Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 21, 1848, Image 3

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V Special Notice, A JUVENILE SINGING SCHOOL. Dr BLANCHARD* would most respectful- j lv ?ive notice to vocal Parents in Augusta, that he will open a class for childf««, from six to twelve years old. in vocal music. First lesson on Satur day, the 22d. at 3 o’clock, P. M., at the Putsby- TBRiA.x Vestry. Terras, First Quarter two dollars, for Two Quarters, three dollars and fifty cenfs. A "-eneral invlta'iqn to the first lesson. Rooms at the Globe IfoUil. N. D. Pianos, Seraphinej. and Melodcon*. tuned by Dr. BLANCHARD, Jan. 21 —2 DEMOCRATIC MEETING. {O'A meeting of the Democratic Party of Col- j uinbia countv will be held at Appling, on i uasiity the 13ih day of March next, which wilt be during the sitting of the Superior Court. Bh A full attendance is requested. Jan. 19 JOHNSON'S DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS. MU. c. E. JOHNSON has the honor to in form his old patrons of last year, and the pub he generally, that he i» again AT HIS OLD STAND, over JJejsrf. Clark, Racket Sf Co.’s Jewelry Store, where he is prepared to execute MINIA TURES in a style superior to any thing he has done heretofore, Mr. J. thankful for the very liberal patronage of *st season, asks a continuance of the same, Oct. 2-t *—3m STEAMBOAT COMPANY OF GEOR GIA. [U7* This Company haying been re-organized a id placed in an efficient state for service, are pre p ired to send forwarded without delay all freight that may offer. Goods consigned to WM. P. WILLIAMS, Agent at Savannah, will be forwarded free of Camuiis ■ oni. The connection of R. M. Goodwin with this Company has terminated. JOHN li. GUIEt;, June 6 I—y Agent at Augusta. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry- Another Voluntary Tribute to H ufar’r Uulsam. Wi KTURO?, Kennebec Coun v, Maine, ) August 12, 1313. y Dear Sir;—lf my testimony in favor of your val uable medicine will do you any good, or be of any service to the sick and afflicted, you are welcome to make such use of it as you piease. For seven nr eight years 1 had not enjoyed perfect health. In the spring of 1814. I had some cough; I wa» then in Worcester County, Mass., and applied to a physician, who gave me some medicine, but it did not relieve me I was not able to work during the iiramer. Last fall I was much won*, so reduced by coughing, and sweating nights, that I was ob- i lijed to lake ray room. My physician tried in viin to remove my cough, and restore me to health, t but I did not expect to recover; I however con eluded to try Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry; I was then troubled with very frequent spells of coughing, night and day; before I had taken one bottle, my cough wa» easier; I continued to taka lha medicine until ! was able to leave mv room. I have taken several bottles.andl thinkWister’s Bal «ara of Wild Cherry has cured me;at least 1 fee] as well and as strong at £ have for twelve years, JOHN METCALF. I am acquainted with the subscriber, and believe hi statement to b* true. HOWARD B. LOVE JOY. None genuine unless signed I. BUTTS un the wrapper. For sale in Augusta, wholesale and retail, by HA VILAND, RLSLEV 6l CO .and aho by THOM AS? BARRETT «!k CO., aad Dealers io Medicines generally in Augusta. Jan. 19 |5 — San is’ Sarsaparilla. Tiie aborigine* of America possessed a know le fge of the healing ar . which in many case’s far surpassed that of Civilized us in. By studying na ture they became initiated in her secrets, and the way she pointci out was invariably followed. 'Chair remedies were obtained from tire vegetable creation, and acting in such perfect harmony with natural laws, were powerful in removing and con trolling disease. It is thus .SANDS'S SARSA f’ARILL A, a pure vegetable preparation, operates on the system. It harmonizes and unites with the mediratrix naturae or life preserving principle; by its use diseased action is subdued, and the vital powers enabled to perform their functions. Indi gestion or dispepsia. obstinate diseases of the skin «uch as Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Scald Head, and other similar diseases. Scrofula or King’s Evil, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Glands, and other affections, arc safely and certainly cured bv 2 ts use. For further particulars and conclusive evidence of its superior value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which may be obtained of agents gratis. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. AD. SANDS, Wholesale Druggists. 100 Fulton B cornerof William-street, Now York. Sold also by HA VII. AND. R IIS LEY A (X). And by Druggists generally throughout the Uni ted States. Price £1 per bottle, or six bottles for 5-5. f 3 Jan. 19 MOST EXTRAORDINARY WORK. TO THE MARRIED. OR THOSE CONTEM PLATING MARRIAGE—THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPAN ION. By Dr. A. M. Maurice w. Sixth Edi tion. Price s'l- This work is meeting w ith most astounding tale, -(24,000 copies have already been disposed of.) Every fc'male is getting a copy, whether married or unmarried,although it is intended especially for the married, as it disclose* important secrets which B should be known to them particularly. Here every emale can discover the causes, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of • ure in every case. Copies will be sent by mail free of postage. On the receipt of one dollar, the “Married Wo man's Private Medical Companion,” will be sent free of postage to any part of the United States. All letters must be addressed (post paid) to Dr. A M. Mauriceau, Box 1224, New York city. Pub lishing Office, No. 129 Liberty-sC. New York. Jan. 4 3 mos £ommc r c i a L I. A TEST DATES I’ROM LTV F P POO L ...... DEC. 18 1 lirr.JT DATES FROM HAVRE DEC. 15 CHARLESTON IMPORTS—JAN. 19. Dxm.vrara—Schr. Lily—33 casks Molasses, to N. G. Bourne. By Magnetic Telegraph t [Trans milled for the Baltimore American .] NEW YORK, Jan. 17, 6 P. M.— The flour mar ket to-day.W&S rather inactive and heavy. Good brands of Genesee sold at £b 23 a .$6 50.. and mix ed and common brand* .at $6 a $6 The sale* arc a bon t 3,000 bbls. Parlies are all kwaiting the .arrival of the ’steamer Cambri?, which has now .been out full seventeen days. In Southern there is no movement of any importance. Common de scriptions are £6 SI a 56 37. vdrn isifi some demand. There was a sale of PO.OOO bushels at 60 a67 for row, ardC9 for eld r The market for Cotton is steady but rather in active. About 300 bales were sold to spinners. APALACHICOLA, Jan. 13. Cotton. The sales of cotton during Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday, amounted to some COO bales, at prices one eighth higher than our ou'side quotations of Satur day, good middling* brir ging7c. Yesterday’s mail put u* in possession of ate egraphic re orl of the Caledonia’s news, since when about 3X) bales have been sold at a decline of Jc. —say 7c. for mid fair. Freights —We have no change to notice in tjjis I department of business since Saturday, The amount of cotton off* ring for shipment very small, and freights dull at quotations. On band and on shipboard not cleared 7917. Shipping 3uUUicjcncf. Alt RIVALS FROM CH VRl.r.biuS. Ship Columbia, Galloway, New York. Brig Goorge, Ilardcastle. Providence. Schr. Henrietta, llonney, Baltimore. ARRIVALS FROM SAVANNAH. Brig Wilson Fuller, Crawford* New York. Brig Clinton, Andrews, New York. MEMORANDA, bark Harriet Martha, Leslie,for Charles ton, cleared at New Orleans 15th inst. Cargo, 38 | casks Bacon, 17 hhds Sugar, 409 bbls. Mola ses, 30 do. Pork, 66 Ics. and 155 bbls. Lard The brig Sir Charles Forbes. Kruse, tor Charles ton. sailed from Rio Ist ult. with a cargo of Coflee. The line ship Sutton, Eckerman. on her regular day, for Charleston, was up at New Y ork Iqfh mst. i The brig David Duffcll, for Charleston, sailed from New Bedford on the 13th inst. CH ARLESTON, Jan. 20. —Arr. C- L. barque Carolina, Godtrey, N. York; brig Souther, .Mayo, Boston; schr*. Lily, Benson Demcrar.q Oriental, Chase. New London: M. F. Lutterlon, Scull, Bos ton; Abbv. Hammond Martin, Boston; 'I. C. Bart lett, Hopkins. Wilmington, (N. C.) C(d, bark Acadia. Crosby, New Orleans; Nor. brig Buenovento, Svenson, Lauvig, (Norway.); brig Arabian, Hawes, Vera Cruz. SAN ANN AH, Jan. 19. —Cld. Br. burque Agnes Ann <•-, Howit, Liverpool - (;i \s AND PISTOLS. 1 A CHOICE ot Double Barrel Shot GUNS. | J London made, together with a suppiy o. ! Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Patent Rd | ding, Ely’s patent Cartridges, and Gunning Appa ratus in general, just received and will be sold low. Also, Allen and Thurbur * Revolving PIS POLS; six barrels. Self-Cocking Pocket Pistols, English Belt Pistols. Walker’s Percussion Caps. CLARK, RACKET I' 3s CO. Oct. 6 if AUGUST A, OCT. 15 1847. ("1 LOCKS.— We have in store Marble Mantel y Clocks, Office and Warehouse. Gothic and Round Clocks; and otfer to country dealers an assortment of cheap Clocks, well made, at low pri ces. CHINA CUT CLASS—White and Gold Band China Dinner and Tea sets ; Fancy Gilt and Orna mental China, Tea sets ; Fine Cui-01a*s Goblets W ines. Tumblers, Ac. LAMPS, LAMPS, AND GIRANDOLES.— SOLAR LAMPS in great variety—some with Bo hemian (Bass Shafts, and Prisms. GIRANDOLES, SILVERED AND GILT— New style PAPER SHADES for Lamps. ANDIRONS—A part of our supply of ANDI RONS, SHOVELS, and TONGS arc at hand, for tale low. CLARK, iIACKETT A CO. Oct. li» 1.1M3! LIM £3!! A CONSTANT supply of Kenesaw Lime, TjL kept on hand by the subscribers, agents for Augusta. This Lime is pronounced by judges, who luvb used it, superior to tbc best 1 hoiiiaslon. On analization. it is found to contain Magnesia 3.5 Aluntine 2.1 Silaz 7.9 Peroxide of Iron 0.3 Lime 85.7 All orders directed to us will meet with prompt I attention. DYE «St ROBERTSON, Agents. Jan. 11 dikwfw MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. V REMARKABLE mineral, pronounced bv geologists to he a great rarity in nature and known to them by the name of Tripoli, ha* latelv t-cen discovered in this country, although but in one Ned, of Very narrow limits, all owned by the “Mount Eagle Manufacturing Company,” incorporated for the sale purpose of its manufacture. Tkc aiticle is excellent for burnishing and clean ing all finished metallic and glass surfaces, such as gold, silver, : brgss, Britannia and steel ware, win dow glass, vCc. Notiiing lias ever yet been discov ered equal to the pure Tripoli, and the common language of the consumer is. it is the best thing ever sa%v. The genuine article is for sale bv the exclusive agent for Augusta. WM. HAINES. April 29 —-tl 176 DYEI \ 14 A XI) SCOUR INC ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN O'NEILL, Site and Woblleh Fancy Dyer, informs the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity, that be has commenced the above busi ness on REY'MOLD-STREET, in the roar of La mar A: Oliver's Store, three doors below the cor ner of Campbell-street, where he is prejrared to execute work with neatness and despatch. He tillers himself, from his long experience, in some of the first houses in Europe and America, to be able to give satisfaction in every branch of bis bu siness. Any orders which tie may be favored with j will be promptly attended to. ile will Dye, Rc- Dyc and Renovate Gentlemen’s Clothing of all texture* and kinds—Coats. Vests, Pants and Cloaks. He renews the shades of all colors, and makes the garment have the appearance of new cloth. He pledges himself that work finished by him will neither have a disagreeable sm-11 <w stillness, more than when new. Ladies’ Garments will be Dyed and finished in workmanlike style. Persons residing at a distance, by directing their articles to me *,t Augusta, will meet with prott.pt attention. JOHN O'NEILL. Oct 2-0 ts NOTICE. Hating purchased from rowdrk AiCLAGETT their entire Slock in Trade, the same is offered at their old stand for cash, or good paper, either at wholesale or retail, at very low prices. This stock of Goods has a great variety, and is comprised of the newest styles and latest fashions, and is not surpassed by any other in the market. All who wish supplies on low terms, will please call and judge lor themselves. Jan. 4 3mo 11. BOWDRE. SEGAR AND TOBAGCO STORE, Opposite the U. S, Hotel. fT3HE S ÜBSCRIBER begs leave to acquaint JL his friends and the public generally, that he has on hand a large assortment of HAVANA & DOMESTIC SSGARS, «f very fine qualities. A r.so. Plug and Fine Cut Chewing and Smokin'*- TO BACCO, of all qualities I Coarse and Fine SNUFFS, &c., &c., which arc offered for sale as low as can be purchased in this citv. Country Merchants and others, purchasing to sell again, wdll find it to their advantage to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. E. 11. PEZANT; i Dec. S —3mos Opposite the 17. S. Hotel. MARBLE YARD THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms the citizens of Augusta, and vicinity, that they are-prepared to execute in good style all kinds of MARBLE and GRANITE work; such as TOOMBS. HEAD STONES, MONUMENTS and BL ILDING STONES, at short notice, and at reduced prices. The Marble Y r ard at the Old Stand, immediately below the Upper Market, Dec.B ws!3 PAYNE WATERS. ALL PERSONS, who have account* against the Interior Court, of this county, for leach ing Poor Childen, will present them before the first Monday in March next. Rv order of the Court, A ft y.ej n, r v r^rk Jtr 19 n A FRESH SUPPLY OF HORSES AND f MULLS, Just arrived, and for sale a , splendid lot of HORSES and which can be seen at Spaß I the Stables of I. A. Hibler Cq,, on Ellis-st. Jan. 21 MRS. E. O. COLLINS, ! Opposi tc the United S tatc s Hotel, 1 RESPECTFULLY invites the | of her friends and the public to a fashionable assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be found handsome I’A.MILLA BONNETS.FRENCH LEGHORN. CHINA PEARL. FRENCH and 1 ENGLISH STRAW, Fine FLORENCE. CO BURG. ROUGH AND READY, ITALLIAN. ’ RUTLAND. SATIN, SILK PLUSH AND .MOURNING BONNETS, mud* to order. DRESS i (’AP I’S, FLOWERS, RIBBONS. FEATHERS, j J ; LACES. GLOVES. Evening DRESS. LACE j ELOLNt ’ING, for Trimming livening. Dresses, ! ; ; HEAD-DRESSES. FRINGES, BUTTONS, ike. , BONNETS AT COST! Wishing to reduce my present stock of BONN j NETS before receiving Spring supplies. I offer I them at cost. MRS. E. O. COLLINS. ! Jan. 19 lijio i ! CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c. ! r -IT’B v V LUTHER ROLL, -lOf’ JL I would in form hiT \ I w Svr Irien4>< ar,d former -Yi •*£. patrons, that be U stlii in the land of the living, and 1 keeps on hand at his Carriage Warehouse, corner j \S aslnngton and Reynold streets, opposite the Episcopal Church, a good stock of Tcmcvll’s, | Ci.ark’s and Baldwin's CLOSE CA Kill AGES, j BARROUCH ES, ROCA WAY'S, standing and fail- ! ing tops ; BUGGIES SULKIES, TIL.BERRY'S. GIGS and FANCY WAGONS, all of Newark mart | ufacture. These articles are of the best workmanship, and will bo warranted of the best materials. They will be sold low for cash or approved notes. He is also jircparcd to manufacture to order any hingin his line, which be will warrant. HARNESS, CARRIAGE FURNI TURE, &.C., &c. A stock of tbp above articles always on hand and manufactured to order nt shot t nutiae, REPAIRING. In all its various brandies. done with neatness and despatch, and as he has Lis own hands, at n.n.l»rai« uliras lie is determed to sell low, and those in want of I any article in his line, can be suited. At any fate, 1 he would be glad to see iiis friends and show them his stock. 3mos— Jan. 14 <ktr\ GLOBE HOTEL, MX \ Corner ofSroad&. Jnckson-sts uELIiL BV FRANCIS St. JENNINGS. r Bams ESTABLISHMENT has undergone a j A thorough repair, and the Proprietor would j be happy to greet his old friends, and as many new j ones as may please to favor him with a call. He will not speak of his Table, Waiters, dkc., as he | teels satisfied those who favor him once he will have the pleasure to see again, hi* TABLE having al wjys given satisfaction. ff~f* DINNER at one o' | ci*ck. —6m Oct. 24 MK PUNTER’S HOTEL, A A i-;ill Warrentou Georgia. qi'iW The Subscriber has removed to the commodi ous Hotel, recently occupied by Mrs. JONES where fie will be happy to accommodate his friends and the public. His tables will be furnished with the be*t the surrounding country afford.*, and no exertions ou bis part will be wanted to give satis faction. JOHN BUI T. Dec. 30 f 13—c4 PERIFOCAL SPECTACLES. , ‘-rya To all who experience inconve | nience in the use of the common kind j of Glasses, and especially in night reading, these i | Spectacles will lie found a most valuable substitute; | • in no case, except where the optic nerve has been I i pronounced diseased, have they failed, w hen pro i perly lilted, to give satisfaction. No better proof of their superior merit can be given to each individual who may need Glas.es than the satisfaction he will experience in the use of them. These Glasses can be obtained in this place ouh | of CLARK, RACKETT *V CO., Agents for the Manufacturers, Who have now on hand a good .apply in gold and silver frames. Rerifocal Glasses fitted to any frame i fur any vision. Spectacle* in gold, si!vrr and steel, for sale ven j j low, by CLARK, R ACKET!’. A CO. ' | Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver W arc, A.c ! Oct. 6 ts AUGUSTA. OCTOBER G. 1847. We ha»e now in store the greatea ' part of our Fall supply ot GOODS, S-JvU WATCHES. JEW El, sJsS I RY. Silver and i’lated Ware*, .Military and Fancy S j Goods, Housekeeping Articles, Ac. Ac. to which wc invite attention, believing it to be as good a : I Stock a* was ever in the place. And we ask all I ■ who think they can buy any tiling in the line at ; lower prices, in this place or Charleston, to test | the truth of that supposition. CLARK. lIACKETT A CO. Oct. 6 tl WATCH3B, JEWELRY, &c. The Subscriber respectfully in jcL/'/hforms his friends and the public gen* ’A* d-L..•TAerally, that he has returned fromd£hijSS i New Y ork, with a large and handsome assortment I of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. FINE j JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, j fine Ornamental and Common BRASS CLOCKS. MUSIC BOXES, and a variety of FANCY i GOODS. N. B. —CLOCKS and WATCHES repaired with care. F. A. BRAHE, First door below Washington Hall. Oc f - I t ly AUGUSTA MANUFACTORY OF CABINET FURNITURE. 1 C. A. I*L ATT offers forfft ft *a I c at ins new aiid spacious fesfo 1 1 .. aierooms, a larger assort- J mentof fine i URMTURE and CHAIRS than 1 can b** found in cither the Charleston or Savannah : markets, at such prices that purchasers shall have i n Q reason to complain. Call and examine, bring ! your Charleston prices and 1 will duplicate auv ar - tide in mv line bv adding the freight. , FRENCH SPIRAL SPRING JIAT r ; RASES, r Recommended by those who used them to be su perior in every particular to anything yet invent * ed for health and convenience. GILT AND METAL CORNICES, A new and fashionable ornament for Curtains in J place of the old style of Poles and Rings. CORDS. TASSELS. LOOPS. BANDS & CERTAIN TRIMMINGS, Os the most fashionable styles; Curtain Damask and Drapery for sale. Curtains made to order, t UPHOLSTERY done in all its branches at the ; shortest notice. WINDOW SHADES AND TRANS PA , UENCIES, Os various patterns and qualities, with suitabl? Trimmings to match. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. A general assortment of CARPETINGS. RUGS e and M ATI’S, consisting of fine, superfine, extra* » s perfine Ingrains, Venetian and Three-Ply’s. l 1 which I offer on as liberal terms as the saracx.’ti n clcs can be purchased elsewhere. e PIANO FORTES, From all the Manufacturers ot the Union,for sale FACTORY PRICES, tor cash or city acts >t ances. Nov. 10 LIVERY STABLE. ■«. THE undersigncdrespectfullv rfx j inform s the public that he has M/ V leased the old stand well known 1 1/ A * as JTb. Guedron’s LOWER Ellis ’’ street, and would be .uankful for a share of patron j age. R. A. WATKINS. May 14 lB9 Office So. Ca. R. Rond Company, } Charleston, Nov. 27, 1847. \ f “-i, NOTICE.— Until further notice,the * I freight on barrels of Liquor, Fish. Beef, t and other wet barrels (except Molas . ses,) will be 75 cents per barrel, and on Flour, bar | r*:!s37J ( baif barrels 20, quarter barrels 1 ’A ce^’s. AUGUSTA THEATRE. Tll HID M Gin' FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 21, Will be performed the excellent Comedy of THE WEDDING DAY. Sir Adam Contest, - MR. BASS. Dancing by Mile. VALLEE. | After which, a iauyhabie Piece called FORTYj AND FIFTY. Mr. Lily white, - MR. BASS. { DA.NCI.NG~ To conclude with the highly Comic Farce of the j DDI JBLE BEDDED ROOM. Mr. Dulcimer Pipes, ... Mil. BASS, j 377* Admission to Boxes 75 cents —Pit 50 cents. ! Seats can he secured trout II to 2 o clock each dav at the Theatre. G 11 A N D NATIONAL EXHIBITION or TH3 BATTLES IN MEXICO ! And Works of Art in Wax. I A XIII BITING a few door* bslcvy the United I _i Slates Hotel, Broad-st„ Sign of the ‘Star bi’ASuu;D liiNstK.’’ In order to give those who hare not yet had an j opportunit v ol witnessing those thrilling scenes, the present Paintings will remain unchanged until j next Monday. For a list of Paintings, see small bill*. Jan. 1C | Augcstts B. 1.0. fgs tkeet, ■) Bill for discovery, vs, I relief and injunction James Curry, | in Richmond Supe- Edw. Thomas, and others. J rior Court. ST having been made appear to the Court that Henry S. Lubbock, Thomas Lubbock, Ann Lubbock, John Lubbock and William Lubbock, necessary p i iie* defendant in said case, reside without the limits of the State of Georgia : Order ed that th> y be made parties by publication under the usual rule of this Court, and that the said par ties appear and answer to the charges of said bill, or otherwise defend against the same within fiTe months, or the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain, il ls further oi det-ed that this rule be published. A true Copy from the minutes. January 15, IGtO. J 8 *"- 13 < —imb DRV GOODS AT COST. lIRS. LUTIIRINGER r-spectfuily invites ir A the attention of her friends and the public generally, to her well selected Stock of DR 4 CiOtjD'S, which will be sold from this day at cost prices, in order to bring the business to a close. — The stock consists in part ot, A LPA CASH MERES. HL’LAINES. GLNGHAMS.fine Broche and Silk SHAWLS. Vt bite MUSLINS of all kinds. Jaconet and Swiss EDOINGS, and INSE 11*1 INUS, Thread and Cotton L ACES, black and col’d SILK FRINGE-, (‘IMPS and BUTTONS. Also, a tine lot of CASIMEB.es. SA I I.NETS, KENTUCKY JEANS, FI.ANN El.S,and a variety of other Good* too numerous to mention. Jan. 15 —3m THE LATEST IMPORTATIONS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, AT Hit GtNTLtMtN S Furnishing Establishment, No. 25S Broad-Street Augusta. ? %r-H. o. PRICE A CO., DRAPERS AND T V J’A ILOKS. are receiving weekly from N. V. CLOTHS. CASIMF.RLS AND VESTINGS, of lit© newest style of manufacture, and of the most fashionable color*, which they will make to order in as *tvle and as low as can be got at the North. READY MADE CLOTHING, of every description, and tee// made up. Shirt*, Undershirts, Drawers. Hosiery, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats. Stocks, Scarfs, Suspeuders, Gloves, Night Caps, Ac. itc. H ATS. CAPS, UMBRELLAS. Riding Belts, Money Belts, Shoulder Braces, Body Guards, Ra/orv, Razor Strops, Brushes, Combs, Soap*. Otis for the Hair, Toilet Perfumery > Segar Cases. \l allots. &r. Ac. TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. Shears, Trimmer*. Points, Inch Measures. Cray ons, and every article used by the trade, which we can supply them with a* low as they can be bought in New York. \v inuer VV. O. PRICE, Sept.,l3 W. T. INGRAHAM. NEW GOODS. FOR TALL AM) WINTER WEAR-. ; a ham: received at the fashionable : I _2. DEB O'l*. opposite the I nited S- f Hotel, a I «ciy large supply of BROAIK’LOTUS. CASSI- j MERES and \ ESTINGS. which are the host and m >st fashionable iliac have ever been brought to : this market and will be made to measure in a style i not to be surpassed by any establishment in the Southern country. -ALSO— For sale, a first-rate assortment of .MERINO SHIRTS and DRAWERS. SILK do.. COTTON SHIRTS, of all kinds and prices; SUSPENDERS, i GLOVES. POCKET I!ANDKTS. CRAVATS,, SCARFS, HOSIERY. STOCKS. A'-. In addition to the above, 1 have recently added a superior stock of READY-MADE CLOT HIN G, which for cut, finish and workmanship is unsur dassed by any clothing ever brought to Augusta, and will be told ul a verv small advance on New Y ork cost. J. A. VAN WINKLE Sept. 23 NEW CLOTHING- f=AORE. I SWAFFIELT), <HU ItViSTI K & CO., Opposite Gou 1 j. G Bulkley's, next to vow & Estes’, | | I -v’ .. _,.<st opened a very large stock of en ti.clv new and fashionable READY made clothing. ! Comprising CLOAKS. COATS, VESTS and | PANTALOONS; Shirts. Collars, Under-Shirt*. Drawers, Hosciry, Cravats. Scraf*. Suspenders and Gloves of every description and quality. They would call particular attention to their Stock of CLOTHING, as it is made of the best goods, j and in the latest fashions. Fashionable Kats and Caps (if Fall and Winter Styles, at verv low price*. To ail who wish to buy cheap here is an opportuni ty, as their Stock was purchased exclusively for cash, and manufactured in their own manufactory at the North. t—*-c Oct. 1(» JOHN BRIDGES, FASHIONABLE I> R A P E R A N D TAILOR. Next Door Below the United States Hotel, A I YV US TA . GE 0 R GIA. IN ADDITION to his lane variety of New Styles oT CLOTHS. CAS IME RES, VEST INGS, TRIM.MINGS and FANCY ARTICLES, for Gentlemen’s Wear, lias just received, and is | constantly recen mg, REAI>Y-31ADE GAR3IE V T S , ! ; which, for STYLE OF cit, make am* matf.riai.. are not to be found, in the market. Military uni i forms made, and Making and Trimming in the I best manner. Oct. Ft AUGUSTA FOUNDRY, 31 ILL WRIGHT & MACHINE SHOP. Near the Georgia Rail Hoaid Depot. TI3HE Subscribers having purchased qf THOS. jJL HOPKINS, Esq.,the above establishment, ■ intend carrying on the business in its various branches. They-will furnish IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, i of every description, at short notice, and on as rea | sonablc terms as any similar establishment at the | South. They hope by strict attention to business to merit the patronage heretofore extended to the i establishment. Having a number of ENGINE .LATHES, wc are prepared to Cut I.\RGE SCREWS of anv dimensions. MILL SPINDLES, &r.c. always on hand and made to order. TALIAFERRO Sc. tORBET. C. C. TyLI A FERRO, I j D. R. Tor ret. \ N. B.—PATTERNS of every* description, made !to order. W e will keep on hand, and make to or der, HOTCHKISS WHEELS, to suit the vari , j ous heads of water. T. &. T* • I Nov. 5 ly WANTED.— A GOOD COOK, WASHER, and TK.O3*For.“’»*■ -V l* ’dyac. Ag j p * -'- :s '- r '" •*” : ~ ( “THE LUCKY OFFICE.*’ f GEORGIA STATS LOTTERIES. FUR THE BENEFIT OF TII E AUG UST A INDEPENDENT! F|RE COMPANY, O. PAINE & CO. MANAQSRS, -LOOK OUT FOR THE CAPITAL IN THE LITTLE FAVORITE.. 1 ’ Sa,le* close Thi* Afternoon, j Georgia State Lottery, Class No. Q, Extra— 66 i Numbers —l 2 Ballots. 9.000 DOLLARS. 52,10! 20 of 51,000' Ac., Ac.—Wholes only £3 —Halves 51.0.) —Quarters 75c. Sales close ’Phis Afternoon. Georgia State Lottery, Class R. Extra.- —Magnifi- I cent Lottery—l.owoit 3 Number Prue 5 LOGO. 50.000 DOLLARS. 515,000! 57,500! 55,000! 100 prizes of 51.500! 100 prizes (lowest 3 number) S LOGO! —Wholes 515 —Share* in proportion. Sales close To-Morrow. Georgia State Lottery, Clat* No. 6, Extra —78 1 Numbers —14 Ballot*. i 4,000 DOLLARS. 5L000! 5000! Ac—Wholes 51— Halves 50c.— Risk qua package of Quarters 56/30. Sales close .Monday, Grand Consolidated Lottery, Clas* No. 4.—XT* *3 i j Numbers —14 BaJJots. 40.000 DOLLARS, 515.000! 53,000! SLHKJ! 10 of 52,000! 10 of 5 1.500! 10 of 51.300! Ac. Ac.—Wholes 5J2-,- Shares in proportion. For sale by Eli. PEZANT, Agent. Broad-st., opposite U. S. Hotel. TjT*’rdnr* from the country will meet with prompt attention, if addressed a* above. Jan. 21 “PRIZE OFFICE.” GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES! J W MAURY A CO ~ SUCCESSORS TO J. G. Gregory & Co. Managers. SaU* close Thursday. Extra Class 6 —By So. Ca. Class 3, Jan. £0,1643 — ! Beautiful scheme. 12.000 DOLLARS. 55,000: 53.00 U! 52.500! 51..551! U* 50 prizes 6f 55U0!jpJ] 'Tickets —Halve* $'i —Quarter* 5L SPLENDID CHANCE FOR PRIZES.—O* C 6 Numbers—l 2 Ballots. — Extra ( .‘lass No. .7 By Alexandria7, Jan. 22, IS4S.—M agmficent Prizes. 30.000 DOLLARS ! 512,000: 58,0X>; 53,000' 52,780! O* 3 of 52,000' 10 of 51 fOOO! - r Ti —Apply in time—Sales close Saturday—Ticket* £lo—.Halves £s—Quarter* £2,50. Sales close Wednesday. Class 4, to be drywn at Savannah. Jan. 25. 1848.—• 73 Number* —14 Ballots. — Splendid Scheme. 10.000 Dollars. 51,000! £1,415! 5 of 5I.OOO: Besides numerous otlieis —Tickets £3 —Halves 51 50—Quarters 75c. —Risk on a package of 2b Quarter* is only 510,50. JOHN A MH.I.EN. Agent, Oppo*ite the Masonic Hall. (17* Orders frona the country promptly attei ded j to. Jan. 20 GENERAL NERVOUS DERANGE MENTS. IStvv York, Nov. 1, 1847. t To Dr. A. H. Christie : 4 CLOUDING to my promise, 1 address you j J. a. and with feelings of sincere gi atitude. For six years I have been a sufferer, and 1 believe none could have suffered more. My disease was j a complication of complaints, brought on hy exer . ; lions to support my family, being- often obliged to 1 work at the tu edle for twenty hours out ©f the twenty-four. I was atflicted with distress in the head; my sight was im aired, and a general weak- ness seemed to prostrate my entire fatuities. 1 ; yvas under the care ol Dr. Stillwell, No, 13 Sul folk-st. and several other physicians, for a long lime, but my case was so stubborn that it baffled the skill Os every physician I tried. Mv nervous excitement wa* such tiial the slightest noise would some times thro a me into convulsion*. Sometimes I could not clone my eves during the night, and would walk the room half the time. For over a year 1 was so deaf that 1 could scarcely hear anv one speak. My life has been constantly despaired of, and I often w ished death to relieve my sutler- t | ings. Such is a feeble statement of ray situation | last June, when 1 first heard of your Galvanic j Bell ami .Magnetic Fluid. On stating my c:*3e, vou i liberally presented me yviththe article*. 1 hare worn them ever since, and the result is that J . ! HA VE COMELETELY RECOVERED MY I HEALTH, MV STit E A Q I ’//, AXD 3/1 SPißll S. My fri'iid„. n iy physician and myself, | are confident Wat j s o win/ solely to the use of j } - i ; suit ot.se.ime to pass, and 1 shall ever gratefully • Acknowledge it, and am now. and will be at all | ’.iratis, ready to state any farther particulars, or to -j satisfy the public that my assertions are true in every respect. Mr*. LAURA JOHNSON, 13 Esscx-st. New York City. Many other certificates, of a character equally conclusive, and pamphlets containing full details, ! may be had gratis of the Agent. fFT’UAUTio.v. —The great celebrity and success ; of I>r. Christie’s Galvanic and Magnetic Curatives. has caused thorn to be counterfeited by unprinci -1 pled persons. To protect the public against de ception there i* hut ON E AUTHO R1 ZE I) AGENT appointed in each town or citv, from whom alone the Genuine articles can be procur ed. Only Agent in Augusta. Jan. 13 HAVILAND, UISLEY A CO. A BARGAIN. rjnllE SUBSCRIBER wants employment— JL wages low—letter of reference good—is able to post Books, or do any writing—act as gen eral clerk, agent or any other business of rhe kind —would have no objections to go in the countrv Address Cu£ROKt£,via Post Office. J;:.n. 13 — # A CARD. DR. T. P. CLEVELAND having temporarily withdrawn from the practice of his profes sion, I would inform the citizens of Augusta and the public generally, that I have formed a connec tion with his former co-partner. Jno. W. Spear, in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY. The business will he conducted under the firm of Clrr'f /<rnd Sprar. Office Broad-st., over Aldrich A 1 Green’s Shoe Store. \ JNO. A. CLEVELAND | Feb. 15 f— 117 AUGUSTA SUED STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER has received a fresh supply of genuine GARDEN SEEDS, which are of the crop of 1847. His customers may depend upon having none but fresh and genuine Seeds. Allowances made to country dealers. White and Red CLOVEtI. BLUE GRASS, TIMOTHY. LUCERNE BIRD SEED, FLOW ER SEED. ASPARAGUS ROOTS. ONION SETS. See. J. H. SERVICE Jan \ tuf 7 ! A CARD. THE UNDERSIGNED inform* the Citi zens of Augusta and. Merchants of the inte rior, that they have opened a SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, at the first door below Messrs. Adams, Fargo &. Co., or; Broad-street, where they will keep con stantly on hand a large and carefully selected Stock of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC StZGARS, 1 CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO At-SO, PIPES of every description, MATCHES, Sec. at wholesale and retail prices to suit those who j purchase to sell again. We, therefore invite those ■ j who deal in cur line to call and examine cur stock , ! before th* r * r :r*A?s» sbex'here TOLGER fe BRATTF.. „ * •* % ? public Sales. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. Will be sold, at the late rc si lence of' Henry Wade, deceased, in DeKalb Count}*, on the seventh q;yv of April next, all the perishable property of said deceased. Consisting of Horses, Cattle, one yoke Oxen, Stock, Hogs. House hold and Kitchen Furniture, and many other things two tedious to mention. Sale to continue from dav today until ail is sold. J,m 21 THOMPSON WADE, Ad.nr. ( Postponed.) RICHMOND SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in February next, will le i.jld, at the lower market house, in the city of Augusta. within the legal hours„ol sale, the fol lowing property. to wit : 1 J mahogany chairs, 1 sofa. 1 Look case, 2 ma hogany tables, 1 carpet and i ug. 1 bureau »iu washstand. 1 looking glass. 2 bedsteads, 1 pi ess, I lot of hooks. 1 lot of kitchen furniture, 1 iron chest and 1 desk ; lev ied oi» as the property of Charles I> Hitt, to satisfy a li. fa. issuing from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of Robert S. Dill vs, Charles 15. Hitt and Martin Hitt. Jan. 8 \\ M, V. KLR. i>. s. n. c. RICHMOND SHERIFF’S SALK. On the first Tuesday in Febuary next, will t« sold at the Lower. Market house in the city of Au gusta, within the ivgul hours of sale; All that lot or parcel of land with the improve ments thereon, situated Iv mg atid being in the county of Richmond on the new Millodgeville road, containing lo ir acres more of less, and bounded by lands ot Mrs. Savage, estate of Phillip Crump,and the nevv Miiledgeville road, and now occupied by by Mrs. Downs; levied on as tiic property ol Cathe rine Bell, to satisfy a ti la issuing ir pi the Inferior Court of Richmond county in fxvor of the Execu tors of Welcome Allen deceased, vs. Catherine Bell. \VM. V. KLR, u. s. r. c. Jan. 1 GUARDIAN’S SAI F. Pursuant to an order ot the Inferior Court of Scriv en county, wljen sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court-house dour in Jackson boro', da. That tract of Land owned bv Andrew Jack-on Oliver, a minor, bounded by lands of George Pol lock, Thomas VV . Oliver and Jefferson Roberts, ia the neighborhood of Mobley’s Pond, containing two hundred and thirty (2.*>o) acres more or less. I -"Sold for the benefit of said minor. Terms on the . day of sale. W. J. LAWTON, Guardian. Dec. i SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold, before the Court House door in the village of Jackmnboro, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property to wit ; Four Mules, levied upon as the property of D* vid R. Dillou, to satisfy one Inferior C-'.rt li. fas. i from Chatham county in favor of * sciieal W. : O’Byrne.the assingee of bsmuel II .’.ore I and Wil- I lium Burkett, vs. W illiam Bird, Jr., Principal, and David K Dillon, Security; property pointed out bv D. Dillon, December k3d, 18-17. 'Jan. 4 EDMUND B. GROSS, D. S. A DMIMSTR ATOR’S SALE. Will be soid, on the first Tuesday in F ebruary next, before the court house door of Carrol coun i tv, agreeable to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lincoln county, sitting for ordi nary purposes, A lot of l and in the fourth district in the coun jty of Carrol,and number forty-three,containing two hundred two and a half acres; to be sold for the purpose of division amongst the legatees of the I estate of Jacob Ammons. Sen., deceased. Nov. 10 JACOB AMMONS, Atlm'r. A D MINI ST R A TRIX S A L E. \ViIl be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, 18-18, belortf the court house door in Jacksonbe ro, Scriven county, within the legal hour, of sale, agreeable to an order granted from the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, tbo following tract of land, to wit : One thousand acres, more or less, joining land* of Peter Arnett, James Roberts, A/.ariah Ennis, I Green Waters and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Thomas \V. Oliver, late of said coun ts-, deceased. MARTHA OLIVER, Adiu'x. ' Dec. 31. 1817. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, before the court-house door in Heard county, on the first Tuesday in February next. Lot of Land, No. 34, in the twelfth district of Heard county —sold as the property of \\ illiam Johnson, deceased, late of Warren counts - , and by virtue of an order of the Inferior Court of said coun ty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, titles good, aud payments cash. A I so , !On the same day, before the Court House door in Early county, will be sold. Lot of Land No 294, in the (ith District. WILLIAM GIBSON, Adm’r Sept 7G A D4HMSTIIATOIFS SALE, Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in Wilkes county, between the legal hours of sale. The Negroes belonging to the estate of Philip 1 Coombs, deceased. Terms made known on das of sale. PHILIP COOMBS. Jr,, Adm’r. Nov. 2 4 PUBLIC S ALE. ’ i On the first TUESDAY in February next, will be sold, at the lowerjnarket, A LOG CABIN CARRIAGE AM) HARNESS. | Sold as the property of \\ , 15. Branncm, for re pairs and storage. Penns cash. Jan. 14 LUTHER ROLL. Bank State of Georgia, } Savani* au, December 23, 13f7. $ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Bank until the first day of February next, for the purchase of the former Branch Banking House and Lot in the Town of Greensboro’, in this .State, The Building is of brick, two stories high, two rooms above ami two below, and a large, tine lot for a Garden, good Well, Itc , Ac. Terms. —One-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with 7 per cent, interest. Quit claim i title—stich as the Bank always makes; but the j title is considered an undoubted good one. the Bank having been the owner of the property for upwards of 2-7 years, Anv person wishing to purchase, can examine the prcmi-.es by applying to Major Thos. Stocks, who resides near Greensboro’. I’foposals must be addressed to “ The President 1 and Directors of the Bank cf the State of Georgia, j j in Savannah,” and as soon af’er Ist February as practicable, kids will lie opened, and if any one lie ■ accepted, the person whose hid may be approved will be informed thereof. A. PORTER, Cashier, Dec. 23 s\r BROWNSON’o QUAH’LY REVIEW. New Series, No. 1, Jan , 1848. (CONTENTS— S rs. I. Admonitions to Prote*- J tants. 11. Dr. Jarvis’s Reply to Dr Wilner’s h -End of Religions Controversy;” HI. Novel h Writing and Novel-Reading. I’d. Briancnurt on Labor and Association. V. The Two Brothers, or c Why are Von a Protestant ? VI. Pins the Ninth, e and the Political Regeneration of Italy. Recent i publications. 3’. J. COSGROVE. Agent. >. Jan. 20 th3t Augusta. Ga. S' TOBACCO SEED PROM CUBA. Hcaefin c ahinet Maker. Augusta. Geo., • No. 130, south side Broad-st., near the iow ' j cr Market, has a few more of the same sort left, of SPANISH TOBACCO SEED. - that was presented to the Agricultural Society - j through the hands of Gov. Crawford, which he. j will dispose of among his friend* so far below cost [ that there will be no price charged. c Jan. 9 sw2mos d BOYS TO HIRE. ■j rjAWO LIKELY BOYS, one 14 and tho , X other Id years of age. youngest is a §ood house servant, the other intelligent, thrifty, I tto learn, and obedient- Apply a: this office, Jan. 7 ° 4 TEACHER of the English, Greek and e { Tjl Latin wishes a situation ia a village oi c >un , cepr-i-onable character ani abi!:*'*. Proposal* er-ea ♦ilf ?fcs 2t‘*h -f .'ar.-iar- FM* Address F R , >.u --j p-. -x, fir. D«c IA