Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 23, 1848, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, A.) AUGUSTA. GEORGIA SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1848. VOL. XXVII.—NEW SERIES—VOL. Ill—NO. 13. .. - - - - - - - - - ' -■— *■■■ ... JBX y ' 1 .iaigfl LJL THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. OFFICE IN McINTOSH-STREET, 'Third door from the North-West corfefctr o Broad-Street. •Sale? of LAND b.v Administrators. Executors or Guar , lan q ( ar© required, by law, lobe held on the nr.>t Til'* day in the month, between the hours often in the R»re ■ noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property- is situate. Notice of those sales must be jiv**n in a public Gazette SIXTY BAYS pre nous to the day of sale. Tales of NEGROES must be at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, betwtf-s *2is usual hours o -sale, at the place of public sales in the cocnty where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar dianship, may have been granted, first giving SIXTY’ DAY’S notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes o Jbis State, and at the door of the Court House where inch sales are to be held. Notice for the .sale of Persona! Property must be given in like manner FORTY’ DAY’S previous to day of sale ■Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate ieu.st be published for FORTY DAYS. 'Notice that application will be mads to the Court of Or dmarv fur leave to sell LAND, most be published for •FOUR MONTHS. "Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published ■FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can cb given by the Court. ) cef Thzßks to Gen. Taylor—Mr- Ash man's Amendment. Mr. Houston, of Delaware, introduced into ’the House of Representatives on the 3d List. a ■resolution of thanks to Gen. Taylor and his 'troops for their heroism at Buena Vista. Mr. Henley moved an amendment by adding the words “engaged as they were, in defending the rights and honor of the Nation,” when Mr. Ashman moved to amend the amendment' by adding the words “in a war unnecessarily mnd uncon-titutionallt' begun by the Presi dent of the United States.” Mr. Ashman’s amendment was sustained by the following vote : Yeas —Messrs. John Q. Adams, Ashman, Barringer , Barrow, Bloehor, Bott.s, Brady, Buckner, Caaby, Clingman. C>cke, Co.lamer., ■ •Conger, Cranston, GlraweVL Crazier, Dickey, Dixon, Donnell, Duncan, Gar net Duncan, Dunn, fickeut, E Uvards, Alex, k Ev*ns, Nathan Fulton, Gayle, f Gentry, Giddings, Goggm, Grinnell, Hale, Na •tlian K. Hall, James G. Hampton, Haskell, Ilonrv, J. IV. Houston, Hubbard, Hudson, Ir win, Kellogg, T. 15. KING, D. I*. King. Lin coln, Mcjivaine, Maj'sh, Marvin, \iullin, Ne*. Newell. Preston, PuTiam, Reynolds, Julius -Rockwell, John A. Rockwell, Root, Rnmsey , 'St. John, Sc he nek, Shepperd, Sherrill, Slinger land, Caleb 15. Smith, STEPHENS, Truman ■Smith, Andrew Stewart, Strohm, Sylvester, Thibodeaux, Taylor, Tompkins, Richard W. Thompson, John 15. Thompson, IOOMISS, Tuck, Van Dyke, Vinton, \V arren, ilson—B->. Nays—Messrs. Beale, Bedinger, Birdsall, i Black, Bowdon, Brodhead, Win. G. Brown, ‘Charles Brown, Cathcart, Chase, Beverly L. 'Clark, Howell Cobb, Williamson 11. W. Cobb, •Cummins, Daniel, Dickinson, Farau, Fc-ath •erston, Ficklin, Fries, French, Green, Willard J*. Hall, Moses Hampton, Harmanson, Harris, Henley, Hill, George S. Houston. Inge, Chas. J. Ingersoll, Jamclsun, Jenkins, Andrew John •son, Robert W. fohr.son, George W. Jones, k Kaufman, Konnon, I.ahm, La Sere, Sidney f Lawrence. LelLcr, Lori, Lumpkin, McClei daud, McDowell, McLmo, Maun. Meade, Mil der, Morris, Mars-', Murphy, Peaslee, Peck, Phelps, Pilsbury, KhtfKL Richardson, Richey, -Rockhill. Sawyer, Sims. Smart, Robert Smith, •■Stanton, Starkweather, C. E. Stuart, Strom, Thomas, James I’hompssn, Jacob I hompson, Win. Thompson, Thurston, Turner, Veaable, Wick, Williams—Sl. for the Ca»trast! In 184 G, when hostilities broke out botvocn ’this country £ad Mexico, a certain act was' passed by Congress by a vote of one hundred and seventy-funtr ycs.s£© .fourteen nays, dcclar- ■ ing that the war was brought or. EY THE ACT OF SCEXICOk Among the yeas, it was a source of gratification to ns uud no doubt to The people as Georgia, that every represen tative from this State, gave his vote, aye to to the bill. But what a sad picture doas the above vote now present to ns. Two of our members, THOMAS BUTLER KING and ROBERT TOOMBS, who voted in 1843, that >thc war was brought on bj the act of Mexi co, in 1848, we find voting that the war was “unnecessarily and 'unconstitutionally begun by the President of the ‘United States’,' and voting with them we find the name of ALEXANDER HAMILTON STEPHENS! another repre ■sentative from Georgia! Scripture teaches us, that he who is not for us is against us. Common sense teaches us. that he «lio is not for his country is against it. Two of our rep resentatives have been for and against, and •another is now found in their company ! We will not place these three members, nor use the terms that their change cf position provokes, but leave that for the people of this State and Union to do. That their course on this question may not be forgotten by the present generation or posterity, we place them, i with the company they have selected, in op * positc columns, and shall keep the list in our paper until their names become us familiar as household words. Here they are : 1546. ’ IS4S, Whereas, by the act Be it R: soloed, That cf the Republic of Mex- thanks be returned to i'co, war exists be- Gen. Taylor, &c. “in twefen the U. States a war unnecessarily and that Republic, &c. and unconstitutional ly begun by the Pres ident of the United States.” Among the Yeas, Among the Yeas, Barringer, Barringer, Cocke, Cocke, ■Crozier, Crozicr, k Gentry, Gentry, ' Hampton, Hampton. J. W. Houston, J. W. Houston, T. B. King, T. B. King, Marsh, Marsh, Kumsey, Bnwasey, J. A. liockwell, J. A. Rockwell, Schenck, Schenck. Truman Smith, Truman Smith, Stewart, Stewart, St. John, St. John, Thibodeaux, Thibodeaux, Robert Toombs, Robert Toombs, 'Vinton, Vinton, (cot present) Alex. H. Stethens. The remaining Whig member from Georgia, Pj. J ousts, did not vote on Ashman’s amend jneni. We presume he was absent. :--;gg «J" Business Olcriis- To Prof si on ai and Business Man. FRCFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS not exceeding six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of glO per annum. Cards excecd ng six lines, will he charged pro rata per line. %AM Jill. BARNETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WASHINGTON, GA., WILL practice in the Counties of Wilke*, War ■rgfc. Hancock, Taliaferro, Libert, Oglethorpe and Lincoln. Jan. 5, Jy WILLIAM D. TESHUNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME, GA. Refeg to—-W. -E. Ale-kandlu, Rome, Ga. Aug. lb ly JAMES GARDNER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA JOHN a. Attorney and Counsellor at Laxr. CASSVILLE, GA. Will practise in the Counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Collecting business will be thmkfu.iy received and despatched promptly - 21 ly AO DANIEL S. PRINT UP, " ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME, GEORGIA. Will practise in the Cherokee Circuit—Pauld ing-, Cass, Cherokee. Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union, Gilmer, Murray, Walker, Dade, ChatUgoo and Floyd. Aug 15 ly 4G JOHN J. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Will practice in the counties of Bibb, Jones. Baldwin, Twiggs, Kanston, Crawford and Monroe ' and also in the county of Burke. Any business in trusted to his care will receive prompt attention. June 2 Jy 2U5 ALEXANDER McKENZIE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO’, GEORGIA. April 2d ly 1 JO NS 3 & SHEW .VI AK 3, ATTORNIES at law. WAYNESBORO. GA. JOSEPH B. JONES, and JOHN T. SHEW MAKE. having associated themselves in the prac tice of Law. will promptly attend to any business entrusted to them in the counties of Burke, Jelfer son, Emanuel, Richmond, Scriveu and Washington. July 8 l2 DJdELL S. G- 4 DATILONEGA, LUMPKIN COUNTY. GA., Will practice Law in the Cherokee Circuit, lie will also act as I.and Agent, where the land lies in that or the adjoining counties. References. — F. 31. Cabot. Esq., A. G. Wim py, P. M., J. A. Smith,Esq , Dahlonega; Gor. C. 1 f. ADD > laid, Mirietta; Hon. Hiram Warner, Greenville; Col. K. L. Haralson, LaGrangf Sept. 15 fy M JOICAL CARD. [UPBr. MEALS tenders his profcssl nal servi ces in the various branches of Medicine, to the cit izens of Augusta and Vicinity- He may be found either at the office, formerly occupied by Thos. &. J. J. IL Flournoy, Esqrs.. on Mclntosh-street, or at the iesi cnee of Mrs. Wa ennan, on Broad .street Dec. I fimo BLACK & LAWSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Counties of the Middle ; CircaH. Any business entrusted to thera will meet with prompt attention. Address Edwap.d J. Black, Jacksonboro, Ga, John F. Lawson’. Augusta. Ga. ly Nor. 18 R. S. DILL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, , New Oui.EAMS. Nov. 1!) —3m Chas. P. M’Cau.a. Gustave IvuSiAix Me CALL A & ROM AIN, COM VI [ 53 CON MJRC HANTS, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Nov. 7 ly John L. Cope. Oscak L.Shewjiake COPE & SHEWMAKE, Faotora an*! Com’tiisßion X»I r cliant”, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Sept. 16 ths2m GLOBE HOTEL. CO USER OF BROAD % JACICSOX-STS. AUGUSTA, GA. BY FRANCIS M. JENNINGS. Oct. 2 4 ly R. F. BOUYBH, TIN MANUFACTURER, Or. B /oad-st.. at f. H. Cook's old Clothing; Store ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY KXWVUTED. Roofing, &c ,at shorte-l notice, and on the most reasonable terras. Work in the country promptly attended to. ly— Oct. 1 CLEVELAND & SPEAR, SURGEON DENTISTS IfO. 215 (Over Aldrich sc. Green's Shoe Store.) nrv 11 1 v TAKE‘NOTICE II N O HUMBUG!!! THE PECTOR AL ELIXIR is the safest, most speedy, and m >sl picaj,.nt remedy for Coughs, Colds. Asthma , Pain in Vie. Side, Pneumo nia, Bronchitis, P eurisij, Croup, Whooping Conga, and Consumption, ever offered tothv public. It is the onlv warranted cure for the above diseases, and may therefore be strictly relied upon. If any one is humbugged by its use, certainly it would be the proprietor, as he has authorized his agents j everywhere to refund the money whenever it fails to act as recommended. THE PECTORAL EPIXIRis the safest of all other icmediesfor Lung Complaints, because !t contains no Mercury or any other drug that would prove injurious by long use, as it is composed en tirely of vegetable substances. It is the most speedy, because it has a direct and specific action upon the organs of the chest, and consequently loses noae of its energies on other parts of the system. It is the most pleasant, because it does not pos sess a single nauseous property, either in taste or smell, but on the contrary has a most agreeabie taste and a delightful effect. Should those aiflicted by any of the diseases mentioned, give it a trial, they will never regret tt. It may b® obtained, wholesale and retail, of WE H.TUTT, Jan. 20 Only Agent for Augusta. AND DRAWiiRS ’ f\F o, COTTON, SILK, and ai! ’ other kinds, cheap, at Oct. 17 WM. O. PRICE £. CO’S. CORPORATION CITY OF AUGUSTA* | MAYOR. DR. L. D. ±'ORD, MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, IVa'-d No. 1. —G. F. Parish, D. Kirkpatrick, I. P. Garvin. Ward No. 2.—L. A. Dugas, D. B. Hadley, Taos. Hopkins. _ _ Ward No. 3.—T>. Conley, H. Huff. J. B. Bishop. W/ard No. tr Harper, Win. K. Kitcaen, C.B. Hitt. Clerk of Council—W. Milo Oiin. Collector and Treasurer —John Hill. City Marshal—Fester Biod^ct. City Constables—J. Sistrunk, L, L. Antony. Jaifor—W. D. Brobm. Keeper of Magazine—Wm. M. Pickering. Keeper of Hospital—Peter McMahon. Clerk Lower Market—H. R. PhilpoL Clerk Upper Market—Wm. Keener. Keeper of the Bridge—H. B. Fraser. Keeper City Hall—Mrs. O. Hargroves. Keeper City Clock—G. Catlin. Super. Streets and Water Works—John Riley. Citv Surveyor—William Phillips. Meetings of Council Ist Saturday in each month ’’ BANK STATB OV GEORGIA BRANCH AT AUGUSTA " Capital $150,000. Dr. G. M. NEW TUN . Brcsiucnt I. IHmuy, Cashier. UIRECTOP.S. Dr. W. 11. Tmipj 7, Gf.o. W. Williams, J.R. Bulklf.y, Joseph Davis, H. W. RisLET., j. C. CARMICHAEt. Teller—James Adam ’, Book-keeper—A. Boggs; Discount &. Collecting Clerk—Jno. J. Byrd. tJffering Day, every day. . Discount Dly, every day j regular diaoount day Friday. BANK OF AUGUSTA Capital $050,000. RUBER 1’ F. FOE, President. JaS. W. Da vies, Cashier. I DIRECTORS, Robert F. Pok, Jesse Kent, Joh y 80-rr.s, R- A. Rkid, R. Campbell, Trios. Davis. Wm. Shear, lli.xrt Moore, Jas. Harder, Jas. W. Davies, STATE DIRECTOR. L. A. Degas. Teller S.C.\V Ilson—Book Keeper. Geo. 31. Thew— Discount arid Cei’ectinj; Clerk, (reo. W. Morgan. Regular Offering Dav, Monday—Regular Discoun: Day, Tuesday. MdJrlANfOS’ BANK! Capital s'oo,ooo. • A. SIBLEY, President M. HaTcTT, Cashler, Dinrc-ro-T.". J. 31. Ad \ms. T. S. fiiETCAi.r, J. B. Bishop, Jusiah Sibley, C. J. Cook, J. 15. Walker. . \.G)ULf>, Ayory Sibley. J.M. II v.VD, Teller —Geo. Ribcrtson ; Book-keeper—W. F Pcmb-.rton; Discount & Collecting Clerk—l. Purse Offering Day,Tuesday j Discount Day,Wednesday BANK OF BRUNSWICK, Capital $200,000. EDW. THDMAS, Prcslacnt. Jo!IX Craig, Cashier. DIRECTORS, I’ntv. Tno'tNS, W. E. J vcrsoy, A. J. Miller, 0. T. Doktic, Tho. Barrett, Teller—John Craig, Book-koepcr—Joseph Mil igan. tjffenng Day .every day. ] Discount Day,every day GBCRGIAR. R. &. BANK’G COMFY Capital. $375,030. JOHN P. KING, President. John* W. Wild, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Hats Bowdre, James W. Davies, John Cunningham, Jacob Puinizy, 1 Elijah E. Jones, Charles Dougherty, Andrew J. Miller, Antoine Poullain, John Bones, Adam G. Saffoi.d, Wm. M. D’Antignac, Pleasant Stovall, William D. Conyers, J. C. Fargo, Benjamin TL Warren, “'homas N. llamilton. Teller—3Viliiam 11. Jones; Book-keeper—M. F. Bnisclair. Offering Day,every day. | Discount Day,cvcry day AUGUSTA INSURANTS 8c BATIK’G COMPANY. C&pVtfti $3<0,000. WM. 31. D’ANTIGNAC, President. Robert Walton. Cashier. directors. Wm. 31. D’Antignac, L. Hopkins, James Hope, L. Cress. H. Bowdre, Telle* —Wn. 3Tackie ; Book-keeper—G. 33* Summers; Discount Cierk, Arc., Wm. B. Savage. Offerine: Davs, daily except Sundays. Discount Day's, daily except Sunday's. GEORGIA STEAM BOAT COMP’T Capital §IOO,OOO. CHARLES GREEdi. President. S. M. Pond, Secretary & Treasurer. DIRECTORS for savannah. 1 Edward Padelkord, R. A. Lewis, i Andrew Low, Jr. Jos. S. Fay, j Charles Green, L Molvnkux. Jr. , John 11. Reid, Geo. W. Anderson, I George Hall, R. A. Allen. FOR AttGL-STA. | Tnos. S. Metcalf, James Hope, j J. R. Bulklfy, I Agent at Angusth, John t>. Guicn. General Saperintendant. Savannah—Wm. P. j Williams; George Johnson Clerk. COU7T COMMON PI.BAS. JOHN W. 3VJLDE. JUDGE. Ilcnrv Robert. Clferk, A. C. Co'dwell. Sheriff. This Court sets 4-th Mondays in February, May. August and November. BUPfiRIOR CO'JRT. W. \V. HOLT, JUDGE. James Me Laws, Clerk, Aafbn Ross. Sheriff. This Court sits 2nd Monday in January and June. INFERIOR COURT. fasdi~rs —.Tnmes Harper, Valentine Walker. Wm Beall, Jesse Kent, and !. P. Garvin. POST OFFICE. ; E. B.GLASCOCK, P. M. j B. HALL, Deputy P. 31. NORTHERN mail. ; Due Daily at 7 P. 31 Closes Daily at 2 P. 31. western mail. I Due Dafiv at 4 A. 3L Closes Dally at 5 P. 31. savannah Mail. Due Daily at 3A. 31. | Closes Daily at SP. 31. CARNF.SVILLF. M UL. j Due Tuesday by 7 P.M. Closes Wednesday at 3 P. 31. calhoun’s mills mail. Dae Wednesday and Saturdav by 6P. M. Closes Sundav and Wednesday at 8 P. M. GREENVILLE MAIL. Dae Sunday. Tuesdav and Fkdavhy 2 BAT. Closes Sunday, Wednesday and Friday atG P. M. GXLLISONVIT.LE MAIL. Due 33 T edncsiay and Saturday bv 6P. M. Closes Wednesday and Saturday at 8 P..M AUGUSTA INOBPBND3NT FIKU COMPANY. ; WILLIAM H. MaHARREY. CAPTAIN. ! Ckas. Catlin. lat LvourJamb* G .b-dner .4th Lt- B. BiGNox.Sd Liout, Henry Moore, Soc'y. V»ca.nt,) M Lie’ut. ijg ■ajq.iAV 1 —.ii IRON STBAM BOAT COMPANY. Capital SIOO,OOO. AMORY SIBLEY, President. G. McLaughlin, .Secretary. DIRECTORS, J. 31. Adams, Josiah Siei.nr, H. B. Frazer, N. K. Butler, Porter Fleming, one vacancy. Agent at Augusta, Wm. M. Rowland. Agent at Savannah, Chas. f. Mills. ArersTX rmE cojipany. F. LA3IEACK, CHIEF ENGINEER. Wm. H. Goodrich, Ist Assistant Engineer. Jn*>. HcßßAr.r,2nd •* Wm. Phii.lipi,Secretary L. S- Morris, Treasurer, SECTION 1. ■ . SECTION <k Wm. Haines, Jr. Capt J as. H. Ckrter. Captain. L. C. Service, LieuL Thos. A. Bones, Lieut. Wm. Housiey, Jr. Sec’y. W. D. Andrews, Sec’y. SECTION 2. SECTION 5. C. A. Piatt, Captain. E. C- Tinsley, Captain. Jno. Bridges, Lient. J. W. Gallaher, Lieut. A. Hatch, Gec’y. J. W. Clark, Sec’y. SEtTtON-8. SECTION G. Jno. Nelson, Captain. J. W. 24nn s Chntfrin. A. Iversen, Liaut. B. Abrahaitfs, Lieut. J. A. Simmons. Scc’y. J. Myers, Sec’y. Sections meet tor exorcise on the last Saturday in every month. General Parades for practice and inspection, in March and December, every year. Regular quarterly meetings in March, June, Sep teraber and December, for tho transaction of bu sineV*. 5 ■wwy■wr.veajguju wgr—v. i, arg ,, w.y?v'r." tyx 1 - '.-sse BUXilihlTlN No. X. »THEGRAErFN BERG COMPANY having been welcomed in every section of the United States with the most unparalleled en thu«asm;and their mod ernes having reached an enormous circula tion, will henceforward issue Monthly Bulletins , that they may the more perfectly inform the public of the pri-.“:ples of the AMEKICO-CRAEFENBERG SYSTEM, and of the vast superiority of their Medicines over' inv o‘her-5 ever presented to the worm. Each Bulletin will contain something of the greatest im portance to the health of the community: and all Masses of reader*, the clergy, jurists, statesmen \nd private individuals, should fail of reading them, to say the least. One trial alone ot ibe* Tiedicir.eJ will convince tnc most sceptical of their extraordinary efficacy. 1 1 the present Bul e’m'we will only say that 1. The Gr.iefeabarg Msdlcines are purely Vege table. 2. Thev have been tested in tens of thomanus of ia?es with perfects^lc^ceS’ , . ■ 3. Os the Vegetable Pfiis alone 20,000 boxes are old each and every weeKl 4. The demand is constantl}' increasing. 6. Every article purchased of the Company or ny of its Azents s warranted \ ana iTIt does not rive satisfaction ihe money will be refunded. Tho Oncfjnbtirg Vegetable Pill iosscss almost magical rower in preventing end ■ uring th :or Im iry dus ' ; v> itiic i sTsot humani ■v. (especially bilious.) —Tncroare some facts enn ecte 1 with their composition and use which thr imitsofthe present notice forbid us to name. Sus ice il 1° sav.thtu they are the product of the most xtPfis've and phl'osO;’.hle research; aided by all • he light of modern science. All Other patent pill? trc made from the recipes of less igcs; these from the combined wisdom of ancient md modern science. In fact thev arc A Perf cc Piill. rorthy of the a?c and of the country. The Graefenberg Company is prepared to show n the public the nnst unquestionable that hese celebrated pills are every day curing all dis orders of the Liver, Stomach. Bowels, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Erysipelas. Green Sickness, and all dis uses to which females are subject. Neuralgia, ffheutnatism. Headache. <fec , all Bilious ( om ilamts. die. Their wonderful efficacy arises from heir power to open the pores; to cleanse and Urengthen the stomach and bowels; to make the irine and monthly discharges flow healthily; and o »ive tone and vigor to the system. Price 23 cts. i box. No family should be without them. If they do not give sail-faction the motley w ii hi promptly •efunded; and every amentia hereby instructed to hat effect. Tho G-rnefjabo-c Health Bitters; FT ENTIRELY VEGETABLE £5 —warranted o make one quart of incomparable Bitters. They ire skilfully and elegantly prepared by this Com >any from a number of the most purifying, invigo rating and healing Roots. Bark«, Herbs and Vines, ratherrd in the wide domain of nature in both lemispheres. They will restore strength and vigor >f body, sive c earners to the most sallow cora doxion, and create keen appetite. All persons vho are atHicted with occasional i 1 health, low spirits and loss of appetite, should prucure them at mce. Price 25 cts. a package [•’■>*> G-Tefmbarg anff Agti Pills. Titis Pill is the great conqueror of Fever and Vgue, and Fever of all o her types and forms. Too Grasfmbars; Svtshotv lla CDinnsund. This is now the standard Sarsaparilla Prepara •ion of the day; far surpassing all others before the public. In addition tc the princely Sarsaparilla, Vhis nreparation contains Guiacum. \1 and mice. Bur jock, Elder, Yellow Dock. Queen's Delight, and Kme other roots. It is taking the place of all other Sarsaparilla?, and should be tried by al! who wish to use an sitting of the kind. Price $1 a bottle, which will make two quarts of the greatest possible strength. The other Medicines are The Graefenberg Eye Lotion. The Children’s Pinacka. The Green Mountain Ointment, The Consump tives Balm. The Dysentery Syrup. It is intended that there shall be a Graefenberg Depot in every neighborhood in the United States, at which the Company’s Medicines maybe found. 'The Gene re 1 Agent for So. Carolina and Geor gia is George Bt f.inird, at Char.eston, S. C., to whom application* for agencies may be addressed. EDWARD BARTON. Secretary. For sale by Wm. fl lines. Broad-st. Augusta. Ga.; R. S Roberts, F.dgefield. C. FL So. Ca.; Hyde & Jones. M icon, Ga.f Jam*s % Dancan. MiUedgeville; M. C. Williamson, Davisboro; D R. Mathewson, Hawkinsrille; Wm. 11. King, Union county, Ga. Jan. 6 — I UORGIA, DcK ilb county.—Whereas j TTJA3IES M. 31 ALPIN applies lor letters of j Administration on the estate of HENRY WADE, late of said county, deceased ; These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ' and appear at my office within the tirru prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, whv let ters of Administration should nat be granted the applicant. Witness th" lion. William Hairston one of the Judges of salcF Court of Ordinary of said county, this Bth Dec., 1847. Dec. 10 ALEX. JOHNSON CK-k. FRE3H OYirSRd AMD GAI&-J OP ALL. KI^DS. TON AS TOE very respeoffuflv inform* G tlemco who !-we good FRESH OYSTERS, that he has noened Rooms in the rrar of Mr. Wal leur’s est , abii*bracnt. and invites his friends to pay him a visit. For attention to his rufcsls and clean liness. he will not he fraud waiting, and for Oys ters serv-d no in style he will not be surpassed. When yon visit me lust received & supply cf Veniaoa, Wild Pidgenas, Ac. scc., whicn will be up to order. Dec- 25 Citations, &T. ( n EORGIA, DcKilb county . —Whereas | yr D. J. MPICMLI. applies tor letters of I Administration on the estate of WILLAM MICH- ; 1 EL, late of said county, deceased. These are j therefore to cite and admonish all and gragulftr the kindred and creditors rs er.id deceased, to be gird appear at my office within the time prcscribed-bv law and show cause if any they bare, why letters •of Adtruuistration should not be granted the appii- 1 eant. . Witness the Honorable L. S. 31orgar,or.e of tnc Judges of the Court of Ordinary of said county • this llth January, 1848. ■sW-18 ALEX. JOHNSON, C. C. O. < Gi EORGIA, Lincoln Cormtr.—M'herens, r WM. H. NORM an. and LAWKBNS SUDDUTH. appires for letters of Art ministration on the estate cf WILLIS SUDDUTH, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish aU and ' singular, the kindred and creditors of saidL’Jdo- J ceased, to be and appear at my office, within-.the ' time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they baVe. why letters o! administration should rot be granted the said applicant at the January Terra next of the Court oi Ordmarv. HUGH HENDUksON,CIerk C. 0. pan.l2 Ca EORGIA, JDeKaib County.—Present. W tiieir Honors E. A. Davis, Jno. N. Bellinger. . L. S. Morgan, and Lochlin Johnson, Judges of sani Court. Whereas, POET. 11. SMITH, Jr. Executor rs * ROBT. SMITH, Sen., late rs «>fud county, de ceased, applies to thi* Court frr letters dtsmissen-, from the Administration rs fa;d estate : Therefore ' the kindred and creditor- of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished to file objections if anr thev hare, in my office, within the tiiira p'e scrifaed by law. otherwise letters rs Dismisrary will be granted the applicant at the September Term of ibis Cotirt. 1848. Witness, the Hon. John N. Pelllngcr, cue cf the Judges of said Court. Jcrrarrr 11, IP4-8. ALLXIL JOHNSON, Oi k- C. O. Jan 13 gO-JEORGIa. Scriveu County.— Wucea*. \X KHUDa TIIUAIBatUN hath applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Striven coun ty for letters cf administration on the estate rrd effects of JOHN R. THOMSON, ia'.c ct said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred 'and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they hare, why said letters should not bo granted tho said ap plicant. Witness the How Peter Reddick, ree of the Jus tice? of the Court of Ordinary of sr.id ccunty, tki?, ‘ thcTthdavol Jannarv. 1343. Jan. 11' ALEXANDER KENT. CTk. Georgia, wiilcs county.—whereas. OBALUAII FLORENCE applies for Setters of Administration on the estate ot JtIRE3UAH ‘ FRAZIEffv, deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said de ceased. to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under mv hand, at office in Washington this 20th, Nor. 1847. G. G.NORMAN, C. C. O. Nov. 24 i BORGIA, Df Ktilb County . —Wberea? ; S' LIVE BETTER TUN. Executor on the es- \ tare of DAVID FRA NKLIN. deceased,applies for letters ot Dismission from said estate : These ate therefore to cifo and f.dmorish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause. if any they have, whv letters should not be granted. (liven under mv hand nt office, this 2th Aivreet. 1547. ALEX. JOHNSON. Clerk. August 7 Ctrro a i EORGiA, 3VjiKes CouistV. —Whereas ; \J .SARAH A TALBOT. Administratrix of; the Estate of JAMES C. 'lALEOT.deceased, ap- j plies to me for letters of dismission from said Es- i tate : _ i These are hereby, to cite and admonish all and i singular the kindred and creditors, cf said dc- | ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by Jaw, to show cause, if any they . have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Washington j this Bih, 1347. G. G. NOR3IA*:. a. f.?o. July 13 I VG i EOIIGIA, r;;Ka!b CauiityJ- -Present. 1 T their Honors E. A. Davis, L. and John N. Bellenger, Judges of said Court. Whereas, WILSON E, SPRLWELL.’ Adminis trator of WM, SPREWELL. late ofsaid county.de'- ceascd. applies to this Court for letters dismissory from the administration of said Estate. Therefore the kindred and creditors <ff said de ceased are hereby cited and adrcoriishjpd IP file tl-eir objections, if any they have, "in my office within the time prescribed by law, otherwise !e‘- : ters dismi-sory will be granted the applicant at th • January Terra, of this Court, 1843. Witness, the lion. L. S. 3forgan one of lhc,J„. j tiecs of said Court. May 4. 1347. ALEX’R. JOHNSON, Cl’k. C. O. 1 May G 182 GEORGIA, Striven County. —Present the I Honorable George Pollock. Peter Reddick and John S. Manor, Judges of said CottTt. Whereas, CASSANDRA WILLIAMSON. Ad i ministratnx upon the Estate of CULLEN WIL 1 • .lA3ISON. late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from the administration of i said estate of therefore the kindred and creditor; j of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonish ed to file th'Cir objections if any they have in my office in terms of the lam ; otherwise letters dis missory will be granted the applicant at the Jan uary term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Bv order of the Court, this June 10tb.1547 ALEXANDER KE3IP, C. C. 0.. S. C. June 20 224 (T EORGIA. Scriven County. —Whereas. T MILES HUNTER. Guardian SARA FI WIL LIAMS, mine- heir of TIIEOFIIIMST 3VIT. IjIAMS. late of Said cofintv deceased, will apply to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county for letters of disininisaion from said Guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said Sarah Willi ares, to file their ebjcCtlons. if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said let ters should not be granted. Witness, the Honorable George Rollofck. one of the Justices of said Court, this 10th day of August 1247 ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. Aug 13 43 GEORGIA. Wilkes County. —Whereas. .IACQFS HUBBARD, Executor in right of his wife, armhes fnr fitters dismission from the es tate of JOHN B. MILNFR.Iate of said county, de ceased ; These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause if any they Lave, whv said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office in Washington, December 10,1847. G. G. NOR3IAN, Clerk. Dec 12 GEORGIA. DeKalb County.— T n ALI. WHOM IT .MAY CONCERN.—Whereas NOAH SLAY applies for letters of Admin istratin’: tfh the estate of wILLIAM SLA V, late of DeKalb. deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors Os Said to hr and appear at mv office Within the time prescribed bv law and shew cause, if any they have, whv letters of admin istrarion sbfrald not be granted the said applicant. Witness the Honorable L. S. 3forgan one ot the ledges of the Conrt of Ordinary of aaid county, this tie 6th December. 1847. Dec. 9 ALEX. JOHNSON, C. C. O. £cqal. Notices. S7N*J*ti¥fc KONTIIS after date rppix a'ion win be made to the Honorable the frlerior Court of Burke county, when sitting tor Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the interest df Julia Anu Fierce, Minor, in £CO at res land in saJbnuntv. JA3IL3 CH ANCE, wiuardian. sm. ; Fk)CR MONTHS after date application win be made to the Hr,nrrublo lalericr Court rs Columbia County, when sitting as a Court ot Ordi nary, for leave to sell the person ebpnojxiriy belong* rngto the estate o: Carey Johnstou, deceased, lata cf said countr. WILLIAM r.JCHNSTCN, Adm’r. an - ir - _ ~ mp<3UR MONTHS after detc epj^iealien wlh *? I>c made to ttte Cou*t cf, Ordii.a|Py cf Rich ujtrd county,for leave to sell the land•end regTW-8 belonging to the estate of SARAH BLACK* STONF, dc cciscd. NoV. S A r.GYLE Cl, ACESTONE. Adm'r. % JT OLII MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Rich- cernty, for lcr.ro to foil the irlcroet {being one-fourth,; of JOHN MOP, RIB, a miror, in a tract of land, iymtr in Columbia countv. coti'einiap ISA acres, an • bounded by iso-.us of Wm. Mode, Joke Jones and Joseph Let nolds, L'po. AcGUSTXJS T. MORRIS. Cuardicn. NVr. 2 I?OUR MONTHS aft« relate, application will he made to-t-iie itoicrablc the i n leriorXVui* ot Jefferson county when sitting for ordinary j nr* poses, for leave to sell iiie Negroes lekrging to the estate of Jeyeznisb Wilchrr. late of IN fereor eeoa* tv. deceased. VJM. G. W ILCIiA-R,-AeoT, ' Sept, til T&J OTICE. — \JI l>crsorn hi vrr d«rrtrrds o* i\ o.,mt the e-ta’e of VAI LNT3NE I.UTJI- P.IXCER, decerned. late rs Riel mr? d errnty. will hand them in properly attes od ; ; n i all indebted to said'estate, ’will make immediate payment to AGNLS LUTHRINGLIv, Adm’x. Jen. cC TTOTItr. —The prbdc are can V.-red against I* trading for a note made by me and rt:cor t e<i Writ. S. C. Morns, for the *rrn of Sr rcnty-rJne (791 I) oh ary, .payable te Vdm. F. Case cr bearer. and dated December 16th, 1847: said note parable oao month after date. DAVID t\ JOHNS. Jan. II cß—- TV^JTICIi. —Ail jiersors indebted to the estate J. i oiSAHAJI LLACKSTONE. dccca»< d. are requested tn make payment; and thccc having do m-Htids agrtfnst said estate rr- requested to hand them in within the time prescril ed 1 v law. ARGYLL BLACKSIXIKE, AdmV. Nor, 10 —Cw OTICE. —All per-ons havingdeirande acainst it tiie Estate of George C. Gordon, Jeweler, late of Richmond County, will presort them pro perly attested: and all persons indebted to »aid Estate, will make payment to C. A. PLATT, Executor Sept. 14 cC WOTICJA —All person? indebted te the estate J.l of THOMAS GRAVES. late of Walton 00.. Gn.arc requested to make immediate payment; and all those har’ng demands against said estate, topr» sent them in terms of the law. GEO. W. GRAVES, Ex July 14 IG T\T OTIC E • — A II per?ors having demands against b 1 ANGUS MARTIN, late of Piclimond corn. ty, deceased, are hereby notified to present tlxm properly attested, to me, within the time prcscrib ?d bylaw. And cl I persons indebted to said de ceased. arc hereby required tn make immediate payment. ALEX. MARTIN, ExT, Aug. 12 j 43 . tvDTICE.—AiI pers' r? hrvmg W’atche# or it Jewelry left at the store rs the late G. C. ■ Gordonjhrr will please call at the store of ; C. A. for t!.r same rrd take them awer, , prior Idßrcir being soid as the property of the e*- ; tate, f C. A. PLATT, KxT. Brp<7l4 2w ‘ All persons indebted tn JACOB l % A'hLEN, deceased, late of W arren county, are requested to make payment, and all persons against the said Jaccb Allen, will present them, in terms rs thr Inw.to STODDARD W. SMITH, Executor. Sept.-ftS G 8 \ U’ilCE—Ail persons bavine dt mards seninst jis IBCNRV <U GIPSON, deceased, late rs | Wilkes requested to band them In To gaily i proven,fend those indebted arc requested to make 1 imm.f ri;t|tc pay ment tn ! Sept. 10 cG MARY A. GIPSON. AdmV. OTICE.—AII t'Ct sons having demands against I the estate oft,. F. E. DE GAS.late of Richmond county, will present them properh* attested, and \all persons indebted to said estate, v. ill make pay i ment to L. A. DUGAS. Adm r. j Sent. 11 f,S I \' OTICE. —Ail persons indebted to the estate ‘ ot WILLIAM SELLERS, deceased, late I of Richmond county, are requested to make im ! mediate payment, and those hrving demands ; against said deceased, to present them within the I lime prescribed, and attested a? the law directs. 1 Sept 17 RAYMOND F. SELLERS, F.x’r. OTICE.— All pe-sres indebted to the estate : it rs ISAAC PRYAN-late rs Scrivtn rrurtj • will make imtncd’ate va; ment. and these l aving | demands aeainst said estate will present them prop : erly at f < sted to Cot, f. ELIJAH ROBERTS. Adm’r. 7%JOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate ; IV of thelate JOHN M. GARTNER, will mcke j payment to the undersianed. rnd those having tt’e ; mands against said c-tatc will present tlum nc i cording to law. ])er‘. SI O JAMF g'G ARDNFR. Jr.. A dm*r. TJOTTOp : A EL PERSONS INDttITED to the tm | A dersigned, by note of oiiVf rTrHe. r.nd those in ! \vho«c hands I have placed papers f<r collr ctic'n, are hereby notified that WILLIAM A. WAL TON,Esq.. of Augusta. Georgia, is my duly author ized Agent ar.d Attorney, with full ]ifurr to rep resent me in the setiemer.t of niv Lt’smess at ti.e South. JESSE WALTON. Alton, Illinois, Antr. 11th, 1847. | Se))f. S 3 dlr4 NOTICES. A LT. persons indebted to the estate of EWELL McCOY, late of Morgan county, deceased, are requested to come forward ar.d make payment, and tho-r having demands r.gairs* ibe seme are requested to present them according to law, this j 10th day of November. 1347. j Nov. 12 ROBERT A. McCOY. Executor. CM EoiICIA. T? ichmotul Count j-.—W'herT -j as WILLIAM SOILED Jr., applies to me for letters of administration r.n the estate cf JCHN , SCHLEY, deceased ; These are therefore fooite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show caute if any they have, i wl’vsaid letters should not bo "ranted, i Giv< a under ray Lard n ( o".ar m Augusta. Dec. 22 LEON F. DUGAS. Clnb. f l EOIIG3A, Bnrkc County.—All persons .3“ interested are hereby notified that song o-ths after da f e. aml cation will be made to tbft | Honorable the Infer o • Court, when sitting as a Court of Ordinar:'. so- loere to *ed a ’rant of belonging to JOSEPHINE O. SYEWMAKF.a . minor of said county; bounded on all aidesjjy lands belonging to WißGna Larger. * ANNA SIIZWXAKS Gw&co. Jan. 3