Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 21, 1848, Image 2

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THE ('ON ST IT IT IUN A LIST. JAMES GARDNER. JR. TEEMS. Djil y. per annum gg 00 Tri-Weekly, per a.num ,G 00 If paid in advance 5 Oft Weekly. per annum 6 00 If paid in advance 2 50 To Clubs, remitting ,£lO in ahvanck. FOE COPIES arc sent. This vviil pul our W eekly pa per ia lbs i each of new rubscribcri at TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. Sn7“Sabscribers n ho will pay up arrearages, and send four new subscribers, with the money, can get the paper at £ - 90. FiTrAli new subscriptions must be paid in ad vance. BjTroitage roust be paid on ail communications and Istters of business. ■JJi.u ■nowcai—l———gw HY OUR PON V EXPRESS. 21 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MAIL. (From the .V. O. Picayune, Ifli-'i last.) Arrival of the West India Steamer- The royal mail steamer Thames, (Nipt. Geo. Abbott, arrived at Ship Island from Havana on Thursday evening last, the 13tU last., having left the former port on the Tuesday previous, (the 11th.) She brought over the following passengers for this port: Comte de Ooltz, Messrs. Godcz, Musson,Baldwin, Mill-;-, Isaacs, J. Cuctillu, B. Cucnllu, and Pablo Farigla. The Mexican Gulf C >mpany ha I the steam er Delaware in waiting to take off mails and passengers, and there was no detention on this account. The passengers arrived in town by the Gulf road yesterday afternoon. Wc are in- ! debted to the courtesy of ono of them for Ha- | vana papers to the 11th inst. The Thames was not the steamer regularly i duo. The Tay or the Medway was the steamer j expected. The agent of the line at Bermuda! waited till she had been fourteen davs past due I there. She not then appearing, ho determined i to despatch the Thames with the mails for the j West Indies and Mexico. If the Tay were the steamer despatched from Southampton, as is supposed, the agent would have no fears fur her safety, notwithstanding the detention. She has recently been placed in tiro best possible order and is a very fine boat. The Thames proceeded immediately from Ship Island to Vera Cruz, but inasmuch as she i; exceedingly straitened for time to keep up the connections of the line she will proceed on her return voyage from Vera Cruz directly to 11a t ana. not touching at Ship Island. The | next steamer from Southampton, however, will make the usual landing. We find scarcely a word of news in the Ha vana papers. The brigs Titi and T. Street ar rived from this port on th rt 9th inst«, and the j Spanish brig Americano sailed on the same day for this port. The brig Salvador* arrived on I the 11th, and the brig Orleans was going in as I the Thames came out. The brig Miilaudon : sailed on the 11th for New Orleans. The Spanish war steamer Congress sailed from Havana on the 10th inst. with D. Angel Romero, an officer of Engineers, on board. She was to keep along the coast for an exploration, with a view to a plan of fortifications to the carried into effect. The Manifesto of the ‘Taros ” We have been interested in the perusal ol an address or manifesto recently issued by that section of the Mexican Congress called the Vuros —the late Tice President, Gomez Farias, at their head—in justification of their vote up on the proposition of Scnor Otero. It is an important document, as unfolding the views of the most an d radical democratic party in Mex ico, the bitter enemies of the church and the army. It is written, too, with ability, and we would give it at length but for the pressure of other matter upon our columns which cannot 1 well be postponed. We can only offer an im- ! perfect analysis or it. To understand the subject, the reader will bear in mind that Otero published a pamphlet ably maintaining a proposition which he sub scfuently introduced in the form of a resolu- 1 tiou in the Mexican Congress, to this effect: The Government shall have no power to accept propositions of peace, by virtue of which ; the Republic alienates territory which it pos sessed without dispute, before the present war. This proposition looked to the cession of Texas, but of Texas proper, bounded as Mexi co claims it to be. The proposition was re- 1 jeeted by a decisive vote, by the coalition of those who thought largo concessions should be made for the sake of peace, with those who would not even alienate Texas, Gomez Farias and the Pur os belonge I to the latter section, and in the exposition before us they vindicate their vote. The lir.-t ground they take is this, that the i dispute I territory in the case which Scnor Utero considers as tnc sole subject oi negotia tion, extends much farther than he intended; that it includes not only Texas proper, but a tract of country north and east of the Rio, in cluding parts of the States of Tamaulipas, CToahulla, Chihuahua,and almost all the terri tory of New Mexico, including its capital. Under this head they proceed to show how th; United States have persiste I from an early day in attempting the acquisition of this tcr * Tory, and they qu’otc from the message of our President to show that wc row consider our title to the whole complete. Mr. Otero's lim itation to “disputed territory” meaning only Texas proper, is therefore not strict enough, ns the Umtcd .States'claim so much mo.e than Texas. Again, they argue that Congress has not even power to alienate Texas proper, and thev enter minutely into the constitutional ques tion of the power of Congress to a'ienate na tional territory. They deny it altogether, and import their position with ingenuity and ap parently upon unanswerable grounds. The only exception* they make is,-in the case of overwhelming necessity, where the territory abandoned or alienated has been* defended to the last extremity. An abandonment of territory to a neighbor ing country, without the consent of the peo ple thus abandone I—save in the case of abso lute necessity above indicated—they hold would he a flagrant dereliction of national duty. But in case the nation were to re ceive for such abandonment an indemnity in money, its course would be ten fold more scandalous in the eye? of the world. The three million hill of our Congress is alluded to to give effect to this head of the argument. They then proceed to discuss the ques tion whether Mexico has yet done all a na tion should do to prevent a dismemberment of her territory. They Dhow how paltry has been the national defence by citing the case of Buenos Ayres struggling for years against France and England. Uraguay and Paraguay combined. They cite the ease of Algiers, for seventeen years disputing her national exis tence with a powerful monarchy like France. They then pro-seed to disparage the United St»tea by a mention of our long and expen sive war with a miserable band of Seminole-, who sot at defiance for years the resources of our arm?. And shall Mexico, they argue, ‘consisting of seven millions of people, a rich noil, and every facility far the importation of arms, shall Mexico bow the neck to rhe L'nl- f ted States, whom the Seminole* set at de- ' fiance* and who could not even achieve their own independence unaided r j They then enlarge father upon the gross ! breach of national faith which would be in volved in the abandonment of any of thefron | tier provinces. Such a course would be more shameful than all their defeats, than the occu pation of their capital by the enemy, and ! would set the seal to their ignominy in the j eyes of Christendom. They next consider the resources of the j country, and protest that they are ample to < resist twenty, thirty, nay, fifty or a hundred thousand armed foe?. As .yet the country ! has u ade no sacrifice proportionate to its wealth, and there is here an evident allusion Ito the property of the clergy. The cases of j France and England are cited, when in de fence of national integrity the one sent a I j twentieth part of her population into the field, I and the other submitted to taxation equal to | half of the rental of her subjects. | They take next the broader ground, that | this is not a mere contest for a frontier province. , The question, is, they say, of infinitely higher moment. It touches their nationality, : the existence of the race, and therefore they ! will never consent to negotiate so long as the en-mysoccupies their soil or hold their ports, i We had hoped to give in full the conclu- ; sion of the manifesto, which is eloquent, but find we have not room. We have given enough to show the spirit of the Pitros, who ; declare themselves the steadfast friends of liberty, democracy and the cause of civiliza- ; tion, and deeply moved at the evils of war : which it is necessary to encounter. Twenty eight deputies give in their adhesion to the paper, at the head of whom is Gomez Farias, J whom we suspect of a much more deadly hos tility to the clergy and army of his own coua- | ; try than to those United States. NEW-ORLEANS, Jan. 15. P. M.— Cotton.—' The week opened with a fair demand, and on Monday ! 6000 bales were sold at very full price?, say M«d- : J dling,to Good Middling a 7lc. On Tuesday t'ac j demand was fair in the early part of tlie morning, ; when some rumors got abroad about the Caledo- i j aia’s news being in town, which caused buyers to I 1 withdraw, and only 3500 bales changed hands. On i Wednesday a short Telegraphic account wa> pub. | fished showing a decline of jd. but notwithstanding i these accounts purchasers took 5000 bales at a de j dine of Jc from the highest point on Monday. On Thursday further particulars were received, *grcc ! iua: with those previously received, and only 6000 I ! bales changed hands without any change in prices, j On Friday the letters came to hand and proved to ! j be more gloomy than the newspaper accounts, still i the demand continued active and 5000 bales found purchasers at previous rates. To-day there is a- , g.nn an adive inquiry and the sales reach 6500 halos, making the total of the week "9,000 bales. : '1 no purchases have been chiefly done for the North, Franc *. the Continent and Spain, little be ing done for English account. The market closes , very firmly at the following rates— Inferior, 5.| a s]; Ordinary t > good ordinary. 6 a | 6.J: Middling. 63 a6R Good middling. 6£ a 7£; Mid dling fair, 71 a 73; Fair, 7A a 7a; Good fair. 0 a tip, j Gooijjind fine. 9 a 10c. Sugar. —The demand ha* been active, the West j ern buyers being our principal purchasers, and fu!- '■ ly 4500 hhds. have changed hands. In the early j part of the week prices were very full, Fair hav | ing bven sold at -I a 4£cq but since Wednesday-, i owing to 'arger arrivals, the market is easier. We | quote— Prime, 4j a 5; Choice, -*=*■ a •=—. Molasses. —-The maiket opened at a 18c. hut > advanced on Thursday to a 19c. at which the j sales have since been made, one lot having been ; sold this morning out of first hands at I9jc. The 1 sales reach fully 6000 bids. Corn. —There was an active demand on Tues ■ day and '25,000 sacks were purchased for England. : the North, and the Government, at 55 a 50c. for Prime, White and Yellow. .Since then the mar ket lias been drooping, the English accounts be j iag unfavorable. To-day the highest offer for Prime Shipping lots was 50c. which holders re fuse I. and preferred storing. Ijfv d. —ln the early part of the week large sales 1 were made at si| a 6i|c. for fair to strictly Prune in bbls. and kegs For the last three days the mar ket has been rather heavy, leaving an ample stock ; on sale. To-day Prime Lard has been sold at in bbls. and 6|c. in kegs. Freights. —- 1 here is more freight offering and j the fates arc firm, as follows ; —Cotton to Liver pool, 15-3-d a i|lq Havre, Icq Boston; Macon &. Atlantic Rail Rond The report of the President of the Macon & Western Company, made to the Stockholders, : at their recent meeting, is a clear, brief, busi- ; I ness-like document, and places the affairs of j the Company in a most satisfactory light. The Macon & Western Koad.it will be rccol i looted, was purchased at public sale, by the ■ present company for the sum of sl-35,100. — * They have since expended upon the work, for ; grading, superstructure, iron, equipment, buildings, See. See., the additional sum of $460,- i 998,24; making the entire cost of the road $616,098,25. The road was put into opera tion in the autumn of 1846, and its earnings, for the year 1817, with a deficient equipment, are as follows, viz: For freiget $54,862 63 For passengers 62,733 59 For mails 7,570 98 Total earnings $125,167 20 | The entire running expenses of Hoad for the year, were only.. 50,152 65 Leaving net earnings. ~575,014 55 Os this sum $30,000 00 were paid in divi dends on the Ist of August last; $15,014 55 wore expended in the purchase of additional cars and Engines,and the remaining $30,000 00 j remain to be paid to in dividends on the Ist February next. The whole number of miles run by the pas senger trains in the year was 73,750,by freight trains 23,129, by other train? 9,200, making a ; total of 111,009 miles. The average speed of the passenger trains was 16 miles per hour,and 1 of freight trains, ton miles per hour. The total number of passengers conveyed i on the cars during the year was 29,905, and , the income from that source it will be seen was greater than that even from freights.— 1 This is a new feature in the history of southern rail roads and proves that the position oftheMa- I con & Western Road is sfifch as to insure, j I through all time, a profitable return to its stockholders. If it has during the first year ■ of its operations, made $75,000 upon an out lay of a little over $600,000, surely when the state road has been completed, and other cou : templated improvements alluded to in the i'c- I port have been perfected, the Macon and Wes tern,will- be found to be one of the most proffi table rouls in the Union.— Journal $ Messen ger, [Correspondence of the. Charleston Courier.] New York, (Thursday Night) Jan. 13. | A few days since, a clerk in one of the larg est specie dealing houses in this city, in hand i ling a quantity of quarter eagles, discovered : one which had a peculiar ring, and which he accordingly suspected to be counterfeit, though in its appearance there was nothing to justify such an opinion, it being perfectly stamped, and of just the right siz». On being weighed, j it was found precisely light in that respect, and the usual chemical tests were applied without effect; at the same time other coins known to be genuine were tried, and among them some were found with precisely the same sOuud; the best judges of coin also pronounced it genuine. But all tills was not enough to put an end to the suspicion, accordingly, the piece w<n sent to Philadelphia, to be examin- ! ed at the mint there. Hero, too, it passed the closest scrutiny without its falsehood being disclosed. It was dated 1843, purported to be stamped at New Orleans, and was perfect in a'i particular*, with the execution, that it was I 4 wrtfnr 1 - "tiiiiit wi ■ ll ' a very trilie thicker than usual; and, on be-in*; 1 examined with a microscope, the Governor of the mint was of opinion that the edges were rounded very slightly more than they ought oiiL'ht to bo. though others could see no such difference, at any rate it might have been caused by wear. Finally, in order to leave ! no doubt, the piece was sawn in two, when it I was seen to be the most cunning and danger ' ous counterfeit ever made. It was composed of a shell of gold, the value of which was some dollar and a quarter, with its centre of silver worth not more than a shilling. It was made rather thicker, in order that there should he no difference in the weight between it and the , true coin. Os course this discovery is a most alarming ; one for all dealers in specie, as well as for the | banks. This is a counterfeit against which I there is no safeguard. Nobody can be sure ! that any gold coin Is good till he has sawn it |in two. Even the officer's of the mint are ! deceived; a half eagle received at the Philadel : phia mint, <Treat from New Orleans, with the j mark of New Orleans mint upon it, however, j has been cut in two, and found to be prepared ;in the same way. All the brokers and bank ! ers are in terror at the discovery. How can j any one of them bo sure that half the bullion 1 in their vaults is not counterfeit? One thing is rather singular in this busi- I ness, and that is, that the counterfeits of this kind thus far discovered, all bear the New Orleans mark. Is It possible that they actu i ally come from the dies of the mint? How i else could they be so exactly coined, that even | a micorscope could show no clear difference | | between them and the genuine money? Homo—-BV JIuMTOOMERV. i Then* is a land, of ev’ry land the pride, ; lielov'd by Heav’no’er all the world beside, j Where brighter sans dispense serencr light, | And milder moons einparadise the night; ■ A land of beauty, virtue, valor, truth, j Time-tutor’cl age, and love exalted youth; : I he wand ring mariner, whose eye explores ; The wealthiest isles, the most enchanting shore,* | View snot u realm so beautiful and fair, Nor breathes the spirit of a purer I la ev’ry clime the magnet of his soul, j Tn'Jelvd by remembrance, trembles to that pole: ■ - •■*' hi tuts land of Heaven’s peculiar graca, j The heritage of nature's noblest rare, There is a spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest; Where man, creation's tyrant, lavs aside | liis sword anJ sceptre, pageantry and pride. While iu his soften'd looks benignly Mend 1 The sire, the son, the husband, father, friend; j Mere woman reigns— he mother, daughter wife, Strews with fresh tlow’rs the narrow way of life; , In the clear Keav’n o! her delightful eye An angel guard of Joves and graces lie; Around her knees domestic duties meet. Vnd fire-side pleasures gambol at iter feet, j Wat re shall that land, that spot of land, he found! Art thou a man?—a patriot?—look around j O, thou shall find, how e’er thy footsteps ro;ara, That land thy c unit y, and that spot thy uome! j LOLAH MONTANA. A riCTUKE OF THE MEXICAN WAR. ; BY MRS. 11. MARION WARD, It came at last—that dark cloud that for months had hung like a death-shroud over the bosom of a great nation ! It came at last, I j and young faces grew pale and haggard as fear j drove them on to premature old age; young i hearts grew old and withered as the voice of 1 war congealed their pulses with a dread of I forboding ill. Still on and on it came, sweep- ’ | ing over groves and valleys, darkening the 1 hearthstone of love, and prostrating the peace- j ful temples of home, till at last it burst in all [ its fury, and a beautiful country was deluged | j with brave blood ! The mighty were stricken . down in their power, the intellectual iu the j glory of their intellect* Matter usurped the empire of milld, and strength of soul became i subservient to bodily fear. Still ori it came— the fiend of War, with its ocean of living I forms, rising, wave after wave, upon tire hills; ! or retreating into the flowery thickets, till the echoes catight the sound, ari I ran with their fearful tidings to the distant Hills. It was a fearful time for those whose deep love of , home had been implanted and matured be- I nenth the warm sun of a Southern cli ne 1 It i was a fearful time for the poor devoted wives, whose eyes were dim with watching for the return of those dear beloved ones, whose j hearts —alas, with all their yearning impulses, j were too surely still’d forever. But there 1 was another pair of eyes—dee]), earnest, lus- | j trous cyc«, which told of Mexican origin, that watched the enemies forces all the day long 1 I through the noise and smoke of battle, too happy if but to catch one glimpse of a noble , I form that rode fearlessly at the head of an | American volunteer company. There was another pure, warm heart, with its wild flow | ers of love just bursting into bloom, whose i deep yearnings followed the brave American I 1 through the thickest of the fight, murmuring | his dear name the while, as if she would pro- [ tect him amidst the shower of bullets that j ! were dealing death around him. Poor Lolah j I ana ! This same officer, whose form she j singles out amid the mass of soldiers, was a j tenant of her father’s cottage for weeks and weeks while suffering from an almost fatal | wound. The pure springs of her heart had bee n unlocked by sympathy for hi* infliction, and now its bright waters were fated fff be j embittered in their first free gushings. She i had sat by his couch all day, with her earnest i eyes looking into his own ; she had knelt by his side in the still hours of night, with pray ers upon her lips for his recovery, till her heart had forgotten father,- home, friends, in i its wild idolatry, and only remembered the | one dear vision that had shone upon her se cluded life ! Was it strange that the soldier’s heart should return the devotion of one who had scattered so many blossoms around his path—who, when the mists of an early death were gathering around, still bent her brilliant eyes lovingly upon him till their glance seem ed to charm him back to a renewed sense of life ? And yet, while both felt they were be i loved, no word of love had ever been uttered. To me, there is more pure, holy, beautiful re ; ligion in this love acknowledged, yet not ac- I know lodged, than the cold, practical theorist ever dreamed of. Disobedience lost us an j Eden of flowers, but God has given us an ; Eden of love; we sometimes wander from its shades, but when weary with the stern lesson | of wasted friendship which meets us at every turn, we creep back again worn and weary to i this one spot forever green in the great desert of life. And the soldier had watched every movement of that sweet girl as she glided like a sunbeam through the apartment—had lis -1 toned to the thrilling tones of her low voice, | and felt her beautiful hand fluttering like a j | white dove around his throbbing temples— and yet feared by a word to cieate hopes i which might never be realized. The morning came for his departure, and when Lolah was summoned to bid him good-bye, her haggard brow and swollen eyes told of a night of an guish and suffering. “You will remember me when I have gone, Lolah,” said the sol j ciier, taking her passive hands- in his own, and, for the tiist time, pressing them to his lips with an irresistible impulse. Slowly the beau tiful girl raised bur eyes to his, as if only that moment comprehending how great would be her loss, and how little her capability of sus taining it. When he teas gone! Where was her world now ? She had bartered it for an empty vision, and now that the glitter was I passing, she could only creep into some corner and die ! Oh, how the heart aches when it is first startled from its glorious dreams of seem ing love, and finds that love idolatry ! How it longs for, yet dreads to meet a return of the deep Hood of feeling which Is wearing aw»> ' the quivering chords of life ! The power of f intellect may control any outward manTesta tation of feeling, but when alone, w ith the memory of the loved one lingering like sun shine around the heart, if there is a moment of entire happiness on this side of the grave, it , is then, when soul and spirit and intellect are melting away into a beautiful stream of love I Lolah was the first to break the silence, for woman’s heart is not governed by the strong i will and power that characterizes the sterner I sex, but her voice was agitated with emotion j as she replied in answer to his question, j “ When once a Mexican woman has learned | to love, she never forgets.” They were mar- j vied, and at the same moment which saw her ! a wife the trumpet blast was heard to sum- I ; moil her husband to his duty as an Americas j soldier, and her father’s enemy, Thov had ao- i pointed a place of meeting with as much sc- ; eurity as could be obtained in such perilous J times, and night after night the graceful form I of the Mexican girl was seen gliding like a ; spirit through the pale moonlight that lay; like a misty veil over the battle ground. Heaps ; of dead bodies barred up her path to the chap- j ! paral, mid more than once the glittering knife j of the JLianchcro flashed iu the distance, llor- : ror encompassed heron every way she turned, ' but what sacrifice was too great to purchase i the dear delight of sitting by his side, with her head resting upon his bosom, and nothing , hut the bright stars to witness their devotion ? What to them was the slow tread of the dis tant soldiery—what to them the howl of the Jack all, that scenting the warm blood, crept I | from Ids ambush to secure a revolting meal ? i j They loved, and in each other’s society the ! world had no further power to disturb their ; | happiness. One night—it was the second | week of love’s strange betrothal, she bent her j I steps as usual to the chapparal, but not with her accustomed speed for fearful forbodings j were weighing like lead upon her heart. The I | moon was struggling through the dull clouds j looking lovely and weary ; an unusual mist • I hung over the chapparal, and around the hills, j ! as if to hide the fearful sun of God’s life, that i j had been that day wasted. “If ap.vUi.n-' has • i.'tppenru to mm,” said Lolah, giving utter \ anee to the vague fears that opposed her* At : I that moment a low moan attracted her atten tention, and almost flying to the spot whence it proceeded, she discovered her husband ly ing in the agonies of death. He had battled with bullets and bombshells all the day to meet his death by the chance shot of a Ran- j chcro. With a quietude almost startling she bent over him, and daw his form to her heart, breathing sweet words of tenderness over it, and pressing her lips to his pale brow, but no , symptom of grief escaped her lips; Iter eyes i k ; ndled with a fearful brilliancy but no tear | dimmed their drooping lids. Their pure 1 i source had been suddenly dried up, and the } j glorious sun of intellect had sank into a mid- { j night of hopeless insanity. And all night | long she sat under the dark shadows of the i chapparal with the lifeless form of her hus band cradled iu her arms, and frightening by ; her holy presence the creatures of prey that were all too anxious to secure their prize, and i when the morning came, and the mist drew it self up from the mountains to let in the sun light, her weary lids Closed over the bright glaring eyes, and pillowing her head upon the soldier’s pulseless heart, she slept a few hours of quiet undisturbed sleep. And thus they were found, the living and the dead, cla-pcd ; in each others .arms, with the long rich hair of the sleeping girl rising and falling with the breeze, and winding around her husband like i a dark pall over the tomb of love! They strove to separate them without waking her, but they need not have taken the precaution for she had lost all knowledge of the past. Her father, who had been won by affection for his only child to afford protection and shelter to the wounded American, now looked with grief upon the wreck of that child, now folded her in his arms arid Wept as if his heart were broken. They took her home to the lonely cot tage by the hill-side whore she was kept in close confinement, for with a phantasy pecul ar to the insure, she bewildered her father’s cru elty in preventing lirr meeting her husband, whom she supposed waiting for her by the chapparal; but one sad evening elu ling pur suit she stole out and flew to the scene of his death; no trace was left of the horrors of that night, but si •seemed to feel a strange weight upon her heart, as if something had occur- 1 cd of which she retained some faint memory, j Suddenly pressing her hand to her temples, she gave one wild look of anguish and fell dead upon the spot where she had last seen her husband. Consciousness had returned for a moment with its awful sense of bereavement, and in that moment her loving heart h id bro- j ken; she had joined her husband in heaven. * * * * * Little was ever hoard of her history, except that a beautiful Mexican girl was found dead near a chapparal in the vicinity of the Ameri -1 can Camp, but few ever guessed the cause of | her death. Fitts- A dozen years since all the pins used in this country were imported. Now, none are im ported except a few German pins for the sup ply of the German population of Pennsylva nia. This wonderful change has been pro- ; dttccd by a concurrence of circumstances—the most important of which was the invention, bv Mr. Samuel Slocum, now of Providence, of a pin-making machine, far superior to any then in use in England. This led to the es tablishment of a pin-manufactory at Pough keepsie by Messrs. Slocum, Jillson and Co., which, contrary to general expectation, was entirely successful, and soon distanced foreign competition. Thus things went on. until the i passage of the Tariff of 1842, which, by in creasing the duty on foreign pins, encouraged other parties in this country to engage in the business. Foreseeing this, the above men tioned Company—which was succeeded by the American Pin Company—at once reduced their prices 20 percent, more. Os all the Pin Companies which have been established or at tempted in the United States, only three are j known to exist at present, viz : the American Pin Company, (which has works both at Poughkeepsie rind at Waterbury, Connecti cut,) the Howe Company at Derby, Connecti- j cut, and Messrs. Pelton, Fairchild and Co., of Poughkeepsie. The quantity of pins turned out by these establishments, especially the two first, is enormous. The statistics of one of them, we have ascertained, are about as follows. Per week, 70 cases, averaging 170 packs each, each pack containing 12 papers, and each pa per 280 pins; making an aggregate of 39,934,- 100 pins per week, or 2,079,168,000 per an num. If the products of the other two es tablishments, and the small amount imported, are together equal to the above, we should have a grand total of 4,158,336,000 pins for consumption in the United States, equal to 200 on an average for every man, woman and ; child in the country. A pretty liberal allow ance, we are thinking. The number of pin making machines employed by said Company is about 36/ and of working people about 60. It would be difficult to describe these ma chines so as to make their operation intelligi ble to those who have not seen them in mo tion. AVc will only say that the wire which is to be wrought into pins runs from a reel like yarn into one end of the machine, and comes ! | out at the other, not wire, but pins, cut, point- | ed and headed, in the most perfect manner, at the rate of 150 a minute. This is about the j usual speed; but the machinery is capable of , being so adjusted as to produce 300 a minute. Being now cf a rellowi-b color, they are um mm a f thrown, by the bushel, into kettles containing certain liquid, by which they are whitened, and prepared for sticking; i. e. for being stuck into papers, in rows, as they arc bought at the j stores. The process of sticking is also per- ; | farmed by a machine invented by Mr. Slocum. | The narrow paper in which the pins are stuck j is wound from a real of any imaginable length, j : and then cut off at uniform intervals. One sticking machine will stick as many pins as : three pin machines can make; and throe of the 1 lormor can be attended by one girl, A part of the pins of the American Din ( j Company are made of American copper, ob j tained on the borders of Lake Superior. The triumphant success of American pin | making without the aid of protection, or rath- I | er in spite of it, shows that when skid and in : duAry are combined, “some tilings can be I done as well as others.” —A’. 1 . Jour, of Com. ■ Cost op Advertising in Engianu.—Mer chants in tins country have but an imperfect i ; idea of the privileges which they enjoy over their brethren in England, in being able toad j vertise their business at a cheap rate. In En i gland there is a duty of about thirty five cts, cm j : every advertisement inserted in a public jour- j nalwithout reference to its extent; the adver tisement duty is nearly seventy per cent of the amount charged for the advertisement —-V. V. Mirror. Fullbr. —The well known author of‘British \\ orthies’ wrote his own opitah, as is appears in Westminister Abbey. It consists, of only ; four Avords, but it speaks volumes, viz. “Hire | lies Fuller's eaith,” A Punster waited several hous at the door of a Mr. Snow, in the midst of a heavy shower, in order to say to him, when he came out, j “Hail, Mr. Snow, if you go out in the rain you | will certainly bt mist.” **‘*~*"'**". ' - '• • I Mil 1 IBM 11l 111 ■lll■l■lll■ 3113 ust a, (Georgia. FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 21. Dodgrinsr the Vote In publishing the votes of certain whig mcm j hers of Congress on the Avar bill in 1846, and on Mr. Aihmun’s amendment in 1843, avc did not find the name of Dr. Joiics, the member from the 3rd Congressional district. We there fore presumed, and so stated, that he Avas ab sent from his seat. This turns out not to have been the case, lie was in his seat, when the vote I on Ashman’s amendment teas taken and refused ;to vote. lie sat mum—silent as the dead.— | So states the Washington correspondent of j the Columbus Times; This Dr. Jones it will be remembered was the successful competitor of Governor Towns. It Avould seem that the citizens of the third Congressional district have not been very for tunate in their change, if a dodging represen , tativc Avas objectionable. The worst that was ever said of Gov. Towns' dodging avus that he was not in his seat on diA-ers occasions AA'hen the yeas and nays Avere called. But it was never charged that he Avas on any occasion in his seat and refused to vote. Has Dr. Jones no opinion on the proposi tion submitted by Mr. Aslunun: Does he believe the assertion that the Avar was uncon stitutionally and unnecessarily begun by the President? If he docs, Avhy did he shrink from saying so by his vote ? Does he believe that the President is grossly slandered by the assertion, and through him the whole people of this republic, since Congress espoused the war and resolved that the war Avas b igun by the act of Mexico, and voted to the President FIFTY THOUSAND MEN and TEN MILLIONS OF DOL LARS to prosecute it with vigor r If so, why has not this Avhig member the manliness to proclaim that opinion. To do this Avotild be only right and just, and not more than the people might reasonably ask of a conscientious representa tive. The Cambria; i It Avas reported in the City last evening bv passengers arrived, that this Steamer had been telegraphed at New York. Cur Washington Correspondent,milder date of 13th Inst; makes no mention of it. Money Matters- The Ncav York Herald of Saturday says:— There are any quantity of rumors floating around Wall-street, relative to the ucav loans which the government will soon require. There are reports in circulation that the Sec- I rctary of the Treasury had perfected a plan for raising all the money he wants by an issue of T reasury notes, in sums of not less than SSO, 1 bearing interest, and an issue of notes in sums of not less than $lO. not bearing interest; The leport put afloat in a New York paper, that the Secretary of the Treasury had made arrangements with the Emperor of Russia through the Russian Minister at Washington fora loan of tAA-euty millions,is considered su premely ridiculous in Wall street, and not the slightest credit is given to the story. lowa Senators- A letter to the editors cf the Washington Union, dated Dubuque, (lowa,) 30th ult,, states that the Legislature of that State Avas to meet on the succeeding Monday, for the osten sible purpose of electing tAvo U. S. Senators. It is believed that both Avould be Democrats ; and Gen- A. C. Dodge is mentioned as one who Avould undoubtedly bs selected. Gens. ’Quitman and Shield, are expected | daily in Richmond, Avhere they are to be for mally received by the House of Delegates, in complement for their services in the Mexican Avar. They are to dine Avith the Masonic fra ; ternity, “Indemnity and Security- ” In the Senate, on Wednesday, Mr. Clayton said that he had found out the meaning of these Avords now so frequently used. “Indem nity for the past” means one half of Mexico; and “Security for the future" mean* the other I half. Magnificeant Donation We learn by the Ohio papers, that Lync Starling, Esq,, of Columbus, has made a do nation of $30,060 to the Willoughby Medical College, located there. It is to be expended | partly in building an edifice, and partly in es • tablishing a hospitaler other benevolentinsti | tion- We learn from the Message of Governor Stratton, that the State of New Jersey is riot only free from debt, but is In possession of I such source* of permanent revenue as to ren der taxation for purposes unnecessary. HBBHHBKSSIVKHHVViBBHBHMBHBHHBIHBQBSHMRMVHHHBIiHBMHHV By Telegraph { Hi-ported for the Constitutionalist.) CONGRESSIONAL. "Washington;, Jan. 18th, 1848. IN SENATE. Mr. Manguna’s resolution calling on. tlie Pre ; sident for the suggestions and opinions of Gen, Scott relative to the war, was taken np and modified by the mover, so as to make it discretionary with the President to com municatd, confidentially or otherwise, ami striking out the ordinary proviso, if not in consistent with the public interests, Mr. Sevier moved to lay it on. the table— ! j'cas 22, nays 20. ) Mr. Webster, on leave, introduced] a bill to ! make attachments issuing from United States : Courts conform to laws regulating such attach i ments from State Courts, which after a brief i explanation by Mr. Webster, was read three times and passed. Mr- Bagby submitted a resolution declara | tory of the powers within the scope of Con gress on all contested points, which was or dered to be printed. Mr. Yulcc submitted a resolution calling on the Treasury Department for information as to thi revenue and expenditures from all sour i ccs, from the earliest period to June 184 7. Mr. Bagby offered a resolution of the powers of Congress as to Internal Im provements. Mr, Baldwin submitted a resolution asking information whether Mexico had any and what public domain, and if her government had power to cede any of it to a foreign gov ornment. The Ten Regiment Bill was then taken up, and Mr. Badger addressed the Senate. He laid down as a first proposition, that the war with Mexico was the immediate result of the unlawful and unconstitutional act of the Fre ; sident; second, that this war, thus resulting, | had been prosecuted with a view at least to j conquest of Upper California and New Mexi -1 co; third, that the present plan, if carried out„ would inevitably lead to the conquest of the ; whole of Mexico, and concluded by expressing ; his intention to vote against the bill. M- ; Foote then obt fined the floar, and the , Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. On motion of Mr, Vinton, the House went I into Committee of the Whole, Mr. C. J. In | gersoll in the Chair, on the annual Message of j the President. Messrs. Jamieson, Jones of Geo., and Robinson of Ind , addressed the | Committee, after which the Committee rose, and, on motion of Mr. Stephens, the House ad ; journed. The New York Herald thus humorously alludes to the visit of Ex-Presidents Tyler and Van Buren to that city; “Ex-President Van Buren, of “illustrious predecessor" celebrity, and cx-President Ty ler, of per se notoriety—the one from the shades of Lindcnwald and the other from the tobacco fid-Is of Virginia—the same State which, we are informed, “never tires"—are, at present, | in our goodly city, where they have been for several days past. Mr Van Buren stops at he house of one of his political friends, in the ! upper and fashionable part of the city, in • i splendid palace; Which may have been erected 1 from the proceeds of the spoils of Mr. Van j Burcn’s administration; and Mr. Tyler stops ‘ with his relatives in Lafayette Place, of the j same neighborhood.” It has lately been discovered that the flesh of animals which arc killed in the middle of j the night, will keep much longer than it will ! when they are killed in the daytime: and it is, i for this reason, preferred by those Who prepare j patted meats. This circumstance proves that the flesh is fittest for keeping when taken from the animal at the time when tho respiration is slowest and the temperature of the animal low est. Tho New England papers state that Tues day, llth instant, was one of the ooldcst days ever experienced in that section of the coun- I try. At Bristol, X. 11., on that day, the mercury fell to 26“ below zero.—At Lyme, in the same State, the thermometer indicated 33 w , below zero. At St. Johnsbury, Vermont, the mercury fell to forty degrees below zero, and congealed. Massachusetts State Prison In the recent annual Message of the Govern or of Massachusetts, he thus speaks of the ! State prison. The earnings of the State Prison, at Charles own, for the past year, ending on the thir tieth day of September, exceed the expendi tures, including the salaries of the officers, ono hundred and twenty-six dollars. The inspectors represent the affairs of the prison to be in a prosperous condition. There are several facts presented in the reports of tho officers of the institution, well calculated to attack public attention. In his report, t’ warden says, “there has been no death, no escape, no outbreak, no resistance of authority, and but few violations of the regulations and discipline of the prison, during the vear. ,r Order, industry, good and kind feelings* have been the rule, and ill conduct, of any kind, only the exceptions.” The appointment of an agent, under a recent law of the State, to advise discharged convicts, appears to have been productive of much good’ to those for whose benefit it was intended. Those who have observed the state of the prison, for a few years past, I think, must, be | favorably impressed with the course of mild j and gentle treatment which is observed towards the inmates of the prison. It appers, from the report of the physician, j that, from December, 1844, to the first of j October, 1647, a period of nearly three years, j k, ut one death occurred among the prisoners, the whole number of whom, daring that time, was five hundred and eighty. During the whole of the last year, there was neither a death nor a case of insanity, among three hundred and seventy six different per sons in prion. The amount expended for medicine, through the year, was less than thirty-five dollars, and that amount is about the annual average for the last three years. i A library, of five hundred volumes to belongs toe prison, to which the prisoners have access; | and most of them improve it/ The chaplain speaks favorably of what he considers the 1 moral feelings of these poor outcasts froiu 1 socictv, made so bv their own acts. ;_' - - CO*N, OATS, &c. QAA BUSHELS CORN, in Sacks, j M f 200 Bushels OATS, in Sacks. COW I*LAS. Just received and for sale bv Ju- K —li Gfnps dr M.rOßp I