iroai Camak to
Warrenton, 3| miles.
From Jslh 2»aurch to lOtli December in each
Leave Augusta daily at JO p m, arrive at Ata
i hint i next day by 8 am.
Leave Atlanta daily at4p m, arrive at Augusta
i next day by 3 a rn.
From JOiii December to 15th March in each
| Leave Augusta daily at 7p m, arrived at Ata-
I Junta next day by 7 a m.
Leave Atal ant i daily aid p m, arrive at Augus
{ ta next day by 4 a m.
Leave Camark daily on arrival of mail from
Augusta, say at 3 am, arrive at Warrenton,
j same day by 34 a m.
Leave Warrenton daily at 10.4 p m, arrive at
| Camak same day by 11 pm
3300. From Augusta, by Richmond Factory,
Mcßeen, Wavnesboroiigh, and Birdville, to
Miiiville, 55 miles and hack, daily.
L.-ave Augusta daily at 5 a ui, arrive at Mid
i ville same day by 6 n m.
Leave V' id. ilic daily at 5 a to, arrive at Augus
| to same day by 6 p in.
Proposals for the transportation of the great
j northern and southern mails on this route at a
j speed of not less than six miles an hour will be
j considered.
* 3301. From Augusta, by DarbyCuibrcath’s
Eubank’s, Double Branches, Lincolnton, Go- I
shen, Petersburg, Cook’s Law Office, Eiberton,
Eagle Grove, Bowersville, and Fairview, to
Carnesviile, HO miles and back once a week.
Leave Augusta every Monday at 6 a in, arrive
at Carnesviile every Wednesday by 7 p m.
Leave Carnesviile every Thursday at 6 am,
arrive at Augusta every Saturday by 7 p in.
| 3302. From Lombary, by Republican and
Ready Creek to Sylvan Grove, 21 miles and back,
once a week.
Leave Lombardy every Saturday at 5 a nv, ar
rive at Sylvan Grove same day by T 2 in.
Leave Sylvan Grove every Saturday at Ipm,
arrive at Loinharby same day by 8 p in.
3303. From Thompson, by White Oak. App!-
j ing and Kaysville, to Wrightsboro’, 40 miles and
; back, twice a week.
Leave Thompson every Tuesday and Friday
! at 6a m, arrive at Wnghtsboro’ same days by 7 j
j P ,u -
Leave Wrightsboro* every Wednesday and
| Saturday at 6 am, arrive at '1 hompson same days
j by 7 p m.
3304. From Double Wells to Povvellton, 7 ,
miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Double Wells every Thursday and |
Friday at 74 am, arrived atPowelltun same days
by 94 a m
Leave Povvellton every Tuesday and Friday at
5 a in arrive ut Double Wells same day by 7 a
3305. From Double Wells, by Raytown, to
Washington, 20 miles and back, three lime a
Leave Double Wells every Monday, Wednes
day, and Saturday at 4 a in, arrive at Washing
ton same days by 9 a in.
Leave Washington every Monday, Wednes
day, and Friday at 14 p m, arrived ut Double
\V ells same days by 04 p m.
3306. From Union Point to White Plains, 7
miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Union Point every Tuesday and Friday
! at 74 a in, arrive at W hite Plains same days by
94 a in.
Leave White Plains every Tuesday and Fri
i dav at 5 a in, arrive at Union Point same days by
; 7 a m.
3307. From Union Point, by Public Square,
to Philomath, 15 miles ami back once a week.
Leave Lnion Point every Wednesday atGam,
arrive at Philomath same day by 10 a. m.
Leave Philiomath every Wednesday at 12 m, j
arrive at Union Point same day bv 4 p ru.
Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con
i sidered.
3308. From Union Point, by Bairdstown and 1
Sahnonviilf. to Athens, 40 xmles and back, six
times a week.
Leave Union Point every day except Sunday
at 5 am. arrive at Athens same day b. 9 a ru.
Leave Athens everv day except Sunday at 3 p j
in. arrive at Union Toint same dav bv 7 p m.
Proposals for service on this route at a speed 1
not exceeding live miles the hour will be consi
3309. From Greensboro’, rby Park’s Bridge, to ;
Glades x Roads, 13 miles and back, once a week, I
Leave Greensboro s everv Friday at 7 am, ar- :
rive at Glades x Roads same day bv Ham.
Leave Glades x Roads every Friday at 1 pm, ,
arrive at Greensboro’ same day by 5 p in.
3310. From Greensboro’ to Penticld, 7 miles
and back, three times a week.
Leave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday at 9 am, arrive at Peuficld same
1 days by H a m.
Leave Pentield every Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday at 6 a m. arrive at Greensboro same I
| days by *8 a in.
3311. From Madison,by Eatonton, Stanford- !
I ville, Clopton’s Mills, Blountsvilie, and Clinton, j
to Macon. 65 miles ami back, three times a week, ;
i Stanfordvifie to be supplied three times a week
i from Clopton s Mills.
■ Lea v. Madison every Monday , Wednesday,
ami Frida 1 . ' m, arrive at Macon same davs
•- - J
i by i pm.
Leave Macon every Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday at 3 a in. airive at Madison same days
j by 4 p m.
3312. From Madison, by Shadydale. to Mon
■■ ticcllo, 27 miles and back, t hree times a week,
| Leave Madison every Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at Gam, arrive at Monticcllo some
days by 1 p m.
IP Leave Monticcllo every Tuosdsv, Thursday,
and Saturday at 9 am, arrive at Madison same
- days by 4 p m.
;; Proposals to extend th's loutc trom Monticcllo,
by Hillsboro to Macon, will tie considered.
3313. From Madison, by Ebeneber, to jNew
born, 15 miles and hack, once a week.
Leave Madison every Saturday at 7 am, arrive
at Newborn same, 6.; y*la m.
Leave Newborn every Set,! :..y at i pm,arrive
| at Madison same day by 5 p ...
3314. From Madison, by Salem and Farming
ton, to W atkins I .ille, 22 miles and back, twice a *
j Leave Madison every Monday and Friday at j
I! an arrive at Walkinsville same days by 4 p
i in.
, ".-ft Watkinsvilleevery Tuesday and Satur
t'; v da in, arrive at Madison sumo days by 1
i piU ’
3315. From Social Circle, by Monroe, Good
Hope, High Shoals,and Watkinsville,to Athens,
40 miles and back, three times a week.
Leave Social Circle every -Monday, Wedpes
i day, and Friday at 7 am. arrive at Athens same
I days by 7 p in.
Leave Athens every Tuesday, Thursday, and
| Saturday at G am, arrive at Social Circle same
days by G p m.
33J6. From Covington, by Jackson, Indian
Springs, and Gullettsville, to Forsyth, 44 miles
and back, twice a week.
Leave Covington every Tuesday and Friday at I
9 a m arrive at Forsyth same days by 10 p rn.
Leave Forsyth every Wednesday ami Satur- i
day ut 5 am, arrive at Covington sanje days by771, 1
; p on
3317. From Covington, by Oak Hill, Mc-
Donough, Fostcrville, Fayetteville, Kddron, and
S Saluda, to Newnan, 66 miles and back, three
j times a week.
! Leave Covington every Monday, Wednesday.
' and Friday at 15 am, arrive at N’ewnan next days
i by 11 am.
Leave N'ewnan every Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday at 2pm, arrive at Covington next days
! by 5 p m.
Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con
! sidered.
Proposals for the extension of the service on !
this route from New nan, by Willow Grove and 1
I Corinth, to Lagrange, will also be.considered.
3318. From Lithonia, by Flat Rock and White j
; House, to McDonough, 22 miles and hack, once
i a week.
Leave Lithonia every Thursday at 1 p nj, arrive
: at McDonough same day by 8 pm.
Leave MeDonough every Thursday at 5 a m
; arrive at Lithonia same day by 12m.
3319. From Lithonia, by Rockbridge, to Ches
ter, 9 miles and back, once a week.
JLeave Lithonia every Saturday at 11 am, ar
rive at Chester same day by 2 p in.
Leave Chester every Saturday ai 7 am, arrive
I at Lithonia same day by 10 a m.
] 33*20. From Stone Mountain, by Choice’s
Store, Sweetwater, and Yellow river, to Law- ■
renoeviiie. 19 miles ami hack, three times a week.
Leave Slone Mountain every Tuesday, Thurs
day, and Saturday at 11 a in. airive ai Lav rence
-1 ville same d,;o,> by 4 p m.
! Leave Lawreneeviile every Tuesd >y, Thurs*
i day,and Saturday at 5 am, arrive at Stone Moun
tain same days by IP a m.
Proposals to extend tins route to Gainesville
will he considered.
Proposals for a further extension of this xoute I
from Gainesville to Clarksville vviil be consider- !
e d. j
3321 From Decal nr. by Panthersv ille, Tuek
er s Babin, Cotton It er, McDonough, and
! Locust Grove, to Jucksui, 44 miles and back,
twice a week.
Leave Decatur every Wednesday and Satur
day at 3 am, arrive ut Jackson same days by 7 j
| P UK j
■ • -- v ? Jackson every Sunday and Thursday at
5 am, arrived at Decature same days by 7 p in.
932-2. From Decatur, by Crosskeys, Roswell,
Lebanon, Social Hill, and Vickery Creek, to
1 Camming, 41 miles and back, once a week.
! Leave Decatur every Thursday at sam ar
rive at Gumming same dav bv 7 p m.
U ’ave Gumming everv Friday at 3 am, arrive ;
| at Decatur same dav by 7 p m.
3323. From .VieDonnough, by Sandy Ridge,
j Lofton’s Store, and Aiectiamcsvi!le, to Mon- ;
: ticeilo, 31 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Vi cDonough every Tuesday at 7 a in. '
arrive at Montieeliosame day by 5 p m.
Leave Monticcllo every Wednesday at 7 am, !
arrive at McDonough same day bv 5 p m.
3324. From Washington, by Danburg. Peters- j
burg, Calhound’s Mills, S. C., and Lebanon, to
Abbeville, 45 miles and back, three times a week.
i Leave \\ ashington every Monday, Wednes
! day, and Friday at 94 a in. arrive at Abbeville
j same days by 7 p m.
Leave Abbeville every Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at o a in, arrive at Washington same
davs by 1 p m.
3325. From Washington, by Aonia, to Re- 1
hobotli, IS mih'sand back, once a week.
Leave 44 ashington every Saturday <*t J. p m,
arrive at Rehobo! h same day by 6 p m.
Leave Relmhoth every Saturday at 7 am, ar
rive at Washington same day by 12 m.
3326. From Wasliington, by Mallorysville,
Goose Pond, Millstoneand White’s to Elbeiton,
36 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Washington every Saturday at 9| am,
arrive at Eiberton same dav h, yj pm.
Leave LHterton ever. Friday at 6 am,arrive at
W asbington same dav bv 7 j) rn.
i 3327. From Washington, b>. Cenlreville, State
Rights, Bowling Green, Salmonvilj e Samlv
j Creek, and Scull Shoals, to Salem, 43 miles and
| hack, once a week.
Leave Wasliington every Thursday at 5a m,
arrive at Salem same da 1 , b. 7 pm.
Leave Salem every W ednesday at 5 am, arrive
at Washington same day bv 7 pm.
i 3328 From Eiberton, by Harrisonville, Cold
j water, and Montevideo, to Rugcrsville, S. C, 23
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Eiberton every Wednesday at I p m
arrive at Rogersville same day bv 8 p m.
Leave Rogersville every Wednesday at 5 am,
arrive at Eiberton same dav bv 12 m.
3329. From Lexington to Lexington Depot,
; 3 miles and back, six times a week.
Leave Lexington every day, except Sunday, at
j 7 a in, arrive ut Lexington Depot same day by b
I a m.
Leave Lexington Depot everv day, except
I Sundav, at 9 a in, arrive ut Lexington same day i
| by 10 a m. :
! Proposals for twice daily service three days in
the week, will be considered.
3330. From Athens, b ' Danielsville, Madison
j Springs,Carnesviile and Bancroft to Clarksville,
i 6-1 miles and hack, twice a week.
Leave Athens every Tuesday and Friday at 10
| a m. arrive at Clarksville next days by 3 pm.
Leave Clarksville e ery Tuesday and Friday
at 8 a m. arrive at Athens next davs bv 1 p m.
Proposals lor tri weekly service will ho consid
3331. From Athens, by Bascobel, Harmony
Grove, Hurricane Shoals, Grove, Level, Bush
ville, Middle River, Hollingsworth and Dawson,
to Clarksville, 65 miles and hack, once a week.
Leave Athens every Friday at 12 m, arrive at
Clarksville nest day by 6 p ui.
j Leave Clarksville everv Thursday at 5 a in, I
arrive at Athens next day by 11 am.
i 3!p "2. From Athens, by Jefferson and Cun- 1
ningharn’s Store, to Gainesville, 39 miles and
hack, three times a week.
Leave Athens every Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday at Hum, arrive at Gainesville same
1 day by 9 n m.
j Leave Gainesville every Mondav, Wednesdav,
and Friday ut i am, arrive at Athens same daj s
j by 2 p m.
Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con
\ 3333. From Blairs' ille, by Polk and Louds
j ville, to Mount Yonah, 2G miles and batik, once
, a Week.
Leave Blairsville every Sunday at 8 a rn. ar
rive at Mount Yonah same day by 4 p ni.
Leave Mount Yonah every Monday at 7 am,
j arrive at Blairsville same day by 3 p in.
3334. From Blairsville, by Tacoah. Ellijav, ;
Talking Rock, and Pine Log, to Cassville, 84
j miles and back, one a week.
Leave Blairsville every Wednesday at 4 am,
| arrive at Cassville next dav bv 8 p m.
Leave Cassville everv Friday at 4 a in,arrive at
; Blairsville next dav by 8 p m.
j 3335. From Dalilonega, bv Amicolola, Prince
i Edward, Ellijav, and Coosawattee, to Spring
; Place, 65 miles and back, once a week,
i Leave Dalilonega every Monday at 7a m, ar
| rive at Spring Place next day by 7 p m.
Lea e Spring Place every Friday at 7 am, ar
i rive at Danlonega next day by 7 p in.
3336. From Gainesville, by Lucksville, New
j Bridge, and Auraria, to Dalilonega, 26 miles and
I back, three times a week.
Leave Gainesville every Sunday, Wednesday,
I and Friday at 5 am arrive at Dalilonega same
| davs by 12 m.
; Leave Dalilonega everv Tuesday, Thursday, ■
and Saturday at 1 pm, arrive at Gainesville same ;
days by b p m.
3337 From Gainesville, by Hartford. Cross
ville, Calhoun, Barretts ville, High ‘lower,
Orange. Canton, and Millville, to Iron Works’
G 6 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Gainesville every Wednesday at 6 a in,
arrive at Iron Works next day bv 6 pm.
Leave iron Works e-ery Friday at 6a m, ar
rive at Ga’ties ville next dav bv 6p m.
3338. From Lawreneeviile, bv Auburn. Mul
berry, and Marcus, to Jefferson, 36 miles and
j back, once a week.
Leave Lawreneeviile everv Friday at 7 am,
I arrive at Jefferson same dav bv 7 p in.
1 Leave Jefferson everv Saturday at 7a m, arrive
; at Lawreneeviile same dav bv 7p m.
3339. From Lawreneeviile. bv Cain’s and
; Chesuut Hill, to Gainesville, 32 miles and back,
! once a week.
Leave Lawreneeviile everv Friday at G am,
arrive at Gainesville same dav bv 4 p m.
Leave Gainesville everv Thursday at G am.
arrive at Lawreneeviile same dav hi 1 p m.
11 route No.— bt extended to Gainesville, this
route will not be let.
3340. F rom Lawreneeviile, by Suwannee
| Orrsville. and Cnmining, to High Tower, 33
i miles and hack, twice a week.
Leave Lawreneeviile everv Wednesday and
j Sunday at 6 am, arrive at High Tower same
■ da\ s by 2 u m.
Leave High lower Thursday and Mon
| dav at I a tn arrive at L urrcnceviHe same days
1 by 3 p m. >
I’ lor in-weekly service will be cunsi
From Lawrence Milo, by Warsaw, to
I inckiic'vj||e ‘,‘o miles and hack, once a. wet k.
Lea. e Lawrenceville everv Fridav ata am. ar
rive at Pinckney ville same day hv 15 m,
Leave i inekneyville every Friday at I pm,
arrive at L uvrt n- eville same dav by 8 n m
From Atlanta, by Newnan, Willow
’rove, Corinth, Lagrange, Long Cane, West
j Point, Cusst ta, Ala. iVJuimt Jeflerson, and Au
burn, tn Cliehaw, Ih’G miles and back, daily.
Lea e Atlantadady at 9 am, arrive at Chehavv
, next dav bv II a ni.
Leave Chelia w daily at I prn arrive at Atalan*
ta next dav bv 3 p m.
f rom Atalanta, bv L toy, Sandtown,
I ampbi llton, Dark Corner, Villa Rica,and Hick
i orv Lev» l, to Currulltun, 5d miles and back, three
! tunes a week.
Leave Atalanta Tuesday, Thursday and
! at . at arrive at Cam-liton next da.*-
by o p m.
! Leave Carrollton every Monday, Wednesday
; by I M'n. a} Ut ° il !U ’ iUnVe Ul Atulant * next days
! Proposals for semi-weekly service on this route
will he considered.
! . 334 l , Atlanta h V High Bridge, Marietta,
j Acvvorth Allatoona. Cartersville Kingston and
A>rairsville, to Ootlicaloga, 78 miles and back, six
i tunes a week
Leave Atlanta every dav except Sunday at 9
a in, arrive at ( lothcaloga same day by -I p m.
Leave Oothealoga every dav, except bundav
at Jam, arrive at Atlanta same dav by 2i p m. *
oof.) from Marietta, by Woodstock, to Can-
I ton. ~r miles and hack, twice a week
Leave Marietta every 'J uesday and Friday at
1<- m. arrive at Canton same day by 5 n m.
Leave Canton every Tuesday and Friday at 5
a in. arrive at Mar etta same dav by 10 a in
Proposals (or three-times a-week service on this
route will be considered.
334 C From Canton, by Ball Ground, to Har
ris gevi Hr. 1 / miles and back, onee a work. 1
H-nii-B^ville 1 ' m ' >V V r ' ,V Wednesday ai d a iu, arrive at
narn.igeville same dav I>\ il a n i.
at da; 11 ;:; u ednesdi,y at 1 p ■ ,i ’ arriv °
hyh ° n 'VorkMiudesaud
Leave Cartersville every Tuesday. Th-.r«d»v, and Sa
i p U^; iy > Ut 1 P *"• arrivu ;lt 1 *••>» VVurlis same da y s |,y o
n Works ° V ' >rV Thursday, and Sa.
t.nd.o, at 11 a in,arrive at Carle.sville Mtod.,,, b,
I Sixhmcs a week service will be con
d tl-. 1' rom Cartersville, bv Huntsville and Van Wert
to < ednrtow a,37 mile, and back, three t.,r,e> a u‘!‘lk ’
, lve Cartersville every Tuesday, Thursday and Bi
‘ 1 Mmnla ‘ ‘ P
‘ tii'i r"" ' k"'"" ai. Vai.,^,l," v V 0
“o-wui.. ~Lt;
Leave Kingston everv day exrent Sim.l»r
arrive at Cassville sameday by li ,/ y 1 3 P
j Leave Cassville every day except Sunday at 7a n.
arrive at Kmgston same dav b ve v. a m Y ’ ’
; LiSmSy' l,y ■ Sl J l y ar Valley, Villa, ,OV,
bark.oner a week. ' dp » to 1 ieut °u, 52 miles and
Leave Oothealoga everv Frid-iv- -or; ..
Trenton next day by 11 am * “ arr,ve llt
*• 1 n;nton c ver\ Salurdiv
Oothealoga next day by 6p y l> arr,ve at
3351. From Spring Flare, by Cross pp,;,. xr r • .
«..m. arrivn
Sin-Inn Phre' u'i *■' 'f' / ,l<Jrs day at 5 a pi, arrive at
. L*- * * ><Uiie May by b»» m B
, J r r ‘" n ! > Dirttown.sSummprvine. Island
viKwniliJs am, brn a iiil! ’ U ’ lUtß
•r^” 1 «* 5 a m.
:. ■. ™:, te"L7 -z?ixfs r-**•««.
Leave Rime every Wednesday at 1 p, r , irriv ,. !lt
Cedartown same day by H p in. * '' rnu at
LcaveCedartow,, every W ednesday at sam arrive
at Rome same dav In 12 in. J ' arrlvc
I by0r ;; 0,a * Al *-> Cedar Bluff,
• I.eeMuiie, .„ s( | I mkeytowii, to id i mlcs and
; back, oner a week. 1 lllllca aiiU
Leave Cave Spring every Monday at i p m, arrive at
Gadsden next dav bv (i p m 1 •«, arrive at
I Sl !;^:;'.v'j; 1 l r,v;vi r h‘: «.»«»... c...
Leave Van Wert everv Friday at 7 ...
tr j 1 llu «j «ii o d in. arrive at
Knijrston Biuue flav l»v I % J in.
in r *** •* «v..
■ Winll Ba O lon t t“ Villa Kica,
Leave Vail Wert ever. Friday at G am, arrive at
» ii!:x k ic»t .sunift day l»v ru.
Leave \ ill;. Rica every Friday at 1 p m, arrive at Van
1 vv err same day by 7 p ni.
•U 5/. l-roni New nan. by Countv Line, f 'edar Bras,'.
Kner ovn, < ampbellt,,,,. :l ,id Powder Sprin-s to , ’
rietla,s2 mi! Aiul back, once a week ° ’
Leave V \ nan e, ery Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at .Ma
rietta next day by t.p m .-
L avc .VI . -ietfa every \Ve.luo 6 daV at 6a m, arrive ut
New nan next do by I I a rn> 6
T4. , 5. From Newnan, by Lodi. Kotherwoo.T. and Cur
i ro|1 1o 11 , to I allapoos ,1G miles and back,once a week
Leave Newnan every T hursday at 1 p m, arrive at
lallapoo-a next day by 11 a in. *
) Lea ve Tallaporisli every Friday at 12 m, arrive at New
nan next day by 12 m.
T.bO. From vnau, by F.uon Grove, to Franklin 21
miles and buck, twice a W eek.
Leave New mo, every Thursday and Saturday at 1 p ni,
{ arrive at I ran; In, same dav 1 pm.
Leave Franklin every Thursday and Saturday at 6 a
m, arrive at Newnan same days 12 ni.
3dGO. From Newnan, by Gold Hill a,„l Woodbury, to
Greei.vil,e, ,10 inib s and bark, once a week.
I Leave New nan every Friday at 7 am, arrive atGreeu
- Mile same day by 5 p in.
Leave Greenv i lie every Saturday at 7 am, arrive at
j New nan same day by 5p m.
I ;53(jl - From Newnan, by Location and Bexar, to Erin,
j 2< miles and back, once u week.
Leave Newnan every Thursday atßam, arrive atErii*
same day by 5 p jn.
| Leave Erin every Friday at Ca m, arrive at Newnan
j same day by 3 p in.
3362. From Griffin, by Mount .Mourne, Erin, Texas,
I Greenville,and Mouiitvii! •, to Lagrange, 50 miles and
■ bu< k, three times a w eek.
! Leavi* Griffin every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
at I p in. arrive at Lagrange next days by 10 a ni.
Leave Lagrange every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
day at 12 m, arrive at Grilliii next days by 9a ni.
Proposals locommeuce the route ai Greenville will be
| considered.
Proposals to run daily between Griffin and Lagrange,
kinl in extend tin* dully .service irom ba^ranfii,l>y Lon ,r
Cane. PoL.t, Cu'.-eta, .Ala., .Mount Jetfersoa, and
. Auburn, to Cheliaw, 67 mile» further, with a view to thq
transportation of i! northern and soutl erri mails
will also be considered. To run by tho follow ing sche
i dule;
Leave Griffin daily at X p m, arrive at Cheliaw- next
1 day by 11 a in.
Leave Cheliaw daily at 12 m, arrive at Grifljn nest day
by 11 a m.
I , :s; * T • ,,f om Griffin to Zebuhjp, 12 miles and back,
I three limes a w eek.
Leave Griffin every T m.-day,Thursday, and Saturday,
at 1 p m, arrive at Zel u lon same days by 4p m.
Leave Zebnlon every 1 uesoay, Thursday, anil Salur-r
j day at 7a m, arrive at Griffin same davs by am.
33G1. From Griffin, by Liberty Hill/ to Unionvilte, 14
nr.'es and ba. k,once a week.
Leave Griffin every Fridays! IJ n-.n, arrjve at Union
\ illt same day In li pm; Z
Leave Liiionvillu every F rid gw at G a in, arrive at
Gntlin same day by 'o.+ a ni. / '
Proposals for seioi-weekly service v. d) «>e considered.
33G.». From Zebulou, by f lat Shoals gild
to brrejn die. 24 miles and back,once a week.
Leave Zebuboi ev cry F rid ay at 4 any, arrive at f j
\ i lie san i- day by I - .' in.
Leave Greenville every at 1 pm, arrive at Ze
bu lon same day by It p in.
Proposals for tw ice a week service on this route will
i be considered.
3366. From Texas, by Pocky Mount, LntmfsWUr, and
Gold Hill, to Corinth, 3i milesand back.once a week.
Leave Texas every Wednesday ta 7 am, arrive ai Co
rinth same d • v by 5 p ni.
Leave ("orinili every Thursday at G am, artivc W
Texas same day by i p in.
Proposals sot tw ice a week Service will be considered
331)7. From Greenville, by Farmer’s. AVlii;. mi!} hur
Springs, King’s Gap.H iniilroii.Catawba.ami llarrisoiijto’-A
Coliiitibiis, 4.» unles and back.three limes s *'fi tc
( Continued on Fourth Page.)