The Weekly republican & discipline. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-18??, March 28, 1856, Image 1

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VOLUME VI. REPUBLICAN OISCIFLINE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BY A. M. EDDLEMAN & CO. RgPUBMCAN & Disoip.uns, $2 00 ' Special contracts will be made for yearly ad ' vertisements occupying a quarter, half or whole column. Business or Professional Cards will be in '■serted under the head of “Business Directory,” Tit $5 per annum when confined to a mere an nouncement, and not included in the space occu pied by yearly advertisers. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at $1 per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Those sent without n, specification of the number of in seFtions,-V,’lil'be’ptifilisheM Until ordered out, and ‘’charged accordingly. Sales of Lands aiid Negroes, by Administrators. (Executors, or Guardians, arc required by law to beheld on the first Tuesday in the month, be- Itween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three tin the afternoon, at the Court-house in the coun- Hy ia which the property is situate. Notices of ‘'fee-sales'must lie given in a public Gazette prevtettS'totthe' day sale. Notices for the sale of feTscwdl-Broperty must hie given at least ten days previous to'thc pay ‘of sale. •Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate ‘must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to tlie 'Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne igroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must 'be published thirty days -• for Dismission from •Administration, Monthly sir months^-toe Dis- Hfijgsion from Guardianship./oi ty days. •Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be 'published monthly for four months —for estab lishing'LoSt Papers, for the full space of three months —coHr.pellingi titles from Administrators or Executors, whete-e botidhas been given by the deceased, the .full space of three months.. Publications will always be continued accord ing to these, t'liC leg* l requirements, unless oth erwise ordered. _____ business pii'ictoii). T HE JOHNSON HOUSE. White- Hall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Board per day, $1.25. J. R. BOSWOIITH. Dec 21 55-ts. * FULTON HOUSE. Alabama St. Atlanta, Ga. BY DR. D. L. GORDON. aug. 29 J 5 ts ~ WASHINGTON HaIL. (lie -opened.) . ABOARD, per day, Si 'JU-AUD, per week 5 00 I T. S. KILPATRICK, Agent, nov 355-uaT Macon, Georgia. ! Arnold House. THIS well known and popular estr.l'/iishmenl j formerly the City Hotel, at the coiTieV oi j Loyd and Decatur streets, is now open for the | reception of visitors. A. long experience in the j business, the undersigned Hatters himselt. wil) enable, liim to cater successfully lo tile wants ol all who may giveliim a call. Jau IN 55 ts JOHN F. ARNOLD Hotel, Numbers -I. >, 7 amt U M ill. ;ty -.lreel, •SECOND DO'-U ritort BROADWAY. Opposite the Purl: AE H 1 011 A. HUGGING & FLING, Puoimmrtoks. 'N. llucoins. late of Pear! street House, Bos ton; 11. C. Fling, late of Lovejoy’s Hotel, New York. I.Y M : !. e MKR.CH ANTS’ HOTEL. Norm H'ouiTb Street, PltllnUelultln. .Me 1C I BBT N & SON, I'ROFB IKTOR.i -oct 27'55 d-twly. McKlcroy At Biitilforjl, ./GENERAL COMMISSION MLRGIIANTs. , VJ No. 48 Carondctut, Street, New Orleans. — • Our business is kept up through the entire year. : and all orders addressed to us; recejte prompt sand careful attention. June 21 55 11 Gartreli & Glenn, •'A TTORNEYS AT LAW; Atlanta, Georgia. 'A- will attend the Courts in the Counties ol Fulton. DeKalb, Fayette. Campbell Meriwether, «er, Coweta, Carroll. Henry, Troupe, Heard, Cobb 'and Spalding. iLUCTVd J. UAKTKKIX. J UTIIKTI J. GLENN Formerly of Washing- | J Form-ly of Mc ton, Ga. f / Donough. Oa. Office. — Fronting the Rail Road, on A\ Lite 'Hall street. December 21 5 12 12ino MHcUacl .1. Ivy, ATTORNEY AT CAW, Atlauta, Georgia.— February 22, 1853. , W Ezzard & Collier, Attorneys at law, Atlanta, Georgia, having united themselvcsin the practice, will : attend to business intrusted to their care in the following counties, viz: Fulton, DeKalb, New 1 tou ; llenry, iMiyette, (Jowctiij GnmpUcll. Citroll. Paulding, Cass and Cobb. They will also practice in the District Court of the United States at Marietta and the Supreme Court of Georgia. „ Ofiice in the Atlanta Bank Building, 2d Hoot. WILLIAM EZZAUD. JOH N COULTER. Jau IS iL C. C. llowrll, ATTORNEY AT LAW Atlanta, Georgia.-will practice in the Superior Courts of Fulton 'and adjacent conifties. Alisa, in ‘the Siqiteme 'Court, fit Atlanta and Macen, dec 27 55 AU C. Simpson, TTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta. Georgia.— -UY.'U 6 7 ts Overby & Bleckley, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta,Georgja. — Office on Marietta street- [4-15tt. Harris & Wilson, ATTORNEY'S .AT LAW. Atlanta Georgia.— Office under Intelligencer Iterating Office, -nov l 5 _ _ tf H. A. CRANK. Tj. W. -WEIjTjS. RICIJ .RD CCRD CRANE, WELLS & CO., „-. €OTTON AND PRODUCE FACT*Mis. FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 82 Cay street,Savannah, Georgia. JLEWIS LAIVSIIE, Merchant tailor, No. „ 48, White-Hall street. At lanta. Georgia, is ready (and SNOgT willing) to put up Clothing in ttlie latest and best style, and to \ Tarnish all the necessary " lixins” K\ i|[ I to show off the outer man to tlie TJ) j 11 fee* advantage. Also Masonic Regalia and Tailors’ prereqni «ites for sale od reasonable terms. -Aune 28, 5 8£ ts. SLOAN & OAT.At A\, DEALERS in Italian. Egyptian and American STATUARY and East Tennessee MAU MEE MONUMENTS. TOMES, URNS anil VAS ES. MARIiLE MANTELS and FURNISHING MARBLE. AM orders promptly filled. IgS" Ware rooms opposite Georgia Rail Road Aepot, Atlanta, Georgia, oct 26-dtwl '. TANARUS, B. DE.Vt.fiT? IN 'CHINA CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. Atlanta, Georgia, has just teceiveil a lew barrels of \Vi liter Srevni Whale, and T*aid Oil. For ale low. Term** cash. 4ec7 5 19 !>£• W. KING, an. m’leod king. w. KING, JR W. KING & SONS. Factors & commission merchants, and FORWARDING AGENTS, Savannah, Georgia. References: —J. Noreross, Atlanta; E. E. Pinchan, Marietta; W. W. Clayton, Kingston; N. J. Bayard and R. T. McCay, Rome nov 3 55 wly •Inw. \V. Goss, CONTINUES the WARE-HOUSE and COM MISSION business, at Auguata, Georgia, sept. 12, 1 f Cm J. C.'RUPERT. I M. S. CASSDTT. I J. T. HARbtE. JOHN T. HARDIE & CO,, COMMISSION MERC HAN TS , Number 85 Grnvler Street, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. Refer to E. T. Jones, Albany, Ga.; James A. Nisbit, Macon, Ga.; Judge J. 11. Lumpkin, Ath ens, Ga.; Col. John Banks, Columbus, Ga.; J. J. Deupree, Lexington, Ga.; Jas. <fc John Mann, Madison, Ga. Gmos. Sept. 27, 1855. T. STENHorsE. J. M.'Afil.KN. 'C. N. AVEUII.L STENHOUSK, ALLEN & CO„ FOIIWYHIMXG it COtIJIISiTO' MERC II A X T t’ , No. 7 HaVNEST CUARLESTON, S. C. 7SS3" Particular attention given to the sale ol' CORN, FLOUR, and COUNTRY RPODUCE general lyi Aug. IG, 1855—1 y. J E. WILLIAMS J RHEA, h. WM. M. WILLIAMS J. E. Williams & Cos. (Successors to J. E. Williams ) CTENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IT and particularly for the sale of Bacon. Lard Grain, &c. Ac. Athenaiurtj building, Decatur street, near the Trc e' House, Atlanta, Ga. ram truly thankful for the very Jiheral patronage I have received fi*d,hc 'past three years, and re-, spectfu lly solicit a continuance of the same to the new firm. J. E. WILLIAMS- March 8 55 ts DANIEL HAND. D. H. WILCOX HAND, WILCOX & CO., W II O L E S ATiE ‘ft R>o C E RS, Augusta, Georgia. OVCrWI. COFFEE, MOLASSES, BAGGING, O ROPE, NAILS, and every article kept in the business,, except Liquors. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. A. GRAVES. Sept. 27, 1855. £hi.os. T. A. VVai Wi.cU, (Formerly of Atlanta,) COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ringgold Georgia. dec. 22—(11 y T J. RICHARDS & Co.,—Keep a wholesale •J • and Retail Cheap Cash. Book. Music and Fancy Store, on White-Hall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Orders per Mail promptly attended to. Estab lished November Ist 1855 1 WM. OILWOiITH. SAM. BRANSON DIUVOR'i - !'. ‘Ut ANSON &. CO., 73 MARKET STRhL’Ti 1 .'ULADELPHI A. HENRY 1). I.A.UDIS. JA M ES M. VANCE. oct27, ’55 < liW) y- ( ’ol si mi !m< lliighcsj A RCHITECT AND BUILDER, White-Hab fV St-e I. Atlanta, Georgia. Oct. 24, TSSS. daw-tf. WatcUcs attci Jewelry, OF THE LATEST \ erv Best Oit:Oi foAile by A Who arc always prdjflfr- nT“w« v ed to have Watch Repairing aoße (tp in the finest j style and warranted. sept 1G 3 50 ts MRS. E. 0. COLLINS. A*DEALER in Fashionable. BONNETS. CAPS. FLOWERS. RIBBONS. , *St£* EMBROIDERIES Ac., No. 253 Broad j street, opposite United States Hotel. Augusta, j Ga. fUf' All ordeis tilled uTili dispatch. nov 355 dvwly | .lose till 11 liilrieu, Dealer in faints, oils and glass. No. 11 Hayne-Street, Charleston, S. C. keeps. constantly for sale, a general assortment of I Faints, and Oils of all kinds. Varnishes, Win- j dow Glass ami Sashes, Spirits Turpentine. Spirit Gas, Cotton Foot-Giu Fixtures, Glue and Brush es of various kinds OCt2 5 1 ts Atlanta Machine Works. i AT this Establishment may be found the most ] extensive and varied assortment of FAT TERNS for Merchant and Custom Mills In the -State, embracing the latest improvements *er Mill Gearing found anywhere. The experience of the Superintendent (J. L. Dunning) has been equal to any oue of his age in Mill Building, and from this fact can advise those who want advice. To Lumbermen ! would say if vou want a Saw Mill at all,get a Circular fiifi 'There is no mis take about their advantage—notany. We make them on-short notice, and so do Others; but we mean to have those of our build good enough, if not the best yet made. Terms cash; er, te -other words, pay and he paid. J AS. L. DUNNING, Superintendent Atlanta Machine Cos. June 21 55 ts C. L\ IIARTII, PLANT) FQIITE RE-PAIRER AND TUNER. v i$ attend to any calls in hr*; line of busi ness. such as regtAfiVihg fti action, covering of hammers. (felted or bulled.) laying of new Strings by the Octave, whole,or single. Tuning liy the year done at reduced prices. Orders any- I where from the country addressed to C. F. IBARTII, Atlanta, Georgia, will meet with; prompt attention nov.2 ts. | WM. GIBSON, ATTOK NK V VT L.V W, after fifteen j years’ practice, has permanently located in Augusta, fia; will attend to all business en trusted him in the comities of Richmond. War ! ren, Columbia, iiurke, Jefferson and Lincoln. Office, on the corner of Washington and filtis j Streets. Feb. 8, 1850. 0m | W. KELTNER, IXrOULI) respectfully inform the citizens' V V of Atlanta and viefcity, tha* he has open- : ri a shop on Whftehnifl street, next door to L. ; i.a'vshe's Yaliormg establishment, where he may always be found ready to make to order BOOTS A!VI) SHOES, |Of the best Stock and Workmanship. All work j j warranted. Patronage solicited. Terms cash, j and prices reasonable. Feb. 8, 186(J, f. ii, Tunnm, Sjm.d.s. S U R C E 0 N E X T IST, Has located in Atlanta, Geo. Office No 38* White Hall Street. jan 19-ly AMBIxO I VPIN(t, Daguerreotyping and Photographing, in all the most beautiful, li lasting and perfect styles of thoso wonder ful Arts and discoveries, by C. W. DILL, i Office on Whitehall street, over Alexander's Drug Store. The public generally invited to call and exam ine *pecinioes. fob. 22, ’56. ly ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 1856. MONDAY, MARCH 2-1, 1850, The llail lload Again! Railroads fire the controling agents of the day. They are the instruments by which nil pecuniary, all physidkl’interests of our country are guided dud controlled; they poscss the power of building up or demolishing cities, just os effectually as did despots possess that power in ancient times. Rivers. Oceans, and Lakes are forced to. yield to their sway. The city of •New Orleans with the father of Rivers for its chhntiel and highway, has been forced to build by it a parallel ’Railroad ‘to secure and retain to herself the tribute of commerce which Rail roads reaching from other cities are stealing from her. New Orleans is reaching the Ohio River by a Railroad for this reason. Boston and New York connected, or .nearly so, with the best inland navigation in the world are, long since, connected by Railroads. New York and Albany the same. Now York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Richmond have done the same. Wilmington and Charleston have followed suit, and abandoned their steamboats. Charleston and Savannah arc doing the same, and thus the controlling chain, the controlling .power of the Railroad encircles and intersects the land Ethwart and parallel to Rivers, Lakes and Canals. Not only so wherever the iron band is run and the whistle is heard, there congregate enterprise and wealth. Every oth er influence and every other advantage yield to their control. The sections where they traverse collects the industry, and the recruiting popula tion ; and sections of country without them are left at a stand-still, or in a retrograde condition. Georgia has many Railroads—she numbers her hundreds and almost her thousands of miles of the modern and powerful agents, and the sec tions which are traversed by them have been greatly increased in population and wealth.— But wliat is to he done in regard to this agency by those large and beautiful sections of the State ■-Which arc destitute? Shull they remain destitute and be suffered 'to sink deeper and deeper into comparative insignificance ? ‘(n'thall the people occupying them 'rise up and seize the Iron Horse by his smoking marie ami force him into their service—compel him to labor for thoir wealth and the-elevtitifin ms their section; as well us for others? Cod forbid that any section or r-n-y .people by their supineness or in difference should be deprived of his services and and power. 'Flic project for the Georgia Air Line ftail j road lias at each of its termini and at eve ,- y :niie along its line for twenty miles on either jde, interests deep and incalculable calling for its conJteuciibn. The region through which it 13 to pas', as well aJ its termini, lias, as wc have said and shown an interest which rises up, and is rising still higher from the competing influence of other lines ot Railroads which aside from its direct benefits to indiY’diiais forces its construction as a matter of seif-protection upon the country and the people, and alone, its | a matter of gratification to every lover of his [ entire country, it stands up before everyone as I a measure frouglit with more security and sub- i stantial benefit to his State, if possible, than any measure of the kind yet brought forward. Under such circumstances with the interest of every man and every acre of . land combined, it requires great faith,or infidelity, if you please, | to believe it cannot, and will be speedily under- j taken and speedily constructed. Good CoiiiiciL J The South by a wise m deration, that will sacrifice nothing for which it has a right to contend, whilst it seduously avoids unnecessary the prejudices or wis es ofthc North, has the power at the present session to strengthen immense ly the cause of the Union and sectional j'leaen.— lntl/imorc American. This the Louisville Journal, is pert inent reflection, We heartily endorse it. Upon the only question which threatens to disturb the tranquility of the Union, the South new presents an unbroken front. It is ftiiity. Let it see that the strength which Ahfe iudivisable unity assures is ex erted with tact and patriotic fOtbearance In the sectional controversy so darkly im pending, tlie South plants itself immova bly upon tiie existing legislation, and de | miiuds euly to be left alone. Its position is purely and exclusively a defensive one, ■ and it is quietly yet firmly resolved te | maintain it. Its attitude before the na ! tion and the world is bold, dignified and I manly. Wc would not have it change or i abate this attitude by a hair’s breadth. — I But beyond the most unflinching fidelity | to itself, there lies a wide margin of poli j cv, on which with a just conciliatory spir- I it’, it may hold the excited cohorts of the | North at parley, and chum away aggres sion before our citadel is approached. Wc hope that such a conciliatory spirit will oc?; eupy this margin ellectively. It is mad ness to bluster or exasperate. The times ! are too critical for this. The South rc j quires hut a masterly selfeontrol to convert the exigency into a national blessing. It i needs only a wise discretion to fortify its 1 jew rights impregnabiy, and with them, ! the existence of the Union itself. An an cient poet has said that no other protection ■ is wanting, provided one is under tbeguid | ance of prudence. It becomes the South J iri the present crisis, and in all future crisis, J to realize -the force of this saying. . ; —— V I Andrew J. Donklsox.—The Memphis . Eagle. If Enquirer concludes a long and able review of the political -career of the American nominee for the Vice-Presiden cy with the (oilwing extract from the will :of General Jackson It is suggestive alike of the confidence of the Old Hero in Ma jor Donelson, and of his own eminently American sentiments:: “I bequeath to my well beloved nephew, Andix w Jackson Donelson, -sou of Samuel Donelson, deceased, the elegafit sword presented to me by the State of Tennes i-sce, with the injunction —that he fail uot to use it when necessary for tlm support and protection of our glorious Union, and for the protection of the Constitutional rights of our beloved country, should they lie assailed by foreign enemies or domes tic traitors. This from the great change in ’my wordly affairs of late, is, with blessing, nil I can bequeath him, doing justice to those creditors to whom I am responsible. This bequeath is made as a momenta of the high reguarH, affection and esteem I bear for him as a high-min ded honest and honorable man.” • Lewis f ass on Roma ni-m. • • The Hon. Lewis Cass made a speech in the Senate of the United States in May 1854, and which tan nbw be found in the Congressional Globe, 33d Congress, Ist Session, page 081 to 090, whffrein he takes strong ground against Romanism. General Cuss, after giving the barbarous treatment of Protestants in Many Roman Catholic countries on this and the other side of the Atlantic, concludes as follows: “And does Archbishop Hughes believe that ail these abuses are going to contin ue untouched and unchanged? That they will much longer resist the mighty tide ot public opinion, which has already done so much in these our latter days, and is fa ted to do so much more? And arc the representatives of the American people to lay their hands on their mouths, and their mouths in the dust, to look on and sec the persecutions and oppressions to which their countrymen are exposed abroad, and uot even express their displeasure and their demands? And nil from an affection of national decorum, national squeamish ness, it should be called, which is so ten der to the presumption of others as to sacri fice our own true rights and honor.” Grain’.— ; l ,ooo,ooo bushels ol wheat are stored at Buffalo, 500,900 in Rochester 500,000 in Oswego, on the Illinois River there are 1,004,000 bushels, at other points on the Erie Canal 550,000 bushels; no fears of starvation. Hard Slndl Wit. Rev. Xieodemns, an aged expoun der of the Hard Shell faith, was recent in dicted upon two counts by the brethren of his church. The first was, that he had officiated at a Methodist meeting'; ard the second, that, in speaking of the fleetness of a certain old race horse, lie had said, “ScorcdmMe would fly,” which they thought was, to say tlit Icftst, a flagrant perversion of facts. Nicodcmus was triedgfound gaity, iinfl suspended. He appealed, prayed anew trial, and asked (o bo ♦seal'll in his own defence. This wasgranted, whereupon he said: “I confess to you, my breetlidfing that I did say old Hcoredouble would fly, but my ineunin’, accordin’ to the tex, was, that agreeable to natur, he must soon die in tii t flesh, and then under the wings of vultures tie would fly! And I did, my flock and hrcbthering, attend a Methodis meetnr; for the tex says, ‘feed my sheep.’ The Methodis, so called, invited me into their pulpit. I Went up, m3’ breethering. When thoy were done, they asked me dismiss the kougregaslmn. It being to dismiss and cut off the work of the Devil, my breethering; methonght it would be doing the Master’s service. So 1 dismiss ed them, my breethering. If it had been to continue Xieodemns would not have been thar, ray breethering!” Xieodemns was acquitted joyfully, and lie was bid by the “breethering” to go 1 forth again and “feed the sheep,” * sains Account of Mr The Frankfort ComnuAiwealth makes a brief but authentic reference to the lead ing events in the political life of Major Andrew Jackson Donelson, the American caniiidate for the Viee-I’residcney. Per haps, frail'the single evct , .p ! tic>n of Millard Fillmore, there is not in all the nation a man who has withstood such powerful in fluences in proving his truth and devotion to our glorious Union as Mr. Donelson. — He battled for the Union against the masses of his own party in Tennessee when such a course seemed to involve his politi cal ruin: Air. Donelson was a nephew of Gen. Jackson’s wife. lie was named for the General, and was brought up in his family. When Gen. Jackson became President in March, 1820, he made Mr. Donelson his private secreeary. In 1844-’5 Mr Donelson was minister to the republic of Texas, an I through him the negotiations and communications which resulted in the annexation ot Texas to the United States were carried on. While yet in Texas he was appointed by Presi dent Polk in 1545 mimsteV to Prussia —an office which he held until near the close of Polk’s administration. W hile Minister to Prussia, he was, by President Polk, in 1848, appointed a minister to the Federal Government of Germany, or German Con federation, and for a time he discharged the duties of both offices. In the begin ning of 1849 President Plok transferred him entirely to the mission to Germany.— Upon the incoming of Gen. Taylor’s ad ministration (March, 1849,) Air Lionel-; son, although a Democrat, was not imme diately superseded, but continued as min ister to Germany until the mission itself was abolished. In 1850-’sl, when the secessionists and and suniomsts of the South exhibited their; mad spirit and dangerous desi ns at the Nashville convention, Mr. Donelson head ed the Union and Compromise section of his party ; and by his aid and the aid of many other patriots, this dangerous politi cal horsey was effectually “crushed out in Tennessee. When Mr. Ritchie—the great Nestor of the Democratic party—retired from the editorship of the Washington Union, the party selected Mr. Donelson as his succes or. He discharged the duties of the posi tion ■ o the satisfaction of his party, until the secession and free soil apppoiutments of President Fierce made it impossible for him to render the administration a hearty siqlport. lie then retired to private life. When the American party arose, I e ree- j ognised in ft the ’means of rescuing his ! country from the dangers 0! foreignism and ! sectional broils which threatened it, and J he‘at once gave his heart and soul to the j good cause. He Inis already done frequent i and great service in behalf‘of its noble principles, and well deserves its honors It may be seen from this statement how j m*clflnith 'there is in the assertion, that j Air. Donelson is “distingv.ished c'nt)j from his distant relationship to Gen. Jackson.” [From the FeJernl Union.] Atis Passed by tlie General Assembly and tji- Itroved by Ihe Governor. 372 Ac act to authorize and require the poor school commissioners of the county of Warren to pay Ezra McCrary out oi the poor Yi-huol fund of said county the amount paid by him as j a Justice of the Deuce, out of his individual j funds, fur teaching poor children in said coun ty in the years 1837 and 1838. 373 An act for the relief of Henry Cox es tlie county of Washington. 374 An act for the relief of the representa tives and securities of Tax Collectors in cer tain cases, and for other purposes therein men tioned. 375 An act to make valid certain surveys, warrants mid grants, and to authorize certain grants to be issued. 875 An act to change the lines between cer tain counties therein named. 37-7 An cot to chliiige the residence Os Fred erick Merit, Sr., from thecounty of Cofiee to the county of Irwin, and to change several oth er county lines therein named. 378 An act to,give force and operation to judgment issuing from tlie Mayor’s Court of the city ol Darien, throughout the Ftate of Georgia, 379 An act to repeal an act defining the du ty of tlie Inferior Courts in relation to build ing bridges, so far as relates to Jackson coun- { ty. 380 An act for the relief of Henry. A. j Clemons. 381 An act to prevent fraudulent surveys of land in the counties of Camden and Effing- j ham. 382 An act to incorporate the tefrn Os La mar in Baker county. 383 An act to add an additional section to an act to incorporate the Georgia and Florida Steam Packet company, approved Feb. 18111. 1854, and for other purposes. 384 An act to prescribe the order of and- j scent and succession of the estates of illegiti- j mate persons who die intestate. 385 An act to authorize Ajaria'u Burnett of the county of Dade, to practice medicine and charge for the same. 3SG An act to incorporate the Summerville Male and Female Academies, and for other purposes therein specified. 387 Ail act to incorporate Macedonia Aca-J demy in the county of Coweta, and to appoint j Trustees for the same. j 388 An act to add the present residence ol 1 the Rev. If. T. Bussey to the county of Tel fair. 389 All 'act to limit tbe time of service of Grand and Petit Jurors ill the City Court of Savannah, and to exempt the keepers of Laurel Grove Cometry, and the Catholic Cemetry near the city of Savannah, from service on the Ju ries of the Superior Courts and the City Court of Savannah ; also to authorize the Judge of the City Court of Savannah to have ad addi tional number of Jurors summoned ; also to alter and amend an act to alter and amend the several sections of an act entitled an act for the better selection and drawing of Grand Ju ries for tlie several counties in this State, ap proved 7t’n December, 1805, and to alter all laws on the subject of drawing and arranging Grand and Petit Juries, so far as relates to tlie county of Chatham, assented to December 7th 1841. 390 An act to incorporate a Bank in the town of Ringgold, to be called tlie North Wes tern Bank of Georgia. 391 All act to authorize the Inferior Court of Glyi 11 county to have so much of the orig ina! records of said county transcribed, and to 1 iegalize the same "392 An act to repeal an act approved 22d January. 1852. entitled an act to repeal the Ist section of an act approved 19th December, 1849, entitled an act to repeal all laws repspect ing the importation of slaves into this State, and to give certain powers to municipal corpor ations in relation to slaves, and to amend the act hereby revised and to revive and continue in force tlie said first of said act so repealed. 393 An act to authorize 'arren Dykes, an infirm man of the county Os Worth, as an iten erant trader to vend any goods, wares or -mer chandize within tlie limits and bounds of the said comity ; also to allow Ransom Crooker Os the county of Floyd, to peddle in t lie county oi Floyd, and also to allow M. Floyd of Cass , county, to peddle in Cass comity. _ j 394 An att to incorporate r. Bank in the town of Madisoti, to be called the Bank ot Madison, ahfi another in Sparta, to. be called j tlie Bank of Sparta. 395 An act to be entitled an act amendatory 1 of an act entitled an act to incorporate the j town of New Gibraltar, in DeKalb 'county — ! to appoint commissioners for the same—to pro- ; vide for tlie election of commissioners in sue- : cession, and other regulations therein named, 1 and to levy a tqftlor the improvement of said ; town—to change the name and extend the | limits of said town, assented to December 19th 1817. and also to incorporate tlie town of Tun nel Hill, in the county of Whitfield, and for other purposes. 396 An act to incorporate tlie town of Fletcherville in the county of Thomas, and to provide lor the .election of commissioners of j tlie same, and also to prescribe the moue and manners of electing tlie town commissioners of the town of Bainbridgc in the county of De catur, to define their power's and to extend the corporate limits of said town, and to incorpor ate the town of Morganton in the county of ! Fannin. 397 An act to alter and amend the sixth section of an act approved 11th February, j 1854, entitled an act to incorporate the Dalton and Copper Mine Turnpike Flank and Rail road Company, and to allow the Company to build a Turnpike, Plank or Railroad. 398 An act to authorize Dr. J. J. M. Goss lo practice medicine on the Eclectic system, and other papers therein mentioned. 399 An act to incorporate tile Elbertoti Male Academy in the town of Elbertoti, and County Line Academy in the county of Ma rion, and to appoint 1 rustees for tlie same ; to incorporate the .M arietta Copper Company; also to incorporate Friendship Church in Greene county. 400 An act incorporating the town of Ox ford in the corJity of Newton, and for other purposes therein mentioned'. 401 An act for the perpetuation of testi mony in certain cases. 402 An act to incorporate the Woodland Female College, located in the town of Cedar Town, Ga . and to confer upon said corpora tion certain powers therein named. 403 An act to compel owners of slaves on j plantations or farms in Effingham county, to keep a white man on said plantation or farm. 1 404 An act to compensate the Grand Jurors I of Baker county. [ 405 Au act to authorize the ordinary acting | commissioner of the poor school fund in the several counties herein named, to pay all bills presented for tlie tuition of poor children in said counties emitted, and not .returned as en titled to tlie benefit of said poof school fund. 406 An act to alter and amend an act to make permanent tlio county line between (he counties of Dooly and Wurth, and also between the counties of Irwin and Dooly, and to change the line between the counties of Worth and Dougherty. 407 An act to define tlie duties of all Rai! Road ompames in this State, in reference to bills and freight lists, and for other purposes. 408 An act to incorporate the LaGrange Light Guards, the Bibb comity Loan Associa tion, and tlie Screven Troup, and for other purposes. 409 An act to compensate the Sheriff of tlie county.'bf AV ii Icc . and hiss deputies, for summoning Jurors and attending tile Courts of said county. 410 An act to amend the several acts of this State in relation to suing out commissions of Lunacy. 411 An net to enable persons who have 'claims against trust estates to recover said claims in a Court of Law. and to prescribe the manner in which the same shall be done. 412 All act for the relief of certain teach ers of poor children in the county of Decatur ; also to provide for tlie payment of the accounts of teachers of poor children throughout the State, where such children have not been re turned according to law. 413 An act, for tlie relief of Barnard Dryan of the.county of 'Fulton. 414 An net to change tlie time of holding tlie ourts of Ordinary of Scriven county. 415 An act,to change the line between tlie counties of Richmond and Columbia, so as to include tlie land and residence of Alexander M. Allen in the county of Columbia. 416 Au. act to declare and define tlie juris diction of Courts of Ordinary in this i-jtate, and for other purposes therein 'mentioned. 1 417 An act to incorporate the Commercial j Bank of Brunswick. j 418 All act to add lots of land number 117 and 118, in the 6th District of Irwin county, to tlie county of Worth, and other purposes. 419 An act to compel the Superintendant I of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road to sell j such Iron and other articles as may become | useless to said Road, at public outcry, tuul for i other purposes therein mentioned. 420 An act to amend the 2d section of an ’ act to.prevent damages arising from dams or j btitiks, and for preventing persons from stop | ping the natural course or courses of water, to I the injury of their neighbors, approved Sept | 29th, 1773. 421 An act to relieve executors ami admin istrators from tlie necessity of publishing ,110- j tices of sales of insolvent papers in one of the 1 public gazettes of tin's State. j 422 An act to authorize the clerks of the | Superior and Inferior Courts of the counties of Dike and Clark, to appoinl deputy clerks, with certain powers and privileges herein pre -1 scribed. J 423 An act to authorize Isaac C. Loiter to i build and keep up a mill-dam on tlie Conasu ! aga river, on his own lands. 424 An act to amend tlie Charter of the I Southern Mutual Insurance Company, and to ’ transfer corteui stock with the dividends due j and unpaid thereon, to 'the Samaritan Society of the city of Augusta. j 425 At, act to incorporate the North Kas i tern Rail Road Company. 1 426 An act to incorporate tlie Fort Gaines j Bridge Company, and to punish those who may i Wilfully impair the same, and to authorize the j Bridging of Etowah river. | 427 An act to prohibit any person or per ; sons from driving cattle on the Lookout MUun- I tain in the counties of Walker, Catoosa and Dade, in certain months of the year. I 428 An act to incorporate Laurens Lodge j No. 75 of Free and Accepted Masons, of Lau j reus county. I 429 An act to incorporate the town of Li j thonia in Delvalb county, and the town of Woodbury in tlie county of Meriwether, j 430 An act to amend an act approved Feb ruary 4th, 1854, to reguiatc tlie measuring all 1 timber, and for other purposes, and to provide : a remedy against persons violating said act. | 431 An act to incorporate the Mount Yer | non Methodist Camp Ground, in Whitfield j county, and tlie Waterboro’ Camp Ground, ! and to appoint Trustees for the same, and for ■ other purposes. I 432 An act to provide a remedy for cases in j the Supreme Court where tlie defendant in er j ror dies between the time of the trial in tlie ! Circuit Court and the time of tiling the bill of i exceptions, writ of error, citation and notice in j said Court. j 433 All act to incorporate tlie Welaka Steam Boat Company; also to incorporate the Ocean and Tow Boat Company, and to enr j rv into immediate effect the provisions of an I act to change the name of the Augusta and Waynesboro’ Rail Road to tlie Augusta and I Savannah Rail Road, to amend the Charter of j ! said Company, and for oilier purpose, approved j February 1 Gth. 1856. 434 An act to authorize Asa Houston Lang | s ton of Hart county, to practice medicine in j ’ this State, receive and collect the usual fees for ! | tiie same. | 435 An act to incorporate the city of j Greenesboro’, to provide for its government, 1 define its power, and for other purposes therein I mentioned. . ! S 436 An act to exempt persons resident on ! Skidway Island ’from performing road duties on j the main land. i 437 An act to elect the Attorney General I for Middle Circuit and the Solicitors General ’for tlie respective Judicial Circuits ot tins I State by the people, and tor other purpose ; therein named. j 438 An act to change the lines between cer- I tain counties therein named. 439 An act to divide the offices of Tax Col lector and Receiver of Tax Returns of the j county of Dade. 440 An act to change the time of the meet- j jug of the General Assembly of the State of Geor"’ia from the first Monday in November to the first Wednesday in November. 44L An act for the relief of Robert G Ford of the comity of Worth, and Thomas M. Alston of Fannin county. 442 An act to amend an act incorporating the city of Rome. 443 An act to authorize J. L. Bull, a minor of tlie county of Stewart, to be an heir at law of William Carter of said county. j 444 An act in relation to the poor school ’ funds in certain counties therein named. j 445 An act to authorize John W. Grant-; ham. an infirm person and a citizen of Cobb ’ county, to peddle and vend goods, wares and merchandize in the county of Cobli without a j license for that purpose, as trow required by ; law, and td entitle Matthew Crensham to sim ilar privileges, in the county of lroup. 446 Au act explanatory of tlie second sec tion of an act entitled an act- to alter aid amend tn act for the more effectually securing j tlie probate of wills, &c., approved 10th De cember, 1812. NUMBER 35. 447 An net to, authorize the Ofdi'rWi'y of i DeKalb county to pay the teachers of poor , children of said county the balance in his hands j j ol the money appropriated for the year IS55j« 1 4-18 An act to alter and amend tlie lcn^| section of the thirteenth division of the pcnaH code of this State. w 1 449 An act to reditae the Sheriff's bonds on j M ortli. Hurt and Pickens counties. -fl 4;><l An act to authorize Tax Collectors oaU this State to issue summons of garnishment iipjo certain eases, and to regulate tlie same, and fdrW other purposes. _ ; f * 451 An act to allow Andrew J. Wooten Os the county ot Telfitir to peddle ittel vend goods in tin- counties of Telfair, Pulaski, Montgom ery, Appling. Coffee. Irwiti and Lowndes, free ot license, and other persons therein mimed. 452 An act to continue in force tlie tenth section of an act to lay out ami form anew county from parts of the counties of Burlyatifl Randolph, approved February 16th. 1854. 453 An act to exempt Daniel and Lucinda, his wile, the property of Harrison W. Riley, nominal slaves, from the tax now imnosed by taw on nominal slaves’. 5 45-1 An act to authorize the Clerks of tlie Superior am!-Inferior Courts of the epuutytjf Ware to keep their offices at thoir residence, if within eight miles oi the court house, and to exempt the Justices of tiie Inferior Court from all other public duties during their continuance in office. •155 An act to incorporate tiie city of Amer in the county of Sumbr. 456 An act to protect and to confer upon charitable societies certain privileges, and to make them bodies corporate and politic. 457 All act to alter and amend the fifteenth section of the fourteenth division of the penal 468 An act to alter the tirre of holding the -Inferior Court c-f the county of Worth. 459 An act to point out tlie mode or manner of collecting Magistrates and Constable fees in tlie county of Chatham, and to amend an dbt to repeal an act to extend the civil jurisdictidh of the Justices of the Peace, &c. 460 An act to incorporate the Tliottia'svilla Female College. 461 An act in relation to tiie publication of tlie advertisements of Comity Officers of tne county of Taliaferro. 462 An aft tc authorize the Justices of the Inferior Courts of this State to exercise crimi nal Jurisdiction. 463 An act, to permit practising attorneys to hold the office and discharge the duties of Justices of tlie Peace In this State. 464 An act to authorize the Gainesville and Chattahoochee Ridge Rail Road Companies to consolidate their Charters, and for other purposes therein mentioned. ’ 405 All act to define tlie liabilities of the i several Rail Road companies of this "State, for ! injury to persons or property, to prescribe fn j wliat counties they may be sued, and how served with process. 4G6 All act to explain and amend an act to regulate tiie mode of suing tlie bonds of exe cutors, administrators and Guardians, apgrov ed January 15th, 1852. 467 An act for the relief of Wm. 11. C. Pri or, executor &c. 468 An act for the relief of George M. Hodg cs Josiali Ilill of the county of Macon. 469 An ct to prevent Rail Road Agents from shipping or conveying their grain on the the Western and Atlantic Rail Road in prefer ence and to tlie injury of other persons, and to punish them for such offences. 470 Au act for the relief of teachers of poor children of the several counties of this State for the years 1853, ’54 and ’55. 474 *.n act to legalize certain prosesses in Monroe county. 472 An act 111 relation to the public records of counties where tlie same have been destroy ed by tire, declaring that all deeds and other in struments m writing that have been recorded shall be considered and taken as having been recorded upon sufficient proof of execution, and declaring what shall he-proof of the contents of records so destroyed. 473 An act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Troup county to levy an ex tra tax of the years 1856 and 1857, to build a Jail in said county. 474 An act lo prohibit the payment of stor age on cotton in this State by farmers after selling from their waggons. . . 475 An act to change tlie mode of Execu tors, Administrators and Guardians in making their returns to Ordinaries. 470 An act to incorporate tlie town of Mar gan. in Calhoun county, and appoint commis sioners for the same. 477 An act to establish and organize a Court in the cities of Columbus, Macon, Atlanta and Rome, and to ddfme its jurisdiction. 478 An act to provide lor establishing lost or destroyed papers, and sueing upou tlie same. 479 All act for the relief John J. Morris and John C. Morris of Clay county; also for the relief of John McKinnc of Richmond county. 480 An act to consolidate tlie offices of Tax Collector and Receiver of Tax Returns for the county of Fannin. 481 An act to authorize the Georgia and Florida Rail Road Company to construct ’a branch road. 482 An act to amend the several acts in re lation to the exemption of certain property from levy and sale, mid to provide a mode of secur ing property to the wife and children or wife or child or children of said debtor. 483 An act to require the Depot. Agents and Conductors of the "Western and Atlantic Rail Road to take an oath for the faithful discharge of their duties, and to punish them for a viola tion of the same. -184 An act amendatory of an act entitled an act to incorporate the trustees oi tlie Masonic Hall in the town of Milledgeville, assented to December 26th. 1831. 485 An act for the protection of the rights of Eugene Allen, a minor of Troup county. 486 An act for tiie relief of William L. Strain of the -county oi Greene. 487 An act to incorporate the Appalacliee Mining Company, and to confer certain privi leges on the same, and to incorporate the Alta California Mining Company. 488 An act to authorize Edmon M. Butler, guardian, to sell the land and negroes belong ing to his ward, Hannah Butler, a deaf and dumb female. 489 An act to raise tlie jurisdiction of Jus tices of tlie Peac'e. 490 An act to amend certain sections of the act amending the act incorporating the town of Calhoun, &c. 491 All act for the relief of William T. Shannon, Reuben Dawson and Daniel Purdeo, securities of George P. Nicholson, iate Tax Collector of Greene county, and for other pur poses herein specified. 492 An act to authorize James C. Hunt of the county of Harris, to practice medicine and charge and coliect lees for tne Same. 493 An actio incorporate the Sweet Water Rail Road Company. 494 An act to amend the laws now in force in relation to Mtets, Lunatics and tarnne .per sons and their estates, and for other purposes. 495 An act to authorize pci sons to subniU controversies to arbitration, declaring how a-*aj bitrators shall be chosen, aud prescribing tlieil powers,regulating the manner in which theirs proceedings shall be conducted,and for other purnj poses therein mentioned.