Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 14, 1847, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. OF PICK IN' MrINTOSII ST 11F. FT. Third dour from the Xorth-W tst corner of Ifrvad-si. Balvl (if LAND hy \<linini>tr;itor*. Ilxei uiorn nr Muar tlians, nrr required, by law, in be liehl «>n iti>‘ Iff-*! Tuesday in the mon li between the hour- o' tea in the forenoon and three in the allernoon, at tlie • ourl iluilHC in which the property is <si;u:iU". Notice of theoe kale* must be pivi’ii in a public Gazette sixty Days previous to the day of .-ale. tbales of NFJJHOKS must beat public auction, on the I Cr.«t I’uesday of the month. Between the usual hours of ■ale at the place of public sales in the county where Ij. Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or (iuar diaiikhip, may have been grunted, first {Tivaei SIXTY 01 vs’notice thereof, in one of the public (iazeltes of this Stale, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to he held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner forty days previous to day of sale. Notice to the Debtors amt Creditors of au Lstatu must be published for forty days. Notice that application w ill be made to the Court of Or- ; tiiuarv for leave to sell LAN J), m. Ist he published 1 r rout mom.ns. Notice for leave to sell NEEUOE.S, must be published rut k months, before any order absolute can bo given bv I lie Con: I. Extract from the act qt Congress of 'id A larch, 1845, section 18. il And be it further enact'd, I lint it shrill he the duty of the Postmaster General, iu nil future let ting- of contract* for the transjarrHitnui <*l the j mail, to h t the same, in every oase, to tile lowest i bidder tendering sufficient guarantees for faithful , i**rformance, wiihoutot'ier reference tothe mode > of such trans|>ortation than may he necessary to provide for the dueeelerity, certainty and security of such transportation; nor shall any new con tractor hereafter he required t.l purchase out, or take at a valuation, the stock or vehicles ol any : previous contractor for the same route fV Bidders will he careful to read the forms nod instructions appended to this advertisement. They are requested to state, in their proposals, the , mode, hy which they intend to convey the mail. NV here the size ami weight of the mails, or the S|H*ed called for in the schedules, shall require it, ; the contracts will he made for coach, steamboat, or railroad conveyance, as the ease may he: and, j consequently,such routes will ho let to hills pro jMjsinu such mode of conveyance. In all other rases the mutes will be assigned to bids pi«| .sing the cheapest mode of transportation. PROPOSALS for carrying the mails of the United Stales from the Ist of July, 1847, tothe SOth June 1851, inclusive, in Georgia, will be re ceived a I the contract ollice of the Post Office De partment, in the city ot Washington, until 9 a. in., of the 1 Oi h March. 1 SIT, (to be decided by the I day of April) on the routes and iu the manner end time herein spec died, mi: G In' ) RG IA. 3250 From Savannah, by Reform, Armenia, llulcyondale, {Scarborough, Brinsonviite, Mid ville, Holcomb, Dav isbon.ugh, Tennille, Oconee. Mm nett, Gordon, and Larksville,to Macon, 190 mil' s and back, daily. L *ave Savannah daily at ( J pm, arrive at Ma rtin next day by 8 a in. Leave Macon daily at 3 p m, arrive at Savan nah next day by 2 i in. Proposals for the <fansjtorti!ion ot the great northern and southern mails on this route, with tbc necessary cx:<ediliou t tie re for, wui also L*- ron side red. 3251. From Savannah, hy Darien, Bruns trick, St. Marys, IJ.izzird FUi., Jacksonville, Mandarin, G.u v s F* rry. and Pico lata, to Pilat ka, 31 5 miles and back, « nee a week. Leavv Savannah every Saturday at 4 p iu, ar rive at Pihilka next I uesJuy hy 8 a in. Leave Pilnlka even.’ Uuesd.iy at J a ni, arrive r.t Savannah next Friday by 9 a in. Proposals for twice a week, niso for three times ci week service, will be considered. 3252. From Reform to {Springfield, h miles and buck, twice a week. Leaie Reform every Tuesday and Fiiday at 11 k m, arrive at Springfield same days by 1 p in. L- avc Springfield every 1 ticsdav and Friday nl 2 ptn, arrive at Reform same day's by 1 p in. 3233 From Armenia to Talalesborough, 21 miles and hack,once a week. Leave Armenia every Friday at I p iu, arrive f.t St itrshorough saint day by 7 p m. Leave Statesborougli everv Friday at G a in, arrive at Armenia same day by 12 in. 3251 From H.Ucvondale, by Black Creek, Buck Creek, J icksonborough, A till Haven, Sar dis, and Old Church, to Wayiiesborough, 59 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave H ilcvondale ever* Puesday and Friday at 2 p in, arrive at Waym.shori ugh zn xl Jay bj 1 p in. Le we Wa vnesborou ;b every Wed in sday and Saturday at 2 p at, sirnr at llaleyoo'daic riext tivys bv 1 (> m. 3255. From Midville tn Swainsbomugh, 20 miles and back, once a utfk- Leave .Midville every Saturday rft 2 p ru. arrive at Swidnsborongh same day by 7 pm. Leave Sw dnsliorough every Saturday at 7 am, arrive at Mid' die same day by 12 in. 3-‘SG. From Davixborough to Louisville, 12 mil*s and back, twice u week. Leave Davishorotigh every Wednesday and Saturday al 3 p in, arrive at Louisville same dayfe by 7 p m. Leave Louisville every Wednesday and Satur day at 10 a ui, arrive at Davisborough same days by 2 p in. 3257. From Tennillelo Sandersville, 3 miles end back, three ti nes a week. Leave Teunille every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 p m, arrive at Sandersville same days hy 1 p in. Leave Sandersville every Tuesday. Thursday, find Saturday al 1 p m, arrive at Tennille same days hy 2 p in. 3258. From Tennille, by Irwin’s x Roads and Buck Eye, to Dublin, 31 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Tennille every Wednesday and Satur day at‘J a m. arrive at Dublin same days bv tip in. Leave Dublin every Tuesday and Friday al U ft m, arrive al Tennille same days by G p in. 3259. From Millcdgeville, by Devcreaux’s Store, Sparta and Mayfield, to Warrenton, 45 miles and back daily. Leave Milledgeviile daily at 8 a ni, arrive at Warrenton samed.«y by 7 p in. Leave War wajmi da ly alt* a in, arrive at Mil- Jedgeviile same day by ■% pm. ProiHisals to •commence thw route at Macon will J>e considered. 32l»0. Prom Milletlgeville to Eatontou,22 miles and backt. hree times a week. L-ave Milledgevilleevery Tuesday, Thursday, nnd S, turdnv al 4 a ui,arrive al Eilontou same days by tl a in. Leave E Ronton every Wednesday and Friday at 12 m, arrive at MificJgevtlk' same days hy 7 p tu. 32G1. From Milledgeville, bv Blouutsville, Tranqtiilla, Hillsborough, Monticello, PaloAlth, Leaki sville, iSewton Factory and tt&rsville, to <lovington, (30 miles and back, twice a vveek; Leakesvillo to be supplied by one of the weekly trii's, and New ton Factory by the other. Leave iVtilledjjevillc every Tuesdav and Friday at 5 a in, arrive at Covington next days by 12 m. Leave Covington every Wednesday and Sat urday at 1 puj ; arrive at iic-xidays V 8 pm. Proposals to commence this route at Hillsboro’ will be considered. 32ij2 From Millcdgeville to Gordon, 17 miles and back, daily Leave Millcdgeville daily at 2 p ni, arrive at Gordon same day hy (5 p in. Leave Gordon daily at 7 am, arrive at Miliedge v i)le same day by i I am. 3213. From Mayfield, by Rock Mills, Shoals of Ugeechee, Curry s Mills and Fen s Bridge, to Davisborougli, 53 miles and back, once a week. Leave Mayfield every 'Tuesday at 9 am, ar- I j" rive at Duvisborough same day by ti p m. j Leave Davisburougii every Wednesday at 6a j in. arrive at Mayfield same day by 3 p m. 32d 1. From Sparta, bv Longs Hrmgeund War then’s Store, to {Sandersville, 33 miles and back, once a week. I Leave Sparta every Thursday al 11 a in. arrive ! at Sandersville same day by 9 p m. Leave Sandersville every Friday at (J a in, ar- , rive at Spaita same day by 1 j»m, 32u5. From Sparta to Ml. Vjiou, i miles and I back, three times a week. Leave Sparta every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 am, arrive al Mount Zmu saiiie I days hy 12 tu. Leave Mount Zion eveVjf Mpnday, Weiln s- I dav and Friday at 7 a .h,. awjve al* fepar'.u same days by It a 111. " *# -W' 32ofi. From Dublin, by Lauren's Hill and Coo! I Spring tu iMuiion, 38 mins and back, once a I week. - j Leave Dublin'every Friday at 5 a m. arr.ve at I j Marion same day by 8 p in. Leave Marion every i iiursday at 5 am, arrive at Dui'lin same day i>yß pm. j 3207. From Dublin, Vernon, to Cul | quit. 45 miles and back, once a week. | Leave Dublin every Friday alba m, arrive at f Culquit next day by 10 a in. i Leave Colquit every Saturday ut 12 in, arrive id Dublin next day l*y 4 p m. 32ti8. From Gordon, by Marion and Tarvers i vide tu ilawkinsviiie, 50 mdes and buck, twice a ! week. Leave Gordon every Wednesday and Saturday lat ti am, arrive at ilawkinsviiie same p In, aL Leave Ilawkinsviiie every TJiurstlay and Sun day at 5 am, arrive al- Sjune days hy 0 am. % | for tii weekly service will be consid ; ered. i 32(>0. From Hawkinsville, by Copeland, Tem ■ peranee, Jacksonville, Lumber City, Boxville, ; (lolquit, PtM’ry s rMills ano Currency , tu Darien, ; 154 miles and back, t wice a week. Leave Ilavvkinsviliecverv Sunday and Thurs day at 4 am, arrive at Darien t very i uesday and Sat urdiiy bv 3 p m. j Leave Darien every Sunday am] Thursday at Gam,arrive at Hawkinsvihe every Tuesday and ! Saturday hy 5 p in. Proposals tor a third weekly trip from Ist No vembei to Ist July in each year will be consid ered. 3270. From H»wkinsvil!c, hy Milwood, Vien | na. Cedar Creek and Hulydaysville to Albany, i 75 imlcs and hack, once a week, j Leave Ilawkinsviiie evi ly 1 hur.-day at G a Hi, i arrive at Albany next day by G pm. •' Leave Albany every Saturday at b a lit, arrive |at 1 iavvkinsv i!ie next day by Gp m ' I 3271. From Oo[M'laud, hy iVTiixWs 1 Creek, to Irvvinviiie, 32 miles and ba«rk,*<raKe a : week. Leave Copeland every Monday al 6 am, arrive i at Irwiuvdie same day by 5 p in. Leave Irw invilie every Tuesday al G am, ar rive at Copeland same day by 5 p m. ! 3272. From Perry s Aliils ti» Reidsville, 18 j miles and -back, once a week. Leave Perry’s Mills every Monday at Gam, arrive at Reidsville same day by 12 m. i J.eave UeidsviiK every Monday at I pm, arrive i at Perry s Mills same day bv 7 p in. ! 3272. From Dare n, by South Newport, Rtee | horo and Did C. H.to Savannah, b.l miles and back twice a week from Ist November to Ist July, i an 1 once a week the residue or the year. From Ist November to is I July, j Leave Darien every Monday and Friday at 5 | am, arrive at Savannah same days by 10 pm. Leave Savannah every Tuesdav and tviturday , at 5 am, arrive at Darien same days by 10 p in. From Ist Julv lo Ist .November. Leave Darien every Monday at 5 a in, arrive at Savannah same day hy lb p m. Savatuiait everv T uesdav at 5 a ni, ar rive at Dar.cn same day by !(> p m. 3274. From Darii n, b\ Bethel, Waynesville, j Langsburv and Jefiersontou, to St. Auvf y s, <7 1 miles and back, once a vveek. Leave Darh-fi everv Wednesday at 5 am, ur rive at St Mary s next day by 11 a in. Leave St Mary’s; every Tiiursday at 2p m, ar rive at Daiien next day I>\’ 8 pm. Proposals i ii twice a week service will be con sidered 3275. From Darien to Frederica, 11 miles and hack, once a week. I Leave Darien everv Friday at 12 iu, arrive at i Frederica same day by 5 pm. L' ave Frederica eve y Friday at G a ni, arrive i at Darien same day bv i I a at. i 327 G From Darien to Brunswick. IS miles and i hack, twice a week. Leave Darien every Wednesday and Friday at Ga in, arrive at Brunswick same #!ays by 12 m. Leave Brunswick every T hursday and Sator l day at 8 a in. arrive at Darien same days by 2 pm. 3277. From Rieeborough. by \\ altlioursville, ■ to Hinesville, 17 miles and back, once a week. Leave Riceborough every Tuesday al 1 pm, | arrive at Hinesville same day by ti pin. Leave Hinesville everv T uesday at 7 am, ar -1 rive at Ki eborougii same day by 12 in. 3278. From Waynesville, by Waresborough j and Alapha, to Troupville, 125 miles and back, | once a week. Leave Waynesville every Wednesday at 2 p I in, arrive at Troupville every {Saturday by G j) m. la’ave Troupville every Sunday al Gain, arrive j at NV aynesville ova ry Vv tdm sday by 12 in. . 3278. From JelVersonion, to Haddock s, Fla., 35 miles and back, once a wea k. Leave Jeffersonian every Thursday at 5 am, arrive al II uldoek s same day by ti p m. Leave Haddock s every Friday at 5 a in, arrive 1 at Jefiersontou same day by ti p in. 3280. From Wareshorougli, hy llolmesville, I Camp Ground and Willie’s Flore, to Lumber j City, 80 miles and back, once a week. Leave Waresborough every Monday at 5 am, I arrive at Lumber City next day hy 8 p in. Leave Lumber City every {Saturday at 5 am, j arrive at Waresborough next day hy 8 p m. j 3281. From Troupviile, In Piscola. Fla., and : Cherry Lake, to Madison (J. H-, 37 miles and | back, once a vveek. ! Leave Troupville every Thursday at Ga m, ar ! rive at Madison C. H. same day hy G p m. j lx' a i7 e Madison C. H every Wednesday at 6a in, arrive a« Troup;.file s uneday hy ti pm. .>2''2 I'rom T roupville, hy Sharp sßt«>re, Oka pilco, Thouutsville and Cairo, to Bainhridge, 82 miles and hack, once a week to Thomasville, and twice a week the r> sidue of the route. Leave T roupville every Thursday at 8 am, ar- I rive at Tkoniasville same day by 7 p in. Leave T’homasville every Wednesday at 8 am, j arrive at T nmpville same day by 7 p m. | Leave Thmnassiik* eveiv Monday and Friday ! at * a in. arrive at Bainbridge same days by 7p m. Leave B linbridgceverv T uesday and Saturday *at 7 am, arrive at T houiasvillc same days by 7 pm. 1 From Troupville, hy Parishes and Men ; derson’s. to ir wii.vific. 75 miles an J bm k. once a AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY .MORNING, JANUARY M, 1817. Leave Troupville every Sui duyalo a ui, ar- 1 rive at irwinviile next day hy G ,> in. Leave Irvvinviiie every T uesday at 5 am, ar rive at T’roupviile next day by G p m. 3284. From Mu on, by Busbayville, Perry, , .Minerva, Horst head, Travellers Ri*st. Ameri i cus, Starkville, Palmvra, Albany and Newton, | to Bam bridge, I*o miles and back, three times a. i week. ; Leave Macon everv Monday, Wednesday and Fndav at 8 a m. arrive at Bainbndge next days by i 2 night. ‘ Leave B iinhridgc every Monday, 5\ ednesday, ! and Friday al i a in, arrive at Macon next days , by 4i p m. . . Proposals for semi-weekly service on this route ; will be considered, j 3285. From Macon, hy Bateman s Store, t ort ■ Valley and Marshallv.lle, to Lanier C. li., afi miles and back, twice a week. i Leave Macon every T uesday and F riday at J a in, arrive al Lanier C. H. next days by 12 m. Leave Lanier C. H. every Wednesday and ! Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Macon next days by 5 p m. . 328 G, From Macon , by Warrior, ETmeonna, Knoxville, FrancisvilUn Union. Daviston, and T’aibotton, to Ellcrslie, 7u miles and hack, three times a week. , , , Leave Macon every i uesday, 1 bursday and t Saturday at 12 m, arrive at Ellcrslie next days by ■ 7 p m. i * Leave Ellcrslie everv Monday, Wednesday ! i and Friday al 4a m, arrive,at Macon next days •by 11 am . . , . ' Proposals to end at Bellvicw instead of Lllers i lie wifi be considered. „ ... T , . I 3287. From vlaeon, by Prattsville, Forsyth, ; Barncsville.Griffin, Foster villejoneslioro, T uck i er’sCabin, and Poolsvill, to Atlanta, 101 miles and back, daily. , j Leave M aeon daily at 9 a in, arrived at Atlanta j same day by 3 p m. _ Leave Atlanta daily at 8| am, arrive at Ma ! con same day by 2f p in. _ , Proposals' for the transportation ot tne grftil i noitbern and southern mail from Atlanta to (he : point ofdivergence ot live New Orleans route, to be performed with the necessary expedition, will j also be considered; likewise, proposals tor said | { service from Macon to said point ot divergence j j u fihc New Orleans route, will also be considered, j | 3288. From Perry to Hay nesville, 10 miles j ! and back, three times a week. i Leave perrv every Monday, Wednesday, and ' Friday at 1 pm, arrive at Hay iu sville same days ' ■ 'Leiive i lavnesviile every Monday,Wednesday ■ 1 and Friday at 12 in,airived same days by 3 pm. j I 3289. From Traveller’s Rest, by Hamburg, i ! Grangorvfil, Poindexter, i l*'/.evve!i, 4me Hi I, • and Upatoie, to Columbus, 80 miles and back, j once a week. , IT , , , 1 L-avc I reveller’s Rest every M ednesday at ! Ga in, arrive at Columbus next day by 0 p m. Leave Columbus every F'riday at 0 a in, arrive ; at Traveller *. Rest next day by G p m. i 3290. From I’ravelier’s Rest, by Hamburg, ! Martin’s Store, Pondlown, Friendship, Mays ville, Lanhahassio. Richland, and Lumpkin, to i Florence, 72 miles and back, once a wee k, i. L-ave Traveller’s Rest everv Friday at bn m, ■ arrive al Florence next day by G p m. 10-avc Florence every Sunday at G am, arrive ’ at Traveller’s Rest next day by G p m. | 3291. From Lanier C. IT, bv Ttecwcll, to j Lumpkin, 70 miles and back, once a Eeek. I Leave Lanier C. H., every I hbLissiav at b a ni. j . arriveat Lumpkin lU'xtday by _ j Leave Lumpkin every Saturdav at 6 am, arrive I ( at Lanier C 5 H , next »ia vby k* m. i 3292. From A mericus, by Danville and Dray- J i ton. to Vienna, 32 miles ami back, once a week. Leave Am< ncus every Saturday at G am, ar i rive at Vienna same day by 5p m. j Leave Vienna r very Fri.Uy alba m, arrive al • Ann ricus same day by .> pm. i 3293. From Americas, by Plains of Dura, 1 ! Lannahassle. JSc.irsvdle, Pineville, Glenalta, and 1 laKoca, to Columbus, 08 mill* and back, once a j week. , ; Leave Americas every Monday al G am, arrive at Columbus next day l>y 1 p in. Leave (.'oiumbus every Wednesday at 7 a ni, arrive at A mericus next day by .» |» in. I 3294. From Am* ricus lo Cutatierl. .Hi miles j and hack, once a week. j Leave Ameiieus every V\ ednesday ot G am, ' arrive at Cnthberl n«*xt day by 11 a in. j Leave Cuilibert every Thursday at 1p m, ar riveat Aim ri ms next day by G p in. Proposals for service once in two weeks w.ll be j considered. j 3295 From Ftarkvilie by Oeeola. Chenuba, ; ami Hard Money, to Lumpkin, 52 miles and back, once a week. Leave Siark* file every Thursday al 4 am, ar rive al Lumpkin same day by 10 p m Leave Lumpkin every \\ ednesdav at 4 a in, arrive at Starkville same day by' 10 p in. 329 G From Palmyra, by Dak Lawn, Gilliam’s j Concord and Pachrt i, lo Fort Gaines, GO miles i and back, once a week. Leave Palmvra everv Wednesday at 7 a in ar liveal Fort Gaines next day bv G p to. j LeaveEort Gaines every Al outlay utGa rn. ar- I rive at Paliny. a next day by 5 p m. ; ••29/. From Albany to 1 homasviUe, GO miles ; and back,.once a week. Leave Albany every Wednesday at G a in, ar -1 rive at Thomasville next dav by G p m. Leave I homas yi Ile every F riday at b a rn, ar | rive at Albany next day by G a m. | 3298 From Albany, by Cuilibert, to Eufauia ! Ala., 90 miles and hack, once a week. „ Leave Albany every A/onday at 4 am, arrive at i Eufauia next day by 8 p m every Wednesday at 4 am. ar rive at Albany next day by 8 p m.* F’rnposais for service once in two weeks will be considered. 3299. From Augusta, by Belair, Berzelia, Lombardy, T’hompson, Camak. Double Wells. j Cravvfordsville, Jefferson Hall, Union Point Greensborough, Bockhead A/adison. Social Cir cle, Covington, Cotiyer’s Lithonia, Stone A/oun tain, and Deeature, to Atlanta, IGB miles and back, vv nh a branch mail, daily, Irom Camak to ' Warrenton, 3| miles. From 15th March to 1 Oth December jq each j year. Leave Augusta daily at 10 p m, arrive at Ata j iaiitmext day hy 8 am. Leave A’lanta daily at 4 p ni, arrive at Augusta I next day hy 3 a m. F’lom 10th December to 15th March in each i year. ! Leave Augusta daily at 7p m, arrived at Ala i lanta next day hy 7 a m. Leave Atalanta daily al3 pm 3 arrive at Augus- I ta next day by 4 a m. Leave C a mark daily on arrival of mail from : Augu>la, say at 3 am, arrive at Warrenton, i i same day by 3J a m. Leave Warrenton daily at p in, arrive at ! Camak same day by 11 pm 3300. From Augusta, hy Richmond Factory, i IVldiYen, W nesborough, ami Birdviilp, to Midville, 55 miles and back, daily. Leave Augusta daily at 5 a ui, arrive at Mid- | ■ vjlle satuenlay by G pm. Leave Midville daily at 5 am, arrive at Augus- I to same *lay by b p ui. I Proposals for the transportation of the great \ 1 northern and southern ■mails on this route at a > , spead of not less than six miles an hour will be J ! considered. 1 3301. F’rom Augusta, by Darby's,Culbreath’s i Eubank’s, Double Branches, Lincoluton, Go- | siien, Petersburg, Cook’s Law Office, Ffiberton, • Eagle Grove, Bowersv file, and F’airvievv, to \ Curnesvilie, 110 miles and back once a week. Leave Augusta every Monday at G am, arrive ■ at Carnesv ilie every Wednesday by 7 p m. Leave Carnesvilie every Thursday at G a rn, i arriv at Augusta every Saturday by 7 p ni. 3302 F rom Lombary, by Republican and Ready Creek lo Sylvan Grove, 21 miles and back, once a week. i cave Lombardy every Saturday at 5 u ni, ar rive at Sylvan Grove same day by 12 in. Ijeave Sylvan Grove every Saturdav at 1 p in, i arnve at L mbarby same day by 8 p ni 3303. F’rom T hompson, !>y White Dak, Appl ing and Rays’, ille, to Wrightsboro’, 10 miles and , back, twice a week. Leave Thompson every Tuesday and Friday at G a in, arrive Al W nghtsboro’ same days by 7 ■ p in. Leave Wrightsboro’ every Wednesday and Saturday at G am, arrive at Thompson same days ' by 7 p m, 3304 From Double Wells to Powelltun, 7 j miles and back; twice a week. L'-rive Double Wells every Thursday and Fri*iav at 7i a 4n, arrived at Puwelitou same days i b\ 9J am Leave PoWe’lton every Tuesday and Friday at , 5 a in arrive at Double Wells same day by 7 a j in. 3305. From Double Wells, bv Raytown, to I W ashington, 20 miles and back, three time a I vveek. Leave Double Wells every Monday, Wednes day, and Saturday at 4 am, arrive at Washing- 1 ton same days by *9 a m. Leave Washington every' Monday, Wednos- ' day, and Friday at H p in, arrived at Double Wells same days by Gj p in. 330 G. From Union Point to White Plains, 7 miles anti back, twice a week. i .cave Union Point every Tuesday and Friday j at in, arrive at*A\ lute Plains same days by [ 9i a m. # t 1 Leave White Plains every Tuesday and Fri- ' day al 5 am, arrive at Unioa Point same davs by - ■ i / c» 111. 3307. From Union Point by Public Square, ! t to Philomath, 15 miles and hack once h wt ek. Leave I nioii Point ev ,-ry W .•<!uesday at (i u m, \ arriveat Philomath Same-lay bv 10 a ui. Leave Ptijliomath everv \\ ednesday at 12 in, I arrive at Union Points. . ..■ cay by 4 p in. Proposals for semi-*••* k! set?ice w:d no con- 1 sid* red. 3303. F'rom Union Point, bv Baird stow n and ' Salmonvilie, to Athens, 40 mii< and six j times a week. Leave Union Point everv day ; x '< p‘ Sunday’ . at 5 a in, arrive at Alliens same day b ■ a ui. Leave Athens every day except Sunday .* 3 p m. arrive at Union Point same dav bv 1 Proposals for service on this route at a qieed , : not exceeding live miles the hour will be cousi- ; | dered. 3309. From Greensboro’,!by Park’s Bridge, to j Glades x Roads, 13 miles and back, finer a week, j Leave Greensboro's ever.* Friday at 7 a u;, ar- , rive at Glades x Roads same dav hv i I a an Leave Glades x Roads every Friday at 1 pm, : arrive at Greensboro’ same day by 5 pm. 3310. From Greensimru’ to Penfield, 7 miles ! i acid back, three times a week. Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday, j and Saturday at 9 a. m, arriveat Penfield =ame ! i daya by Da iu. , l.eave Peru!ehi every Tuesday, 1 hursday,and \ Saturday ut G a iu. arrive at Greeunboro’ same ; i davs t>y H a in. 1 33 H . From Madison.by Eafhnton, Stanford- j i viiie, Clnpton’s Mills, Blouutsville, and Clinton, : lo Mac :■ ur>-offs .m l b vk, three times a week, • i Stanfor.lv 1! to U* r.applied turee times a week j j from Clopton s Mills. Leave M. .li-’.-.m every Monday . Wednesday, t ami F'ridav alb a u arr.ve at Macon same davs j hy 7 p in. Leave Macon every T’uesd-iy, Thursday, nnd : Saturday al 3 a m. arrive iff Madison bau.e days by 4 p ni. 3312. From Madison, by Shady dale, to Mon ticello, 27 mile's and back, three times a week. I cave Madison every Monday, Wednesday, and F'ridav at Gam, arriveat Monticello some i days by 1 p in. Leave Monticello every Tuesday, Thursday, j and Saturday at 9 am, arrive al Madison same i days by 4 p m. Proposals ’o extend th‘s tonto iron) Monticello, i hv HilLhoro to Macon, will be considered. 3313. F’rom Madison, by Ebenehcr, lo Now- ! 1 born, 15 miles and back, oyjce a week. Leave Madison cwry Sal unlay at 7 am, arrive at Newborn same day by 11 a m. I.eave Newborn every Saturday at 1 pm,anivo at Madison same day by b ni. 33H. F'rom Madison, by Lalem and Farming : 1 ton, tu \\ atkiriaVUie, 22 miles and back, twice a week. j Leave Madison every Monday and Friday at ; i |I a ni, arrive at Watkinsviilc same days by 4 p 1 ui. _ - Leave Watkinsvilleeverv Tuesday and Satur day at 8 a nj, anive at Madison same days by 1 P in ' 3315. l-'rom Social Circle, by Monroe. Good ! Hojie, High Shoals,and Watkinsville,to Athens, miles and back, three times a week, t Leave Social Circle every A/onday, Wednes day, and F’riday at 7 u m. arrive at Athens same days by 7 p ni. Leave Athens every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at t> a in, arrive al Social Circle same : days by G | m. ‘33IG. From Covington, by Jackson. Indian Springs, and GullettsviJle, to F'orsyth, 1! miles anti back, twice a w eek. Leave Covington every Tuesday and Friday at 9 a m arrive at Forsyth same days by 10 p m. Leave F'orsytti every Wednesday and Satur dav at 5 am, arrive al Covington same days by 7, p m. 3317. From Covington, by Oak Hill, Mc- Donough, Fosterville, Fayetteville, Kid run, and Saluda, to Newnan, GG miles and back, three 1 times a week. Leave Covington every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at b a in, arrive at Newnan next days by 11 a rn. • Leave Newnan every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 2pm, arrive at Covington next days by 5 p m. Proposals for remi-weekly service v. 411 Ire con sidereal. Proposals for the extension of the service on i this route from Newnan, hv VV Hlow Gro'c, o.atl Corinth, lo Lagrange, will also be considered. 3318. From Lithonia, hy Flat Rock and White ! House, to McDonough. 22 miles and back, once I a week. i Leave Lithonia every Thursday at 1 p m,arrive at McDoi.ough same Jay by Spin. Leave McDonough every Thursday at 5 a m ; arrive at Lithonia same day by 12 m. 3319. From Lithonia, by Rockbridge, to Ches ter. 9 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lithonia every Saturday at D am, ar- I rive at Cliester same day by 2 p m. Leave Chester every Saturday at 7 a in, arrive at Lithonia same day by 10 a in. t 3320. From Slone Mountain, by Choice’s i Store, Sweetwater, and Yellow river, to Law -1 renceville. 19 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Stone Mountain every Tuesday, Thurs ! dav, and Saturday at 11 a in. arrive at Lawtence i vjlle same days by Ip in. Leave Lawrence'file every Tuesday, T burs' | day,and Saturday at 5a m. arrive at Stone M oua- , tain same days by 10 a in. Prcposals to extend tms route to Gainesville will bo considered. Proposals for a further extension of this route from Gainesv 11c lo Clarksville will he coiLidur »’*U . ... i 3321 From DecatuT 4 by Panther&ville. Tuck er’s Cabin, Colton River, McDonough, and Locust Grove, to Jacks*...ii, 4! miles and back', twice a week. Leave Decatur everv Wednesday and Satur day at 5 a in, arrive at Jackson same *iu\s by 7 pTu. Leav ; ' Jackson everv Sunday and Thursday at 5 a in, arrived at Deeature same days by 7 p in. 3322. ‘F’rom Decatur, bv Crosskeys, Roswell, Lebanon, Social Hill, and Vickery Creek, to Gumming, 11 miles and back, once a week. Leave Decatur every Thursday at 5 a m ar riv*'at C n mining same day by 7 pm. Leave Cummin;* even Friday ut 5 am,arrive at Decatur same day by 7 p in. 3323. F'rom MeDonnough, by Sandy Ridge, Lofton’s Store, and Mecliamesviile, to Alon ticello. 31 miles and back, once a week. Leave iVlcDoilougli every Tuesday ut 7 a m. j arrive at Montieeilosame dav by 5 p m. Leave Monticello every Wednesday at 7 am, arrive at McDonough same day by 5 p in. 3324. From Was iiington, bv Danlmrg, Peters burg, Calhouiul s .Mills, S. C., and Lebanon, to Abbeville, 45 miles and back, three times a week. ; Leave Vv 7 ashington every Monday, Wed nes- t day, and F’riday at 9£ a m. arrive at Abbeville j same days hy 7 p tn. Leave Abbeville every Monday, Wednesday, | and Friday at 5 a ni, arrive at Wusliiagton same days by 1 p m. 3325. From Washington, by Aonia, to Re hubotli, 18 miles and back, onced week. i.eave Washington every Saturday ut i p m, i arriveat Rohoboth same day I>y G p m. Leave Rt hoboth every Saturdav at 7 am, ar ; rive at \\ ashington same day by 12 in. 332 G. F’rom Washington, hy Maliorysville, ' Goose Pond, Mill . toneti< 1 W bite’s to Elbeiton, j '!G miles and back, once a Week, i Leave Washington every Saturday at Si a rn, 1 J arrive at Liherton same dav hy pm, i j I.eave F’.lberton everv Fi iday al G a ui, arrive at ! Y> asliisi :v)n .same day by 7 p in, 3*327. From Washington, by Cent reville, State i Rights. Howling Green, Salmonvilie, Sarnie ■ Creek, and Scull Shoals, to Salem, 43 miles and j bat k. r,t week. ' Leave vV aTtiugtoii every Thursday at 5a m, j arrive at S.wem same tia* b.’ 7 pm. I Leave Salem every V,’ednesday at 3 a ru, arrive , at Washington same day by Tpm. 3) *8 From Elbert on. by Harrison ville. Cold- t water, a» i .Vloule*r..!« o, to llo^ersvilie # S. C, 23 • j miles an;! back, once a week. Leave Elbeiton every Wednesday at Ipm I ’ arrive at Rogers vide same dav 1». 8 p m. Leave R« gorsvilie every VV ednesday at 5 a iu, j arrive at Eibcrton same tiay ly 12 m. •‘■329. From Lciiogton to Lexington Depot. ! 3 miles and back, six tunes a week, j Leave Lexington every day, ♦ xcept. Sunday, at 1 • a ui, arrive at Lexington iJeja i same day by 8 * a in. Leave Lexington Depot every dav, except J j Sumlav, ut 9 am, arrive al Lexington same day | | by 10 a in. j Proposals for twice daily service three days in j the week, will be considered. 3330. F’rom Athens, bv Danielsville, Madison . Springs,Carnesvilie and Bancroft lo Clarksville, G 4 miles an i back, twice a week. Leave Allien* every Tuesday and Friday at 10 ■ a ni, arrive at Clarksville next days by 3 pu. Leave Clarksville e ery Tuesday and Friday at 8 a in, anive at Athens next days bv 1 p m. 1 Proposals ior tri-weesly service will he coasid j eied. 3331. F’rom Athens, by Eascohel, Grove, Hurricane SlmaH, Grove, Level, Bush ville, Middle River, Mo!ling«worth and Dawson, to Clarksville. G 5 miles and back, once a week; Leave Athens every F’rida v ut 12 m, ari’Le at i ! Clarksville next day by G p m. Leave Ctarks*itie o’ erv Thursday at 5 a tu, arriveat Athens nextday by 11 a in. 3332. F'rom Athens, by Jefferson and Cun- t ninghan.'s Store, to Gainesville, 5-9 miles and hack, three times a week. Leave Athens eveiy 4'uesdav, Thursday, and Saturday al 11 a nj, arriveat Gainesville same 1 day by 9 p m. Lea t Gainesville every Mop.dav, Wednesdav. , I and F’laday at 4 a m. anive at Athens same da) s ' hy 2 p tn. Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con , sidered. ; 3333. From Blairs file, by Polk and Louds j ville, to Mount 4 onali, 2u miles and back, once j j a week. Leave Blairsml!** every Surulav at 8 a nij ar . I rive at Moan Vonait same day by 4 pm. | I.eave Mount Vonah every Monday al 7am, i ; arrive :•( Blairs* iile same day b> 3 p in. 33 H. F’rom iiiairsvilie, by Tacoah Ellijav. I 1 Talking Rock, ami Pine I-og, to Cassvilie, 84 miles and back, one a vveek. Leave Blairsvfiie every Wednesday at 4 am, 1 arrive at Cassvilie next dav hv 8 p ni. F.ea* e Cassvilie everv Friday at 4 am,arrive at j Blairsville next dav by 8 p m. 3335. F’rom Dahlonega, by Amicolola, Prince Edward, Ellijav, and Coosawattee, to Spring Pine*', U 5 miles ami back,once a week. I Leave Dahlonega every Mondav at 7 a rn, ar rive at Spring Place next day hv 7 p in. j Lea e Spring Place every Friday al 7 a ni, ar ri« e at Daidonega next dav by 7 p nj. j 333 G. From Gainesville, by Lucits’- ille, N«*w Bridge, and Auraria, to Dahlonega, 2G miles and j back, three times a week. 1 Leave Gainesville every Sunday, Wednesday, | and F’ridav at sam arrive at Dahlonega same ! days by 12 rn. Leave Dahlonega everv Tuesday, Thursday, i and {Saturday at 1 p in, arrive at Gaincsvi.R same | days by 8 p rn. 3337 F’rom Gainesville, by Hartford, Cross j ville, Calhoun, Barrettsvilie, High Tower, Orange. Canton,and Millville, to Iron Works, GG mites and back, once a week. Leave Gainesville every Wednesday at G a ru, arrive at Iron Works next day by G p in. Leave Iron Works every Friday at G a in, ar- I rive at Ga’nesville next dav hv Gp rn. 3338. From Lawrence ville, bv Auburn, Mul berry , and Marcus, to Jefferson, 3G miles and back, once a week. Ljcave 1 .awrenceville every Friday at 7 a in, arrive at Jefferson same dav by 7 p in. Leave Jefferson everv Saturday at 7 am, arrive ’ at Lawreneeville same dav by 7 p m. 3339. F’rom Lawreneeville, bv Cain’s and I Chesuut Hill, to Gainesville, 32 miles and back, j once a week. Leave Lawiencevilie every Friday at G am, | arrive at Gainesville same dav bv 4 p m. | Leave Gainesville everv Thursday at ti am. j arrive at Lawreneeville same dav by 4 p in. | If route No.— be extended to Gainesville, this route wifi not helot. 3340. F'rom Lawreneeville, by Suwannee, j Orrsville, and Gumming, to Fligh Tower, 33 miles aiid back, twice a week. Leave Lawreneeville everv Wednesday and i Sunday at G a ra, arrive at FLfch 1' ower same ; davs by 2 p m. Leave High Tower every Thursday and Mon j dav a]7 a m arriveat Lawreneeville same days j by 0 pm NEW SERIES—VOL. I.—NO. 87. 1 tojK-saii tor Ui-wteKiy service vvtli be cuu»i derodi •>d 11. Fin mi Lawrence ville. l»v’ Warsaw, to 1 itu kiiev v i!i<> RO mill's and back, once h we«k. .c.i'r Lau reiiccville every Friday at 5 a in. ar il-cat I incknc v ville same day by *Jui. Leave PincKnewille every Friday*'at tp m, arrive at i.-uvan evili e same day l>v 8 n hi. -’row, Coniuii, Long Cane, West Point, Cnsseta, Am. vJount Jefferson, am! Au burn, to Cliehuvv, I3(i miles and hack, daily. I.e\ o At iantadaily at *J a m, arrive at Chehaw next dav in ! I a in. Leave L'hehaw daily at 1 pm arriveat Atalah ta next dav b. op m. od Id. t rom Atalanta, hv Ltov, Sandtown, <'diopia litun, Lara Corner, Villa Hjca, and Hick or> 1 -ev 1 1. to Carrollton, miles and buck, Uiroo times a week. Lea l c Atalanta ev-rv Tnesdav, Thursday and Saturd.iv at 1-m, arrive at Carrollton next days hy 5 [) tn. Leave Carrol'ton m’erv Monday, Wednesday an 1- l Ida \at(j am, ainve at Atalanta next days hy 11 ani Proposals for semi-weekly service on this route will he considered. Mdll. From Atlanta hy High Bridge, Marietta, Ac worth, A llatoona. Cartirsviile. Kingston, and Adairs . n'le, to Uoilicalogit, 7b Julies and hack, si< times a v\ eek leave Atlanta every dav except Siindav, at £ a in, arrive at Uothealoga same day hy 4 p in. Leave Oythcaloga even dav, except Sundav, at i am, arrive at Atlanta same dav hy i.*! j> in. ddld. From Marietta, hv Woodstock, to Can ton di milesand baek, twice a wehki ve Vl ari* tia every i uesday and Friday kt 1- in, arrive at Canton same dav hy 5 p in. Leai e Canton every i uesdav and Friday ai 5 d m. arrive at VI ar i tla same dav hy 10 am. f : oposals for th ree-liiiu s a-w eek ser * ice on this route will he considered. 3o 1(1. I rom Canton, hy Bali Groiind, to Har nageville. 1 , miles and hack, once a week. I. c ivu (. ninni every Wednesday at 6 am, arrive ni lilt'll,igcville .-ame day by J | a m. I.e.n !■ Hu ni.)£• \ iiii* cv t-ry Wednesday at li> n», trrif# at < unto.i same dav by ti p m. ; •’•Mi. F roirj ('artersv die, by Iron Works, 4 miles and back, three tines a u eek. Leave Carteisv ii|«- cv ery Tuesday, Th i radar, and Sta p'lii ’m 1 p ni, ainve at Iron \\ orks same days by ) l.eave Iron Works every Tuesday, Tliurstlay,and Ha liirday, at II a m,arrive at Carlcrsvillc same da;a bi* rZ in. • J Proposals for six limes a week service w JIJ bo tea sidercil. 311-. From Cnrlersvillo, liv Huntsville and Van Wart tot edartown, 37 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Fartersville every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sa , tunlay, at 1 p ni.arri vealCed-rlow n same days hy II put. Leave Cedeitown every Monday, Wednesday, aud 1 o.‘. ; l o *.*■ 8 U "I-' ■ irr,vc al L’al tersv Hie same day sby fe,, hi. .!.!!:•. From Kingston toCassviiie, 5 miles ami back. ; aix tunes a week. ' L, ‘ :ite K 'ngstoii every day except Sunday at 3 pm. J armn at( assv die same day by 4} p m. i..five < assv tile every day except tStmdav, at 7 u ml arrive at Kingston *am* day bvfe’iu m Fioni Uoiliealoga, liy Sugar Valley, VillanoW; l.at iM'tte, and I ick's Gap, to Tientou, 52 miles ami baek.oner a w eek. Le:,..,. O-the do?, every Friday a t 6 a in, arrive at I i en ton nd.vl dav by 1 I a ni. l.eave Trenton every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at • Uolhcaiotru next day by 6 p in. i 3351. From S,imig i'k.ee. hr .Cross Plains. Medicinal ! Springs, and Clie.-iiul Flat, lo Lafayette, 38 miles «nd i baek .once a week. ; Leave Spring Place every Wednesday al 5a m. arrive ul I Ail:i\ < ttc .'Uflir (luy l»y li m, ( Leave Laf.iyepe every 'Thursday nt 5 a in, arrive al I I liiL’ts same «la\ f>y * |» in! i 3352 From Rome, by Dirttovv n. Snmnieri jjlo’ Llanil tow u. l uayetlf U.wk Spring, anil Snow Hill, lu Uou , vide,(J.! roles aud baek. twice a week. | Lf.v*- R e i,. every Sunday ami Wednesday nt 5» ml univeat it ossv ille next day >by 11 am. Ilii. sy ill< t v erv Monday and ThUrsiloy at 1p mi ■arrive hi Kmhe next d ays bv 7 p ni. 33a i. F rom Rome, hy L’ppituty ,to (.’edartow n,20 miles and hack.onera week. Leave Ivopie every A\ ednesday at 1 p ni, arrive at Cedartow u same day by 8 p nj. j Leave* edartowu every \\ ediifsday at 5 am, arrive | at Home same day hv 12m. i 3354. From ( m-Spring by Oceola. Ala,, Cedar Bluff; Leesburg, and J urkev low n, to Ciudsdeu, 4b miles aud I back, ciiu*e a week. Leave Cave Spring every Monday at J p m, arriro s t CicUtien next da\ b} b j> ni. 1. IV-Gadsden every Sunday at Gum, arrive at Cava Spring next day by 1 I a in. •U,m. I rom Van Wert, by Slilesliorough, to Kingston, SD miles and b ick, once a week. ’ Leave \an \\ ert every Friday al 5 a rn, arrive at Kingston .same day by 12 in. Leave Kingston i very Friday at 1 p m, arrive at Van W ert same day hy 8 p ni 3.n; From Van U erl.bvXew Babylon, to Villa Rica, 21 miles and hack.o co a wet k.^ Leave tan Wert ever* Friday at G a in, arrive at Villa Rica same day by 12 m. Leave \ il! i Rica every Friday at 1 p m, arrive nt Vuh \\ eri same day by 7 p in. 1 rom Ne,vv nan. !*v Fonnty Line, I edar Hratirh, River I ow n, I ampheiltoii, and Powder Springs, to Ma ri* t a,52 miles anil back, once a weidt. l.c,i>c > ".vnai! ci ery Tliurstlay atl ]i in, arrive at 31a j rietla next day by pin i Leave .darieita every U e Incsday at 6 a rii, arrive at . Mew nail ic.vl day hy I I a m. 3358. From .New nan. hy Lodi, Kothervvood, and Car” ml it on, to 'I ni! ij'oos!, 40 miles and back, once a w eck. Leave ISevvnrin every 7'h nrsday at 1 p in, at rive at 'i’aliupoosa next day by 11 am. Leave F ill ipoosa evety Friday at 12 in. arrive at New* nan next day by 12 m. . , •, H 3 ’io >. From New), ail, hy F.non Grove, to Frauklia 31 ’ miles and buck, twice a week. Leave New nan every Thursday and Saturday at 1 p tn, arrive at Fraiii-bli same day 7 pm. Leave Franklin every Thursday and Saturday al 6 Ifc in, arrive at Nevrnan same days It? in. m 33GU. I rom Nevviiaii, hy Gold Hill and Woodbury, to Greenville, 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave New nan every Friday at 7 a ni, arrive ulGrcen v illesaine day by 5 p pi. j 1 eAveGreenville <V ry Saturday al 7 a in, arrive ,ul i Now nan > une day by 5 p in. 33GL i’roni Nevvnan, by I, oration and Bexar, to Friik, 27 milesand back, once a week. Leave New nan every Thursday alßa in, arrive at Erin same day by 5 p in. 1 eaye Erin every Friday at V am, arrive at Newuaß same diiy '.>y 3 p m. 3162. From Gridin, hy Mount Mourne, F.rin, Texas, , Greenville,and Mountville, to Lagrange, bl l miles and * haejt, three times a week. j Lea vs Gridin every Tuesday, Thursday, rnd Saturday j at I pm, arrive at Lagrange next days by 10 a hi. Leave Lagrange every Monday, Wednesday, aud Fri day at 12 ni, arrive al Gridin next days by 9a Ul. Proposals lo commence the route at Greenville will by j coiiMilered. Proposals to run daily between Griffin and Lagranvw, and to extend the daily service Iron) Lagrange;by Long i F ane, West Poi..t, Fu.sseta, Ala., Moitnt Jefferppn, and Auburn, toChehaw , (i7 miles further, with a view to tlia i transportHlioii of the great northern and souli ern mail* j will also be considered. Toruu by the following sche dule: Leave Griffin daily at 4 p in, arrive at Chehaw next ; <iay by 11 a in. I Lea* e Chehaw daily at 12 in,arrive at Griffin next Via? j* by Dam. 33-'3. Fioni Griffin to three times a w eek. j Leave Gridin every T uesday,Thursday, and Saturday ! at 1 j) m,arrive at Zeliulonsanic day sby 4 p ni. ! Leave Zebulnn every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day at 7 a in. arrive ai <• riein satiie days bv a pi 33'>1. From Griffin, by Liberty Hill,’ to Union ville, 14 ; mi'es and hark,once a week. Leave Griffin every Friday ut 1£ p in, arrive at Union- I ville same day by Gp nj. Leave Fnionville eveVV * ; rid'?y «t 6 am, arrive at | Griffin satire day hy 104 a m. Proposals forsemi-wei klv service, w ill be ronsldrretV, 33C5. From Zehulon, by Flat {Skoals hod W ot»d-boni*e> to Greenville, 24 miles and leack,oneen week. Leave 'Zehulon every Friday ul4 a m,arrive at Gr'e'en ville same day hv 12 m. I.e:ive Greenville every Friday at 1 pm, arrive *lZe -1 bn lon same day by 9 p in. Proposals for twice a week service on lhi« route will j be considered. From Texas,by Rocky’ Mount, Lutbeysvillo,and j Gold Hill,to Corinth, 3 milesand back, once a week. Leave Texas every Wednesday at 7 am, arrive at Cos rinih same day by 5 p in. Leave Corinth every Thursday al 6 am, arrive at * Texas same day by 4 p ni. Proposals for twice a w eek tirviee will he ren*idered r 33'17. From Greenville, by Farmer’s, V\ hite Sulphur Springs, King's G ip,Hamilton,Catawba,and i Columbus,4s mil(V-and back.throe limes a mik ( CoHtijnudtm Tourtk ■)