Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 22, 1848, Image 1

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| L I, ff, mwotw . ■^J l| y il *. lI Lf!L.S>-.* 3^l l W l . —.— ——•—.... v -v-uffiffi -1 -', >«•■••*•*’v-~ --A. ■; v -r --i •---g- - ~ :i T ” - Jf.irg»S3aiaßlßßaul%LtJ» w ■?■ Z;-—— r‘-X r ■_ X r _- X- ; BY JAMES GARDNER, Jr.] AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 22, ISIS. VCL. XXVII. NEW SERIES, v CL. III.—NO. 12. _ , , —-. «... ~ ——- -——rr-*—:Tr"*trrrn :m^^ussnr , i«ffr,«agai THE CONST 11 UTJONAL 1 ST. OFFICE IN McINIOS 3-STREET. ThinS. dour from the 31oi €h- //cat cans-r o Broad-Street. Sale? of LAND by Administrators* Executors or Goar a ans, are required, by law* lo be belli on il enr t 1 u- J day m Hie month, between the hours of ten in thefore noon and three ;n the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate. Notice of those sales ho given m a publ.c Gazette SIX! \ DA i pro* vious to tho day of sale. Sales of NHCROES must be at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the rama! hours o sale, at the place of pu'd.c sales in the county where •the Let lets Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar dian-hip, may have beuti granted, fir.-:t giving SIXTY DAY’S nulxe thereof, in one of the public Gazettes o this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales arc to beheld. 40T ,c« for Hie sale of Personal Property ma tbe given i hke man net FORTY DAYS previous to day of sale Notice to the Debtors ami Creditors of an Estato must bo published for FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will br made to the Court of Or dmary for leave to sell LAND, must be published fur FOUR MONTHS. Notice fur leave to sell NEGROES, must bo published FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can cb given by the Court. | ’’sTotc of Tliauks to Gca. Taylor—lSSr* AsL man’s Amendment. Mr. Houston, of Delaware, introduced into the House of Representatives on the 3d inst. a resolution of thanks to Gen. Taylor and his troops for their heroism at Buena Vista. Mr. Henley moved an amendment by addin" the words “engaged as they were, in defending the rights and honor of the Nation,” when Mr. Ashmun moved to amend the amendment by adding the words “in a war unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by tho Presi dent of the United States.” Mr. Ashmun's amendment was sustained by the following vote: Yeas—Messrs. John Q. Adams, Ashmun, Barringer, Borrow, lilecher, Bolts, Brady, Buckner, Canby, Ciingman, C >cke, *Col 1 mrrer, Conger, Cranston. Crowell, Crazier, D.ckey, Dixon, Donnell, Duor, Daniel Duncan, Gar net Duncan, Dunn, Eckert, E I ward*, Alex. Evns, Nathan Evans, Fisher, Fulton, Gayle, } Gentry, Giddiugs. Goggiu, Gmuieli, il do, N i than K. Hall, James G.. Hampton, II iskell, Henry, J. W. Houston, Hubbard, Hudson. Ir vin, Kellogg. T. B. KINO, D. F. Kinr. Liu culii, Mellvaine, Mask, Marvin, Guilin, Nes. Newell, Preston, Pu’nam, Reynolds, Julius Rockwell, John A. Rockwell, 'Root, Jltnisey, St. John, Schenck, Shepperd, Sherrill, Slinger land, Caleb B. Smith, STEPHENS, Truman Smith, Andrew Siew.irt, Stroke:, Sylvester, Thibodeaux, Taylor, Tompkins, 21 chard W. Thompson, John B. Thompson, IODMBS, Tu k, Van Dyke, Vinton, Warren, Wilson —S ’. Nays—Messrs. B ah*, Bedinger, Bird-all, Black, Bowdon, Bro Ahead. Wm. G. Brown, ■Charles Brown, C.ithe.art, Chase, B.'verlyL. Clark, Howell Cobb, Williamson R. W . Coo’o, Cummins, Daniel, Du-k.ns >n, Faran. heath - erston, Ficklln, Fries, Fren rii, Green, Willard P. Hail, Moses Hampton, Harraan-oii, Harris, Henley, Hill, George S. Hou-ton. Inge, Chas. J. lugersoll, Jamcisou, Jenkins, Andrew „ dui • son, Robert W. Johnson, George W . Jones, Kaafra m, Kenaan, L ihrn, La Sere, Sidney | 1. 1 vreace. L klier. L»r I, Lnmpkin. MeClel il an 1, MeD >well, 'LL mg Mian. Meade. Mil ler. Morrh;. Mcrsg Murphy, Peusleo, Peck, Phelps, P.lsburv, It’iett, Richard* >n, R;cl\ey, R rekhill. S iwyar, Sims. S:a i-t, Robe t Smith, Stanton, Starkweather, C. F. Stuart, Strom, Thomas, James Thompson, J cob I bompson, Wm. Thompson, Thurston, Turner, Venable, Wick, Williams—Sl. otv for the Contrast! In 13 Id, when’hostilities broke out between •this country and Mexico, a certain act unis passed by Congress by a vote of one hundred and seventy-Jour yeas to fourteen nays, declar ing that the war v,o>: brought on. BY TUB AC T OP MEXICO. Among the yeas, it was a source of gratification to us, &n I no doubt to the people of Georgia, that every represen tative from this State, gave his vote, aye to to the bill. Bat what a sad picture docs the above vote now present to us. Two of our •members, THOMAS BUTLER FUNG and ROBERT TOOMBS, who voted in 1313, that •the war was brought on by the act of Mexi r cj, in ISIS, wc Tin I voting tbit the war was “unnecessarily and uncon*titutionally bejun by the President of the United Stater," and voting with them we find the name of ALEXANDER HAMILTON STEPHENS! another repre sentative from Georgia ! Scripture teaches us, that he who is not for us is ayainst u- Common sense teaches us. that he u ho is not for his country is against it. Two of our rep resentatives have been for and against, and another is now found in their company 1— XVe will not place these three members, nor the terms that their change of position .revokes, but leave that for the people of this State and Union to do. That their course on tliis question may not be forgotten by the present generation or posterity, we place them. . with the company they have selected, in op s posite columns, and shall keep the list in our paper until their names become as familiar as household words. Here thev are : IS 16. * 1818. Whereas, by the act Be it Resolved, That of the Republic of Max- thanks be returned to too, war exists be- Gen. Taylor, fee. ‘-in tween the U. States a war unnecessarily and that Republic, &e. and unconstitutional ly begun by the Pres ident of the United States.” Antony the Yeas , A.-ntnj the Yeas, Barringer, Barringer, Cocke, Cocke, Crazier, Crazier, Gentry, Gentry, } Hampton, Hampton, J. W. Houston, J. \V. Houston, T. 15. King, T. D. King, Marsh, Marsh, Kumsey, Rumsey, J. A. Rockwell, J. A. Rockwell, Schenck, Schenck, Truman Smith, Truman Smith, Stewart, Stewart, St. John, St. John, Thibodeaux, Thibodeaux, Robert Toombs, Robert Toombs, Vinton, Vinton, (not present) Alex. H. SrErnsNs- The remaining Whig member from Georgia, Dr. Jones, did not vote on Ashmua’s amend ment We presume ho tos absent --A A . ...v ? - tj. » 1 f y 11 ",, _*, y* JE J E-J- U Business € arils. Tv> Prof is.sional and Basinesa m. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS | ■ not exceeding six lines, will he inserted under this I head at the rate of £lO per annum. Cards exceed j ng six tines, will he charged pro rata per line. j SAM JEIi BAR WF.T V, I ATTOUNEY A T LA W , WASHINGTON, GA., j WILT, practice in the Count es of Wilke o , Wai ' rcn. Hancock, Tal aferro, L.Lcrt, Oglethorpe I and Lincoln. Jan. 5. ly W ILLIAM B. T EIHIUHE. AT rOR Nil Y AT LAW. ROME, GA. Refer to —W. E. Alexander, Rome, Ga. Aug. lb ly JAMES GARDNER, JR-, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA J : OHiV H. BIGS’, Attorae> and Counsellor at Law. CASSVILLE, GA. Will practise in the Counties of the Cherokee i Circuit. C business will Lo thankfudy I rece.ved and despatched promptly -21 ] y M BAnFel sTpßixru'p“ ATT on NE Y AT IL A 27. ROME, GEORGIA. Will practise in the Cherokee Circuit —Pauld- ing, Cass, Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union, Gilmer, Murray, Walker, Dade, Chattagoo and Floyd. Aug 15 Iv 16 JOHN J. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA, Will practice in the counties of Bibb, Janes, Baldwin, Twiggs, Houston, Crawford and Monroe i and also in the county ol Burke. Any business in trusted to his care will receive prompt attention. June 2 ly 205 ALEXANDER JicKENZIE, JR., AT r J R NEY A T L A VV, WAYNESBORO’, GEORGIA. April 2.» ly 173 JONES & SHEW jff Y 3 E, ATTORNIES AT LAW. WAYNESBORO. GA. JOSEPH B. JONES, and JOHN T. SHEW MAKE, having associated themselves in tho prac tice of Law, will promptly attend to any business entrusted to them in the counties of Burke, .Teller son, Emanuel, Richmond, Scrivca and Washington. July G l2 DJdChL S. G Z2GIIY, DA II LON EGA, LUMPKIN COUNTY. CA., Will practice Law in the Cherokee Circuit. 11c will also act as Land Agent, where the land lies in tiiat or the ad cining counties. Rcff.re.vces.—F. M. Cab )t. E.q.. A. G. Wim py, P. M., J. A. Smith,Esq , Dahlonega; Gov. C. T. MrDiiaid. ,M iriatta; iim. lErim Warner. Circe ivllle; Cs!. K. L. UuralsDa, LaGranyt Sept. 15 ly MIDI CAL CAR D. [T/* Dr. MEALS tenders his professi nalserxi cus in the v irious branches of Medicine, to the cit izens of Augusta and vicinity. lie mrv be fan id eith: r at the office, formerly sccnpied by Taos. &o J. .1. R. F. jurnoy, Esqrs.. on M;I nt.nsk-strest, or at the icsi er.ee of Mrs. Wa or nan, on Broad.street Dec. I 6mn HE AUK Cc L AW 30 NT, ATTOR XE Y S A T I. A \V . Will pr iclice 11 ail tiie Co inties ol the Mid lie Circuit- Any badness-entrusted to them will meet vith prompt attention. Address Edward J. Brack, Jacksouboro, Ga. John* F L vwso.v. Augusta. Ga. ly Nor. 18 P. FL DILL, C DJI JUS H3N MERCHANT, New Ok i. k ans. Non-. 19 —3m Chas. I’. M’Cai.i.a. j Gustave Rujiain McCALL A <So ROM AIN, O O M A : 3.3 10 T M J TGFI YNT 3, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Nov. 7 ly John L. Cork. Oscar L. Siiewmake COPE & SHEW IAKE, Paotufs ani C virnlssion M vchaats, SA VAXXAII. GEORGIA, S;pl. 1G ths'dm Cri_iO 3la Jrl jiuu. CORNER OF PRO AD V JACKSOX-STS. AUGUSTA. GA. DY FRANCIS 31. JENNINGS. Oct. 2i ly R. F. BDUYE7, TIN :.I AN U FA CI V HER, On Broad-st.. at 11. Cook’s o!J Clot ting Stoic A 1.1. ORDERS I* ROM I*TI.Y EXECUTED. Roofing, iAc., at shm te-t notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Work in th - country promptly attended to. ly — Oct. 1 CLEVELAND SPE AK, mmm dsmtists NO. 215 broad-st (Over Aldrich Ao Green's Shoe Store.) nov 11 Ly 33 ernmm Muj.in.MiM»jßaa«w»ujiiiiM———t i«n TAKE NOTICE !! TT O HUMBUG!!! nriHE PECTORAL ELIXIR is the safest, X m;;ai speedy, and iu-» s c p;eu-eDt remedy lor Goughs, (holds. Asthma, Pain in tie Side, Pneumo nia, Bronchitis. P eurisy, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption, ever offered to the public. It is the only warranted cure far the above diseases, and may therefore be strictly relied upon. If any one is ham bugged by its use, certainly it would he the proprietor, as he has authorized his agents everywhere to refund the money whenever il tails to act as recommended. THE PECTORAL EPIXIRis the safest of all other i erne lies tor Lung Complaints, because it contains no Mercury or any other drag that would i prove injurious by long u>e, as it is composed cn j lively ol vegetab.e snbstances. It is the most speedy, because it has a direct I and specific action upon the organs of the chest, j and consequently loses none of its energies on j other parts of the system. It is the most pleasant, beeau?e it does not pos | sees a single nauseous property, either in ta'tc or j smell, but on the contrary has u most agreeable I tas’e and a delightful elTect. Should those afflicted by any of the diseases mentioned, give it a trial, they will never regret it. it may be obtained, wholesale and reta l.of WM. H.TUTT, Jan. 20 Only A scnt far Augusta. — —■■■■■■ -,etxg--y- 1 - " ■■ . UCTD.FR-SHI HT 3 A’N’ O DRAWERS OE MERINO, COTTON, SILK, and all cdher kinds, cheap, s.» Oc? YGi O FRJCE & ory* I CDIirUKATION CITY OF AtGUSTA* MAYOR. DR. L. JD. FOLD. < MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, Ward Xo. I.—G. F. Parish, L- Kirkpatrick, I. V Garvin. VGu/d Xo. 2.—L. A. Dugas, D. D. Hadley, Tho j. Hopkins. Ward Xc. 3. —B. Conley, 11. Huff. J. B. B.Jiop, ! IVu J. No. L —Jamas Harper, Wm. K. Kitcuen, C.B. Hitt. Clerk of Council —W. Milo Olin. Co.lector and I’reasurer —John Hill. City Marshal —Foster Blodget. City Constables —J.Sistrunk, L L. Antonr. Jailor—W. D. Broom. Keeper of Magazine—Wm. M. Pickering. Keeper of Hospital—i’eter McMahon. Clerk Lower Market—H. R. Philpot. Clerk Upper Market —Win. Keener. Keeper of the Bridge—H. B. Fraser. Keeper City Had—airs. O. Hargroves. Keeper City Clock—C. Catlin. S tper. Streets and Water Works—John Rhey. Citv Surveyor—William Phillips. Meetings of Council Ist Saturday in each month BANK STAT. 3 OF GB3RGIA. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA Capital CM30,000, Dr. G. 31. .ii.'..Toii, President. I. Hemiy, Cashier. mr.itcTons. Dr. W. H. Turpi Geo. W. Wii.t.ums, .T.R. Bjlkley, Joskpu Davis, H. W. Riseev, J. C. Gaiusucu.vel. Teller—James Adam ; Book-keeoer—A. Boggs; Diicount h; Collecting Cicrk—Jno. J. Byrd. Offering D iy, cvnry day. Discount Day, every day; regular discount day Friday. BANjK OF AXJCJ-U.GTA. Capital $030,000. KUdERT F. PUB, President. Jas. ML Davies, Cashier. UXUECTORS, Pvobert F. Poe, Jesse Kent, ! John R. A. Run, R. Campbell, 'j’nos. Davis, Wm. Shear, Hk’.t.y Aloore, Jas. llaiiber, Jas. W. Davies. STATE DIRECTOR. I. A. Dhgas. Teller S C.Wilson—Cook Keener. Geo. M. T’icw— Discount and Collecting Clerk, Geo. W, Morgan. Regular Offering Day, Monday—Regular Disyoun O O . ' rn i 3 Dav, l uesda}-. MJ 2H \NCC3' HANK, Capital $300,000. A. SIBLEY, President. M. iT.itcrn, Cashier. DIUKCTORS. J. M. Ad\M-s. T. S. Mi tcalf, J. I>, BtSHOP, JuSIAH SiBLEV, C. J. Cook, J. B. Waeker. A. G )Ut.r», Aa jry Sifii.Ev. J. M. lla.nd, Teller—Geo. Robertson; Book-keeper—W. F Pembarton; Discount «5c Collecting Clerk—l. Purse Offering Day/Tuesday J Disc a ant D >.y,Wednesday BANK OF BRUNSWICK. Capital $200,000. LDVv. THOMAS, President. John* Craig, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Ido tv. Thomas, W. E. Jacescx, A. J. Mi leer, G. T. Dur. Tic. Tko. Barrett, 'Tulle. - —John Craig, Book-keeper—Joseph MI. ligan. Gdmung Day,every day. j Discount Day.cvory ’ a CCCRCIAR. R. Sc DAMK’G COMP’h Capital. $37J.030. JOHN P. KING, President. John W. Wild, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Hays Bowdn r. , .1 am es W. Da rits, Jdii.n* Cg.n* sing ham, Jacob PiiiNiZY, liujAU E. Jones, Chaui.es Dougherty, Andrew J Miller, Antoine Poullain, John Bones, Adam G. S.vrFor.l), Wm. M. D Antignac, Pee.\sant Stovall, WiLi,iam D. Conyers, J. C. F .rgo. Benjamin H. Wauri n, Thomas N. Hamilton. Teller —William 11. Jones; Book-keeper—M. I Boisclair. O.Tcring Day,every Jay. i Discount Day .every du AUG'JUT A IM3URA7TGU eh BAITS’C C DNI PAN f. Capital $375,000. WM. 31. D’ANTIGNAC, Trcsidcnt. Roeert Walton. Cashier. directors. Wm. 31. D’Antignag, L. Hopkins, James Hope, L.Citr.ss. H. Bowdre, Teller —Win. Mackic ; Book-keeper—G. V. Summers ; D.scaunt C.o u, Ac.. A rn. l>. o-vugc. OTen it D ive daily except Sundays. Discount Days, daily except Sundays. GddFCdA SudhM BOAT COMP’i Capital SIOO,OOO. CHARLES GREEN. President. S. M. Pond. Secretary 6c Treasurer. DIRECTORS TOR S.V VA-N N AII. Edward Badkt.kord, R. A Lewis, Andrew Low, Jr. Jos. S. Fav. Ch sri.es Greek, E. Moevneuv, Jr. John H. Reid, Geo. W. Anderson, George llai.e, R- A. Allen. TOR AUGUSTA. I Titos.S. Metcalf, James Hope, I J. R. Bui.klf.v, i Agent at Augusta. John B. Guicn. I General Superintcadant. S ivunnah—Wm. P j Williams; George Johnson Clerk. PT.HA3, JOHN W. WILDE. JUDGE. Henry Robert. Clerk, A. C. Caldwell. Slierilf. This Court sets 4th Mondays in February, May. August and November. STJPNRTON C'TTFT. 3V. WL HOLT, JUDGE. I James McLaws. Clerk. Aaron Hoff. Sheriff This Court sits 2nd 3londay in J aauary and Junc INFFNIOF COURT. Justices —James Harper, Valentine Walker, Win Beall, Jessa Kent, and I. P. Garvin. pt3t» of?run, C. B.GLASCOCK. P. 31. | B. HALL, Deputy P. 31. NORTHERN MAIL. I Due Daily at 7 P. M Closes Daily at 3 P. M. WESTERN MAIL. Due Daily at 4 A. 31 Closes Dull}- at a P. 31. s wanna u mate. Due Dally at 3A. 31. | Close? Daily at 3 P. 31. CAHNI SVII EE M AIT.. Due Tuesday by 7 P. 31. Closes Wednesday at o P. 31. calhoun’s mii.ls maii.. Due Wednesday and Sat.urdav by GB. 31. C aOSCS Sunday and Wednesday at 3 P. ?I. r.REFNVILLF M MI.. Due Sunday. Tuesday' and Frdav by 3 P.M. Closes ; Sunday. Wednesday and Friday at G i’. 31. OI T. LI SO NV|T. I, K MAIL. 1 Due Wednesday and Saturday bv GP, 31. Closes Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P.M 1 AUOXJ3TA TNDRPBN-DSNT FIRS COMPANY, WILLIAM H. MAHARREY, CAPTAIN. Chas. Gatlin. l*t LueutJimei G \rdneb . Jth Lt. ; B. BiGNON.Sd Lieut. Henry Moose, ?3ac'v Vkc »>’t ,) 3d IAO IT BTJ3AAT BOAT COMPANY. Capital f-100,COO. AMOi'.i SliiLEix, Pras.ccnt. G. NlcLauuiilin, Secretary. J ’il. Adam?, Joc’aii Sirr.rr. IL B. Fdzer, N. K. Butler, Porter Fleming. one vacancy. Agent at Augusta, \Ym. .U Rowland.. AUGUSTA FIRE COJIPAJfY. F. LA3I LACK. CHIEF ENGINEER. Wm. 11. GuoUßicn, Ist Assistant Engineer. Jn - .*H cßax rr, 2nd “ Wm. pHiLLiPi.Secretary L. 3. Morris, Treasorer. SECTION I. SPCTIOr 'k Wm. Haines, Jr. Caph Jas. 11. Carter. Captain. L. C. Service, Lieut. 1 has. A. lioues, Lieut. Wm. Housley, Jr. Scc’y W, D. Andrews, Scc’y. SECTION 2. SECTION 5. C. A. Piatt, Captain. E. C. Tinsley, Captain. Jno. Bridges. Li cut. J. V/. C adabhr, Lieut. A. lia ch, Lec’y. 2 W. Clark, Sec’y. SECTION 3. SECTION G. Jno. Nelson, Captain. J W. Zinn, Camtain. A. Iverscn, Lia it. j B. Abrahams. J. A. Simmons, Soo’r. jJ. 3: rsrs,Scc'T._ Sections meet tor cxaruiAc on tho lust Saturday In every month. General Parades for practice and inspection, in March and December, every year. Regular quarterly meeting Fin March, J nr.r, Pep ’amber anu AaeLvaihur, iu* or o. lu* ■.ir.oi. ; , BfTIiIjAiTJX Afo. 1. | , T>J L G AE L ** j sC,r - -gX BBEG CD 2I PAN V | / ffy' HtC'ejf ' \ Laving been welcomed j /<v i g.3'Cr,A.-', in every section r>f the i •FT . f.i -•'' ,F r jJ\ United Slates with the I f(j. vy'-n F /-■'•T GX- , \ ~o il unpnrallcied cn- 1 " , A. - ./ j j huMasrr.jand their mod ; 1 , * f l ’, a j I ci-ics having rcac’ ci I • ( g-- ‘ 1 I an cnormuus circuia • ■ A-\ y Xg-hjl/ j tion, will henceforward \ *-T \ / / ii-'ue McntJtj Bulletins. \ - el s,/ that they may the more | perfects- inform the pnldic of tfie principles T t! e A- iEiilCO GRABURN3L RG SYS IL3I *.nd of too van superiority of their Medicines over rv o'licr-, ever presented ta the wand. Each iiuiielin • • 1• 1 contain s >xna'.hiag of the greatest im lortance to the health r.-f the community; an i all dis.es of reaUr?, the clergy, junsts. stutasm:. - ! •n i private I; divi-duals, should not fail of reading them, to say tho least. One trial alone of ihe ned’eines will canvi cn too mast scc-pt.cal of hf*ir extranr li nry etficacy. II th? pr.-sant c'n w; w.l only say taut 1. Tim G.-aeihuberg Msuicluea are purely Vege table. 2. Thev have been tested in tons of thousands of sii'Cs wi li perfect. - uccesi. 3. Os the Vegetable Pills alone 37.CC0 boxes arc o’u each and every week'. 4. The demand is constantly increashv. 5. fiver\ article purchased of tho Coin pan 7 or nv of its Agent? s warranted ; and if it dHa nut gvc satisfaction the money tv hi be refunded. Too Gr.v.f :nr.u;: ’/ogUablo Fill »or?cs3 almost magical power in preventing and uri■'g th: ’:• 1 : .’i 1• / Ja' ?1? i w.r.c \ a l t act huniaui v. fcspacially bilious.) —Ta-. rca o some facts con cctc l v.-'.tb their c -mp • -i• ir>n and use which the miPs of the present notice forbid n< to name. Sul cc it to say, th it. they ere the product of the mas; ctensive sind pb Oie. V-c rer- arcb; at-Josl by .■!; he light of mad .m science. Alt other patent pi!i° re made front the ret. >cs of lc os en!ighteue«l th' - * 0 fro th< - c ' ab: ioi wii f-m of ancient .Lanier:! scicocr, I ; fact thev are A P.v.f ct Fi.li. rorthv rs the arc an !of the counlrr. Toe Gmoicr.av. g G - upany is prepared In show a the (ri be th«. m * :•*. unq icuci •r.n! ;c evidence thui Hess ceie: r.. cd phi' are c very day curing a 1 du r lews of the Liver, S’ >rr.ach. Bowels, Dyspraxia, u;nslice. Er .■ 3p- a . Green Sick u-s-g and ail d-s --•tsts to which i’e-n ilea u-e suKecf. 3»e:u - ibr Iheum riia, IU a-i mhe. kc , all Liha is ( om 'hunts Arc. 'I „c;r wcndctful cflicacy arisen from Tir pa ver to open tin p■>••«• 3; to c cause and ‘rengto.ee the stomach ami bn a «-!■?; to make th*. ri ?e and raj Th ■ discharges flow healthily; and 1 give lens and vigor to the system. I*, ice 25 etc 1 box. No fara".v should be v.-ltliact them If they do nit five .sati faction the m ney w 1 hi prem;;*. y afua led; and v.v.7 agent is iucrcby to Ti- Mn’fi ‘R't-gjrr; ENTIRELY VEGET \RLE .JUj—warranted o make one qu. rl of i enn r.ble *M.'ter<. I licy .re s’Hlfuhy and elegantly prepared '■ y this Coin i.mv from a r,n*i her of the most purifying, i vi >- •ati.-'X an-.l heal! it Roots. Bark-*, Herbs a..J \ nes athcrcd in th Uwi.le domain rs nature in both ■ cm; ihcrcs. Thev wi 1 restore strength and vigor f l.nJv, civo c ear.ic.is to the most aa!'-ow com ilexion. an! cream ‘ten a >,)CUU'. All perm. < vhn ui’f alll’wt <1 wire occasional il health, low ? oirlts and lost r»t anpetit' - . ahauld p« 'Cure theca an I •nee. Price 25 cis. a package G-, f 'libyr> F jv .r and Atta P• 11s I This Pii ! is the great conqueror of Fever and ! Lgjc, and Fever of ail o her types a id forms, y t ry -5. 3 f > aorr c > - ryng TlFa rn ntt t a ! Tuts is now the standt-d Sarsaparilla Prepnra j ion of the dav; far surpassing a»l others be lore 1 hp l> iblc - . , „ .. ~ | In aJ hiiun ta tne pr nce’y • irsanardla, tm> i 'reparation contains Guiacum. Mu brake. T>iir 1 lock, Elder, 3'cilo-.v D »ck. yi men » DMight, an-' ; hr»e other roots. Fis taking the obce of ub | uht r Sarsaparlilas, and should be tried by all who ■ wish to use an> tliiog of the Uiiuh Price S LG) a j mft c. which will make two quarts of the greatest | :o?'ib!e strength 'Foe other Medicine? are Tiif, Or \F.FF.NBVRr, Rye Lotion. The Children’s Pinacev. The 1 Green Maun tain Ointment. The, Consume-j five; 15alm. The Desentekv Syrup. It is intend' d that there snail be a GratTenberg I Depot in every neigltbarhoo ! in the United S’atcs. at which the Company’s Medicines may be found. Fhe Genercl A rent for So Carolina and Geor g‘a i- Gt-orrc Brainord, at Charleston, S. C., to whom applic.it'oos f >r ugn e ■ a -■av be addressed. ED A’ \R D B A R FON. S c e retarv. For sale bv Wm. II tines. Broad-st. Augusta. Ga.: R. S R berts. Edgefield, C. 11. So. Ca.; Hyde & Jones. 31 >con. Ga.; J ira»? D mein. Miiie i eviiic; 31. C. Wiliiams.a-*. D?v Gf-or.o; 13. R. Jlathewsou, Hawkinsville; Wm. R. Kh;~, LG.ion county, Ga. Jan. G A~i EORGIA, DeK Tb county.—Wherea vJTJ AME-'o i'l. 31 A LPi « applies tor letters ol Administration on the estate of HENRY WADE. !ate of siid county, deceased These are there fore to cite and admonish ad and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the firm prescribed by- law" and show cause, if any they have, whv let ters of Administration should not be granted the app'icant. Witness th-' Hon. William Hairston one of the Judges of said Court of Ordinary of said county, I this Bth Dec., 1747. Dec. 10 AT,EX. TOTi'VSON O—-V. I FiIBSH OYMUuRti Abb OF ALL Kt "T u 3. ION AS TOE very rcsper-ftiliv inf<~rrn-G ‘mw tic men who kre good FRESH OVSTFf-'S. I that be has ooened Rooms in the r« nr of Mr. Wal | leur's es‘ab!i<hment. and invites his friends to pat him a "bit. For a Mention to his n-nesis and clean j liness. he will not he f tnnd wa- ting, and for O vs j ters scrv d no in style be will not be surpassed ; When yon visit Lie j Just received a sappV rs VersWn, Wild i Pidgoocs, <kc &c., whic will i>c served r.-> t-o | order F-uo Td> Citationn, v>C- j jA liOF-GIA.. CeKalb cotiitty.—’A'Lortas ‘Of D. a. i.tii Clit-L ungues ire letters <: ■ . ■ . ■ -. r- r : - •W • r ” T 1- >•• A dimniatratioa on tut tst -t ■ Uitui.s EL, late of said c our tv, deceased. These are i therefore to cite and admori.ii and girg'.-in: l;.e ! kindred and creditors of said deceased, to I e ut.u I appear at my office within the umc prcscri'btd by j aw and sliow cause if any they bev’e, why letters of Admixistration should not be graatca ;ba £pp-»- cant. Witness the Honorr .lc U. 3. 3Tororr, ore of the Judges of the Court of Ordinary of said county this 11 th Jarman*. 224A Jan. !3 'aLEX. JOHNSON. C C. 0. F' v . £ORGIA| Lincoln Ccimty.—Whereas, v? 3'-31. li. NOR3IAN. ui u LAWUE3S tsUDDUTH. appl;c>: for letters of Aduiiaistrauor on rhe estate cf WILL IS St'DDIT i'll. decKiSvu | Those are there‘br? to cite end adlaoßi°h k<; and singular, the kindred and creditors of sa : d de ceased. to he fi-H e->r.onr ft mv office, within the time prescribed by law, to show enure if any they have, why letters ol a imi:;istration should rot 1 c granted the said applicant at the January Tens neat of the Court o: Orhu-rgy. HUGH C.crk C. O. far.. 12 I gliOliUiA, HcKalb CoUis:y.~-Present. vJT tucir Honors E. A. Davis, Jno. jS. Bellinger. L. S. Morgan, and Loch.hu Johnson, Judges of said Court. Where tv*. EOBT. 11. SMITH, Jr. Executor of RCfBT. bf/ITTH, Sen., ia ! c of ?a’tl county, de- j cessed, appliesx > thi? Court for letters distuDscry, j from the Administration o: s?M r date ; i here sere i the kindred and crcd tor? cf said eleceased, ere j hereby cued and admonished to file objections il \ any they have. In rn y ftltCC. TTilhin the litre p - e- j scribed bv law. oliit-i Rise icttci* of Lu.mis ery j wik be granted the anHicaat at the September ; Te mi of this Court. Ui-iS. Witness, the Hon. John N. P” "i-vr, etc of the Judges of sa.J Coort. Jarnn rr I], 1 ALEX'R. JODNSC.i, CTk. C, C. Jan 13 Ci EOIICIA. Scrlv-eai goaat y VvEcreus ! if HHODY TiIUMPBUN hath applied to tic j Honorable tho Court of Ordinary of Scrivcn coun- I ty for letters of administration on the estate and 1 effects cf JOHN R. 1 KUELLON, lute cl said j county,deceased: These arc therefore to cite and adnsor isb til and j singular the kindred and creditors oj said de ocas- ! ed, to be aid appear st my O:rice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted thos.dd ap plicant. \\ itnessthc Hon. Peter Reddick, one of the Jus tices of tho Court of Ordinary of said county, this, the 7th dav of Junnrrv. 134A Jan. 11' ALEXANDER KEMP. CFk. COitGIA. Vv Kites County,—Whereas. 'OF OB ADI All FdOUENLE applies tor letters r 4 Admin natiou on ii»e estate ol JLRIiMIAIJ FRA2ILII. deceased, late of bald county. T.dese arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the klndied and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the tin e prescribed by law, to show cause, if any the} nave, why sHJ letter.? should not be gra? ted Given under rav hand, at office in Washington this gOth. Nov. 1317. G. G.NORMAN, C. C. O. Nov. 24 CORGI A, DeKalb Count}-.—Whereas v Of LIVE ISETI i.KTUN, Executor on the es tate of DA VJD ERANKLlN.deceased,applies for letters ol Di.mission from said estate • 'i’hese ate therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred end creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time pre -oribed by law, to show cause, if any they have whv letter: should no: be grafted. G’ven under my ha-d m office, this sth August, 1317. ALEX. JOHNSON. Cicrk. ' A ,gu«t 7 Gmo f ißdilGld, Wilkes County.—Whereas AJST SARAH A. '1 AI.hO !'. Administratrix of the Estate rs J/sMES C. TAEJ OT. deceased, gp ,)ilo3 to me ior itttc.o 0* cUsmiSi-ioti irem sa.d L - tat - : These arc hereby, to c-c and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors, of said dc ce sed. to be and ap tear at ray office, within the time p eserib'd by ia-v. to show cause, if any the} have, why said .ettcr 1 should t ot be granted. G.vcn under ray hand, at olfmc in Washington this G.h, Kit7. G. G. NORMAN. C. C. O. July 13 1G 4 f ITJRGIA, DcKal'b Couiity.—i'icaeiit ®,JO their Honors li. A. Davis, L. U. Morgaa, and John N. Rclk-nger, Jud-rcs of said Conn. Wherca-. WILSON E. SPRE\VEJ.E, Adminis trator of \v'3l. SPRE 3VC LL. late of said county, de ceased, applies co this Court for letters dismisson from the adminisiration of .aid Estate. Therefore the kind red and creditors of said de ceased arc hcrebv cited and admonished to file t-.eir cb cctior.s, if any they have, in my office within the time prescribed by lav.-, otherwise : e - trrs dlsmi- snrv w ill be granted the annllcant at tl:e rers aisrn c ? v wm no rranseu me a-ui.cani ai uic C January Term, of this Court. 1343. j t Witness, the Hon. L. S. Morgan cr.c cf the J«, j n - JS47 ALEX'R JOIINBOX, CH: C. Q. - i 3lav G K 2 I A, Scrivcu County.—Pro enttbe ; 0 ! IT Honorable George Pollock, Peter Reddick i u ! and John S. Marer. J id ~ce<d said Court ! j j Whereat, CASSANDRA \VII.f IAMSON Ad | t I ni loi - r.i r. v up-on the Estate of CULLEN MIL ' | i. JAM SON. late of sad count}, deceased, applies ■ q for letter: of dismission from the administration of j j «a ,d estate of therefore the kindred and creditors | - I of ..aid deceased, arc hcrebv cited and admonish- j | ed to 61c their obioctions if anv thev have in mv •• c | office in terms of ’be law; otherwise letters rl is i c ! missory will be granted the apnFea- t a; the Jan- ; i uarv term next, of the Court of Ordinarv for said j . 1 county. Bv order of r.ic Court. <hK Jure ICth. 1347. ' ' ALEXANDER KEMP,C. C.0..5. C. j - 1 .T„ne V* 221 I \ ' r 1 I'iOllGlJ, K<-riven Cornstv« —Y'hevea?. c s <k' MILL.-5 HUNTER. Guardian 83JUH WIE- . i TJA3IS, minor heir of THEOPHIEIST WIT. - 1 LIAMS, late of said county deceased, will apply to the Honorable the Justice? of tho Inferior Court of said county for letters of dismir.issioii from said • Guardianship. J ? These are therefore to cite ard admonish nil and ; - sio cruler the kin dr. - d and creditors of said Sarah j ' Williams, to flic their eh lections, if any they have 1 j within the time prescribed by law, why said let- j 1 ter? should rot be grnnte' 1 . i 1 Witness, the Hon oral/e George Bollock. 0-5 cos : the Justices of su'd C oort. ibis 10th dav of August j ; 1847. ALEXANDER KE3IP, C -rk. : - ! Aug. 15 4 4 g~A EORCHA. A3'ilkos County.—'Whereas. ! Vs JACOB HUBBARD. Executor m right r f . his wi:V. anohes f'r In-ters dismission from 1! u e-- . I tate of JOHN D. MILNER, late of said county, de- . ! ceased: These arc therefore to cite and admnn'«b a]! and 1 singular the kindred and creditors of said deecas- 1 < 1 cd. to be and appear a r rnv oificc within the time j prescribed by law, to show cat.se if ary they have, i whv said letters should not be granted. j < Given under mv hand at office in Washington, ' : i December 10,1847. ~ |' G. G. NORMAN, Clerk. Dec 12 rTNEOTIGIA, DeTinH) Cmnvtr TO ALL .) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—Whereas 1 NOAH SLAY au;d;ei* t' - ' me for!c»tcre of Admin- ; istration on the estate pfVvild.lAM SLAY, Ir.tc of DcKalb. deceased - These are therefore to cite ; and admonish ai! ar-d singular the kindred and i creditors 0} sffid deceased, to ! » -ard appear a* ; - mv office within -the time prescribed by law and shew cans**, if any firey have.-whv letter? of -a 4 min i i-nfratjon should not be "ranted the raid applicant. Witness ihe ITonorabic 1.. S- Morgan one of the j Indies of ti.e fV’ur- of EVA in ary ol ?aiJ count}", j ■ ! thi;i toe 'ui Decemb «r. 1847. Dec 9 ALEX JOHI’dON, C G O ! £cq al Notices. gl ' Ca v ”w iI > 1 1 r Citc f-' pl>c & jiOO JL 1 vn> L-e made To the IJcr.orrbie the interior Court of Burk* 4 county,tvlieii sitting tor Ofdir-»ry • i 'i-;x.-fe- for i«f.i c k> itai iuc interest r.f Jour Am i V Tcree, GLuor, in iCOfl*.jvs laml in paid county. JAMES CHANCE, Guardian, i J*~. >■' FOUR MONTES after date replication will he made to the HrmriTic ■imericr CA>v.rt of Goluxabia County, when sitpufr as a Court of Ordi nary, for It:.ive to scii the persor tj property Lcior-g --mg to the estate ct Carey Johnston, deceased, late Cl idlU CCuI; WILLIAM F. JOHNSTON, Adm'r. Jar, ir. i 17 cun MONTHS after d-tc application wtE iJL lv made to the Court of Ordinary ci Rich I ruond county, for .cave to sell the if-no arui regrons bclon a-ws j to tbc cstat-a of fsARAfI LLACIC STGNF.decpna.-C Nor 2 AKGYLH E! ACKSTONF. Adm'r. TWOUXI after cate application will n Lo made to the Court of Ordinary of Rich mor:d county, f> r leave to sell (ho interest one-fourth.) of JOHN iVIORIU3,a miner, in a ti*« t ot Jane, King: in GoluilEw county, con'&iningr ittlS acres, an 1 bounded by lands of Wm. Mccre, John Jones and Jracph Kej ;• olds, Esc. ALCUSTCo T. AXT.HIS, Ccardiac. Nov. 2 TV OUil JIO2VTIIS after date, appliottticn wit! JL _ l-e made to the Honorable the Inferior Court oi Jch 'rson county tvjbon anting fer ordinary )t;r* | poses, for iesve to sell the I.egj-ces belonging to tE* : estate of Jeremiah W i.cl.rr ir reef Jt jR-raon coun i tr. deterged. Vv'M. G. W ILCIiAR, Adm’r. ] 'Sept. 21 i iVOTiCE*—Mi j>crs» r ~ hr'-vrr.fr ►* |1 S trains! the c'lbjc of VA DENTINE I.LT Fl | RlNGEß,decea-cd. late <■ f Ricfccuordco.unlv, will I hr d them in properly attes’ed; ini all indebted j to said o-tatc. will make immediate pnvment to AGNES LLTIiTJNGLTI, Ada’*, j Jan. 13 —cG ! IVOTJCE.—The public a.-e cautioned against 1i \ trading- for a note made Lv me and cr.done>d i Wm. S. C. Moj ns, for t!>e -i-m of Sc Vtnty-nine (79] j Du.lara. payable to Win. F. Case or bearer, and i da tub December litlh, 33-17; said note payable one i month after calc. DAVID F. J GAINS. Jan. 11 co— %'O'iTCTE —All persons indebted to the estate IS oiSAHAH LLACKSTONE, deceased, aro requested tnmakc payment; and those having ck ivands against said estate are requested to h&&4 them in within the time prescribed 1 v law. Ai X VLE El. AOK Si ONE, Adm V. Nor. 10 —Csv ! | T" OTiCJE. —Al! per. ens having demands against I it t e Estate of George C. Gordon, Jeweler, i late of PlcLmcrd County, v.-iil present them pro } perly attested ; and al! poisons indebted lo stud Estate, will mahs navrnent to C. A. PLAIT, Executor y-o pt. 1 1 cG V OTIC IE —All person* indebted to th-e-estate IN of THOMAS GRAVES, late rs Walton co.. Ga.. are r‘-qu<- ste 1 tc make immediate payment; and j all those ha ring demands r gains! sa.d estate, tope * scut them ia terms of the law. CEO. W. GRAVES, LT July 14 lu 'V OTIC IE —A I: persons haring demands against _ s ANG't'S MA: T IN. late of -Richmond coun ty, deceased, arc hereby netified to present them properly attes'ed to me, within the lime prescrib ed by law. And oil persons indebted to said de ceased, arc hereby required to make immediate pavment. ALEX. MARTIN, Rx‘r. ‘ Aug. 1J «EJ T O'l IC Et—All pers.-ns having Watches rr Jewc rv left at the slcic if the late G. C. Gordon for repair, will please call at the store r.( C A. Platt, pay for th<~ ti me end lake them p.wry, '.•rior to taeir being sold as the proper! vrf the- es j late. C. A. PLATT, Tx'r. Si pt. II C‘ r i ICT.---All persons indebted to JACOB j. ; 4 A ELI N. deceased, late of Warren countr, c requested to make payment, and all persona having demands against if c said Jacob Alien, will ; reseat them, in terms rs the law. to STODDARD W. SMITH, Executor. S--E 12 Gd G IT 11% —Aii per-'-* s ) r.f insr demands N HENRY I GIT-SON. deceased, late if | Willies courtyorc requested to bard them in 1* gaily j 'jrrvcn. :.nd these indebted arc requested tc umh« Imnu rha'e pa’ m«‘Ut to s V* n rh MARY A. GIF SON, Adm’y. 'V OTICE. —A II i-e- so”- having demands against 1 sl tbc es'ate of 1.. V. I. j L GA.S.lateof Richmond Will l ’ r*ih »■ t il rIP ttroiu. rlv couim . win j'rpcrt their prrj»eny attested. and i'! per ois .iidebtcd to said estate, w ill n;< ke pay* oient to L. A. DUGAS, Adm r. Sri •*. 11 CH •»_ Oiltt.- Mi v-enfps n !ifd to the estate : * . m V, ][,l MM SF.I MTS. deceased, late ot Richnsord county. arc requested torrakc }m mediate ]■>:’-rnent, ’ and those having drmrrds a-rni.-st said dceeeepd. to prerent them within the tii ; c pre-criLed. ard attested asthe Jaw directs. Sent 17 RA VMONIJ F. SELLERS. ExT. %Ol ICE.— All irc’t I ted to tlie cat ate I 7, r * ISAAC riiVAN.Jr.fe rs Striven crurt) 'v• i’ make immediate rmmrit, srd these hevirg demand- a?ainst said estate will prestr.t them prop* eriv nt’ested to ro>.r. eu.t.ui nor exits. AdmV. \OTICE . .All persons ir.rVh' c d to the esfata i-v of the sate . T OU N M. GARDNFR, w ill make payment to the undersigned, and those having do mantis against said estate vviil present them ac* cording to law. Dee dl r .LAMES G.t FDMR. Tr.. Ado W. tvrror«iT/~!1-» A I L PERSONS INDEBTED to the nn rk. tie? si >r.cd. by i o‘e or < thermite, and those in whose hards I hove pi wed papers for collection, nre hereby ro'ified tl iat WILLIAM A. AVAL* '» b ' . L-q.. rs An ;nsta Georgia, is mv aulv author i/.ed Apt nt o- d A u i ey. wit h lull i «<• r to rej • r* sort rnc in the scheme r.t r r mr business at the Scutb. JESSE WALTON. Aitrn. Fllnois, Au". 'lb, 1 J-i7. S->». 23 ~ diet NOTICE*. A 1.1, persons indebted to rise estate of EWELL d - Met Oi , late* oi Mov. an county, deceased, arc requested to come for •%. »rd andmake pas luent, r.eci those i avmg dtnir.rds aga3>«6t the same are '■rnne-ted *o present them a^ v adding to Jaw, tbi« ICth dav o| ]Ssy,., n •nf in 17. N'o-v. 12 EORERT A McCCY. Executor. tT * EOKGIA. KicliiiUMifl Cotyatp.—Wfeerr- Vi?i as WILLIAM >< I i LEA . .Tr.. applies to mo fop letters of administration on luc-estate cf JCIiN SCHLEY, deceased : Tim e ore therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed. to he and appear at my office, w; bin the time p"escribed by law. to show caure if any they Lave, whv sold letters should not bo granted. Civ a under ray burnt at off.ee in Augusta. Dcc.dd ' I.EON P. DUGAS. Cleik. |“t EDRCIA, UnrUe County.—All persons k w interested are hereby notified that four month? after date, application will be made to the Honorab' s the Infer or Court, when sitting as a Ck urt of Ordinarv. for L ave tore'll a »r»et of land, belonging to JOSEPHINE O. SMEW MAKE, a minor of said c enty; bounded oc all aides dry belonging to William L*s**er. ANNA SIII WyiiKT! Guard!**. 7sr *»