The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, March 26, 1833, Image 3

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!11$ a 12c. ; India, 12|c. 350 a 400 bags Java, old, good, 13Jc. per lb. 4 a 6 mos., and 300 bags Java, price and terms unknown. The auction sales consist of *2OO l-bags Java, 12J a 12ic. 4 mos. 50 bags India adv. 20 Isold lt)c. 4 mos. ss. arid 1371 bags Sumatra adv. 300 scold, 11? a 11 ic. per. lb. 4 mos. ss. Molasses. —The principal sales of the week are em braced in about 1000 hlids. Havana and Matanzas, at 25ic. per pall, part 4 per ct. dis. cash, and part G mo. ’ Mackerel. —There have been no movements in our market that require notice —prices continue same a: Our last. BALTIMORE , March 15.— Cotton.— Abobt GO bales Upland in small lots were sold this week at 3 a 12ic. pr. lb. The demand is limited. , Coffee. —The transactions reported show that the re- I Ruction in the duly has not produced a correspond mg re duction in prices, the difference being about equally di vided between buyer and seller, "'e are advised o the sale of about 1200 bags Rio this week, at 13p to 13ic., the larger part at the first named rate. W e also .note the sale of 1000 to 1200 hags St. Domingo at 12. |l2| and 12ic. A parcel o( 250 bags Java were sold at J34 c . Limited sales of Laguayra at 13ic., and of Ha • Tana at 13Jc. |k Sugars. On Thursday, at auction, 100 hhds. sew. ■ Yleans, were sold at G. 50 a i .GO. Sales ■f 2J boxes wJown St. Jago at 8.75, and 25 boxes Havana white at f/$lO. At auction to-day IGG hhds. very superior Porto Kico, cargo of brig ■lndus, were sold at 7.75 a 10—av q#rage 8.80. i Molasses. —A parcel of 360 hhds. N. Orleans was Bold this week at 20 a 30c. the principal part at the first liamcd price. At auction 175 hhds. Matanzas were sold &t 24 a 251 c. The lots bought at 21 cts. have since be en sold by private contract at 25c. i NEW.YORK, March 16—Cofee.—The market con tinues very steady, and we have to add to the sales no ticed in our last, about GOO bags Laguif a at 13 cents; 500 Cuba, l<jt a jo? ; 200 St. Domingo, Ili cents, on time ; * 200 hhds. handsome Green Porto Rico, 131, and smaller parcels of Brazil, at 12J a 13 cents. Cotton. —The- transactions for the last three days,- cm jMjrace about 900 bales of Upland, at 10 a 12 cents, inclu i dmg a very prime lot of fancy cotton, at 32,} cts. cash; -303 Florida, a 12; 200 Alabama, II a 13, end 100 j New Orleans, 131 cents —making a total, for the week, of 2100 hales. Holders are very firm, and for the tine qua ►. lilies, for home manufacture, an advance of \ of a cent 1 has been obtained. We accordingly advance cur quota tions for fine Alabama and Uplands. Molasses. —The demand continues active, at improv jng prices. Two cargoes of New Orleans -have been sold at 30i cts.; several sppailer parcels of superior St. 1 Croix and Potto Rico, at 31 a 32 cents, and good 11a | vana, in lots, at 27 cents. . (By the British Ship Nimrod, at Charleston.) “ LIVERPOOL, JAN. 22.—The demand for Colton has continued good, and somewhat better prices realised for the ordinary and middling qualities of American. New Uplands are offering at 7- a 7-jd; but buyers do not take hold of such; the sales of Saturday and yesterday are estimated at 7000 bales. Trade has improved in the manufacturing districts, and is good for the season of the year. “There Ins been no change of interest in our grain market, and no amount of business done. There is a une inquiry for bonded Flour, for export and specula tion, at our quotations. “The demand has been very animated, with some ad vance in prices. The sales this month are computed at fully 2000 hhds. “ LIVERPOOL , JAN. 23.—The demand for cot ton has been good this week, and prices, which had been f rather low at onr last date, arc now steady, without I change on those quotations. I “The sales of the week ending on the 18th inst. were K 21,785 bales against 2600 imported. ■ The sales from Ist Jan. to this day amount to 88,500 M'S. I The quantity consumed by fire is supposed not 1 to exceed 8,330 I \ 06,800 ! » The imports up to the same time much inferior to those of last year, (39,281) 22,(!05 I “Our stock is now reduced to 128,390 bales, of which ’ nearly 85,000 arc American, not including two ships from Now-York and Savannah, two from Charleston, and one from New-Orleans, jqst arrived, but not yet re ported. The stock on the 27th January, 1832, was Li 196.650 bales. Yesterday’s market at Manchester was ft very animated. The exporters from the north begin al , ready to contract to a great extent, and generally the I news from the interior is satisfactory. -‘ LIVERPOOL, JAN. 24.—The demand for Cotton F is good this morning. A parcel of excellent New-Orleans Rice has been II sold at 195.” “ LIVERPOOL, JAN. 24.—6000 hales Cotton sold *‘Jj the past two days. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 21.—The business in Cotton last week, though not so large as that of the weekpre jf vious, was considerable ; the sales of all sorts amount il ing to about 21,800 hales :—9O Sea Island Ilia 14dj 1 20 stained 7a 8; 5340 Upland 61 a ?i; 3900 Orleans „ 6) a Hi; 2210 Tennessee, <fcc. Gi a 7}. The chisfsales w in Upland and Mobile were from 7to 7s. in Orleans \ from 7to?J ; and in Tennessee from 6|j to 65. The market for short stapled American cotton was heavy * throughout; of which description the quantity offered 3 for sale was abundant, and in some instances such was i f the desire to sell, that concessions were made -to the buyers. This was the more to be wondered at as a great fire, which happened on tiie 14rh instant, destroy led among other property about 10,000 bales of cotton, * one half of which was American. This circumstance 1 alone might have checked this gr“eat desire to press sales, 1 but no effect of the kind was produced by it. The feeling of the market this week, as far as we have gone, has been rather better. Holders have ex- L posed their stocks for sale more sparingly than last ■S week—this, in some measure, is to be attributed to an L easterly wind, which is likely, at present to keep out supplies. Our sales of all kinds of cotton for the last 4 f days were bought on speculation. Yesterday cotton was offered more freely than on Monday. if “ I 1 jSJar/iAniNs jtsws. ARRIVED. 24th, Steamer Augusta, Norris, Savannah. Merchnn t dize, &c.—to Steam boat Company, I<. Roll, M. Rod, . " Mitchell, J. Lcverich, Barbfif &. Blair, J. Kent, J.W. Houghton, E. D. Cook, J. F. Stetzc, W.J. Hobby, J. G. IM’Whorter, J. Thompson, C. Hall, F. H. Cook, M eh. stor, Parmelee -St C'o. A. Boggs, B. 3\ . force, L. 11. A S. Hamilton, Richards «Sk Ganahl, H. Parsons, Rees r e Anderson, N. Carter, M. Nelson, T. Barrett &, Co. S. 1 1 Hale, A. Row, C. &R. Lambert, J. C. Holcombe, Sto- I vail Simmons,G. R Jessup, G. Lotr, L. Dwelle, Col j lins& Manton, Rathbone & Holland, Adams, Parmelee & f ' Co. .Snowden & Shear, W. Catlin, Edgar & Carmichael, f R. 15. Haviland & Co. L. Reid A Co. J. C. Kirtland, A. | Knowlton, Dortic Sc Lafitte, R. C. Balwin, J. Johnson, ’G. Mathews, G. Simonton, (.7. Parrott. Slaughter A La buzan, G. A. Walker, A. O. Blackman, and Heard A ■* Wilson. •25th, Steam packet John -Stoney, Green, Charleston. I Merchandize Ac.—to W. P. Merry man, A. Gould, M. C Frederick, A. Camming, Slaughter A Labuzan, Hoard A Wilson, W. Sherrard, Mason A Randle, E. B. A J. P. ■ Benson Stovall A Simmons, R. B. Haviland A Co. S. II 1 Blount, R. Philip, Carter, Shepheard A Co. D. Delano, j Edniooston, G. A. Walker, A. J. Huntington, Rees ft ' 5/ Anderson, Shields A Son. and R. M’Donaid. ft Steamer Edgefield, Wood, Savannah. Merchandize, ft Ac.—to .Mackenzie A Bennock, A.Rowe, J. Coskery, J. ■ Macdonald. J. AS. Bones. J. AJ. .M’Dryde, Rai kin A I Evans, B. Pyne, Randle A Mason, M. Rots, and J. A W. Harper. departed, L| 23d, steam packet Wm. Senbrook, Dubois Charleston —248 bales Cotton for Savannah, and Jo- baics go. for Charleston. I 25th. .Steamer Free Trade, Cresswell, Savannah, li 1 . Steamer Augusta, Norris, Savannah, with boats—ll 34 J bales Colton. » The steam packet John D. -Mongin. Curry, for this place, was te have left Savannah yesterday morning. SAVANNAH, March 21.—Arr. brig’ Maine, Wen n <sell r Malaga 21st Jan.; schrs. Davenport, Norton, Car e bados 15; Kingston, Carpenter, Attaknpas, La. Went to set, ships Helen, Barman, Havre ; Emperor, W Bennett, New-York; Br. bark Venus, Butters, Livcr \ pool; brigs .Mary, Dunham, New. York; Margaret, Ha inan, Boston; schr. Deluvian, Green, Baltimore. MARCH 23.—Arr. Br. brig Molsom, Elliott, Dundee l3thJan.; brig Triton, Edmunds, .Matanzas 15 days. Sailed, ship Rhode Island, Manchester, Liverpool ; '■r. barks Pacific, Johnson, Liverpool ; Forth, Hunter, >.; Kent, Jamison, St. Johns, N. 8.; Br. brig Henrietta, Rnttory, Liverpool; schr. Mercator, Griggs, Baltimore ; | eloop John Chevalier, Sisson, Savannah. CHARLESTON, March 21.—Arr. Br. ship Nimrod, B Atkins, Liverpool. Jen. 24.; ship Frances,Griffin, New. V York 4 day*; Sp- brig Joven Emelie, Orbeta, Havana 10 days; brig George. Thakara, New-York 12; Br. schr Primrose, Hudson, Nassau, N. P. 5; schr. Agnes, Swa sey, St. Augustine 8. Sailed, brig Encomium, Sheffield, for New-Orleans; schrs. Florence, Adams. Bvston; Norris, Teal, Philadel phia; Only Daughter, Wilson, New-York ; Harmony, Chadwick, Baltimore. MARCH 22.—Arr. snip Anson, O’Neill, New-York 4 days; bark Chief, Anderson, Boston 7; brig Merida, Bon. ny, Gsal 20; Sp. brig San Antonio, Calsada, Havana? ; schrs. Martha, Burdick, New-Orleans 12; North Caroli na, MTntyre Apalachicola 13 ; Lovely Keziah, M’V\ il. liam, St. Jago de Cuba. MARCH 23. —Arr. Sp.-brig Habanero, Sancho, Ha vana 9 days; brig Neptune, Halstead. Gottenbarg, Dec. 30 days. Went to sea, ship Lafayette, Wright, New-York ; Br. brig William, I.armour, Liverpool; Sp. brig Julian, Cor tina, Neuvitas; brigCnthurine, Maxwell, Havana ; schr. Ann, Baker, New-York. [CT The Constitutionalist Reading Roam, directly under the Office, is now open for the benefit of the Public. LAW AOTICE. undersigned has taken an office in Cumming's VL Law Range., and tvili attend to business with which he may be entrusted. FELIX M’KINNE. March 22. 3t 80 E. O*ISO-ISA, SURGEON WENTIST, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Augusta, JktiLanJ its vicinity, that he has retqrned to this city, and taken private rooms at the United States Hotel, east end, where an early call from those who may need hi: professional services will receive prompt and iinremi’. ted attention 68 Fefa. 8 The Thorough ba’cd ISaee liorse am o&ssrx* rST.HE property of William R. Johnson, Esq. a beau ia. tiful BAY, by Sir ARCHY, Dam by GALI.A TIN, and the winner of several Races, will stand the ensuing season at my Plantation, near Augusta. Terms Pedigree, and particulars in time. P. FITZSLMONS, February 15 ts 70 •El Chambers, S§37i Feb. Between Patrick B. Connelly i and Robert Collins, Com- ml fo> . jy. gc Re. pb-untmts and Ann Green > Uef and Inju J lion _ and Ehhu L.pscomb, De- f fendants. * being shewn that the Defendants in this Bill re- JiL side in the State of Alabama, so that personal ser vice of a copy cannot be effected on them. Ordered. That they appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for the county of Jefferson, and State of Georgia, on the 3d Monday of May next, and plead, answer or de mur to said Bill, and that a copy of this order be pub lished once a week for two months, before the day for appearance in one of the Gazettes in Augusta, Oeor ■ria, and in Erie, Greene County, Alabama. WM. W. HOLT, Judge Superior Court, M. C. Geo. March 12, 1833 w2m 77 O’ The Greene County Gazette, Erie, Alabama, will publish the above weekly, two months, and forward the account to this office. ~ ORDERS, r 22d February, 1833. $ fWTHE first Brigade of the 2d Division of the Geor. JS- gin Militia, will be Reviewed as follows, viz : The 76th Battalion of Richmond county, at their usu al parade ground (Spring Hill,) on Wednesday the 3rd of April next. The 75th Battalion at Augusta, on Thursday the 4th of April. The Regiment in Colum bia county, at Appling, on Friday the slh of April, and the Warren Regiment at Warrenton on Saturday tiie 6th of April next; the officers and non-commission. ed officers will be assembled for Drill as directed, by orders transmitted to the Colonels. After the Review, an Inspection of the troops and arms will be made by the Inspector, when the Gaptains and officers commanding Companies will be prepared to make their returns to the Insfector in conformity to law. Should there be any Districts without a Captain or Subaltern officers, the Colonels will take immediate measures consistent with a faithful discharge of duty, to Brevet officers for them agdeeahly to law, and in the distribution of these orders, tKey will instruct their offi cers to proceed with promptitude in carrying them spee dily into effect/that the Inspection may be complete. AARON W. GRIER, Brig. Gen'l. Ist Brigade, ild Division, Ga. Md. February 26 73 Charleston, Feb. I 83S. reports having reached us of an impres- sion gaining ground throughout the Country, that in consequence of our present unhappy political rela tions, there will not be this Spring such stocks of Goods as are usually kept in this Market : We, the under signed, Merchants, have concluded to adopt this me thod of counteracting an opinioti so injurious to our friends and ourselves, and to assure those, who have usualh made their purchases in Charleston, that we in. tend to pursue our business in this place, unless pre vented by causes not now anticipated And having at litis time, and expecting, a full supply of such articles, as have usually been kept by us, we are, and will be ■prepared, to meet the demands of our customers, as fully and satisfactorily as heretofore, and respectfully invite them to visit this city, with confidence in our a bility and disposition to promote their interests. Parish, Wiley Sc Co. W. S. Boa 6 Sc Co. C. & G. 11. Kelsey. N. H. Wild man db 30. Weed & Benedict. J. Sc J. TaFt. Walton, Murrell & Co. H. B. Gleason Sc o < Mn .ler, Rii’ley A Co, Stoddard, Davis X: Co. James J. M‘Carter. Eyland & Hayden. E. &. C. Robbins. Geo. B. Granniss & Co. Coleman, Wright & Co. Mills & BEacii. E &. J. B. Delano. Shelton Sc Caldwell. * Hyde & Cleveland. Wm. M. Tileston Sc Go. S. Babcock & Co. A. M. Hatch & Co. Baker, Gregory & Co. Wm. 11. Gilliland & Co. E. Abraham. Flemming, RqsS Oc Co. D. G. Haviland &. Co. Chamberlin Sc Cobb. February 12 12t 69 JOSEPH 11. GOA'DER, A TTORNEY xVT LAW. formerly of Sparta, ami , one of the late firm of Thomas & Goxder, has lo cated himself at the Capital of Lumpkin county. He pledges himself tiiat business confided to his care shall be promptly attended to. He will practice in the different counties composing the Cherokee circuit, also Hall and Habersham. He will attend to levying executions sent from differ ent counties, to recording deeds, and he will, if required, attend personally the Sheriffs’ sale of the counties ad jaccnt to Lumpkin, and represent his clients at the’ sale. As there are no regular charges established for sucit business, he deems it just he should state what will be his charges. For attending to recording a deed, lie will charge three dollars, 'exclusive of clerk’s fee. For having a tract of land levied on, he will charge five dollars, unless it becomes necessary for him to seek information as to its value, previous to granting it; in that event he ""ill take out the plat and grant, and charge ten dolkfrs, exclusive of grant fees. For attending Sheriffs’ sale in different counties than Lumpkin, and representing plaintiffs, he will charge five dollars. His other charges shall be such as are usual with -At torneys. All business heretofore confided to Thomas & Gon dcr. will be attended to by James Thomas, Esq., of Sparta. The editors of the Southern Jlecorder will please give the above six insertions. March 12 12t 77 LAW NOTICE. OC. GIBSON, one of the late firm of Goode and • Gibson, considering himself permanently located at Thomaston for the purpose of practicing Law, res pectfully tenders his professional services to his fellow citizens. He will attend the Courts in the counties ot Monroe, Pike. Fayette, Meriwether, Crawford, Talbot and Upson. He is personally known by Messrs. George Hargraves,formerly of Warrenton, John Fontaine, of Columbus, T. P. F. Thruwits and J. H. Roberts of Warrenton and G. W. Crawford andC. J. Jenkins, Esqs., of Augusta. His office is at the first door from the west end of the Eagle Tavern, where he may be usually found. Thomaston, Upson county, Jan. 4 3t6mo 58 FOOD. FOUND a small sum of Money, which the right ful owner can have by proving property and pay. ine for this advertisement, by applying to N 0.293, Broad s.resr> 3tw 72 February 22 i LOTTERIES THIS WEEK. r . By TO MORROW'S Mail, will be received the draw ing of th ♦ New-York Consolidated : LOTTERY, , EXTRA CLASS NO. i , HIGHEST PRIZE, '■ $ 3 , d> © O, ’ LOWEST PRIZE SEX DOLLARS. Tickets $5; Halves §2 50; Quarters §1 25. BY SATURDAY'S Mail will be received the drawing i of the Union Canal L O T T E M ¥, Class No. 6. HIGHEST PRIZE r SO OF 1000 DOLLARS. s LOWEST PRIZE §l2. Tickets only S 10; Halves $5; Quarters S 2 50. TO BE HAD at ITERS’ OFFICE. ' Beers’ Official Prize List The following are the drawn numbers of the -Mary land -State Lottery, Class No. 5. 16, 32, 38, 4, 33, 24, 59, 39, 53, 57. LOWEST PRIZE, §lO. Q_T Prizes sold and cashed at BEERS’ Fortunate >. LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 241 Broad-street. ’ O" Address orders to IF. P. BEERS. !t March 26 SO 3 - Joßl\ A. CLEVELAND) g 39E.VTEST. MESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the ci tizens of Augusta, generally, that, owing to pre j. vious engagements, he is compelled to be absent from L , this city a few weeks, after which, he will return and e attend to liis engagements. 3) March 96. 81 . Notice. S7?OUR months after date, application will be made ’ to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Scriven county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, , for leave to sell three Negroes, to wit: Joe, Phillip and Mary, belonging to the estate of Alexander J. Lovett, - (a minor) deceased, late of said county, tor the benefit of his surviving brothers and sisters. HAMILTON L. LOVETT, Aclm’r. March 21,1853 lm4m 81 Notice. d "HUMOUR months after date application, will be made ii nF to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Scriven county, when sitting fqr Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole or a part of the real estate of Robert r Williams, sen’r. deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors, ROBERT WILLIAMS, jr. Ex’r. March 26, 1833 Im4m 81 Administratrix’s Notice. A£ L persons indebted to Berry Olive, deceased, j ai 3 of Columbia county, are required- to make payment to' t' ie undersigned; and those holding claims against said cie" are requested to hand in anno count of their iL-'ntmds, duly attested, within the time prescribed bv law • _ , . ELiZABETH OLIVE, A(Wx. Columbia co. Marci. tw : ~ IS LAID, J NOTES OF on Andrew Lockhart, 1 A one for One Hundred V.oL’HrB, made payable to A. Jones or bearer, with his endorsement on it to me, ’ given in June, and on demand the L' l , Q ‘li! n lJ ar ' V ’ - ! J 833, with interest from date; the' for 18 Dollars, ‘ given the Ist of last year to me as Adtn’r. ,)n e uay after ’ dale. Three for §25 each, on Leaston Speed, given , the 24th of Dec. 1832, payable to me orbet- i ?r on de ’ mand the first day of January, 1833, with interest from 5 date. Two on Samuel Smith, C. A. Burton, seei' rlt >> J one for thirty dollars, the other for twenty-five, i.m' de 1 payable to me as Guardian, given the Ist day of Jant-'i rv, 1832, on demand the Ist of January, 1833. Three i ■ r on A. E. Holliday, amount 72 dollars, D. L. Holliday, i secnVfy. given to me as Guardian, the Ist day of Janua ’ ry, 1833, and on de; ;and the first of Jan. 1834. Two a on Tharp Hale, one given to Midda Inman, or bearer, for Ton Dollars, on demand the Ist ol Jun. 1834, and one given to me or bearer, for six dollars, with interest from date, given the Ist day of Jan. 1833. One on Greenville Spence, made payable to J. B. Ross, for 7 dollars, one day after date. One on Henry Hilliard, for 7 dollars, made payable to me one day after date— also, an Execution on Henry J. Holliday, and one Note op Loven Liptrot, for 12 dollars, made payable to Tharp Hale or bearer, on demand, the Ist day of Nov. 1832 1 also, an account on Samuel Lockhart, for §5 10 cents. EDWARD WIMBERLY. b Birdsvillo. Burke co. March 22 4 80 < r * MILITARY ENCAMPMENT. [ P a view to the promotion of Military Sci- l iff euee, and trie encouragement of Volunteer ] . Corps, a system of annual encampments is proposed, t Arrangements are in progress for an extensive En. ; campment in this neighborhood, to commence on the o 2d Monday in May next, in which all the Volunteer ( s Corps of Infantry in the State, are respectfully invited f y to join us. The time proposed for the continuance of the en campment, is one week. A beautiful location has been selected, commanding an extensive view of the town and surrounding country. An arrangement has been. made for the construction of comfortable Tents and Marques, for the* accommodation df all the companies that may cornel A contract has been made with indi viduals who will act as sutlers, and furnish the men with good board, on tiie ground, at 75 cts. each per day. On the last day an Encampment medal will he shot for. The first of the proposed spries of encampments took J place near Macon last Spring, and w-as attended with much benefit to the companies present. , L. D. BUCKNER,’j T. F. GREEN, | Committee E. E. PARK, | of i J. G. POL MILL, j Arrangements JOHN MILLER, J I Miilcdgeville, March 19, 1833. 79 WATCHES, JEWELRY AAD ! ; Silver fSVfrc. A MONG which are fine, fashionable EAR-RINGS ? avY and . B REAS T PINS, See. Just received by JOHN GLTMARIN, Watch Maker, No. 140 Broad-st. - Augusta. 1 , October 26 ts 32 T© THUPimiC. the first day of this month there took place a J 1 y tremendous storm'at Thomaston', which is found to have extended wide and far, and to have done much e damage—owing to which the itinerant agents employed to sell tickets could not arrive In time A and the drawing e of the Union Hotel Property Lottery could not take t place on the 2d inst. As there is considerable stock yet a to dispose of, the Proprietor thinks if best to have the e drawing when the stock is sold, or most certainly the first day of January next: th s will give him time to sell a the balance of the tickets. e Messrs. Saltmarsh Sc Overton, start a fine Post Coach Union Line, to leave Macon and Columbus on the first - Monduv in April next, and meet at the Union Hotel in Thotnas on three times a week. —This splendid Line - must raise the stocks, and be a great inducement for f purchasers who ever indulge in Lotteries. J. B. BATEMAN, Proprietor. e Thomaston, March 4. 1833 2tmrd 77 Halford’s Water Pearl, FOR THE COMPLEXION. . rSVIHS fashionable lotion is entirely free from any de , Ji_ leterious ingredient, and is so innocent that the “ most delicate lady or child may use it with perfect safety. ‘ It eradicates, freckles, pimples, spots, sunburns, tans, redness, all cutaneous eruptions, and effectually renders r the skin white and blooming. Its cooling and fragrant r properties add to the pleasures of the toilet and comforts • of the nursery. Gentlemen whose faces are irritated by I the operation of shaving, will find Halford’s Pearl Water 1 to possess uncommon soothing and healing qualities.— ’ Travellers exposed to changes of weather, causing a 1 rough and harsh skin, will find it to possess balsamic ■ powers of surprising energies. The celebrated Brum mel well known in the British train of rank and fashion, selected this article for his favorite Cosmetic, and the increasing patronage of the public tully demonstrates its utility. Prepared from the original receipt by G. Bedford, chemist, London.—And tor sale by TURPIN & D’ANTIGNAC, Agent., De comber 23 54 ST. HELENA. Note open in the Old Theatre, Green street. Cl INCLAIR’S Grand-Peristrephic or Moving PA\“ ORAM.4, which has been fitted up at a great expense, was exhibited in Europe, in Edinburgh, in the Rotunda, Dublin ; in Spring Gardens, London ; and lastly, from Niblo ? s Gardens, New-York, where it was visited by upwards of 24.000 persons. It commences with the principal events in the life of Napoleon, the BATTLE OF u ATERLOO, the surrender of Napo. Icon, his arrival at St. Helena, his residence on that Island, and his Funeral Procession. The whole comprises twelve different views, executed on neany 20,000 square feel of canvass, bv eminent Artists, and is allowed tp be ope-of the finest productions of Art.— Ten thousand Figures are brought betore the spectators with striking likenesses of the chief characters. The Officers, Vbn and Horses, are as large as li!e. Ships of War, &c. taken from drawings made on the spot. — A Military Band accompanies each evolution of the Pa norama, and a correct description is given cf each view as it approaches. LT Doors open at half past six, and the Panorama commences at 7£ o’clock. *,* Admittance sft cents. Children half price. For panicu'ars see Hand Bills. March 26 81 TO THE FIBLIC. INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR. fpiHis invaluable medicine, which has of late years AL excited so much attention in Europe, has recently made its appearance in this country, and with no less claim to the title of a specific lo'r the cure of those cxcru. ciatihg complaints, Rheumatism, Gout and pain in ‘the Bones, Joints, and whether from the too free use cf mercury or other causes. So effectual has the vegeta ble Indian Elixir proved in all those cases in which re- j commended, that the proprietor feels authorised to state, 1 it willeffect a cure in ninety cases out of a hundred when taken according t» the printed directions accompanying each Bottle. The Elixir is composed entirely ofVeget. able ingredients,und maybe taken without the least risk of injury to the is unnecessary to say more in favor Q&ihisrinva'luable Remedy i too many in this 'community-have already been cured by it for its virtues long to remain unknown, and it inqst and will become the universal resort of the afflicted here, as it has done in other places. For the further satisiaction of those who may feel disposed to doubt the efficacy of this medicine, the following Certificates are submitted. This is to certify that the subscriber having been for sometime afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from which he couldtgetno relief, until being advised to procure some of Dr. Fitch’s INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR, which he accordingly did, and from which af ter taking a few doses was entirely relieved. SAML. PEARSE. Columbia, April 16th, 1832. This is to certify that the subscriber had been for some years, tormented with that most excruciating disease chronic Rheumatism, and was advised in February last to procure from Dr. Fitch some of his Indian Vegetable Elixir. Accordingly I procured some of it, and to my great surprise and still greater relief, it entirely removed the complaint, after taking a few doses, and I have not since had a return of it. JESSE ARTHUR. ANOTHER FACT. Edgefield, June 2d, 1832. Mr. James Boatwright, Dear Sir— Permit me to return you my sincere thanks for your kind attention in delivering rny letter to Dr. Fifth for the five bottles of his Indian Vegetable ELIX IR. It came safe to hand, and if you are a parent, yon can conceive of my joy, when I inform you’that my son who has for the last six months suffered every pain from the Rheumatism which was possible for a human being to bear, has been entirely cured by that Elixir. I had mourned over him and had given him up to be a cripple for life and all the fond expectations I had anticipated from him appeared to be blasted forever. But now to see him walking about free from pain, and daily strength, gives me more pleasure than I can express. ‘Several of my neighbors have experienced immediate relief. In only one instance have I known it to fail, and mat was a most hopeless one; still he thinks he has experienced benefit enough from it to induce him to persevere longer in the use of it, as he has not yet given it a sufficiently fair trial. If this communication can be of any service to my fellow beings I freely give my consent that you .should make such use of it as you think conducive to ;jiat end. I remain ever your much obliged friend, Anack P. Hickman. SulJ by A. CUNNINGIIA.\T, & Go. Sole Agent fur Augusta. PRICE ■%{, - March 26. 8 * ,j Rafail Me Gold '•Wine SALE. Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary for the county of Jefferson, will he sold at the Court-House in Clarksville, HabcrshaAl county, on the first Tues day in June next— LOT No. 48, in the sou rth District of Ha bersham cb’unty, containing 2b.2i Acres, which was drawn to and granted to James Co.tton, to be sold as the property of Gen. Homer V., Milton, deceased, for the benefit of the distributees of the said estale- This Lot by reputation, contains one of the most valuable Gold Mines in Habersham countv.—Terms of sale c ash. ELIZA MILTON, Ada?**- Louisville , March 6, 1633 - O" The Milledgeville Recorder and Columbus En-- quirer, will publish the above till the day of sale, and forward their accounts to the undersigned for payment. E. M. Adrn’x. s>r . id 77 -a. • Vy*.' THE U. S. MOTEL. THE above Establishment continues open, under the care of Mr. JOH.\ 11. AIVDEKSOXs who will use every exertion to render comfortable all persons who may honor him by calling. The STA3SLES are under the egre of an experi enced and careful Hostler. . Augusta. March 8. f 4 [JjrTiie Courier, Chronicle, North American Gazette. Georgia Journal Southern Banner, Charleston Courier, and Savannah Georgian, will publish the above once a week for four weeks. FOR SALE, THIRTY-TWO Shares iii the Merchants and Plan tersl Bank.—Enquire at this Office. March 8 76 THE HIGH BLOODED STALLION c, TIJ|7TLL stand at Washington, Wilkes county, the f * ensuing Spring season, which will commence on the first of March, and expire on the Ist of July, at FIFTEEN DOLLARR-' the single service.—TWEN TY DOLLARS the season, and THIRTY DOLLARS the insurance—Fifty cents to the groom. QUIDNUNC is a rich blood bay, with black legs, main, and tail, six years old, fifteen hands three and an half inches high, of uncommon fine limbs, muscle, bone and action. He has been introduced to this States upon high recommendation, with a view to improve the stock of Southern horses—and his high origin justifies the expectation that this object may be accomplished. He was got by the imparted Bagdad Arabian, (who was sold in New-York by M r - Barclay for $8,000,) his dam Rosa Carev) was by Sir Archy—his grand dam Sally Jones, by imported Wrangler—who was by imported Diomed the sire of Sir Archy. The Pedigree of Quid nunc is not only first■ rate but authentic. (See Ameri can Turf Register, for Nov. 1831, page 152.) More particulars are mentioned in hand-hills. DAVID P. IIILLHOUSE ROBERT A. TOOMBS. January 25 lm3m 64 ~ NOTICE. rSPIHE Subscriber having sold his stock of HR"V JL GOODS to Mr. S. W. Wade, who continues the business, solicits for him a continuance of the custom and friendship of his former frieilds and custo mers. ! B, BAIRD. February S if 68 INDISTINCT PRINT C/ I NEW SPRING GOODS; EH GAR & CARMICHAEL, Have just received, and are now opening, an extensive assortment of the newest and most fashionable SPRING GOODS ; among which are the following articles, viz: Black and Colored Gros de Napla Super Italian Lustrings Elegant Mode Afuslin Gingham and Printed do. Cambric and Muslin Gingham C.4ths French Bombazine Brown French Linens and Drills « 4-4ths Irish linens * * Crape Camblets Yellow Nankeens, ic. fee. E- &.C. will continue to receive constant supplies of the latest style ot goods, calculated both for ihe whole, sale and retail business. March 26. gj T. AVERELt, CRAPES! A>l> TAIiLOR, I'O. £27 BROAD STREET, HAS JUST RECKIVED a ekesu supply of Spring asuf Summer GO OHS, CONSISTING OF BEST superfine single milled Cassimeres, of various colours; black Bombazines ; green and black crape Camblet; fancy and plain Marseilles Vesting; French Satin, plain and figured Florentine Vesting. ALSO. I Extra fine blue, black, olive, brown, green and mixed BROADCLOTHS. J All orders strictly attended to and executed in the lat est and most approved fashions. i March 22 •, 80 10 WOOIL H CORDS Oak and Hickory WOOD, will be to-morrow, apply on the river bank. - March 19 , 2t 79 _ ~ FODDEK. ~7 POUNDS of first quality FOD- 0 9J tIL for sate, apply on the Wharf. 0 March 19 2t 79 . - EIXEXS, &C. CASES 4-4 Irish LINENb, in half pieces gfp 1 do Suspenders I do containing Prints in frames. also, ; J 20 Baskets Champagne aud 6,000 Segars, 100 in a Box. Just received and for sole l y E. W. SPOFFORD, Aucfr. February 26 *73 The Subscribers s HAVE received an additional supply of GAll- DEN SLEDS, warranted the growth of j . 183 L * TURPIN & D’ANTIGNACr, Agents for D. «J- C. %. ! February 22d 7 $ _ BLAA K FT S c\ 4b> BALES DUFFIL BLANKETS 2 do 4i and 5 Point do 1 ‘Case. Satinetts -y ■■ , • just received and for sale by E. W. SPOFFORD, Auct’r. Feb 2’6 ■ 73 “NEW AUCTION NTORIJ. ~ rSIHE U .ilersigued has received trom the Hon. the JL City Council, an Auctioneer's License, and has taken the Store in Montgomery's Buildings re cently occupied by Messrs. M. P. Earle & Co. where he respectfully offers his services to the public. ] ENOCH W. SPOFFORD. O’ Liberal advances made on Goods Consigned. REFERENCES. . * J. K. Kilbujin, | C. Squire fi S. Rogers, Sibley & J\lorrison, | M. P. Earle & Co. February 18 71 . I ENCyH W. SPORE' OT. 1 Has just received, direct from New-York, on consign- 1 ment (at his Auction Office, next door below Messrs. 1 Beets, Booth & St. John’s Office. Montgomery’s build- 2 ings) the following Goods, which are now offered for sale, , . , CASES Blue, Brown, Olive and Mixt Cloths 2 cases Sattinets, assorted 13 cases Bleached Sheetings ( 6 bales Brown do. n 7 cases Bleached Shirtings 10 bales Brown do. 6 cases Calicoes, assorted 1 case white Cotton Hois 1 do Random half do. 2 do Ladies Corded Robes 2 do Ready made Clothing 4 do Fi t?iieh and German Goods 1 tierce Hard-ware 3 cases Cutlery,"on cards and in dozen* 1 case Children’s Caps 3 bales Twilled Jeans 4 bales 7-S Brown Shirting ALSO, A variety of Staple and Fancy GOODS February 19 71 Combs* A. KNOWLTON, Has just received direct from the Manufactory, a large and splendid assortment o f COMBS, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ t j rBIORTOISE,SHELL carved Tuck Combs, embra i cing sixteen different patterns. Do do plain Tuck Combs, Do do quill Top do Do do puff neck, long, side and Dressing •Combs Brazillian carved and plain and quill top Tuck Combs Do puff side, neck and long do Dressing, pocket and fine Tvory do. fee. - For sale at a small advance, from Manufacturers cost, by the dozen or, single, at 243, Broad-street. November 23 46 THE SUBSCRIBER; -|TT r WING purchased of Mr. B, Baird, his entire £0 stock of DRY GOODS solicits, a edritinu. | ance of the patronage heretofore Bestowed on the es. s t-iblishinenf, where will be found a genbn;! assortment of t FANCY AND STAPLE f EIBY m © '& S S» : And on the most reasonable terms, wholesale and re- t tail, at the Store No. 2V3 Broadistre&t. a S. W. WADE. < February 8 *£ J i WOTICL— -ALL persons indebted to the es. j j tate of JAMES E. DANIEL, late of Richmond County, deceased, are required to make immediate pay. , ment, and all those who have demands against said es- . tate. are requested to present them immediately, as the i administrators wish to close the estate, for the purpose of - making a division among the heirs. ... . WILLIAM TEMPLETON, } Adminis. BRYANT DANIEL-, <J trators. ’ March 1 Administrator’s Sale. 1 1 Will be sold at the Court-House in the town of Waynes borough, Burke county, on the first Tuesday in April next, Between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : _ . Four Xegroes, Bill}’, Dave, Jude, ' and Sabrey, to the estate of Wm. Royals, i 1 ite of said county, deceased, sold agreeable to an or ; der of the Inferior Court, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased- j ' Terms made known on the dav of sale. WILLIAM C. BATES, Adm’r. ! January 22 63 . e/t — ——~"‘~**** , "" M * PUBLIC SALE§> BYE. W. SPOPPOBD. THIS MORNIS r O, at half jmst lOs'AmK 1 PIPE Gin | do Brandy, pura 8 barrels Molassea 5 do Mackerel 12 do Poxatoea 5 half q[o Buckwheat Floor 10 boxes Soap 5 boxes tlaisin* 9 do Hat. 30 do Segar* 1 dp Shoe. (> Boxes Champagne Wlae, 4c#* AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. 1 Piano Fort* 1 Side Board 1 Sett Table. 1 Work Table . > 1 Mahogany Wash Stand 3 Large Carpets 3 Brass Fenders 2 pair Shovel and Tong. 3 pair Brass Andirons 3 dozen Chairs 2 Bedsteads 1 Childs’ Wagon ,2 Hearth Hugs .6 Waiters 2 large Looking Glasses Ewers at\d Basons, J, M nn's Saddle and one Sid. do". Small Chairs , Rocking do KITCHEN FURNITURE, 6c%, toil A Lot of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, to the United States, AND A LOT OF CLASS 4ND CKOCKfiR Y WAR E, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. A pair of Horses and Carriage.. The above being part of 'the Furniture belonging to officers at the United States Arsenal, how brdarod I* other stations, And at NIGHT, at 7 o'clock, • A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF , DRY JGOODS, . , Be.ior.iMoK (xon»,Tw, Hardware, i'nd CdtfeV-y, Boots Riid Shoes, 2 TRUNKS CUT DRY GOODS, sc. f« March 26 It Valuable NEGROES at Auction. BY E. W. SPOF|*OR2>. Will bf sold at the Itoxcer Market House, on the Mi Tuesday in April next, four valuable Negro men, etc ; OiVe Bfacksmitn, of good character. One, a first rate Sflcam boat jailor, now hired at §IBO per annum. And two deck hands, hired at §IOO eacn. The purchaser to receive the hire from the first at next month, for the balance of the ye.K Terms, (which will be extremely liberal,) mmim known at the time of sale, and title, indisputable. March 22 td 86 GRAND PICTURE SALE, BY LATHAM BULt> TX> fcORRpW MORNING, at 11 o'clock A. M. mm. drr the Otobe Hotel, will he soli the following Spiciidid Oil s 1. A Landscape, crossing the Bridge, gocjd 2. Two sea Views, ‘moonlight', after Vern'ef, a do.. eopy . ■ aa • 3. The Head of a Jew, an original by Sir Godfrey Kne|ler . ■ , , . 4. Portrait of Benj. West, late President of tb. Royal Academy 5. Gen. Washington, a close copy from Gilbert 9uo art’s original 6. The Spanish Captive, after the original 7. A mountain Landscape', paiiued by Wourermany, undoubted original 8. The Certain Picture, which ha. deceived Fiandreda ■of person* .. 9. Edward Forresc in the character of Roll. 10. llead of John 11. Poweil, after the one by Sir Tho mas Lawrence 11. Olintha, after tfie original in Paris 22. Boy at night—handle light 13. Rubin’sJVlotljer, an original sketch, undoubted 14. .Portrait of Lorenzo Dow, the Preacher 15. The Faithful Servant', fcrossin£ the moor 16. A Female Sketching 17. A Portrait 18. 'tfifi Si’ckmap ID. Fishipg Scene". 20- Evening Star, ... , . f . Also, at 12 ocl6ck. Georgia Syrup in Barrels 30 Bbls. No. 2 Mackerel 20 do. Irish Potatoes, together with Brandy, Run', Gin, Wine, Bagging, Hardware, sundry articles of For. niture, Ac. &c. &c. , . ALSO, A SPLENDID BRUSSELS CARPET, Nearly new, which cost §125. Terms cash. AT NIGHT, AT 7 O'CLOCK, n r ir fc o o d s 9 HajrdwarV, CUTLERY, b'oOTS $ SHOES, .Clocks*, ... - E WELRV, die*, dec. dec'. Terms Cash. March 94 Executor's Sale. v BY J. ZVIAASHAz/C, , \\ ill be sold, to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY. Id April, at the Lower Market House, in this city, by an order obtained from the Court of Ordinary, FIVE NEGROES, to wit: Fanny, Lucy, (and her three chil dren) Louis, Tilda and Dennis. And, at 3 o'clock. At the late residence ofLovey Powers, decoaacd, • All the Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, and two Milch CO TUN. Terms at sale. .., JOSEPH tCLLINS, Ex’r. 3/arch 26 „ . (J|„ . . 100 dollars reWard! " J AfiSCONDEIi from, the sub«cri> % Ur on the 23th ult, two NEGRO PEL- T LOWS, Willlam and Dick ; William i* a dark Mulatto about 27 year* old-otuir ti *» ters, when spoken to quickly—cm nil and write and is very artful, about 5 feet 10 inch** high, and wore a surtout cool and new sattinet pantaloon* and black cap and boots. Dick is dark complected and about 25 years of age, walks up-right ana when he went away wore a gjey sattinetpantaloons, black coat, hat and boots. Both- had other clothes with them. Dick i* about 5 feet 10 inches high. They may have gone to Oglethorpe County, where they bad been secreted by* man named Thos. Brown. I will give the above reward to any person that will lodge them in any safe jail so that I get them, and fifty dollars for proof that they ar* bar boured by any person. It is believed that they have a written pas?, given to them by those who enticed them a wav. , , ibH-V COGHLAN. March 12 TAX XOTICE. TJ¥TE will attend atthe followmg time* and placoo, ▼ I to,collect the Taxes and receive the returns of Taxable property for the year (1833,) eighteen hundr#4 and thirtv-three, viz: ■ r . ’1 ..«• \t the office of J. W. Meredith, Esq. on Monday tho 18th of March, and the Ist and 15th of April next.-r \t the Globe Hotel, on Tuesday 19th. of Maych and » and 16th of April. At tfie Planters’ Hotel on Wad nesday the 20th of March, and 3d and 17th of Apnl.— And at the office of A. I. Huntington, Esq. on Thur*. day the 21 ?t of March, and 4th and 18lh of April nogt. Hours of attendance, from 10 o’clock A. M. to 1 o'- clock, P- M. _ JAMES PRIMROSE, r. c. M. F. ROISCLAIR, '•! March 12 »