The Weekly republican & discipline. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-18??, April 18, 1856, Image 1

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@|i Ucpttblican $ Discipline. VOLUME VI. REPUBLICAN & BISCIPLINE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BY AT M. EDDLBMAN & CO. Wbki.l Ukitiu.ioan & Discipline $2 00 Special contracts will lie made for yearly ad fertisements occupying a quarter, half or whole column. Business or Professional Cards will be in serted under the head of “ Business Directory,” at #6 per annum when confined to a mere an nouncement, and not included in the space occu jiied by yearly advertisers. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at $1 per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Those sent without a specification of the number of in sertions, will be published until ordered out, and charged accordingly. Sales of Lands and Negroes, by Administrators. Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to beheld on the first Tuesday in the month, be tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three 5n the afternoon, at the Court-house in the coun ty is which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public Gazette forty date previous to the day sale. Notices for the sale of Personal Property must be given at least ten days previous to the pay of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will tie made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Laud or Ne groes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must he published thirty days —for Dismission from Administration, monthly six months —for Dis mission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must he published monthly fur four months —for estab lishing Lost Papers, for the full space of three months compelling titles from Administrators •or Executors, where a bond has been given by the ■deceased, the full spare of three months.. Publications will always ho continued accord ing to these, the legal requirements, unless oth erwise ordered. business prcctoTiT. Eowes, IIYATT a CO.. Whole,salt* Healer* in TihnU. Shoo*, ami Leather. 53 Warren aivi 53*1.1 it ay .Streets, .Way Vork. Order*, respectfully solicited Arid promptly filled. March 2S. 1856.-1 y. WILScIn & OLIVER,—Thy If sieian- and Surgeon*. Atlanta. Ceorcia. ’ f OFFICE—In Maj. Wee's New Brick, Building, sec •nd story—on I/>yd Street. March 28, 1856.-1 y. HP* IE JOHNSON HOUSE. - Whiter f, Hal! Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Board per d;(y. #1.25-. J. R. BO3WORTH. Ct*i?.24 55-ts. YCULTOX HOUSE. Alabama St\ ----- Atlanta, Ga, BY i>m v D. L. GORDJX. aug. 29 i 6 ts WASHINGTON 'HALL. (Ib-ios.'l.) _ . i’OARD, per day . .?! 2.> I'«)AUD, per week 5 T. S. KILPATRICK. Agent, nov 555-wtf Macon, Georgia. Arnold House. rjnilTS well known and popular establishment si formerly the City Hotel, at the corner of L yd and Decatur streets, is now open for the i„- option of visitors. A long experience in the 1 u. incss, tile undersigned flatters himself, will < n ilile him to cuter successfully to the wants of ul who may givehiin a call. lan Ik 55 ts J()iIN F. ARNOLD Manhattan Hotel, Sumlivvs :t, 1 nn.t Murray Street, SECOND DOOR FROM BROADWAY. iVpnsitc the Park JYKIV YORK. HUGGINS it FLI NG, Proprietors. N. Itu(joins, late of Pearl street House, Ros f.i i; 11. C. Fi.ino, late of Lovejoy's Hotel, New \ irk. ]y March 8 MERCHANTS’ 1 tOTEL, Worth Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M KtBUIN & SON, PROPRIETORS act 27’55 d.svvly. McKlerov & II rad ford, j lENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * T No. 48 Carondclet Street, New Orleans.— <' ir business is kept up through the entire year, a 1 all orders addressed to us receive prompt an 1 careful attention. June 21 55 ts Or rt re 11 At, Glenn, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, will attend the Courts in the Counties ot 1- n ton, DeKalb, Fayette, Campbell. Meriwether, o r. Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troupe, Heard, Cobb n ii Spalding. f !< .US J. OARTRELL, I.UTIIER J. GLENN b jimerly of Washing-) j Formely of Mc ton, Ga. f j Donough, Ga. <'dice. —Fronting the Rail Road, on White -11 a'. Street. December 21 5 12 12mo Micltael J. Ivy, l t'TORNEV AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia.— f\ February 22, 1855. ly I'/.zaid & Collier, V 'TORNEVS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, having united themselves in the practice, will n to and to business intrusted to their care in the t Hi wing counties, viz: Fulton, DeKalb, New g n, -lenry, Fayette, Coweta, Campbell, Carroll. 1 u ling, Cass and Cobb. ri *y will also practice in the District Court of 1 * , nited States at Marietta and the Supreme t ‘ill of Georgia. O ee in the Atlanta Bank Building. 2d floor. H\ ,LI \M EZZARD. JOHN COLLIER. Jan 18 tf_ C. C. llowrll, i T.ORNEY AT LAW. Atlanta. Georgia, will X raetice in the Superior Courts of Fulton eid a jacetr counties. Also, in the Supreme « ourt at Atlanta and Macon. dec 27 55 wly T. U. RIDLEY, OEVLER IN CHINA CROCKERY AND ( LASS WARE. Atlanta, Georgia, has just i ceiv and a few barrels of Winter Sperm tfliale, and Lar«l Oil. For sale low. t erms cash. dec7 5 10 ts. Overtoy & Hleetolev, \ TTORNEY At LAW, Atlanta, Georgia.— A. O ce on Marietta street- [4-15tf. Harris & Wilson, A TTORNEY'S AT LAW, Atlanta Georgia.— A O • ce under Intelligencer Printing Office, nov l 5 sits H.X. URINE. I. W. WELLS. RICH ‘.RD CURI) CRANE. WELLS & CO., j 10TT0N AND PRODUCE FACTORS, FOR \ ) WARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 82 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. uovJss LEWIS LAWSHE, \ TERi IHANT TAILOR. No. iVI 48. White-Hall street, At tanta. Georgia, is ready (and pjlfjHp willing) to put up Clothing in jrji the latest and best style, and to tjT\ mg] lurnishall the necessary " fixing” WPvA SST I Is show off the outer mau to the |l I j ■ J ti*st advantage. Also Masonic Regalia and Tailors’ prerequi rites for sal* on reasonable terms. Jus* !», * *8 M W. KINO, SR. M’LEOD KINO. W. KINO, Jit _ W. KING & SONS, TRACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I and FORWARDING AGENTS, Savannah, Georgia. References: —J. Norcross. Atlanta; E. E. Pinchan, Marietta; W. W. Clayton, Kingston; N. J. Bayard and R. T. McCay, Rome. nov 3 55 wly •Jno. W. Goss, CONTINUES the WARE-HOUSE and COM MISSION business, at Augusta, Georgia, sept. 12, 1 7 Cm J. Os RUPERT. | M. S.CASSDTY. I J. T. HARDIE. JOHN T. HARDIE & CO,, COM MIS SlO N ME It CII ANT S, IVumber 83 Grnvicr Street, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. Refer to E. T. Jones, Albany, Ga.; James A. Nisbit, Macon, Ga.; Judge J. 11. Lumpkin. Ath ens, Ga.; Col. John Banks, Columbus, Ga.; j. J. Deupree, Lexington, Ga.; Jas. & John Mann. Madison, Ga. (imos. ' Sept. 27, 1855. T. STKNHOrSE. .1. M. AI.I.EN. c. N. AVERII I STUN HOUSE, ALLEN k CO., FORW VHDINCi «|t COMMISSION MERCH A N T F , No. 7 llayne St Charleston, S. C. J6S“ Particular attention given to the sale of CORN, FLOUR, and COUNTRY ItPODUCE generally. Aug. 16, 1855—1 y. J IS. WILLIAMS J RHEA, Q. WM. M. WILLIAMS J. E. Williams & Cos. (Successors to J. E. Williams ) General commission merchants, and particularly for the sale of Biu/m. Lard j Grain, Ac. Ac. Athenaeum building, Decatur street, near the Trout House, Atlanta. Ga. lam I truly thankful for the very liberal patronage I have received for the past-three years, and re | spectfu Ily solicit a continuance of the same to the new firm. ' J. E. WILLIAMS. March 8 55 ts DANIEL II INI). ,1. H, WILCOX HftriTi), WILCOX & CO., TV iIOLE SA L E GROC ER S , An-nsln, (Jcoigin. ! OUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES. BAGGING. ! O ROPE, NAILS, and every article kept in the j business, except Liquors'. j OKI). W. WILLIAMS. A. ORATES. j Sept. 27, 1855, Gmos. T. A. Warwick, (Former ly of Atlanta,) COMMISSJ.ON MERCi[ANT, Ringgold Georgia. dec.22-dly T J. RICHARDS A Cos., -Keep a wholesale •I. and Retail Cheap Cash, Book, Music and Fancy Store, on White-llall Street. Atlanta, Ga. Orders.per Mail promptly attended to. Estab lished November Ist 1855 WM. DILWORTII, SAM. BRANSON DSSAYORTIi, It 11 ANSON & CO., 73 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHI A. HENRY l>. LAUDIS. JAMES M. VA VCE. 0c127, "55 (liwiy. Columbus Hushes, \ PiCntTEOT AND BUILDER, White-Hall cY St"e l. Atlanta. Georgia. Oct. 21, 1855. dsw-tf. Watches and Jewelry, A\F THE LATEST __ \jr- ST 5' i, E S. and Veri (lest Quail ty, always-mi baud and LAWSHE & BROTHER. Who are always pivpar-* (*(I to have Watch Repuiritig (ione’up-.U* the finest style anti warranted, sept 10 3 ,50 ts MRS. E. 0. COLLINS, id’]R in Fashionable BONNETS, CARS. FLOWERS, RIBBONS. EMBROIDERIES. M., So. 253 Broad street, opposite United States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. All ordcis tilled with dispatclt. nov 3 55 diwly Joseph fiiildeii) Dealer in faints, oils and glass, No. 11 Hayne-Street, Charleston, S. C. keeps constantly for sale, a general assortment of Faints, and Oils of all kinds, Varnishes, Win dow Glass and Sashes, Spirits Turpentine. Spirit Gas, Cotton Foot-Gin Fixtures, Glue and Brush es of various kinds oct2 5 1 ts Atlanta Machine Works. AT this Establishment may be found the most extensive and varied assortment of PAT TERNS for Merchant and Custom Mills in the State, embracing the latest improvements for Mill Gearing found anywhere. The experience of the Superintendent (J. L. Dunning) has been equal to any one of his age in Mill Building, and from this fact can advise those who want advice. To Lumbermen I would say if you want a Saw Mill at all, get a Circular Mill. There is no mis take about their advantage—notany. We make them on short notice, and so do others; but we mean to have those of our build good enough, it not the best yet made. Terms cash; or, in oilier words, pay and be paid. ' JAS. L. DUNNING, Superintendent Atlanta Machine Cos. June 21 55 ts < . F. BARTH, PIANO FORTE RE-PAIRER AND TUNER, will attend to any calls in his line of busi ness, such as regulating of action, covering of hammers, (felted or buffed,) laying of new Strings by the Octave, whole,or single. Tuning by the year done at reduced prices. Orders any where from the country addressed to C. F. BARTH, Atlanta, Georgia, will meet with prompt attention nov.2 ts. WM. GIBSON, ATTOR.M Y AT L. AW, after fifteen years’ practice, has permanently located in Augusta. Cla ; will attend to all business en trusted him in the counties of Richmond, War ren, Columbia, Burke, Jefferson and Lincoln. I Office on the corner of Washington and Ellis | Streets. Feb. 8, 1856. 6m W. KELTNER, WOU LI) respect! illy inform the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity, that he has open ed a shop on Whi tell all street, next door to L. j Lawshe's Tailoring establishment, where he may always be found ready to make to order BOOTS AND SHOES, Os the best Stock and Workmanship. All work warranted. Patronage solicited. Terms cash, and prices reasonable. Feb. 8, 1856, F. fl. TIIURM.IA, 1.11., B. D. S. SPRGEON%^|mi)E!VTIST, Has located in Atlanta, Geo. Office No. 38, White Hall Street. jan 19-ly AL C. Simpson, TTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta. Georgia.— ov. 14 7 ts ! SLOAN & OATMAN, TVEALEItS in Italian, Egyptian and American iJ STATUARY and East Tennessee MAR BLE, MONUMENTS. TOMBS, URNS and VAS ES. MARBLE MANTELS and FURNISHING MARBLE. All orders promptly filled. Ware rooms opposite Georgia Rail Road I JJftpot-, Atlanta, Georgia. oct 26 der‘'. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1856. MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1856. Mount Vernon —Is it Possible ? A lady in Spartanburg, S. 0., lias addressed a letter to Mr. Joiix A. Washington, the present proprietor of Mount Vernon, and re ceived the following reply : Mount Vf-bnon, March 14, 1850. To Mrs. Maria S. Wofford : Madam — l have received your letter of March 6th, respecting the purchase of Mount Vernon, by the ladies of different parts of the Uniten States. In reply, I respectfully inform yon that Mount Vernon is not for sale. I am, most respectfully, vour obedient servant, JOHN A. WASHINGTON. Thus wo see that the immense labors, and the largo sums of money collected by the la dies of the South to secure an 1 embellish the home and tomb of Washington arc at last de feated. But as a counterpart to these patriot ic movements, on the part of American ladies, we take the following from the regular Wash ington correspondent of the New Y ork Her ald of' the 6th. " Mr. Washington, the present incumbent of • Mcnnt Yernoh, stated a short time since that I the place was not for sale. The reason of this, it is understood, is that negotiations are now going on with certain Catholic clergymen to purchase it for a mmneiy. We have no further comments to make than to ask, is it possible? f ! Pensacola in the Future. —The Pensacola Gazette is jubilant over the future prospects ot that city. Property which last year was in market for the smallest possible price, is now so valuable that it can hardly be bought, and property which was valuable before has now risen to be beyond purchase. Two lots were sold on the 22d for $1,025. This favorable state of things is in consequence of the certain success of the Pensacola and Montgomerty rail road, the surveys of which are rapidly progress ing- A Slippery Creditor.— The Jackson Mis sissippian says Mississippi “owes a debt to the j Pierce Administration,'’ and Prentice wants to know whether that State means to issue bonds j to secure its payment, and if so, what will pro- j babty be their market value. 1 The Maine Liquor Law.— The lower House of the Maine Legislature has passed a bill to be engrossej, repealing the prooibitory clause of the Liquor Law, by a vote of IS to 68. It had previously passed the Senate. In Augusta,the 1 Directors of the Mechanic’s Bank and the Directors of the Union Bank, have each declared a semi-annual dividend of live dollars per share. Augusta, (Ga.) The Mayor of Augusta in his farewell message to the City Council, says that | by the report of the Finance Committe, it will be seen that the city is in a prosperous condi tion, and her resources ample to meet all her j engagements. It. has come to light, in recent debates in the British Parliament, that immediately alter the battle of Inkerinan (which was heralded to the trorid as a great and glorious triumph of, the Allied arms and a most damaging blow to Rus sia,) some of the British officers advised a re treat from (lie Crimea and abandonment of the siege of Sebastopol. Sir De Lacy Evans ad- ] mits that he urged this course upon Lord Rag lan. A school-boy’s pocket, especially towards the close of the week, is a fit subject for the inves tigation and study of a philosopher. It is a sort of “omnium gatherum,” a general deposi tory ot everything pocketable. A friend, who took the pains to examine one, last Saturday night, gives the following inventory of its con tents: If any youngster doubts it, let him turn out his pocket and count. 1 spool, 1 marble, 1 piece of India-rubber, 6 slate pencils, 2 small pieces of buckskin, 1 slate-rag somewhat damp, one 8 penny nail, 1 piece of striped calico. 1 yard of carpet bind ing, 1 piece of aluin, 1 piece of an old jews liarp, 1 piece oi easinett, 1 barlow knife, 1 red handkerchief, f> dominoes, 1 button, 3 pieces of soap-stone and 11 yards different kinds of string. Startling Statistics.— An interesting re port of Pauperism in the State of New York has just been presented to the Legislature. It embodies *he following result: County paupers, 84,934; town paupers, 18.412. Total number received and supported. 204,161; temporarily' relieved. 1 79.002. Expenses of county poor; houses, 8889,694,80; expenses of temporary re lief. $480,264.71; making a total expenses to the State, for the year ending Ist December, 1859,0f $1,379,959. 51. The nativity of the paupers is given as follows.' Americans, 80.324; Not stated, 4,230; Foreigners. 119,697. Is the Prince of Algiers heir to the French Empire?— That an heir to the house of the present Enperor of France is born, is known by this time throughout the civilized j world, but the question will be asked, is lie heir to the throne of France? .Most of our readers j have probably forgotten, that the three most j considerable of the continental powers of Eu-1 rope, exclusive of France, some time since set tled that question for themselves. They deter- j mined four years ago, that no male descendant ; of Louis Napoleon should be regarded as the heir apparent of his crown. The empire, ac-j cording to this arrangement was to be Louis Napoleon’s only for life; when he died, Russia, j Austria and Prussia pledged their word to each other ‘to restore the legitimate heir of the j throne, and to recognize no other. The treaty in which this declaration was em bodied and these pledges made, was signed at Warsaw in March, 1852, by Austria, Prussia and Russia.—A r . Y. Evening Post. Glorious American Yictorr in Louisville. , —An election for corporation and other local officers was held in Louisville on Saturday last, which resulted in the election of the entire American ticket in each ward and district of the city. Not a grease spot was left of Sag Nifhtism. • For the Republican k Discipline. To one I Love. ; Oh! why reject such love as miuc, And dwell from me apart; Oh, thou hast wronged me bitterly, And wounded my sad heart, | X would that we had never met, For hope can ne’er be mine; Earth hath no happiness fur me, But in those eyes of thine. Oli! I have tried, in vain, to tear, Thine image from my breast; But every effort gives me pain, My bosSra’s loveliest guest. Ob 1 must my soul still cherish thee— Without one distant ray? Must TANARUS, my pure devoted love, Thus lightly cast away ? Ob ! no, return to me again, If l ut to call me friend; And 1 will be to thee the same, And love thee to the end. LOUISE. j Atlanta. April 6th ISSG. ! ‘ Here is the best piece ever written by George D. Prentice, one of the greatest poets of Amer ca. IVame in the Sand. Alone I walked on the ocean strand, A pearly shell was in ray hand. 1 stopped and wrote upon the sand My name, the year, and day; As onward from the spot I passed, One lingering look behind I cast. A wave came rolling high and fast, And washed my lines away. And so methought, ’twill quickly be With every mark on earth from me! A wave of dark oblivion’s sea, Will sweep across the place Where I have trod the sandy shore Os time, and been to more; Os me, my day. the name t bore, To leave no track or trace. And yet witli Him who counts the sands, And holds the water in his bands, 1 know a lasting record stands, inscribed against my name Os all Ibis mortal part has wrought. Os all this thinking soul has thought. And from these fleeting moments caught, For glory or for shame. f.corgia Railroad Company. At a meeting of the Directors, on Tuesday, j a dividend of four dollars per share was decla i red. | AYe have been permitted to make the follow ing condensed statement of the business of the Company, for the past year, which exhibits its affairs m a most prosperous and satisfactory condition, equally gratifying to the stockholders and the public : RECEIPTS, j Gross earnings of the Road $,1,069,312 00 | “ “ of Bank 74,791 32 Dividends received on stocks own ed by the Company 33,660 50 Gross Income so" 12 months 1,177,763 82 expenditures. Road Expenses and payments on ac count. of Road $710,227 53 Bank Expenses, viz: Salaries at Bank in Augusta, and Agency in Atlan ta, Agents Corn missions, Ac. 27.553 14 737,780 68 Interest paid on fun ded debt of the Company 41,875 21 Net profit for the year 398,107 93 Add balance at credit of profit and loss 108,675 27 506,782 20 Deduct dividend this day declared 166,240 00 Surplus 340,543 20 The surplus exceeds eight dollars per share on the stock of the Company, which will enable the public to appreciate its value without any comment from us. No higher praise could lie bestowed on the management of the Company than this exhibit affords.— Chron. ly Sent. Anecdote of Jackson. The Western Christain Advocate records the following interesting anecdote of Jackson. The sconce of it was in the Tennessee Annual Con ference held at Nashville, and to which he had been invited by a vote of the brethren that they mihgt have the pleasure of an introduc tion to him: “The committee was appointed, and the Gen eral fixed the time for 9 o’cluck on Monday morning. The Conference room being too small | toaccoinmodate the hundreds who wished to witness the introduction, one of the churches was substituted, and an hour before the time filled to overflowing. Front seats were reserv ed for the members of the Conference, wliiel* was called to order by the Bishop, seated in a large chair in the altar, just before the pulpit. After prayers the committee retired, and a minute afterward entered, conducting the man whom all delighted to honor. They led him to the Bishop’s chair, which was nutde vacant for him, the Bishop mean while occupying another place within the alter. “The Secretary was directed to call the names of the members of Conference, which he did in alphabetical order, each coming forward and receiving from the Bishop a personal intro duction to the ex-President, and immediately retiring to give place to the next. The cere mony had nearly been completed, when the Secretary read the name of Rev. James T——; an elderly gentleman, with a weather-beaten j face, clad in a suit of jeans, arose and came for ward. Few seemed to know hint. He had al ways been on acireuit, on the frontier; and though always at Conference, he never troub ed j it with long speeches, but kept his seat, and • said but little—that little, however, was always |to the-purpose. Mr. T. came forward, and j was introduced to General Jackson. He turn ed his face towards the General, who said. .It : seems to me that we have met before.’ The preacher, apparently embarrased, said: ‘I was • with you through the Creek campaign—one of ! your bodyguard at the battle of Horse Shoe— | and fought, under your command at New Or leans.’ 'The General arose slowly from his seat, and throwing his long, withered, bony arms around the preacher’s neck, exclaimed: ‘AYe'll soon meet where there’s no war—where the smoke of battle never rolls up its sulphurous incense!’ “Never before, or since, have I seen so ma ny tears shed as then flowed forth from the eyes of that vast assembly. Every eye was moist with weeping. “Eleven years have passed away since that day. The old hero has been more than ten in bis silent and narrow home. Tbo voice that cheered the drooping fight, and thundered in the rear of routed armies is silent forever. The old preacher, too, has fought, his last battle, laid his armor by, and gone home to his eternal rest.” War in the Drmorrntit Banks. One of the Democratic organs at Washing ton, the Sentinel, raises its voice agai ist the re-nomination of President Pierce in the sub joined fierce and volcanic strains : From the Washington Sentinel. March 13. President Pierce \ni> Territorial Leg islation.—The nornillation of Franklin Pierce was the m rest accident of modern times. The honor was conferred, not as a reward lor emi nent services, not as a tribute to intellect, but by virtue of a temporary necessity—one of those necessities which, in the course of politi cal events, must occasionally arise. Men ol mark, men of giant mind, tnen identified with the history and the glory of the country, had been unsuccessfully supported in the conven tion. It becoming evident, finally, that no distinguished statesman could, under the critical circumstances of the hour, receive the nomina tion of the party, it was, by almost unanimous consent, given to the present incumbent. It was the belief of every unprejudiced, politician of the land that General Pierce would, if elec ted, serve a single term, return his thanks to his party, and retire into private life, lie was nominated because lie was thought to lie in no body's way. Polities, indeed, makes strange bed-fellows' What man, born of woman, and endowed with ordinary intelligence, could have imagined, for an instant, that this same Frank lin Pierce would a jt c end oi the term lor which he was elected. 'comiTforward and attempt to override the claims and pretensions of every statesman that has honored the Democratic party 1 Yet such is the tact before us; a mail noted only for imbecility and political treachery : —one that lias done more to damage the Dem ocratic party than any other man that has liv ed during the last thirty years—has the audac ity to sit in the White House ami promise his support to a hutidre.l prominent statesmen ; merely so, the purpose of fastening himself for four years more upon the .American people. j Now, what is the course for the patty to pursue? Tlie majority of the voters of the country are Democrats, and the election of the Democratic candidate is certain if he lie a bold patriotic lender. We nitist not calculate,; however, upon the absolute invincibility of De mocracy, we are not strong enough to carry weights. Franklin I’ierde is the weakest man whose name will be before the convention .;: his name would be the signal note of defeat. Ib is absolutely odious to a large portion of the Democracy of the country, iiis lidmiristra tion will be referred to in future ns a political abortion. But for a single measure, into the support o:' which it was absolutely forced, it Would have sunk ere this beyond the reach of resurrection. It will bean eternal warning to the party. No future political mariner need be in doubt as to the course he should pursue. He has only to do what Franklin Fierce lias neglected to do, and to leave undone the things he has done, and lie will sail in the clear waters of trtith. No greater evidence could be furnished of the strength of the Democratic sentiment of the nation than the fact that we have been able to survive the shock of the last .three years; but we must not absolutely outrage the com mon sense of the people. The world is look ing to us for a bold and decisive stroke; shall we shame our pretensions to patriotism and 1 tair-dealing by asking a m ajority of the voters of this great Republic to come up and support , a man who has struck down the nest statesmen i of the laud and all bit i demoralized the only true national party in the United States? j it is time to look this matter in the face.— ! The President has descended into the arena, ; and is employing all his energies to secure a j renominatiou in June, lie has said boldly I that no man in the North can succeed but him- > self, and he has told the -South that no South ern man can succeed without his influence: lie talks of transferring the Democracy of the land as though every Democrat were absolute ly his serf. What a spectacle would we pre sent with Mr. Bierce as our standard-bearer in 1856! What is Mr. Pierce's record, that he should impudently call in question the p.triotism or nationality of distinguished statesmen ? What is his organ in New Hampshire, and his mouth piece in Washington, that they should dare to read every mau out of the Democratic ranks who honestly believes the nomination' of the present incumbent would insure us ignominous defeat ? Who does not know that the New Hamp shire Patriot —Mr. Pierce’s sworn organ in New England—was formerly the open and avowed champion of the Wilmot Proviso? Who does not know that the Wushigton Union —a paper which is now trying to lash the Dem ocratic delegates to the Cincinnati, Convention into the support of Mr. Pierce—came out in opposition to the doctrine of non-intervention, and only came to the support of Mr. Douglas’s bill when it iound the general current of tin country Setting in favor of it ? Who docs not know that the President, in a large number of instances, lias turned national and conservative men out of office, for the purpose of supplying their places with Abolitionists am] Dismnon ists. We have no real fears that Mr. Pierce will be re-nominated ; we believe the day for weak and truckling political operators is^insr.; we have been the victims of one accident, which the American people will uevar forget; never theless, if we could counteract the influence of governmental patronage, and secure an honest expression of Democratic sentiment in Cincin nati, we should at once let the light of day shine in upon the machinations of an Admin istration thfe most corrupt, and a Chief Execu tive the most imbecile, that the annals of this nation can furnish. For the sake of our coun try’s honor, for the sake of our party's .credit, for the sake of everything that is dear to us as a people, we trust a death-blow will be struck in the approaching convention to the miserable pretensions of the who e race afidouble-dealing, scheming political wire-workers; who have done more in four years than the opposi tion could do in twenty, to debase the standard of Democratic virtue, and retard the onward march of liberal principles. We regret to speak thus severely of men elect ed to prominent stations by the votes of out own party, but when we see Southern states men, in many instances endorsing the policy of an administration like the present, we cannot refqain from telling what we believe to be the truth. The South cannot afford to hazard the defeat of the Democratic candidate for the Presidency in 1856. If Mr. Pierce shall In nominated, his defeat is certain; the whole Northwest—a portion of the Union which has been faithful to the South, even in the darkest hours —will drop him as a dead cock in the pit The sound Democracy of the Midd.e States have unanswerable reasons for regarding him as the uncompromising enemy of their dearest interests. Let us have a strong mail, a bold man, a Democrat of the Jefferson school, and he will ride into power by a more triumphant ma jority than has been given fora Democratic candidate during this century. A good tale badly told, is a bad one. Jurisdiction of Justice Court. We have been furnished with a certified copy of the law of the last Legislature raising the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in civil suits.,. The Act will he interesting, we presume, to onr readers generally, and especcially to that portion of the officers of the judiciary depart ment whose duty it will be to attend more par ticularly to the alteration which it makes.— i Here is the Act:— Columbus Rug. An Act to raise the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. Sec. 1. Be it enacted. Syc.. That from and af ter the first day of March next, the jurisdiction jof Justices of the Peace shall extend to the amount of fifty Dollars principal, with inter ; est. i Sec. 2 That it shall and may be lawful for all promissory notes, accounts, and all other ev idence of debts that do not exceed filly dollars, to be sued before a Justice of the Peace in a Justice Court, in the same itibnner as is now prescribed by law, and when any person shall be sued in a Justice Court, on n sum that c.x ■eo S- thirty dollar- an ! a ji dg nent, obtained against the party deicndhn’t, the defendant with in four days after lhe ijdjonDiment of said Court upon paying all coStCthat may have ac crued. and given good and sufficient security ! for principal and interest involved in the case, shall have the right to stay the Execution six- I ty days, and on at judgement! .obtained in a , Justice Court wltei’c the amount is thirty dol ! lars or tinder, the slay of Execution shall be the same time as is now prescribed by law. Approved March sth, 1856. , The t nited States and (treat Si italn, The correspondence on the Enlistment tjnes tion submitted to the Senate of the United States a few weeks ago, calls forth the follow- j ing reply from the London Times of the loth I of March : I “ The correspondence on the alleged violation ! of American severe,gnty by enlistment on the ! I’erritory of the United States adds nothing of I importance cither to the tacts or tlie argument ' ;ol the question. It only exeludes-some of the) | surmises with which the controversy had been ! industriously aided, as fust ns it. was otherwise j lapsing into the rank .of bygone affairs. It ! j does not appear, nor is it even alleged, that I Air. Crumpton was ever knowingly violating; the law of the United States, or that he ever j ; persisted .in any proceeding whatever after it • had been objected to by those authorities. Mr. I Murey does not maintain that Alt-. Crumpton j broke the Municipal law of the States, and on ; this point he appears to- admit, that Lord Clari ; otidon's answer last July was sufficient. If the j co respondence stopped here, or if it were con : fined to the question ol intentions, no doubt in ; the case of most oth‘-r States—in Europe, for example—we have the certain promises of a pacific and friendly conclusion. But here comes in the extraordinary feutftre of this’ cor respondence, which we are bound (o confess we j regard with some alarm. That feature is the j assumption of a. certain tone on the part of the American Government which savors not I only of anew soil, but of anew sphere. Af j ter reading the letters—if documents of: Such j pretension can be so modestly entitled—of the | American Government, one seems to understand ; rather better the preposterous Faints put forth j by some communities on the face of the earth : how one empire boasts celestial affinities, and calls the rest ol the world 1 outer barbarians how another pays divine honors to its sover- I eigns : how others absolutely forbid the obtrn-! j -“ion of a stranger ; and how most of the Turks ar.- under the belief that the Sultan cpinmand ; ed the AA'estern Powers to come to his aid. “The ground now taken by the American | Government is. that though the British Gov ! eminent and its representatives in the States j had no wish to break the municipal law of the j States, and possibly did not break that law. land though, so far, its explanations may be 1 satisfactory, yet it committed the greater crime ' <>f not respecting American sovereignty. For this it is alleged no sufficient satisfaction lias been offered, and such is the loftiness and vague ness of the dignity said to be affronted that one can scarcely venture to say What would be suf ficient— whether hetacombs wofild expiate the crime. This sovereignty is treated as sofne tbiiig Wholly distinct from law. and perfectly separable, not only in idea, but in fact. What it Mr. Grampton observed the law? what it Lord Clarendon gate peremptory orders that, it should be observed? That is wholly beside the purpose, says the American Government. They disregarded the sovereignty of the Amer ican people in their Own territory. To En glishmen this style of argument is a process in the clouds •• In this country, and in most other civilized countries, law is the expression of sovereignty, and sovereignty is defined by law AA’e ac knowledge no sovereignty in our Queen or our Government, either towards ourselves or to wards foreigners, unless it be law. We ac knowledge none, the violation of which will not render us liable to prosecution, trial, and pun ishment. AVe presume it a piece ol condescen sion to British ideas that, when Lord Claren don asks for proof that our representatives have violated American sovereignty, .Air. Alar cy sends the report of some trials for simple offences against ti.e United States law. This would seem to admit what Lord Clarendon very naturally nrgtk-s, that he is clear, neither he nor his agents have broken the law, for any one may do in any territory that which the. laws of that territory do not forbid. But the President of the United States ami his Secre tary for Foreign Affairs do not see (he neces sity for this inference. They seem to hold that in the United Slates at least a man may ob serve the law to the letter, but yet be a griev- i ons. and unpardonable offender against some-J thing far higher than law, viz : a mysterious | sovereignty —the Sovereignty of the people, and j afar more jealous, irritable and implacable] sovereignty than that of emperors and kings.; That of the American Government is tonie thing above law, and incapable of ordinary expression. In its presence—if we may vest-1 lure to suppose oneself in the presence of so - august and mysterious a personage—we feel as I within tlie range of some terrible genii, whose ' express b bests we might observe with the ' most servile exactness, but who c add suddeitiy dcuiand impossible satisfaction for some crime; that no prudence, no loyalty, no prescience : could have avoided. AVe have thrqwn the date stone inside the wil of the well instead ol i outside, and a grim potentate rises up font i the abyss to avenge the innocent indignity. I We are not aware of any offence that a foreign ] minister could he guilty of in this country ex cept by an express violation of the law. lie; j might, of course, make himself very disagrees- j I hie by arrogance or rudeness, or t.y lending ] himself to faction; but that would be a purely i j personal question, and in this case it is a pub- ] j lie offence which Mr, Crumpton is said to have ] committed, strangely without breaking any ] law. "The American journals seem generally to] take neither the legal nor the transcendental view of the question. They go at once into material resources and pofitieal consequences. The United Slates they consider to be better prepared for war than any other people in the j world, even though their small quantity of ship- ; ping and stores might put them a year or two in the arrears. They have the men, tlie wealth, the spirit, the territory, and everything tha NUMBER 38, gives sinews to war. On the other hand, a successful war—and. of course, it would be successful against this old aristoeratical country —would wake the sleeping spirit of Democra cy and drive England to prefer the good will and example of America to her own ancient institutions. “We are ready so concede that, there is nn amount of probability in these calculations.— AA'e believe the United States to be in most material conditions, about the wealthiest in the world. Nor do we think that England could wffi-r the frequent defeat of her expeditions, the destruction and disgrace of her armies, the loss of her merchantmen, and the obstruction ol' her trade without great cost ar.d loud com plaints But t'hose are, to say the least, very dangerous speculations. They have often been indulged in with equal confidence, and constant ly disappointed; AA'ar rarely does any body any good, unless it be the few soldier adventu rers whom it raises to tlie first rank- in societr, and that other suiter race of men which grow rich on its extravagance. Such a war as the American papers seem to desire, and for which then- statesmen tire so anxious to find cause, would lie quite ns likely to affect the relations of American society as those of the English. H could hardly fail to hasten the inevitable I day when the Republic. like nil other Repub ] lies, particularly those of the New World, is !to bloom into empire. Moreover, the losses would not be trifling on either side. We are better prepared for war now than we were two years ago. and we should certainly take a great deal of beating before we gave in’. AA'e should fight and spend money at our usual courage and liberality, and, even if we were beaten al together. it is still possible—we think probable j—that the Americans would win victory too | dearly to make it a matter for self-gratulation.” Paper Making from (he Bark of Cot’on Plants—An Important Uisrovny. PpecinieuS of the itork stripped from cotton stalks have been exhibited to paper manufactu rers ut the North, which is found' to be of a fibrous character, and is considered to be well adapted for the manufacture of go- and paper. The best period for preparing this cotton hemp ; will be hs soon as practicable after the picking joi cotton-has been finished. The plants should ! 'hen be pulled up and’dew-rotted like hemp or I sm- r »hd afterwards broken up and the bark ] separated from the wood, of the stalk. The j specimens of cleaned" bark exhibited to experi t diced paper makers, was considered equal to I good rags worth 6 cents per lb. or about $129 ! per ton, and was pronounced the best substi i lute I'm rags of any raw vegetable material known to the trade. » The practice with the planters.' hitherto, has been after t lie cotton is gathered to collect the j plants into heaps before preparing the ground ■ for another crop, and burn them, so that the ] hemp which may hereafter be obtained from them will be a clear gain, and add so rr,licit 'ail ; to the yield of their cotton fields. Tin; importance of an affirridant and cheap material as a substitute for rags from which | good and cheap paper can be made, may le . judged of from tiie fact that the Edited pdafis consume ns much as France and England com • billed. There is no (lenient in the progress of ] civilization more iinportont than cheap paper. ] With a plentiful supply of cheap paper, books ] can be supplied at cheaper rates, newspapers polished at lower prices, and correspondencfe I conducted at less cost. For some years tie I consumption of paper has been gaining on the ! supply of rags, ami (cars have been felt that I the advance in their cost Would ultimately he seriously felt in every department of literatim , so that, should the discovery of cotton hemp realize the anticipations of paper makers, rt will not only prove valuable to the .South, but also to the civilized world. The magnitude of the paper business rnev he conceived when we take into 'consideration t! a', there are 750 paper mills in the United States, employing 3.000 engines, and which produce annually at 10 cents per lb. $27,000,- 000 worth of paper. To manufacture this amount of paper requires 405.000.000 lbs. of rags, 1 1-4 lbs. of rags being necessary to pro duce 1 lb. of paper. The value of the rags ut the average of 4 cent.s,pcr lb amounts to $16.- 000,000, to which, if tiie cost of making them into paper, including 1 3-4 cents to each lb. of paper in labor, with wastage, chemicals Ac.’, be added, would swell the cost to $23,625,000 to produce $26,000,000 of paper, leaving nett profits on the total manufacture of $3,375,000. For the year ending 30th June, 1855. we im ported 40 013.516 lbs. of fort -ign rags from 26 different countries. Os this amount Tuscany, in Italy, supplied 14,000.000 lbs. Two Sicilys 6,000,000, Austria 4 millions, Egypt 2,466,928, England 2,591,178. she total "value of the 40.013,516 lbs. imported was $1,22."-, 150. The manufacture of paper has outstripped the sup ply of materials, a fid tope cuttings, lump waste and other articles'have been resorted to, but the supplies of all have not been sufficient (o meet the demand, and prices have been steadily on the advance. It is possible that the cotton fields of the South may supply an almost inex haustible supply of hemp, so as hereafter we will reach the great desideratum in modern civ ilization, an abundant and cheap supply of pa- I ex The Albany Statesman, the new Amer ican paper well remarks: “What is the reason that this new American party, composed, as it is, of the disjointed frag ments of all shows such vitality ? The answer is sitnp'e—Because it is fonn de in the popnlar heart, and leans in nn doubtjng faith on the patriotism of the na tion. Demanding that the Bible shall be ; in our common schools—claiming that to the children of the soil belong, first, its re -1 wards—seeking to arrest the tide of fore ! ign pauperism and crime that is deluging ! the land—rebuking the selfish ambitious that would divide the Union, and assert ; ing the right of Americans to control the. | country whose freedom was obtained at : such a sacrifice, they appeal, a: and loudly, ! to the true and good of every party, that the responsive “God be with void ’ comes up like the swell of the sea, from every j side. Strong in youth, strong in the right; | and strong in the consciences* and hearts | of the people, It will survive all shocks in the future, as it basin the past. Deser ters only commit suicide ; doubters and trimmers ato laid aside, white opposera are vanquished. Courage, then, Ameri cans! Never, since your existence as a party, have the skies looked so promis ing! Errors of the Press.— Reader, did yog know that < very column of a newspaper contained from ten to twenty thousand dis tinct pieces of metal, the misplacing of any one of w hich w ould cause a blunder or typ ographical error ? With this curious fact before you, don’t yon wonder at the geu- I oral accuracy of newspapers: Knowing | this to be the fact, you will be more dis | i>osed, we hope, to excuse than magnify I errors of the press.