The Weekly republican & discipline. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-18??, June 06, 1856, Image 4

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iTejttl Jplmlisenwitts. ralton Sheriffs Kales. WILL lx? sold before the Court House door. 'V in the cily of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday j in July next, within the legal hours of sale. 1 the following property to wit: One lot. in the city cf Atlanta, number not known, containing half an aero, more or less., with a good cottage dwelling house, an 1 all oth er necessary improvements thereon ; situate on the Etwt side of Peach-Tree street, and bounded North hy r*n alley, anti South by A. Alexander's lot, and now occupied by Mr. Gilbert as a resi ! deuce. Levied on as the property of Richard i Or me to satisfy a fi fa, issued Fulton Su-1 perior Court in favor of Joseph Win-hip vs Rich- \ ard Orme. Property pointed out by Plaintiff s i Attorney. Also, one house and lot, in the City of Atlanta,' number not known, containing half an acre, j more or less, situate on the corner of Hunter and ! Collins streets, ami bounded North by JamesM. Calhoun's lot. South by Hunter Street. and.Ea.-t by Collins struct. Levied on as the 'property of Frederick Krogg to satisfy a 11 fi isMiod from Dekalb Inferior Court in favor of C. 11. Strong A Cos. vs. Frederick Krogg. Also, one lot in the city of Atlanta, number not known, being a part of land lot, number fifty one. in block number one hundred and twenty-, seven, adjoining lots of S. B. Jlqyt. Also, three acres of land, in the city of Atlanta, number not known, adjoining Thomas Kile and others, being a part of bind lot, i.umb< r fifty-one, in the four teenth district of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Levied on as the property of James 11. Evans to satisfy two fi fas issue and from the Justi ce’s Court of the 1026th district, G. M., Win. 11. Ferguson vs James ft. Evans. Levy returned by W. Lanier. Bailiff. Also, the defendant’s interest in one small lot, in the city of Atlanta, number not known, with *. Store house thereon, situate on the South side •of Alabama street, adjoining lots o f '7.. A. Lice >ar.d L. P. Grant, and now occupied by George Johnson as a. grocery. Lcvid on as the proper ty of Michael McSheffery to satisfy two li fas is sued from the Justice’s Court of tii 1020th d:s trict, G. M., Sinr on Frankford vs Michael Mc- Sheff ry. Levy returned by Tho?. M. Evans, -Bailiff.' Al.-o, the large and splendid stocks of Books, •■almost every kind and descriptk n. from a Bible to a Spcdling Bodk. Also, a large as-orinunt of Cap. Letter, Wrapping and Priut'ng Paper. In short every thing in the way of Stationery. AI-, so. Jewelry, and a good assortment of fancy ar ticles, an numerous other articles, such as is; usually kept in a Lock Store. Also, six hand Printing Presses, and one Power Press. Typ> . Cuts, and Furniture belonging to the office, known as the *• Examiner Ollic Also, the Bindery and Ruling Machine with all the Tools belonging to them. All levied on as the proper-. *y of Win. Kay to satisfy a (i fa. i.-siu <1 fr m .Pulton Superior Court, in favor of the Pioneer Paper Manufacturing Company vs Win. Kay. There are also, other fi fas in my hands not le\ ied. Also, half an acre of land, more or less, s’tu- i ate in the North-E:\ t corn* r of city lot. numb- r one hundred and forty-nine: and also in the North-East corner of land lot number fifty-one in the fourteenth district of originally Henry, now-Fulton county. Levied on as the propeity of W.-L. McMillan to sati-fy three li las issued from the Justice's Court of the 102Gth didrict. G. M., Willis Carlisle vs W. 1.. McMillan. Levy returned by W. P. Lanier. RjiißiF. Also, one Bugg - , and one Sulkey. Levied on 1 as the property of James F. Leonard, to satisfy twoil faa, issued from the Inferior Court of Fel ton county, and one Imm th Superior Court of, Fulton couldy ; W. W. Woodruff, D. G. Ware and John T. Cook vs Jam' s F. Leonard. Prop erty pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. * j Also, two Gold Watches—-one a double case j ‘lever, and the other a detached i ver— !< vied on as the property of Ilirarn T. door s, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Morgan Superior Court, in favor I of William V. Burney, vs. George C. Taylor, and Hiram T. Jones. .Property coin ted out W Jones. May 31,18.30 JO. S. SMITH, 1). Sheriff ! Fulton Sheriffs Salt- . "WM/’ILL he sold on the fir: t Tuesday in July ▼ 7 next, before the Court House door in. the City of Atlanta, Fulton County, within the! legal hours of sale, the following 'property, to- j wit: A tract of land, situate in the city of Atlanta, j Fulton county, containing two and a half acres, more or less, being a part of Block numb r ns: e tcefi, known as the Boring Block, and is bounded cu the West by land form* rlv owned by IL E. j Mangum, on the North by Bridge street, on the • West by Thompson street, and on the Louth by i city lot number twenty, formerly owned by John , Tiller. Levied on as the property of James Rob inson to satisfy a Mortgage li fa issued from Ful- j ton Superior Court in favor of John C. Whit V- ! Janies Robinson. Property pointed out in said fi fa. Also, a negro man by the name of Malacbi,! seventy years of age. Levied on as the proper ty of William J. Darby to satisfy a and from the Justice's Court of the 1028th district! G.M., in favor of O. W. H. Murrell vs Win. J. 1 Darby Levy made and returned hy i constable. \ Also, a Rockaway, ol* Family Carriage, and j Harness. Levied on at; the property oi Alii-mu Nelson to satisfy sundry fi fas i.-sued from Fulton ; Inferior Court, in favor of Morgan, Kirkpatrick ; A Cos., W. W. Roark, Clarke & Grubb,-aud others; j all against said A. Nelson. Also, a negro woman, by the name of Sllvey, about sixty years oldT Levied on as the prop-; erty of Martha Williams to satisfy a li fa. issued j from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of James B. Loftou vs Rachel Roberson, Martha Williams* and William B. Chapman. Also, the city lot ot land, now in the posses-: pion of the defendant, in the South-Eastern part j of the city of Atlanta, bounded on the East by j McDonough Street, and on the north by the lands; of Thomas M. Donald, containing oue half acre,I snore or less, *with a good framed dwelling house j ■and other improvements thereon. Levied on asi the property ol William B. Hardman to satisfy a; ti fa, issued from Fußotf Superior Court, in lavor j of J. Hornsby vs Win. B. llardman. Also,- the defendant’s interest in city lot. of ! land No. 8. in the subdivision of a nine acre lot < f, land purchased by Jacob M. Johnson of it. K. i Oslin, bounded on the Louth by*F. Sower's res:-: dence, North by N. E. Gardner’s lot, East bv j ‘Ceulins Street, find West by L. Jj. Reynold's lot, containing one acre, more or less—said inter-j est being the undivided half of lot Lcvhd on I as the property of Jain* s F. Walker to satisfy a i fi fa, issued from Fulton Superior Court, in ftv >r i of Gilbert A Wilson vs James F. Walker. Prop- j ertv pointed out by J. M. Johnson. May 31, 1856 T. J. PERKERSOX. Sh’ff j Ful ton Mortgage Sale. TirilX be sold before the Court Hpuse door in the cily VY of Atlanta, on the first Tuesd.vy in July next, In-; tween the legal hours of sale, the following property to! wit : One lot, in the city of Atlanta, with a two story dwell i log aud other improvements thereon known, in the plan of raid city as lot unmoor forty-nine, in Clock number two of land lot number fifty-one in the fourteenth district of or iginally Henry, now Fulton county, which lot fronts on Ivy Street, and contains half an acre, more or less. Levied oil as the property of Patterson M. Hodqe to satisfy a Mort-! gage fi fa issued trom Fulton Superior Court, in favor of j Meredith Collier vs Put ter son' M. Hodge. Property pointed out in said Mortgage ti la. JO. S. SMITH, Deputy Sheriff, j 31ay 3, 1556. fiILE TO PERFECT SERVICE. MarO-TRE? F&iujue, ) Libel for Divorce in De-\ vs. V Andrew J. Perdue, j Kalb Superior Court. Returned to October Term . 1855. j IT appearing to the Court from the return of . the Sheriff that the Defcndent Andrew J. j Perdue is not n the County of DeKalb, it is on! motion ordered Court, that the Defendent do apperr at the next Term of this Superior I Court, and that service be perfected by the pub-! Meat ion of this Rule in one of the public Ga-| ecttes of thifl State, once a month for four! months. C. MURPHY. Att\ per lib’t. GEORGIA, Fulton County.— Where- 1 as, Joseph Mareehal this day applies to me for Letters of Guardianship to the Orphans of Lew-! is H. Dadenlate of sail county.deceased. These are'therefore to cite and admonish all singular the Kindred and all others concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed-by law, to show cause if any they! hare, why said Letters shall not be granted the; applicants Given under my hand, officially, at Office, this 26th day of May, 1850. myßo lm. JOS. 11. MEAD, Ordinary, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ! WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June | next, before the Court House uoor, iu | Clarkesville, Ilab.reham county, within the legal | hours of sale, lot of land belonging to the estate of Juraes Wilson, late of Upson county, deceased and agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordi- I nary,.for said county, to wit: Lot number eighty t'.vo, in the tenth district of Habersham county,] containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or j less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms of sale on the day. jno. Carlton. Admr., April 25—40d. With Will annexed. Administrator’s Postponed Sale. 1 TAT ILL be sold oil the first Tuesday in July | ' * next, before the Court House door in Pauld ing county, within the kgdl hours of salo the ! following property to-wit: j Lot of land, number eight hundred and eighty i one. in the second district and third section of cv j iginally Cherokee, now Paulding couuty, coc j taining 40 acres more or less, j Also, will b 2 sold on the same day. in Polk county, and before the Court House door in said . county within the usual hours of sale, lot of land number six hundred and sixteen in the second district and fourth section originally Cherokee now Polk county. Sold as the property of James j Wilson, late of Upson county, deceased. -The above land sold for the benefit of the heir3 and ; creditors of said James Wilsou, deceased, and \ J under an order of the Court of Ordinary of Up- j son county. Terms of Sale on the day. This! May 20th*, 1856. JOHN CARLT'W, Adin’r, j With Will annexed.; J dEORGIA, THvlton County.- HIH Whereas, John Lynch applies*to me for letters of Administration o:i the ettate cf Mi chael MeShcfirey. late of said county, deceased, j These are therefore to cite and admonish all and I singular, the kindred and creditors of said de-; 1 ceased, to -c and appear at iny office, within the ! time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grant-1 cd the applicant. Given under my band officially at office, this: 21st day cT May 1850. my 23 JOS. 11. MEAD, Ordinary. ! ADM l Ni STH A TOR’S S A LE ! A GREEABLY to an order of tho Honorable; 2"V the Court of Ordinary of FTiltorf County.; wiH be sold before the Court -House door, in tlie ' city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in July next ‘ between the usual hours of sale, one city j Lot iu su'd City, numbe r sixteen, in the plan j i of said city.being part of land lot number fifty-1 j three, in the four!; nth district- of (originally Ileu-j | ry. now Fulton comity, containing one acre, more | ior less, and bounded as follows : Fast by Fraser j Alley ; .South by John's Alley; West by city led j I number 15, and North by city lot; number 14. ! isnld as the property of the Estate of Thomas J. j Gill and George W. Gil . late of Chester District,j j 8. C„ for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors ot! ; said deceased. Terms made known on dav of sale. STEPHEN TERRY, Adm r. ! ! May 23, ISSG-40d. * ! FiOBGI.A, Fulton County. —At, S the December Term next of the Court of! i Ordinary of said comity, James T. Peacock and; | Avey Peacock. Adin’r. and Adru’rx, on the IN- j ; tate of L wis Peacock, late of said county, de-; j ceased, will apply for Letters of Dismission from j i said Administration, j by order of Court. May tub. IS5(>. JOSEPH 11. MEAD, Ordinary. : May 1G, —Cm. , Sew Orleans MoSasses-—(A "cwCrcp) rpjblE first received and for sale bv 1 1 dec . J. NORCROSS. HYDRAULIC CEMENT, Calcined, and Sand 1 Plaster. JFor sale by J. NORCROSS. 1 j December 7 10 ts Cabin Passage from Charleston to N. York. ($25) Twenty-live Dollars. ; U, S. MAIL LIME, V. V. i tlsar!c-s!o!i Sftani fctStS thr.ngls ?n : 43 to 53 Bgßte«Wj» [s::mi-wee\vlv.i XASJIVII.I,!-:. I.sootons. M. li,rrj, Comraan-; ! del*. M A I*! 1 .1,2u0 tons’,W. J.Foster.Comman • ‘lev. JAMES ADGEIt, 1.260 ton?.S.C*. Turner.} r Commander. SOUTHERNER. 1.000 tons T. D. i i Ewan. Commander. Leave Adgrr’s wharves ev- ; I ery Wednesday and Saturday after the arrival! of the car;? from the Sautli A West, u at big.: I water.” ! These steamships were built expressly for the j | line and for safety, comfort and speed, are un- i j rivalled o the coasts. Tables supplied wnlfevery luxury—attentive'! ! and cautious commanders, will ensure travelers iby this line every possible comfort and accom-! modation. For freight- 07 passage, having elegant state, room accommodation, apply to HENRY MISSfeOON, Corner of East-Bay & Ad gur's South Wharf, Charlesto", S. C.! Cabin Passage. $25 Steerage, 8 Feb 15 *56 ts | fi. E. MANGUM7 j&L. ’JSB 3 r H A\D COMMISSIOIV MERCHANT. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, IS now receiving a large stock of Staple Dry-j Goods, Shoes, Ilats and Caps, which will be! sold at the lowest prices possible for cash. His stock of Shoes will be large, aud contains' many desirable styles for Ladies’ wear. ID will also give Ins attention to sales of Coun try Produce, and to filling of orders for Family ! or Plantation supplies, or to l lje purchasing or; selling of any Goods or Merchandise in this Market that may bo requisite to be bought or j sold here. Hoping, by constant attention to, business, to merit and receive a liberal patron age. Adi riders to secure attention must be; accompanied with the CASH. The. highest cash price will be paid for Land warrants. Whitehall street, at the oil stand. April 18, 1855-6 m. FOfiTsALE. 4X\ f’ City Lot, on Collins s‘reet, lying be-! tween the property of John Glen and N. 1.1 Craven Said property : s well situated, and con - qcnient to the business part of the city. Terms accommodating, and titles indisputable. S. J. SHACKELFORD, Ag’fc. April 1 1 , ts JON LS, DAVID U CAMPBELL SURGEON AND MECHANICAL IFOULD again call the attention of their ; V V friends and tlieciti/.ens of Georgia to their j superior BLOCK TEETH, and CONTINUOUS! GUM WORK. Specimen* of all kinds of Plate Work, Block! Teeth and Continuous Gum can be seen at their j Office, on Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. N. B. A superior quality of Tooth Powders j and Paste, and a variety of Tooth-brushes for sale. March 21, 1858.-ly. | HU K LINE FROM DALLAS TO MARIETTA ! for■ ta, on Friday, aud returns same day. The proprietor begs leave to inform the public! that he is now running a Hack in accordance! with the.above schedule, and hopes to be liberal ly patronized. None but careful and responsible drivers will be-employed. W. J. DYER, j May 2, 1856. —ts. PLASTER AND CEMENT! C1 A LCINED Plaster and Hydraulic Cement, / for sale by J. NORCROSS. 1 1 May 2, ts. New Books! FOR SALE BY J. J. RICHARDS, & CO. A RMAGEDDON, or the U. S. in prophecy. fi- The Great Iron Wheel. Rose Clark—Fanny Fern's new’ book. Phoenixania--one of the Funny pnes. . And many others, better worth reading. Call and see. at*the NEW BOOK AND XOTSIC STORE Whitehall St., opposite the Intelligencer Office. Jan. 18—ts DIABIESI OOCKET and Counting House Diaries for 1850. 1 For sale by J. J. RIUARDS & Cos. jan. 18 *56-tf ONE new and substantial TWO-IIORSE'W AG ON. for sale by A T . NORCROSS. J May 2—ts. MVdicnl Books. A LARGE lot, particularly those used by the students in College, just received, and for sale, at the publishers prices by my 9 ts. J. J. RICHARDS A CO. Removal! A FTER having been burned out on Alabama XJL Street, I have taken the large and commo jdions store room, on White Hull Street, formerly I occupied by T. Doonan, where I am-reedy to re- I ceive consignments of any kind in my line of bu | siness. I will buy and sell Negroes, Land, Ilor- I ses. and everything that may be sent in, at pri i rate sale or auction. STEPHEN J. SHACKELFORD, March 29. Vendue Master, j Ii ll' Latest Improvements. lAMBROTYPEtfi riAHE undersigned would respectfully in- j form the-■citizens*of Atlanta, and vicinity, j | that he is Gaily producing this new and beanti-1 1 ful style pictures, which are much admired for j their richness of tone, beauty of finish and clu | lability. These pictures are not reversed like i ihe Daguerreotype. They cannot be defaced. ! get dirty or dim by the sweat bf ‘the glass ; are ; impervious to air. wafer, or ucids, and will retain : their brilliancy forages. ! Come one, come all, anti examine'Specimens. Rooms over Kay’s upper Book Store. T. FR SALTSMAX. Whitehall st., Atlanta, Ga. ly j Crockery, Eearthen and Glass Wares. | ■ r l’MlE undersigned would most respectfnUy in-; I vile the citizens and the public generally, and especially the Ladies, to call and examine | his stock of goods, which are of the latest styles, j and a good variety, and will be sold low for! non- t T. R. RIPLEY, j FOB SALE! ONE of the most desirable RESIDENCES, on ; the edge of the City of Atlanta. DR. D’ALVIGNY offers to sell the house and’ lot where ho r---sides, on Marietta Street, a little above Esq. PuVne. Ti:i:ms : Very accommodating. Apply on tlie | premises. March 7, '56-tf. Pump Boots for Spring-. J K and irsigned are prepared to put up Fmiip bottom Boots iu better stylo'than ii I can bo done.elsewhere North or South. Would I refer to :uiy one who has worn Boots made bv i -Mn - . • * F. M. EDDLEMAN & BRO. ‘ ! Feb. 15 JOB PRINTING! HAVING supplied our office with an excellent assortment of .1 o b ill a t v ri a 1 , a I*l new and of the most approved styles, we ■ would respectfully inform our friends, and the i ; public generally, that wc are now prepared to do i any thing in that line with NEATNESS AND : DISPATCH". Orders solicited -termsreasonable, j Np v. 21,1 855. A. M. E DDLEM AN & CO. James’ Neuralgic Liquid. rgIHIS most extraordinary nr-dieme for the -SL cure of Neuralgic, Rli. umatism, pains in 1 the chest, flux. Diarrhea, Cramp Cliullic, Cholera I ! Morbus, Cliiils and Fevers, sore throat, quiuzy. -Jstlima, scarlet fever, bruises, old sores, head ache, croup. Arc., is now for sale by J. NOR CROSS. Atlanta. o at ROBT. BABER'S Marrctta Ga.. at 82 pm* Bottle, casli only. Full directions are rou:td each Bottle, with a large number of the most pointed and downright cer tifieuS's of citizens, some of whom are Bhysi cians of Chattanooga, where it. is put up. all proving it power and efficacy so clear that all ! this Liquid wants is a trial. I retailed $600! worth of it in Chattanooga in 12 months. Jno- i L. Diviiwtold me his Doctor’s bill last year was Si 75 : during this, it was only 2 Bottles of this | Liquid J. J. JAMES, Proprietor, j I*. S. I will furnish this medicine in small quantities to j-oliable agents, for sale. Feb S tt Herring’s Patent Champion Fire and ‘ Bm-giar Proof Safes. r FllE'great i..te est m nifested by the public i 1 to procure more perfect s curity from lire! for valuable papers, such as 'bonds, mortgages,! deeds, no'es and books of account, than the or- j dinary safes heretofore in vse .had afforded, in-j duced the subscribers to devote a largo portion! of t me and attention during the past fourteen ■ years in making improvements and discoveries • for this object, and they now beg leave to assure their numerous friends, aid the pub ic general ly, that their efforts have been crowned with! complete success, and now offer the •• IMPRDY- - ED *HEII RING’S PATENT WORLD’S FAIR | PREMIUM FIRE PROOF SAFE,'' as thej j Clmnipioii Safe of the World,; having been awarded medals at both the j World's Fair, London, 1851, &in York, 1853, As superior to all other?. »!t is now, undoubted-! ly entitled to that appellation, and Secured w tb Hall’s Patent Pow der Proof Locks, ( . hich also I was iwarded medals as above,) forms the most ’ perfect Fire and I urglar Proof Safes ever before! offered to the public. The subscribers also manufactures nil kinds of! Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, ! Vault Doors, and Money Boxes or Chests, for! Brokers, Jewellers, and Private Families, fori Plate. Diamonds, and other veluables. And arc also-Patentees, (hy purchasa) and manufactu rers of Jones’ Patent Permutation Bank Look. SILAS C. HERRING & CO., l‘a entt-es. Green Block, Nop. 135, 137 and 138 Water St. Agents in Atlanta, Ga., S!-:AGO A ABBOTT. FOR RENT. Ry L. J. Parr.-- -Real Estate .Agent. r TMIREE comfortable and convenient Dwellings, I with out houses and gardens. A few sleeping apartments convenient to the business part of town. A i l a large pleasant room, suitable for a ! schoolroom. r \ 12-dAwtf j FRESH ARRIVALS !! ALMOST every Steamer from New York \ brings us a fresh supply of Boots and Shoes of the latest styles. Our Manufacturers f&rnisli us now w ith the best goods we ever had, aud the best that can be procured. We intend to spare no pains to please nil who patronize ns. Our work Fall warranted, and mended free of charge J il* i t gi v-es way. We have some of the best Workmen in our | Shop In this city, in tlie United States. V. M. EDDLEMAN k BRO.. Sign of the Moiamoth Boot, VV*''tehall st. jan. 16-djcwtf. BROWN’S PATENT ALARM LOCK. {MILRE were Tldeves between Jerusalem and 1 Jericho, and are to be found in alf parts eJ i the world at the present day! Now, in order to i guard against I hem. and to know that your cash j drawers are safe, just call and get one of BROWN’S PATENT ALARM LOCKS, which: carried off’ the Premium at the World’s Fair.— ; They may be seen at tho Office of M. A. Bell,: Esq., in the Granite Front Building, and can be put on at short notice. Call and see them, and j also the Alarm and Lamp which will awake you 1 and light a Lamp should my person eater the room in the twinkling of an eye! D. N. PITMAN, March 2$ .-tf* Agent for Fulton County. Landrtib's lew Crop, 1855.—Landreth’a Warranted (.anion Seeds. THE subscriber has just received of the above celebrated Seeds, as follows: Early turnip rooted red Beet: Extra early turnip-rooted Beet; Long blood red Beet j Early bush Squash ; % Long green Squash; Long Orange Carrot: Long Horn Carrot ;| Red solid Celery; White solid Celftfy \ G reen curled Savoy Cabbage ! Drum Head Savoy Cabbage; Green glazed Cabbage; Early York Cabbage ; Royal cabbage'Lfrtl'BO; Nutmeg Melon; Citron Melon; Long green Cucumber;. Long scarlet short-top Radish; White Spanish Radish; Large sweet .pickling Pepper Cayenne PCppei ; Round Savoy-leaveu Spinach; Large purple Egg Plant; Salsafy or Oyster Plant; Earl y Dutch white flat Turnip ; Large Norfolk Turnip; Purple top yellow Ruta Buga Turnip-; Large globe Turnip; LandretlPs extra early Pea*; Early fYatt:e Tea , Early Charlton Pea: Red cranberry bush Bean Yellow bush Bean; White Onion Setts*• YdTlow Onion Setts. A?... Io addition to the above, I will be able, in a few days, to supply the public with many other varieties of seeds. Call aud see. T. W. WEST, dec-6--d.swfff One door below C. 11. Strong’s. CAKIII AGftS ’ CAURIA ti ICS!! -vdpr WfjSgS SUTLER & MARSH tire const an t receiving every variety of CAR- Vv RI AGES, direct from the best man ufacturers North, which they will sell as low as can be bouglP in any Southern market. sv'j-'S'pecials v 'j-'S'pecial orders for work filled in ninety pays. Work warranted. J. *\V. BUTLER, l j IT. O. MARSH. Newnan, Georgia. \ ( Mcndhatn, N. Jersey. Oct. 23, 1855. d&w-ly. t fiew Sarber Sb«p. - One door dbove the .A then cum, Decntur Street. | SOLOMON LUCK IE would respectful- j ly inform his old customers and the public; generally, that he has opened a new* aud comfort- j able Shop at the above named place, and would ! be happy to serve them in fersdine^ Feb.'ls, dtvHL F il E S €ll B U R II MILL “STONES. WA IIII A NTE Dos superior quality and workmanship, constantly on hand or made to order from Burr Blocks of our own im port ion. We also keep for sale a superior assort ment of Cologne and Esopus Mill-stones; Burr Blocks; Bolting Cloth; Calcined Plaster, kc.. \ Orders promptly executed. MORRIS & TRIMBLE j West Falls Avenue, near Pratt st. Bridge, Balt. ! jrVr- Orders for Mill-Stones from the above ! vv<-U known establishment, received by their! agents. SEAGO & ABBOTT, febß. J t)o ly] Commissi on Merchants, Atlanta. Ga. Infirmary. fjIHIE undersigned have opened in the city of, Atlanta an Infirmary, for the reception of ' patients laboring under medical or surgical dis- J ease. An intelligent nurse and faithful servants will be in constant attendance, and will give j their attention to the sick at all hours, day and j night, when required. The surgical department will be under the control of W. F. WESTMORE LAND, who will give prompt attention to inju ries. and every variety of disease requiring sur gical operations. The usual fees adopted by physicians of the city will be charg' and, with fif teen cents per day for board, Ac. Planters and others sending negroes may rest assured that | they will be properly attended to, and if, after | an examination, it be determined that there is | no prospect of relief, they will be sent home j without any charge. * W. F. WESTMORELAND, M.D. J. G. WESTMOREL AND, M. D. April 2C. 1855. If IN ev* Bonnets* Cloaks, Dress Goods. &c. &c. MR?. J. M. I3OIUNG takes great pleasure I in aimouuci - to her friends and patron.*- j j generally, that be- .qck of FALL AND WIN-: TG.R GO<)J)S is now completed. Please call and j t-Xiunije her Goods, all who desire the latest Fash-! ' ions, as she has this day received a lot of just such ! articles. TTe-r goods need no great noise about hem. Thev will Aiow for themselves. Come and j e them, and none w; 1 go away displeased. i December 7 5 10 ts Who wants to Swap ? rpME subscriber has ONE HUNDRED ACRES ! J. OF LAND, lying in Henry county, about 5 j miles north of McDonough, well iinproveu • : th j good cabins, and about forty acres of cleared ! laud, mostly fresh. 1 will trade the premises for j a house aud lot in the cify of Atlanta ou favora ble terms. nov 28-ts F. M. EDDLEM AN. NOTICE. I have this day sold out my entire stock of goods . to John A. Doane, who will continue the bus iness at the same stand, corner of Huqtor and Whitehall st. At-lenta, Jan. J. T. ®OASIE V | METALLIC CORN MILL. CRUDER & COWEN’S PATENT, Os Memphis , Tcnn. THIS MILL is constructed of cast and! wrought iron runners fourteen inefiks! across tie fuTe—aud is simple in its construction, j durable, and easily set and managed, and may be i attached to steam, water, or horse power, but | recommends itself .particularly to every planter! who lias a cotton gin or any power on a farm, as l it can run with from one to four horses, and ' grind from five to fifteen bushels of the best meal! per hour. Hominy, coarse or fine. Orders for single Mills, or propositions for county rights, will lie received for Georgia. S. Carolina and Florida, by Joii:> 11. Gonnox, La- Grange. Ga.; 11. Williams, at Mr. Moll’s, At lanta, or J. WixsniP, Atlanta, Ga. GORDON, SMITH WICK & CO. RECOMMENDATION. We have seen one of the above Mißs on ex hibition in Atlanta, and lake pleasure in saying : that it grinds rapidly and good Meal, to our en tire satisfaction. j Siguwd. .1. L. STEPHENS, S. 13. O ATM AN, W. T. FARNSWORTH, * ! Foreman at Winship Sf Co.’s J. E. WILLIAMS & CO., J. WINSHIP & GO. Atlanta, Sept. 12. 1855. ts. BLACKSMIT KING r I HIE undersigned is now prepared to do black- I. smithing in all its various branches, at the : old stand of J. J. Martin Buggies, Wagons, and plantation work done at short notice in good ■ style, and moderate charges. Buggies, Wagons, i &c.. always on hand for sale. I have also a good wood workman, and will | make new work to order, and repairing will be done in the best style. Patent plows can be pro- ! cured at my shop. W. 11. CRAFT, i jan ts-ts Bolting cloths, screen wire and, MILL CRANKS for sale by nov !) d*wtf J. NORCROSS.. ON CONSIGNMENT. j AAA SACKS of Salt, for sale by I,UI MJ h. J. PARK. | nov 12-d&wtf THE testimony of an escaped Novice from | the sisterhood of St. Joseph’s Institution,! 1 near Emjpettsburg M. D. The genuine work of: Miss Josephine M. Bunkley. Published by liar-! j per & Brothers, aud for sale by J. J. RICHARDS & Cos. Atlanta, Jail. 18 ’ss—tf <Jas Chandeliers. JUST received a few tine 4 and 5 lights Chan deliers. low for cash, by T. &.. RIPLEY. dec 10-ditw^f Intelligencer and Examiner copy* J. F. WOODBURY ATLANTA, ilk., CNENEUAL dealer in Drugs and Mentc’me?. T Chemicals, Taints. Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varuiwli es and Brushes, Class, Perfumery, Fancy Articles. Ac., Ac. Pure Wines and Brandies for Medici nal purposes. Goods selected with care and war ranted as represented, nov 12-dAwly NEW BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. <T J. RICHARDS A Cos., W^ute-llallStiiket, • (next freor to Valentino’s Confectionary) Atlanta Georgia. At"tJie abdve Establishment may he found a gencrtfl assortment of Hooks, SiafioiitM v Music aii(l MusicallN STRUM ENTS* rijid FANCY ARTICLES. t Mr. J. J. IHCITAIvDS, liaying located*in At’antpw/v ilFglve hii personal attention to the buriuecs, and possessing facilities (iu connection with’the firms of J. J. AS. P. Richards, Macon,: Ga., and Richards A Brother, 'Liffin, Ga.) sor 1 obtaining STOCK at the Lowest prices, the pub lic may rest assured that it will be sold ou sirni lar terms. Call and see. J. J. RICHARDS, AfCo. nov 10-dAw ts. A <b A HD. POULLATN. JENNINGS A CO.. Grocers and L Cotton Factors, Augusta, Georgia, jA. rot'l.r. vi.v. TUO. J. JENXLNOS. ISAIAH PURSE. ! nov 255 wiy IIA NJLEITE IV& BOOK, JOB and CARD PRINTING OFFICE J AW'D 800 K-BINDER Y. Corner of Wliite-llall and Alabama Streets,(i ! the room formerly known as “PARR’S i HALL,’’) Atlanta, Georgia. CR. II ANCF-Vl’Klt'fc‘Oo., Saving ' • just added to their former extensive as | sortment of BOOK and JOB TtTE, CUTS, OU , XAMENTS, Ac, a very large variety of fiewma- ' j terials. pf the latest styles, together with one ot 11 JOE’S celebrated (’yli i»<l<*i* Presses, are i j more fully prepared than heretofore, to give d.s- j j patch to all orders.for work in their line—which ! I they will execute in the best style of the art, at ! j fair prices for CASH. j Particular attention paid to tlie execution of i 1 FINE WORK for Mail Road and other Joint j Stock Companies. Transportation Agents, Banks, j Colleges and Schools, Attorneys, Public Officers, ■ i Merchants, and others j Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars Cards, Promissory Notes, Blank Deeds , Cheeks.’ | Way-Bills, Programme.-, Hand and Show Bills j Posters. Ac., executed at short notice, j Printing in Gold and Silver Bronze, and Fan-' iey Colored Inks, ov on Vellum, Satin, Muslin,, Ac., done in beautiful style, j Having likewise connected a BOOK-BINDERY | ; with their Printing Establishment, they are pro-. ! pared to execute orders for every description of i work iu that department— including RULING ami BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a, (Style superior to any ever before done in this section of the State. Their Tools being all new j and of the latest patterns, their Stock of nude- j rials the best the Northern markets nffoul, and j their workmen equal to any in the South, they : feel confident of their ability to give entire satis-j faction, and consequently have no hesitancy in j soliciting the patronage ot their friends and thet public. Orders for work, in either department of their business, from any part of Georgia and j neighboring* States, will meet with prompt at- ! tention. C. R. H returns bis grateful thanks to his: friends a r the public for their past geiwrrous j patronagr and would most •respectfully solicit a continue .ce of the same to the new film, aug. 8. I 2 ts Light! I! More Liigltt!!! A Moderate supjdy of Fluid, Tur | pen tine, and *•£<) BBLS. of the above Goods on hand, and for j aal*. ! Fluid—per gallon SI 20 jCainphine —pet gallon 1 00 | Druggist’s Alcohol—per gallon 1 12» “ (1)5 pr. et.) pr gal. 1 30 | For sale by T. R. RIDLEY. | Terms, cash. I P. S.—A liberal discount when ordered by the i | Barrel. " ; j December 11 5 11 ts FOR SALE. j By-dL. «F. Purr*— Real Estate Agent. ONE House and Lot and four Vacant' Lots on • Peach-Tree street. Four Houses and Lots oil Houston street, some | of them desirably situated. Three Houses and Lots oil- Decatur street— -also other Houses and Lots and a few Vacant Lots in ■ | different part§ of the city. j Also. 100 acres of Land, partially improved, situated about 1 1-2 miles from the centre oL j towm : and IffO‘acres of unimproved, heavy tim | bered Laud* abotft two miles from the city.* I Also, a good Farm, four miles from town, con-: ! sistiug of ahont .100 acres. 30 of which are im j proved end under good cultivation. All of the! | above Lands are well adapted to Gardening and | dairy Any information required re pspectiiig the above farm may be obtained of W S. Wingfield, who resides on it, or of I nov 12-dAwtf L. J. PARR.. ; \x LARGE STOCK OF GOOES S AT REDUCED PRICES!! r |jTIIE subreriber being desirous of making a JL change in his business, will offer, from this forward, his LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, at! greatly reduced prices, for cash down,consisting' •of Hardware of all sorts, Carriage Ware, Shoes,' Boots, Dry Goods, Ac. Those wanting good; bargains will do well to call. March 21, ’SO. J. NORCROSS. i isACON AND LARD! A BEAUTIFUL Lot of New Bacon and Leaf- Layd, just received lkmi the country, and j for sale by -J. NORCROSS. W. M. HILL, Auetioneer, Rrssdinre, Detatur, Geerglr* BEING truly thankful for the liberal pat ronage he has hitherto received, still of j fers liis services as Auctioneer, and will attend : | the sales of Administrators, Executors or Tru>| j tees, in DeKalb, Fulton and the adjoining conn-1 I ties. Having had many years experience iu the j j business, lie Hatters himself that he will give en-1 tire satisfaction in alt cases. For reference apply to the following gentlemen.: I | lloii.C. Murphey, lion. V/. A. Powell, Col. R. M. Brown and Dr. A. J oluifiou, Decatur ; Hon. J. A. Hayden, Col. J. M. Calhoun, Dr.E. N. Culllouii, | J. J. Thrasher, Esq., \Y. W. Roark and Dr. B. F. j Bomar, Atlanfc i. * i | Feb 8 1856 I WOODEN WARE ! WOODEN WARE! T i ; A FULL supply of' Wooden Ware, of the best: | quality, on hand, consisting of Dine and Ce-; | dar Buckets, Cedar Churns, Measures, and Straw ; ! Brooms, anil a variety ol other articles. For side by /[nov 12] J. NORCROSS. LETTERS ! FROM the United Status, Canada and Cuba, by the lion. Amelia M. Murray. Ileuri «le Sa’tour—a Sequel to Chas' Vavasuer : by J. T. South. Just received by march 14-ts. J. J. RICHARDS & CO. Cottage Cliairsd 6 DOZEN COTTAGE CHAIRS, well made l and well painted, which will be soldiow, very low, for cash, to elQseput the lot, by nov A3 J . NORCROSS ' w i\t |4l| POUNDS new' Bacon, received ™ and lor sale by jyll-tf . WILLIAM C. PARKER | /Y/Y/Y POUNDS new leaf LARD for sal.) ISUUU at Provision Stove, White-Hall st. dec 31-dtf WM. C. PARKER.. GREAT EXCITEMENT! Wliat About { Why. the Cheapest Clothing Emporium is on Whitehall Sired, next door to Valentino's Gonf ret toner y and Tay lor’s Hat Dmpotimi. rjtiiE subscribers beg leave to inform the JL citizens of Atlanta, vaxdi mankind general ly, that they have received, and are receiving daily, the most extensive and splendid Stock of It EAI)Y- MAi> E C LO T KING Ever opened in Atlanta. Assuring all clothes buyers an elegant fitting and most durable arti cles. for astonishing sacrificing prices. Come one—conic all, and Gel pants-of our stock, and certainly then, ! You'll come to our store to purchase again, ; Get c aits, and always remember to tell At the Atllanta City Hull you were fitted so well, Come one, come all, without delay, And bring.along the money, You’ll surely grow rich, thus saving your cash, And with little expense out quite a dash. ?j. OPPENHEfSIER A Cos. Atlanta, April 11, 185 G. 27tf F. M. EDDLEMAN & BRO. DEALERS IN TIOOTS, Shoes, Sole and Upper Leather, Calf j ) Skins, Lining and Bi-ding Skin?, Lasts! I Pegs, &ci, keep co»*«trtatty .on*hftnil a geheralj Stock, of Boots and Shoes, of the best Northern* 1 and Eastern Manufacture. Also, Shoes of their own make. Repairing; nUNo. 49 White Hall st Plano. Forfesj Music. &c. n. DRAIMiITiLER, ! {Successor io Truax , Vanden Co.,) I WHITEHALL ST., SIGN OFTtH GOLDEN I’IANO, KELPS Constantly on hand PIANOS, which he warrants to boos superior tone, touch | and quality. Second hand Pianos taken in pay ! ment whim new ones arc bought. Melodeons. Ac ; ! cordeons. Flutes. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Tarn j bourines. Triangles—in short, all Musical Instru , meats of all prices. Sll LET M (’SIC—7Off new pieces just received, and weekly lie receives additions of the latest 1 publications. Being a musician himself, hi* j slock is free of the compositions of musical I noic j notlibigs. Music-Portfolios and Music Cases.— preferable to those that are bound, as music changes frequent iy March 29 55 ts NEW M ATCH A\l> JEWELRY STOKE. ! , (Opposite Crisp's Athenaeum.) r PHE subscriber having located in Atlanta, ten -1 I. ders his services to the -citizens of this i place, and surrounding country, as a WATCH | MAKER AND JEWELER. Having been en : gaged for many years in some of the best estab : lisiuneiits'qf the ’SouUiern^tutes, he fecisconfi-j dent of giving entire satisfaction to any who may favor him with their patronage. lie has on hand'a fine assortment of WATCH MATERIAL, and is prepared to replace any wheel, jewel, or otherwise repair Watches which have been brok en, of rendered unserviceable ' y incompetent! workmen. Jewelry manufactured or repaire . i Diamonds . Pearls, or other valuable jewels reset ion short notice. Spectacle Glasses to suit all Engraving neatly execut('d. Will keep on hand line Gobi anti Silver Watch j es. Rich Jewelry,.Silver Ware, Ac., together 'with a liandsome lot of Fancy Articles for 1 Christinas times. Call and soe. d?c 2 ! dtf HIJtAM T. JmN!>’. ; Attention ! rUST received a variety of BEDSTEADS and] ( HAIRS, of Williams & Co.'s manufacture. J Jy 28 T. W. WEST, | 3 one door b< low C. H. Sti'ong’s. WANTED. 400 800 -acres of LAND » WARRANTS by the stihsoribtTs, for! which the highest cash prices will be paid. Ap-! ply at J. Norcross’ store. Atlanta, Ga. A. B. A W. G. FORSYTH, i Jy2S 5 42 ts ■ LOOKED FOR COJBE AT LAST.’’ j 1701. 1 M'ES 4 and sos MACALEY’S IIISTO- ! v KY of England. Just received and fori sale by J. J. RICHARDS &-GO. ! jan 19-ts r PIIE subscribeTr has btfUght out tlve stock ofj L J. T. Duane, on tbocorHcr I]uiitor?md White- j j hott streets, and will be pleased to see the old | : customers of he concern and public generally,! ; He hopes by attention to business to receive a | j liberal patronage. m lle will sell as many goods] of the same quality for one dollar asjuiy other i j house in this'-city. Cali and see. ; j an. 1 8, }SoG-tf JOHN A. DO ANE. ] TANARUS, B, Hipley ~ DEAT.ER in (’rockery, Earthern and Glass j Ware. Plated Castois, Brit. Castors, Lamps of all descriptions, Campheue, Oil, Burning: j Fluid. Ac, nov 4 T. R. RIPLEY. ' Dr. E. Ledbetter, SURGEON DENTIST. havinG had j n. recent opportunity of examining i : two entire Sets of Upper Teeth,; upon t. i’tbe-eR-tinuoas gum, and in- j serb-d upon the principle of rdmospheric pres-! 'lire, the manufacture of J)r. L. L. Ledbetter, Sur- j j geon Dentist of tliiscitv, it affords usTfcuch plea- ] ! sure to bear our testimony to the superior skill ! exhibited. So far from there being any difficulty i iin retaining the teeth in the mouth—as is some- { 1 times the case—it required a very considerable i i force to withdraw them. ] We were also particularly struck with the i ; life-like appearance of the teeth and gums, pro- j ! smiting as they did, so great a resemblanceto na- !• ; ture, that it would have been difficult for an! ordinary observer to have discovered their arti- 1 j ficial, origin. JESSE BORING, M. P., | ! May 355 ts JOS. I’. LOGAN, M. I) Flour! Flour!! TP XT R A FAMILY FLOUR, from Ruff’s mill.! for sale by J. NORCROSS. ; ; dec 3 d&wtf j M aißed to Purchase. lOA LIKELY YOI NG NEGRO MEN, for which liberal cash prices will be paid. ] : dec 1 d&w L. J. PARR. | Gas Fixtures ! Gas Fixtures!! ■ subscriber will, in u short time, be pre j I- pared to supply Gas Fixtures of various descriptions. nov 4 T. R. RIPLEY. ! Residences lor Sale. npiIERE are three eligible RESIDENCES on 1 Marietta street, in this city, which I wish to sell, and which I shall be happy to show to any i one desiring to pm* base. L. J. PARR, " | dec 1 d&w Real Estate Agent. [ JSoßing Cloths! rpnE best anchor BOLTING CLOTH, for sale j i x at New Y’ork retail prices, by j dec 3-dAwtf J. NORCROSS. i J. Norcross. IS now receiving a fine assortment of Staple! Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware, all of i ■ which will be sold low for cash or produce at the ! -old stand. Feb 22 ts j No Excuse for poor Gardens. 1 j fIIAIIE subscriber having determined to open, _SL about the Ist December, and keep ■constant- . Ily on hand, a fresh supply of Landreth's Gar -1 respectfully solicits the patronage of i the citizens and public generally. As I pledge ! myself to keep Landreth's seeds exclusively, my , patrons may rely upon a genuine article. N. B. For the benefit of ladies, L will keep | on hand a few choice fiower seeds. Oct. 17, 1855. • nStf T. W. WEST. FOR si ALU. ANEW and wen arranged BRICIi'STOR] HOUSE, on White Hall Slre*l. j Half cash tire remainder on A wclve I months time. Titles undisputable. Apply to S. J. SHACKELFORD, Agent* Oct. 11, ’55 ts Calcined Plaster tfnd Cement. ANEW and full supply of these articlesjus received by Jo 1 1-ts /. NORCROSS. OIICE MORE. TO THE RESCUE! FIU.ING up, at last, ut the old staud of J. KOIttROSS, with almost every variety ot Staple Coeds, SHOES, BOOTS, EEATHEK. STAPLE DllY GOODS and GROCERIES. Also, a complete assortment of HARDWARE for liouse-IteeperH and house-builers; IRON, STEEL and NAILS; GLASS, OILS and I’.UNTS ;..u lot.of new and fresh MACKEREL w ill be Inin a few days, besides a variety of good things too numerous te mention. ■ The truth is. some of these young folks ab:nl hero were beginning to think that Norcross’ slock was running low, and that they would have a fair sw ing,'sell lots of goods, have big prices, and get rich in no time; but I have concluded to Mil up, keep a good stock, and keep prices right, ,i while longer, and see that customers have a t*!r chance, and keep young gentlemen straight, Ron t lorget the old stand where gpotbyttie sold elieap for cash, cotton or auy otinfr Hind of good pay. noW9 diwtf SEAGO .L Y.VWRBXOiE, Grocers § Commission Merchants. Is os. 72 Sf 74, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia. DEALERS in Bacon, Lard, Corn, Wheat, Oats, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Mackerel, SyrgD and New Orleans Molasses, and ttmriy'tfi’Vdr ar ticles. Terms strictly cash. 5 per cent charg ed on consignments, Liberal advances given on consignments. Steam Flour Mill. r pilE subscribers would Inform the public thai I tiiey now have their Steam Flour and Cor* .Mil! in lull operation; and as our Mill is intend ed for Custom Work, we selftit that kind of, bu siness. and trust we siiail be aide to give oaliry satisfaction to thus, who may favor He lvitVlndir grain r, be ground. DEAN A GLL'BE&’il. nov 29 dewtf —— ft . For Male. T" - 0 desirable DWELLING HOUSES, on De t cat nr street, near Wm. 11. Harville, for sale low lor cash, or on short time. A negro woman will be received in part payment for one of them. Enquire of J,. j. p.vafß,, dec 1 daw Real Estate Agenf Cottage Chairs, Bedsteads and Washing Machines, TAROM the manufactories of William & Cos. L 11. 11. <fc M. L. Woods, for sale bv dov 12 d&w-Lf. %. >7. PAftR. L. J. PARR. \\T ARE ‘HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERI l - OH ANT, Will give Lt, vH*iaition jjarticu larly tr, the'purchase anS sale of Cotton and oth er produce. Orders and consignments solicited. Warehouse ou Marietta street, one door above ,f. Norcross’ nov 12-d&wtf Apples ! Apples!! A LOT oi green and red APPLES for sale by A J. NORCROSS. dec 3 'd*wtf SL XDAY School Books, and Wyttui rjadks, 'si the various deuominations. jusi received and for sale by J. J. RICHARDS & CO. March If, ISaC.-tf. FOR SALE, ' A f.ARGE and well built three story brir . Store, with a good cellar, and ten well It - ished and commodius rooms in the second ai 1 third stories. The Store is situated on Peach-Tree street! L. and.-PARR, Real Estate Agent. jiov d.2-d&vvtf Carriages, Baggies* &e. Robert h. maS% h-as’djtgHgCn c. ■ riage Repository in this city, on Wli :e 11 nil street, near Seago & JLawrence, wli « “lie intends to keep a full assortment of Carriag s, Hooka ways, Buggies, Harness, Whips &c., wli h lie will sell at Augusta prices. Those wislv g to buy anything in his line, would do well to uiaine his stock and prices before purchasi elsewhere. sept. 5, ly Notice to Travelers. NO DETENTION! II ON and after !May 20th, 1855, the PassenLor Truitts on this Road will run as follows Leave Atlanta 5, a. m.: arrive at Ghattanoeira r>w.~ Leave Atlanta p. m.: arrive at Chattsm'K’ L 'a 5.45, a. 'tr_. Leave < imttanooga 9, a. in.; arrive at Ailki K -J.30 p. in. Leave Chattanooga 3.50 p. ns.; arrive at Atl u T- -" The Day Train will run every day in ihe wi-ek. ’I he Night Train will run every ccpt Sundy. -By Ibis' Travellers will imve Nk benefit of a Close connection with all the Trans running to and from Atlanta-arid Chattanooga. J 4 MEB ■ . ( <inn-K,.Sui»’t AGENCY. I AM agent for t!i.* sale of Shirtings, Sheet!n- s. Osnahiirgs, and Yarns, manufactured at tl Howard Factory, of Columbus, Georgia. ? goods made at this establishment are of quality ; and they can he sold as low as tin ->• from any other fftamditctoiy in the country. .1 Mall endeavor to keep n good,supply of them on nand : and it is iny opinion that dealers will c#»- suit their interest by purchasing of me. A beautiful description of cotton sewing and wrapping twine is made at this factotr, sanfyl. s ot which may be seen at my office, J. I’AHJLKeaI Kstate Ag’t. FiiIHLY f« it Os FRY .IYD PROYISIO.Y STORE. LAMAR. LOWE & Ca.^ (°hl stand "j Lamer fc MeL)A>'r»'i, -near the Pdtm fatten.) A I. All AM A ST 11EKT, ; ATLANTA, . r I undersigned are just receiving and open- JL in;; a choice of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS— such as Sugars, Coffee, Tea, •Molasses, extraS j olden Syrup ; Candles, Tallow, Sperm and Adamantine; Soda, Pepper, Spree Ginger, Tobacco, green and dried Fruit, Bacoh-, Lard, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Ac., &c., Ac. Intending to confine ourselves strictly to the cash system, our motto shall be. “ quick sales and small profits.” Give us a call. LAMAR, LOWE & CO., Commission Merchants and Produce Dealers D0V 1955 diwly lion! Iron!! Iron!!! AMERICAN refined Junietta IRON by >Ec5 J. NORCROSg Cshinet Making and Fndettiik i ng. TUP, subscriber keeps constantly on hand 1 Chairs, Bedsteads Mattresses, Wash stands. Cradles, Wardrobes, Safes, and all othef art ejes in the above line of business, manufac tured to order. Being a practical Cabinet maker; my patrons may rely upon all work put up at my Cabinet Ware-Rooms, oue door below C. 11- Strong A Cos., on Whitehall street, Atlanta, Geo N• B.—Those wishing Coffins, can be furnished! on short notice and reasonable terms. I may be found night and Sundays at the resi donee of Mr. R. W. Bullard. T. W. WEST; October 17,1855. n 8 tF Morgan, Kirkpatrick. & Cos., HAVING opened anew ware room on Peach Tree street, would call the attention of th* Public to their stock of FURN lTUßE.embracing Cabinet Wave in all its varieties; Chairs of ev ery kind; Lounges, Mattresses of springs, Ikur, Moss. Cotton and Shuck. Carpets, Rugs, Ac. Window Shades, Window Curtains, Damask, Cornices, Bands, Cord and Tassels, Loops, Ac, Window Papering, House do., Eireboard, do.- They still continue their shop south of Georgia Rail Road square, and are prepared to do all kinds of work connected with their business, such as making and repairing Furniture, m king Mattresses, Upholstering, Ac. They keep also on hand Metallic Burial Cases, and make upon short notice Mahogany, Walnut, and other wood COFFINS. CHAIR FACTORY.—They have enlarged their manufacturing shops at Decatur, and can supply Morgan’s original Cottage Chairs, Hind ley's Patent Bedstead, together with all articles of Cabinet Ware, of their own manufacture, in any quantity desired. They are now manuthttu 1 ring and finishing Enamelled Cottage Setts, far superior to any to be had from the North. Dec. 28 5 13 ts Y FOR SALE. jCi_ LARGE quantity ot choice Brandy, by L. J. FARR; nov 12-d&wti