Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 22, 1848, Image 3

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flc* and taking out the stocks. The amount returned averages .$50,000 per day, making about 6 per cent per week on the whole amount of free circulation. This process •hows the safety of this system of banking r. s far as the public are concerned. Air-Tube Communication- The Scientific American says, that a com pany is about to be formed in New Yonk, for an air-tube to be laid between that city and Huston, for the transportation of messages and parcels, in connection with the Air-line Rail Road. The air is exhausted out of the pipe, and the parcel to be sent either to New York or Boston is fitted close to the tube, and the air let in behind, when, away through the re gion of vacuo the parcel wings its onward way. A correspondent of the Journal du Havre asserts that the Rothschilds are about to es tablish in New York a house bearing their ■own name. Their business hitherto w ith that city has been transacted through an agent, but has become of such importance that a member of the family of financiers is to come over in propria persona. They have houses at present in London, Paris, Frankfort, Vienna an i, we believe, Madrid, Premium Colton number of Abbeville Planters have agreed to make up a Purse, for the purpose of award ing a Prize to the one showing the best five bales of Cotton from their respective crops on the first day of February next. The exhibition is to take place in the Store-House of Messrs, Walker & Bradford, at Hamburg, Shocking.—They are murdering their chil -dron in England, in order to get the funeral fees from the burial club. The children’s lives are first insured for a few shillings, and then they are Burked,' This seems too horrible for belief, but the English papers give it as a fact. Gallantry. There is a place in New Hampshire whore they sever have any old maids. When a girl reaches twenty-nine, and is still on the ladder of expectation, the young fellows club together and draw lots for her. Those who escape pay a bonus to the oue who gets her. There’s gallantry for you. Auburn (N. Y. Theological Seminary.— The board of commissioners of this institution recently elected the Rer. Joseph Few Smith, of Vi inchcster, Va., by a unanimous vote, theological professor in the place of Rev. Baxter Dickinson, D. D., resigned. i Switzerland, —The members of the various ■ religious orders expelled from Switzerland, ! •ay* theFreemau’sJouraal.hnve entcredFrance, Belgium, Baden and Austria, Some of the Jesuits have arrived at Pienna and met with a kind reception from Prince Metternieh. Special at ice 5. A JUVENILE SINGING SCHOOL. Dr BLANCHARD, would most respectful- ' Jy give notice to Parents iu Augusta, that he will open a class for children, from six to twelve years old, in vocal music. First lesson on Satur day, the 22d. at 3 o’clock, P. M., at the Phesby 'Tskia.s Vestry. Terms, First Quarter two dollars, for Two Quarters, three dollars and fifty ■cents. A general invita ion to the first lesson. Rooms at the Globe Hotel. N. B. Pianos, Scraphines, and Melcde&sis, tuned. by Dr. BLANCHARD. Jin. 21 —i DEM DCRATIC MEETING. TJ*A meeting ol the Democratic Partr of Col <umhia county will be held at Appling, on Tuesday ' dhc 13lh day ol March nest, which Will be during j Khe sitting ol the Superior Court. A full attendance is requested. Jan. 19 JOHNSON'S DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS. Iflß* C. I£, J9IIT.SL)N lias the honor to in- ' form his old patrons ut Rst year, and the pub I Sic generally, that Be u again AT HIS OLD STAND, oner Messrs. Clam, Racket Aj* Co.’s Jewelry j tilore. where pc is prepared to execute MINIA VURJvS m a style superior to any thing he has done h-eretoftmv. iklr.'j. thankful for the rerv liberal patronage ol ast sea-on, asks a continuance of the same. ♦set 2d- —3a STEAMBOAT COMPANY OF GEOR GIA. FT" This Company haiing been re-erganjzed and placed in an efficient state for service, are pre j pared to send forwarded without delay ail freight <hat mar offer. Goods consigned to WJI. P. WILLIAMS, Agent at Savannah, will he forwarded free sf C<*w.«ua ons. connection of R. M. Goodwin with this Company has tenainated. JOHN B. GUJEU, June 6 I —y Agent at Augusta. ■—mini >««mi a-aswu-fajaaLCTCtr^jiaF Departure of the Atlantic Steamers. From Europe. N. York. Boston. Caledonia, (Dr.).,., Dec. 13 Jan,Jj Philadelphia. (Fr.).Dcc 23 Jan. 23 Cambria, (Br.) Jan. 1 Jan. 59 New York, (Fr.).,.-Jan. 22 Feb.2l Sarah Sands, (Hi.). .Jan. 22 Feb. 2b & o m mere i a I. DATES FROM LUTtUFOOL DEC. ISj -HTKST DATES FROM HAVRE DEC. 15 [BY THE WASHINGTON AT NEW YORK.] Extracts of Letters received in.ilus t harleston. “ HAVRE, Dec. 16.—The Cotton market re itnains in the same state, but with less .business, in 1 consequence of the increasing scarcity of Cotton for sale, by which the favorable disposition of the buyers appears to be paralyzed.” “HAVRE, Dec. 16.—300 bales sold to-day— -market unsettled. Upland to arrive is ofiered at 1-70 for ordinaire, and f. 65 for tres ordinaire. Rice dull. “Capt. Howland and the crew of the skip Rob trt G. Shaw, burnt at sea, have just arrived.” CHARLESTON IMPORTS—JAN. 20. St. Johns, (N. F ) —Danish brig Lykkens Prove *-gbOQO Bricks, to the master. Sj .Martins—Schr Pamplico—2B hhds and 2 ' bbl* Molasses, 1665 bushels Salt, and 600 Spanish dpllar% to the-master. MACON, Jan. 19. Cotton —The receipts for the pwt week have been heavy, and sales larger than any week during the season.—At the tim« of our going to press last week, the markets was active, i at prices ranging acts., principal sales being made at 7 a 7J, but towards the close of the week, j i •the market, became quiet, and prices receded J to 1; thus far this week holders have shown Jess isposition to sell, and prices are asrain a shade higher. We quote Middlings 6s, Mid. iair 6£ a 7, ■ratrvj. ( 'ESTON, Jan. 21,—Cotton—Buyers of, 'j* .* T ere equally desirous yesterday to operate £ v n , P reT ‘ous- when tha sales amounted to i th ' es > but holders proving less liberal ' 6,r lcrnj, » and rathtr more stringent in prices, | g»ysg.snx-jr.' xjk 1 { ■vu.i •" j_iwesr'Liiy; the transactions reached but 900 bales,at extremes from 6£ (stained) a 7£. Rice. —The market continues very firm, with a free demand, equal and perhaps exceeding the re ceipts. The sales yesterday were about 500 bids, at prices ranging from s 3s a 2|. ATLANTA, Jan- 15. Cotton.—' The receipts continue at the ate of about 200 bags per day, and •ells freely. We quote principal rates, from 6% t» 7 cents. Some poor cottons have heeu sold as low as 5 cents. Corn sells from 3j to 37£ cents per bushel, and not much coming in; Wheat at 75 cents, and FJour at from 2j to 2>J cents per p und. Oats, fro a23 a ■3O cents; Irish Potatoes,so to 60; Sweet Potatoes, 25; Country Butter, 10 to 12£; Tallow 8 to 10. Slipping iutdiignuT. ARRIVALS FROM CIIAKi.ttTON. C. L. ship Columbia, Galloway, New York. I Barque Cherokee, Humphrey, Holmes' Hole for Boston. Barque llcnelLx, Baxter. Boston. MEMORANDA. The bark Isaac Mead, Brown, and lehr Senator, Knapp, for Savannah, cleared at New York 18th inst. 1 he bug Albert Perkins, Clarkson, for Charles ton, was up at Boston on Saturday last, to sail in a few days. j The schr. Geo. J. Jones, Look, fir Savannah via Charleston, was up at Baltimore loth inst. CH AE.LEST* »N, Jan. 21 —Air. line sliip An s-n. Burr, New York; Dan. brig Lykkens, Prose Vergensen. St. Johns, (N. F.); tears. Pamplico, Fulford, Martinique via St. M rtins; Rambler, He ron, New London; \\ escutogo, Y'ork, Boston; Mary Ann, Ridgeway, Baltimore. C.d. Dr. ship Conqueror, Kerr, Liverpool; line ship Catharine. lie best, New York. SAVANNAH, Jan. 20.—Arr. bask* Gleanor (British) CrswkrJ, Liverpool ; Exact. Ste" vens. New York; steam packet H. E. Caok, Ihly? Augusta; steamer Chatham, Bubbard, Atigusta. Cleared —bark Vernon. Paxton, New York; schr. Gen, Washington, Posted, Kingston, (Ja.) Went to Sea—Br. bark Agnes Ac Ann, Howie, j Liverpool. riX A j£ENOTICLL—A Note by me to JL \\ m. P. Case, of Eaton ton, for Twenty Dollars, one day alter date, I will not pay unless compelled bylaw, the consideration for which sa:d note was given having failed. Jan. 22 3 VINCEN T W. FULCHER. GUN 3, PISTOLS, &c. fIJIIE SUBSCRIBER has received, direct from j JL the Manufacturer, an assortment ot Single and Double Barrel GUNS, A Iso, Pocket Revolv- ' ing and Duelling PISTOLS, together with a complete assortment of HARDWARE, CUT- I EERY, POTS, OVENS, Acc., which are offered I for sale oa accommodating terms. H. F. S TROHECKER, 163 Meeting street,opposite Charleston Hotel. | J Jan.l7 luths3 GUNS AND PISTOLS. V CHOICE lot ot Double Barrel Shot GUN’S, London made, together with a supply ol I j Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Patent VV ad- | ding, Ely s patent Cartridges, and Gunning Appa- j ■ ratus in general, just received in) will be sold low. j , Also, Allen and Thiirbur’s Revolving PISTOLS; i six barrels. Self-Cocking Pocket Pistols, English • Belt Pistols, W alker’s Percussion Caps. CLARK, RACKET! Ac CO. Oct. 6 ts AUGUSTA. OCT- 15 1847. C1 LOCKS.—We have in store Marble Mantel ■ y Clocks, Ollice and Warehouse, Gothic and i ; Round Clocks; and oiler to country dealers an j assortment of cheap Clocks, well made, at low pri- | I ces. CHINA CUT CLASS—White and Gold Band i China Dinner and Tea sets ; Fancy Gilt aud Orna- I mental China, Tea sets ; Fine Cut-Glass Goblets. ! . Wines. Tumblers. «.Vc. LAMPS, LAMPS. AND GIRANDOLES. SOLAR LAMPS in great variety—some with Bo- ■ i lictcian Glass Shafts, and Prisms. ! GIRANDOLES, silvered and GILT— I New style PAPER SHADES for Lamps. ANDIRONS—V part of our supply of ANDI RONS, SHOVELS, and TONGS are at hand for sale low. CLARK, RACKETT At CO. Oc:t. i-5 I ' TjTNI c] ! LIAIE ! ! A CONSTANT supply of Kenesaw Lime, | 2 kept on hand by the subscribers, agents f-»r ! , Augusta, i h’u Lime is pronounced by judges, who i j hava used it, superior to the best i horn as ton. On i anaiizatinn, it is found to contain Magneda 3.5 Alumine 2.1 Silax 7.9 Peroxide of Iron 0.3 Lime 85.7 All orders directed to us will meet with prompt attention. DYE ic ROBERTSON, Agents. J;m. J I dJcwfw MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. i A REMARKABLE mineral, pronounced by i geologists to be a great rarity in mature and known to them by the name of Tripoli, has lately been discovered in this country, although but in one j bed, of very narrow limits, all owned by the “Mount Eagle Manulacturing Company,” incorporated hr the sole purpose of Us maamfacUxr.e. Th e article is excellent for burnishing B.nii clean- '' all finished nselallic and glas* «uxface«, such as gold, silver. br.c c s, Hritamiia and steel ware, win- | dow glass, ,L«. Nothing has ever yet been discov ered «e.qual to the j>urc Tripoli, and the common language the .consumer is. it is the best thing ever saw. The genuine article is for sale by the exclusive agent for Augusta. VVM. IIAIN’ES. April 29 —tl 176 ! i) Y E I N G AX O S C O LMI i X G ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN O’NEILL, Silk and Woollen Fancy | Oyer, informs the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity, that he lias commenced the above busi ness on REYNOED-STREET, in the rear of La.- tuar A: Oliver's Stpre. three doors below the cor ner of Campbell-street, where he is prepoued to execute work with neatuc-ss and despatch. He j flatters himself,from his long cx|-»erience in some | of tlie first houses in Europe ami America, to be | able to giv.e satisfaction in every branch of his bu- i siness. Any orders which he may be favored with ; will be promptly attended «to. lie will Dye, Re- j Dye and Renovate Gentlemen’s Clothing ,«f all textures and kinds—Coats, V’ests, Pants and Cloaks. He renews the shades of all colors, and makes the garment have the appearance of new cloth. He pledges himself that work finished by him will neither have a disagreeable smell or stillness, more than when new. Ladies’ Garments will be Dyed and finished in workmanlike style. Persons residing at a distance, by directing their articles to me at Augusta, will meet with prompt attention. JOHN O’NEILL. Oct 20 ts NOTICE. Having purchased fmm bowdre Ac CEAGGTT their entire Stock in Trade, the same is offered at their old stand for cash, or good paper, either at wholesale or retail, at very low prices. This stock of Goods has a great variety, and is comprised of the newest styles and latest fashions, and is not surpassed by any other in the market. All who ■wish supplies on low terms, will please call and judge for themselves. Jan, 4 3ino H. BOWDRE. SUGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, j Opposite the U* S. Hotel. TIIJS SUHSCUIBJER begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public generally, that he has on hand a large assortment of HAVANA & DOMESTIC SEGARS, of very fine qualities. A I.SO, Plug and Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking TO BACCO, cj all qualities. Coa r se and Fine SNUFFS, Ac., &.C., which are offered for sale as lew as can be purchased in this city. Country Merchants and others, purchasing to sell again, will find it to their advantage to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. E. H. PEZANT; p ec , 3 —3rnos Opposite the TV ? Hotel. , A FRESH SUPPLY OF HORSES AND MULES. Just arrived, and for sale y) ~ splendid lot of HORSES and .-4RI7TA MULES, which can be seen at --JL.* the Stables of J. A. Hibier Se&dtti*&* : Co., on Eilis-at. Jan. 21 MRS. B. O. COLLINS, Opp o site the Uni tc d States Hateli RESPECTFULLY invites the ; attention ol her tiienda and the public to a fashionable assortment ot .MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be I found handsome PAMILLA BONNETS.FRENCH LEGHORN, CHINA PEARL. FRENCH and I ENGLISH STRAW, Fine FLORENCE. CO j DUKG. ROUGH AND READY, ITALLIAN, RUT LAND, SATIN. SILK PLUSH AND MOL RNING BONNETS, made to order. DRESS | CARTS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS. FEATHERS. LACES. CLOVES, Evening DRESS. LACE , FLOUNCING, for Trimming Evenin'?. Dresses, , j HEAD-DRESSES. FRINGES, DUTTONS, Sec. j BONNETS AT COST! Wishing to reduce my present stock of BON- I NETS before receiving Spring supplies. I offer 1 them at cost. MRS. E. O. COLLINS. Jan. IK Imo CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c. ! r w.Lcxrier roll,~ } would inform his ■ | tr ends and former -r Catrons, that he is still in the land of the living, and j ceps on hand at his Carriage W arehouse, corner S W ashmgton and Reynold streets, opposite the j Episcopal Church, a good stock of Tumbui.l's. Clark's and Baldwin's CARRIAGES, BARROLCIIES. KOCAW A YS, standing and falL ! ing tops ; BUGGIES SULKIES, TILBLKRVS, j GIGS and FANCY WAGONS, allcf Newark man* uj'acture. These articles are of the best workmanship, and will b«j warranted of the best materials. They will be sold low for cash or approved notes. He is also prepared to manufacture to order any hiug in his line, which he will warrant. HARNESS, CARRIAGE FURNI TURE, &c-, &c. A stock of the above articles always ou hand and manufactured to order at sho:l notiee. REPAIRING. i In all its various branch - done with neatne-s ; and despatch, and as he has his own hands, at j moderate prices. He is detenned to sell low, and those in want of | any article in his line, can be suited. At any rate, i j he would be glad to see his friends and show them his stock- onros- dan. 14 J-.-A GLOBE HOTEL, JgA jiiiJL Corner of Broad & Jackson-sts Ji£j£iL : BY FRANCIS M. JENNINGS, rpms ES TABLUSH MENT baa undergone a ft. thorough repair, and tlie iToprietor would 1 be happy to greet hisoJd Iricnds. and as many new i : ones as may please t«.» fwor him with a call. He i will not speak ot his 'Table, Waiters, Ac., as he lecls satisfied those who favor him once he will have \ the pleasure to see again, his TA BEE having al I ways given satisfaction. [O’ DINNER at one <t\ Ciook. —tim Oct. 24 M PLANTER’S HOTEL. ArA i VVarrenton Georgia. UilLil i ■ The Subscriber has removed to the connuodi- 1 [ ous Hotel, recently ocoupied by Airs. JONES, 1 I where he will be happy to accommodate his friends and the public. His tables will be furnished with the best the surrounding country afflsid*, a,id no exertions on his pan will be wanted to give satis faction. JOHN BU'i J’. Dec. 30 f lo—c 4 I 1 TO RENT, From the Ist of October next. The double WOODEN TENEMENTS fiiiSSSW on Jacksou-street; one on the corner gifll o| Reynold-st, at present occupied by G Low', and the other by Miss Ingraham. Apply to G. LoifGsrn,*KT, or ' MRS. K. CAMFIELD July Si : 32 PERIFOCAL SPECTACLES. To all who experience inconvc j W—nienee in the use of the common kind of Glasses, and especially in night reading, these Spectacles will be found a most valuable substitute; in no case, except where the optic nerve has been pronounced diseased, have they failed, when pro j pcrly fitted, to give satisfaction. No better proof of their superior merit can be j given to each individual wuo «aav need Glasses i than the satisfaction he will experience in the use i of them. These Glasses can be obtained in this place onlv | of CLARK. RACKETT A. CO.. Agents for the Manufacturer*, Who have now on h ind a good supply in gold and silver frames. Perifocal Glasses fitted to any frame, for any vision. Spectacles in gold, silver and steel, for sale very ‘ low, by CLARK.RACK.ETT. & CO. ' I Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Ac. Oct. 6 if AUGUSTA, OCTOBER 6, 1847. e have now in store the grcajej ji_/Apart of our Fall supply GOODS, fS.'J'N 1 a&«cli&comprising WA'i’CiJES, JEWEL RY, Silver and Plated Wares, Military and Fancy Goods, Housekeeping Articles, Ac. Ac. to vrhich we invite attention, believing it to Le as good a 1 Stock as was ever in the place. And we ask all ; who think they can buy anything i« "the line a.t j lower prices, in this place or Charleston, to test : ! the truth of that supposition. CLARK, RACKETT &e CO. | Oct. 6 tl WATCH 33, JEWELRY, &o. & The Subscriber respectfully in- 1 forms his friends and the public gen* erally. that he has returned from aS.' New York, with a large md handsome assortment ‘ i of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. FINE I JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, I line Ornamental and Common BRASS CLOCKS, I MUSIC BOXES, and a variety of FANCY GOODS. N. B.—CLOCKS and WATCHES repaired with care. f. A. BRAHE, First door below Washington Hail. Oct- 14 1 y AUGUSTA MANUFACTORY OF CABINET FURNITURE. C. A. PLATT offers ' safe at his new and spacious ! A’rfl.Ware-rooms, a larger assort-ffl ! mentof fine BURN ITU RE and CHAIRS than j can be found in either the Charleston or Savannah markets, at such prices that purchasers shall have no reason to complain. Call and examine, bring your Charleston prices and I will duplicate any ar ticle in mv line bv addins: the freight. FRENCH SPIRAL SPUING MAT RASES, Recommended by tluise who used them to be j perior in every particular to any tiling yet invent ed for health and convenience. GILT AND METAL CORNICES, A new and fashionable ornament for Curtains in place of the old style of Poles and Rings. CORDS, TASSELS, LOOPS, BANDS & CURTAIN TRIMMINGS, j Os the most fashionable styles; Curtain Damask and Drapery for sale. Curtains made to order, i UPHOLSTERY done in ail its branches at the shortest notice. WINDOW SHADES AND TRAMSFA- | REACHES, Os various patterns and qualities, with suitable 1 Trimmings to match. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. A general assortment of CARPETINGS, RUGS and MATTS, consisting of fine, superfine, extra* t perfine Ingrains, Venetian and Three-Ply’s.i which I offer on as liberal terms as the saraevfi i cles can be purchased elsewhere. PIANO FORTES. From all the Manufacturers of the Union Tor saie at i FACTORY PRICES, for cams or city arc* it I ances. Nov. 10 ! RANAWAY From the Subscriber, a Mulatto roan. ! DANTEL.a Bricklayer.known by the name ; of Daniel Bland. A liberal reward will he ! a __ pntd for his delivery to me, or if lodged in Jail so that I eer get him Srpt 5 J GLENDINMNG. i i x rrgsrg! ig e AUGUSTA THEATRE. FOURTH NIGHT OF~MR. BASS. SA TURDA yIeVENING, JAN. 22, Will be performed the adtnirable Piece of the SOLDIER’S DAUGHTER, | OR, OUR COUNTRY’S VOLUNTEERS, : Governor Hcartall, - - - MR. BASS. | Ei Jaleode Ty~ Mile. VALLEE Comic Sieging, by MR. ROBINSON. To conclude with the highly Comic Farce of THE ATTORNEY AT LAW. Nicholas Flam, .... MR. BASS. tO* Admission to Boxes 11) cents —Pit 50 cents. Seats can be secured from 11 to 3 o'clock each day at the Theatre. Jan. 22 C R A N L> NATIONAL EXHIBITION Or TH3 BA.TTIjS3 IN M3XICO ! And Works of Axi; in Ware. XHIBITING a few doors below the United 1 A Slates Hotel,Broad-st,, Sign of the ••Stak SPAifCCBC Cawnlu.” In order to give those who have n&t t«t had an opportunity ol witnessing those thrilling scenes, the i present Paintings will remain unchanged until | next Monday. For a list of Paintings, sec small bills. Jan. Iti At GtsTTs B. Lo.xgstkekt, ) Bill for discovery, vs. (relief and injunction J vmks Curry, j in Richmond Supe- Edw. Thomas, and others, j rior Court. IT having been made appear to the Court tbit Henry S. Lubbock, Thomas Lubbock, Ann j Lubbock, John Lubbock and William Lubbock, | necessary parties defendant in said case, reside j without the limits of the Slate of Georgia: Order ed tnat thi y be made parties by publication under ! the usual rule of this Court, and that the said par- I tics appear and answer to the charges of said bill, J or otherwise defend against the same within five months, or the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. It is further ordered that this rule I be published. j A true Copy from the minutes, January 15, 1848. Jan. 19 —lnto DRY GOODS AT COST. iV'B RS. LUTHRINGLR r-.*spectfully*invitea ' iTJL the attention of her friends and the public generally, to her well selected slock of DRY j GOODS, which will be sold from this day at co.-t prices, in order to bring the business to a close j The stock consists in part of, ALPACCAS, CASH MERES. DE’LAINES, GINGHAMS,fine Broche | and Silk S M A WLS, White MUSLINS of all kinds, : Jaconet and Swiss EDGINGS, and INSERTINGS, Thread and Cotton LACES, black and col’d SILK FRINGES, GIMPS and BUTTONS. Also, a fin* | lot of CASIMERES, SATINETS, KENTUCKY JEANS. FLANNELS.and a variety ofother Goods ; too numerous to mention. Jan. 15 —3m THE LATEST IMPORTATIONS | FOR FALL AND WINTER W£AH, AT THE GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Establishment, No. 258 Broad-Street Augusta. TUM. O. PRICE & CO., DRAPERS AND ft TV 11. ORS, are receiving weekly from N. Y. CLOTHS. CASIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the newest sty la ol' manufacture, and of the most fashionable colors, which they will make to order In as good stvle and as low as can be got at the North. 1 READY MADE CLOTHING, j of every description, and t cell made up. Shirts, i Undershirts, Drawers, Hosiery, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats. Stocks, Scarfs, Suspenders, Gloves, Night Caps, dec. &.c. HATS. CAPS, UMBRELLAS. Riding Belts, Money Belts, Shoulder Braces. Body Guards, Razors, Razor Strops, Brushes, Combs. Soaps, Oils for the Hair. Toilet Perfumery, Segac Cases, Wallets. &.■•. dec. TAILORS’ T RIM MIN Gs. Shears. Trimmers, Points, Inch Measures, Crav ens. and every article used by the trade, which we can supply them wilh as low as they eau be bought in New York. W. O. PRICE. Sept. 15 W. T. INGRAHAM. NEW GOODS. FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. | HAVE RECEIVED at the FASHIONABLE _M. DEPOT, opposite the United States Hotel, a veiy large supply of BROADCLOTHS, CASSI MERES and. V ESTINGS, which are the best and ; in »st fashionable that have ever been brought to this market and whil be made to measure in a sn le not lo be surpassed by any establishment in the | Southern country. —ALSO— For sale, a first-rate assortment of MERINO I SHIRTS and DRAWERS. SILK do.. COTTON SHIRTS, of all kinds and prices; SUSPENDERS GLOVES, POCKET HANDKTS, CRAVATS SCARFS. HOSIERY. STOCKS. Ac. In addition to the above, I have recently added a superior atock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, which for cut, finish and workmanship is una-ur dassed by any clothing eves- brought to Augusta, and will be 4>cid at a very small advance on New j York cost. j. A. VAN WINKLE. Sept. 23 NEW CLOTHING STORE. SWAFFIELD, CHICHESTER A CO., i Opposite Gould & Bulkley’s, next to Dow <SI Estes’, 1 O"XAA E just opened a very large stock es en [ JL JL tirelv new and fashionable READY MADE CLOTHING, | Comprising CLOAKS, COATS, VESTS and PANTALOONS; Shirts, Collars, Under-Shirts, | Drawers, fdoscirv, Cravats. Scrafs, Suspenders and Gloves es every description and quality. ; Thev would call particular attention to their Stock j of CLOTHING, as it is made of the beet goeds, and in the latest fashions. Fashionable Hats and Caps jOf Fall and Winter Styles, at very low prices, i To all who w ish to buy cheap here is an opportuni ty. as their Stock was purchased exclusively for ■catfh, and manufactured in their own manufactory at the North. Gel. 46 i JOHN BRIDGES, FASHIONABLE DR APER AND TAILOR. Next Door Below the United States Hotel A UG USTA. GEOR GIA. IN ADDITION to his large variety of New Styles of CLOTHS, CAS 1 MERES, VEST INGS, TRIMMINGS and FANCY ARTICLES, ! for Gentlemen's Wear, has just received, and is 1 constantly receiving, , R E A D Y - M A D E G A R M E N T S , which, for STYLE OF cut, make and material ! are not to be found in the market. Military uni- I forms made, and Making and Trimming- in the best manner. Oct. 14 i AUGUSTA FOUNDRY MILL WRIGHT & MACHINE SHOP. Near the Georgia Rail Road Depot. FIT HE Subscribers having purchased of THOS, j _ -ft- HOPKINS, Esq., the above establishment, intend carrying on the business in its various branches. Thev will furnish IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, at short nntice, and on as rca sonable terms as any similar establishment at the South. They hope by strict attention to business to merit the patronage heretofore extended to the establishment. Having a number of ENGINE LATHES, we arc prepared to Cut LARGE SCREWS of any dimensions. MILL SPINDLES, Sac. always on i hand and made to ord*»r. TALIAFERRO & TORCET. ■ C. C. Taliaferro, ) D. R. Tor bet. £ N. B.—PATTERNS of every description, made ;to order. We will keep on hand, and make to or der, HOTCHKISS WHEELS, to suit the vari ous heads of water. J T- Nov. 6 | v WANTED —A GOOD COOK. WASHER, ▼ v and TRONER one chfidre" Ap ; ply at this office,- —ts Jan. 12 ( “THE LUCKY OFFICE.” GEORGIA STATE LOTTERIES. FOR THE BENEFIT OF {THE AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY. V. P4LWE & CO. MANAGERS. I ‘LOOK OUT FOR THE CAPITAL IN THE LITTLE FAVORITE./' Sates close This Afternoon. Georgia State Lottery, Cia.s No. 6, Extra—7B ; Numbers—l 4 Ballots. 4.000 DOLLAR (S. I £1,000! £BOOI iVc—Wholes ffl—Halves 50c.— Risk on a package of Quarters 53,60. Sales close Monday. | Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 4.—XT* 73 j Number?—l4 Ballots. i 40,000 DOLLARS, | £13.000! £8,000! £4,<X>o! 10 of £2,000! 10 of £1.500110 of £1,2001 See. &c.-r\Vuules <l2 Share* ia jHroparti"!). Sales close Tuesday. 1 Georgia Sta*c (3 urannah) Lottery, Class No. 7. I 72 Numbers —12 Ballots. I 7,000 DOLLARS. £2.500! 5L500! £1,140! £I,OOOI Ate.—Whole. £2 I —Shares in proportion. Sales close Wednesday. Georgia State Lottery, Extra Class No. 7, for 1843—75 Numbers—l 3 Ballots. 8,001) DOLLARS. £2.050!; £1,600! £1,000! &c.—Wholes £2 50— Shares in proportion. Foi sale by E- 11. PESJANT, Agent. Rroad-st., opjiosil-e U. S. Hotel. (Jjr< ‘rdrrs from the country will meet with ■ prompt attention, it addressed as above. Jan. 22 “PRIZE OFFICE.” i GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTfIHIKS! J VV. MAURY 3c CO , SUCCESSORS TO J, G. Gregory & Co. Managers. Sal-s dose Thursday. Extra Class 6—By So. Ca. Class 3, Jan. ”0,1818 — Beautiful scheme. 12.000 DOLLARS. £5,000! £3.000! £2.500! £1,381! O’so prizes of £500!,f Tickets £4 — Halves £2— Quarters SI. SPLENDID CHANCE FOR PRIZES —[LT C 6 Numbers—l 2 Ballots. —Extra Class No. 7—By Alexandria 7, Jan. 22,1818. —Magnificent Prizes. 30.000 DOLL AILS! £12,000! £3,000! £5,000’ £2,780! Jj* 3 of £2,0001 10of £!,000! .. r [l —Apply in time—Sales close Saturday—Tickets £10 —Halves £5 —Quarters £2,50. fiales close Wedr>«sday. Class 4. to he drawn at Savannah. Jun. 25, 1048. 78 Nußihers—l4 Ballots.— Splendid Schema 10.000 DOLLARS. £4,000! £1,4151 5 of £ 1.000! Besides numerous otheis—Tickets £3 —Halves £1 50—Quarters 75c. —Risk on a package of 26 Quarter, is onlv £10,50. JOHN A. MH.LEN, Agent, Opposite the Masonic Hall. O* Ordersfrom the country prom pi U uttei.di d I so. ’ Jan. 20 GENERAL NERVOUS DERANGE MENTS. Kkw \oiu, Nov. 1, 1847. To Dr. A. H. Christie ; A CCORDING to ray promise, I address you at 3L and with feelings of sincere gratitude. For six years I have been a sufferer, and 1 believe none could have suffered more. My disease was a complication of complaints, brought on by exer { tions to support my family, being often obliged to I work at the m edle for twenty hours out of the twenty-four. I was afflicted with distress iu the head; mv sight was im aired, and a general weak ness seemed to prostrate my entire faculties. I was under the care ot Dr. Stillwell, No. 13 fcjui , foik-st. and several other physicians, for a long | time, but my case was so stubborn that it bafiled ! the skill of every physician I tried. Mv nervous : excitement was such that the slightest noise would sometimes thro a me into convulsions. Sometimes I could not close my eyes during the nQhf, and would walk the room hall the time. For over a year 1 was so deaf that 1 could scarcely hear any one speak. My life has been constantly despaired of, and 1 often wished death to relieve my suffer ings. Such is a feeble statement of niy situation last June, when 1 first heard of your Galvanic Belt and Magnetic Fluid. ■On stating my-eaee, you liberally presented me with the articles. 1 have worn them ever since, and the result is, that 1 HAVE COMPLETELY RECOVERED MY HEALTH ; MY STRENGTH, AND MY SR HUTS. My friends, my physician and myself, are confident ‘that it is owin? solely to the use of your wonderful Beit and Fluid that this-happy re : suit has come tc pass, and 1 shall ever gratefully acknowledge at, and am now, and will be at ail ; times, ready to state any farther particulars, or to i satisly the pu&lic that my assertions are true iu every respect Mrs. LAURA JOHNSON, j 13 Essex-st. New York Citv. 1 Many other certificates, of a character equally conclusive, and pamphlets containing full details, may be had gratis of the Agent. [£?l action'.— "lie great celebrity and success of Dr. Christie’s Galvanic and Magnetic Curatives, has caused them to be counterfeited by unprinci pled persons. To protect the public against d« ception the. e is but O N E A U T f I OR IZ E D AGENT appointed in each town or citv, from whom alone the Genuine articles can be procur ed. Onlv Agent in Augusta. Jan IS HAVILAND, RISLEY Sz. CO. A BARGAIN. TIHE SUBSCRIBER wants employment wages low—letter ot reference good—i* able to post Books, or do any writing—act as ge,-. eral clerk, agent or any other business of the kind j —would have no objections to go in the co- a nlry : Address Chjeuokee, via Post Office. * 1 j Jan. 15 —* A CARD. g T", L'LEX ELAND having temporarily : . withdrawn from, the practice of his profes sion. I would infor'.n the citizens ol Augusta and j the public generally, that I have formed a connec tion with his former co-partner. Jno. W. SfFAit in I the practice Os DENTAL SURGERY. The j p u Sine«s will be conducted under the firm of C/eve • L* n( l 4" Sfpear. Olficc Broad-st., over Aldrich &. I Green's Shoe Store. JNO. A. CLEVELAND Feb. 18 f— in AUGUSTA SEED STORE rBTHIE SUBSCRIBER has a fresh 1 A supply of genuine GARDEN SEEDS, which ; are of the crop of 1847. His customers may depend upon living none but fresh and genuine Seeds. Allowances made ; to country dealers. • White and Red CLOVER. BLUE GRASS TIMOTHY, LUCERNE. BIRD SEED, FLOW ER SEED. ASPARAGUS ROOTS. ONION SETS.&c. J. H SERVICE Jan 4 tuf 7 A CARD THE UNDERSIGNED informs the Citi zens of Augusta and Merchants of the inte rior, that thev have opened a SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. at the first door below Messrs. Adams, Fargo & j Co., on Broad-street, where they will keep con stantly ou hand a large and carefuijv selected | Stock of I HAVASU AND DOMESTIC SEGARS. CHEWING AND SIVJOKING TOBACCO A*. SO. PIPES of every description, MATCHES, &c. at wholesale and retail prices to suit those who j purchase to sell again. We, therefore invite those ! i who deal in our line to cal! and examine our stock before thev purchase elsewhere VOLGER & PR A TIE. Oct. 13 3ra r ’ 1 Ir ': -LL 1 !Pt .U t LJL LI i'„J 1 1 J JLggggggg Public £alco. GUARDIAN’S SALE. Pursuant to on order of the Honorable the Inferior | Court of Uurkr county, when sitting for ordina ry purposes, writ be sold, on the first TUESDAY in April next, be/or« toe court house door la sa.d county, A negro man named Aaron, about thirty-fire rears o d, belonging to William R. Roberts, rninor. Sold for the benefit of said minor. 'J'er ms on tho dav of sale. JAS. A. MURPHKEE. Guard’s /an 22 ADM INISTRATOR’S SALE. VVillbe sold, at the late residence of Henry Wade, j (ieceiisicd. in DeKatb Countv. on the "seventh day of April next, all the perishable property of • j said deceased, Consisting of Horses. Cattle, one yoke Oxen, Hogs, Household and Kitchen Furniture, j and many other things two tedious to mention. ' Saie to continue from dav to dav until all is sold ! Jan 21 THOMPSON WADE, Admr. (Fast pon*H.) RICHMOND SHEKIFF’S SALE. On ue nrsi Tuesday in 1 enruarv next, will b« j sold, at the lower market house, in the city of Augusta, within live Legal hours of sale, thcTci lovring property. to wit ; 12 mahogany chairs, 1 sofa, 1 beck case, 2 ma hogany tables. I carpet and rug. ] bureau and washstaiuh I looking glass. 2 bedsteads, 1 piess, 1 lot ot books, i lot ot kitchen furniture, 1 iron chest and 1 desk ; levivd on a.s the property of Charles I>. Hitt, to satisfy a fi. fa. issuing irom the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of Robert S, Dill Vi, Chaj'ics 13. ihtt and Martin Hitt. J l *"- 8 M. \'. KF.II, i). s. r. c. RICHMOND .SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in Jrebuary next, will be j scud at the LowerMarkel house in the city of Au gusta, tv i thin the Legal hours of sale: All that lot or par.col o I land with the improve ments thereon, situated Kins: and being in the county ot Kiel) mood on tine new Alilledgevilie road, containing lour acres more of less, and bounded bv lands ol Mrs. £nva:re. estate of Phillip Crump,and the new Alilledgevilie road, and now occupied by by Mrs. Downs; levied on as the property of Cath©.- rinc Beil. tii satisfy a fi la issuing Ire tn the Inferior Court ol Richmond county in favor of the £k*cu» ! torsol Welcome Allen deceased, vs. Catherine i Bell. WM. V. KEK, d. s,. k, t. Jan, J j GUARDIAN’S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Inferior Court of Scrir. cn county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before tire Court-house door in Juckson boro', Ga. That tract ai I.and owned by Andrew Jackson Oliver, a minor, bounded by lands of George Pol lock, 'I homaa VV . Oliver and Jefferson Roberta, ia [ the neighborhood of Mobley's Pond, containing two hundred and thirty (230) acres more or leas. ! Sold lor the benefit of said minor. 'Perms on th. j day of safe. V#, i. LAW TON, Guardian. ! Dec. 2 i j SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 V. ili fee told, before the Court House door in tb« village of Jacksunboro, between the legal hour* o,f swie, on the first Tuesday in February next,, the following property to wit : four Mules, levied upon as the property of Da vid K. Dillon, to satisfy one Inferior Ce .rt fi. fas. j .rom Chatham county, in favor of * icheal W. | O Byrne.the assingee of Samuel iJ Lorel and Wil liam Burkett, vs. \V illiam Bird, Jr., Principal, and David ii. Diihm, (Security: property pointed out by L. Dillon, December 23d, 1347. Jau. 4 EDMUND B. GROSS, D. S. AI) 33 INISTRATOR’S SALE. ■ V\ ill be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, before the court house door of Carrol coun ty, agreeable to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court -of Lincoln county, sitting for ordi nary pnrp-OHses, A lot of Land in tire fourth district in the comi ty of Carrol,and number forty-three,containing two hundred two and a half acres; to be sold for tho purpose of division amongst the legatees cf the estate of Jacob Ammons. Sen., deceased. Nov. 10 JACOB AMMONS, Adas’-*. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Alaroh next, 1848, before the court house doer in Jacksoi.be ro, Scriven county, within the legal hours of sale, agreeable to an order granted from th© Honorable tho Inferior Gourt .ot said county, th© following tract of land, to wit : One thousand acres, more or less, joining lands : of Peter Arnett, Janies Roberts, Azariah ‘Ennis, | Green Waters and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Thomas W. Oliver, late of said coun j ty, deceased. MARTHA OLIVER, Adm’x. I Dec. 31. 1847. i AD3IINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, before the court-house door in Heard county, on the first Tuesday in February next, Lot of Land, No. 84, in the twelfth district cf Heard county—sold as the property rif V\ illiam Johnson, deceased, t&fie ot W arren county, and by ■ | virtue of an order of the Inferior Court of said coun i ty, while silting for ordinary purposes, titles good, | and payments cash. AT. SO. jOn tne same day, before the Court House door in Early county, will be sold, Lot of Land No. 294, in the Gth District. WILLIAM GIBSON, Adm’r Sept 22 7G AD.MINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, on the first 'Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in Wilkes county, between the legal hours of sale. I he Negroes belonging tithe estate of Philip Coombs, deceased. Terms made known on dav of PHILIP COOMBS, Jr., AdmT. Nov. 21 * JI the first TUESDAY in February next, will b* sold, at the iower’raarket, A LOG CABIN CARRIAGE AND HARNESS. ! Sold the property df \V. B. Brannam, for re i pai , 3 and storage. Terras cash. Jan. 14 LUTHER ROLL. tit w 'll HP I MU If HI 11111 Bank State of Georgia, } Savakxah, December 23, 1847. $ : PROPOSALS will be received at this ! k 3 Bank until the first day of February next, for j the purchase of the lormer Branch Banking House j and Lot in the Town of Greensboro’, in this State, The Building is of brick, two stories high, two j rooms above and two below, and a large, fine lot ! for a Garden, good Well, 6c c.. Ac. Tt.kms.—One-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with 7 per cent, interest. Quit claim : title—such as the Batik always makes; but the title is considered an undoubted good one. the Bank having been the owner of the property for upwards of 23 years. Any person wishing to purchase, can examine the premises by applying to .Major Thos. block*, wljo resides near Greensboro’. Proposals must be addressed to *• The President and Directors of the Bank cf the State of Georgia, in Savannah,” and as soon after Ist February a* i practicable, bids will be opened, and if any one bo : accepted, tho person whose bid may be approved will be informed thereof. A PORTER, Cashier. Dec. 28 5w • ■ 3“ BROWNSON’o QUAR'LT REVIEW. New Series, No. 1, Jan, 1848. r CONTENTS--Art. I. Admonitions to Trotes { tants. 11. Dr. Jarvis’s Reply to Dr Wiln«r’« l Knd Religious Controversy.” JH. Notcl- W'ritinr and Novel-Reading. IV. Briancourt on i Labor and Association. V. The Two Brothers or Whv are \ou a Protestant T VI. Pius the Ninth and the Political Regeneration of Italy. Recent i publications. T. J. COSGROVE. Agent. i . *n. 20 tli3t Augusta. G». TOBACCO SEED FROM CUBA. I I-X BAFFIN. Cabinet Maker, Auguata, Geo., J No. 130, snath side Brnad-st., near th© low : er -Market, has a few more of the same sort ieft, of SPANISH TOBACCO SEED. ■ that was presented tn the Agricultural Society : through the hands cf Gov Crawford, which hii wij! dispose of unr’pj krt friends so far below cost >har *hf-f will he ife price 1 T ?1 c i °